View Full Version : Ukrainian Astronomers Named a Star 'Putin Is a D**khead

07-04-2014, 12:27 PM
Ukrainian Astronomers Named a Star 'Putin Is a D**khead'


Vladimir Putin may be a powerful and menacing leader here on Earth, but in the cosmos, he isn't getting such kind treatment. Ukrainian astronomers along with pro-Ukraine activists have gotten together to name a star "Putin-Huilo!" (https://www.facebook.com/EuroMaydan/photos/a.523254484437560.1073741828.523004674462541/644694652293542/?type=1&permPage=1) Huilo (sometimes spelled khulio) is a Ukrainian term which translates loosely to a combination of "dickhead," "****er," and "asshole." So the name of the star translates to either "Putin is a dickhead" or "Putin is a dip****," depending how you read huilo.

The star was adopted through the Pale Blue Dot Project (http://http//adoptastar.whitedwarf.org/), affiliated with the White Dwarf Research Corporation. Pale Blue Dot allows anyone to adopt a star for just $10, and pick its name. The $10 donation goes to funding the research of astronomers seeking Earth-like planets.

Ukrainian Astronomers Named a Star 'Putin Is a D**khead' - The Wire (http://www.thewire.com/global/2014/07/ukrainian-astronomers-named-a-star-putin-is-a/373950/)

07-04-2014, 12:36 PM
Ukrainian Astronomers Named a Star 'Putin Is a D**khead'


Vladimir Putin may be a powerful and menacing leader here on Earth, but in the cosmos, he isn't getting such kind treatment. Ukrainian astronomers along with pro-Ukraine activists have gotten together to name a star "Putin-Huilo!" (https://www.facebook.com/EuroMaydan/photos/a.523254484437560.1073741828.523004674462541/644694652293542/?type=1&permPage=1) Huilo (sometimes spelled khulio) is a Ukrainian term which translates loosely to a combination of "dickhead," "****er," and "asshole." So the name of the star translates to either "Putin is a dickhead" or "Putin is a dip****," depending how you read huilo.

The star was adopted through the Pale Blue Dot Project (http://http//adoptastar.whitedwarf.org/), affiliated with the White Dwarf Research Corporation. Pale Blue Dot allows anyone to adopt a star for just $10, and pick its name. The $10 donation goes to funding the research of astronomers seeking Earth-like planets.

Ukrainian Astronomers Named a Star 'Putin Is a D**khead' - The Wire (http://www.thewire.com/global/2014/07/ukrainian-astronomers-named-a-star-putin-is-a/373950/)

no one cares you nazicoksucker