View Full Version : Roma parents' children taken away and given to gay couple

05-24-2014, 09:00 PM
Slovak parents fail to block adoption by gay couple (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-27552716)


Two Slovakian parents have failed to block the adoption of two of their sons by a same sex couple in Kent.

The Catholic couple, who are of Roma origin, argued their two young children would grow up alienated from their family and community.

Taking the case to the High Court, they accused the local authority of social engineering by attempting to turn the children white and middle class.

An earlier hearing heard evidence they had neglected their children.


In what the judge described as a "very sad case", the boys - aged two and four - were put up for adoption because of concerns about the couple's parenting.

Mrs Justice Theis had found them unwilling to acknowledge the criticisms or to change how they parented their children.

The court heard the boys' older siblings' school attendance was poor, that they were left alone and "over-chastised" - the father admitted he had beaten them - and sometimes appeared dirty and unkempt.

The judge had ruled the younger boys should be adopted, for their long-term welfare.

She said that any adoption placement should be "sensitive to their needs and identity".

But the parents argued the current plan - to place them with a gay couple - did not fulfil this.

At the High Court earlier this month the parents accused Kent County Council of a "conscious deliberate effort... to transform our children from Slovak Roma children to English middle-class children".

They claimed homosexuality was not recognised by the Roma community. Gay marriage has been condemned by Catholic bishops in Slovakia.

Adoption by a same sex couple could cause their children psychological harm in the future, they argued.

"If as expected our children will try to find us and their siblings and roots, then they will discover huge differences between our culture and the way they've been brought up," they said in statements to the court.

"This is likely to cause them great upset and to suffer a conflict within themselves such as to set them against their adoptive parents."

However in his judgement - made public on Friday - Sir James Munby, the most senior judge in the Family Court, said the couple had no grounds in law to appeal.

He added that while any judge should "respect the opinions of those who come here from a foreign land", he had to judge matters according to English law and by reference to "the standards of reasonable men and women in contemporary English society".

'Cultural misunderstanding'

The parents are appealing to the European Court of Human Rights, although it is likely it will take months before their case is heard.

Lucie Boddington, from Děti Patří Rodičům - or Children Belong to Parents - a Slovakian charity which has been supporting the couple, said she hoped the Slovak government would request the case be heard more quickly.

She told the BBC the parents were "desperate" and had cried openly when they heard the judge's decision.

"This is I think in some way a cultural misunderstanding," she said.

"In Slovakia, they were a model family - very different from the way some Roma live. The father is hard-working, well-educated; he wanted the best for his children."

05-24-2014, 09:43 PM
If the Roma parents were neglecting/abusing the child, I don't see any issue here frankly.

05-24-2014, 09:46 PM
Good news, if the gipsyes will start to be gay and stop reproducing, the world will be a better place.

05-24-2014, 09:48 PM
they just want some compensation that is all, they dont care where their kids go

05-24-2014, 09:52 PM
If the Roma parents were neglecting/abusing the child, I don't see any issue here frankly.


05-24-2014, 09:54 PM
inb4 Bruce Lee & racism against romas

05-24-2014, 09:57 PM
The only way to integrate gypsies is to take their newly born kids and raise them in a normal environment. This way their fucked up culture will be destroyed in time.

05-24-2014, 09:59 PM
they just want some compensation that is all, they dont care where their kids go

You think so?

How did you guys come up to this conclusion? Have you ever lived among roma?

05-24-2014, 10:00 PM
You think so?

How did you guys come up to this conclusion? Have you ever lived among roma?


05-24-2014, 10:01 PM
Slovak ?? What silly retards these journalists are.

05-24-2014, 10:01 PM
"White and Middle class" well then don't bring them to England :confused:

05-24-2014, 10:02 PM
The kids will probably have a better childhood with the gays than their real parents :shrug:

La Misse
05-24-2014, 10:23 PM
Guys stop it, there are roma people who love their children! ^.^

05-25-2014, 12:08 AM
Guys stop it, there are roma people who love their children! ^.^

sure they do, their children pay for their shit.

It fucking hurts when u see 1year oldswith their mothers begging . It pains me to see a baby 5 months old burning in the sun just so their mother can get more money from begging, its fucking disgusting that these kids from babies are taught like that.. People like to be political correct, but u havent seen the majority of these people, they change diapers on the bus, they do disgusting things, they have absolutely no morals, absolutely no long term plans, the longest they think ahead is 15 minutes after

05-25-2014, 06:55 AM
Slovak ?? What silly retards these journalists are.

They're Slovakian citizens. I don't understand your comment.

05-25-2014, 06:59 AM
sure they do, their children pay for their shit.

It fucking hurts when u see 1year oldswith their mothers begging . It pains me to see a baby 5 months old burning in the sun just so their mother can get more money from begging, its fucking disgusting that these kids from babies are taught like that.. People like to be political correct, but u havent seen the majority of these people, they change diapers on the bus, they do disgusting things, they have absolutely no morals, absolutely no long term plans, the longest they think ahead is 15 minutes after

You probably didn't read this article very well. This is no typical Roma family, but they're actually hard-working and seem economically prosperous.

05-25-2014, 07:17 AM
I don't care if the parents were Roma or Martians. Being a legally sound parent is not a right to be waived; it's a requirement. Better these children go to a couple who will love them and care for them.

I mean honestly, the gall of those people. They're complaining about the adoption system not being "sensitive to their [the children's] needs and identity". Yet how sensitive to their own children's needs were they?

05-25-2014, 09:31 AM
i dont have a strong opinion on this. if they abused their children it makes sense that they were taken away from them for their welfare.

Neon Knight
05-25-2014, 07:05 PM
Gay couples should not be allowed to adopt children - that is the outrageous aspect here.