View Full Version : Slovenian Romani?

06-05-2014, 01:52 PM

These are two handball referees from Slovenia, being discussed among others in another thread here.

To me, the referee on the right looks like a pure Romani. I find this strange as I don't think Slovenia has a Romani community, or am I wrong?

Or is this person Romani at all (I'm no expert at classification)

06-05-2014, 02:14 PM
There are romani people in all european countries. I don't think he looks romani. but he can be. Romani people are mixed with europeans

06-05-2014, 02:28 PM
I find this strange as I don't think Slovenia has a Romani community, or am I wrong?

There are numerous Roma communities in Dolenjska and Prekmurje.

Or is this person Romani at all (I'm no expert at classification)

His name is Nenad Krstič and I can tell you that name is anything but Slovene.

06-05-2014, 02:37 PM
There are numerous Roma communities in Dolenjska and Prekmurje.

His name is Nenad Krstič and I can tell you that name is anything but Slovene.

Well, I think Romani often have local names? The Romanian Romanis I have heard of usually have Romanian first and last names.

The Greek gypsies involved in the "blonde Gypsy baby" case were named Eleftheria Dimopoulou and Christos Salis, quite Greek names.. http://www.news.com.au/world/greek-roma-couple-christos-salis-eleftheria-dimopoulou-seek-release-over-maria/story-fndir2ev-1226747493171

06-05-2014, 03:02 PM
Well, I think Romani often have local names? The Romanian Romanis I have heard of usually have Romanian first and last names.

The Greek gypsies involved in the "blonde Gypsy baby" case were named Eleftheria Dimopoulou and Christos Salis, quite Greek names.. http://www.news.com.au/world/greek-roma-couple-christos-salis-eleftheria-dimopoulou-seek-release-over-maria/story-fndir2ev-1226747493171

That is indeed often the case, although those 'local names' tend to be very specific and thus easily spotted.

The referee OTOH has a typical Balkan name, and, while I don't know the level of your familiarity with Balkanite phenotypes, believe me when I say that he very much looks the part.

06-05-2014, 03:35 PM
To me, the referee on the right looks like a pure Romani.
Doesn't look exactly the purest of Romani, but I agree he could be.

Well, I think Romani often have local names? The Romanian Romanis I have heard of usually have Romanian first and last names.
Slovenian Romani do often have local names, but Nenad Krstič doesn't. Both his first and last name are Serbian; which indicates his descent would from the Romani community from there.

I find this strange as I don't think Slovenia has a Romani community, or am I wrong?
Slovenia does have a Romani community, but a rather small one. Probably the smallest one of all Balkan countries. The thing is though, it can be tricky sometimes to just assume who is and who isn't Gypsy. Sometimes they don't look distinctively Gypsy at all (in the video - the family shown from 0:55-2:40 doesn't look very Roma at all IMO). I guess they have some of our blood as well. What further complicates the distinction is the fact that locals too are capable of producing somewhat "exotic" looking types as well. ;) So, not all atypical wogs are Gypsies, and not all light people are non-Gypsy.
Anyways. heres a video about the Romani community in Slovenia:
