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01-08-2009, 03:25 AM
Here are some old articles on Odalism..

Odalism - a green evolutionary perspective

Odalism is a philosophy based on the organic bond between blood and soil. Odalism as such offers an approach that is both ecological, spiritual and at the same time a practical political practise.
Odalism contends that the domestic population of all ethnic homelands is unique in comparison to their surrounding - of which it is both a product and a vital component. The Germanic tribes of Europe represents a row of such unique biotopes, and deserves, just as the flora, fauna and the rest of the landscape scenery, the same protection and preservation in the name of the biological multitude and interest. This is the deep ecological and “green” perspective behind Odalism, an approach that asserts the organic and original bond between the blood and the soil - the bond between blood and odal.

The faith dedicated to the old Nordic gods was the ancient custom among the Germanic tribes, before the cruel enforcement of Christianity. With a creed of iron and its deep ecological approach; Odalism distances itself from the exploiting, thralling, egalitarian universalism which lies within this pernicious import product from the Middle-East. The Germanic folk soul, our metagenetics, finds its resonance in the ancient Nordic faith. Odalism offer the Germanic people of Europe a path to a spiritual reawakening - through the sacredness of blood and heritage.

The ecological and spiritual convictions of Odalism are supported by its realistic political thinking. Alain de Benoists work “Europe of a hundred flags” reflects our vision of a Northern Europe containg Germanic homeland, confident, secure and free.

We call this vision etnopluralism. As etnopluralists our mission is to save our people from the (ecologically) destructive multiculturalism. This can be secured by advocating a folkish nation; militant heathendom (1) and by all means the creation of the conditions which are needed for a re-establishment of a folkish self determination for ourselves and our entire Germanic brother folk.

Europe must, in the same way, be liberated from Christianity. Europe must heal it wounds by reconnecting the holy bond between the blood and the soil, by the practicing of aristocratic principals, and through subordinating it self to the inexorable laws of nature. This is the evolutionary perspective of Odalism.

Our goal as Odalists is not to gain attention through conventional party political work; but by reaching our goals in a long-term meta-political process. It is only through meta-politics - through the creation of a fundamental thinking and the gaining of Germanic hearts and souls - which we can start the long march towards the reawakening of our people; and to reach the total enforcement of the green evolutionary approach.

1. With militant heathendom we of course not mean any kind of violent para-military activity. The Germanic people is fundamentally since the dawn of time a people of warriors, who have seen the right of defence of the individual just as the people and the property - no only as a right, but also a obvious duty. Everything else is totally foreign to our blood. It is therefore both our duty and our right to preserve it as a part of our cultural heritage.


Odalism – the Nordic thought

In our world today there exist innumerable ideologies. What most of these doctrines have in common is the lack of an overall view; in many cases this overall view is lacking or is neglected to the advantage of various “higher values”. Odalism offers an overall view that is based on the Nordic thought – the thought of blood, soil and spirituality.
Those who don’t value the blood, belittles the value of the source from where the Nordic spirit has its origin. We administrate a gift from the Æsir, a heritage from our ancestors; and a loan from our children – millions of years of evolution – and it is our duty not only to protect the purity of the blood, but also promote the development towards the next step in the evolution of mankind.

Those who don’t value the soil, belittles the value of the humus were the Nordic blood has its roots and its origins. Just as we protect and care for the Nordic blood, shall we safeguard the nature which have shaped our qualities and formed our distinctive character. A people can only keep itself healthy and prosperous through an interplay and inseparable unification with a clean and healthy environment.

Those who do not value spirituality, belittles the value of thousands of years of wisdom and acquired knowledge; which lies dormant in our blood, and which talks to us through our myths and customs. Our ancient blood bound moral, worldview and view of life shall yet again, like the needle of a compass, lead our people onto the right track in development, prevent us from degenerating morally, and accompany us into the future.

The Odalist understands that the blood, the soil and the spirituality are vital elements of a whole, a holy circle; and that it is of utter importance that this circle once more be closed and preserved intact. The Odalist understands that it is essentially the Christian/Materialistic mentality that has lead us to the abyss of death; and that an eventual “new Europe” – which isn’t totally freed from this harmful mentality – is doomed from its birth to begin a journey in the same direction. It is therefore of utter importance that Europe’s coming re-birth – through the struggle for Blood and Odal – takes its nourishment from the concept which we choose to call Odalism – the Nordic thought


Odalism: Blood - Soil - Spirituality
I. Folk and Destiny

The odal rune is representative of folk and family, the ties that bind us to one another and to our ancestors far back into antiquity. The Odalist senses in his deeper consciousness a link between himself and his race-cultural history. He understands that he is bound by the destiny of his folk, of which his personal destiny is but a functional part.

Rather than seeing this fact as a limitation placed upon his individuality, an encroachment upon his own desires by the world-historical forces of nature, the Odalist recognizes that this destiny is a most valuable inheritance, one which is as natural to him as breathing. It will give to him the greatest sense of accomplishment and contentedness in life if he is to follow it in the knowledge that he is doing that which he was intended to do.

The hammer is better used to drive nails than to sand wood. It was created for the purpose of driving nails, and is therefore designed and formed from its inception to perform this task and this task alone as well as possible. So, too, is the individual formed by his folk-cultural history and his psychological development to perform certain tasks with excellence. Most of us have at least one great skill, something which sets us apart from those around us and gives a certain sense of pride. Moreover, in perfecting this skill we arrive at the greatest sense of happiness, a sense which comes not out of mere physiological pleasure, but from a deeper source. This happiness comes from a source deep within which can be called the True Self, the Absolute I, which is the core of our being unobstructed by the demands and impositions of society.

It is for this reason that the Odalist does not feel that his freedom is being imposed upon by the destiny of which he becomes aware. It is, after all, the best way for him to live, the most fulfilling.

It should be apparent by now that by destiny we do not refer to the popular definition which suggests that belief in destiny or fate is belief in the idea that everything is preordained, that we ultimately have no control over the future because it is all predetermined.

Quite the contrary, the Odalist believes that his nature is his destiny, that he has certain talents and characteristics which he must pursue in order to reach any deeper sense of fulfillment. He imposes a higher will on his life, seeking to turn away from the smaller pleasures of the masses and reach toward his own, personal expression.

This personal expression is not, however, akin to egoism as it is popularly practiced, if not understood. The vast majority of modern Westerners act on the precepts of this rootless philosophy which holds that the ego, waking-consciousness, or rationality should control the life-course of every "free" individual.

Opposed to this view is that of the Odalist, who views the ego as but one working element of the human mind, an element which does not, upon deeper examination, appear to be nearly as stable as the egoist would suggest. The Odalist has, instead, a holistic outlook on psychology which demands the recognition of many other elements of consciousness which, though the ego may believe otherwise, actually play a much larger role in shaping our lives. If one is to truly mature and reach a spiritually sane and balanced understanding of his own mind, he must question the authority of the ego, perhaps even its very existence, if only to arrive at an awareness of the fact that the ego, the "self" as we generally refer to it, is not what we pretend it to be when speaking off-hand about it.

How often do we find ourselves justifying, after the fact, an act which we know, if we are honest with ourselves, was not founded in a rational or conscious desire? How can we explain the overpowering drives within us that often conflict with the desires of the ego to such an extent that we ultimately cannot overcome them? Truthfully, we cannot say that the ego either has or could legitimately hold control over the entire psyche, for it cannot even understand many of the motivations of the mind. Digging further, we come to the realization that, more often than not, our rationalizations, our philosophies and psychological paradigms, are the result not of objective examinations of the facts as they are presented, but rather extend from our own inner nature. We invent the philosophies which suit us, as we are or as we would like to be. Words, rationalizations, and philosophical argumentation are merely symptomatic of the intellect attempting to assimilate that which the inner core of being imposes upon us. The ego is not, after all, the architect of our world-outlook, but a mere observer, trying desperately to make sense of something which is not within its grasp.

Neither is the ego the Self. It is, as we have come to see, only a fraction of the entirety of the mind. The Self is the whole, understood as such, which can only be approached by listening to the inner voice, to providence, to destiny. However one explains this intuitive sense of Self (and all explanations will ultimately fail to express the depth of the experience which informs them), it is only through progressive attempts to understand the Self in this holistic, intuitive way that a true sense of the meaning and purpose of one's life will begin to unfold.

Although philosophy and ideology cannot hand one this knowledge which can only come from within, it can help to put the mind in the right mode of thought, stretching it out of the mold it has been cast into by many years of misconception. The true purpose of any religion is to point the way, to guide others toward the discovery of the True Self, of destiny. Every bit of theology and philosophy is an attempt to guide the initiate home, to help whoever is ready to listen to see the world in a way which will more likely facilitate his awakening than the way in which society has told him to see it.

It is therefore that Odalism is most concerned with the trinitary concept of Blood - Soil - Spirituality. Blood is representative of folk and destiny. Spirituality we have already briefly touched upon, as it is (at its deepest level) the pursuit of knowledge of folk and destiny and the expression thereof. Where "soil" fits into this matrix will now be discussed.


Odalism: Blood - Soil - Spirituality
II. Blood & Soil

"Soil" is a multi-faceted concept which has a variety of esoteric and exoteric implications. Firstly, it refers to the intimate connection one has (consciously or not) with the land of one's birth. From the land around us we receive constant stimuli which impact upon our mind and body in subtle ways which most of us are not aware of. Knowledge of this fact must compel the same sort of reverence one has for the ancestral contribution to his psychological, spiritual, and biological make-up, for the soil, too, plays a large role in individual development and destiny.

Beyond that, there is an underlying understanding within anyone capable of true cultural awareness from which we derive our concept of citizenship or nationality. The cultured man has an inherent desire to protect and preserve the culture of his people within the construct of the State, understood as a political entity which serves the ultimate end of providing the social framework for the advancement of the folk. His awareness of culture stems, as his awareness of folk, from the core of his being, as an extension of folk-consciousness (or "blood"). Thus does nationalism come to represent an extension of the rooted sense of national character and personality which is implicit in any mature people. When a man professes love of his country, he refers to this metaphysical "soil" of national identity and character as well as to the ground upon which he treads.

Finally, the reverence held by the Odalist for the "soil" implies a duty to the environment. The Odalist stands against the blind rape of nature and the pollution of our natural resources for the short-term, near-sighted profits of greedy capitalists. We do not see nature as a mere commodity to be used however we see fit. Rather, we understand that we are in many ways at one with the earth, as elements of a biosphere which contains all life and ensures our existence as surely as it does that of the animals, plants, and other "lesser" beings. Every harm done to our environment, every drastic alteration caused by our incessant need to produce unnecessary and wasteful products for the comfortable consumer lifestyle, drives a greater wedge between each of us and the sacred soil from which we have emerged, from which we derive a great portion of our own being, and which we ultimately rely upon for sustenance. The ecological disaster that the Western world now represents is not only gradually destroying the fragile eco-system; it is also gradually destroying us, both spiritually and physiologically. The cumulative effect of the growth of consumerism and the distancing of humanity from nature has been also to distance us from all higher values, from the folk, from the soil, from our own spirituality. It is a soulless beast that only grows stronger as it destroys all natural relations between human beings and the world around them.

Thus, the Odalist is an environmentalist for a multitude of interrelated reasons, the fundamental reason being the fact that our blind, egoistical rush to plunder the earth's treasures for our immediate gratification has driven us away from ourselves, our True Selves. The further down the road of technological dominance of nature (which is little more than a grand egotistical delusion), the harder it is for us to find our purpose, our meaning in life. We lose all that is truly valuable for "comfort", for "freedom", for "progress". What a monumental lie. If we wish to seek after the lost sense of holistic spiritual awareness, we must strive to deny this modern world and all that it represents.


Folkish Rebirth

If an individual’s needs and subconscious instincts are oppressed long enough, a conflict will arise between the conscious and the subconscious – and a split occurs. This will, in many cases, give rise to an array of disturbances and neurosis, which are often reflected through self-destructive and abnormal behaviour. This maxim is equally applicable for an entire people, a folk. When the peoples’ soul – the Folk soul – is being oppressed and enslaved by alien values and compulsory adherence to an unnatural pattern of life, it will inevitably yield inner degradation and moral dissolution.
For thousands of years, our people have been subjected to an alien religion that is as misanthropic and infertile as the salt deserts of the Middle East from which it originated. The dogma of the oppressor religion is in diametric opposition to our own instinctive Nordic human nature. Through our submission to this spiritual decay, we thereby oppress our own folkish identity. We are today expected to blindly resign ourselves the Western World’s present moral gauge of what is “right” and “natural”, and many of us do. The consequences of this are catastrophic. Because our outward, superficial moral compass is totally at odds with our intrinsic values as a people, a mechanism deep inside of us knows that something is utterly wrong; and it manifests itself in many different forms of decadent, destructive and unnatural folkish “neurosis” (We suppose you all understand what we mean by that).

The people of today’s western world are desperately seeking, either consciously or un-consciously, to find what is right and correct. Some are attracted by alien beliefs, or any of the Christian disguised twins, while others fall into the trap of nihilism and materialism. Among both, denial of our nature and scorn for the assertion of folkish identity prevail. This is especially true where youth are concerned. More unnatural and harmful ideas are expressed with every passing generation born into this sick society. Today, we stand divided: we are torn between the call of our Nordic blood to break the chains of destructive modern thought, and the existing hyper-rational(1) status quo ceaselessly urging us to uphold it.

In short, you can say that we – Allgermanische Heidnische Front – work to lead our people (and primarily the youth) to understand and assert our own blood-rooted moral values, to unashamedly represent and protect our Germanic identity, and to create the “certain general condition” that Dr. Jung said was necessary for our archetypes to re-awaken. We seek to create understanding for ourselves – both as people and as individuals. We are convinced that we can’t go in a positive direction in the future unless we know ourselves. A people without an understanding of its origins is doomed to perish – just like a tree whose connection to its roots are severed. For this understanding to be possible, we have to recover, confront and embrace our own “Shadow Self”(2) – that side of our peoples’ mentality that been has forced underground, and put it in the shadow of the cross for a thousand years.

We choose to call our strife Odalism. A lot of the work pertaining to Odalism consists of studying etymology, philology, linguistics, ethnology, archaeology and related subjects (In other words studying languages, folklore, village/county names, archaeological findings/places, sagas/myths/legends, etc.). To see what remains of surrounding European culture and its traditions makes it easier for us to understand what we see, hear and read. And finally, when there are no academic or logical strings to follow – we are forced to listen to the voice of our blood.

Another important aspect of Odalism is the respect, understanding and, most importantly, the agreement with nature. Odalism is based on will and joy for life, on the instinct of self-preservation, the need to search and find, the will to understand. Furthermore, Odalism isn’t only about a return to what’s ours, it’s also an eternal striving to emphasize and purify our people’s positive peculiarities.

Odalism, or at least its fundamental idea, is the only thing that can make us live and think as Nordic inhabitants again. It is the only thing that can shatter the lacerating chains shackled to the soul of our folk – the only thing that can make us cast off the yoke of a thousand years of contempt for ourselves, nature, and for life itself.

Now, as the final hour encroaches, Odalism is spearheading the resurgence of Nordic thought in Europe’s war for its ultimate destiny(3).

1. When we use the term hyper-rational, it is important to note that we are not undermining rational thought, in fact we are the only ones truly applying it. “Hyper-rational” is meant to present the image of the typical vapid, arrogant European who is convinced that his scientific mind can discover all there is to know in this world whilst ignoring the call of his blood.

2. Like outlined by C.G. Jung.

3. This is a thought not so easily transmuted to English. Here, we mean to convey the German equivalency of "schicksals kampf": The final battle of our folk against the death forces. Upon this ultimate struggle, a veritable earth-bound Ragnarök if you will; everything depends.



01-08-2009, 05:15 AM
I held onto a few of the old fliers from the Vinlandic Heathen Front. :thumb001:

01-08-2009, 12:29 PM


Here it what was on the VLHF website..

Mission Statement

The Vinlandic Heathen Front is a community bonded by ties both consanguineous and spiritual. Through the formation of a flesh-and-blood Heathen Folk in North America -- a Folk rooted in the original Germanic world-view and selflessly dedicated to its service -- we shall present a viable alternative to the secularism and materialism of the modern world. In our effort to restore Germanic Tradition we shall need men from all walks of life: yeomen, scholars, artists, warriors and artisans alike. Presuppositions on the basis of social class are foreign to us; we firmly reject the artificial hierarchy created by abstract wealth. The collective spiritual ascendency of our movement is contingent upon the self-mastery of our individual members; therefore, only those of the highest character, whom are committed to reconnecting with Integral Culture on every level of their existence, shall be asked to join us.

Propinquity of both blood and spirit has united us; we are those who have heard the voice of our ancestors and stand eager to greet with steadfast determination the complexity of our great mission. Motivating our efforts is a deep feeling of obligation to the High Culture of our ancestors; the Soul of which constitutes something so noble that it compels us to fight for the resacralization of our lives among the utter confusion of identity wrought by the current Reign of Quantity, in which the hegemony of corporate monoculture has overlaid and smothered nearly every natural impulse. While we are a Germanocentric movement, we welcome all like-minded individuals of European descent to join with us, and to follow their own folkways under the banner of the Vinlandic Heathen Front.

The steps to be undertaken towards the realization of our goals include the following:

-Providing the personal interaction necessary for building real comradeship. Folk-building must begin in our own homes and communities if it is to be successful.
- Providing a platform for cultural education. Regional sub-divisions shall serve our Folk on a day-to-day basis. Through them we shall organize cultural and religious ceremonies and work to foster a deeper understanding of the ancient mysteries among ourselves. On the national level, we shall develop tools necessary for general public enlightenment and coordinate the essential functions of local divisions.



There are currently many terms or notions with which to describe heathenism, its beliefs and global vision of life. An overwhelming number of meanings can be applied to the term, which can create some confusion as to what an Odinist, a Heathen or an Asatruar is. It can become equally confusing when dealing with the beliefs and their application in modern society. Unfortunately many of these terms have, in the eyes of certain individuals, a negative connotation; some of these practices are even banned or looked down upon by a small number of countries where a corrupt political rectitude rules.
We, the Vinlandic Heathen Front, and the AHF in general, therefore felt the need to create a new concept which would not be entrenched in prejudices and negative connotations. Furthermore, we sought to create an ideology that was much more clear and precise, representing perfectly what it is we are working towards and fighting for. Therefore we created the concept of Odalism1. The idea behind Odalism is the reconstruction and the return to our roots and to what is real, healthy and constructive for each man and woman of European descent and their culture. Odalism should be seen as the fight to recreate our pagan ancestor's view of life, values, morals and environmental perception. The goal of Odalism is to build on the positive characteristics of our predecessors, who in the obscurity of a thousand years of Judeo-Christianity (and of aggressive capitalism) were systematically suppressed.

We wish to find and to return to the positive attitudes of our ancestors where life was considered as a gift from the gods and where the respect for nature was absolute. This love for nature, this kindness and respect towards animals is the only thing that can save our successors as well as us from the total decay born of abusive industrialisation, and that will prevent the total destruction of Mother Earth.

The first goal of Odalism is the respect for our blood, our heritage, our land and the spirituality of our heathen ancestors. In practice, an Odalist will be an individual who will attempt to return to this natural state, by his or her beliefs, actions and choice of lifestyle. In the AHF we will, in an organised manner, on a local, national, as well as international level, attempt to research the places where our ancestors celebrated nature and life. We will try to re-establish the respect of humanity for nature, culture and the blood of our predecessors. We will accomplish this by celebrating our old festivals where our ancestors did so, that is in nature or in sacred locations which have been shaped by an age-old magic.

This experience will allow us to be conscious of the environment that surrounds us and of the profound nature of man and woman attempting to gain a primordial wisdom from the past. We believe that the world of mystification of nature by Odalism will help reawaken this primordial part of our collective subconscious, which has too long been repressed by the plague of the cross and of capitalism.

1. Taken from the Proto-Nordic oþila, the Nordic óðal and the Norwegian odel/adel


What is the Vinlandic Heathen Front?

It is first of all important to realise that the Vinlandic Heathen Front is in no way connected with the Pagan Front, a separate organisation based in Eastern Europe and which has spread to various other European countries as well as to the United States. The cause of the Pagan Front is to “paganise” the Black Metal movement, which is by no means our purpose as the Black Metal movement is not at all related to us. The Vinlandic Heathen Front’s interests are geared toward the study and development of European heathenism as well as the study of certain scholars, writers and philosophers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Julius Evola, Carl Gustav Jung, Pierre Vial, Jean Mabire, Walter Darr? etc. Equally of interest to us is the upholding of our European roots and a specific form of Eurocentric nationalism. This said, it is also important to understand that we are not in any way a racist organisation, however, we believe we have the right to defend our ancestral culture just as any other ethnic group wishes to defend their own past, culture and folklore.

This site contains various texts and articles further explaining the ideas and projects of the Vinlandic Heathen Front, but for those of you who may want a general overview of our organisation here are 6 main points stating the standard outlook of the VLHF:

1. We believe that each religion reflects the culture of the region in which it was created, that the beliefs of a culture represent the unconscious, the values and ethics of its people (the German term “volkisch” represents this vision). Each culture is unique and so we believe that each religion is unique to its people and therefore not transposable from one group to another. Because of this, we believe that people of Teutonic origins should practice Odinism/Asatru, that those of Celtic origin should practice Celtic heathenism and so on (for more information on this topic read the article on Odalism). Our ancestors were polytheists and therefore judeo-christianity being a monotheist religion, having its roots in the desert, is an aberration for a race that has its origins in the forests of Europe.

2. We believe that Asatru is not a dogmatic religion. Obviously, like any religion, Asatru does have certain rules of ethics but they are inherent to our people. These rules of ethics are compiled in Havamal1, a poem found in the Poetic Edda that describes the values as well as the moral code of our ancestors as told by Odin the Alfather. Havamal should not be considered as a bible or as the ten commandments but as a code of honour that should be respected. Each Asatruar2 is free to “adore” the Aesir3, Vanir4 or both, as well as to practice and modify the rituals as they see fit. This freedom remains so long as it does not go against the basic values, contradict the code of honour or taint the image of one’s compatriots.

3. We believe that each individual culture is unique and is the result of the creative spirit of each individual people. This culture is the mirror that reflects the profound nature as well as the identity of our own people. Consequently, the mixing of cultures or peoples only brings the destruction of the identity of each ethnic group involved, of the cultural wisdom and richness accumulated over hundreds of years. A quick look through the history books is enough to make the tragic reality quite evident: the Sumerians, the Asyrians, the Egyptians and the Indo-Aryan peoples all permitted other cultures to mix with their own. The degeneration and the disappearance of these cultures was the result of their cultural mixing. Globalisation will surely bring us to a similar end.

4. We believe that modern values (capitalism, the depreciation of art, the alienation of workers, the disrespect for the environment, greed etc.) are of judeo-christian origins. The essence of judeo-christianity is incompatible with the soul of the European people, we therefore reject these modern values which are equally incompatible with those of our ancestors. For the wellbeing of each people, politics and values should be based on the strong sense of nationalism and solidarity toward our compatriots.

5. We believe that men and women have the same rights and are equals. The discrimination against women is an aftereffect of judeo-christianity, the judeo-christian view being that women are tools of the devil. In the Teutonic religion, men and women were created at the same time by the same gods with different yet complimentary attributes. The pillar of our society is the mother, the spinal cord of the family. The family, in our society, being the very core.

6. We believe in democracy as our ancestors practiced it, not the pseudo democracy of our modern age where the elected politicians are but puppets of large enterprises and other financial sharks. Real democracy is the power of the people to make decisions, not the power of those foreign to the habits and customs of the people they mean to govern. The power and the beliefs of the people are rarely, if ever, respected in our modern society. Consequently, the salvation of democracy lies in the way our ancestors conceived it. The Ting is an excellent example of this; the people defending the interests of the people, not the greed which rules our world.

1. “Sayings of the High One” 2. One who practices Asatru 3. One of the two major families of gods in the Norse/Teutonic pantheon. For example, Odin is one of the Aesir 4. One of the two major families of gods in the Norse/Teutonic pantheon. Freyja, for example, is one of the Vanir


Here is one more flyer. I have the another one, but it is too big to upload ( if anyone wants it I can send it to them )..I think there were only five.
