View Full Version : It's Weekend - Here's the Open Thread

01-09-2009, 09:36 AM
Discuss anything you like here. :coffee:


I'll start: this morning feels endless :(.

01-09-2009, 09:40 AM
I've made it almost 72 hours without coffee :coffee:

01-09-2009, 09:51 AM
Wow :eek::D!

I'm such a zombie these days I need coffee badly to avoid falling asleep on my keyboard. :p

Thank goodness it's Friday, I can't take anymore :p:D!

01-09-2009, 09:52 AM
I finally got some sleep after 6 days... I however went to bed to get woken up not 2 hours later, by a comrade who lost his keys and couldn't get into his appartment...

Poor bastard wandered the streets, completely wasted, for 2 hours wearing only a t-shirt and a bomberjacket (and jeans and boots, incase funny remarks arise:D)... Bare in mind that at that point the temperature was a staggering minus 18...

01-09-2009, 10:11 AM
Poor fellow:p Good that you had some sleep at least:)

Right now, there's some piece of shit hip-hop/rap on the radio, and I think I might have a headache, but I don't bother trying to change channel, radio's fucked.

Elseway, I'm wondering about what to do after my aprenticeship is done, either history teacher of arcehologist(?). Then I'm gonna have a meeting and some shit, before I'm finally done at work. But, it ain't over yet, gotta buy me some food and shit, but then I'll meet up with my gf, and THEN, the weekend is here:D