View Full Version : Russian Folk Painting Styles

05-31-2014, 01:12 PM
Gorodets Painting (Городецкая роспись)

Gorodets painting (Городецкая роспись in Russian) is one of the folk arts and crafts of Russia, and a phenomenon of the so-called naive art.

Gorodets painting sprang from carved Gorodets distaffs that were manufactured in villages nearby Gorodets town in the Nizhni Novgorod Region.

Initially Gorodets craftsmen used the incrustation technique to ornament the distaffs. The mid 19th century saw the transition from incrustation to painting of Distaff.

Gorodets artists traditionally paint genre scenes (merrymaking, tea drinking, the famous Gorodets horse with a horseman, and folk festivities), decorative images of birds and animals (roosters, horses, lions, leopards, etc.) and flower patterns.

Nowadays Gorodets craftsmen use similar imagery and motifs in their works. These are decorative panels, caskets, boxes, various sets of kitchen stuff, such as hardboards, bread bins, saltcellars, etc., as well as children furniture and toys, including the most popular painted rocking horse.

The factory 'Gorodets Painting' existing from 1965 has got an experimental laboratory, where new genre compositions are devised. Along with preserving the artistic tradition and stylistic, dating to the 19th century, modern Gorodets painting keeps developing.






Mezen Painting

Mezen painting on wood - the type of painting utensils - spinning wheels, buckets, boxes, formed by the beginning of XIX century in the lower reaches of the river Mezen. Mezen is located in the Arkhangelsk region, between the two largest rivers in Northern Europe, North Dvina and Pechora, on the border of the taiga and tundra.

The style of Mezen painting can be attributed to the most archaic forms of painting. Items thickly covered with a fractional pattern - stars, crosses, dashes, made in two colors: black - soot and red - "earth colors" ocher. The main reasons for geometric ornament - solar discs, diamonds, crosses - reminiscent of similar elements of the triangular-notched thread.
Among the ornaments - friezes of stylized schematic images of horses and deer, which begin and terminate at the boundaries of the subject. Made of black and red colors, figures of animals seems to appear out of the geometrical ornament. All images are static and only through repeated many times there comes a sense of dynamics.

Mezen painting one of the most ancient Russian arts and crafts. Its origin is lost in the remote ages of the initial formation of the Slavic tribes.

The origins of characters Mezen painting primarily lie in the mythological worldview of the people of the ancient north. The three tiers - the three worlds (the lower, middle, and upper or underground, ground and sky). In Mezen painting the lower and middle tiers filled with deer and horses. Upper tier - the birds. Swirls of black and red horses in tiers may also mean the worlds of the dead and the living. Placed around the horses and deer are numerous solar symbols emphasize their heavenly origin. The image of the horse of the peoples of the Russian North is also the guardian (the horse on the roof), as well as a symbol of the sun, fertility, the source of life's blessings.






North Dvina Painting

This style of painting was conceived in the area of the North Dvina river. It included a lot of symbols. A composition of these elements create a unique painting. Frequently used symbols and motifs like the tree of life, bird Siriu, lion, griffin, bear, mermaid. Colors – white background and red, green and yellow elements with black strokes.







Khokhloma or Khokhloma painting (Хохлома, Хохломская роспись) is the name of a Russian wood painting handicraft style and national ornament, known for its vivid flower patterns, red and gold colors over a black background, and the effect it has when applied to wooden tableware or furniture, making it look heavier and metal-like.






10-29-2014, 08:04 PM
More Gorodets painting style:

https://scontent-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/1546173_365252836964604_6808257254296803991_n.jpg? oh=018d8a369c1a690b9b2239036d6f4022&oe=54EFC5F8

https://scontent-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10420153_365252786964609_4551776054741444013_n.jpg ?oh=2e733dd62980ee19e0e82a0c6fb90abb&oe=54DE40C6

https://scontent-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10403494_365252856964602_89080445689390900_n.jpg?o h=6ff7c69e14a6eb4c1d92becac11060a5&oe=54EF2E4E

https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10405471_365252876964600_4361677122625141882_n.jpg ?oh=940423565ad771a360628102b75a86a3&oe=54ACC9E7&__gda__=1423653471_ad9f77824e83785802c92457e791b20 0