View Full Version : Classify This Pretty Castiza Colombian Girl

06-09-2014, 04:10 PM
She is from the Colombian Andean city of Manizales, and her European ancestry is more likely all Spanish, as is the case of the vast majority (if not all) of the Colombian castizos. Her full name is Lina Maria Manrique Molina:


Tooting Carmen
06-09-2014, 04:38 PM
80% Euro, 20% Amerindian?

06-09-2014, 06:46 PM
More opinions??

06-09-2014, 08:03 PM
Not castiza, she's harniza

06-09-2014, 08:37 PM
She is Castiza and pass in South Europa

06-09-2014, 08:42 PM
Pred Alpinoid plus minor amerindian.

Very good looking.

06-10-2014, 04:01 AM

06-10-2014, 02:05 PM
2nd Bump

06-10-2014, 06:05 PM
80% Euro, 20% Amerindian?

Are you asking me?? I don't know for certain.

I just found her googling, but you must be right. She must be at least 75-80% European (more likely all Spanish stock in her European ancestry), if not more than that.

06-10-2014, 06:15 PM
all agree with 75-80% Euro

06-10-2014, 06:17 PM
gracile med + alpine mostly ...a little amerindian

she is pretty but a little too fat

06-10-2014, 06:38 PM
Shit those lips.

06-10-2014, 06:45 PM
Shit those lips.

Yeah. She has very hot lips and very beautiful face:thumb001:

06-10-2014, 06:50 PM
She is from the Colombian Andean city of Manizales, and her European ancestry is more likely all Spanish, as is the case of the vast majority (if not all) of the Colombian castizos. Her full name is Lina Maria Manrique Molina:


She might have some morisco ancestry down the line if she's of colonial decent

06-11-2014, 12:56 AM
She might have some morisco ancestry down the line if she's of colonial decent

Como siempre, no podía faltar el troll de turno :picard1:

First of all, most Moriscos, were actually ethnic Spaniards of muslim religion, who were forced to accept christianity to don't be expelled from Spain, but later on, ended up expelled from Spain anyways, due to different rebellions.

Secondly, the vast majority of the expelled moriscos, ended up in the muslim possessions in North Africa, such as Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco, and some of them went to Turkey.

Thirdly, it was expressly prohibited for moriscos to immigrate to the Spanish American possessions.

That doesn't mean that there was not any morisco illegal immigration to Spanish America, but they for sure, were very few, because, as I already said, the vast majority of them established in Northern Africa, and although this prohibition didn't prevent some few Moriscos, to made their way illegally to America, at least, it prevented Moriscos to get there in massive numbers.

Then, is a fact that the vast majority of Spaniards that get established in America during the Colonial era, were old christians of fully Spanish stock, and the few Moriscos who could have made their way to the Americas, were always a ridiculously tiny minority, compared with the vast majority of Cristianos Viejos who went to America.

And as I already said, most of the very few moriscos that could have made their way to the American possessions, more likely were fully ethnic Spaniards, anyways.

Then, according to your trolling reasoning, most white and castizos of Colonial Spanish descent have high chances to be Morisco descendants. LOL

Then explain your theory to the Hispanic Americans from those regions where the vast majority of people have at least more than 60-70% of colonial Spanish ancestry, like those places where a mix of white creoles, harnizos and castizos make up the majority of the population, such as Northern Mexico, the Costa Rican highlands, the Colombian and Venezuelan Andes, Paraguay, Chile, and some parts of Argentina and Uruguay. Explain to all of them that they all have high chances of being Morisco descendants. LOL

And the most funny part of all of this, is that besides of having the big ignorance to assume that there were more Moriscos in America than old Christian Spanish of pure Spaniard stock (which is NOT true), you surely associate Moriscos to ethnic Arabs or North Africans, when they were actually ethnic Spaniards of Muslim religion, converted to Christianity, and later on expelled from Spain. So, that means that you also have to explain to most of the people from all those countries and regions, that in your opinion, they all have high chances to be Arab/North African descendants. LOL

06-11-2014, 01:04 AM
Como siempre, no podía faltar el troll de turno :picard1:

First of all, most Moriscos, were actually ethnic Spaniards of muslim religion, who were forced to accept christianity to don't be expelled from Spain, but later on, ended up expelled from Spain anyways, due to different rebellions.

Secondly, the vast majority of the expelled moriscos, ended up in the muslim possessions in North Africa, such as Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco, and some of them went to Turkey.

Thirdly, it was expressly prohibited for moriscos to immigrate to the Spanish American possessions.

That doesn't mean that there was not any morisco illegal immigration to Spanish America, but they for sure, were very few, because, as I already said, the vast majority of them established in Northern Africa, and although this prohibition didn't prevent some few Moriscos, to made their way illegally to America, at least, it prevented Moriscos to get there in massive numbers.

Then, is a fact that the vast majority of Spaniards that get established in America during the Colonial era, were old christians of fully Spanish stock, and the few Moriscos who could have made their way to the Americas, were always a ridiculously tiny minority, compared with the vast majority of Cristianos Viejos who went to America.

And as I already say, most of the very few moriscos that could have made their way to the American possessions, more likely were fully ethnic Spaniards, anyways.

Then, according to your trolling reasoning, most white and castizos of Colonial Spanish descent have high chances to be Morisco descendants. LOL

Then explain your theory to the Hispanic Americans from those regions where the vast majority of people have at least more than 60-70% of colonial Spanish ancestry, like those places where a mix of white creoles, harnizos and castizos make up the majority of the population, such as Northern Mexico, the Costa Rican highlands, the Colombian and Venezuelan Andes, Paraguay, Chile, and some parts of Argentina and Uruguay. Explain to all of them that they all have high chances of being Morisco descendants. LOL

I'm not even trolling you dude, i've seen various colombians getting tested on 23andme, the vast majority of them came up part north african and middle eastern according to what DNA analysis tells us, you must not forget that a majority of crypto jews also settled in various parts of colombia. Even if they were a minority, they mostly married within their own ethnic group to the point where they managed to repopulate the country thus spreading their genes all over the place.

06-11-2014, 01:17 AM
I'm not even trolling you dude, i've seen various colombians getting tested on 23andme, the vast majority of them came up part north african and middle eastern according to what DNA analysis tells us, you must not forget that a majority of crypto jews also settled in various parts of colombia. Even if they were a minority, they mostly married within their own ethnic group to the point where they managed to repopulate the country thus spreading their genes all over the place.

The same results as obtained in many Spaniards from Spain. And most of that North African and Middle Eastern obtained on 23andme is very minor, and dates back from prehistoric times, and have NOTHING to do with Muslim occupation.

10-07-2014, 03:29 AM

10-07-2014, 03:49 AM
The same results as obtained in many Spaniards from Spain. And most of that North African and Middle Eastern obtained on 23andme is very minor, and dates back from prehistoric times, and have NOTHING to do with Muslim occupation.

Prehistoric? Give me a break! LOL! Then why such variety in percentages? It doesn't genetically make sense. HAS TO BE more recent than this BS "prehistoric" theory.

Not saying it is significant, but it is indeed recent. That just shows you how minor the muslim occupation impacted Iberians. Smallllll footprint.

10-07-2014, 04:12 AM
Prehistoric? Give me a break! LOL! Then why such variety in percentages? It doesn't genetically make sense. HAS TO BE more recent than this BS "prehistoric" theory.

Not saying it is significant, but it is indeed recent. That just shows you how minor the muslim occupation impacted Iberians. Smallllll footprint.

I said most, NOT all. And even if Iroczor was right, and Moriscos did have some more recent north african ancestry than Christian Spaniards, and even if is true that many creoles and castizo Latin Americans have some degree morisco admixture, that does NOT mean at all that their European ancestry is mostly moriscan, nor it means that they have more morisco ancestry than "genuinely Spanish" ancestry. And all this, assuming that there was a significant genetic difference between Moriscos and regular Spaniards, which I do NOT think it was the case.

07-14-2015, 11:06 PM

02-08-2018, 04:07 PM
alípne amerindian

02-08-2018, 04:14 PM

02-08-2018, 08:23 PM

07-10-2018, 07:10 PM