View Full Version : Plains Indians as a Neanderthal Survivor Group

Lehman Lifer
06-12-2014, 06:02 AM
Neanderthals made it to North America. We know this from the fossil record; a series of Levalloisio-Mousterian are found at Shuidonggou in north-western China, extend east to Beijing, have been uncovered in Alaska and with the recent discovery of the CAPPS Levallois industry in Louisiana, USA, the presence of Neanderthals in North America has been reliably proven.

There is no other explanation for the luxuriant beauty of Plains Indians. Plains Indians, a Caucasoid race group who have nothing whatever to do with east Asians, display Neanderthal metrics that actually conform to the pre-interglacial Wurmian Neanderthal type of Western Europe. That is to say that many of them look more "Neanderthal" than the "evolved' Saint-Cesaire #1 specimen, which was male and not female as commonly believed, and of course the +100,000 year old Skhul population (which was replaced by full-blown Neanderthals).

The extreme mid-facial projection of these people, as achieved by the recession of their zygomata and the hawk-like projection of their noses, their massive brow ridges, the gorilloid upper facial height and massive breadth of the face and jaw, height and breadth of the nose, as well as the height of their orbits, serve to unite them with the Classical Neanderthals of Western Europe. A common cross-cultural linkage shared between them, such as the use of raptor talons as cultural artifacts, the bladed war club, the significance of ravens as well as the "Algiz" rune and the swastika, large game hunting, and the liberal use of mineral pigments, serve to unite the two.

Genetics research has confirmed that USA American Indians have the least genetic distance between themselves and Neanderthals and all other people. Their linking to northern Europeans by genetic ancestry speaks further to their Neanderthal origins.












06-12-2014, 06:04 AM
Bro, this is an excellent thread, but you gotta go easy with the insults. You're gonna get banned too quick and not be able to spread the truth.

06-12-2014, 06:04 AM
I read Plain-Indian (just "plain") :picard2:

06-12-2014, 06:09 AM
Anyway, I have been saying for a long time that Amerindians, particularly the Silvids in North America, have little to do with Mongoloids as a whole. Their features are way too archaic and robust, they are honestly a true master race that could have rivaled Europeans if they had a more fortuitous and less isolated position in the world.

06-12-2014, 06:11 AM
I don't doubt they're not part neanderthal, but i don't know.. whatever race the Solutreans were. Like how Kennewick man looks a lot like Patrick Stewart.

But their languages are of a Siberian origin... so i believe they are hybridised with archaic Siberians, which fits the other model of North American settlements during/after the Ice Age.
They have very interesting subraces and genetics in general. :)

Han Cholo
06-12-2014, 06:11 AM
Many other natives share "Caucasoid features" as well. As far as South as Argentina actually:



http://i1021.photobucket.com/albums/af332/arbin_420/image_content_high_42857218_20131004154731_zpse08a ee93.jpg


06-12-2014, 06:12 AM
I don't doubt they're not part neanderthal, but i don't know.. whatever race the Solutreans were. Like how Kennewick man looks a lot like Patrick Stewart.

But their languages are of a Siberian origin... so i believe they are hybridised with archaic Siberians, which fits the other model of North American settlements during/after the Ice Age.
They have very interesting subraces and genetics in general. :)

Lmao Patrick Stewart!

06-12-2014, 06:15 AM
Many other natives share "Caucasoid features" as well. As far as South as Argentina actually:

Amerindian/European hybrids are the race that will inherit the world, this is how it should be.

Lehman Lifer
06-12-2014, 06:15 AM
Han Cholo let's not put "Caucasoid Features" in quotation marks as if to imply that they are somehow not fully Caucasoid or if the features originated from a different source.

I don't doubt they're not part neanderthal

They are 80% pure Neanderthal, 20% Cro Magnon (evolved Neanderthaloid) via Upper Cave 101.

06-12-2014, 06:17 AM
Man...those old plaines indian pics are something else. That first guy particularly is textbook.

Han Cholo
06-12-2014, 06:18 AM
Han Cholo let's not put "Caucasoid Features" in quotation marks as if to imply that they are somehow not fully Caucasoid or if the features originated from a different source.

They are 80% pure Neanderthal, 20% Cro Magnon (evolved Neanderthaloid) via Upper Cave 101.

I put it in quotation marks because it's an specific component and I don't want other people to get butthurt. Apparently all Native Americans are around 1/3 West Eurasian of a Northern kind, whereas the rest is varying amounts of Ancient Siberians:


Nearly one-third of Native American genes come from west Eurasian people linked to the Middle East and Europe, rather than entirely from East Asians as previously thought, according to a newly sequenced genome.

06-12-2014, 06:18 AM




06-12-2014, 06:20 AM
Lmao Patrick Stewart!

Funny but true ;D


The fact that other Native Americans of other lands have 'caucasoid' skull features would mean a lot would of gone there, or very extensively a long long time ago, since Europe's ice age decimated so many (NOT ALL) of the last Neanderthals, i don't see how they couldn't of tried to travel outside Europe OR they could of come from the Neanderthals living in Eurasia (probably more feasible) an earlier group, Asians have neanderthal DNA as well, they have travelled far and wide to be the ancestors of many racial groups today.

06-12-2014, 06:21 AM






Lehman Lifer
06-12-2014, 06:22 AM
The Neanderthals were not decimated you god damned moron; stop parroting Out of Africa bullshit. The Upper Paleolithic Europeans were evolved Neanderthals ala Predmosti 3 and Pestera Cu Oase. They themselves and every aspect of their culture evolved out of the transitional Levallois/early Perigordian created by the evolving Neanderthals.

06-12-2014, 06:22 AM
Nearly one-third of Native American genes come from west Eurasian people linked to the Middle East and Europe, rather than entirely from East Asians as previously thought, according to a newly sequenced genome.

Haplogroup X? Yeah, that's a European one, at least to my knowledge...

Lehman Lifer
06-12-2014, 06:24 AM
No, Haplogroup X is Levantine. And remember that the NEANDERTHALS WERE A LEVANTINE SPECIES -- THEY WERE NOT CHIEFLY EUROPEAN THEIR HOMELAND WAS ALWAYS THE ZAGROS MOUNTAINS AND ISRAEL. God damn we've got some numbskulls on this forum. They need to ban all females from all anthro forums.

06-12-2014, 06:24 AM
One of the most attractive women I've ever seen:


06-12-2014, 06:25 AM
The Neanderthals were not decimated you god damned moron; stop parroting Out of Africa bullshit. The Upper Paleolithic Europeans were evolved Neanderthals ala Predmosti 3 and Pestera Cu Oase. They themselves and every aspect of their culture evolved out of the transitional Levallois/early Perigordian created by the evolving Neanderthals.

I did i say they went extinct? Decimated: Their numbers fell lower in Europe during the ice age, but every Caucasian and Asian person living today has Neanderthal ancestry, OBVIOUSLY they mixed with modern humans in Europe... otherwise we wouldn't be here. HAHAHAHA ex-anthropology/ancient history student, get out.

Lehman Lifer
06-12-2014, 06:27 AM
For the last time, you god damned moron, "we" are EVOLVED NEANDERTHALOIDS. There was no out of Africa migration, European Neanderthals never "FELL" they "CHANGED." And remember that they were a CHIEFLY MIDDLE EASTERN/SOUTH LEVANTINE PEOPLE -- NOT EUROPEAN.

06-12-2014, 06:27 AM
I did i say they went extinct? Decimated: Their numbers fell lower in Europe during the ice age, but every Caucasian and Asian person living today has Neanderthal ancestry, OBVIOUSLY they mixed with modern humans in Europe... otherwise we wouldn't be here. HAHAHAHA ex-anthropology/ancient history student, get out.

What you are taught in school isn't always the whole truth, or even the truth at all....

06-12-2014, 06:28 AM
No, Haplogroup X is Levantine. And remember that the NEANDERTHALS WERE A LEVANTINE SPECIES -- THEY WERE NOT CHIEFLY EUROPEAN THEIR HOMELAND WAS ALWAYS THE ZAGROS MOUNTAINS AND ISRAEL. God damn we've got some numbskulls on this forum. They need to ban all females from all anthro forums.

No, It's Anatolian, you spaz... :D
Seconded, why are you here?! The world has 2 genders, deal with it.


Lehman Lifer
06-12-2014, 06:29 AM
But never count on a female to be capable of looking beyond the mounds upon mounds of bullshit that they were force-fed by their numbskull superiors. No woman has ever been capable of seeing through even the most mediocre of hoax bullshit. All women should be forbidden from discussing anthropological matters.

Lehman Lifer
06-12-2014, 06:30 AM
No, It's Anatolian, you spaz... :D
Seconded, why are you here?! The world has 2 genders, deal with it.

The world has two genders. Act the one you were born as.

No, It's Anatolian, you spaz... :D


06-12-2014, 06:30 AM
What you are taught in school isn't always the whole truth, or even the truth at all....

That's where we're all here, to learn... a mutual interest and an exchange of opinions between users, i.e - what a forum is ;D
Dw, i'm cool with your opinions on this thread, because i'd like to know too.

06-12-2014, 06:34 AM
The world has two genders. Act the one you were born as.


You implied because i stated haplogroup X is also a european haplogroup that i meant something crazy like German or Western origin which i did not mean, you are the ignorant one. Turkey is a part of Europe (in the geographical sense, even if some users here disagree), so what are you bitching about? I don't even know why you need to use CAPITALS when someone is only adding to the discussion, a subject that is interesting.

Take your woman hating troll attitude somewhere else, i'm bored..

06-12-2014, 06:35 AM
They are no different genetically from many of the Siberians, ie they share the same exact gene bases.

Indeed their subraces differ and they belong to that same origin.. but still hybridised :) meh

Lehman Lifer
06-12-2014, 06:36 AM
West Eurasian does not exist in the genetic sense. West Eurasian is a mix of North Eurasian and African mixed mideasteners. East Asians have most Neanderthal mix out of Eurasians, so if their features were really from -Neanders, which I doubt, it would have to come from the EA side.

They are no different genetically from many of the Siberians, ie they share the same exact gene bases.

You have managed to create a post in which every single thing you said was patently fucking false. You need to be put on a thorazine drip and shipped to Gitmo.

Lehman Lifer
06-12-2014, 06:37 AM
You implied because i stated haplogroup X is also a european haplogroup that i meant something crazy like German or Western origin which i did not mean, you are the ignorant one. Turkey is a part of Europe (in the geographical sense, even if some users here disagree), so what are you bitching about? I don't even know why you need to use CAPITALS when someone is only adding to the discussion, a subject that is interesting.

Take your woman hating troll attitude somewhere else, i'm bored..

Turkey is in the Levant. Take your shitty chromosomes and get the fuck out of my threads. Nobody gives a damn about your affirmative action scholarship.

06-12-2014, 06:37 AM
West Eurasian does not exist in the genetic sense. West Eurasian is a mix of North Eurasian and African mixed mideasteners. East Asians have most Neanderthal mix out of Eurasians, so if their features were really from -Neanders, which I doubt, it would have to come from the EA side.

They are no different genetically from many of the Siberians, ie they share the same exact gene bases.

Nah man, I think you're full of shit, if they shared the "exact same gene bases", they would be more similar in appearance.

06-12-2014, 06:39 AM
I don't give a damn about your affirmative action scholarship.*

http://static.fjcdn.com/comments/YFW+quot+I+was+having+a+laugh+about+your+subpar+in telligence+quot+_cb77ee6cd00592e5f960be0033d71975. jpg

Lehman Lifer
06-12-2014, 06:42 AM
Get the fuck out nigger. Both are ENA ANE admixes, lacking the African admixes of West Eurasians, ie pure OOA stock.


06-12-2014, 06:43 AM
Get the fuck out nigger. Both are ENA ANE admixes, lacking the African admixes of West Eurasians, ie pure OOA stock.

Call me a nigger you dumb Finnish piece of shit? These people are your cousins, now shut the fuck up you bastard from a bitch. They're about as far from "nigger" as you can get.

06-12-2014, 06:44 AM

Problem, newfag? I'm CM :D

06-12-2014, 06:48 AM
Skulls in central and Southamercia from 13000BP upwards show mongoloid influences predominantly. I do not know about 30000BP or earlier history, homosapiens sapiens probably do not exist at the time. Neanderthals are inferior to homosapiens why should be interested in their mesolithic world. BTW north indians male halogroup is Q, C, they were not caucasoid people, but mixed with mtdna X females. They just look classical mixlings between mongoloid and caucasoid.

Lehman Lifer
06-12-2014, 06:49 AM
Actually you're a depigmented Mongolo-Negroid, although I suppose "CM" in this case could be taken as "Congoid Mongoloid".

Lehman Lifer
06-12-2014, 06:49 AM
Hexachordia = Butlerking.

06-12-2014, 06:51 AM
Actually you're a depigmented Mongolo-Negroid, although I suppose "CM" in this case could be taken as "Congoid Mongoloid".

Lets see your perfect Neanderthal face then, newfag? ;D

I'm 1-12 on the Von Luschan's chromatic scale, Negroid?

Lehman Lifer
06-12-2014, 06:52 AM
ButlerKing is Hexachordia. I am leaving this at the top of the page since TheVirdiana seems hell-bent on spamming my thread with distractions.

06-12-2014, 06:53 AM
ButlerKing is Hexachordia. I am leaving this at the top of the page since TheVirdiana seems hell-bent on spamming my thread with distractions.

Damn fucking right, you bought it on yourself ;)

06-12-2014, 07:04 AM
Actually you're a depigmented Mongolo-Negroid, although I suppose "CM" in this case could be taken as "Congoid Mongoloid".

Actually you sound abit like him. He has been trying to balance himself after teh shock I gave him about mongoloids did not rape their caucasoid enemies. Only that.

So he tried to prove massive mongoloid genetci signatures among middle eastern people and europeans. He found nothing to support his claim, we had already settled the issue by agreeing
that mongoloid peaxcefully race-mixed with caucsoid females throughout the history in Central Asia, Siberia etc.

06-12-2014, 07:06 AM
I am neutral to your claim caucasoids were oldest, but I do not believe in neanderthal as being human.

Lehman Lifer
06-12-2014, 07:09 AM
Let it be known that Neanderthal is the only human, the One Man, the First Man, who rules over the Earth with his spear and his dick.