View Full Version : White (United States) American and Latin American Solidarity

06-25-2014, 05:47 AM
I consider Latin Americans to be my brothers; I feel tied to this land now, and I somehow feel closer to Latin Americans than I do Europeans. I know a lot of you white Americans here will disagree with this, but my thinking is difficult to explain.

To be brief: My family has been living under this hot humid sun for 300 years. My grand-parents and their grand-parents have worked this land and lived in this place long enough to be a part of it, and we don't belong anywhere else. In this respect, I feel far far closer to a Mexican than I do to an Englishman, or any European.

This should be true for all old-stock colonial Americans, and even though they might try to deny it, in reality it's the truth.

06-25-2014, 05:49 AM
Welcome to the club Sitting Bull.:cool:

06-25-2014, 05:55 AM

Han Cholo
06-25-2014, 05:56 AM
I consider Latin Americans to be my brothers; I feel tied to this land now, and I somehow feel closer to Latin Americans than I do Europeans. I know a lot of you white Americans here will disagree with this, but my thinking is difficult to explain.

To be brief: My family has been living under this hot humid sun for 300 years. My grand-parents and their grand-parents have worked this land and lived in this place long enough to be a part of it, and we don't belong anywhere else. In this respect, I feel far far closer to a Mexican than I do to an Englishman, or any European.

This should be true for all old-stock colonial Americans, and even though they might try to deny it, in reality it's the truth.

Exactly, descendants of late immigrants do not have this tie to the land like we do. All colonial societies share some parallels although far more differences too.

06-25-2014, 05:56 AM
I feel closer to Mexicans, because I am Mexican ese.

06-25-2014, 05:58 AM
I feel closer to Mexicans, because I am Mexican ese.



06-25-2014, 06:03 AM
Well, in fact, there was a ¿treaty? of the US of protect the freedom of 'recently' independized american colonies. I'd mentioned this in the forum already, I wish I could remember how it was called so I could elaborate. :c

06-25-2014, 06:05 AM
Well, in fact, there was a ¿treaty? of the US of protect the freedom of 'recently' independized american colonies. I'd mentioned this in the forum already, I wish I could remember how it was called so I could elaborate. :c

Monroe Doctrine?

06-25-2014, 06:07 AM
Patriotic drug lords should rule central America, only talibans and druglords are fighting an actual war against the Illuminati. They are the true warriors. When we are drowning in false grandeur, they are still iving in medieval struggle against the real tyrants of the world. (a few druglords are american agents but many are benevolent patriotic, the US tries to stifle the patriotism in drug industry of Mexico while letting the puppet druglords escape with huge bank reserve)

06-25-2014, 06:10 AM
Patriotic drug lords should rule central America, only talibans and druglords are fighting an actual war against the Illuminati. They are the true warriors. When we are drowning in false grandeur, they are still iving in medieval struggle against the real tyrants of the world. (a few druglords are american agents but many are benevolent patriotic, the US tries to stifle the patriotism in drug industry of Mexico while letting the puppet druglords escape with huge bank reserve)

https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTuYkWwJnOYhlpT1zXmKf47RDy2R41PQ Mq72oUa-XfPynMKuTDY


06-25-2014, 06:13 AM
Well, in fact, there was a ¿treaty? of the US of protect the freedom of 'recently' independized american colonies. I'd mentioned this in the forum already, I wish I could remember how it was called so I could elaborate. :c

The Monroe Doctrine. We've got your back my friend :).


06-25-2014, 06:16 AM
The Monroe Doctrine. We've got your back my friend :).


Reagan supported Marget Thacher in the Malvinas War.

06-25-2014, 06:18 AM
https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTuYkWwJnOYhlpT1zXmKf47RDy2R41PQ Mq72oUa-XfPynMKuTDY


Actually I consider northamericans(asian/european descend) unwanted, they are better to smoke off their life.

06-25-2014, 06:21 AM
Reagan supported Marget Thacher in the Malvinas War.

Well, my parents liked Jimmy Carter. A lot of these neo-conservative types will praise Reagan, but it's true that he indirectly supported a genocide in Guatemala. America was in a tough time, we were confused and were seeing "communist enemies" where that were none. It's difficult to judge his actions because of the paranoia of the period, but here is an article about it:http://www.alternet.org/noam-chomsky-nuclear

06-25-2014, 06:22 AM
Let the drug flood northamerica and the rest of the world.. Destroy the modern world. Good idea.

06-25-2014, 06:23 AM
Let the drug flood northamerica and the rest of the world.. Destroy the modern world. Good idea.

Are you high bro?

06-25-2014, 06:24 AM
Reagan supported Marget Thacher in the Malvinas War.

And the US looked away when Venezuela was in trouble for being allegedly in a massive debt they refused to pay. :dunno: It's complicated, you see. But, in any case, this doctrine clarifies that will not interfere with colonies nor dependencies, which the Malvinas or Falklands still are. However, the Monroe Doctrine it's a good reminder of the continental and historical ties of the Americas.

06-25-2014, 06:30 AM
Are you high bro?

The masons have absolute control of Northamerica,modern americans are traitors of their original culture. Also fellow puppet nations like China, Russia, Israel, France should be punished along with american citizens.

06-25-2014, 06:37 AM
Are you high bro?

It was noble of you to give up your betrayed culture and choose latin american culture. You found your salvation yourself but it wont happen to 95% of fellow americans, so you do not need to identify with mason puppets anymore. I do not identify with majority chinese too, I had the chance I d manage them like chickens in chicken farms. Eugenics implies both optimum birth also planned extermination of the others of the same race. This is the best way to manage a race especially those in the same skin of yours, fake brotherhood will only let more people suffer.

06-25-2014, 06:41 AM
It was noble of you to give up your betrayed culture and choose latin american culture. You found your salvation yourself but it wont happen to 95% of fellow americans, so you do not need to identify with mason puppets anymore. I do not identify with majority chinese too, I had the chance I d manage them like chickens in chicken farms. Eugenics implies both optimum birth also planned extermination of the others of the same race. This is the best way to manage a race especially those in the same skin of yours, fake brotherhood will only let more people suffer.

Ah you been smokin that good huh?

06-25-2014, 06:50 AM
Ah you been smokin that good huh?

If you mean bringing Monroe doctrine with latinamericans then stop, masonic bankers are doing it well everyday. This is my problem.
Yet many latinos hate america.

06-25-2014, 07:04 AM
American bankers have been disintegrating latinamerican economy, installing puppets with their financial systems and buying off their industries, relocating millions of workers. The unstability of southamerican economy is largely due to american interference. There is nothing brotherly between USA and Latin world, just systematic enslavement. Early CIA agents founded drug industry in Mexico, letting go of several connected druglords while hitting hard on patrtiotic Robin Hood druglords. Americans(and puppets) in fact estrange themself from the rest of humanity by buying up masonic american dream, self-identifying themself as traitors, including the canadians. The return of justice of course can not let them loose, smoking drugs and disappear is a very humane idea.

06-25-2014, 07:08 AM
American bankers have been disintegrating latinamerican economy, installing puppets with their financial systems and buying off their industries, relocating millions of workers. The unstability of southamerican economy is largely due to american interference. There is nothing brotherly between USA and Latin world, just systematic enslavement. Early CIA agents founded drug industry in Mexico, letting go of several connected druglords while hitting hard on patrtiotic Robin Hood druglords. Americans(and puppets) in fact estrange themself from the rest of humanity by buying up masonic american dream, self-identifying themself as traitors, including the canadians. The return of justice of course can not let them loose, smoking drugs and disappear is a very humane idea.

Alright, who the fuck let you in the party?

06-25-2014, 07:13 AM
Ah you been smokin that good huh?

American bankers have been disintegrating latinamerican economy, installing puppets with their financial systems and buying off their industries, relocating millions of workers. The unstability of southamerican economy is largely due to american interference. There is nothing brotherly between USA and Latin world, just systematic enslavement. Early CIA agents founded drug industry in Mexico, letting go of several connected druglords while hitting hard on patrtiotic Robin Hood druglords. Americans(and puppets) in fact estrange themself from the rest of humanity by buying up masonic american dream, self-identifying themself as traitors, including the canadians. The return of justice of course can not let them loose, smoking drugs and disappear is a very humane idea.

Eh? We ain't "enslaving" the Latin American world, I can assure your that. They're progressing on their own, and they getting ahead if us. They don't need much American influence to tell them how to live

06-25-2014, 09:05 AM
Eh? We ain't "enslaving" the Latin American world, I can assure your that. They're progressing on their own, and they getting ahead if us. They don't need much American influence to tell them how to live

Latin american farmers health severely degrades after Monsanto buying up their farms.

**Staff note: This is what happens in a government that is concerned about the health of its people. In the US, however, because of our for-profit privatized health care system, kidney disease is a big money-maker. And so is Round-Up. Hence, no incentive to ban it.**

In a shocking move the government of El Salvador in Central America has banned the use of Glyphosate (Roundup) and 52 other dangerous chemicals a recent press release by the El Salvador Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources made clear.

Author John Ross answers these questions and more in a speech he delivered at the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington D.C. in April 2009. Here’s an excerpt:

”What does Washington want from Mexico? On the security side, the U.S. seeks total control of Mexico’s security apparatus. With the creation of NORTHCOM (Northern Command) designed to protect the U.S. landmass from terrorist attack, Mexico is designated North America’s southern security perimeter and U.S. military aircraft now has carte blanche to penetrate Mexican airspace. Moreover, the North American Security and Prosperity Agreement (ASPAN in its Mexican initials) seeks to integrate the security apparatuses of the three NAFTA nations under Washington’s command. Now the Merida Initiative signed by Bush II and Calderon in early 2007 allows for the emplacement of armed U.S. security agents – the FBI, the DEA, the CIA, and ICE – on Mexican soil and contractors like the former Blackwater cannot be far behind. Wars are fought for juicy government contracts and $1.3 billion in Merida moneys are going directly to U.S. defense contractors – forget about the Mexican middleman.

On the energy side, the designated target is, of course, the privatization of PEMEX, Mexico’s nationalized oil industry, with a particular eye out for risk contracts on deep sea drilling in the Gulf of Mexico utilizing technology only the EXXONs of this world possess.” (John Ross, “The Big Scam : How and Why Washington Hooked Mexico on the Drug War)

06-25-2014, 09:41 AM
What the author got amiss is he consider CIA was using druglords as tool against communism, fucking wrong! American masons supported several highly corrupt politicians in Southeast Asia.

The most corrupt president in the world

There is a long history of graft and corruption within the government of the Philippines. This corruption reached its apex during the height of the Marcos regime. Corruption and thievery was so bad under the rule of Ferdinand Marcos that in the late 1980s, the Guinness Book of Records listed the Philippines as the all-time most corrupt government in the history of the world. The Marcos government . was labeled a kleptocracy, literally meaning that it was a government ruled by thieves. A kleptocracy can be defined as a dishonest form of governmental corruption where the government exists solely to increase the personal wealth and power of its officials and the ruling class without regard for the wider population. From the years 1972 to 1983 the United States provided $2.5 billion in bilateral military and economic aid to the Marcos regime, and about $5.5 billion through multilateral institutions such as the World Bank. Marcos took a large percentage of the United States aid money for himself and his cronies. In 1986, 56 Filipino Assemblymen signed a resolution calling for the impeachment of President Marcos for alleged diversion of U.S. aid for personal use, citing a July 1985 San Jose Mercury News expose of the Marcoses' multi-million dollar investment and property holdings in the United States. The properties allegedly amassed by the Marcos family were the Crown Building, Lindenmere Estate, and a number of residential apartments (in New Jersey and New York), a shopping center in New York, mansions (in London, Rome and Honolulu), the Helen Knudsen Estate in Hawaii and condominiums in San Francisco, California. Bribery, embezzlement, vote buying and illegal gambling were rampant under Marcos rule in the Philippines. Marcos looted billions of dollars from the Filipino treasury, and the corruption reached its high-point with the assassination of Marcos' political opponent Benigno Aquino. Graft has subsided in recent years, and in 2007 the Philippines ranked last place in the 13 Asian economies that were studied. More reference links:

The First Lady also summoned Director of Central Intelligence Richard Helms to her suite in the Madison Hotel — the presidential suite. The declassified State Department and White House documents reveal that in her Sept. 22 private meetings with Nixon and Helms, Mrs. Marcos asked for some $23 million in CIA covert funding. The money was to be used to buy political support to elect pro-Marcos delegates to the Constitutional Convention two months later.

Who is the real communist? :p

06-25-2014, 02:59 PM
Reagan supported Marget Thacher in the Malvinas War.

But not too openly.

06-13-2018, 06:40 AM

06-19-2018, 06:05 PM
Reagan supported Marget Thacher in the Malvinas War.

This is basically a half-truth, at best. Initially, Reagan implored Thatcher not to militarily retake the Falklands, and subsequently he urged her not to "humiliate" Argentina. Ultimately, the USA did give some minimal assistance to Britain, but remained officially neutral during the conflict. The reason was we didn't want to damage our relationship with other Rio Treaty nations. The American interest was to avoid this conflict; we would have been content if the UK ceded the Falklands to Argentina.

Contemporary US policy on the issue hasn't been completely pro-British either. Obama called for the UK and Argentina to negotiate the issue, which is contrary to Britain's position that the issue of sovereignty is settled and ergo there is nothing to negotiate. I'm not sure where Trump stands on the issue. However, among OAS members, it is actually only Canada that publicly supports Britain's position on the Falkland Islands. The American position is lukewarm.

06-26-2018, 10:52 PM
I'm Canadian and feel the same way. My ancestors helped found English Canada when it was simply known as "Upper Canada" and have all been here since the beginning. I consider myself the English counterpart to a Canadien.

I have no perspective on Latin Americans.