View Full Version : CAUCASOID is the OLDEST and ORIGINAL strain of humanity! The First People:

Lehman Lifer
06-12-2014, 05:01 AM
ALL of the Neanderthal skulls are Caucasoid [1]. The earliest Neanderthal skull (Saccopastore, Italy) is dated to OIS 5, or around 130,000 years old.[2] Its face was more gracile than most modern humans, possessing a luxurious height and thinness and remarkable hawk-like projection of the nose, with receding cheekbones (mid-facial prognathism). This individual appeared more evolved than most living people.


A series of crania found at Mt. Carmel in Israel dated by thermoluminescence to 100,000 years consisted of a number of male and female skulls, associated with a preferential Levallois lithic industry, originally deemed anatomically modern humans, which have now been reclassified as purely Neanderthal.[3] The oldest amongst these skulls, and the most typical of its type, is designated Skhul IV. This individual has been classified as a Caucasoid.[4]




From this time on, only Caucasoid skulls are known in Eurasia. The only skulls associated with the Perigordian industry in Europe are the Pestera cu Oase fragments and Saint-Cesaire 1, a Neanderthal. The Pestera cu Oase skull has been judged by Dr. Erik Trinkaus to be an intermediate between original Neanderthal and the current European population.[5] The Saint-Cesaire 1 Neanderthal is unusually gracile for a skull that sat atop a massive male post-skeleton. [6] All of these skulls belonged to Caucasian individuals and possessed typical Caucasian expressions of nasal morphology, masticatory systems and dentition, as well as shape of the cranium.

The next skulls found in Europe are those of Pestera Muierii and Predmosti. Both the Pestera Muieri[7] and Predmosti[1][4] series are typically Caucasian and intermediate[1][4][7] between the original Neanderthals and the bulk of the living European population. In particular, Predmost #3 closely resembles the Saint-Cesaire #1 Neanderthal[8] and Skhul IV.[4][10]

Note that by this time we have extended just in to the 20,000s B.C. and not a single Mongoloid, Australoid or Negroid skull has yet to be found. All of the people who lived up to this time were White Caucasoids of the Europeoid type. Though there were non-White predecessors living in Africa and Asia, such as Rhodesian Man and Homo Erectus, these do not appear to have been largely ancestral to Caucasoids, Negroids or Mongoloids, and, most importantly; they weren't people. They were sub-humanoid primates both anatomically and behaviorally speaking.

The first Man was a Neanderthal male, originating in Europe approximately 130,000 years ago, who spread out to West Asia and the Levant and later to Uzbekistan and China. Based on evidence uncovered by Blane Ensor it appears that they also made it to what is now the southeastern United States.[11]

The first non-White skulls begin to allegedly appear around the year 25,000 B.C. in Sicily, at Grimaldi. Here a series of small Negroid skeletons were found. Though they may have been reconstructed improperly it does appear that a Negroid of the Pygmid type had been dwelling in Sicily as early as the end of the Upper Paleolithic. There are no skulls or skeletons of this type in mainland Europe, nor any hybrids, and the series may be representative of a Neanderthal or Cro-Magnon type who has been subjected to epigenetic damage and perhaps islander dwarfism, and thus become Negroid.

A skull dated to around 20,000 years, Chancelade 1, has been said to resemble Mongoloids. But this designation is most likely inappropriate, as "He was as European as the rest of the Upper Paleolithic people."[1] His slightly unique morphology may be a result of epigenetic damage, as we suspect all non-unequivocally Caucasian features to be.

We have made it to the year 19,000 B.C. and not a single non-White skull has yet to be discovered in Asia, Africa or anywhere else. ALL of the living human beings who walked the face of the Earth at this time were White Men. The archaeological record during the period of 20,000-10,000 years is rather sparse, but it is during this time that incontrovertible evidence of non-White primates begin to appear in the fossil record. Many of them are associated with Caucasoids, and this is of utmost importance for consideration.

In 1933 three skulls were found in the upper levels at Zhoukoudian cave in China. They are associated with a lithic industry of the European Perigordian type. The three skulls found date to the same period, and all three are of distinct racial morphology. The first skull, Upper Cave 101, an adult male, is metrically and morphologically almost a duplicate of Predmosti III and Saint-Cesaire 1, the western European Neanderthals. It also closely resembles Native American crania at Spirit Cave and Indian Knoll, and some Ainu crania. It is a Caucasoid.[12]

The second skull, 102, is a female, and resembles the Yayoi Japanese.[12] It is a Mongoloid.

Another skull, 103, resembles an Eskimo.[12]

This series is of momentous importance for a number of reasons. First, it is complimented by genetic evidence[13] indicating that a race of White men conquered the indigenous people of eastern Asia. Second, it shows that the Mongoloid race was born around 20,000 years ago. Fourth, it sheds light on the peopling of the Americas. Fourth, Mongoloids are partly Caucasoid by parentage.


Out-and-out Mongoloids do not become prevalent in eastern Asia until 9,000 years ago. Their ancestral homeland may lie in Australia or the Malay peninsula. It is unlikely that they are indigenous to Sibera as their features (flat noses and fore-aft thrust cheekbones, sinodonty, etc) are more likely a holdover from the condition of Rhodesian Man/Denisova. They are not cold adaptations.

Siberia is likely near to the Caucasoid-Rhodesiensis interbreeding event which spawned modern Mongoloids (big brained humanoid primate).

It is now time to explore the origin of the Australoid race. The Australoid race is no older that 6,000 years old, and there are no Australoid skulls in the fossil record of Australia or anywhere else which indicates that they existed prior to this. Genetics also confirms this.

Australoids are often thought of as being a primeval race, due to their archaic appearance. The English word archaic is ultimately derived from the Greek arkhē, meaning "beginning." If in the fossil record there are no skulls resembling Australoids older than the time of the Sumerians, why then are they referred to as archaic? The simple fact of the matter is that they are not archaic. They are deformed.

Australoids have had the misfortune of developing a widespread chromosomal disease that has given them their unusual features which, not coincidentally, resemble Hurler syndrome. This is epigenetic damage, the same thing which afflicted Rhodesiensis and which was probably transferred to Mongoloids and retained.

Note the pitiful metric measurements of an Australoid skull compared to others in the above photographs.

The oldest skull in Australia, Mungo Man, is dated to 40,000 years and does not resemble any Australoid. It has been determined by genetics research to be an entirely different species, and totally unrelated to living Australian Aboriginals.[14] The same thing has been said of the much younger Kow Swamp man. What we are looking at is an entirely different species of man which has been hitherto unrecognized by modern science, probably for the reason that their existence supports the multi-regional theory of human evolution, and refutes Out-of-Africa. Whether or not this race might be Denisova and thus partly ancestral to the Mongoloids is a question that ought to be rightly considered.

No one knows where or when the Negroid race originated.[15] It was already mentioned previously that "Negroid" remains were found in Sicily and that they closely resemble the pygmies in size. This would imply that Negroids may have a European origin as there are no such remains found anywhere in Africa or anywhere else prior to 10,000 years ago. "Negroid", like Australoid and partly the Mongoloid may not in face be a "race" but a medical condition that the human body assumes when subjected to extreme amounts of epigentic damage brought about by outbreeding depression or exposure to a number of elements.

We therefore rest our case that the Caucasoid race group as represented by Neanderthal man is the original and conditional stage of Mankind, that the Upper Paleoltithic European Caucasoids evolved out of that condition and that the entire continent of Eurasia from west to east is their domicile. Mongoloids partly descended from an admixture event involving this racial type and a separate species such as Rhodesian Man or Mungo Man. The Dinaric, Australoid and Negroid races are all suffering heavily from epigentic damage which has removed them from the original ancestral state of humanity, by shortening the length of their cranial vault severely and messing up the anatomy of their face and teeth and jaws, weakening and deforming them. Mongoloids have dual or even tripartite origins.

[1] The Origin of Races, Alfed A. Knopf. inc. ISBN-10: 0394301420

[2] Saccopastore 1: the earliest Neanderthal? A new look at an old cranium, ISBN 978-1-4020-5120-3

[3] Metrical reconsideration of the Skhul IV and IX and Border Cave 1 crania in the context of modern human origins, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.1330870405

[4] The stone age of Mount Carmel: Report of the Joint Expedition of the British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem and the American School of Prehistoric Research, 1929-1934 ISBN-10: 0404166512

[5] An early modern human from the Peştera cu Oase, Romania. 11231–11236, doi: 10.1073/pnas.2035108100

[6] Continuity and Discontinuity in the Peopling of Europe, page 325 ISBN-10: 9400704917

[7] Early modern humans from the Peştera Muierii, Baia de Fier, Romania 17196–17201, doi: 10.1073/pnas.0608443103

[8] Evolution or Extinction of Neandertals: A Brief History, Journal of Cosmology web-magazine Vol. 14, 2011 (Dr. Milford Wolpoff)

[10] The Importanceof the Předmostí Human Fossils, Wolpoff and Frayer. Web communication.

[11] Capps: A Levallois-like Prepared Core Technologyin the Southeastern United States, web communication.

[12] The Races of Europe, ISBN-10: 0837163285

At Chou Kou Tien, close to Peiping, the discoverers of Sinanthropus have
also found three well-preserved skulls, with one mandible and most of the
accompanying long bones, in limestone pockets of late glacial debris,
which includes Upper Palaeolithic implements analogous to European
types. The preliminary descriptions of the cultural remains would suggest
late rather than early Upper Pleistocene age. One of these skulls, the
one with the mandible, seems, upon preliminary examination, to resemble
the European Upper Palaeolithic group very closely, and especially the
male of Qbercassel; it has also been compared to Ainu crania. A second
skull greatly resembles that of a modern Eskimo, while a third may be
compared to the racial type which invaded Japan during Neolithic times.
The importance of these skulls cannot be overemphasized. They indi-
cate that in eastern Asia as well as in Europe, the Late Palaeolithic group
was already racially complex; that peoples of European type stretched
across the entire width of the northern half of the Eurasiatic continent;
and that the mongoloid family of races had already begun its character-
istic development. By means of this knowledge we may explain, at least
in part, the enigma of the Ainu, a large-headed, broad-faced white group
living on the outer periphery of eastern Asia. At the same time fresh light
is thrown upon the human materials which may have taken part in the
early peopling of America.

[13] Upper Palaeolithic Siberian genome reveals dual ancestry of Native Americans Nature 505, 87–91 (02 January 2014) doi:10.1038/nature12736

[14] Mitochondrial DNA sequences in ancient Australians: Implications for modern human origins PNAS 98 (2): 537–542. doi:10.1073/pnas.98.2.537

[15] The Living Races of Man, Random House ISBN-10: 0394433726

Lehman Lifer
06-12-2014, 06:42 AM

06-12-2014, 06:44 AM
You believe in "out of Africa" theory?

Lehman Lifer
06-12-2014, 06:46 AM
Out of Africa is a complete fabrication. I would sooner believe in Dziebel's Out of America theory, than the Out of Africa fraud.

06-12-2014, 06:47 AM
You believe in "out of Africa" theory?

He claims he doesn't actually ;D lol

06-12-2014, 06:48 AM
i dont believe that, because in science channel i saw that neanderthals were not even like humans from skull, they had heavier skulls and brow ridges etc. and they were physically stronger etc. also they werent creative because they never invented art or religion, i saw it on a science channel. is your source official science or a theory?

Lehman Lifer
06-12-2014, 06:56 AM
The only truth you heard on the "science channel" was that Neanderthals are physically stronger than most living people.

06-12-2014, 06:58 AM
This series is of momentous importance for a number of reasons. First, it is complimented by genetic evidence[13] indicating that a race of White men conquered the indigenous people of eastern Asia. Second, it shows that the Mongoloid race was born around 20,000 years ago. Fourth, it sheds light on the peopling of the Americas. Fourth, Mongoloids are partly Caucasoid by parentage.

When you are talking about 30000BP human races in northern China, I have little to oppose to you. Only rumors, the some skulls from Beijing dating from 100000-50000BP show caucasoid features. The earliest mongoloid skull in China is proved to be from Guangxi Liuzhou, dating from 30000BP. Whatever the race,before 20000bp all humanity seemed to be cavemen, culture came with cultivation and ceramic.

Lehman Lifer
06-12-2014, 07:00 AM
Actually no, the same physical type that existed over 100,000 years ago (Caucasoid) is still alive and thriving today. No people have ever lived in caves; caves is simply where we find most fossils as they tend to protect them from the elements; humans are a nomadic, outdoors-living animal. Ceramics and farming had nothing to do with human progress and were in fact the beginning of a long and very painful descent in to degeneracy. No definitive Mongoloid is older than 10,000 years old.

06-12-2014, 07:10 AM
Actually no, the same physical type that existed over 100,000 years ago (Caucasoid) is still alive and thriving today. No people have ever lived in caves; caves is simply where we find most fossils as they tend to protect them from the elements; humans are a nomadic, outdoors-living animal. Ceramics and farming had nothing to do with human progress and were in fact the beginning of a long and very painful descent in to degeneracy. No definitive Mongoloid is older than 10,000 years old.

Liujiang man is definitive mongoloid. He was living in southwestern China, it is true the proto-mongoloid dna came from South.

Lehman Lifer
06-12-2014, 07:16 AM
I am afraid you are wrong, Butlerking.

06-12-2014, 07:27 AM
I am afraid you are wrong, Butlerking.

Thatz Chinese guy who isn't Butlerking

Lehman Lifer
06-12-2014, 07:30 AM
DesiAmerican, put on your x-ray spectacles and stop being such a tool. If you don't understand the concept of sock-puppets, you need to re-read the internet forum user manual.

06-12-2014, 07:33 AM
DesiAmerican, put on your x-ray spectacles and stop being such a tool. If you don't understand the concept of sock-puppets, you need to re-read the internet forum user manual.

Points taken :)

06-12-2014, 07:35 AM
The only truth you heard on the "science channel" was that Neanderthals are physically stronger than most living people.

thats from the neanderthal museum (reconstructions) they dont look homo sapien from skull
http://www.klaes-w.de/fotos/bergisches_land/mettmann/mettmann_neanderthal_museum_rekonstruktion_homo_sa piens_neanderthalensis_17640.jpg

06-12-2014, 07:35 AM
Not sure that skull can be described as gracile given the brow ridge etc but otherwise you make some valid points

Lehman Lifer
06-12-2014, 07:41 AM
thats from the neanderthal museum (reconstructions) they dont look homo sapien from skull
http://www.klaes-w.de/fotos/bergisches_land/mettmann/mettmann_neanderthal_museum_rekonstruktion_homo_sa piens_neanderthalensis_17640.jpg

That's right, they're not homosapien, which is an inferior breed. They're purebred Wurmian Caucasoid Neanderthals from the west of Europe, practicing the most brilliant lifestyle ever devised.

06-12-2014, 02:53 PM
i dont believe that, because in science channel i saw that neanderthals were not even like humans from skull, they had heavier skulls and brow ridges etc. and they were physically stronger etc. also they werent creative because they never invented art or religion, i saw it on a science channel. is your source official science or a theory?

Rubbish. They buried the dead, invented the first musical instruments and had much more advanced cave art for fucks sake. Just compare:


Now some cave paintings in Italy of Homo Retard... I mean, Sapiens:

Do some research on real papers man, not biased programs for kids.

06-12-2014, 02:56 PM
I'm brachycephalic and I just pooped.

06-12-2014, 03:02 PM

Holy shit, that's thoroughly good.

06-12-2014, 03:46 PM
Rubbish. They buried the dead, invented the first musical instruments and had much more advanced cave art for fucks sake. Just compare:


Now some cave paintings in Italy of Homo Retard... I mean, Sapiens:

Do some research on real papers man, not biased programs for kids.

i just read up on it, it says they didnt burried their dead symbolic. but there is evidence that they had some level of symbolic thought though you are right. i think you are glorifying them though, and they were much more primitive

06-12-2014, 11:18 PM
i dont believe that, because in science channel i saw that neanderthals were not even like humans from skull, they had heavier skulls and brow ridges etc. and they were physically stronger etc. also they werent creative because they never invented art or religion, i saw it on a science channel. is your source official science or a theory?

Weren't creative?? Why don't you try to replicate the levallois knapping technique?

Your giant breasts would be cut off and dried to hang as cave wall murals. Neanderthals clearly had higher visual intelligence than modern human beings. The way they view 3D objects was much more complex than human beings and allowed them to refine their tools to above-human levels.

If i put some wild negro in a jungle with a UCLA professor, who do you think will triumph? The nigger. Does that mean he's more intelligent?? The reason neanderthals were extinct is because of their high intelligence, not low intelligence. As svipdag has stated before, intelligence is not evolutionarily advantageous. You don't need it to triumph in the wild. Modern human beings last about 36 hours max in the wilderness, if they're lost without anything. If intelligence was so advantageous they'd be surviving easily which doesn't happen.

You can only survive 3 hours without warmth and 3 days without water. You have to hunt for food with primitive tools and then use the hide for warmth. You have to kill the animal yourself, it's not like you can domesticate a wolf to go and chase it down for you. These are hardly feats of high intelligence.

01-04-2020, 12:07 AM
ALL of the Neanderthal skulls are Caucasoid [1]. The earliest Neanderthal skull (Saccopastore, Italy) is dated to OIS 5, or around 130,000 years old.[2] Its face was more gracile than most modern humans, possessing a luxurious height and thinness and remarkable hawk-like projection of the nose, with receding cheekbones (mid-facial prognathism). This individual appeared more evolved than most living people.


A series of crania found at Mt. Carmel in Israel dated by thermoluminescence to 100,000 years consisted of a number of male and female skulls, associated with a preferential Levallois lithic industry, originally deemed anatomically modern humans, which have now been reclassified as purely Neanderthal.[3] The oldest amongst these skulls, and the most typical of its type, is designated Skhul IV. This individual has been classified as a Caucasoid.[4]




From this time on, only Caucasoid skulls are known in Eurasia. The only skulls associated with the Perigordian industry in Europe are the Pestera cu Oase fragments and Saint-Cesaire 1, a Neanderthal. The Pestera cu Oase skull has been judged by Dr. Erik Trinkaus to be an intermediate between original Neanderthal and the current European population.[5] The Saint-Cesaire 1 Neanderthal is unusually gracile for a skull that sat atop a massive male post-skeleton. [6] All of these skulls belonged to Caucasian individuals and possessed typical Caucasian expressions of nasal morphology, masticatory systems and dentition, as well as shape of the cranium.

The next skulls found in Europe are those of Pestera Muierii and Predmosti. Both the Pestera Muieri[7] and Predmosti[1][4] series are typically Caucasian and intermediate[1][4][7] between the original Neanderthals and the bulk of the living European population. In particular, Predmost #3 closely resembles the Saint-Cesaire #1 Neanderthal[8] and Skhul IV.[4][10]

Note that by this time we have extended just in to the 20,000s B.C. and not a single Mongoloid, Australoid or Negroid skull has yet to be found. All of the people who lived up to this time were White Caucasoids of the Europeoid type. Though there were non-White predecessors living in Africa and Asia, such as Rhodesian Man and Homo Erectus, these do not appear to have been largely ancestral to Caucasoids, Negroids or Mongoloids, and, most importantly; they weren't people. They were sub-humanoid primates both anatomically and behaviorally speaking.

The first Man was a Neanderthal male, originating in Europe approximately 130,000 years ago, who spread out to West Asia and the Levant and later to Uzbekistan and China. Based on evidence uncovered by Blane Ensor it appears that they also made it to what is now the southeastern United States.[11]

The first non-White skulls begin to allegedly appear around the year 25,000 B.C. in Sicily, at Grimaldi. Here a series of small Negroid skeletons were found. Though they may have been reconstructed improperly it does appear that a Negroid of the Pygmid type had been dwelling in Sicily as early as the end of the Upper Paleolithic. There are no skulls or skeletons of this type in mainland Europe, nor any hybrids, and the series may be representative of a Neanderthal or Cro-Magnon type who has been subjected to epigenetic damage and perhaps islander dwarfism, and thus become Negroid.

A skull dated to around 20,000 years, Chancelade 1, has been said to resemble Mongoloids. But this designation is most likely inappropriate, as "He was as European as the rest of the Upper Paleolithic people."[1] His slightly unique morphology may be a result of epigenetic damage, as we suspect all non-unequivocally Caucasian features to be.

We have made it to the year 19,000 B.C. and not a single non-White skull has yet to be discovered in Asia, Africa or anywhere else. ALL of the living human beings who walked the face of the Earth at this time were White Men. The archaeological record during the period of 20,000-10,000 years is rather sparse, but it is during this time that incontrovertible evidence of non-White primates begin to appear in the fossil record. Many of them are associated with Caucasoids, and this is of utmost importance for consideration.

In 1933 three skulls were found in the upper levels at Zhoukoudian cave in China. They are associated with a lithic industry of the European Perigordian type. The three skulls found date to the same period, and all three are of distinct racial morphology. The first skull, Upper Cave 101, an adult male, is metrically and morphologically almost a duplicate of Predmosti III and Saint-Cesaire 1, the western European Neanderthals. It also closely resembles Native American crania at Spirit Cave and Indian Knoll, and some Ainu crania. It is a Caucasoid.[12]

The second skull, 102, is a female, and resembles the Yayoi Japanese.[12] It is a Mongoloid.

Another skull, 103, resembles an Eskimo.[12]

This series is of momentous importance for a number of reasons. First, it is complimented by genetic evidence[13] indicating that a race of White men conquered the indigenous people of eastern Asia. Second, it shows that the Mongoloid race was born around 20,000 years ago. Fourth, it sheds light on the peopling of the Americas. Fourth, Mongoloids are partly Caucasoid by parentage.


Out-and-out Mongoloids do not become prevalent in eastern Asia until 9,000 years ago. Their ancestral homeland may lie in Australia or the Malay peninsula. It is unlikely that they are indigenous to Sibera as their features (flat noses and fore-aft thrust cheekbones, sinodonty, etc) are more likely a holdover from the condition of Rhodesian Man/Denisova. They are not cold adaptations.

Siberia is likely near to the Caucasoid-Rhodesiensis interbreeding event which spawned modern Mongoloids (big brained humanoid primate).

It is now time to explore the origin of the Australoid race. The Australoid race is no older that 6,000 years old, and there are no Australoid skulls in the fossil record of Australia or anywhere else which indicates that they existed prior to this. Genetics also confirms this.

Australoids are often thought of as being a primeval race, due to their archaic appearance. The English word archaic is ultimately derived from the Greek arkhē, meaning "beginning." If in the fossil record there are no skulls resembling Australoids older than the time of the Sumerians, why then are they referred to as archaic? The simple fact of the matter is that they are not archaic. They are deformed.

Australoids have had the misfortune of developing a widespread chromosomal disease that has given them their unusual features which, not coincidentally, resemble Hurler syndrome. This is epigenetic damage, the same thing which afflicted Rhodesiensis and which was probably transferred to Mongoloids and retained.

Note the pitiful metric measurements of an Australoid skull compared to others in the above photographs.

The oldest skull in Australia, Mungo Man, is dated to 40,000 years and does not resemble any Australoid. It has been determined by genetics research to be an entirely different species, and totally unrelated to living Australian Aboriginals.[14] The same thing has been said of the much younger Kow Swamp man. What we are looking at is an entirely different species of man which has been hitherto unrecognized by modern science, probably for the reason that their existence supports the multi-regional theory of human evolution, and refutes Out-of-Africa. Whether or not this race might be Denisova and thus partly ancestral to the Mongoloids is a question that ought to be rightly considered.

No one knows where or when the Negroid race originated.[15] It was already mentioned previously that "Negroid" remains were found in Sicily and that they closely resemble the pygmies in size. This would imply that Negroids may have a European origin as there are no such remains found anywhere in Africa or anywhere else prior to 10,000 years ago. "Negroid", like Australoid and partly the Mongoloid may not in face be a "race" but a medical condition that the human body assumes when subjected to extreme amounts of epigentic damage brought about by outbreeding depression or exposure to a number of elements.

We therefore rest our case that the Caucasoid race group as represented by Neanderthal man is the original and conditional stage of Mankind, that the Upper Paleoltithic European Caucasoids evolved out of that condition and that the entire continent of Eurasia from west to east is their domicile. Mongoloids partly descended from an admixture event involving this racial type and a separate species such as Rhodesian Man or Mungo Man. The Dinaric, Australoid and Negroid races are all suffering heavily from epigentic damage which has removed them from the original ancestral state of humanity, by shortening the length of their cranial vault severely and messing up the anatomy of their face and teeth and jaws, weakening and deforming them. Mongoloids have dual or even tripartite origins.

[1] The Origin of Races, Alfed A. Knopf. inc. ISBN-10: 0394301420

[2] Saccopastore 1: the earliest Neanderthal? A new look at an old cranium, ISBN 978-1-4020-5120-3

[3] Metrical reconsideration of the Skhul IV and IX and Border Cave 1 crania in the context of modern human origins, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.1330870405

[4] The stone age of Mount Carmel: Report of the Joint Expedition of the British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem and the American School of Prehistoric Research, 1929-1934 ISBN-10: 0404166512

[5] An early modern human from the Peştera cu Oase, Romania. 11231–11236, doi: 10.1073/pnas.2035108100

[6] Continuity and Discontinuity in the Peopling of Europe, page 325 ISBN-10: 9400704917

[7] Early modern humans from the Peştera Muierii, Baia de Fier, Romania 17196–17201, doi: 10.1073/pnas.0608443103

[8] Evolution or Extinction of Neandertals: A Brief History, Journal of Cosmology web-magazine Vol. 14, 2011 (Dr. Milford Wolpoff)

[10] The Importanceof the Předmostí Human Fossils, Wolpoff and Frayer. Web communication.

[11] Capps: A Levallois-like Prepared Core Technologyin the Southeastern United States, web communication.

[12] The Races of Europe, ISBN-10: 0837163285

[13] Upper Palaeolithic Siberian genome reveals dual ancestry of Native Americans Nature 505, 87–91 (02 January 2014) doi:10.1038/nature12736

[14] Mitochondrial DNA sequences in ancient Australians: Implications for modern human origins PNAS 98 (2): 537–542. doi:10.1073/pnas.98.2.537

[15] The Living Races of Man, Random House ISBN-10: 0394433726

What about Africa? Was it first inhabited by Caucasians? I’ve seen a skull from 36000YBP from Southern Africa, the Hofmeyr skull that is way closer to Palaeolithic European skulls and North African Caucasid skulls than to any modern SSA skull.