View Full Version : Criticisms of Latin-America thread.

05-15-2014, 06:04 PM
Characteristic of my flame-warrish ways in this thread (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?125006-The-Most-Disloyal-amp-Possibly-Most-Ungrateful-Hispanic-Countries)

This thread is for all the criticisms and refutations of those criticisms to things pertaining to Latin-America.

I think these guys would be dead by now. Most WW2 veterans are dead.

Did you know, Saludong, that Argentina has the biggest Jewish community in Latin America, both in relative and absolute numbers?

So what? They welcomed Jews now that they are rich but they abandoned the Jews when they were persecuted.

President Quezon saved more Jews than Schindler. (http://www.gmanetwork.com/news/story/295523/lifestyle/artandculture/documentary-chronicles-how-the-philippines-rescued-1-300-jews-from-the-holocaust)

During World-War II we sheltered the Jews when every other country including Argentina and the USA closed their doors. And we sheltered them even when Japan had bombed us to blitz.

It's too bad that those Jews whom we harbored immediately left when Manila became a smoldering ruin.

None of them were loyal enough to remain and help rebuild the country that saved them and instead immigrated to Argentina or America, after the end of war...

[Kaching! Money! Oh look the protectors who shed their blood for us are now starving under post-war poverty, there is no profit in this place, let's go to pristine America or Argentina instead!]

Anyway, we will probably harbor those Jews again when they will be oppressed but now we think badly of them because they oppress the Palestinians.

And I hate Argentinians; they sided with Franco's Spain which was sympathetic to Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan in their war against the Allies. And we were part of the Allied Forces.

During that war, I think far more highly of Mexico who at least sent a token team to help in the war effort, vis-a-vis Argentina who didn't even send a single shred of support for the Philippines and on the contrary probably even spied on us.

And furthermore, they had harbored our Japanazi enemies...
(Lost of Japanese, German and Italian refugees to Argentina after the war)

What's worse is that the Jews that we had saved; migrated there and abandoned us after our cities became a rubble, after protecting their asses from Axis oppression.

Asides from their Axis leanings during WW2, they were also our enemies, in that during the wars of independence against Mother Espaņa; they were revolutionists who had become one of the first countries to declare independence. In contrast, we were a bunch of royalists that became the last overseas province of the Spanish empire.

Argentinians = Rebels; Filipinos = Loyalists.

Argentinians = Axis Sympathizer; Filipinos = Allied fighter.

I will never jive with those Argentinians, nor with their opportunistic ways.

Furthermore, I think that Paulino Alcantara is a better and humbler soccer player than that braggart Argentinian Lionel Messi.

05-15-2014, 06:20 PM

Yeah I'm quite surprised too how he would affectionately call me under the term "-ito".
When I have only shown my spite of the Argentinian's: Nazi, Rebel and Anti-Spain historical mindset.

Something my Allied and Loyalist upbringing would detest.

But that's what people who love something would honestly point out; it's faults.

But eitherway; I would still dance Argentine Tango and buy Argentine wine as I berate them on their contrabida (http://tagalog.pinoydictionary.com/word/kontrabida/) mentality.

05-15-2014, 06:24 PM
Between 1933 and 1945 Argentina received about 43000 jewish refugees which was per capita of the population more than almost every other country, not all came legally but until 1938 Argentina kept it`s doors open.

If this is going to be a pissing contest over who saved the most Jews; would one prefer the nation who saved Jews while it was in a state of peace or the nation which saved Jews even while it was struggling under an Axis power?

05-15-2014, 06:30 PM
Yeah I'm quite surprised too how he would affectionately call me under the term "-ito".
When I have only shown my spite of the Argentinian's: Nazi, Rebel and Anti-Spain historical mindset.

Something my Allied and Loyalist upbringing would detest.

But that's what people who love something would honestly point out; it's faults.

But eitherway; I would still dance Argentine Tango and buy Argentine wine as I berate them on their contrabida (http://tagalog.pinoydictionary.com/word/kontrabida/) mentality.

I like the Spanish and German fascists more. I cannot help having a German background hahahaha.

05-15-2014, 06:33 PM
Argentinians = Self-determinated Nationalists; Filipinos = Non-yet-defined-culture with minor sycophants (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sycophancy).


05-15-2014, 06:38 PM
If this is going to be a pissing contest over who saved the most Jews; would one prefer the nation who saved Jews while it was in a state of peace or the nation which saved Jews even while it was struggling under an Axis power?

Whats your beef with argentina dude?

05-15-2014, 06:42 PM
I like the Spanish and German fascists more. I cannot help having a German background hahahaha.



05-15-2014, 06:47 PM
If this is going to be a pissing contest over who saved the most Jews; would one prefer the nation who saved Jews while it was in a state of peace or the nation which saved Jews even while it was struggling under an Axis power?

Just telling the facts.

05-15-2014, 07:09 PM

Argentina = A fiefdom of the Viceroyalty of Rio de Plata, pretending to be a country; (If you were really a country; tell me how many speak the native language?)

Filipinas = already extreme nationalists; even before we were ameliorated under Spain.

The geographical area housed the:

The Kingdom of Tondo
The Huangdom of Ma-i
The Sultanate of Sulu
The Sultanate of Maguindanao
The Confederation of Madja-as
The Rajahnate of Cebu
And the Rajahnate of Butuan

To this day these nations still survive because their languages and cultures subsist even though they had undergone invasion, immigration or unification.


In fact: the reason why Spain conquered these people was because they were all deep nationalists and Spain, in-order to create it's empire; pitted one Filipino nationality against another.

Whereas, Argentina was established by a people who had abandoned their nationalism (renouncing their original Spanish citizenship to elevate their fiefdom into country. Argentine nationalism wasn't rooted in nationalism my friend, it was rooted in rebellion)

The revolution at Argentina was rebellion, not nationalism.

And proof is in this...

Your definition of ethnicity is so twisted you consider the various strains of refugees as some kind of ethnicity. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Ethnic_groups_in_Argentina)

If you ask an Argentian what his ethnicity is; and considering that he's a refugee or a rebel thrown away from the losers of Europe, then he'll reply with stuff like he's Italian-Spanish and doesn't even know if he's Catalan or Sicilian.

Since classically speaking the term ethnicity: applies to a Sicilian more than it applies to an Italian (Which is a nationality)

Now, if you ask a Filipino what his ethnicity is, he'll reply by saying that he's a Tagalog or Hiligaynon (Albeit with Basque, Chinese or Mexican ancestry) like I am.

We are larger nationalists than you are in that, we do not confuse our ancestries with our ethnicity, you exile who doesn't even know one single Pre-Colombian language of Argentina. :P

05-15-2014, 07:12 PM
Whats your beef with argentina dude?

Oh nothing. Didn't I say that I love Argentina?

And if you truly loved a people you would study them and then point out their faults; for it to be improved.

05-15-2014, 07:18 PM
Just telling the facts.

We'll to be fair: Argentina did save alot of Jews; and also alot of the Nazis and Fascists who had persecuted those very Jews.
[Deleted: Needless insults.]

05-15-2014, 07:23 PM


I dont think never again. One day it will make a come back but it wil be different an more rational than what it was before. The extreme hatred of the Nazis was their down fall. But the belief system itself behind it makes sense to me. I just do not believe in exterminating people or in neceassirly in the racial supremacy part. Look at Sweden for example more immigrants live there than indigenous people and its a feminazi state......they look so better off today than they were 50 years ago :rolleyes:

05-15-2014, 07:25 PM
America and the Allies were the Masonic forces now screwing us over and creating all of this immoral crap that you disagree with by the way. Not to mention have installed puppet governments all over the world where their 'secular liberal' disease will most likely pollute. I dont agree with it at all.

05-15-2014, 07:29 PM
I dont think never again. One day it will make a come back but it wil be different an more rational than what it was before. The extreme hatred of the Nazis was their down fall. But the belief system itself behind it makes sense to me. I just do not believe in exterminating people or in neceassirly in the racial supremacy part. Look at Sweden for example more immigrants live there than indigenous people and its a feminazi state......they look so better off today than they were 50 years ago :rolleyes:

The problem with the Axis of evil is that they took racial supremacy to the extreme: the Japanese thought that they were descended from gods, the Germans also thought that they were descended from Aryans (who were also gods) and the Italians think of themselves as the gods of Europe due to Roman-Empire mentality.

But then again; Sweden took it to the total extreme opposite and became a feminazi state.

The key here is balance; in some cases racial supremacy is good, in some cases, multiculturalism is also good. People should just learn how to apply an appropriate action in an appropriate scenario.

05-15-2014, 07:50 PM
Argentina = A fiefdom of the Viceroyalty of Rio de Plata, pretending to be a country; (If you were really a country; tell me how many speak the native language?)
Yes, on the wetdreams of an archaic imperialist and their sycophants. :P
Our native lenguage is spanish. An approximate number of people that supposedly speak precolumbian lenguages: 266750. That is to say only 0.6% of our population speak precolumbian lenguages as a second language. How this is many, again? :rolleyes:

Filipinas = already extreme nationalists; even before we were ameliorated under Spain.
Never say they're weren't. I said they are a non-defined-culture because its constant bastardization by other cultures.

The revolution at Argentina was rebellion, not nationalism.
It wasn't just a revolution. That's why their call them the indepedence wars. All these process make our nationalism to grow deep in us. You see, Rome wasn't built in a day. Seriously, you know nothing, Yon Salusnow.

And proof is in this...
Your definition of ethnicity is so twisted you consider the various strains of refugees as some kind of ethnicity. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Ethnic_groups_in_Argentina)
Stop with dis ignorance, Yon Salusnow. "An ethnicity, or ethnic group, is a social group of people who identify with each other based on common ancestral, social, cultural, or national experience" (Le Wiki).
So, I don't have a wrong definition of ethnicity nor a twisted understanding of it, at the contrary (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?82599-Do-you-think-that-quot-ethnic-preservationism-quot-is-the-same-than-quot-racial-preservationism-quot-Poll).

I lean to an ethnic preservationism posture with a reasonable degree of tolerance towards non-disruptional influences.
Ethnicity is more important than race. But this doesn't mean that race isn't important, it just mean that race isn't all.

If you ask an Argentian what his ethnicity is; and considering that he's a refugee or a rebel thrown away from the losers of Europe, then he'll reply with stuff like he's Italian-Spanish and doesn't even know if he's Catalan or Sicilian.
Since classically speaking the term ethnicity: applies to a Sicilian more than it applies to an Italian (Which is a nationality)
Now, if you ask a Filipino what his ethnicity is, he'll reply by saying that he's a Tagalog or Hiligaynon (Albeit with Basque, Chinese or Mexican ancestry) like I am.
We are larger nationalists than you are in that, we do not confuse our ancestries with our ethnicity, you exile who doesn't even know one single Pre-Colombian language of Argentina. :P

Almost half of our european inmigration input came from Spain. So, are they losers, too?. Let me get this right. We won our indepedence, and we made a good enough reputation that make people from diverse parts of Europe to migrate here because they sought a chance for winning and, at the end they did, becoming an important part of our history and culture. But we are a bunch of inept rebels and losers refugees? Interesting.
And most people doesn't know what an ethnicity is. Not just in Argentina, you know. However, most argentines would be consider themselves argentines, which, regardless they knowledge on anthropology and history, would still mean that they're argentines in the sense they're an hispanic-american nation with a few minor non-disruptive influences. Isn't the Filipinas non-asian-but-asian country with several disruptive influences? :rolleyes:

05-15-2014, 11:41 PM

Lol, this remids me the Elephant and the Ant fable, it goes more or less as follows.

There is this big male elephant stampeding through the frican jungle, tearing apart trees and palmtrees, stepping on and destroying everything that it's on his way, everywhere he rushed all the animals escaped from this big colossus terrified to be smashed as the beast passed by.

There is also this litte ant on top of the elephant's head looking very exited, eventually the elephant decreases his wild rush then the ant says: HOLLY SHIT MAN WE HAVE JUST GIVEN HELL THOUGHOUT ALL THE DAMN JUNGLE!!!.....:rotfl:


05-19-2014, 08:52 AM
Characteristic of my flame-warrish ways in this thread (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?125006-The-Most-Disloyal-amp-Possibly-Most-Ungrateful-Hispanic-Countries)

This thread is for all the criticisms and refutations of those criticisms to things pertaining to Latin-America.

05-19-2014, 08:54 AM

You can move all my posts exposing the fact that Argentinians are Fascists, Nazis, Carlists, Rebels, Racists and Insurrectos in here.

Dong Feral-nimo de insurecto. :rolleyes:

05-19-2014, 09:03 AM
Colombians are a cabal of pirates
Mexicans are a bunch of drug-lords
Argentinians are a collection of nazis
Peruvians are a horde of Shining-Path rebels.
Brazilians are prostitutes
Guatemalans are insecure leftists
Haitans are poor
Puerto Ricans are bad dancers
Cubans are silly and Fidel Castro is a transvestite

Go go go! Fight meh noa! :thumb001:

05-19-2014, 09:50 AM
This is just a joke [of course not all those people I stated are like that]

05-19-2014, 04:21 PM
The problem with the Axis of evil is that they took racial supremacy to the extreme: the Japanese thought that they were descended from gods, the Germans also thought that they were descended from Aryans (who were also gods) and the Italians think of themselves as the gods of Europe due to Roman-Empire mentality.

But then again; Sweden took it to the total extreme opposite and became a feminazi state.

The key here is balance; in some cases racial supremacy is good, in some cases, multiculturalism is also good. People should just learn how to apply an appropriate action in an appropriate scenario.

Well yes they did take it to an extreme. I view preservationism as a good thing for every group. But I believe that its good to have dialogue amongst them. Today I view there more as a fight to defend morality and then you have those who fight against it.

05-19-2014, 04:23 PM
Colombians are a cabal of pirates
Mexicans are a bunch of drug-lords
Argentinians are a collection of nazis
Peruvians are a horde of Shining-Path rebels.
Brazilians are prostitutes
Guatemalans are insecure leftists
Haitans are poor
Puerto Ricans are bad dancers
Cubans are silly and Fidel Castro is a transvestite

Go go go! Fight meh noa! :thumb001:

I admire some of the communists of south america because they kept out things like homosexuality and other strange beliefs. The cubans and Venezuelans did. Here once europe became infected by it it traveled on the winds here and ruined our country morally speaking....and ofcourse now most of latin america is about the same as the english or french parts.

05-19-2014, 04:29 PM
Well, I actually really like Latinos for the most part (I find them one of the easiest ethnicities to get along with), and I think Latinas especially are extremely physically attractive.

I guess the one major shortcoming I think that Latin American societies have is the large social stratification between social classes in their societies, and the discrimination against Amerindians. I think those facts are holding them back.

Other than that, I like Latinos usually and their cultures. Plus, let me reiterate again Latinas are really hot.

05-19-2014, 04:33 PM
Well, I actually really like Latinos for the most part (I find them one of the easiest ethnicities to get along with), and I think Latinas especially are extremely physically attractive.

I guess the one major shortcoming I think that Latin American societies have is the large social stratification between social classes in their societies, and the discrimination against Amerindians. I think those facts are holding them back.

Other than that, I like Latinos usually and their cultures. Plus, let me reiterate again Latinas are really hot.

I think Columbian women are some of the most attractive, then Cuban and Argentinian women. Mexican girls can be attractive too.

05-19-2014, 04:42 PM
Saludong, your thread cristising Latin america isn't genuine. It's obvious to me that you want to look for faults in Hispanic history.

05-19-2014, 04:44 PM
I think Columbian women are some of the most attractive, then Cuban and Argentinian women. Mexican girls can be attractive too.

I agree. Columbian girls are uber sexy. Then the other South American girls (inc Brazilians), Mexicans, Caribbeans. Honestly, when I was in Miami, I never saw so many sexy women in one city ever.

05-19-2014, 04:48 PM
Well, I actually really like Latinos for the most part (I find them one of the easiest ethnicities to get along with), and I think Latinas especially are extremely physically attractive.

I guess the one major shortcoming I think that Latin American societies have is the large social stratification between social classes in their societies, and the discrimination against Amerindians. I think those facts are holding them back.

Other than that, I like Latinos usually and their cultures. Plus, let me reiterate again Latinas are really hot.

What really holds us back is the corruption that comes from our lack of honesty as a society, to tell true we are not honest people and that lack of honesty derives in corrupted and even criminal politicans, public fuctionaries and autorities, because such come from the same Latin American peoples, they dont com from china nor europe they come from our society infected with the same kind disease.

05-19-2014, 04:52 PM
What really holds us back is the corruption that comes from our lack of honesty as a society, to tell true we are not honest people and that lack of honesty derives in corrupted and even criminal politicans, public fuctionaries and autorities, because such come from the same Latin American peoples, they dont com from china nor europe they come from our society infected with the same kind disease.

I think that's a common issue with many Spanish colonial societies. Although I have to say on a personal basis, many Latinos I've met were good, honest, humble and warm people (unlike insufferable, corrupt, conniving, manipulative, irritating South Asians). But I do agree that endemic corruption is really holding back the progress of many Latin American countries.

05-19-2014, 05:54 PM
I think that's a common issue with many Spanish colonial societies. Although I have to say on a personal basis, many Latinos I've met were good, honest, humble and warm people (unlike insufferable, corrupt, conniving, manipulative, irritating South Asians). But I do agree that endemic corruption is really holding back the progress of many Latin American countries.

Most latinos are as you describe however those warm amiable and nice people are the same people who behave in a dishonest way if given the chance, that's s cultural issue and many of those people arent even aware of it, they even have "morals" for that:

No pido que me den si no que me pongan donde hay
"I m not asking to recieve(goods, money), just place me where there is pleny(to steal or to make dobious business).

Truth is that we are kind of confused with out moral values.

05-19-2014, 10:51 PM
I admire some of the communists of south america because they kept out things like homosexuality and other strange beliefs. The cubans and Venezuelans did. Here once europe became infected by it it traveled on the winds here and ruined our country morally speaking....and ofcourse now most of latin america is about the same as the english or french parts.

Our communists are doing the opposite thing.

05-20-2014, 12:12 PM
I agree. Columbian girls are uber sexy. Then the other South American girls (inc Brazilians), Mexicans, Caribbeans. Honestly, when I was in Miami, I never saw so many sexy women in one city ever.

Its known as little Cuba. Here we have only a small amount of most other groups and generally just have puerto ricans which do not have the best reputation. Most of them are very ghetto and very annoying and not to swift in the head. However the few mexicans are okay, I dont know why they get such a bad reputation everywhere else?

05-20-2014, 12:13 PM
Our communists are doing the opposite thing.

thats not good, thats what they are doing here. communists in america want to bring down traditional America. I have fault with it because it isnt right. Not to mention the government [Obama] is trying to force homosexuality/marriage on top every relgigion which isnt right or good. Atheists here will one day get a dose of their own medicine.