View Full Version : Aborigine + Inuit Morph

06-24-2014, 06:54 AM
Australian Aborigine

Where do you think the morphs would pass?

06-24-2014, 06:56 AM
I can't see the morph.

06-24-2014, 07:02 AM
I can't see the morph.

Check now. The morph is very Polynesian.
It does not surprise me all that much as I believe Polynesians to have australoid and perhaps siberian mongoloid elements in their history perhaps both combined in Taiwan. Plus it of course resembles melanesians to some extent.

06-24-2014, 07:10 AM
Polynesians do not have Siberian Mongoloid elements. Their Mongoloid component is Southeast Asian Palaemongolid. (Austronesian). Of course they have a Melanesian element too, but I've seen some who looked just pure Mongoloid, though I guess they are rare.

06-24-2014, 07:11 AM
Polynesians do not have Siberian Mongoloid elements. Their Mongoloid component is Southeast Asian Palaemongolid. (Austronesian). Of course they have a Melanesian element too, but I've seen some who looked just pure Mongoloid, though I guess they are rare.

Where would the morphs pass?

06-24-2014, 07:14 AM
Where would the morphs pass?

I'm not sure. Kind of weird looking mixture.

06-24-2014, 07:15 AM
I'm not sure. Kind of weird looking mixture.
That is exactly why I wanted to see it.. the likelihood of these two people actually hybridizing in the real world are so extremely rare.
I still see a pseudoPolynesian look.

06-24-2014, 07:15 AM
Polynesians do not have Siberian Mongoloid elements. Their Mongoloid component is Southeast Asian Palaemongolid. (Austronesian). Of course they have a Melanesian element too, but I've seen some who looked just pure Mongoloid, though I guess they are rare.

Some Polynesians have obsorbed European mixture like Tahiti ,Hawaiians,Guamians etc.

06-24-2014, 07:17 AM
Some Polynesians have obsorbed European mixture like Tahiti ,Hawaiians,Guamians etc.

Yeah that's true, but I was talking about pure Polynesians.

06-24-2014, 07:17 AM
Some Polynesians have obsorbed European mixture like Tahiti ,Hawaiians,Guamians etc.

Yeah most of them have actually. Do these morphs look Polynesian to you? Where do you think theyd fit?

06-24-2014, 07:20 AM
Where would the morphs pass?

Morph 2 might look Samoan.

06-24-2014, 07:24 AM
Morph 2 might look Samoan.

I agree. Or Micronesian.

06-24-2014, 07:28 AM
Interesting looking mix.

06-24-2014, 07:29 AM
Interesting looking mix.

Yes, the extreme cold adapted, to the desert adapted archaic human. Two very opposite tribal types.

06-24-2014, 07:31 AM
Interesting looking mix.

Yeah i think what contributed was the morph was of an older man the Inuit and the Aborgine was in his late 20's??

06-24-2014, 07:33 AM
Yeah i think what contributed was the morph was of an older man the Inuit and the Aborgine was in his late 20's??

Yes, it was not easy to find two pics of an Aborigine and an Inuit of the same age range both clean shaven...

06-24-2014, 07:37 AM
Imagine putting one of those guys in the environment of the other. It would be a total mild fuck haha

06-24-2014, 07:38 AM
Imagine putting one of those guys in the environment of the other. It would be a total mild fuck haha

I wonder how equiped the Morph would be in either environment...

06-24-2014, 08:10 AM
The morphes do pass in multiple Polynesian and Melanesian islands; Fiji, East Timor, Moluccan, some outlier PNG islands, Hawaii, Samoa.

Polynesians themselves are not static, population's phenotypes and genetics differ from person to person, island to island and throughout time. These morphs fit within post European time periods and are triracial or if you wanna look at another way biracial Polynesian-Melanesian (because its a continuum although people see Polys as monoracial) and European.

06-24-2014, 08:15 AM
The morphes do pass in multiple Polynesian and Melanesian islands; Fiji, East Timor, Moluccan, some outlier PNG islands, Hawaii, Samoa.

Polynesians themselves are not static, population's phenotypes and genetics differ from person to person, island to island and throughout time. These morphs fit within post European time periods and are triracial or if you wanna look at another way biracial Polynesian-Melanesian (because its a continuum although people see Polys as monoracial) and European.

I also see them as looking quite Polynesian/melanesian... and yes there might be a bit of Euro somewhere in the Abo guy although not much nor is it visible at all. :)

06-24-2014, 08:37 AM
I also see them as looking quite Polynesian/melanesian... and yes there might be a bit of Euro somewhere in the Abo guy although not much nor is it visible at all. :)

It's noticeable to me, he looks a quarter although the morphs align more with Portuguese Oceania in the sharpness of the nose and jawline mostly.

06-24-2014, 08:40 AM
I think the Melanesian-Malay look is quite different.

Melanesians evolved blonde hair independently .


And those ethnic groups which have Melanesian component such as the Manobo or Badjao of the Philippines have trace blondisim too. This is attributable to the comon Denisovan ancestor which peaks in Melanesians and have minority component in Southeast Asians and trace amounts in south Indians and South Chinese.

Some Badjao and Manobo from the Philippines

http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj88/saludong/4057917030_ecd21c1110_zps87f53f55.jpg (http://s270.photobucket.com/user/saludong/media/4057917030_ecd21c1110_zps87f53f55.jpg.html)
http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj88/saludong/badjao5_zps648a7d20.jpg (http://s270.photobucket.com/user/saludong/media/badjao5_zps648a7d20.jpg.html)

06-24-2014, 08:48 AM
I also see them as looking quite Polynesian/melanesian... and yes there might be a bit of Euro somewhere in the Abo guy although not much nor is it visible at all. :)

Yes. the only means to detect his Euro ancestry would through a genetic test. You wouldn't suspect that I have Portuguese-Basque in me too judging from my face unless I show you my aunts 23andme results or outline my geneology to you.

But I think Austronesian-Melanesians look different. From the ethnic groups here who are Austronesian-Melanesian by ancestry (i.e: the Manobos or Badjao) around 5% of them exhibit straight up blond-ism and 15% have brown hair.

06-24-2014, 08:48 AM
I think the 3rd Morph could fit as a negrito influenced Filipino. What do you say?

06-24-2014, 08:54 AM
I think the 3rd Morph could fit as a negrito influenced Filipino. What do you say?

No. I don't think so. this is what a Negrito influenced Filipino might look like.

http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj88/saludong/10_zps4b3585a8.jpg (http://s270.photobucket.com/user/saludong/media/10_zps4b3585a8.jpg.html)

Your morphs look more like a Ganguro Japanese with a fake tan.

Than a Mullato of Negrito and Malay ancestry.

06-24-2014, 08:59 AM
This is what a pure Negrito looks like.

http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQdZf2PUIpEebARKXEB5ApJ8QVLtG2x0 fh1Dnh112A3z4B8r6CUiA

The Ati of the Philippines is already a hybrid of Melanesians and Negritos.


*First group: An Ati from Pinatubo at the second picture, an Ati from Panay.

The second group of Ati are the group us Visayans secured a treaty of co-habitation with, when we moved out from the Srivijaya Mandala.

To establish the Confederation of Madya-as.

06-24-2014, 09:31 AM
It's noticeable to me, he looks a quarter although the morphs align more with Portuguese Oceania in the sharpness of the nose and jawline mostly.

What Portuguese Oceania? The Portuguese empire straddled the Atlantic and Indian Ocean but they didn't reach the Pacific Ocean because the Spanish stopped them at the Philippines and they even fought each other for the control of Mallaku and Ternate.

Although my Mum may be ancestrally Portuguese-Basque-Mallacan-Macaonese identifying under the Pangasinense ethnic group (who had fled the sacking of Portuguese Malacca), my Dad's ancestry is Morisco, and then Mexican and then Filipino although he self identifies under the Visayan ethnic group. However, my parent's case is rare since the Spaniards and Portuguese were pretty much rivals during the age of exploration.

The Portuguese never reached Oceania. The Pacific (And Oceania was the South Pacific) was Hispanic territory.

We particularly made sure of that (My Dad's side) because 9/10 of the Manila Galleons and War Galleys built to trade with and patrol the Pacific were constructed here in the Philippines; there were hardly any Manila Galleons built in Acapulco, Lima or Cartagena, from whence we had done commerce with.


There was never any Portuguese Oceania, because the Pacific was COMPLETELY UNDER THE SPANISH.

And this is coming from somebody who has Portuguese descent himself.

Fear Fiain
06-24-2014, 09:40 AM
looks like a beaner

06-24-2014, 09:48 AM
looks like a beaner

I can't decide what my favorite descriptions of racist European people would be; can you help me decide over calling you a cracker or a pig-skinned people?

Nah. Pig race sounds better.

06-24-2014, 09:54 AM
There is no standard or universal negrito population

Stop acting like Egyptsearch and use genetic data, Negritos are a highly heterogenous population with multiple origins

The Portuguese went into several regions in the Indian and South Pacific origin; the Maluku and a East Timor islands were the region that came to my mind,they have mixed race populations

06-24-2014, 10:23 AM
There is no standard or universal negrito population

Stop acting like Egyptsearch and use genetic data, Negritos are a highly heterogenous population with multiple origins

The Portuguese went into several regions in the Indian and South Pacific origin; the Maluku and a East Timor islands were the region that came to my mind,they have mixed race populations

I based my knowledge on the genetic study of Denisovans. Denisovans peak in Melanesians, is a minority in Philippines and islander Southeast Asians, small in mainland Southeast Asians and is trace in Indians and Chinese. But also notably absent in Amerindians and even less than trace ancestry among Westerners.


It also corresponds with the distribution of blondism in the Pacific.

Melanesians peak in it.

Ati people of the Philippines have brown hair.
http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcREDfH1ju3bi9yxo1csVOLAs26irS8K3 rGHu-Dgf8bzJ6AzjENRbA

And those who mixed with Malays don't express blondism anymore.

And yes Maluku and a East Timor island has mixed raced people in them but they're not a part of Oceania.

Furthermore, this is what Oceania looks like.

https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRLbP3mBA5GEJPmmi4jHPcIr3wtYnumJ n3nPPmWUguuYqQRefEf

In fact, Spanish territory [Esp. the Mexico based Viceroyalty of New Spain] incorporated a huge swathe of Oceania

And there is never a Portuguese in sight in any of the territories of Oceania.

06-24-2014, 10:26 AM

06-24-2014, 10:34 AM
I based my knowledge on the genetic study of Denisovans. Denisovans peak in Melanesians, is a minority in Philippines and islander Southeast Asians, small in mainland Southeast Asians and is trace in Indians and Chinese. But also notably absent in Amerindians and even less than trace ancestry among Westerners.


It also corresponds with the distribution of blondism in the Pacific.

Melanesians peak in it.

Ati people of the Philippines have brown hair.
http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcREDfH1ju3bi9yxo1csVOLAs26irS8K3 rGHu-Dgf8bzJ6AzjENRbA

And those who mixed with Malays don't express blondism anymore.

And yes Maluku and a East Timor island has mixed raced people in them but they're not a part of Oceania.

Furthermore, this is what Oceania looks like.

https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRLbP3mBA5GEJPmmi4jHPcIr3wtYnumJ n3nPPmWUguuYqQRefEf

In fact, Spanish territory [Esp. the Mexico based Viceroyalty of New Spain] incorporated a huge swathe of Oceania

And there is never a Portuguese in sight in any of the territories of Oceania.

Okay so you totally did not read the research on Negritos, you clearly have never heard of the Wallace Line and no one was fucking talking about Spain.

Also totally laughing at you for thinking Oceania as a modern political unit and not Oceania as a bioregion.

06-24-2014, 10:36 AM

As a Zambo? :)

06-24-2014, 10:39 AM
If there is Nordic cline of blondism in Europe.


There is also a Denisovan cline of blondism in Southeast Asia.
Corresponding to the Denisovan genes distribution map.


That's all.

06-24-2014, 10:44 AM
As a Zambo? :)

What's that?

06-24-2014, 10:45 AM

My first thought was Peru.

I don't think he looks Polynesian. At least not like the ones I've mixed with from Fiji, Samoa, Tonga and the Cook Islands.

06-24-2014, 10:47 AM
My first thought was Peru.

I don't think he looks Polynesian. At least not like the ones I've mixed with from Fiji, Samoa, Tonga and the Cook Islands.

I knew it! Saesneg!

06-24-2014, 10:52 AM
Okay so you totally did not read the research on Negritos, you clearly have never heard of the Wallace Line and no one was fucking talking about Spain.

Also totally laughing at you for thinking Oceania as a modern political unit and not Oceania as a bioregion.

I have heard of the Wallace line and there has been three revisions of it, and there are several overlaps among the ethnic groups that inter-migrate on the Wallace sphere (rather than the Wallace-line) [In my personal opinoin]


And what Oceanian biosphere?

Oh you mean the yellow area in this Biosphere map?

It exactly corresponds to the political divisions of Oceania. Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific islands.
Whereas even Mallaku and Ternate (Your Portuguese Oceania) is classed under the Southeast Asian biosphere NOT Oceanian Biosphere. There wasn't a Portuguese Oceania even in the Political or Biological sense.

I will admit to a Portuguese Wallecian but not Oceanian.

06-24-2014, 10:54 AM
I knew it! Saesneg!

Lol, what? :D Why did that make you decry me as English??

06-24-2014, 10:56 AM
I have heard of the Wallace line and there has been three revisions of it, and there are several overlaps among the ethnic groups that inter-migrate on the Wallace sphere (rather than the Wallace-line) [In my personal opinoin]


And what Oceanian biosphere?

Oh you mean the yellow area in this Biosphere map?

It exactly corresponds to the political divisions of Oceania. Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific islands.
Whereas even Mallaku and Ternate (Your Portuguese Oceania) is classed under the Southeast Asian biosphere NOT Oceanian Biosphere. There wasn't a Portuguese Oceania even in the Political or Biological sense.

I will admit to a Portuguese Wallecian but not Oceanian.

You are simply trying to alter your opinion because you were wrong; you clearly are not educated on anything being discussed; you will somehow plug in the Philippines or the Spanish in the Phillipines at least three more times in this thread.

06-24-2014, 10:57 AM
I think he's just stoned.

Nice morph though!

06-24-2014, 11:04 AM
You are simply trying to alter your opinion because you were wrong; you clearly are not educated on anything being discussed; you will somehow plug in the Philippines or the Spanish in the Phillipines at least three more times in this thread.

How am I trying to alter my opinion when the discussion at hand centers on your notion that there is a Portuguese Oceania?
When I clearly proved that there is none. Not in the political sense or even in the biological sense.

And here you go claiming that I am the person in the wrong when I was the one who proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that there is no Portuguese Oceania in the political or biosphere sense (which you say there is) In fact, the person who is trying to alter their opinion here is you, who first argued for a political-sense Portuguese Oceania and when that proved to be unfeasible shifted into arguing for the existence of a Portuguese-Oceania in the biosphere sense which I also disproved. I do however accede to a Portuguese Wallecea. Take it or leave it. That's already a civil concession on my part.

06-24-2014, 11:21 AM
How am I trying to alter my opinion when the discussion at hand centers on your notion that there is a Portuguese Oceania?
When I clearly proved that there is none. Not in the political sense or even in the biological sense.

And here you go claiming that I am the person in the wrong when I was the one who proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that there is no Portuguese Oceania in the political or biosphere sense (which you say there is) In fact, the person who is trying to alter their opinion here is you, who first argued for a political-sense Portuguese Oceania and when that proved to be unfeasible shifted into arguing for the existence of a Portuguese-Oceania in the biosphere sense which I also disproved. I do however accede to a Portuguese Wallecea. Take it or leave it. That's already a civil concession on my part.

The fact that you can't understand Oceania as a modern political entity and Oceania as a geographic entity

The fact that you continue to say "biosphere" when I said bioregion.

The fact that you think I would ever talk about Oceania as a modern political entity when speaking on human migrations tens of thousands of years ago.

All these things just showing you have no clue what the fuck you are talking about.

06-24-2014, 11:35 AM
Yeah most of them have actually. Do these morphs look Polynesian to you? Where do you think theyd fit?

IDK what Polynesian to compare it to.


Should I compare it to the Easter Islander Polynesians which have Chilean and Peruvian ancestry?

Or the New Zealander Polynesian (Who straight up looks like a Castizo)

Or the Hawaiian Polynesians [tainted by Black and White genes from Merica]?

Also, the untainted Polynesian man looks way different than your morph.


06-24-2014, 11:45 AM
I don't even know whether the Cook Islanders took their brown hair among the Melanesians they bred with; on the way to Polynesia, or from the American-Hawaiian, Chilean-Easter Islanders or New Zealand-Maori who line the edges of the Polynesian trinagle with their white genes.

06-24-2014, 01:34 PM
Looks Samoan, or something close.

06-24-2014, 01:39 PM
Looks Samoan, or something close.

Quite abit.


06-24-2014, 01:41 PM
Except Somoans have straight hair, not curly and the morphs had curly hair.

06-24-2014, 03:29 PM
Except Somoans have straight hair, not curly and the morphs had curly hair.

Ive seen lots of Samoans w curly hair though... tbh.


06-24-2014, 03:41 PM
Lol, what? :D Why did that make you decry me as English??

Oh no! You speak the language of the ancients! Well, I calling someone "English" is the worst curse, isn't it? I'm joking sweetheart.

06-24-2014, 03:48 PM
Oh no! You speak the language of the ancients! Well, I calling someone "English" is the worst curse, isn't it? I'm joking sweetheart.

It was quite a brilliant observation actually lmao.

06-24-2014, 03:52 PM
Ive seen lots of Samoans w curly hair though... tbh.


Austronesians whom they had Y-DNA from, had straight hair but it's black. Their Maternal curly hair are from the Melanesians they mixed with on the way to Polynesia some of which turned out brown because Melanesians have blondism in them. Some of them also have naturally brown colored hair (without the admix from Europeans) but I think their colored Female Melanesian hair gene is suppressed by the more dominant black straight hair gene they took from the Male Austronesian ancestors.

This guy I posted:


Seem to be one of the few to churn out the matrilineal colored hair in tandem with the patrilineal straight hair.

06-24-2014, 03:56 PM
Oh no! You speak the language of the ancients! Well, I calling someone "English" is the worst curse, isn't it? I'm joking sweetheart.

Of course I do. My ancestors naturally had to know the language enough to be able to suppress it. Duh.


06-24-2014, 04:04 PM
Of course I do. My ancestors naturally had to know the language enough to be able to suppress it. Duh.



06-24-2014, 04:06 PM
Morphs are stupid. Overlayer between two pictures, very impressive. Not!

06-24-2014, 04:07 PM
Morphs are stupid. Overlayer between two pictures, very impressive. Not!

You go out and find me a half Abo half Inuit person...until that day this morph is the best we got.

06-24-2014, 05:07 PM
I find it cute that those Austronesians who went through Melanesia when they migrate to Polynesia...

Brought the blonde gene (albeit in suppressed mode) to native islanders of the Pacific.


Han Cholo
06-24-2014, 05:34 PM
Or the New Zealander Polynesian (Who straight up looks like a Castizo)


06-24-2014, 07:41 PM

Lols, Google Image Search is not my friend today.

06-24-2014, 07:46 PM
Lols, Google Image Search is not my friend today.

Yeah bro that guy did look way too different from any Maori even the half casts I met in NZ.

06-24-2014, 07:52 PM
Yeah bro that guy did look way too different from any Maori even the half casts I met in NZ.

Then what would be the Maori look of Mestizo-Maoris you've met (Wait aren't Maoris, mixed-raced already? of Melanesians and Malays?)

Damn them Poly-racial Maori people.

06-24-2014, 07:56 PM
Then what would be the Maori look of Mestizo-Maoris you've met (Wait aren't Maoris, mixed-raced already? of Melanesians and Malays?)

Damn them Poly-racial Maori people.

Maoris did have a bit of Melanesian absorbed but primarily they were Poly just like the people who first settled Easter Island and Samoa.

Maori mixed people are very varied now because it is pretty much impossible to find a pure Maori.. Even Jermaine Clement is a "half cast".

06-24-2014, 08:23 PM
Maoris did have a bit of Melanesian absorbed but primarily they were Poly just like the people who first settled Easter Island and Samoa.

Maori mixed people are very varied now because it is pretty much impossible to find a pure Maori.. Even Jermaine Clement is a "half cast".

He's a Half Cast?

We'll if you consider his glasses.

He sorta looks like Gabby Conception (Minus the beard and glasses)

Are you sure he's half-cast? Since Gabby Conception is only around 1/4rth Spanish.
And this Half Maori and 3/4rths Filipino sorta look similar to each other.

I think we can't really base our notions of racial percentages based on looks alone. A 1/4rth person may look like someone who's 1/2 and etc.

If we didn't have any clear genealogical bearings, we probably would have half-guessed each other's celebrities' admixture-percentage completely wrong.

06-24-2014, 08:25 PM
He is considered as Half Cast... his mum is probably a bit white herself but is mostly Maori and raised as Maori like I said most Maori in NZ are partially Euro though the percentage varies.

06-24-2014, 08:39 PM
This guy, Tame Iti, I imagine doesn't have much, if any Euro blood, though it's admittedly hard to see exactly what he looks like with his moko. He's a controversial Māori activist in NZ.


06-24-2014, 08:41 PM
This guy, Tame Iti, I imagine doesn't have much, if any Euro blood, though it's admittedly hard to see exactly what he looks like with his moko. He's a controversial Māori activist in NZ.


Ah yes Tame Iti there are a fair amount of people that look just as Maori don't get me wrong but it is commonly said that they still have small traces of Euro admixture... Certainly most Maoris are not as Maori looking though.

06-24-2014, 08:50 PM
Ah yes Tame Iti there are a fair amount of people that look just as Maori don't get me wrong but it is commonly said that they still have small traces of Euro admixture... Certainly most Maoris are not as Maori looking though.

Mmm, most full Maori (ie, no recent Euro mix) hide the old Euro quite well and still look very Maori imo. Obviously those with a Euro parent or grandparent look less so, but there aren't that many of those mixes in general.

06-24-2014, 08:50 PM
The morph doesnt look Polynesian. Polynesians usually have bug eyes, like the guy that Catkin posted

06-24-2014, 08:52 PM
The morph doesnt look Polynesian. Polynesians usually have bug eyes, like the guy that Catkin posted

Where else would you place the Morph then?.. I am not saying it looks exactly Poly but that is the closest thing I can think.

06-24-2014, 08:54 PM
Mmm, most full Maori (ie, no recent Euro mix) hide the old Euro quite well and still look very Maori imo. Obviously those with a Euro parent or grandparent look less so, but there aren't that many of those mixes in general.

Definitely they are not the majority of Maori but there is a good enough number of them that I met quite a few in Auckland.. also many people who look very Euro that you wouldn't suspect are part Maori will surprise you in NZ.

06-24-2014, 08:57 PM
Definitely they are not the majority of Maori but there is a good enough number of them that I met quite a few in Auckland.. also many people who look very Euro that you wouldn't suspect are part Maori will surprise you in NZ.

Yes, this is true. And you do find people with the smallest bit of Maori ancestry will claim it as it gives them access to extra scholarships etc. Did you enjoy NZ? :) Did you get to go all over?

06-24-2014, 09:04 PM
Yes, this is true. And you do find people with the smallest bit of Maori ancestry will claim it as it gives them access to extra scholarships etc. Did you enjoy NZ? :) Did you get to go all over?

New Zealand is sweet az impossible not to enjoy it aye?!Hahaha I Loved it!! I was able to visit South Island as well did go to Christchurch and a very nice shore on the east cost that I forgot the name of (poly name) Really it is one of the most unique countries that I can still very much relate to (anyone who lives in the anglosphere can of course) and Kiwis are so laid back..I really have nothing bad to say about it save for the roads can be kind of bad... Good weather, good people, easy to set up a business.. I would not mind living there at all.

06-24-2014, 09:14 PM
New Zealand is sweet az impossible not to enjoy it aye?!Hahaha I Loved it!! I was able to visit South Island as well did go to Christchurch and a very nice shore on the east cost that I forgot the name of (poly name) Really it is one of the most unique countries that I can still very much relate to (anyone who lives in the anglosphere can of course) and Kiwis are so laid back..I really have nothing bad to say about it save for the roads can be kind of bad... Good weather, good people, easy to set up a business.. I would not mind living there at all.

True bro, stoked you got a tiki tour, though Chch is a bit munted now aye. Haha, yeah it's a good and easy place to live and fit in :D.

06-24-2014, 09:28 PM
True bro, stoked you got a tiki tour, though Chch is a bit munted now aye. Haha, yeah it's a good and easy place to live and fit in :D.

I do feel very bad for everyone at Chch ...as if I didn't need another reason to be a disbeliever a place called Christ Church gets hit twice in a row like that... :picard1:
You ever been to Aotearoa? :)

06-24-2014, 09:40 PM
I do feel very bad for everyone at Chch ...as if I didn't need another reason to be a disbeliever a place called Christ Church gets hit twice in a row like that... :picard1:
You ever been to Aotearoa? :)

Though they were amazed no one was in the cathedral when it collapsed- usually people are up in the tower all day. Yeah, I used to live there :). I was there for 7 years, been back 2. After the EQs I flew down to Chch to join the 'volunteer army' at the uni for a few days. There were hundreds of us. We went round shoveling silt out of people's houses mainly. The poor people kept clearing up and then an aftershock would cause more liquefaction and more silt filled their houses again. Some were not sure if their house would be condemned as there were cracks everywhere. It was still a really good pull-together atmosphere though. Local businesses were donating food and water to us as we worked. So sad though that so many people died in the second :(.

06-24-2014, 09:51 PM
I was going to say, i'm not sure if i'm right, but i find Tongans and Samoans less ethnically admixtured and a closer fit to this morph than the Maori, who are quite genetically admixtured now due to NZ colonisation... even if they wouldn't like to admit, most of them have some Pakeha blood ;D

06-24-2014, 09:57 PM
I was going to say, i'm not sure if i'm right, but i find Tongans and Samoans less ethnically admixtured and a closer fit to this morph than the Maori, who are quite genetically admixtured now due to NZ colonisation... even if they wouldn't like to admit, most of them have some Pakeha blood ;D

You are right.. I didnt bring up the Maori talk somehow it came up in this thread without me knowing how lol.. I think the morph looks like a South American native more than anything actually.

06-24-2014, 09:59 PM
Though they were amazed no one was in the cathedral when it collapsed- usually people are up in the tower all day. Yeah, I used to live there :). I was there for 7 years, been back 2. After the EQs I flew down to Chch to join the 'volunteer army' at the uni for a few days. There were hundreds of us. We went round shoveling silt out of people's houses mainly. The poor people kept clearing up and then an aftershock would cause more liquefaction and more silt filled their houses again. Some were not sure if their house would be condemned as there were cracks everywhere. It was still a really good pull-together atmosphere though. Local businesses were donating food and water to us as we worked. So sad though that so many people died in the second :(.

Good on you for helping out... I actually was considering going myself.. happened not long after I left.. I had to phone a few people to make sure they were alright, thankfully everyone I knew at CHCH was alright for both of them. I didnt know that you are practically a Kiwi yourself... I wonder what your accent sounds like living in England and all.

06-24-2014, 10:02 PM
You are right.. I didnt bring up the Maori talk somehow it came up in this thread without me knowing how lol.. I think the morph looks like a South American native more than anything actually.

That too, like a native Peruvian or Colombian or something :D
Wasn't there some study that claimed australoid skulls were found in South America, Luzia being the example from the top of my head? ;p

06-24-2014, 10:04 PM
Good on you for helping out... I actually was considering going myself.. happened not long after I left.. I had to phone a few people to make sure they were alright, thankfully everyone I knew at CHCH was alright for both of them. I didnt know that you are practically a Kiwi yourself... I wonder what your accent sounds like living in England and all.

My accent's English with maybe a bit of Kiwi. Some people only hear a NZ accent on a few words, but others have thought I was actually Kiwi so it's hard to tell how much :confused:. I wouldn't have thought it was much though.

06-24-2014, 10:05 PM
That too, like a native Peruvian or Colombian or something :D
Wasn't there some study that claimed australoid skulls were found in South America, Luzia being the example from the top of my head? ;p

Yes exactly... although the Siberian descended people (Amerindians) that mixed with them wouldn't exactly looked like the Inuit man due to adaptation the morph might be quite an approximation to what they would've looked like, and perhaps this is why it is reminiscent of Peruvians or Bolivians.

06-24-2014, 10:07 PM
My accent's English with maybe a bit of Kiwi. Some people only hear a NZ accent on a few words, but others have thought I was actually Kiwi so it's hard to tell how much :confused:. I wouldn't have thought it was much though.

Have you a recording up on the accent thread? I'd love to have a listen and see if I can pick up the Kiwi... I'd insist you pronounce:
1. Give it a go.

2. Fish and chips

3. sweet az (of course)

4. Pass the pasta pastor.

06-24-2014, 10:07 PM
That aboriginal looks almost south indian I think they usually look harsher than that really aesthetically unpleasing

06-24-2014, 10:09 PM
That aboriginal looks almost south indian I think they usually look harsher than that really aesthetically unpleasing

The abo might have a very negligible amount of Euro.... they do tend to look south indian when they are mixed as they are related to South Indians anyhow.

06-24-2014, 10:09 PM
Yes exactly... although the Siberian descended people (Amerindians) that mixed with them wouldn't exactly looked like the Inuit man due to adaptation the morph might be quite an approximation to what they would've looked like, and perhaps this is why it is reminiscent of Peruvians or Bolivians.

Since you morphed with a Aboriginal Australian man in the pics, it is unsurprising to note that Papuans and Australians are the most Denisovan of humans today, some as high as 6% denisovan, this morph does look possibly reminiscent of an archaic Denisovan, or at least shows how their features may of passed through many ethnic groups today.

06-24-2014, 10:09 PM
Have you a recording up on the accent thread? I'd love to have a listen and see if I can pick up the Kiwi... I'd insist you pronounce:
1. Give it a go.

2. Fish and chips

3. sweet az (of course)

4. Pass the pasta pastor.

Haha, ok one day. I think my 'fish and chips' is ever so slightly 'fush and chups' :D

06-24-2014, 10:12 PM
Haha, ok one day. I think my 'fish and chips' is ever so slightly 'fush and chups' :D

That pleases me for some reason lol. :D

06-24-2014, 10:12 PM
Since you morphed with a Aboriginal Australian man in the pics, it is unsurprising to note that Papuans and Australians are the most Denisovan of humans today, some as high as 6% denisovan, this morph does look possibly reminiscent of an archaic Denisovan, or at least shows how their features may of passed through many ethnic groups today.

Lots of interesting things to notice about such a rare morph indeed... perhaps you are correct about the Denisovan resemblance...

06-24-2014, 10:39 PM
Can you please make an Amerindian-European morph?

07-12-2017, 12:46 PM
Can you please make an Amerindian-European morph?

It's called Mexico.

07-12-2017, 12:48 PM
Morph 2 has a Micronesian vibe.

07-12-2017, 01:09 PM
andid + angry negrito ? *_*

07-12-2017, 01:19 PM
They look Either Polynesian or South Amerindian mixed with SSA.

07-12-2017, 01:19 PM
It's called Mexico.

LOL :thumb001:

07-12-2017, 06:18 PM
Polynesian (which is expected) followed by Amerindian