View Full Version : more andalusian or austrian?

06-23-2014, 02:10 AM
despite her Southern coloring of hair and skin her light eyes would make her stand out in an andalusian crowd, andalusians are the darkest eyed people in Europe according to anthro literature.


06-23-2014, 02:12 AM

06-23-2014, 03:27 AM
NO, NO, NO, and NO...:picard1:

You are very very dumb and misinformed. Andalusians are NO WAY the darkest Europeans. Maltese, Cypriots, Sicilians, Calabrese, and Greek Islanders, are darker, on average, than Andalusians.

There are plenty of Andalusians with light traits such as blond/light-brown hair and/or blue/green/hazel eyes.

Not saying with that, that Andalusia, or the rest of Spain, are like Germany. But Andalusians, as well as the rest of Spaniards, have decent percentages of people with light hair and/or light eyes, with hair tones ranging from dark brown to light brown and blond, and including also some few redheads here and there, and a rich variety of eye colors, including many different shades of brown eyes, but also including a good number of people with hazel, green or blue eyes. And most Andalusians have a light skin tone. Just like any other European ethnicity.

Spaniards and Andalusians are NOT a "special exception" compared to other Europeans. Spain (including Andalusia), is NOT "different".

These are common Andalusians:







This is Pepa Flores, a famous Andalusian Actress and singer, very popular during the 60s and early 70s, when she was young:



This is Amparo Munoz (RIP). Who was a very beautiful Andalusian woman. Miss Spain and Miss Universe in 1974:



And the American actress Rita Hayworth was half Andalusian (Her father was an Andalusian immigrant in New York):



You, are right, Andalusians are the darkest according to some Anthro pseudo-scientific, and stereotypical based literature, but the reality is very different from that stereotype.

Time to get out from your fart cloud!

Cristiano viejo
06-23-2014, 04:57 AM
I never noticed that Andalusians have less light eyes frequency than the rest of Spaniards...
And I am not Andalusian but thats the truth :noidea:
In my opinion light eyes (blue, green and grey) in Spain must be around 25-30% of our population, with no doubt.

06-23-2014, 05:48 AM
anthro literature says 11% of andalusians are light eyed which is less than Sardinians, Calabrians and Sicilians. I don't know about maltese and cypriots.

06-23-2014, 08:15 AM
It's not her eyes that make her stand out in Andalusia, but her exotic features.

06-23-2014, 08:20 AM
My feeling she is Spanish, then again I have seen that look in German/ Austrian women too. Her skin doesn't look that dark. She looks relatively fair.

06-23-2014, 08:58 AM
It's not her eyes that make her stand out in Andalusia, but her exotic features.

Yeah! She looks to me more like Central European, but NOT because of her blue eyes, LOL.

Spaniards with blue eyes are around 15-17% of the ethnic Spanish population, and another 15% of Spaniards have green eyes. Hence, adding up blue eyed and green eyed Spaniards, gives a result of about 30% of Green/Blue eyed Spaniards, like Cristiano Viejo said. And probably those numbers would be the same, or close to that, in Andalusia, because Spaniards are very uniform from north to south, in pigmentation and features.

And regarding the girl, her features look to me, like more typical from Central Europe, though she could also be an atypical fully ethnic Spaniard.

Although people with those kind of features are not that typical in Spain, still, there are some fully ethnic Spaniards with those kind of features.

Tooting Carmen
06-23-2014, 01:54 PM
She does look Iberian in both features and pigmentation imo.

06-23-2014, 03:25 PM
She does look Iberian in both features and pigmentation imo.

Yeah, she could perfectly be fully Iberian (Spanish), though she would easily blend in Central Europe.

If I am not wrong, that kind of wide face (Alpinid) is quite common in Central European countries, such as Austria, Southern Germany, Switzerland, and even Poland or Czech Republic. But I have also seen many fully ethnic Spaniards and Portuguese with that kind of look.

If even you, have the opinion that she looks Iberian; then, that confirms to me that this idea of all Iberians being horse faced and lacking of any kind of Alpinid Influence, is not more than a stereotype, like the stereotype of all Iberians looking like stereotypical swarthy meds.:lol:

PS: Even the Spanish woman from my avatar, who is a fully ethnic Spaniard from Valencia, has a wide face. She is not horse faced at all. And Pepa Flores, the blond Andalusian girl that I just posted, has also a wide face, and Amparo Munoz, and many of the Spanish girls from the pics I just posted in my answer to caviezel, are NOT horse-faced at all.

06-23-2014, 03:29 PM
NO, NO, NO, and NO...:picard1:

You are very very dumb and misinformed. Andalusians are NO WAY the darkest Europeans. Maltese, Cypriots, Sicilians, Calabrese, and Greek Islanders, are darker, on average, than Andalusians.

There are plenty of Andalusians with light traits such as blond/light-brown hair and/or blue/green/hazel eyes.

Not saying with that, that Andalusia, or the rest of Spain, are like Germany. But Andalusians, as well as the rest of Spaniards, have decent percentages of people with light hair and/or light eyes, with hair tones ranging from dark brown to light brown and blond, and including also some few redheads here and there, and a rich variety of eye colors, including many different shades of brown eyes, but also including a good number of people with hazel, green or blue eyes. And most Andalusians have a light skin tone. Just like any other European ethnicity.

Spaniards and Andalusians are NOT a "special exception" compared to other Europeans. Spain (including Andalusia), is NOT "different".

These are common Andalusians:







In these pitcures there is many dark people.

06-23-2014, 03:32 PM
The only reason Andalucians might appear "darker" is because there is much more sun exposure, so they are usually more tanned than in other areas on the peninsula, like Cantabria.

Cristiano viejo
06-23-2014, 03:40 PM
In these pitcures there is many dark people.

Yes, itīs that none deny that there are many dark people in Spain (if you mean hair and eyes as dark people), but the difference with other countries is not much, if even there is.

06-23-2014, 03:52 PM
In these pitcures there is many dark people.

LOL! From your Nordicist point of view, anybody that is not blond and blue eyed is "dark":picard1: :lol:

My point is that most people from any Spanish region (including Andalusia) are NOT "exotic" specimens that would stand out, pigmentation-wise, like a sore thumb, anywhere they go in Europe.

There is a decent proportion of blonde and light brown haired people and/or light eyed people in any region of Spain (including Andalusia).

And most Iberians (including Andalusians) that are not blonde or blue/green eyed, at least they are PALE brunettes with a very similar pigmentation as many regular pale brunettes from any other parts of Europe, who are MILLIONS.

There are some few Iberians who are "too exotic" and "dark" to pass, pigmentation-wise, in Central or Northern Europe, but they are very minority, as can be seen in those pictures. Most of the brunettes of those pictures are NOT "too exotic" or "dark", but regular pale brunettes.

PS: and actually, some of the very few individuals in those pics, who look too dark and exotic for Central and Northern European standards, could actually be immigrants, and indeed, some of them for sure, are NOT ethnic Spaniards, like the girl of the very top right and the boy on the very bottom left, and probably, the second boy, from left to right, of the ones holding the Andalusian flag, on this picture:


06-23-2014, 06:25 PM
The Iberians who look exotic are mostly Berids (quite common in Portugal) and the ones who have East Med influences (more common in Spain).

06-24-2014, 08:58 AM
In these pitcures there is many dark people.
indeed I see a lot of dark eyed people just like the data suggest. thanks for confirming what we already knew.

06-24-2014, 07:22 PM
indeed I see a lot of dark eyed people just like the data suggest. thanks for confirming what we already knew.

LOL! Now it comes up that you have such an exceptional visual capacity, that you can see the eye color of people standing far from the cameras??

This is a closer look to some girls from Alicante, which is the southernmost province of the Valencian community, located in south eastern Spain, and in the same latitude as some Andalusian provinces.

If I have a chance to find closer pictures of Andalusians, I will post them, but by now, I show this one from Alicante, whose people has about the same pigmentation as Andalusians:



Most of them have different shades of eye color between medium brown and hazel. One of them (the one on the very left), has blue eyes, and another one of them have light green eyes (the one on the very right). It is clear that blue eyes or green eyes, are not the most common thing in southern Spain, but average eye color is NOT black or dark brown either, as would be expected by the "Moorish Southern Spain stereotype".

And the girl with blue eyes, as well as the girl with light green eyes do NOT stand out like sore thumbs compared to the other girls, because although the other girls are not green or blue eyed, at least many of them have hazel eyes or medium brown eyes, NOT black or almost black eyes, like stereotypical gypsy-looking southern Spaniards. LOL

06-24-2014, 10:12 PM
post some figurines pictures from various sport teams with a favourable lightning then, something like this so I can gauge the eyes color. I should mention that I consider Hazel eyes as dark, dark mixed more precisely.
