View Full Version : Is Ramadan a lose of time ?

06-30-2014, 12:21 PM
I'm opening this thread in Kosova subforum since Kosova has much more percents of muslims than Albania, but overall it's a question for Albanian muslims practicant ..i ask you! Is this month of ramadan a lose of a precious time ?

We probably live around 60-70 years old for some more for some less, and for some of you, you lose your time fasting 1 entire month every year for a shitty islamic-turkish influence tradition... Like even for those who don't fast, i mean overall, going in cities with lot of percents of muslims like in Kosovan cities it's like being in the middle of Baghdad, people sleeping all the day etc.. It's a shitty thing we fought against turks during 500 years to avoid such heavy retardation like ramadan but i see no changes. Wake up my people!

06-30-2014, 12:50 PM
This started as a criticism of Ramadan being a waste of time which is fine. 30 days of fasting seems a bit much. But then it became a criticism that it was an Islamic tradition and that's why it was a "waste of time" rather than actually giving reasons as to why this tradition was a waste of time. So it became just a bashing of islam, which was pointless imo.

06-30-2014, 12:51 PM
ramadan is a waste of time my opinion most of people during ramadan eat unhealthy.