View Full Version : Does this Italian woman pass as Greek?

06-21-2014, 08:45 PM
She is from Lucania (Basilicata) and looks Greek to me.

http://static.wixstatic.com/media/0d1f27_ade2d3be417942a7483c74ec356e177c.jpg_srz_64 0_960_85_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_jpg_srz

Maximum Speed
06-21-2014, 08:48 PM
south italy

Tooting Carmen
06-21-2014, 08:48 PM
Greek isn't the first thing that comes to mind, but why not?

06-21-2014, 08:49 PM
Greek isn't the first thing that comes to mind, but why not?

Where would she pass better?

Tooting Carmen
06-21-2014, 08:50 PM
Where would she pass better?

Looks distinctly Italian above all else.

06-21-2014, 09:23 PM
Looks distinctly Italian above all else.

Sikeliot is right, she is more Southern Italian.

06-21-2014, 09:24 PM
Sikeliot is right, she is more Southern Italian.

So you do or don't see a Greek element in her?

The thing is modern Greeks are heavily Balkanized so she might not look as much Greek as one thinks, but in my mind she does.

06-21-2014, 09:29 PM
So you do or don't see a Greek element in her?

Something, yes. But I consider a Greek element as part of Southern Italian look.

06-21-2014, 09:30 PM
Something. But I consider a Greek element as part of Southern Italian look.

I think so too. Of course not all Greeks have this look though but I think I actually have it myself.

06-21-2014, 09:33 PM
So you do or don't see a Greek element in her?

The thing is modern Greeks are heavily Balkanized so she might not look as much Greek as one thinks, but in my mind she does.

She looks like this Greek singer (Eleni Chatzidou). I voted for Italian girl passing as typical as I doubt that this one is any kind of atypical regarding Greece. Of course I could be wrong, this is question for Greeks.





06-21-2014, 09:33 PM
As atypical.

06-21-2014, 09:33 PM
Also she looks like Anna Vissi too.

06-21-2014, 09:34 PM
LOL all the Italian users are voting she can't pass at all...

06-21-2014, 09:42 PM
Also she looks like Anna Vissi too.

Anna Vissi is from Cyprus.

Eleni Chatzidou sounds Pontic.

I don't see that much similarity between the 3 but she would pass as somewhat atypical.

06-22-2014, 03:26 AM
Yes, I did pick atypical, but more of southern Italian look. I assume she is a model, anyway very attractive. I wish I was the photographer!:thumb001: