View Full Version : Potential Evolutionary Role for Same-Sex Attraction

02-05-2010, 03:18 PM
Male homosexuality doesn't make complete sense from an evolutionary point of view. It appears that the trait is heritable, but because homosexual men are much less likely to produce offspring than heterosexual men, shouldn't the genes for this trait have been extinguished long ago? What value could this sexual orientation have, that it has persisted for eons even without any discernible reproductive advantage?


02-05-2010, 04:29 PM
They could make a stronger case if they can find that having gay uncles gives an edge for survival in highly distressed communities. I recall reading of a study a while back that documented that elderly grandmothers have a significant effect. Anyways, this is the first I've heard of any empirical evidence supporting EO Wilson's speculation in Sociobiology.

I still suspect that group-level selection is a more likely source of any genetic explanation of homosexuality. Just as non-breeding castes of wasps and bees contribute to the survival of the hive, so too non-breeding humans contribute to the well-being of a folk, so long as their percentage in the population is comparatively low.

02-05-2010, 06:31 PM
The best theories I heard so far are like this:
- The female siblings of the homosexuals have reproductive advantages, therefore balancing the disadvantages of their male homosexual siblings out

- Homosexuality being the result of a reaction in the female body after the 2nd or 3rd pregnancy with a boy. The immune reaction and barriers change, the hormonal status of the 2nd or 3rd etc. born boy being changed in the womb.

For both theories speaks the fact that most homosexuals have male siblings and are not the first borns. So one could argue, that her mothers are more fertile and the mother's body being altered like suggested.

Of course, there is also the dynamic in the family with more than one boy, but I suspect thats not the reason.

There are also results which state that the most masculine and/or least masculine individuals are the most likely to become homosexuals, those intermediate the least.

From personal observation, many homosexual men seem to have more frequently certain physical stigmata, like being very Leptosomic, quite hairy and having a very narrow pelvic - yet, even though they have those very masculine traits, they look for another reason effeminate quite often, which is hard to explain.

02-05-2010, 07:37 PM
- Homosexuality being the result of a reaction in the female body after the 2nd or 3rd pregnancy with a boy. The immune reaction and barriers change, the hormonal status of the 2nd or 3rd etc. born boy being changed in the womb.

This appears to be the best going theory at the moment, particularly when supported by the brain pattern findings in a study last year, which showed that Homosexuals possess the brain patterns of the (heterosexual members of) opposite sex.

02-05-2010, 07:46 PM
Nature is fraught with algorhythms and many times they don't necessarily make sense. There are other ways to encourage survival than mere reproduction. One can also contribute to their kin and humanity in general through their art, music, literature and ideas. Many gay people are gifted artistically, musically and intellectually.

The berdache (man-women) in tribes in the American Southwest were seen as peace-makers on account of the fact that they embodied both masculine and feminine wisdom. In many ancient religions this "embodiment of masculine and feminine wisdom" represented the perfection, i.e. the union of opposites.

In ancient Japan, and indeed ancient societies in general, there didn't exist this vocabulary. If you liked men, you liked men, if you liked women, you liked women, if you liked both so be it. It was just an expression of variation in human sexuality. There were samurai who cross-dressed, wore make up and could convincingly act the part of a female.

Persian warriors wore silk, long hair, eye liner, beards, flowery laurel-crowns, and rouge makeup on the battle field.

Think about it. There are billions of people on the earth, and nature is full of patterns, it is the expression of various patterns. Are you telling me that all of those people are supposed to be proverbial plugs that fit snugly into electrical outlets and vice versa?

No. Most will be hetero, some will be homo, some will like both, some like vaginas, others like feet and ear sex, yet you don't see organised foot-fetish and ear sex bashers.

The world is naturally (and otherwise artificially) ordered chaos.

"The only unnatural sexual activity is none at all." - Freud.

02-06-2010, 09:14 AM
From a biological standpoint, homosexuel activity is a sexual aberration, similar to some parasexual behaviours like pedophily, necrophily etc., just not as problematic for the rest of the people.

Personally I say let them do what they like, in their private homes and with reciprocal consent. Because as much as I dislike their kind, I know they can't change their sexual preferences, so what would it do to force and punish them? It would be just unfair, inhumane dont change anything.

BUT they should keep to their own kind with their sexual activities, going in their homes and backyards, but never going out with their defect. Something like "gay pride" and cultural influence on the masses is very dangerous and part of the anti-white normal male strategy, to fractionise and weaken society by uniting all groups against a normal, functioning, healthy and effective social order and rulership.

Persian warriors wore silk, long hair, eye liner, beards, flowery laurel-crowns, and rouge makeup on the battle field.

That means exactly zero, because this are superficial things, which we judge from the post-protestant post-puritan point of view, which changed the perspective on how males should run around and behave.

This has zero to do with homosexuality and one could even question a lot of "gay culture" being a very cultural product of our time. Because obviously, you can't expect the majority of the Theban homosexual military units behaving like the stereotypical homosexual today...