View Full Version : Antidepressants - are they harmful?

06-02-2014, 08:38 PM
Do antidepressants really ruin your brain?
What is your opinion people?

I have read many opinions, some people say it's just a placebo (!), some other people say it leaves you in even worse condition than you were before the medication.
I mean, while you were taking the drug it was fine, you felt better, but after dropping... a nightmare.

What do you think?

06-02-2014, 08:43 PM
O noble one, were you in a worse condition after taking them?

06-02-2014, 08:48 PM
They make you dumb basically. I was on one type of SSRI for more than a year, the withdrawal when I decided to come off it was horrible and lasted about 4 weeks.

06-02-2014, 08:51 PM
It can certainly be. It depends on how the individual reacts to the specific medication.

The Lawspeaker
06-02-2014, 08:51 PM
The three only real proper antidepressants are not harmful: sex, being active and sunshine.

The rest has some side effects.

06-02-2014, 08:53 PM
O noble one, were you in a worse condition after taking them?

I still am, after 5 months of not taking anything.

The Lawspeaker
06-02-2014, 08:59 PM

Waking up next to your better half and opening the windows to this view would cure your depression right away.

06-02-2014, 09:00 PM

Waking up next to your better half and opening the windows to this view would cure your depression right away.

Then explain why my mom had depression?

The Lawspeaker
06-02-2014, 09:01 PM
Then explain why my mom had depression?

I don't know but here in Northern Europe most depression is definitely seasonal.

06-02-2014, 09:02 PM

Waking up next to your better half and opening the windows to this view would cure your depression right away.

Partially for sure, but I don't think it is that simple.

The Lawspeaker
06-02-2014, 09:06 PM
Partially for sure, but I don't think it is that simple.

You could at least try. I remember that wealthier Northern Europeans moved south during winter. They went to France, Spain, Italy etc.

06-02-2014, 09:08 PM
I will move somewhere else for sure, but later. I think I will stay there forever.

06-02-2014, 09:17 PM
Like all drugs, anti depressants change your brain chemistry. Brain gets used to excess serotonin.

06-02-2014, 09:18 PM
Like all drugs, anti depressants change your brain chemistry. Brain gets used to excess serotonin.

But after some period of time, it all passes, right?

06-02-2014, 09:23 PM
Well, paroxetine can make you impotent. Some others could even lead you to suicide. But I guess it depends on who's is taking them.

06-02-2014, 09:25 PM
But after some period of time, it all passes, right?
I suppose it recovers somewhat. I don't think the brain ever recovers as if drug use never happened.

06-02-2014, 09:25 PM
Any more info? Suicide because of what?

I suppose it recovers somewhat. I don't think the brain ever recovers as if drug use never happened.

What if it wasn't a long usage?

06-02-2014, 09:39 PM
Any more info? Suicide because of what?

What if it wasn't a long usage?

I will tell you about my story.

I was misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder a couple years ago. I'm an Asperger, but I have very high social functions, I just can't really connect with people. Well it turns out everything was going to the drain for me about 5 or 6 years ago. I was kicked out from the house by my stepfather, I was struggling getting a job and I was under a great deal of social pressure to 'fit in'. So then I was diagnosed with 'bipolar disorder type-2' by some 'specialist'. Then they gave me meds, I got better (less depressed), but I changed a lot in other ways. It wasn't me anymore. I was going to parties, drinking a lot, having one night stands, doing drugs, but at the end of the day it didn't felt right. I couldn't connect with people still. Even in parties they would have a great time with me but I was annoyed, I wanted everything to finish so I could go home. I started losing lots of functions, like my IQ, it dropped A LOT (I got 53 the first time I did my university entry exam, last time I got 83, this time I think I got even higher...), got fat, lost a portion of my sight, I became whinny and moody, acting like a bitch to my girlfriend. God, I was like a different person. Then I decided to go talk with another therapist, she diagnosed me with Asperger (I was first diagnosed by my mom at 4 since she was my teacher but I had my doubts), I quit meds, now i'm the most pragmatical, healthier and athletic version of myself I have ever been. Not to mention very happy.

My advice. Quit meds, seek therapy, good therapy. You're done in 6 months, you'll feel a lot better after a while. Trust me.

06-02-2014, 09:42 PM
Good picture- NorepinephrineDopamineSerotonin

So low serotonin causes sensory dissatisfaction/ insensibility, paranoia, anxiety.

06-02-2014, 09:48 PM
I will tell you about my story.

I was misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder a couple years ago. I'm an Asperger, but I have very high social functions, I just can't really connect with people. Well it turns out everything was going to the drain for me about 5 or 6 years ago. I was kicked out from the house by my stepfather, I was struggling getting a job and I was under a great deal of social pressure to 'fit in'. So then I was diagnosed with 'bipolar disorder type-2' by some 'specialist'. Then they gave me meds, I got better (less depressed), but I changed a lot in other ways. It wasn't me anymore. I was going to parties, drinking a lot, having one night stands, doing drugs, but at the end of the day it didn't felt right. I couldn't connect with people still. Even in parties they would have a great time with me but I was annoyed, I wanted everything to finish so I could go home. I started losing lots of functions, like my IQ, it dropped A LOT (I got 53 the first time I did my university entry exam, last time I got 83, this time I think I got even higher...), got fat, lost a portion of my sight, I became whinny and moody, acting like a bitch to my girlfriend. God, I was like a different person. Then I decided to go talk with another therapist, she diagnosed me with Asperger (I was first diagnosed by my mom at 4 since she was my teacher but I had my doubts), I quit meds, now i'm the most pragmatical, healthier and athletic version of myself I have ever been. Not to mention very happy.

My advice. Quit meds, seek therapy, good therapy. You're done in 6 months, you'll feel a lot better after a while. Trust me.

Thank you very much for what you wrote.
All those 'specialists' I tell you, they only want to get this over with asap.
Almost every polish 'specialist' is like this, they give you the heaviest drugs, take your money and you are on your own.

I was taking some light SSRI, rather small doses - for the period of 6 months.
I am 'sober' since January, and I am not sure if I feel any better.
Still wondering if I was feeling better before the therapy or now, guess I will never know for sure.

I hope my brain isn't damaged yet, lol.

I guess even this fucking meditation and other shit will do better than recommended 'specialist' after all...

06-02-2014, 09:49 PM
I think the speedy ones are harmful. effexor, ritalin etc. The other ones like wellbutrin are bad because they boost your dopamine levels and if you get off them your body will crash and maybe not produce enough dopamine anymore. It sort of turns people into drug addicts. I think they really should be used as a last resort. Knew a girl who took mild anti-psychotic meds (meds that are proven over long term to cause brain damage) and she was retarded and messed up as hell. Anti-psychotics are really dangerous. Never taken them myself fortunately.

They are way over prescribed to people. They are an easy option.

I know when I was on wellbutrin I would get really manic/aggressive. I'd start fights and just be crazy aggressive all the time. I'd get really bad panic attacks as well while on that stuff. Severe flight or fight responses going 24/7. So the doctors answer to that was to prescribe even more medication (zoloft) and that just made me feel apathetic and even more depressed.

I'm not on anything anymore and I feel great.

A lot of what makes people depressed or mentally fucked up is circumstance and not some BS chemical imbalance. (They have no test to show you are chemically imbalanced. It's all BS). It's all a load of crap.

06-02-2014, 09:50 PM
Thank you very much for what you wrote.
All those 'specialists' I tell you, they only want to get this over with asap.
Almost every polish 'specialist' is like this, they give you the heaviest drugs, take your money and you are on your own.

I was taking some light SSRI, rather small doses - for the period of 6 months.
I am 'sober' since January, and I am not sure if I feel any better.
Still wondering if I was feeling better before the therapy or now, guess I will never know for sure.

I hope my brain isn't damaged yet, lol.

You can recover. I did. It just takes a lot of time, months, even years. No permanent damage done. Have you been in a mental hospital? Meds do fuck up patients in odd ways over the course of years, not really months.

06-02-2014, 09:52 PM
Good picture- NorepinephrineDopamineSerotonin

So low serotonin causes sensory dissatisfaction/ insensibility, paranoia, anxiety.

I'm not sure if I get it but thanks.

06-02-2014, 09:53 PM
You can recover. I did. It just takes a lot of time, months, even years. No permanent damage done. Have you been in a mental hospital? Meds do fuck up patients in odd ways over the course of years, not really months.

Never been in any sort of mental hospital. I was diagnosed with a light depression after all, but I was having a really hard time in my life, both combined = tragedy.
I hope you are right, you must be! :cool:

06-02-2014, 09:58 PM
For my own experience a total shit, i was taking escitolopram during a month, i was only sleeping and sleeping, i was only awake for to eat

06-02-2014, 10:05 PM
Yeah, I think they are. I was on SSRIs for a while and it just made me apathetic. I actually gave less fucks about fixing my problems than I did before, and then I had a few moments where I would just get locked into a very strange state of mood which was impossible for me to get out from. I can't really describe it other than that I felt like absolute shit, but still not sad or depressed or anything. I felt NOTHING really. It was horrible. And then my dick also got quite limp and I overall felt very weak physically, and lacked this feeling of any "manly vigour" what so all. I decided to get off that shit early because of all the side-effects I were having(which everyone has more or less) and a week after I just hadn't felt any better before in a long time. I started lifting weights more frequently and with passion and working on improving my body and mind ever since I stopped and I've never felt better before than I do now. :D

Don't take that shit bro. I am convinced it fucks up your brain. I still felt these side-effects at times for many weeks after. You usually feel bad because, well, your life is bad. You gotta work on it.

06-02-2014, 10:09 PM
I'm not sure if I get it but thanks.
The picture shows what particular chemicals in the brain regulate.

Dopamine is the most pleasurable. Opiates work as dope. Cocaine floods all three. Meth-norepinephrine and dope. MDMA- serotonin and norepinephrine.

06-02-2014, 10:13 PM
I think the speedy ones are harmful. effexor, ritalin etc. The other ones like wellbutrin are bad because they boost your dopamine levels and if you get off them your body will crash and maybe not produce enough dopamine anymore. It sort of turns people into drug addicts. I think they really should be used as a last resort. Knew a girl who took mild anti-psychotic meds (meds that are proven over long term to cause brain damage) and she was retarded and messed up as hell. Anti-psychotics are really dangerous. Never taken them myself fortunately.

They are way over prescribed to people. They are an easy option.

I know when I was on wellbutrin I would get really manic/aggressive. I'd start fights and just be crazy aggressive all the time. I'd get really bad panic attacks as well while on that stuff. Severe flight or fight responses going 24/7. So the doctors answer to that was to prescribe even more medication (zoloft) and that just made me feel apathetic and even more depressed.

I'm not on anything anymore and I feel great.

A lot of what makes people depressed or mentally fucked up is circumstance and not some BS chemical imbalance. (They have no test to show you are chemically imbalanced. It's all BS). It's all a load of crap.

It seems to be a self-propelling mechanism. Fucking sick.

1) tell people they have a problem, prescribe them something to fuck them up, ergo: now they really have a problem.
2) prescribe them another 'magical drug'
3) repeat
4) profit

Specialist response: Feeling sorry for all those naive fuckers who got their brains damaged this way, but hey, doctors need money too!

06-02-2014, 10:19 PM
Yeah, I think they are. I was on SSRIs for a while and it just made me apathetic. I actually gave less fucks about fixing my problems than I did before, and then I had a few moments where I would just get locked into a very strange state of mood which was impossible for me to get out from. I can't really describe it other than that I felt like absolute shit, but still not sad or depressed or anything. I felt NOTHING really. It was horrible. And then my dick also got quite limp and I overall felt very weak physically, and lacked this feeling of any "manly vigour" what so all. I decided to get off that shit early because of all the side-effects I were having(which everyone has more or less) and a week after I just hadn't felt any better before in a long time. I started lifting weights more frequently and with passion and working on improving my body and mind ever since I stopped and I've never felt better before than I do now. :D

Don't take that shit bro. I am convinced it fucks up your brain. I still felt these side-effects at times for many weeks after. You usually feel bad because, well, your life is bad. You gotta work on it.

Yeah, I had the same feeling of total emptiness.
I wasn't happy, I wasn't feeling any better, I just didn't care anymore about anything.
I'm glad I cancelled this, never again.

Physical exercises work very well, that's also true.

06-02-2014, 10:20 PM
It seems to be a self-propelling mechanism. Fucking sick.

1) tell people they have a problem, prescribe them something to fuck them up, ergo: now they really have a problem.
2) prescribe them another 'magical drug'
3) repeat
4) profit

Specialist response: Feeling sorry for all those naive fuckers who got their brains damaged this way, but hey, doctors need money too!

Basically if you feel depressed, there must be a tangible reason for this, is not actually that your brain chemistry is fucked up. And doctors tell you the opposite; you cannot perform well and adapt to your daily life because your brain is fucked up. Instead of solving the real problem. What are the odds for the nature to create a self destructive organism? Not many eh? Fucking pseudo scientific pigs, they just want to sell their meds.

06-02-2014, 10:22 PM
The picture shows what particular chemicals in the brain regulate.

Dopamine is the most pleasurable. Opiates work as dope. Cocaine floods all three. Meth-norepinephrine and dope. MDMA- serotonin and norepinephrine.

Yeah, right, it was a bit unclear at first.
What about acid? Serotonin only?

06-02-2014, 10:26 PM
Basically if you feel depressed, there must be a tangible reason for this, is not actually that your brain chemistry is fucked up. And doctors tell you the opposite; you cannot perform well and adapt to your daily life because your brain is fucked up. Instead of solving the real problem. What are the odds for the nature to create a self destructive organism? Not many eh? Fucking pseudo scientific pigs, they just want to sell their meds.

Hard to blame us, normal people for that shit, the doctors are supposed to actually help people, not help their own inhumane business expand.
One thing is really sick, they must be really rotten and immoral to give this shit to children.
Maybe they even fucked their own brains to the level they don't know anymore.
All for the money.

06-02-2014, 10:28 PM
Never been in any sort of mental hospital. I was diagnosed with a light depression after all, but I was having a really hard time in my life, both combined = tragedy.
I hope you are right, you must be! :cool:

What people don't realise is that after a tragedy it is COMPLETELY NORMAL to feel down. Periods of adjustment DO cause low mood, but its normally transient and lifts after things in your life have stabilised. Whilst anti-depressants can help during this adjustment period more often than not it resolves by itself. I think a lot of doctors don't hesitate to prescribe drugs because people want instant cures and many patients pressure doctors into this. We live a culture of instant gratification. If you can buy a car online in the click of a button, then getting rid of feeling blue at the pop of a pill isn't too much to ask (so goes the thinking of people). People (and doctors) need to realise that human beings are not machines where you can press a button and they are on or off.

Drugs should only be prescribed in moderate or severe circumstances.

06-02-2014, 10:30 PM
What about acid? Serotonin only?
I don't know. I think it's something else. It's halucinogen. Not so much physically euphoric, if at all.

06-04-2014, 03:19 AM
Yes they are bad. Zombie pills.

05-08-2020, 04:49 PM
Trust me they're not worth it. I was on Prozac/Fluoxetine for over 3 years and the positives are minimal, if you have a negative mindset these aren't going to do shit apart from make you feel numb and useless. If you forget to take them for a day or two you'll spiral into mental hell and feel like committing suicide, and if that's not enough once you try to get off them, even slowly, you'll feel awful withdrawal symptoms for weeks. Been off them for over 2 months now and never felt better, meds are not the answer to internal negativity