View Full Version : No such thing as east Asian subrace

06-22-2014, 07:33 AM
hello from korea,

lately i has been hearing whole lotta talk about classifying different asian types, like sudsinid, mittelsinid, yakonid, etc,,,

i am an anthropology professor in korea. i never heard about east asian subraces, from japanese, chinese, or anyone. let me give example, "yakonid". i have never even read that word in any anthropology book. i think someone on an anthropology site made it up.

let me show you why i don't think east asian subraces exist.

here is photos of prince tomohito of japan. he would be called a "jomon" type.


this is a photos of his father. i don't even know what you would call him. he don't look human.



this a photos of prince tomohito momma. she looks northsinid.


if this man and women can give birth to a jomon japanese, who look nothing like them, then i say there are no asian subraces. i could post thousands more examples. unlike european sub-race, two similar looking japanese can give birth to a totally different looking person. thats not stability. its not race.

if a med and a med have a child, it will come out med.
if a med and an alpine have a child, its going to at least look like one parent.

remember, royal family of japan is heavily inbred. they should be looking like clones of eachother.

i think so-called "sinid" and "jomon" could be the same people. it could be just one allele that creates the "different" face.

06-22-2014, 07:36 AM
East Asians don't exist it is only an extreme form of Hungarian.

06-22-2014, 07:39 AM

Styrian Mujo
06-22-2014, 07:39 AM
They still look east Asian to me.

06-22-2014, 07:40 AM
You are quite welcome, you shall have many enlightening conversations with one who was once a Butler, and now a King.

06-22-2014, 07:47 AM
You are quite welcome, you shall have many enlightening conversations with one who was once a Butler, and now a King.

sounds interesting. thanx again.

They still look east Asian to me.

thats what iam saying. theres only 1 east asian "race". an ainu is a yamato, yamato is an ainu. probably co-existed from same population.

06-22-2014, 07:51 AM
hello from korea,

lately i has been hearing whole lotta talk about classifying different asian types, like sudsinid, mittelsinid, yakonid, etc,,,

i am an anthropology professor in korea. i never heard about east asian subraces, from japanese, chinese, or anyone. let me give example, "yakonid". i have never even read that word in any anthropology book. i think someone on an anthropology site made it up.

let me show you why i don't think east asian subraces exist.

here is photos of prince tomohito of japan. he would be called a "jomon" type.


this is a photos of his father. i don't even know what you would call him. he don't look human.



this a photos of prince tomohito momma. she looks northsinid.


if this man and women can give birth to a jomon japanese, who look nothing like them, then i say there are no asian subraces. i could post thousands more examples. unlike european sub-race, two similar looking japanese can give birth to a totally different looking person. thats not stability. its not race.

if a med and a med have a child, it will come out med.
if a med and an alpine have a child, its going to at least look like one parent.

remember, royal family of japan is heavily inbred. they should be looking like clones of eachother.

i think so-called "sinid" and "jomon" could be the same people. it could be just one allele that creates the "different" face.

Yes there is only one race- the 민족, the 단일민족 right.

I guess all Asian " professors"... Are obsessed with this topic from 19th Century. But welcome anyways...

06-22-2014, 07:52 AM
actually, in eastern Asia, we do not have a political correctness (jews + minions).
much more freedom to teach and learn whatever you please. racism is very popular. thank you for welcome.

06-22-2014, 07:57 AM
actually, in eastern Asia, we do not have a political correctness.
much more freedom to teach and learn whatever you please. racism is very popular. thank you for welcome.

There are also very little filters on science and pseudo-science. And you can't see clearly on issues of historical and anthropology issues. PC isn't good but at least it's some barrier on the unbridled stupidity of " national anthropology". I lived in Korea for 6 years and am stil shocked about notions of race straight out of 19th Century and mixerd with mystic occultism- all justified by " science". Japan and China may have you beat on that though.

Anyways- subraces are vague and blurry for Caucasians as well.

06-22-2014, 08:00 AM
Japan and China may have you beat on that though.

and guess what japan, china and south korea have your country beat on?

-economic progress
-technological development
-a brighter future

06-22-2014, 08:01 AM
But still, I notice a difference between Japs, Koreans and Chinese. Koreans have ultra slit eyes and a "U" like jaw. Japs have a "V" like jaw. Chinese have a more rounded face.

06-22-2014, 08:04 AM
and guess what japan, china and south korea have your country beat on?

-economic progress
-technological development
-a brighter future

I'm not making this about nationalism- I'm just commenting on the " Asians are fundamentally different than the rest of the world " bullshit.

Here's more you've got us beat on:

Child suicide




Don't make this so ugly. South Korea has far from a " bright future". Even your wealthy refuse to be educated there under such pseudo-scientific nonsense.

06-22-2014, 08:06 AM
But still, I notice a difference between Japs, Koreans and Chinese. Koreans have ultra slit eyes and a "U" like jaw. Japs have a "V" like jaw. Chinese have a more rounded face.

Japanese students (no v-shaped jaws)

Chinese students (three v-shaped jaws)

plastic surgery isn't race.

06-22-2014, 08:08 AM
Trenbolone = Butlerking :picard2:

06-22-2014, 08:09 AM
Child suicide



Domestic violence



Don't make this so ugly. South Korea has far from a " bright future". Even your wealthy refuse to be educated there under such pseudo-scientific nonsense.

ridiculous. rape and abuse and alcohol consumption all lower in eastern asia. people come here because its so safe, so clean.
prostitution and suicide is only bad thing if you are tied down by retarded jew religions.

06-22-2014, 08:10 AM
Trenbolone = Butlerking :picard2:

me so solly, me chinese

06-22-2014, 08:12 AM
ridiculous. rape and abuse and alcohol consumption all lower in eastern asia. people come here because its so safe, so clean.
prostitution and suicide is only bad thing if you are tied down by retarded jew religions.

Korea is half Christian- shut it down Butler King.

06-22-2014, 08:14 AM
korea is less than 30% christian. and its not real christianity.

06-22-2014, 08:18 AM
korea is less than 30% christian. and its not real christianity.

Korea is on paper 25% Christian --- far more than that " attend church " and give their money to church and various Christian derived cults. There are no reliable statistics on religion in South Korea. Saying it's not " real Christianity " is like saying Jogye order is not real Buddhists. Laughable, but your ability to hide behind fake statistics might actually be Korean.

06-22-2014, 08:18 AM
Japanese students (no v-shaped jaws)

Chinese students (three v-shaped jaws)

plastic surgery isn't race.


06-22-2014, 08:21 AM
Korea is on paper 25% Christian --- far more than that " attend church " and give their money to church and various Christian derived cults. There are no reliable statistics on religion in South Korea. Saying it's not " real Christianity " is like saying Jogye order is not real Buddhists. Laughable, but your ability to hide behind fake statistics might actually be Korean.

a ha, you have no statistics so they all must be fake.
i dont really care if you think korea is christian or not. korea does has a christian infection and for that reason is the least good east Asian nation.
japan and china much better. but korea is still better than greece.
everyone in greece will suck nordic cock for mere sustenance in the future. men, women, children.
enjoy your swedish meatballs. and thank you for showing me what a close-minded, hopeless slave of the jews every white person is.

06-22-2014, 08:23 AM
Ok - you're definitely Butler King.

06-22-2014, 08:24 AM
I lived in a neighborhood with heavy presence of Korean and Chinese..
Occasionally I meet Japanese American women in the US, and many times I felt like some Japanese women look different from most Chinese/Koreans I've come across.

06-22-2014, 08:35 AM
most japanese went to mainland USA from hawaii. some of them mixed with polynesians, the mexicans of the orient. they have oriental mexican blood running all up in them.

06-22-2014, 08:47 AM
most japanese went to mainland USA from hawaii. some of them mixed with polynesians, the mexicans of the orient. they have oriental mexican blood running all up in them.

You are hilarious!

06-22-2014, 08:53 AM
most japanese went to mainland USA from hawaii. some of them mixed with polynesians, the mexicans of the orient. they have oriental mexican blood running all up in them.

Butlerking, shaddup. Japanese have Mexican genes now? Meanwhile, my Filipino ass that originated from Veracruz doesn't have any Mexican genes?

Lol. Whatevs.

06-22-2014, 08:56 AM
most japanese girls have one large brown ass.
that is possible mexican influence.


06-22-2014, 08:58 AM
Trenbolone = Butlerking :picard2:

me so solly, me chinese

http://i.hizliresim.com/XWmpG6.png (http://hizliresim.com/XWmpG6)

06-22-2014, 09:01 AM
most japanese girls have one large brown ass.
that is possible mexican influence.


06-22-2014, 09:01 AM
i already know your women have a large brown ass. you from phillipines.

06-22-2014, 09:07 AM
i already know your women have a large brown ass. you from phillipines.

Jesus Christ. Who's ass isn't brown in the rectum area? Everybody bleeds the same red blood no matter what your color and everybody shits the same brown shit no matter what your color.

I'm done talking with you. Goodbye.

06-22-2014, 09:09 AM
http://i.hizliresim.com/XWmpG6.png (http://hizliresim.com/XWmpG6)

I spit coffee into my iPhone..... LOL

06-22-2014, 09:13 AM
Jesus Christ. Who's ass isn't brown in the rectum area? Everybody bleeds the same red blood no matter what your color and everybody shits the same brown shit no matter what your color.

I'm done talking with you. Goodbye.

do you like a big boob?

japanese men prefer a brown ass. two big brown cheeks surrounding a dry black asshole which smells of squirrel skin. she is one who is prone to wear a thong. her clothes usually consist of menny skirt. a light brown ass.

06-22-2014, 09:24 AM
I spit coffee into my iPhone..... LOL

That's from Equilibrium's comic ;)
