View Full Version : Classify these newsreaders from Colombia's two main channels "RCN" and "Caracol"

Tooting Carmen
06-01-2014, 08:29 PM
Whiter-than-average to an extent, but within the spectrum generally. N.B. A general classification will do, you don't have to classify them individually.
http://blogs.elespectador.com/otromundoesposible/files/2009/11/NOTICIAS-CARACOL-FIN-DE-SEMANA-15.JPGhttp://ratingcolombiacsa.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/luz-elena-ramos.jpghttp://i0.wp.com/lafiscalia.com/wp-content/uploads/laura-hernandez-caracol.jpg?resize=280%2C280https://mail.canalcaracol.com/prensa/FOTOS%20PRODUCCIONES%20CANAL%20CARACOL/NOTICIAS%20CARACOL/PERSONAJES/MALU%20Y%20JORGE%20ALFREDO/MALU%20Y%20JORGE%20ALFREDO%20NUEVO%20SET%20(3).jpg https://mail.canalcaracol.com/prensa/fotos%20producciones%20canal%20caracol/NOTICIAS%20CARACOL/PERSONAJES/LUZ%20ELENA%20RAMOS%20Y%20JOSE%20FERNANDO%20PATINO/LUZ%20ELENA%20RAMOS%20Y%20JOSE%20FERNANDO%20PATINO %20(3).JPGhttps://mail.canalcaracol.com/prensa/fotos%20producciones%20canal%20caracol/NOTICIAS%20CARACOL/PERSONAJES/VANESSA%20DE%20LA%20TORRE%20-%20JUAN%20DIEGO%20ALVIRA/VANESSA%20DE%20LA%20TORRE%20-%20JUAN%20DIEGO%20ALVIRA%20(1).jpghttps://mail.canalcaracol.com/prensa/FOTOS%20PRODUCCIONES%20CANAL%20CARACOL/NOTICIAS%20CARACOL/PERSONAJES/LUZ%20ELENA%20RAMOS/LUZ%20ELENA%20RAMOS%20(10).JPGhttps://mail.canalcaracol.com/prensa/fotos%20producciones%20canal%20caracol/NOTICIAS%20CARACOL/PERSONAJES/JOSE%20FERNANDO%20PATINO/JOSE%20FERNANDO%20PATINO%20(42).jpghttp://st.elespectador.co/files/imagecache/560_width_display/images/201203/3cdb70141e584b8fc862e665d086bed2.jpghttp://terra.blog.terra.com.co/files/2008/06/alvarogarcia.jpghttp://www.tvenlatino.tv/images/programas/rcn.jpghttp://khristdavi.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/noticias_rcn_320.jpghttp://www.elfrente.com.co/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/185.jpghttp://www.rcnnuestratele.co/images/fotos/original/8297859.pnghttp://i.ytimg.com/vi/bMc6QzMj4qg/0.jpghttp://i1.ytimg.com/vi/6YECJHDGAmM/hqdefault.jpghttp://www.ica.gov.co/getattachment/bbcc4352-4d56-4b44-9549-1cdd3e1d4be5/Colombia-libre-de-fiebre-aftosa.aspxhttp://www.tusemanario.com/files/images/Rating-Television-Colombia-sabado11-de-febrero-de-2012-Sabados-Felices-01.jpghttp://www.radiouno.com.co/wp-content/themes/radiouno/timthumb/timthumb.php?src=http://www.radiouno.com.co/wp-content/media/laura-acuna-mundos-opuestos-1.jpg&w=450&h=300&a=c&zc=1http://buenosmomentos.ennovva.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/600x480/vicky_davila_1368809631.jpg

06-01-2014, 09:07 PM
White and castizo on average and one Afro-Colombian woman who looks coastal West African.

Tooting Carmen
06-01-2014, 09:39 PM
Anyone else?

06-03-2014, 07:00 AM
From left to right:

Balanced mestiza, indo-mestizo, harnizo, triracial woman with strong SSA facial traits (particularly in the mouth area, and despite of her light skin), indo-mestiza (with maybe some residual SSA), indo-mestiza (with maybe some residual SSA) , balanced mestiza (with maybe some residual SSA), black African, balanced mestizo, balanced mestizo, almost fully white castiza.

From which part of Colombia are they from?? I am surprised that harnizos and castizos don't predominate as would be expected in Bogota, and to a less extent, in Medellin. I think that group of newsreaders are darker, as group, than average Andean Colombians.

Tooting Carmen
06-03-2014, 03:15 PM
From left to right:

Balanced mestiza, indo-mestizo, harnizo, triracial woman with strong SSA facial traits (particularly in the mouth area, and despite of her light skin), indo-mestiza (with maybe some residual SSA), indo-mestiza (with maybe some residual SSA) , balanced mestiza (with maybe some residual SSA), black African, balanced mestizo, balanced mestizo, almost fully white castiza.

From which part of Colombia are they from?? I am surprised that harnizos and castizos don't predominate as would be expected in Bogota, and to a less extent, in Medellin. I think that group of newsreaders are darker, as group, than average Andean Colombians.

I think they are mainly from Bogota, but they come from all over the country. And no way are they darker than average Andean Colombians. Lol.

06-03-2014, 05:19 PM
They remind me of Venezuelans. :thumb001:

06-03-2014, 10:46 PM
I think they are mainly from Bogota, but they come from all over the country. And no way are they darker than average Andean Colombians. Lol.

As you already said: "they come from all over the country", then they are representative for ALL Colombia, but NOT for the Colombian Andes.

I didn't pay much attention to the other pics, but judging by the first picture, I see too many indo-mestizos (who would be more common in Narino or in the Colombian Llanos), and too many persons with some degree of SSA admixture (FIVE to be more exact, including the fully black woman).

As long as I know, most Andean Colombians (exception made of the Narino department, in the border with Ecuador, where the Amerindian element is stronger) fall into the balanced-mestizo/harnizo/castizo/white range of phenotypes. And people with predominantly Amerindian background, as well as people with some degree of African heritage, (let alone, fully black people), are almost absent.

That's why I think that they, as group, do NOT represent the average racial composition of most of the Colombian Andes. Only five of them would fit into the common range of phenotypes that predominate in the Colombian Andes, and they would be the three balanced mestizos, the harnizo guy, and the almost fully white castiza woman on the very right of the picture.

06-03-2014, 11:03 PM
They remind me of Venezuelans. :thumb001:

LOL! I assume that ALL OF THEM remind you the range of phenotypes of Venezuelans, including the balanced mestizos and the castizo woman, right?? Because there are also plenty of Venezuelans who are balanced mestizos, harnizos, castizos, or whites.:thumb001:

Tooting Carmen
11-30-2014, 11:54 AM

Tooting Carmen
12-30-2014, 07:13 PM

12-30-2014, 07:21 PM
from some pics it looks like a tv from Austria or somewhere in Central Eruope

Tooting Carmen
12-30-2014, 07:24 PM
from some pics it looks like a tv from Austria or somewhere in Central Eruope

LOL, which?

08-25-2018, 07:44 AM
Mainly Balanced Mestizos.