View Full Version : Iraqi Arabic lexical similarities and differences with UAE/Eastern Arabian dialects

06-07-2014, 04:40 AM
This paper is an attempt to prove through comparison that Iraqi Arabic
(of Basrah in particular) and UAE Arabic have a lot in common at the
lexical level, besides the differences, despite being spoken in two
Arab countries that are separated by physical barriers and long
distance, i.e. they are located at the outer edges of the geographical
area (East and North East of Arab Peninsula). The fact that these
dialects are Eastern Arabic dialects explains why they have a lot in
common and why they behave in the same way concerning, for
example, their relation to Standard Arabic and borrowing from the
same foreign languages.

Terms which are replaced by new ones as a result of
modernisation or literacy.

Similar to any other language or dialect, Iraqi and UAE dialects are
undergoing language change, particularly in the field of terms used in
everyday life. This is shown in the replacement of some terms by new
ones. This is happening due to a number of factors such as the
dissemination of education and the impact of the mass media on the
life of people and the desire of people to modernise their language by
moving closer to the standard variety of the Arabic language. The
following are some examples that have started to disappear or are less
used by people in Iraq and the UAE. The number of words that are
shared by both varieties and found in the dictionary is 44. Some of
these words are of foreign origins.
