View Full Version : Northern Berbers less caucasoid than Saudis?

06-28-2014, 10:15 PM
First of all, this is not "a wannabe white berber thread". Berbers are not white and they're very aware of that. If there are some who claim or believe that Berbers are white or could fit in any European country, they are suffering from identity crisis. Few individuals don't represent everyone.
On the other hand, there are many people who claim that caucasian Berbers don't exist at all and Saudis are more caucasoid than Northern Berbers! :blink:
The funniest thing i've heard here is that we are depigmented Blacks due to the Mediterranean weather while "the pure Caucasoid Arabs" are just pigmented by the desertic weather (according to Nabatea) Seriously you made me believe that we live in Siberia or in Swiss Alps..
Anyway Ive seen here many southern Egyptians and even Somalis classified as pigmented caucasian. So why is it hard to accept the fact that Northern Berbers are pure caucasoids? Why does everyone claim that we are no different than Puerto Ricans who have clearly White, black and Amerindian phenotypes?

Arabs are the ones who have an obsession with "European or white appearance". If necessary I will make another thread of plastic surgery in Arabia and the Levant and the products Arabians use to get a lighter skin.

A Classroom of 23 students. To me only 4 of them are negroid and I am pretty sure they're all from Casablanca or Marakesh.


tagged in the pic






5 There are many darkish people in Rif region but never seen someone like him













06-28-2014, 10:16 PM



11 the boy with the black scarf does not look Berber to me

06-28-2014, 10:38 PM
No 6(1st post) is a very typical Riffian, the other ones can pass as Jeblis/algerians ..

06-28-2014, 10:48 PM
No 6(1st post) is a very typical Riffian, the other ones can pass as Jeblis/algerians ..

No 6 look very robust, he can pass in all Northern Morocco and Northern Algeria especially in Kabylie, while the other can pass in all Nafrica.

06-28-2014, 10:51 PM

Just I said it and I repeat it just don't loose your time here, we are the brown mullato MENA ;)

The Illyrian Warrior
06-28-2014, 11:05 PM

Wow, these women are stunning. :amour101:

06-28-2014, 11:22 PM
Wow, these women are stunning. :amour101:

Do they enter in your category of Brown Subhuman loool.

The Illyrian Warrior
06-28-2014, 11:25 PM
Do they enter in your category of Brown Subhuman loool.

Heck no. :)

06-28-2014, 11:46 PM
Many are definitely white. They're the heirs of the ancient white men of North Africa (eg the "Libyans" on far left of ancient Egyptian chart);


They were obviously once more pure.

06-28-2014, 11:54 PM
Many are definitely white. They're the heirs of the ancient white men of North Africa (eg the "Libyans" on far left of ancient Egyptian chart);


They were obviously once more pure.

The original chart has no colors, some westerners made the Libu character pale with light hair

06-29-2014, 12:25 AM
Do they enter in your category of Brown Subhuman loool.

Ive read your message. This is my first threat and will be the last one. No worries..I don't care what others think of us.. It was just a response to that gerk Nabatea
If you are really a proud Amazigh, the first thing you should do is leaving their shitty religion that has a very big impact on our communtites. Who cares if some internet jerks try to negrify us? We don't have that problem, of black ancestory. We are NOT negroes DOT I think our only problem is believing in ..Islam, that religion of shit. A pure Amazigh mind should never worship their stupid Allah. Try to spend more time on more important issues..

Enjoy this S. Arabian pureness LMAO

Azul Awma!

06-29-2014, 12:45 AM
Yemenite Jews/ethnic Saudis are more Caucasoid look at their genetics. Also Arabians have Southwest Asian component which is distant to the European component and environmental adaptation to the Desert the climate. Nothing SSA about them. The ethnic Saudi/Yemenite were isolated and very tribal to this day, I mean their endogamous and don't intermix with others. Not to mention these Berbers live in the mountains. Before attacking me look at the genetic results, and plus you had one for your compatriots saying my tribe are Arabized Persians, so don't whine.

06-29-2014, 01:00 AM
Yemenite Jews/ethnic Saudis are more Caucasoid look at their genetics. Also Arabians have Southwest Asian component which is distant to the European component and environmental adaptation to the Desert the climate. Nothing SSA about them. The ethnic Saudi/Yemenite were isolated and very tribal to this day, I mean their endogamous and don't intermix with others. Not to mention these Berbers live in the mountains. Before attacking me look at the genetic results, and plus you had one for your compatriots saying my tribe are Arabized Persians, so don't whine.

But seriously what do you think about the fact that behar included a lot of outlier Moroccans, Egyptans, Mozabites, Yemenites and no one in Saudis ?what's your view ? there is surely something behind, you know perfectly KSA have a lot of Negroid and Southasians outlier.
I still think that you have a lot of affinities with Persians since the haplogroups and the phenotypes are similars. but I can't prove it without autosomals, anyway Saudis were more caucasoid than Berbers before Tishkoff and co.
You still confusing old African with SSA.


Ive read your message. This is my first threat and will be the last one. No worries..I don't care what others think of us.. It was just a response to that gerk Nabatea
If you are really a proud Amazigh, the first thing you should do is leaving their shitty religion that has a very big impact on our communtites. Who cares if some internet jerks try to negrify us? We don't have that problem, of black ancestory. We are NOT negroes DOT I think our only problem is believing in ..Islam, that religion of shit. A pure Amazigh mind should never worship their stupid Allah. Try to spend more time on more important issues..

Enjoy this S. Arabian pureness LMAO

Azul Awma!

You can reply via PM lool anyway:
First of all Islam don't overlape with my way of thinking I'm someone very curious with many criticism and Islam and muslims did not answered to my questions that's why I leaved it.
Saudis are not a good rappresentations of "pure" Arabians since they'have a lot of Negro and immigrants from all the world, You perfectly know there 0 negro in rif and other berber regions the only ones I know are the herraga lool, people here are just saying a lot of craps so we have just to don't talk about them, and for Nabatea I told you he's one of lot of members here who believes to craps invented by Southern euros, It's not his fault.

06-29-2014, 01:13 AM
But seriously what do you think about the fact that behar included a lot of outlier Moroccans, Egyptans, Mozabites, Yemenites and no one in Saudis ?what's your view ? there is surely something behind, you know perfectly KSA have a lot of Negroid and Southasians outlier.
I still think that you have a lot of affinities with Persians since the haplogroups and the phenotypes are similars. but I can't prove it without autosomals, anyway Saudis were more caucasoid than Berbers before Tishkoff and co.
You still confusing old African with SSA.

I have no idea, yes that's true, and especially in the Hejaz, but as you know that region is quite multicultural and does not really represent the ethnic Arabians of the interior. He probably tested the Arabians of the interior rather than those who are known to have mixed origins like in the Hejaz where all the Islamic world is present. Or maybe there is an agenda, but I believe the sample did come from the interior like Nafud/Nejd/Al-Yamameh region.

Not really our phenotypes are Arabian and our dialect has a South Arabian lexicon. As for autosomes Yemenite Jews, Jordanians and Saudis are the closest, but our haplogroups are still indeed off for an Arabian tribe, there many theories to how that became the result.

That's probably true it's ancient admixture most likely if we even can call it that.

PS I have nothing against North African/Berbers, however there was a North African person spreading a lot of BS about Arabians and saying their this and that which got annoying, though other than that I am quite chills with them and I don't mind them at all, since I have lived in Libya for most of my life and liked that place.

06-29-2014, 01:54 PM
I have no idea, yes that's true, and especially in the Hejaz, but as you know that region is quite multicultural and does not really represent the ethnic Arabians of the interior. He probably tested the Arabians of the interior rather than those who are known to have mixed origins like in the Hejaz where all the Islamic world is present. Or maybe there is an agenda, but I believe the sample did come from the interior like Nafud/Nejd/Al-Yamameh region.

Lol I know that, I've seen a TV program about Yemen and they're heterogeanous, there was even a convert German lol, some Tchetchens, Egyptians and a lot of Horners in Yemen, because of religion, but I think the average saudi is not rappresentative for Arabians, that's why I'm against behar BS, his results were weird, Emiratis are more arabian looking than Saudis.

Not really our phenotypes are Arabian and our dialect has a South Arabian lexicon. As for autosomes Yemenite Jews, Jordanians and Saudis are the closest, but our haplogroups are still indeed off for an Arabian tribe, there many theories to how that became the result.

I don't know much about the language, and for the phenotype a lot of Iraqis look Iranid, Turanid and co, so they have foreign "non-arab" ancestors, for the autosomals I agree yemeni jews, Jordanians, Saudis are pretty close to each other, and there is some Palestinians and Egyptians in the groups, I have seen also an Iraqi but he was in between Arabians and Armenians/Assyrians.

That's probably true it's ancient admixture most likely if we even can call it that.

I personally don't have any problem with SSA, they've plenty of good and bad people, but when you see the results that's really clear, that's very old, and it's African, it's shared by all africans people "and early out of african people", but it peaks in SSA, that's like if we compare it with the west asian, it's found in Swedes and Finns, but it peaks in Georgians for example, are the swedes georgians? clearly no, but Euro still posts this "shits" to make us negro. lol and so they're the elected people, but they forget that all caucasoid have non caucasoid imput, there is no 100% caucasoid execpt maybe the Basque and in a little degree the Sardinians.

PS I have nothing against North African/Berbers, however there was a North African person spreading a lot of BS about Arabians and saying their this and that which got annoying, though other than that I am quite chills with them and I don't mind them at all, since I have lived in Libya for most of my life and liked that place.

I don't have any problem with Arabians or , as for the "guy" who you tak about is Ethiopian "guess who :cool: ", I discovered it in YT, he trolls all MENA. he have some account and he posted/posts videos like Berbers nordic, Arabian nordic and other shits.

06-30-2014, 11:52 PM
Naatea, the Rify...I'm sorry guys. I think I was very mad :s

07-04-2014, 01:09 PM
The original chart has no colors, some westerners made the Libu character pale with light hair
The far left is actually Assyrian, the middle is Libyan

07-07-2014, 07:29 PM
berbers = hamitic + neanderthal + negroid

saudi = semitic + negroid
