View Full Version : Forum policy update: Avatar and signatures

01-08-2009, 10:21 AM
Please note that from today, avatars and signatures containing Nazi imagery will not be permitted on Apricity forum. If in doubt, please pm me or Arctic Fox.

If you are currently using such, kindly change it as soon as possible please.

Many thanks for your understanding -- the Apricity is in no way a "Nazi" website, and we do not want to give a wrong impression to our visitors.

01-08-2009, 12:57 PM
Verstanden, mein Fuhrer....eh....I mean, Okay, Loki.

01-08-2009, 01:19 PM
I'm not Nazi or anything like that, quite on the contrary I don't like the ideology, but isn't this measure to single out an ideology a tad harsh? To be honest I never liked this measure. For some reason it's very popular on these preservation sites. It already exists on Stormfront, Nordfolk, Stirpes, Skadi, and other sites because they don't want to be considered Nazi sites. I believe the only sites that allow it are Grossdeutsches Vaterland, Thiazi and e-Nationalist, and those only because they have a National Socialist oriented mission. I understand that forum owners don't want their sites to be perceived as Nazi, but that's what disclaimers are for, or am I wrong? Most internet forum have disclaimers where they say that the opinions and viewpoints held by members are NOT to be considered the site or owner's viewpoints. What happens if a good number of National Socialists register on Apricity? The site could be perceived as Nazi. What would be done in such a situation? Would registration of National Socialists become limited or would references to National Socialism not be allowed in posts?

Anyway, I am not trying to tell you how to run your site, it is just my opinion and the call is yours as it should normally be. :)

But if you really must insist on limiting the expression of National Socialists, why not forbid all political avatars altogether? It would not be fair if someone uploaded a Communist propaganda poster, for instance.

01-08-2009, 01:22 PM
But if you really must insist on limiting the expression of National Socialists, why not forbid all political avatars altogether? It would not be fair if someone uploaded a Communist propaganda poster, for instance.

Because people who want European preservation are not regularly slandered for being "Commies". ;)

01-08-2009, 01:28 PM
Because people who want European preservation are not regularly slandered for being "Commies". ;)I do believe Nachthimmel has a point here... Not that I question your judgement comrade, but he has got a very strong point here...:D

On Stormfront they invoked this policy aswell a little while back. It cost them quit the number of members cause they called it a free speech forum...

01-08-2009, 01:30 PM
Because people who want European preservation are not regularly slandered for being "Commies". ;)
So Communist avatars would be considered acceptable by forum policy?

I'm just skeptical about these mainstreaming policies all these sites have adopted. Some time ago I opened a poll on Skadi, where the staff took some measure of mainstreaming years ago and forbade Nazi avatars. Anyway, in this poll I asked if the mainstream would perceive Skadi as a racist site. Most people answered "yes" and I agree with them. Despite the fact that they took down their Nazi avatars. Racist and Nazi are almost interchangeably used by the mainstream. I think the mainstream would consider any site that stands for European preservation a Nazi site, no matter which measures it takes. The enemies of preservation use such labels to intimidate preservationists.

01-08-2009, 01:36 PM
So Communist avatars would be considered acceptable by forum policy?

Yes, by default, as we have not had any Communist invasion as of yet.

I'm just skeptical about these mainstreaming policies all these sites have adopted. Some time ago I opened a poll on Skadi, where the staff took some measure of mainstreaming years ago and forbade Nazi avatars. Anyway, in this poll I asked if the mainstream would perceive Skadi as a racist site. Most people answered "yes" and I agree with them. Despite the fact that they took down their Nazi avatars. Racist and Nazi are almost interchangeably used by the mainstream. I think the mainstream would consider any site that stands for European preservation a Nazi site, no matter which measures it takes. The enemies of preservation use such labels to intimidate preservationists.

Apricity is not one of "these sites". We are individual and don't belong to a Skadi or Stormfront club. We will set our own policies.

01-08-2009, 01:37 PM
I do believe Nachthimmel has a point here... Not that I question your judgement comrade, but he has got a very strong point here...:D

On Stormfront they invoked this policy aswell a little while back. It cost them quit the number of members cause they called it a free speech forum...
Yes, exactly. That's why many members left Skadi too. I'm a supporter of free speech myself but I would give up some rights if it meant to gain an advantage as European preservationists. I am nevertheless afraid that no matter what European preservationists do, no matter what kind of avatars they forbid on sites, they will still be regarded as Nazis. It is something we can't change. Stormfront is still best known as the largest Nazi and racist site and that won't change in a million years, even if they remove all avatars. Like racist, anti-semite, homophobic, Islamophobic, we will have to get used to this labeling. I used to care how mainstream people regarded me, but I stopped caring. I am not looking for the sympathy of those who slander European preservation. The only time we will get rid of it will be when preservationist governments are at power in Europe again.

I'm a "she", by the way. ;)

Arrow Cross
01-08-2009, 01:38 PM
Nachthimmel has it right, as I already elaborated, I think this policy has more drawbacks than positives. The mainstream doesn't care, we are their arch-enemies, no matter how we dress ourselves here. We can and should hide our thoughts in mainstream places and forums, but this is clearly not one.

On the other hand... questions arise.

So Communist avatars would be considered acceptable by forum policy?


01-08-2009, 01:41 PM
I'm a "she", by the way. ;)
Sorry about that... I knew that but this AARRGGGHHHH!!!! damn keyboard...

01-08-2009, 01:42 PM
Nice avatar Nachthimmel! :D

Seriously, this is a valid and very good debate. Thanks for bringing it up Nachthimmel. I foresee another big thread forming here! :thumb001:

I'm too busy at work right now to respond more, but will later. Please carry on discussing! :)

Arrow Cross
01-08-2009, 01:47 PM
Note that the public usage of the arrow cross - depicted in my signature - draws upon the same legal consequences in my country as the swastika, the SS-runes, or the hammer and sickle. It is by definition a "banned authoritarian symbol", and as such, in a way illegal.

But this is an Internet discussion forum. The question is: should I remove it?

01-08-2009, 01:47 PM
Yes, by default, as we have not had any Communist invasion as of yet.
Is this avatar acceptable? :D

Apricity is not one of "these sites". We are individual and don't belong to a Skadi or Stormfront club. We will set our own policies.
Well, to be honest with you, the reason I registered on Apricity was because I got fed up with "these sites" and this policies resembles the policies of those sites.

PS. My sister won't register if you don't allow Nazi avatars. :p

01-08-2009, 01:51 PM
Well the forum I owned a while back, wasn't a "Nazi" forum either...
Still I made sure that National- Socialists could express themself, by using certain avatars or certain numeric combos in their usernames and signatures...

I believe that what NachtHimmel is saying, that no mather what policy, it will still be considered a nazi-board, is downright reality when it comes to running a rightwing oriented board...

01-08-2009, 01:51 PM
Racist and Nazi are almost interchangeably used by the mainstream. I think the mainstream would consider any site that stands for European preservation a Nazi site, no matter which measures it takes.

No, not so Nachthimmel. And here I think you have to realise that The Apricity is also geared towards people of European heritage not only living in Europe, prime example, me! Our reality is different in North America than it is in Europe: here one can be considered a racist without being considered a Nazi. One does not necessarily go hand-in-hand which is reflective of our different national histories and continental histories in the end.

The enemies of preservation use such labels to intimidate preservationists.

This might be so. But it is up to us to change that through education and activism and dispell all the myths and help de-programme the programmed. And I truly believe that The Apricity can lead the charge in such a, dare I say, revolutionary perceptual change.


01-08-2009, 01:57 PM
Is this avatar acceptable? :D

Yes. ;)

Well, to be honest with you, the reason I registered on Apricity was because I got fed up with "these sites" and this policies resembles the policies of those sites.

There is no such thing as a perfect site or forum. We try our best by learning from mistakes that others have made, and we also welcome feedback like this from you, to make the Apricity experience even better.

Undoubtedly we will fail to please everyone. This would be literally impossible. But those who enjoy and appreciate the freedoms we provide here will be grateful. I am not sure if you fall into this category, but the choice is yours.

PS. My sister won't register if you don't allow Nazi avatars. :p

Then perhaps she is not suitable for this forum. ;)

01-08-2009, 02:03 PM
Note that the public usage of the arrow cross - depicted in my signature - draws upon the same legal consequences in my country as the swastika, the SS-runes, or the hammer and sickle. It is by definition a "banned authoritarian symbol", and as such, in a way illegal.

But this is an Internet discussion forum. The question is: should I remove it?
I think that if the enemies of preservation wanted to accuse the Apricity of being a Nazi site, they'd say "look, one of their senior moderators is a Nazi!", so removing it won't spare it of any slander.

Best is, in my opinion that is, to just let people express themselves. It'd be a pity to lose members like Stormfront did, because of not allowing them to do this. For some people, as much as a policy on avatars matters. e-Nationalist, the WN forum with a NS bias has become so popular because it allows National Socialists to express themselves, and in doing so it has offered a new home for those members who were disappointed with Stormfront's new policy.

PS. What about the swastika as a religious symbol?


01-08-2009, 02:09 PM
^ Agreed. What of Fylfots?

01-08-2009, 02:10 PM
There is no such thing as a perfect site or forum. We try our best by learning from mistakes that others have made, and we also welcome feedback like this from you, to make the Apricity experience even better.

Undoubtedly we will fail to please everyone. This would be literally impossible. But those who enjoy and appreciate the freedoms we provide here will be grateful. I am not sure if you fall into this category, but the choice is yours.
Well, it doesn't bother me personally but that's because I'm not NS. ;) So if you insist on having this rule I won't leave because of it. But if you had a policy to restrict some things I liked and were part of my form of expression, of my personality, as NS symbols are to the NS, then I would not appreciate any "freedom" because I wouldn't consider I had it. So from that angle, I understand how National Socialists would feel. This policy restricts their freedom of expression.

Then perhaps she is not suitable for this forum. ;)
I suppose not. My sister believes in freedom of speech taken literally. That's why she never lasted on any of those forums. She believes people should be allowed to curse, insult each other, use racial slurs and so on, something most forums frown at.

01-08-2009, 03:23 PM
PS. What about the swastika as a religious symbol?

^ Agreed. What of Fylfots?

Great question. I myself belong to a religious org. (the Odinic Rite) whose main religious symbol is the Fylfot. The challenge is in educating the public with respect to the true nature and meaning of these symbols. Even the ADL has a caveat when explaining the use of such symbols, now acknowledging that they are bona fide religious symbols. Covering their butts legally, sure, but at least it's a start.

But in all honesty, speaking as an Odinist/Heathen, Hitler and his crew who wholly misappropriated these beautiful religious/spiritual symbols for his political means did Germanic and pan Indo-European culture a huge disservice. I quite suspect that in his world, I would have been gassed along with the rest of them. I just wonder what kind of symbol I would have been wearing on my sleeve to denote my paganism...surely not the swastika. ;)

Cheers for now!...Aemma

01-08-2009, 03:35 PM
Tough questions and debate. But an easy answer.

Don't bow to politically correct beliefs. Stand up, tell people that might be "offended" by images to fuck off. Perhaps prohibit sexual or graphic gore images but don't ban certain images/avatars outright. Why not just post a disclaimer that this is not a "Nazi" site? Who cares what the hell people think. After one day on this Forum anyone would know what we stand for, believe in and wish to preserve. Never discount the importance of freedom of expression and the fact that political correctness is killing us. "Us" meaning the people and culture this forum stands for.............

Arrow Cross
01-08-2009, 03:49 PM
I quite suspect that in his world, I would have been gassed along with the rest of them. I just wonder what kind of symbol I would have been wearing on my sleeve to denote my paganism...surely not the swastika. ;)
"Gassed"? Even Jews and their henchmen don't suggest that anyone outside racial minorities have been "gassed", let alone pagans who enjoyed the favour of the SS. Not to mention the entire story is doubtful at best, full of holes, forgeries, and other made-up means to garner more "reparation money".
Holocaustianity is Big Business™.

Either way, if this policy is going to be enacted, I'm taking down all my images and quotes, since they refer to National Socialism, and I'd also request a name change. I'm not a fan of half-hearted measures.

01-08-2009, 03:58 PM
Either way, if this policy is going to be enacted, I'm taking down all my images and quotes, since they refer to National Socialism, and I'd also request a name change. I'm not a fan of half-hearted measures.

The policy is already live, so feel free to request a name change if you want.

01-08-2009, 04:01 PM
Is my avatar acceptable?

Because it is of a skull it can be linked to death. Because of the fangs to evil.

Death can be linked to war.

War can be linked to a conflict of two sides. often good and bad.

Evil can be linked to bad.

Bad is often linked together with the poor sod who lost the war.

This all can be further linked to the second world war with two sides the good and the bad, the bad being the axis according to the above definition of bad. Evil can be linked to Hitler.

Thus my avatar links to Adolf Hitler. Is this acceptable?

I hope you see the point I am trying to make.

01-08-2009, 04:04 PM

Is this acceptable?

01-08-2009, 04:06 PM
People please pipe down...

There is no need proclaiming war on Apricity's staff. Loki and his staff are just doing what they seem is right.

Many questions can be placed by this decision but lets discus it in an ordely fashion...

Let us not travel the way that has killed off many forums...

01-08-2009, 04:07 PM
I hope you see the point I am trying to make.

I see the point you're trying to make, but you don't see the point I'm trying to make. There are several skinhead/NS sites out there for hardcore Nazi fans. This is not one of them.

01-08-2009, 04:14 PM
People please pipe down...

There is no need proclaiming war on Apricity's staff. Loki and his staff are just doing what they seem is right.

Many questions can be placed by this decision but lets discus it in an ordely fashion...

Let us not travel the way that has killed off many forums...

Oh I don't question the policy, My concern is to what lengths will it be censured, I apologize if it was unclear.

As an example you have the direct statement avatars swastikas and all that, those I think everyone can be quite certain what those images mean.

The second step would be a reference to such symbols but not the direct use of it. here some people might get it with sufficient knowledge but it creates a bit of a grey zone.

Thirdly we have as mine example quite harmless images that with the aid of an absurd imagination and interpretation by someone not mentally right could be interpreted in such a way that some one not right in their mind could believe was pro Nazi.

Of course between these steps there are grey zones but my question was to where the level should be set.

And naturally I tried only to be clever :P

I see the point you're trying to make, but you don't see the point I'm trying to make. There are several skinhead/NS sites out there for hardcore Nazi fans. This is not one of them.

No you did not, I wonder to what level it's being drawn, try again :D

01-08-2009, 04:21 PM
"Gassed"? Even Jews and their henchmen don't suggest that anyone outside racial minorities have been "gassed", let alone pagans who enjoyed the favour of the SS. Not to mention the entire story is doubtful at best, full of holes, forgeries, and other made-up means to garner more "reparation money".
Holocaustianity is Big Business™.

Either way, if this policy is going to be enacted, I'm taking down all my images and quotes, since they refer to National Socialism, and I'd also request a name change. I'm not a fan of half-hearted measures.

It was a rather flippant figure of speech on my part AC. My apologies to you.

As to whether or not the Germanic pagans of the day enjoyed the favour of the SS is immaterial in my heathen world view, which I hope you can appreciate. Their careless act of appropriating for political means a spiritual symbol which belongs not only to the Germanic people but to others of Indo-European culture and faiths did more harm than good for those of us today who practise such pre-Christian indigenous European faiths. Educating people is the key, but look at the work we, as Heathens, have ahead of us...damn, you can barely display a swastika or fylfot in North America, and much less in Europe because it has come to symbolise hatred instead of pride and belief in pre-Christian European indigenous spirituality. I'm afraid I won't be seeing it in my own lifetime where my son could walk down the street with a swastika and say I wear this as you wear your cross...this is a symbol of my spirituality. And that to me is very very sad. :(

I hope you understand where I'm coming from on this AC. For me the symbol is sacred. And that means something to me. It is the symbol of my ancestors' belief in a worldview entirely different than the one that we live in today. It has spiritual depth. It represents a Heathen's way of seeing the world as a cosmic energy, something greater than what we are...the Ground of Being as Tillich would have put it. Though a darn good Christian theologian, some of Tillich's notions can be equally applied to a Heathen worldview. As such, my Fylfot and my Swastika have no place in the political forum. Its desacralisation is not something I can abide as a Heathen. Pretty strong language I know, but then again I live my faith and hold these things very dear. I hope you understand what I'm getting at here. If not, let's talk. :)

Cheers for now AC!...Aemma

01-08-2009, 04:21 PM
Oh I don't question the policy, My concern is to what lengths will it be censured, I apologize if it was unclear.

As an example you have the direct statement avatars swastikas and all that, those I think everyone can be quite certain what those images mean.

The second step would be a reference to such symbols but not the direct use of it. here some people might get it with sufficient knowledge but it creates a bit of a grey zone.

Thirdly we have as mine example quite harmless images that with the aid of an absurd imagination and interpretation by someone not mentally right could be interpreted in such a way that some one not right in their mind could believe was pro Nazi.

Of course between these steps there are grey zones but my question was to where the level should be set.

And naturally I tried only to be clever :P

No you did not, I wonder to what level it's being drawn, try again :DI didn't say people were questioning staff policy... People are now taunting Loki about this decision and I think thats going to far...

On the other hand I have to admit that the policy stated is quit weak... "Nazi-imagery" is a very unclear determination...

01-08-2009, 04:22 PM
Of course between these steps there are grey zones but my question was to where the level should be set.

Absolutely valid question, let's discuss. :)

Higher aim: The greater good of the community.

I don't know all the answers, so I appreciate the input from you all.

01-08-2009, 04:23 PM

Is this acceptable?

What is it? A jelly bean? LOL!

01-08-2009, 04:25 PM
I didn't say people were questioning staff policy... People are now taunting Loki about this decision and I think thats going to far...

On the other hand I have to admit that the policy stated is quit weak... "Nazi-imagery" is a very unclear determination...

Well I never intended to taunt anyone :/ I have to admit I did not read ever post up till now had I followed the conversation perhaps I could see that a sarcastic reply would only amplify the hostility that poor Loki must be feeling.

How utterly thoughtless of me.

To Loki: Know you are among friends. :)

01-08-2009, 04:29 PM
I was hesitant to reply to this thread. I just had a gut feeling it would be hot................:cool:

Now let's hope others will weigh in with opinons too.

01-08-2009, 04:32 PM
I was hesitant to reply to this thread. I just had a gut feeling it would be hot................:cool:

Now let's hope others will weigh in with opinons too.

I doubt any of you read my post so here's a bump:

Originally Posted by Arrow Cross
"Gassed"? Even Jews and their henchmen don't suggest that anyone outside racial minorities have been "gassed", let alone pagans who enjoyed the favour of the SS. Not to mention the entire story is doubtful at best, full of holes, forgeries, and other made-up means to garner more "reparation money".
Holocaustianity is Big Business™.

Either way, if this policy is going to be enacted, I'm taking down all my images and quotes, since they refer to National Socialism, and I'd also request a name change. I'm not a fan of half-hearted measures.

It was a rather flippant figure of speech on my part AC. My apologies to you.

As to whether or not the Germanic pagans of the day enjoyed the favour of the SS is immaterial in my heathen world view, which I hope you can appreciate. Their careless act of appropriating for political means a spiritual symbol which belongs not only to the Germanic people but to others of Indo-European culture and faiths did more harm than good for those of us today who practise such pre-Christian indigenous European faiths. Educating people is the key, but look at the work we, as Heathens, have ahead of us...damn, you can barely display a swastika or fylfot in North America, and much less in Europe because it has come to symbolise hatred instead of pride and belief in pre-Christian European indigenous spirituality. I'm afraid I won't be seeing it in my own lifetime where my son could walk down the street with a swastika and say I wear this as you wear your cross...this is a symbol of my spirituality. And that to me is very very sad.

I hope you understand where I'm coming from on this AC. For me the symbol is sacred. And that means something to me. It is the symbol of my ancestors' belief in a worldview entirely different than the one that we live in today. It has spiritual depth. It represents a Heathen's way of seeing the world as a cosmic energy, something greater than what we are...the Ground of Being as Tillich would have put it. Though a darn good Christian theologian, some of Tillich's notions can be equally applied to a Heathen worldview. As such, my Fylfot and my Swastika have no place in the political forum. Its desacralisation is not something I can abide as a Heathen. Pretty strong language I know, but then again I live my faith and hold these things very dear. I hope you understand what I'm getting at here. If not, let's talk.

Cheers for now AC!...Aemma

01-08-2009, 04:39 PM
Absolutely valid question, let's discuss. :)

Higher aim: The greater good of the community.

I don't know all the answers, so I appreciate the input from you all.

Well if you don't have all the answers are you sure you are the right person to lead us into this new era? :p

The level that should be drawn according to me at least.... let's think..

The first tier:

Say we have the clear symbolic statements. Swastikas 88 18 666... erm wait..
etc.. those I think few are denying that should not be tolerated.

Only one problem here, most Nordic symbols are classed by mainstream society to be pro-Nazi. So question here what symbols should be tolerated and which should not?

Only the symbols that the third Reich used? That leaves the door open to many symbols that modern groups use.

Both? Well then we have a problem from me because I like those symbols and they are part of my heritage...

Let’s leave that tire at that so others can come with their input.

The second tire:

Those that are a bit subtle, maybe humoristic references or are open for interpretation but are still quite clear what they wish to have said.

Personally I say tolerate humour unless it is a joke regarding someone dead. But that has more to do with my own morals than anything else…

Those that do not have humour in them… I would not know I guess one could tolerate references to the war it self, but not towards current or future “crimes” (I don’t consider anything done in war to be a crime per say).

I’ll leave it at that.

The third tire:

My joking post should illustrate this, I say go completely open :P

Ps: a Disclaimer, I try to structure this as nicely as I can but notice that most of my posts I reason with my self to come to a conclusion so if you have a hard time following my line of thought don't worry about it :P

01-08-2009, 04:43 PM
Well I never intended to taunt anyone :/ I have to admit I did not read ever post up till now had I followed the conversation perhaps I could see that a sarcastic reply would only amplify the hostility that poor Loki must be feeling.

How utterly thoughtless of me.

To Loki: Know you are among friends. :)

You didn't do anything wrong. :)

By reading only a few of your posts, I can see that you are a thoroughly decent person.

01-08-2009, 05:05 PM
So question here what symbols should be tolerated and which should not?

I would say it all depends on your motivation and what you are trying to say with said symbol.

Only the symbols that the third Reich used? That leaves the door open to many symbols that modern groups use.

Both? Well then we have a problem from me because I like those symbols and they are part of my heritage...

I'll tell you right now Third Reich symbols I don't agree with and personally I hope they don't have a place here...read my post.

What do you mean by 'your heritage'? Do you realise that some of us here honour these symbols as sacred in the spiritual context? Is this what you mean by your heritage?

Personally I say tolerate humour unless it is a joke regarding someone dead. But that has more to do with my own morals than anything else…

Though it can be seen as speaking ill of the dead I suppose, I doubt that said dead people's spirits would take exception to us having a bit of fun with them, unless it is done maliciously. ;)

Those that do not have humour in them… I would not know I guess one could tolerate references to the war it self, but not towards current or future “crimes” (I don’t consider anything done in war to be a crime per say).


My joking post should illustrate this, I say go completely open :P

You mean completely open and revoke that which Loki and Arctic Fox wisely put in place today with repect to "Nazi" symbols and pics? Nahhhh I don't agree for said reasons already explained in previous posts.

Ps: a Disclaimer, I try to structure this as nicely as I can but notice that most of my posts I reason with my self to come to a conclusion so if you have a hard time following my line of thought don't worry about it :P

Nahhh I always enjoy seeing a person's thought process. I find it a good use of one's given analytical and logical skills. :)

We certainly share a difference of opinion with respect to this issue Vargtand. It is good to discuss it though. :)


01-08-2009, 05:33 PM
I would say it all depends on your motivation and what you are trying to say with said symbol.

No, that I can not eve remotely agree with.

Because then I could be using a third Reich symbol say I like the colour and that would be okay.
Or of naked kids with the motivation that I wish to be a father.

This is taking what you are saying to an extreme but it is still the full extent of your argument. That is not a clear guideline and neither law nor policy would ever work with such a condition.

I'll tell you right now Third Reich symbols I don't agree with and personally I hope they don't have a place here...read my post.

I don't like Third Reich symbols as a default, I like Scandinavian symbols, regardless if they have been hijacked by the third Reich

What do you mean by 'your heritage'? Do you realise that some of us here honour these symbols as sacred in the spiritual context? Is this what you mean by your heritage?

To me those are my heritage, read the definition of My and heritage, Cultural historical value to me, gives identity. Spiritual, had I been spiritual I would consider them spiritual as well, they belong to my forefathers and thus they belong to me. That is what I mean by it.

An illustration: Despite what one might think of for instance Tolkien’s work, it is the wishes of his family his bloodline that goes before yours any day of the week.
Blood flow thickest and Scandinavian symbols belongs to the Scandinavian people.

For such reasons I get offended when Japs or other game makers have titles like ragnarok and such...

Though it can be seen as speaking ill of the dead I suppose, I doubt that said dead people's spirits would take exception to us having a bit of fun with them, unless it is done maliciously. ;)

Categorically no, I don't speak ill of the dead, I don't ridicule them, regardless of who they were, they are only part of this time as history as a testament to what has once been.

What do I know, how would I have reacted in their shoes?
Had I lived in their time?
I can not judge them as I don't believe that we live in the outmost of time, that our intellect reigns supreme over all ages past, as so many of today’s people seem to think.

I respect the wisdom of the old, and honour the ancient, but only praise my own.


Alright :)

You mean completely open and revoke that which Loki and Arctic Fox wisely put in place today with repect to "Nazi" symbols and pics? Nahhhh I don't agree for said reasons already explained in previous posts.

No I mean pictures like my avatar or such that trough quite creative thinking could be linked togheter with basically anything to your hearts desire.

Nahhh I always enjoy seeing a person's thought process. I find it a good use of one's given analytical and logical skills. :)

We certainly share a difference of opinion with respect to this issue Vargtand. It is good to discuss it though. :)


But of course, if not for our reasoning skills what truly makes us different from animals?

01-08-2009, 05:49 PM
I don't mind either way about what symbols people use for avatars, but I am very aware that using them out of the boards context and having members use them to a point of overkill can taint the forum with a persona not generally wanted.


01-08-2009, 06:11 PM
No, that I can not eve remotely agree with.

Because then I could be using a third Reich symbol say I like the colour and that would be okay.
Or of naked kids with the motivation that I wish to be a father.

Hmm what's really the likelihood that a typical person would be sporting a Third Reich symbol because he likes the colour red? If one likes the colour so much, one could just wear the colour. As for naked kids, if such kids are portrayed in a pornographic way, sorry, can't and will never buy that argument. Again comes back to your motivation for using a symbol, nothing more nothing less.

This is taking what you are saying to an extreme but it is still the full extent of your argument. That is not a clear guideline and neither law nor policy would ever work with such a condition.[?QUOTE]

Who says???

I like Scandinavian symbols, regardless if they have been hijacked by the third Reich

To me those are my heritage, read the definition of My and heritage, Cultural historical value to me, gives identity. Spiritual, had I been spiritual I would consider them spiritual as well, they belong to my forefathers and thus they belong to me. That is what I mean by it.

Well I don't like that they have been hijacked by the Third Reich. We're each entitled to our opnions.

An illustration: Despite what one might think of for instance Tolkien’s work, it is the wishes of his family his bloodline that goes before yours any day of the week.
Blood flow thickest and Scandinavian symbols belongs to the Scandinavian people.

You're right, symbols belong to a People or Peoples. But rest assured that these symbols are as much mine as they are yours. I'm French Canadian of Norman descent...it de facto makes me of some Scandinavian blood from way back as well. Please don't start making assumptions just because I'm Canadian. I would never presume to use your national flag just as you would not mine but these are contemporary symbols. Runic script and whatever other symbols that are culturally Northern European are as much part of my heritage as they are yours, however.

I don't believe that we live in the outmost of time, that our intellect reigns supreme over all ages past, as so many of today’s people seem to think.

I certainly don't believe that either. The whole notion of linear time and its ability to give us the false impression of 'progress, that is, 'success' measured through time as being better' is dysfunctional anyway. So I agree with you there 100%.

I respect the wisdom of the old, and honour the ancient, but only praise my own.

As do I, save for the last part. I praise those who are praiseworthy only. Nidings exist everywhere, even among our own sometimes.

Alright :)

Alright :)

No I mean pictures like my avatar or such that trough quite creative thinking could be linked togheter with basically anything to your hearts desire.

Personally I find nothing objectionable with seeing a skull as an avatar. It's just not my own personal preference. I don't really get the deal about skull and cross bones/Jolly Rogers, but that's just me. :)

But of course, if not for our reasoning skills what truly makes us different from animals?

Precisely! :)


01-08-2009, 06:46 PM
Hmm what's really the likelihood that a typical person would be sporting a Third Reich symbol because he likes the colour red? If one likes the colour so much, one could just wear the colour. As for naked kids, if such kids are portrayed in a pornographic way, sorry, can't and will never buy that argument. Again comes back to your motivation for using a symbol, nothing more nothing less.

If you leave the door open by having interpretations and intentions available, be prepared that other interpretations will come than those of your own.

You can and never will buy that argument because of what? Because it disproves anything and everything you said? I told you that is the full extent of your reasoning that is the logical conclusion of having intentions and interpretations available, you never specified any conditions at all that would hinder it from happening.

It’s like mathematics. You can prove anything as long as it is the logical conclusion of the law you have written. If you say Interpretations and intentions matter. Then it applies to A B C D E…Y Z what you needed to do is to specify exceptions or limit to where it applies ie. Be it only runes, be it only pictures, be it only symbols.
After that you need to define as to what meets the criteria for being a picture for being a rune, or for being a symbol. As what would a picture of a rune be? Or a runic symbol?

All this you left out. What you did is you wrote something and then you assumed we should not do what you say but what you mean.

Who says???

Obviusly I, but also law 101. the law should be as clear as possible and as far as possible be free of multiple interpretations, that’s what people who study law have told me but what do I know.

Well I don't like that they have been hijacked by the Third Reich. We're each entitled to our opnions.

How does that differ from my opinion?

You're right, symbols belong to a People or Peoples. But rest assured that these symbols are as much mine as they are yours. I'm French Canadian of Norman descent...it de facto makes me of some Scandinavian blood from way back as well. Please don't start making assumptions just because I'm Canadian. I would never presume to use your national flag just as you would not mine but these are contemporary symbols. Runic script and whatever other symbols that are culturally Northern European are as much part of my heritage as they are yours, however.

Why do people always assume I mean them? I speak in general terms.

Personally though (and I have counted here, purely statistically 400 years ago there would be living 56 000 (and some odd number) of ancestors that are only fathers and mothers to fathers and mothers (so no brothers and sisters).
this is a maximum without any inbreeding of course.

400 years ago I two ancestors that immigrated to Sweden, that makes 55 998 (for simplicity I can't remember the exact number) Swedish and 2 Wallonia.

Now let's say like this... if you inherit 10 cows from each relative that is Swedish. And let's say that you have some Swedish blood just for the examples sake, say you have 20 ancestors while I have 55 998. Who will get the most cows?

What I am saying here is that it depends on proportion don't be thinking unless you are of direct decent from either your mother or your father that a person who has 1 ancestor who is Scandinavian has a bigger or as big of a claim to that culture as a person who have close to all his or her ancestors from Scandinavia.

Now if you have a large part of Scandinavian blood, be it Normand then fine go a head.

What I was referring to was mostly japs and other people with no blood lines to this place.

I certainly don't believe that either. The whole notion of linear time and its ability to give us the false impression of 'progress, that is, 'success' measured through time as being better' is dysfunctional anyway. So I agree with you there 100%.

Great :)

As do I, save for the last part. I praise those who are praiseworthy only. Nidings exist everywhere, even among our own sometimes.

That was unwritten but of course I was referring to only praiseworthy individuals, I thought that was obvious :S

But I will never because I see no reason to it, be praising some others people heroes, which is basically my biggest resentment towards Christianity is that we are celebrating heroes that are not our own.

Alright :)


Personally I find nothing objectionable with seeing a skull as an avatar. It's just not my own personal preference. I don't really get the deal about skull and cross bones/Jolly Rogers, but that's just me. :)

Only an example, I use that because I made it. Not that I fancy skulls but I saw a new technique how to make cool looking teeth so I decided to make the teeth and then built the rest of it around it :P

Precisely! :)



Hopefully the next round of post will only contain smiles and show a general agreement.

01-08-2009, 07:52 PM
If you leave the door open by having interpretations and intentions available, be prepared that other interpretations will come than those of your own.

You can and never will buy that argument because of what? Because it disproves anything and everything you said? I told you that is the full extent of your reasoning that is the logical conclusion of having intentions and interpretations available, you never specified any conditions at all that would hinder it from happening.

It’s like mathematics. You can prove anything as long as it is the logical conclusion of the law you have written. If you say Interpretations and intentions matter. Then it applies to A B C D E…Y Z what you needed to do is to specify exceptions or limit to where it applies ie. Be it only runes, be it only pictures, be it only symbols.
After that you need to define as to what meets the criteria for being a picture for being a rune, or for being a symbol. As what would a picture of a rune be? Or a runic symbol?

All this you left out. What you did is you wrote something and then you assumed we should not do what you say but what you mean.

Obviusly I, but also law 101. the law should be as clear as possible and as far as possible be free of multiple interpretations, that’s what people who study law have told me but what do I know.

How does that differ from my opinion?

Why do people always assume I mean them? I speak in general terms.

Personally though (and I have counted here, purely statistically 400 years ago there would be living 56 000 (and some odd number) of ancestors that are only fathers and mothers to fathers and mothers (so no brothers and sisters).
this is a maximum without any inbreeding of course.

400 years ago I two ancestors that immigrated to Sweden, that makes 55 998 (for simplicity I can't remember the exact number) Swedish and 2 Wallonia.

Now let's say like this... if you inherit 10 cows from each relative that is Swedish. And let's say that you have some Swedish blood just for the examples sake, say you have 20 ancestors while I have 55 998. Who will get the most cows?

What I am saying here is that it depends on proportion don't be thinking unless you are of direct decent from either your mother or your father that a person who has 1 ancestor who is Scandinavian has a bigger or as big of a claim to that culture as a person who have close to all his or her ancestors from Scandinavia.

Now if you have a large part of Scandinavian blood, be it Normand then fine go a head.

What I was referring to was mostly japs and other people with no blood lines to this place.

Great :)

That was unwritten but of course I was referring to only praiseworthy individuals, I thought that was obvious :S

But I will never because I see no reason to it, be praising some others people heroes, which is basically my biggest resentment towards Christianity is that we are celebrating heroes that are not our own.


Only an example, I use that because I made it. Not that I fancy skulls but I saw a new technique how to make cool looking teeth so I decided to make the teeth and then built the rest of it around it :P


Hopefully the next round of post will only contain smiles and show a general agreement.

:) You make good points Vargtand. And neither one of us has the definitive answers in the end, that much I know. :)

So for now please accept all of these: :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


01-08-2009, 08:12 PM
:) You make good points Vargtand. And neither one of us has the definitive answers in the end, that much I know. :)

So for now please accept all of these: :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)



Naturally such is the nature of discussing these things, as all of this except for my logic example is subjective; logic how ever is never subjective. It is the logical conclusion of any law and body of rules. (I study mathematics quite intensively at the university so I am brainwashed by this shit every day :P)

01-09-2009, 09:10 AM
I'm not removing my avatar. If the mods do that without my approval, I'm out of here.

01-09-2009, 01:33 PM
The question in these cases is always - What would Hitler say? :D

Seriously, a true National Socialist makes his views and integrity as regards them known by arguing coherently his points and does not need to point that out by having pictures of the Führer there.

Personally I think, all political avatars should be cut, because I find political avatars unaesthetic and unnecessary as a whole --- but if there's only going to be one type outlawed: Hel, life ain't fair, move on. :wink

01-09-2009, 02:53 PM
Seriously, a true National Socialist makes his views and integrity as regards them known by arguing coherently his points and does not need to point that out by having pictures of the Führer there.
Bingo! You don't need a NS battle flag or a big Swastika avatar to show you are a National Socialist.
This is a discussion forum not an art gallery, let your posts do the talking.

“These exhibitionists, dressing up in costumes of the past, treated as a fetish, posturing and parading as part of the masquerade….in a manner akin to wearing the skin of a lion ….to become invested with the strength and courage of the king of the jungle… They entomb National Socialism in a museum of their minds…National Socialist Germany was not an entire and final happening, but the majestic opening act of a continuous work….”
- Colin Jordan

01-09-2009, 04:26 PM
I'm not removing my avatar. If the mods do that without my approval, I'm out of here.
That begs the question, does NS imagery like the man in this avatar, Codreanu (Romanian NS) count, or does it only concern Hitlerian NS? Well, since Hungarian NS imagery had to be removed, I guess I already answered my question...

01-09-2009, 04:28 PM
The question in these cases is always - What would Hitler say? :D

Seriously, a true National Socialist makes his views and integrity as regards them known by arguing coherently his points and does not need to point that out by having pictures of the Führer there.

Personally I think, all political avatars should be cut, because I find political avatars unaesthetic and unnecessary as a whole --- but if there's only going to be one type outlawed: Hel, life ain't fair, move on. :wink
Who defines what a "true National Socialist" is, you? Imagery was very important to the Hitlerian NS, they held up swastika flags at all meetings, they dressed in uniforms and so on.

01-09-2009, 04:28 PM
Does this mean that William Joyce (aka Lord Haw-Haw) has to go as well? :eek:

01-09-2009, 04:29 PM
But in all honesty, speaking as an Odinist/Heathen, Hitler and his crew who wholly misappropriated these beautiful religious/spiritual symbols for his political means did Germanic and pan Indo-European culture a huge disservice.
Cheers for now!...Aemma

He used it because it was a good-luck sign a sign of prosperity, so yes I can understand why he chose the Swastika.

01-09-2009, 04:33 PM
That begs the question, does NS imagery like the man in this avatar, Codreanu (Romanian NS) count, or does it only concern Hitlerian NS? Well, since Hungarian NS imagery had to be removed, I guess I already answered my question...

It doesn't beg the question. It begets the question, or raises the question. Please do not misuse the term for the logical fallacy "begging the question" (a.k.a. petitio principii incorrectly. As a student whose taken the odd course in Philosophy, especially in Logic, I take due offense. For more information as to the misuse of this phrase in popular culture please visit this Wikipedia article (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Begging_the_question), which shall outline proper usage of this term for you. :wink

01-09-2009, 04:36 PM
That begs the question, does NS imagery like the man in this avatar, Codreanu (Romanian NS) count, or does it only concern Hitlerian NS? Well, since Hungarian NS imagery had to be removed, I guess I already answered my question...

No, that one's fine. You see, this is just about visual aesthetics, and what we want our forum to look like. Most people wouldn't have a clue who that guy in his avatar is anyway.

What we want to avoid is a forum which is full of imagery which you can see on boards like C18 etc. You know what I mean. Being a little bit discretionary is not a bad thing. We have standards as well.

What is out, is overt swastikas, and images of Hitler I guess. Everyone knows him.

As I've said, if anyone is in doubt, pm me or Foxie. This is not a democracy, and we will judge each case on its own merit arbitrarily.

01-09-2009, 04:39 PM
What's the go with Commie imagery?

01-09-2009, 04:42 PM
I should also ask I guess, are Commies allowed membership here?.

01-09-2009, 04:49 PM
What's the go with Commie imagery?

Nachthimmel has converted to a Communist. ;)

01-09-2009, 05:10 PM
Bingo! You don't need a NS battle flag or a big Swastika avatar to show you are a National Socialist.
This is a discussion forum not an art gallery, let your posts do the talking.

“These exhibitionists, dressing up in costumes of the past, treated as a fetish, posturing and parading as part of the masquerade….in a manner akin to wearing the skin of a lion ….to become invested with the strength and courage of the king of the jungle… They entomb National Socialism in a museum of their minds…National Socialist Germany was not an entire and final happening, but the majestic opening act of a continuous work….”
- Colin Jordan
We don't need any other kind of avatars either, since this is a discussion forum, not an art gallery. There are a lot of things we don't absolutely need, but having them is a nice bonus. How would you feel if someone prohibited Irish nationalist imagery? Maybe the Irish flag? The NS flag is to the NS the only true flag of Germany and they may well take pride in displaying it.

01-09-2009, 05:17 PM
No, that one's fine. You see, this is just about visual aesthetics, and what we want our forum to look like. Most people wouldn't have a clue who that guy in his avatar is anyway.

What we want to avoid is a forum which is full of imagery which you can see on boards like C18 etc. You know what I mean. Being a little bit discretionary is not a bad thing. We have standards as well.

What is out, is overt swastikas, and images of Hitler I guess. Everyone knows him.

As I've said, if anyone is in doubt, pm me or Foxie. This is not a democracy, and we will judge each case on its own merit arbitrarily.
To make your forum look like you want, you sacrifice the freedom of expression of NS. I know it's not a democracy, but it is a free speech forum. So you said. And so, I am making use of my free speech to utter my disagreement with this principle. You also said forum leaders should listen to criticism and not ignore it and pretend they're infallible, as they do on Skadi and other forums.

Look at KCV...'s avatar. I find it violent and offensive. It looks exactly like some of the imagery I see on C18. Skinheads full of tattoos and aggressiveness. I wonder what outsiders would think when they browse Apriciry and see this kind of avatars. :|

01-09-2009, 05:21 PM
This is a wise, common sense policy to have on avatars.

01-09-2009, 06:56 PM
To make your forum look like you want, you sacrifice the freedom of expression of NS.

Oh the poor darlings. :(

Look at KCV...'s avatar. I find it violent and offensive.

You need to help me here, I may not be imaginative enough. What I see is a little boy. But violent? No.

01-09-2009, 07:07 PM
We don't need any other kind of avatars either, since this is a discussion forum, not an art gallery. There are a lot of things we don't absolutely need, but having them is a nice bonus.
You're correct that we don't need any avatars at all really. As you say yourself having them is a bonus, and seen as Loki and Arctic Fox are good enough to provide us with this discussion forum I don't think it's too much to ask that we respect their wishes when it comes to Third Reich imagery.

How would you feel if someone prohibited Irish nationalist imagery? Maybe the Irish flag?
Of course I wouldn't be too happy if the Irish nationalist imagery was prohibited, but then again Irish nationalist imagery doesn't carry the same baggage that NS imagery does.

The NS flag is to the NS the only true flag of Germany and they may well take pride in displaying it.
I'm sure they do take pride in displaying it, but at the end of the day this is an internet forum, let's have some perspective here, it's not like the Admin are kicking in their doors and confiscating their belongings, they are simply saying that this is our forum, and this is the way we would like to run it.
If some people feel that they are unable to have a discussion without a swastika or a picture of Hitler beside their name then that's unfortunate but there are plenty other forums on the net where they can do so.

01-09-2009, 08:22 PM
The truth is, I joined the Apricity not immediately after Loki invited me. I was busy in my life and when I returned, I saw the "drama" threads at Skadi and the threads here. The Apricity was praised for not making the same mistakes Skadi and other fora do, one of them being restricting freedom of speech, making use of censorship and so on. That was the only reason I joined it. I respect their wish, I didn't upload a NS or Third Reich avatar. It's not my style anyway since I'm no NS. But I am concerned. Today, it's NS. What will it be tomorrow? How much would we have to censor to respect their wishes? If it weren't for all those free speech advertisements, I wouldn't care. I'd never have joined in the first place. Maybe it won't turn out to be the best place for me. You know, I usually interpret free speech as free speech.

Lady L
01-09-2009, 08:32 PM
The truth is, I joined the Apricity not immediately after Loki invited me. I was busy in my life and when I returned, I saw the "drama" threads at Skadi and the threads here. The Apricity was praised for not making the same mistakes Skadi and other fora do, one of them being restricting freedom of speech, making use of censorship and so on. That was the only reason I joined it. I respect their wish, I didn't upload a NS or Third Reich avatar. It's not my style anyway since I'm no NS. But I am concerned. Today, it's NS. What will it be tomorrow? How much would we have to censor to respect their wishes? If it weren't for all those free speech advertisements, I wouldn't care. I'd never have joined in the first place. Maybe it won't turn out to be the best place for me. You know, I usually interpret free speech as free speech.

Free speech is speech, you know your words. An avatar is not speech. If there is a NS here they are ( I assume ) granted their free speech to be active on the forum, contribute to threads, etc... I would also assume a NS or anyone for that matter is going to make their ideas heard more through their words and contributions compared to the avatar. Point being we can pick out a NS without a Nazi avatar. Also, I don't see your point when you have been allowed to say whatever you please as I have. You also have been allowed to keep your avatar. And, for your comment about if it wasn't for all the free speech advertisements you wouldn't of joined...well, there is always a line that has to be drawn, no matter what we are dealing with. You should know that.

01-09-2009, 08:53 PM
Today, it's NS. What will it be tomorrow?

Maybe Nachthimmel.

Arrow Cross
01-09-2009, 09:08 PM
So let me guess.

If a person of full European descent registers here, using an avatar of Che Guevara, he's free to do so, because the Apricity doesn't have an anti-Anarchist policy.
If he starts posting about his far-left, Anarchist ideas without even mentioning race, he's again free to do so, because the Apricity is a free speech forum that doesn't require its members to keep silent about Anarachist ideas.

But if he happens to be a National Social-... ZOMG NAZI!, then he'll have to consult the staff about his public settings, begging them to accept each and every new avatar / signature that even have a shadow of a doubt, and he has to keep his posting style in constant check, lest he might attract Combat18 people.

It is the same double stantard and hypocrisy that is so peculiar of Zionist-run, modern-day Germany: banning "Nazism", and tolerating everything else. It's boring enough to endure this nonsense offline, to carefully word every single sentence that leaves my mouth, to never say what I think or feel because it'd be "inappropriate", to play a freakin' character role that is not myself because otherwise I'd become the boogeyman "Nazi". Yes, it is necessery offline. Yes, I got used to it long ago. But I thought this was a place for like-minded souls.

I don't care if it's "lighter" here. The basic concept is the same. I will not participate on a "pro-European" forum where my possibilities are specifically restricted and placed in quarentine while those of any other political thought are able to operate freely, and I'd especially not be an honourless hypocrite to keep using MY "Nazi" images as a Supermod while the regular members have to censure. I would never have put up a single image even resembling a Swastika or Hitler, but now that the OPTION is taken away from me and my like-minded individuals - and only us - on a so-called "European preservationist forum", I say it was a bloody waste of time to ever register here.

Good job making more enemies and zero new allies, right at the peak of your feud with Skadi. Keep it up this way, and you'll be just as insignificant as the various assorted "national radical" half-parties in offline politics all around Europe. The place is yours. You shape it as you like. But I do not want to be a part of it. I'm going back to the good old, actual and working free-speech forum that I came from.

Das vi danya.

01-09-2009, 09:16 PM
I'm going back to the good old, actual and working free-speech forum that I came from.

Das vi danya.

Goodbye :wave:

01-09-2009, 10:20 PM
This is silly. "Free speach" here is just a façade. A Potemkin village.

Soldier of Wodann
01-09-2009, 10:26 PM
Fuck that, I'm leaving too then, and I wasn't even planning on putting a Nazi avatar.

Good job at alienating people.

01-09-2009, 10:30 PM

01-09-2009, 10:41 PM
Fuck that, I'm leaving too then, and I wasn't even planning on putting a Nazi avatar.

Good job at alienating people.

With your "high quality" posting, I doubt you'd be missed.

Good riddance. Is this Christmas again? Looks like we'll get rid of all the Nutzis without even firing a single shot.

01-09-2009, 11:16 PM
You're asked very politely not to use a Nazi avatar and you come out with this

If a person of full European descent registers here, using an avatar of Che Guevara, he's free to do so, because the Apricity doesn't have an anti-Anarchist policy.
If he starts posting about his far-left, Anarchist ideas without even mentioning race, he's again free to do so, because the Apricity is a free speech forum that doesn't require its members to keep silent about Anarachist ideas.

But if he happens to be a National Social-... ZOMG NAZI!, then he'll have to consult the staff about his public settings, begging them to accept each and every new avatar / signature that even have a shadow of a doubt, and he has to keep his posting style in constant check, lest he might attract Combat18 people.

It is the same double stantard and hypocrisy that is so peculiar of Zionist-run, modern-day Germany: banning "Nazism", and tolerating everything else. It's boring enough to endure this nonsense offline, to carefully word every single sentence that leaves my mouth, to never say what I think or feel because it'd be "inappropriate", to play a freakin' character role that is not myself because otherwise I'd become the boogeyman "Nazi". Yes, it is necessery offline. Yes, I got used to it long ago. But I thought this was a place for like-minded souls.

I don't care if it's "lighter" here. The basic concept is the same. I will not participate on a "pro-European" forum where my possibilities are specifically restricted and placed in quarentine while those of any other political thought are able to operate freely, and I'd especially not be an honourless hypocrite to keep using MY "Nazi" images as a Supermod while the regular members have to censure. I would never have put up a single image even resembling a Swastika or Hitler, but now that the OPTION is taken away from me and my like-minded individuals - and only us - on a so-called "European preservationist forum", I say it was a bloody waste of time to ever register here.

Good job making more enemies and zero new allies, right at the peak of your feud with Skadi. Keep it up this way, and you'll be just as insignificant as the various assorted "national radical" half-parties in offline politics all around Europe. The place is yours. You shape it as you like. But I do not want to be a part of it. I'm going back to the good old, actual and working free-speech forum that I came from.

This is silly. "Free speach" here is just a façade. A Potemkin village.

Fuck that, I'm leaving too then, and I wasn't even planning on putting a Nazi avatar.

Good job at alienating people.
Talk about throwing your toys out of the pram. Oh, and the Commie avatars, very mature guys, well done.

01-09-2009, 11:23 PM
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bandwagon_effect :rolleyes:

01-09-2009, 11:25 PM
This is silly. "Free speach" here is just a façade. A Potemkin village.

Really? It seems to me that asking for no avatars depicting Hitler or Swastikas is perfectly reasonable, as that's a fast track to being stereotyped as some lowbrow skinhead forum. We may not like it, but, to the masses, National Socialist imagery contains a certain stigma that could prove injurious to the Apricity. If I understand it correctly, the mission here is apolitical, with the focus instead on recognizing and protecting our racial, ethnic, and cultural identities. No one has been censored for anything they've said, no matter how controversial it has proven. The first and only time administrative action has needed to be taken was when infiltrators from other fora exported their grievances over here, and the wake of that, which has seen members throwing tantrums over non-issues.

01-09-2009, 11:34 PM
Really? It seems to me that asking for no avatars depicting Hitler or Swastikas is perfectly reasonable, as that's a fast track to being stereotyped as some lowbrow skinhead forum. We may not like it, but, to the masses, National Socialist imagery contains a certain stigma that could prove injurious to the Apricity. If I understand it correctly, the mission here is apolitical, with the focus instead on recognizing and protecting our racial, ethnic, and cultural identities. No one has been censored for anything they've said, no matter how controversial it has proven. The first and only time administrative action has needed to be taken was when infiltrators from other fora exported their grievances over here, and the wake of that, which has seen members throwing tantrums over non-issues.
Well said. A question to all those who are crying about their free speech being taken away, have any of you actually had any posts about National Socialism deleted?

01-10-2009, 01:33 AM

Can you pass me the popcorn?

Thanks!! :pop2:

Drink? :food-smiley-004:

01-10-2009, 09:32 AM
Forums are private property. People can go have free speech in their backyard. Otherwise, someone has to set boundaries and guidelines.

Re; NH, God that girl is abrasive. Who cares about the past who cares about Hitler avatars, just get to a fresh start damn it!

01-10-2009, 11:34 AM
It's not rocket science guys, if the first thing someone looks at when coming to this forum is a swastika, that's probably going to be the last thing they look at on this forum-ever. Same thing goes for racial slurs, screen names like Auschwitz1488, nooses, KKK imagery & references.

Things like skulls, portraits of obscure historical figures, arrow crosses, iron crosses, imperial german imagery, and articles of WWII weaponry might have a relation to NS and even be illegal in some European countries, but they don't have the same overall shock/turnoff value. Nobody's going to open up the site, 'OMGFZWTF IS THAT A PIC OF FRANCISCO FRANCO WHATS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE'

01-10-2009, 01:28 PM
Re; NH, God that girl is abrasive.

I think she's funny. Anytime she has ever given me rep it always starts out "I don't like you but..".:rotfl

01-12-2009, 05:59 AM
Good God.....:(
Whomever said forums are privately owned is correct. Although free speech IS welcomed here (in past forums I was a member of, not half the unruly comments I have read on here would have been tolerated, nor a few of the members, so it says much for Loki and Fox`s patience and dedication to allowing free speech that it is, here)....
that does not mean that the forum owners should not have the right to set the look of the place that they own. If you walk into someone`s home, whether or not you support free speech, do you automatically tell them what their home should look like? Or do you have courtesy and manners?
In the end, isn`t it the quality and content of the posts that matter? There is no denying that visual imagery is an important part of online life for many folks, but bottom line should surely be the discussion taking part, because isn`t that why we are all here?
To share views, like minded or not, to experience discussions of subjects that interest us, to interract with those we believe we share an unwritten and unspoken form of kindred with?
With free speech comes responsibility, and many people forget that. So yes, in theory you CAN, under free speech, curse, swear, behave like an uneducated idiot and make of yourself a nuisance to others wishing to have some decent discussion.
Or you can practice some measure of self control and common sense. The same applies to visual `freedom`...if this forum is open to all who see it, doesn`t it make sense that, if you want your views to be taken seriously, you realise that, rightly or wrongly, people WILL judge on the images they see accordingly. If you really need your image to get across something of who you are, perhaps you may like to try using words to do so instead?
I would rather have someone come in, read, and decide we make sense and stay, than have someone click on the site, see what they view as only a bunch of neoNazi`s, and bugger off without realising that inside the threads are decent, respectable and honourable people here with valid viewpoints and lifestyles.
But that is only my opinion.

01-12-2009, 09:57 AM
I think this forum is very open in what it allows and surely it dosn't really matter either way if they don't wish the place to be littered with old ensignia? I totally agree with the point that although there is nothing wrong with such imagery, it is linked to a bad place in the public's subconcious and if one wished to make any nationalistic movement mainstream again then a rebranding is required.

01-12-2009, 10:34 AM
Whomever said forums are privately owned is correct.

Unless if they are in Scotland ;)

If I ever find a forum registered in Scotland I shall request my 'right of access' to have a swastika avatar and post death threats, racial slurs, etc :p

01-12-2009, 10:41 AM
Tsk tsk....even under Scottish law, the right of access only grants us passage and the freedom to work and traverse for leisure etc. ;)
Other than that, we have to live under the same laws which disallow such extreme freedom of speech....which is a pity really, as had I ruled the country my free speech would have incited the Scots that held their country and heritage dear, to rise up and throw out all Islamics and other undesirables (ascertained by me of course) and created a heathen state in which instant and irrevocable divorce from the Union of the Crowns would be complete and I would also instigate a National Mead Day...
erm...oops...did I say all that out loud? Oh dear....:D

01-14-2009, 04:47 AM
Crazy Frog (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crazy_Frog)

Originally Posted by Soldier of Wodannhttp://i40.tinypic.com/eqtc9w.jpg (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?p=7894#post7894)
Fuck that, I'm leaving too...

& Lokihttp://i40.tinypic.com/eqtc9w.jpg (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?p=7899#post7899)
...Good riddance...

01-14-2009, 05:17 AM
But is 'Crazy Frog' Germanic? Better hit him over the head and ship him off to the anthro section to find out :coffee:

01-14-2009, 05:27 AM
Call me old-fashioned, but here goes anyway.

The way the Nazis used the symbols offends me to this very day. It isn't the symbols themselves so much as the way they were used. I won't change my stance on this, my memories are too ingrained.

If I were an outsider looking at a forum with those symbols plastered all over the place, I'd assume it's based on an NS agenda and it would put me off. The right decision has been made.

Just my two bob's worth...

01-14-2009, 06:26 AM
But you are missing the point. I am not bothered by the ban of NS symbols. But at the same time, all political symbols should be banned.

It's very paradoxical that I am allowed to use communist propaganda, a much greater evil than anyone can blame NS to be.

01-14-2009, 08:21 AM
But you are missing the point. I am not bothered by the ban of NS symbols. But at the same time, all political symbols should be banned.

It's very paradoxical that I am allowed to use communist propaganda, a much greater evil than anyone can blame NS to be.

I agree, if you are gonna ban one political symbol, ban'em all. But what can we do other than share our meenings here, we are just simple members:p But Loki and AF are nevertheless doing a great job with the forum, but I can't say I like this ban of avatars and such. But for once, a forum is actually following the majority, considering that most people who would see members with Nazi-avatars would pre-judge the forum, sadly.

01-14-2009, 08:40 AM
Maybe we should ban ALL avatars :tongue!

01-14-2009, 08:44 AM
Och no, maybe we should make every member put their mug shot as an avatar..wonder how many actually would, hee?:D

(only joking btw folks!)

01-14-2009, 08:48 AM
Maybe we should ban ALL avatars :tongue!

No, please don't:wink I begz you...:p

But you and Loki are the Don's, so I guess we'll have to bend over:p

Och no, maybe we should make every member put their mug shot as an avatar..wonder how many actually would, hee?

(only joking btw folks!)

Why do I get the feeling that you might be on of those few?:p

01-14-2009, 08:50 AM
:D No, wouldn`t really, too scary for folks logging in first thing in the mornings, hee :D

01-14-2009, 09:02 AM
It would be seen upon as a Jail forum:p

01-14-2009, 09:05 AM
Well, only if we held up cards with names and serial numbers on them...or we could display `secret` messages to the outside world...
"Help..they are holding me prisoner here..." and the like. :D

01-14-2009, 09:35 AM
Something like:


(Run it trough a hex-translator: http://www.defproc.co.uk/toys/hex.php)

01-14-2009, 09:51 AM
Och no,
maybe we should make every member put their mug shot as an avatar..
wonder how many actually would, hee? :Dif loki has the photographs
that were submitted to Det Nordiske Råd
for my membership to the nordish portal...


01-14-2009, 05:47 PM
Oh, for the good old days of Rådet... "As rumours spread, it was rumoured by some that it did not even exist, though some know better" ... :D

01-14-2009, 07:09 PM
Is conspicuity a consideration? ;)


01-15-2009, 05:50 AM
They're both symbols. I see nothing wrong with the Swastika or anything for that matter.
Though I still support the idea because I just hate the Swastika being used as an avatar. Surely there is another way to express yourselves, without using a symbol that's...

1. Considered to be a hateful symbol by the majority of people on this planet
2. Over Done With, especially in the broad nationalistic spectrum.

It doesn't say much about yourself when you use a swastika, other than being a low brow individual who has watched too many WW2 movies and wants to be a ''Fierce-Looking Bad Guy Neo-Nazi" who scares the crap out of 80% of people.

01-15-2009, 08:14 AM
1. Considered to be a hateful symbol by the majority of people on this planet

I see you by "people" mean "westerners". 1,1 billion Indians and 1,6 billion Chinese and 120 million Japanese (etc etc) don't consider it to be hateful.

01-15-2009, 08:23 AM
I see you by "people" mean "westerners". 1,1 billion Indians and 1,6 billion Chinese and 120 million Japanese (etc etc) don't consider it to be hateful.

This forum is focused on Europeans, though. What Chinese, Indians and Japanese think is irrelevant for us.

01-15-2009, 08:56 AM
This forum is focused on Europeans, though. What Chinese, Indians and Japanese think is irrelevant for us.

Yes, I know, I was simply pointing out his error.

01-16-2009, 10:06 PM
Taken a couple of days to get back on this, but anyway ...

But you are missing the point.

Actually, the thread in question was in regards to NS symbols, so no I didn't. i expressed my views based on the said symbols. The thread has since been expanded upon to include communist and other such (perceived) offensive symbols.

I am not bothered by the ban of NS symbols. But at the same time, all political symbols should be banned.

It's very paradoxical that I am allowed to use communist propaganda, a much greater evil than anyone can blame NS to be.

I do see the irony in this, but at the end of the day, it is how people are conditioned to believe in regards to what offends them.

For example, I like this image but I imagine that others wouldn't.


01-17-2009, 05:16 AM
For example, I like this image but I imagine that others wouldn't.


Even that, I don't think has anywhere near the response as swastikas, that sign there technically isn't even 'racist'.

The communist avatars don't really matter, like it or not they are generally viewed as 'quaint' outside of the hard right, and don't really interfere what I presume the goal is to expand interest in preservation of European-derived peoples beyond neo-nazis and the circle jerk of characters which populate other European preservationist sites like SF and enat.

01-17-2009, 10:48 AM
Even that, I don't think has anywhere near the response as swastikas, that sign there technically isn't even 'racist'.

The communist avatars don't really matter, like it or not they are generally viewed as 'quaint' outside of the hard right, and don't really interfere what I presume the goal is to expand interest in preservation of European-derived peoples beyond neo-nazis and the circle jerk of characters which populate other European preservationist sites like SF and enat.

No, not the same impact as a swastika, but depending on the forum you converge on, the word fuck would've had to be edited, because there are some people out there who are offended by the use of such a word.

10-26-2009, 03:21 PM
Please note that from today, avatars and signatures containing Nazi imagery will not be permitted on Apricity forum. If in doubt, please pm me or Arctic Fox.

If you are currently using such, kindly change it as soon as possible please.

Many thanks for your understanding -- the Apricity is in no way a "Nazi" website, and we do not want to give a wrong impression to our visitors.

Since this forum is now established and has managed to prove itself as a community of reasonable people, there is little point in retaining this rule. From now on, any political avatars will be allowed.

Thanks for your understanding and for your patience over the past year regarding this.

Electronic God-Man
10-26-2009, 03:29 PM
Ah...splendid. That feels better. :coffee:

10-26-2009, 03:36 PM
Ah-the sweeping wind of glossing over and dare I say it? I dare-political correctness-has reached the deepest pits of hell-I mean the internet.

You might be able to change the avatars, names and signatures with your own "directives"-but you can't change the characters, values and beliefs-and you won't be able to stop them from posting public-viewable comments.

10-26-2009, 03:37 PM
LOL! I say we all upload Nazi affiliated avatars.

10-26-2009, 03:41 PM
You might be able to change the avatars, names and signatures with your own "directives"-but you can't change the characters, values and beliefs-and you won't be able to stop them from posting public-viewable comments.

Indeed, but guidelines will dictate what sort of quality membership a forum attracts -- especially in its infancy. That is why it was necessary at the time. A year on, and this forum could now have been another Stormfront -- attracting people who think they have to "Heil Hitler" in order to qualify as people who care for European preservation. This was especially relevant because many of our early members came from Skadi forum. Some members are still talking about Apricity as a "racialist/nationalist" forum, something it never was and never will be.

10-26-2009, 03:49 PM
LOL! I say we all upload Nazi affiliated avatars.

Knock it off.

10-26-2009, 04:08 PM
Indeed, but guidelines will dictate what sort of quality membership a forum attracts -- especially in its infancy. That is why it was necessary at the time. A year on, and this forum could now have been another Stormfront -- attracting people who think they have to "Heil Hitler" in order to qualify as people who care for European preservation. This was especially relevant because many of our early members came from Skadi forum. Some members are still talking about Apricity as a "racialist/nationalist" forum, something it never was and never will be.

It most certainly is, there's no such thing as a "European ethnicity". To complicate matters-consider how people who have created colonies on the other side of the world with huge gaping differences to their original ethnicities are welcomed-even if they have no political or ideological similarities with most members-yet someone from the edges of Europe with a culture that may resemble some European cultures in some aspects is shunned-even if they have similar interests.

It's all about racialism inherently-whether you want to call yourself a socialist or not-the forum is racialist from the outset. There may be ethnonationalist members-but they are within the scope of racialist first.

10-26-2009, 04:15 PM
It's all about racialism inherently-whether you want to call yourself a socialist or not-the forum is racialist from the outset. There may be ethnonationalist members-but they are within the scope of racialist first.

Socialism doesn't have anything to do with race. Hitler was also a socialist. It is an economic philosophy.

And no, this forum is not racialist, regardless of your view on the matter. Is it not possible for people to care about their roots, heritage and culture, without being branded "racialists"? I think it is.

10-26-2009, 04:24 PM
It most certainly is, there's no such thing as a "European ethnicity". To complicate matters-consider how people who have created colonies on the other side of the world with huge gaping differences to their original ethnicities are welcomed-even if they have no political or ideological similarities with most members-yet someone from the edges of Europe with a culture that may resemble some European cultures in some aspects is shunned-even if they have similar interests.

It's all about racialism inherently-whether you want to call yourself a socialist or not-the forum is racialist from the outset. There may be ethnonationalist members-but they are within the scope of racialist first.

But this forum has never made such a claim either. Blame it on the limits of the English language this time please in terms of how the forum title reads perhaps. But I think it is quite clear when spending a considerable length of time here that the forum's title implies the various ethnicities found in Europe. I've been here for near a year and I've yet to read anybody making claims that there is such an animal as "European ethnicity"!

10-26-2009, 04:25 PM
Okay Gustaphus Adolphus can come back now!! :wink

Arrow Cross
10-26-2009, 04:53 PM
Thank you, I think that's all I need to say.

Oh, and if you'd please re-set my old name...

10-26-2009, 04:55 PM
Since this forum is now established and has managed to prove itself as a community of reasonable people, there is little point in retaining this rule. From now on, any political avatars will be allowed.

Still in its black list? :D


10-26-2009, 04:57 PM
Still in its black list? :D


Rape is not a laughing matter. ;)

10-26-2009, 04:59 PM
Rape is not a laughing matter. ;)

What if you're raping a clown?

10-26-2009, 04:59 PM
Rape is not a laughing matter. ;)

What if it involved gay clowns and Hitler?

10-26-2009, 05:04 PM
What if it involved gay clowns and Hitler?


Gay clowns rape Hitler >> acceptable
Hitler rapes gay clowns >> unacceptable


10-26-2009, 05:05 PM
Sexy crime:

Gay clowns rape Hitler >> acceptable

Hate crime:

Hitler rapes gay clowns >> unacceptable


10-26-2009, 05:07 PM
Sexy hate crime: Gay clowns donkey punch Hitler.

10-26-2009, 05:13 PM
donkey punch
Do I dare look that one up? :confused::eek::sherlock:

10-26-2009, 05:16 PM
Do I dare look that one up? :confused::eek::sherlock:

Please do and then you can tell me what it means! :P :D

Arrow Cross
10-26-2009, 05:18 PM
14/88 kiddoes and NSM clowns, those who subscribe to the "National Socialism" Hollywood presents them, payed disruptors and fellows who think with their rage and impulses never last long on a serious, adult forum at any rate. They weed themselves out by their behaviour.

And whether a single individual forum is a serious, adult place for intelligent discussion... is only up to its members. ;)

10-26-2009, 05:19 PM
Do not click here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Donkey_punch.jpg)

10-26-2009, 05:20 PM
It's very easy to see who really do care about the image this forum projects to the outside. :) We have been here before, in another setting: certain people like to abuse any and every freedom they are given, to push limits and be destructive to maximum extent. To such people, strict rules are a better environment than freedom.

10-26-2009, 05:27 PM
"attempting a Donkey Punch can lead to ... unpleasant outcomes," including "injury, death, or incarceration;" :eek:

10-26-2009, 05:33 PM
"attempting a Donkey Punch can lead to ... unpleasant outcomes," including "injury, death, or incarceration;" :eek:

Catholic girls can deliver hefty punches, I have noticed. ;)

10-26-2009, 05:34 PM
Catholic girls can deliver hefty punches, I have noticed. ;)

What are they doing 'back there'? :mmmm:

10-26-2009, 05:37 PM
I wonder if Hitler would laugh...:chin:;)

Anyway, IMO the avatars should at least be funny in deference to the wishes of the owners of the forum. Unless, of course, one actually is one of those elusive creatures known as a Hitlerian NaziSozi...in which case I, myself (and for one) would like to be able to identify you with as much immediacy as you are willing to give. :D

10-26-2009, 05:39 PM
I wonder if Hitler would laugh...:chin:;)

Anyway, IMO the avatars should at least be funny in deference to the wishes of the owners of the forum. Unless, of course, one actually is one of those elusive creatures known as a Hitlerian NaziSozi...in which case I, myself (and for one) would like to be able to identify you with as much immediacy as you are willing to give. :D


Electronic God-Man
10-26-2009, 05:44 PM
I wonder if Hitler would laugh...:chin:;)

Anyway, IMO the avatars should at least be funny in deference to the wishes of the owners of the forum. Unless, of course, one actually is one of those elusive creatures known as a Hitlerian NaziSozi...in which case I, myself (and for one) would like to be able to identify you with as much immediacy as you are willing to give. :D

Here I am. What are you going to do about it! :mad:

Arrow Cross
10-26-2009, 05:44 PM
Unless, of course, one actually is one of those elusive creatures known as a Hitlerian NaziSozi...
One doesn't need to be a Hitlerist to appreciate the man's political insight and historical deeds. In many respects, we ought to learn from Hitler's mistakes, but in many others, he deserves credit as an extraordinary statesman.

10-26-2009, 05:51 PM
One doesn't need to be a Hitlerist to appreciate the man's political insight and historical deeds. In many respects, we ought to learn from Hitler's mistakes, but in many others, he deserves credit as an extraordinary statesman.

Cool story, bro.


Arrow Cross
10-26-2009, 06:01 PM
Cool story, bro.


You go, kid!

10-26-2009, 06:02 PM
Here I am. What are you going to do about it! :mad:

Ask you lots and lots and lots of questions:D.

Electronic God-Man
10-26-2009, 06:11 PM
Ask you lots and lots and lots of questions:D.

You can start by asking how I make such delicious Gingerbread Untermenschen. :p

10-26-2009, 06:14 PM
7M Germans for 6M Jews
You forget 20M Bolsheviks.

10-26-2009, 06:18 PM
You forget 20M Bolsheviks.
I doubt more than 500,000 of the Russians whose lives you cynically gloat over the taking of there were real clued-up card-carrying Communists.

10-26-2009, 06:20 PM
I doubt more than 500,000 of the Russians whose lives you cynically gloat over the taking of there were real clued-up card-carrying Communists.
Didn't see you questioning the 6M Jews either.

10-26-2009, 06:28 PM
I don't care about them, particularly, though do see it as a shameless exaggeration.

10-26-2009, 06:28 PM
On a lighter note:

10-26-2009, 06:29 PM
On a lighter note:


10-26-2009, 06:56 PM
You can start by asking how I make such delicious Gingerbread Untermenschen. :p

Soten! You've changed uhmm your look!! :P

10-26-2009, 07:01 PM
One doesn't need to be a Hitlerist to appreciate the man's political insight and historical deeds.

'Hitlerism' = 3rd Reich Esotericism/Rosenbergian philosophical dictum; which is the only thing really appreciable... unless one values an utterly dead political ideology that will never again see the light of day, or a primary historical legacy of being the catylyst for millions of unnecessary deaths ('necessary' being defined and determined as what was necessary to achieve the expressed aims of the Reich, by the Reich, itself).

In many respects, we ought to learn from Hitler's mistakes,

To what end...?

but in many others, he deserves credit as an extraordinary statesman.

True by definition of "extraordinary". What, precisely, about his extraordinary statesmanship should be praised?

Arrow Cross
10-26-2009, 07:18 PM
'Hitlerism' = 3rd Reich Esotericism/Rosenbergian philosophical dictum; which is the only thing really appreciable... unless one values an utterly dead political ideology that will never again see the light of day, or a primary historical legacy of being the catylyst for millions of unnecessary deaths ('necessary' being defined and determined as what was necessary to achieve the expressed aims of the Reich, by the Reich, itself).
Hitlerism is simply the characteristicly German application of nationalism and socialism, much like Fascism is an Italian form of NS. Blaming the war dead on not only one side, but one ideology, is simply an unhistoric approach, one we all got used to from liberal mouthpieces.

To what end...?
To the end that third positionists of the future will drop petty chauvinism and adopt a Pan-European stance instead of Pan-German or Pan-Slav feud-fueling. If we are ever to defeat the global capitalist world menace, if we are ever to stop the racial tragedy, then it is important to remember where Hitler was wrong, and start working together.

True by definition of "extraordinary". What, precisely, about his extraordinary statesmanship should be praised?
Lifting his nation from a cultural and economic chaos and depression, uniting his Volk in the spirit of nationalism and socialism, greatly reducing social differences and increasing cohesion, regaining the territories lost in an unjust "peace" treaty and even aiding former allies in that respect, while serving as a counter-balance to the ever-growing cultural influence and threat of two global ideas we know all too well; Bolshevism and finance Capitalism.

10-26-2009, 07:29 PM
Socialism doesn't have anything to do with race. Hitler was also a socialist. It is an economic philosophy.

And no, this forum is not racialist, regardless of your view on the matter. Is it not possible for people to care about their roots, heritage and culture, without being branded "racialists"? I think it is.

Words are words-we give them connotations. Whoever wants to look at racialist as a bad word can do so if he wishes. However, "Racialism is an emphasis on race or racial considerations."-that's what I go by, what's practised on the forum is not nationalism rather-racialism, hence "pure this", "whiter than you that" and fraternity even when there otherwise is none.

I never said it's a bad thing, or a good thing. But I do believe that you inadvertantly lying to others just to boost forum ratings is a bad thing. This forum is a racialist forum, most people here are racial nationalists. Deal with it.
It's not about ethnicity, it's about a group of ethnicities-hence a race

By the way, someone asked where this forum claims that European is an ethnicity, well, it's hinted. This forum claims to be about "ethnic preservation" but at the same time it's more racialist than individual ethno nationalist.

There we are.

10-26-2009, 07:39 PM
Hitlerism is simply the characteristicly German application of nationalism and socialism, much like Fascism is an Italian form of NS.

Well, yes, it would have to be that as well; but 'Hitlerism' is certainly more than the sum of its nationalistic and socialist parts: the juxtaposition of Jew and Aryan as the engine of the regime cannot play second fiddle in an intellectually honest discussion. In Hitler's mind, "International Jewry" played a bigger role than the total of every bullet fired over the course of the war; and the redemption of the Germanic Race Soul an even larger one than that.

Blaming the war dead on not only one side, but one ideology, is simply an unhistoric approach,

People die in war. Lots of people. But I think, regardless of the reasons, that it is pretty obvious who started the war and who is the catalyst of a pronounced numner of unnecessary deaths (as previously defined): Catalyst One that precipitates a process or event, especially without being involved in or changed by the consequences. - by this definition, Hitler was not only the catalyst, but the mind behind the most detrimental movement in European history - in spite of original intentions on his behalf.

one we all got used to from liberal mouthpieces.

Plenty of objective right-ists have come to similar conclusions, though; so, by and large, this is a genetic fallacy that works on those with whom the force is weak:D;).

To the end that third positionists of the future will drop petty chauvinism and adopt a Pan-European stance instead of Pan-German or Pan-Slav feud-fueling. If we are ever to defeat the global capitalist world menace, if we are ever to stop the racial tragedy, then it is important to remember where Hitler was wrong, and start working together.

I agree, but I guess I am still curious what you think that he was wrong about.

Arrow Cross
10-26-2009, 08:01 PM
International Jewry did play a huge part in inciting European conflicts and wars, and this is not a new development. In World War II, they agitated the whole world against the Axis, stressing that there can be no peace, no compromise, until we are bombed to dust and our enemies are marching through our cities. Healthy, nationalistic, souvereign states are not beneficial for a race of outsiders, because they will be correctly recognized as such, and will not be allowed to excercise much (if any at all) political control.

However, Hitler went too far in his German nationalism, so much that it turned into a severe case of chauvinism. That's why he launched his offensives to the East into Poland and the Soviet Union, and even a people suffering under the plow of Stalin's Bolshevik regime couldn't be won to his cause by going there as open colonists.

It is this mindset that was majorly flawed, and not his political system. Many National Socialists all around Europe opposed Operation Barbarossa, including top German leaders like Goebbels. But he ultimately failed to perceive the forces he was up against, and he also intervented way too many times when he should have trusted his excellent military experts like Guderian, Rommel or Manstein.

That's it, in a nutshell. I'm personally not a fan of the NSDAP's church-politics either, and their emphasis on blood was also a bit too heavy, but these did not cause its downfall, and would have softened up by time.

10-26-2009, 08:55 PM
But I do believe that you inadvertantly lying to others just to boost forum ratings is a bad thing. This forum is a racialist forum, most people here are racial nationalists. Deal with it.
It's not about ethnicity, it's about a group of ethnicities-hence a race

I am not lying, I am saying it as it is. If you have a different interpretation, it doesn't necessarily mean you are right and I am wrong. Who made you the sole arbiter of these matters?

This forum is about European culture. I doubt that makes it "racialist" by default, but if that's how you reason, then have fun with it. Just don't expect everyone else to agree with you.

By the way, someone asked where this forum claims that European is an ethnicity, well, it's hinted. This forum claims to be about "ethnic preservation" but at the same time it's more racialist than individual ethno nationalist.

There we are.

European is not an ethnicity, but consists of various ethnicities. What is so hard to understand about this?

Arrow Cross
10-26-2009, 09:20 PM


Now, imagine a poor lil' innocent startled Scandinavian housewife bumping in here in incognito to learn more about the issues she also has in the depths of her heart, and notices an ADMINISTRATVS MAXIMVS sporting a signature of lesbian Nazi babes.


10-26-2009, 09:25 PM


Now, imagine a poor lil' innocent startled Scandinavian housewife bumping in here in incognito to learn more about the issues she also has in the depths of her heart, and notices an ADMINISTRATVS MAXIMVS sporting a signature of lesbian Nazi babes.


Never mind that! What about a poor little Canadian housewife?!!! Ye gods!! :D

10-26-2009, 09:39 PM


Now, imagine a poor lil' innocent startled Scandinavian housewife bumping in here in incognito to learn more about the issues she also has in the depths of her heart, and notices an ADMINISTRATVS MAXIMVS sporting a signature of lesbian Nazi babes.


Never mind that - it's just random passers by that are going to see this over my shoulder. LOKI!!!!! :mad:

10-26-2009, 10:00 PM
Bring on the house wives!

10-26-2009, 10:28 PM
I approve of Loki's signature. :thumb001:

10-26-2009, 10:56 PM
Loki's signature, Ulf's avatar.........that's me signed up as a card carrying National Socialist!:D

Arrow Cross
10-26-2009, 11:13 PM
Heck, it even has its marketing value... hmm, maybe we should upload a few of these pics into our youngest forum group? (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/group.php?groupid=79) :naughty2:

10-26-2009, 11:31 PM


Now, imagine a poor lil' innocent startled Scandinavian housewife bumping in here in incognito to learn more about the issues she also has in the depths of her heart, and notices an ADMINISTRATVS MAXIMVS sporting a signature of lesbian Nazi babes.


You would'nt have posted that post if for one second you thought Aemma and Foxy posed together for that picture...:)