View Full Version : Population of the Panj valley

06-20-2014, 06:47 PM

The Panj river marks the Tajik-Afghan border.

In the World Wide Web, you find some photos of ethnic people in the Panj valley.

Tajik woman

Tajik man?

Wakhi woman?


They are from different ethnicities but they all look unique. I don't know the exact ethnicity of the people shown in the photos. Possible ethnicities: Pamiri, Wakhi, Tajik ...

In my opinion, they look similar to Scythians. Are those people maybe descendants of Scythians who settled down in the Panj valley? Or are the descendants of the Hephtalites?

Compare the braids of this Tarim mummy woman to the braids of the girl in the fourth picture. They both have cords woven into the braids. Some traditional Romani gypsy women have braids with gold coins woven into it.


So, there has to be a cultural connection between the people from the Panj valley and the mummies of the Tarim Basin.

10-09-2014, 08:31 PM
No ideas? Well, not much is known about the Panj valley but the photos showing the natives are fascinating.