View Full Version : Put these in order from most to least similar

Tooting Carmen
06-27-2014, 09:04 PM
This time, some options from the Americas. They are:

(1) (Non-Hispanic) Americans-Mexicans.
(2) Bolivians-Argentines.
(3) Haitians-Dominicans.

So, what is the correct order?

06-27-2014, 09:24 PM
1. Haitians-Dominicans (both culturally and racially)
2. Bolivians-Argentines (due to the language and religious aspect)
3. Americans-Mexicans

Tooting Carmen
06-27-2014, 09:25 PM
Anyone else?

Mn The Loki TA Son
06-27-2014, 09:47 PM
Similar how? In looks? Racially? In culture or how? If by looks and racially wise I say Haitians-Dominicans (Both Racially and Culturally)

Tooting Carmen
06-27-2014, 09:48 PM
Similar how? In looks? Racially? In culture or how? If by looks and racially wise I say Haitians-Dominicans (Both Racially and Culturally)

Principally in looks and race, but culture can also be taken into account.

06-27-2014, 09:50 PM
1. Haitians-Dominicans (both culturally and racially)
2. Bolivians-Argentines (due to the language and religious aspect)
3. Americans-Mexicans

I agree with him

Typical Mexicans and typical White/Black Americans differ a lot.

Mn The Loki TA Son
06-27-2014, 09:52 PM
Principally in looks and race, but culture can also be taken into account.

I see, well than yeah Haitians-Dominican (phenotype/ racially and Culturally)

06-27-2014, 09:54 PM
Culturally Dominicans have more in common with Haitians (Afro-Caribbean influences, typical Caribbean foods, music, etc.) than with non-African influenced Hispanics.

06-27-2014, 10:50 PM
1. Haitians-Dominicans (both culturally and racially)
2. Bolivians-Argentines (due to the language and religious aspect)
3. Americans-Mexicans


06-27-2014, 11:06 PM
I agree with Sikeliot

1. Haitians-Dominicans (Share an island, primarily catholic, both cultures are a mix of Latin European and African)
2. Bolivians-Argentines (Same language, same religion, both countries are culturally and genetically a mix of Indigenous and Mediterranean, albeit in different degrees)
3. Non-Hispanic Americans-Mexicans (Completely different language; different cultural, genetic and religious influences)

06-27-2014, 11:14 PM
I agree with Sikeliot

1. Haitians-Dominicans (Share an island, primarily catholic, both cultures are a mix of Latin European and African)
2. Bolivians-Argentines (Same language, same religion, both countries are culturally and genetically a mix of Indigenous and Mediterranean, albeit in different degrees)
3. Non-Hispanic Americans-Mexicans (Completely different language; different cultural, genetic and religious influences)


06-28-2014, 12:57 PM
This time, some options from the Americas. They are:

(1) (Non-Hispanic) Americans-Mexicans.
(2) Bolivians-Argentines.
(3) Haitians-Dominicans.

So, what is the correct order?

I dont thkink there is a possible comparison, but Dominicans Haitians because at least racially they are the closest of the three options.

06-28-2014, 03:00 PM
What do you mean by non-hispanic Americans? People from USA, or what? Brazilians?

Tooting Carmen
06-28-2014, 07:52 PM
What do you mean by non-hispanic Americans? People from USA, or what? Brazilians?

People from the USA who are not of Latin American descent.

07-10-2014, 04:13 AM
1. Haitians-Dominicans: both have latin influenced cultures with strong African roots, and racially, both have a strong African admixture (though Haitians are more heavily African).

2. Between Mexicans/Not Hispanic-Americans and Bolivians-Argentines, is hard to say. It would highly depend on every different case.

If we compare African North Americans to Mexicans, and Bolivians to Argentines, obviously Bolivians-Argentines are far closer to each other than North American blacks to average Mexican Mestizos.

If we compare the closeness between average Mexican-mestizos to white North Americans to the closeness between Argentines and average Bolivians, Argentines and Bolivians would be closer to each other, culturally, than Mexicans to white North Americans, but racially speaking, average Mexican mestizos have more European admixture than average Bolivians (who are more heavily Amerindian in comparison). So, average Mexican mestizos would be closer racially (but not culturally) to North American whites, than average Bolivians, with heavy Amerindian admixture, to Argentines.

However, the white element in average North Americans, is Northern European, which differs from the predominant Southern European element in Mexican mestizos. Then, a white Bolivian of Spaniard ancestry or a mixed Bolivian with more white (southern European) admixture than average Bolivians (like many Bolivians from the Santa Cruz department), would be closer, culturally and racially, to Argentines, than an average Mexican mestizo to average north American whites, of Northern or Central European ancestry.

So, it is complicated. It would highly depend on the social and racial segment within the Mexican, North American, Argentinean, and Bolivian societies, to determine if some mexicans are closer to non-hispanic North Americans than some Bolivians to Argentines, or viceversa.

Tooting Carmen
09-13-2014, 07:30 AM