View Full Version : Whites Banned From Owning Land In Zimbabwe

07-05-2014, 01:38 AM
If you get your news from the Obama Administration or the U.S. State Department you probably haven’t heard about this yet. That’s because the U.S. President, a man who far too often comments on issues of racism with the purpose of stirring emotions, has not held a press conference about what might be the largest act of racism in modern history.

It is now confirmed that President of Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe has sealed the deal as dictator and declared that whites are no longer allowed to own land in his country. He’s officially booting all white farmers and taking their land.

Via Daily Nation.

The 90 year-old old leader, who launched a violent land reform programme in 2,000 that displaced the majority of the 4,000 white commercial farmers, on Wednesday said Zimbabwe was no country for white farmers.

“There are white farmers who are still on the land and have the protection of some Cabinet ministers and politicians as well as traditional leaders,” President Mugabe said.

“That should never happen and we will deal with ministers but as for our chiefs we do not want to harass you. We do not want trouble.

“I have been given a list of 35 white farmers in Mashonaland West (province) alone and in just a few districts that have been audited.
“We say no to whites owning our land and they should go.

“They can own companies and apartments in our towns and cities but not the soil.

“It is ours and that message should ring loud and clear in Britain and the United States.”

President Mugabe has often justified the wholesale seizure of productive farms saying he was correcting historical injustices.

This ignorant statement ignores the fact that most of these farmers, if not all of them, personally had nothing to do with any ‘historical injustices.’ This sets a dangerous precedence and it’s shameful the world’s leaders aren’t denouncing it.

- See more at: http://www.libertynews.com/2014/07/breaking-president-of-zimbabwe-orders-whites-out-executive-order-dictates-whites-can-no-longer-own-land-in-zimbabwe/#sthash.2UjKnp5s.dpuf

07-05-2014, 01:40 AM
Do that to black people in a white country and see what happens. :rolleyes:

07-05-2014, 01:42 AM
Why is there no one claiming that Zimbabwe needs to be enriched with multiculturalism? Not that I mind multiculturalism in the US, but it's hypocrisy to not hold Zimbabwe to the same standard, for maybe if we did they'd have a more successful economy and not the highest inflation rate in the world.

07-05-2014, 01:44 AM
Why is there no one claiming that Zimbabwe needs to be enriched with multiculturalism? Not that I mind multiculturalism in the US, but it's hypocrisy to not hold Zimbabwe to the same standard, for maybe if we did they'd have a more successful economy and not the highest inflation rate in the world.

Because most of the people saying that are unfortunately......westerners or foreigners living in western countries.

07-05-2014, 01:46 AM
Let's send all of the self-hating white liberals to Zimbabwe, it's perfect. They can alleviate their guilt by being disadvantaged in society, the place they feel they rightfully earned and wish on the rest of us.

Pjeter Pan
07-05-2014, 01:57 AM
Didn't whites make that country?

07-05-2014, 02:01 AM
Let's send all of the self-hating white liberals to Zimbabwe, it's perfect. They can alleviate their guilt by being disadvantaged in society, the place they feel they rightfully earned and wish on the rest of us.

not really zimbabwe does need more multiculturalism.

07-05-2014, 02:08 AM
not really zimbabwe does need more multiculturalism.

I have no issue with multiculturalism so long as it's everywhere and not only in wealthy western countries.

07-05-2014, 02:58 AM
Nothing about this on the BBC ...

Anyway South Africa is fast moving in that direction as well. I spoke to my mother and she says there is now a new law that will require white farmers to give 50% of their lands to farm workers.

07-05-2014, 02:59 AM
Nothing about this on the BBC ...

Anyway South Africa is fast moving in that direction as well. I spoke to my mother and she says there is now a new law that will require white farmers to give 50% of their lands to farm workers.
Do you mom live in South Africa? If my mother did I would make she leave her country and come live with me before an anti-white apartheid happens. That applies to you too, Kazi.

07-05-2014, 02:59 AM
Didn't whites make that country?

Yeah, I think it used to be Rhodesia until the Negros revolted and kicked most of the whites out. "we'll kick you out, but keep your flush toilets, electricity, and so forth" :rolleyes2:

07-05-2014, 07:09 AM
Do you mom live in South Africa? If my mother did I would make she leave her country and come live with me before an anti-white apartheid happens. That applies to you too, Kazi.

My mother, brother and sisters all live happily in South Africa. They are not farmers so this doesn't affect them.

07-05-2014, 07:10 AM
My mother, brother and sisters all live happily in South Africa. They are not farmers so this doesn't affect them.

Better be safe than sorry, right?

07-05-2014, 07:19 AM
Better be safe than sorry, right?

That's what I would say, but they're not going to leave. The vast majority of black people are good to them. They also own a business and most of their customers are black.

07-05-2014, 07:21 AM
That's what I would say, but they're not going to leave. The vast majority of black people are good to them. They also own a business and most of their customers are black.
Well, then just keep an eye on that place and in the first signal of shit do something. :)

07-05-2014, 07:39 AM
i think it is wrong to bann the whites, the whites can do something positive for the development of the country, probably the situation will get worse without the whites, because they are traditional farmers and "know their shit" etc. i also think he should have invited more whites to the country instead of taking the land away from them etc. they arent a threat like they used to be under apartheid, they can be helpful i think

07-05-2014, 08:05 AM
That's what I would say, but they're not going to leave. The vast majority of black people are good to them. They also own a business and most of their customers are black.

My Great-Grandmother used to tell me when I was little.

"Son.Beware of the Negro.If they don't harm you (Try)on the way In.They will on the way out."

Hong Key
07-05-2014, 08:30 AM
Whites stole the land from the indigenous blacks. There decedents will have to suffer for the sins of there fathers. In fact Whites have no claims on any lands because of there 500 or some would say millennial crimes against the indigenous people of earth. If they would have just stay in there own lands we would not have to blend them out of existence.

Manifest Destiny
07-05-2014, 08:35 AM
Why is there no one claiming that Zimbabwe needs to be enriched with multiculturalism? Not that I mind multiculturalism in the US, but it's hypocrisy to not hold Zimbabwe to the same standard, for maybe if we did they'd have a more successful economy and not the highest inflation rate in the world.

Because multiculturalism and diversity are basically code-words for replacing whites with non-whites.

07-05-2014, 08:35 AM
Why is there no one claiming that Zimbabwe needs to be enriched with multiculturalism? Not that I mind multiculturalism in the US, but it's hypocrisy to not hold Zimbabwe to the same standard, for maybe if we did they'd have a more successful economy and not the highest inflation rate in the world.

I have to agree with you. Multiculturalism seems to be a one way street in the world today. You don't see much about this in the media, which is where most people get their news. But I think if this were to happen in a majority white, western country, but toward blacks, this would be front page news and the whites would be getting hit with the racism card heavily.

So why do you think this is? Do you think multiculturalism is large in white countries because of white liberals pushing an agenda? or do you think it's from some other source?

07-05-2014, 08:42 AM
If this happened in a white country then the media would be all over the place screaming "Kristallnacht Incomming!!!"

07-05-2014, 08:53 AM
Whites stole the land from the indigenous blacks. There decedents will have to suffer for the sins of there fathers. In fact Whites have no claims on any lands because of there 500 or some would say millennial crimes against the indigenous people of earth. If they would have just stay in there own lands we would not have to blend them out of existence.

I don't believe the descendants should have to pay for the sins of the ancestor. But I can understand your frustration, if Europeans would have stayed in Europe and didn't colonize, descendants wouldn't have to constantly hear about it today, which seems like they will until the end of time. But also, most of the current whites outside of Europe would not exist in the same way or have been born if these chain of events in history would have been different.

Manifest Destiny
07-05-2014, 09:07 AM
I don't believe the descendants should have to pay for the sins of the ancestor. But I can understand your frustration, if Europeans would have stayed in Europe and didn't colonize, descendants wouldn't have to constantly hear about it today, which seems like they will until the end of time. But also, most of the current whites outside of Europe would not exist in the same way or have been born if these chain of events in history would have been different.

He's right, though. Whites have no claim to anything in Zimbabwe, just as a black has no claim to anything in Germany or Finland, for example.

I don't blame Africans for treating whites as outsiders, just as I wouldn't blame Europeans for doing the same to non-whites in their homelands. The hypocrisy of the media in covering up the messes in Southern Africa bother me more than the messes themselves.

07-05-2014, 09:08 AM
I don't believe the descendants should have to pay for the sins of the ancestor. But I can understand your frustration, if Europeans would have stayed in Europe and didn't colonize, descendants wouldn't have to constantly hear about it today, which seems like they will until the end of time. But also, most of the current whites outside of Europe would not exist in the same way or have been born if these chain of events in history would have been different.

For South Africa, they left at a time when living conditions were terrible in Europe. My French Huguenot ancestors were kicked out of France by order of the French king. And in Germany, the country had just come out of the Thirty Years War, which devastated Germany. Half of all Germans died in just 30 years.

For some, they had no choice in the matter.

07-05-2014, 09:17 AM
Well , Mugabe is an asshole. But Remember not too long ago whites owned all the land worth anything and blacks were basically disenfranchised. Now, if they were giving the land to those people and teaching them how to farm, it might be different. Instead, they're giving it to Mugabe's " boys"

07-05-2014, 09:18 AM
For South Africa, they left at a time when living conditions were terrible in Europe. My French Huguenot ancestors were kicked out of France by order of the French king. And in Germany, the country had just come out of the Thirty Years War, which devastated Germany. Half of all Germans died in just 30 years.

For some, they had no choice in the matter.

I love this quote by Evelyn Waugh about the nature of settlers in Rhodesia

"Rhodesia is not an interesting country ... no wild life, no trees; one ancient monument which I toiled through floods to see, called Zimbabwe. No one knows who built it, or why, or when. The whites are (a) Old Rhodesians – that is to say families dating from 1890, survivors and descendants of the riff-raff who came up from the Cape with Jameson and Rhodes. Dreadful people rather stuck up (b) English county families who came there in 1946 to escape the Welfare State. They are rapidly becoming middle-class (c) Displaced persons – Hungarians etc. very poor and rather gay (d) Jesuits and other missionaries. Black Americans who come to the Federation are labelled 'foreign natives'; white Americans are 'Europeans' ... Every white man has a motor-car and a dinner-jacket and goes to bed at 9. The women drink tea all day long."[115]

07-05-2014, 09:19 AM
Whites stole the land from the indigenous blacks. There decedents will have to suffer for the sins of there fathers. In fact Whites have no claims on any lands because of there 500 or some would say millennial crimes against the indigenous people of earth. If they would have just stay in there own lands we would not have to blend them out of existence.

Blacks had no sense of ownership.

07-05-2014, 09:21 AM
For South Africa, they left at a time when living conditions were terrible in Europe. My French Huguenot ancestors were kicked out of France by order of the French king. And in Germany, the country had just come out of the Thirty Years War, which devastated Germany. Half of all Germans died in just 30 years.

For some, they had no choice in the matter.

Of course. This also happened in the U.S. where I live. Many left because of religious persecution in Europe and other factors. I understand not all left out of choice.

07-05-2014, 09:26 AM
So you defend there colonialist ways? We would not have racism/fascism/global warming if the Whites would not have enslaved the world, why do you defend them and there descendents?
I'm saying if the chain of events would have been different, most living whites today that were born outside of Europe such as those in the New World or Australia would not have been born and be who they are today. Who wishes for all of these people to not exist? You wouldn't even exist to be here commenting to me.

I don't support colonization, as I live in a country that went through colonization but is now independent. But I don't wish for all of these people to have never been born.

Herr Abubu
07-05-2014, 09:34 AM
Nothing about this on the BBC ...

Anyway South Africa is fast moving in that direction as well. I spoke to my mother and she says there is now a new law that will require white farmers to give 50% of their lands to farm workers.

That makes it one step closer to communism for SA. It is time it caught up to Zimbabwe; Zimbabwe is basically already there.

07-05-2014, 09:34 AM
For thus speaks justice to me: "Men are not equal”.
― Friedrich Nietzsche,Thus Spoke Zarathustra

We must start to fight back, this is getting out of hand. Europeans must show support to our brothers down there. And provide them proper place to live back here in Europe,if they decide to leave. We have tons of Muslim immigrants , we can find space for our blood .


07-05-2014, 09:35 AM
He's right, though. Whites have no claim to anything in Zimbabwe, just as a black has no claim to anything in Germany or Finland, for example.

I don't blame Africans for treating whites as outsiders, just as I wouldn't blame Europeans for doing the same to non-whites in their homelands. The hypocrisy of the media in covering up the messes in Southern Africa bother me more than the messes themselves.

And neither does whites or blacks in the U.S.. But I don't support colonialism. I live in a country that was once colonized. My people came here from a land that was a colony and is now part of the colonizing country. But at the same time, I don't wish for all those people born because of colonization to have not been born. But it does sound strange coming from people that are from a colonized land.

07-05-2014, 09:37 AM
And that gives them the right to enslave the whole world? FASCIST!!!

The debate is about Land not slaves.
"The whole World" seems a bit exaggerated anyway.

Don't say "They".As you're an American of Euro descent.

Manifest Destiny
07-05-2014, 09:39 AM
And neither does whites or blacks in the U.S.. But I don't support colonialism. I live in a country that was once colonized. My people came here from a land that was a colony and is now part of the colonizing country. But at the same time, I don't wish for all those people born because of colonization to have not been born. But it does sound strange coming from people that are from a colonized land.

Everyone is an "immigrant" in the New World. The countries here belong to those who built them.

07-05-2014, 09:43 AM
Whoa, whoa, whoa, .....wait a minute. Did you just call me a fascist? I just told you that I don't support colonization, I come from a colonized people. Just because I said that at the same time, I don't wish for all those people that were born during colonization to not have been born, you call me a fascist? That's just wrong. Do not hurl insults at me. I've read some of your posts that have sounded very racist and fascist, but not once have I insulted you like that. That's just disrespectful to insult me.

07-05-2014, 09:44 AM
The debate is about Land not slaves.
"The whole World" seems a bit exaggerated anyway.

Don't say "They".As you're an American of Euro descent.
I thought I was the only one that thought this it sounded strange coming from a descendant of immigrants in a colonized land. I see it sounds that way to you also.

Hong Key
07-05-2014, 09:46 AM
The debate is about Land not slaves.
"The whole World" seems a bit exaggerated anyway.

Don't say "They".As you're an American of Euro descent.

As a newly avowed anti-racist I do separate myself from Them yet at the same time I have the same White guilt.

I bet you agree with these White racists. Fascist!!!

Another white male student said, ‘Yeah, I don’t get this either. It’s like people are trying to say that white men are always the villains, the bad guys. Why do we have to say this?’

I tried to say, ‘You guys are trying to take it personally. This is not a personal attack….We’re talking about whiteness as a system of oppression.’

Read more at http://lastresistance.com/3896/white-students-file-complaint-against-anti-white-professor-professor-calls-it-racist/#02wICWvy4hBKfqHS.99

07-05-2014, 09:52 AM
Everyone is an "immigrant" in the New World. The countries here belong to those who built them.
Why don't you apply the same logic to the U.S. as you are doing about other countries like in Africa? How can those in Africa belong to blacks and not whites, but the U.S. belongs to all the immigrants and not the Native Americans?

07-05-2014, 09:53 AM
As a newly avowed anti-racist I do separate myself from Them yet at the same time I have the same White guilt.

I bet you agree with these White racists. Fascist!!!

Another white male student said, ‘Yeah, I don’t get this either. It’s like people are trying to say that white men are always the villains, the bad guys. Why do we have to say this?’

I tried to say, ‘You guys are trying to take it personally. This is not a personal attack….We’re talking about whiteness as a system of oppression.’

Read more at http://lastresistance.com/3896/white-students-file-complaint-against-anti-white-professor-professor-calls-it-racist/#02wICWvy4hBKfqHS.99

You need to stop insulting people. No one is insulting you. Tame down the insults.

Manifest Destiny
07-05-2014, 09:54 AM
Why don't you apply the same logic to the U.S. as you are doing about other countries like in Africa? How can those in Africa belong to blacks and not whites, but the U.S. belongs to all the immigrants and not the Native Americans?

The "Native Americans" are actually native Siberians. Like I said; everyone in the New World came here from somewhere else.

Hong Key
07-05-2014, 10:06 AM
You need to stop insulting people. No one is insulting you. Tame down the insults.

Sarcasm is a bitch. :wink

As a newly avowed anti-racist I do separate myself from Them yet at the same time I have the same White guilt.

I bet you agree with these White racists. Fascist!!!

Another white male student said, ‘Yeah, I don’t get this either. It’s like people are trying to say that white men are always the villains, the bad guys. Why do we have to say this?’

I tried to say, ‘You guys are trying to take it personally. This is not a personal attack….We’re talking about whiteness as a system of oppression.’

Read more at http://lastresistance.com/3896/white...Wvy4hBKfqHS.99

07-05-2014, 10:07 AM
The "Native Americans" are actually native Siberians. Like I said; everyone in the New World came here from somewhere else.That's a red herring argument. Either all lands that had civilizations built on them by colonizers belong to the colonizer, or none of the lands that had civilizations built on them by the colonizers belong to the colonizer.

Siberians came to the Americas 17,000 years ago. That's longer than some of the European ancestry from the Neolithic has been in Europe. That long ago, people were still evolving. For that matter, Europeans came from outside of Europe in the upper Paleolithic/Mesolithic/Neolithic. That's way too far back to say that Native Americans are not native to the land. They evolved on the land, they are the natives, just as Europeans evolved on the European continent and are native to the land.

07-05-2014, 10:09 AM
You can have the freedom of speech to say what you want and express your opinions. But do not insult people. You can express your opinions without insulting. You misunderstood my comment. For that reason, I've explained it to you, insult free.

07-05-2014, 10:12 AM
When my Dutch ancestors settled in the Cape in 1652, there were no black people there. There were some native Khoi people, who were friendly and with whom we traded successfully.

About a hundred years later, when the farms expanded eastward, they had their first encounter with African tribes, the Xhosa.

Hong Key
07-05-2014, 10:15 AM
You can have the freedom of speech to say what you want and express your opinions. But do not insult people. You can express your opinions without insulting. You misunderstood my comment. For that reason, I've explained it to you, insult free.

If I was insulted every time someone called me a racist or fascist I would be crying in the corner all day long. I am sorry you didn't get it. I keeped waiting for you to. oooops. Perhaps I went to long with it. My bad.

I was hoping you would get my point. You did not (I even sent you a reputation comment). You didn't asked but I will tell you anyways. Anti-Whites do two things.

#1 Blames Whites for everything.

#2 Tell Whites they deserve it.

I thought it was hilarious unfortunately you didn't.

Manifest Destiny
07-05-2014, 10:18 AM
That's a red herring argument. Either all lands that had civilizations built on them by colonizers belong to the colonizer, or none of the lands that had civilizations built on them by the colonizers belong to the colonizer.

Siberians came to the Americas 17,000 years ago. That's longer than some of the European ancestry from the Neolithic has been in Europe. That long ago, people were still evolving. For that matter, Europeans came from outside of Europe in the upper Paleolithic/Mesolithic/Neolithic. That's way too far back to say that Native Americans are not native to the land. They evolved on the land, they are the natives, just as Europeans evolved on the European continent and are native to the land.

Anatomically modern humans popped up a lot longer than 17,000 years ago.

The native Siberians were here first, but they didn't build the nations that exist here as we know them. In fact, the destruction of their civilizations was arguably necessary (I'm not saying that it was right or wrong, but only that it was politically and militarily necessary) for the currently existing nations to come into being.

07-05-2014, 10:20 AM
Ye, good! Fucking whites, get out of mother Africa and take your silly toilets and roads with you! We want out zebras and savanas back!
Black pride Africawide!

07-05-2014, 10:38 AM
If I was insulted every time someone called me a racist or fascist I would be crying in the corner all day long. I am sorry you didn't get it. I keeped waiting for you to. oooops. Perhaps I went to long with it. My bad.

I was hoping you would get my point. You did not (I even sent you a reputation comment). You didn't asked but I will tell you anyways. Anti-Whites do two things.

#1 Blames Whites for everything.

#2 Tell Whites they deserve it.

I thought it was hilarious unfortunately you didn't.

Well if you were joking, I didn't catch that, excuse me. I hope you were. Now with that said, it's all water under the bridge, let's just forget it happened :)

07-05-2014, 10:48 AM
Anatomically modern humans popped up a lot longer than 17,000 years ago.

The native Siberians were here first, but they didn't build the nations that exist here as we know them. In fact, the destruction of their civilizations was arguably necessary (I'm not saying that it was right or wrong, but only that it was politically and militarily necessary) for the currently existing nations to come into being.
But we were talking about Siberians, not Humans before that time. I mentioned the Europeans, because some European ancestry is from the Neolithic in which they arrived in Europe after the Siberians arrived in the Americas. But much of the European ancestry is older than that and arrived in the upper Paleolithic/Mesolithic. Siberians arrived long ago in the Mesolithic and evolved in the local climate to be Native Americans in the Americas, which today, that makes them the natives.

Yes that may be true what you say about civilizations, and it may have been wrong, and the current civilizations may be great because of whites, but to say the land in Africa belongs to blacks and not say it about the U.S. concerning Native Americans I think is being biased. Pardon me for saying so :)

I hope you understand my opinion.

07-05-2014, 10:55 AM
When my Dutch ancestors settled in the Cape in 1652, there were no black people there. There were some native Khoi people, who were friendly and with whom we traded successfully.

About a hundred years later, when the farms expanded eastward, they had their first encounter with African tribes, the Xhosa.
Do you think the current race relations in South Africa are exaggerated or are as told? And do you visit often, and if so, what is your perspective on race relations in present South Africa?

Hong Key
07-05-2014, 10:59 AM
Well if you were joking, I didn't catch that, excuse me. I hope you were. Now with that said, it's all water under the bridge, let's just forget it happened :)

I wanted to know what it was like to be an Anti-Racist/Anti-White for a day. Man it is easy and fun, all you have to do is yell the R word or F word and tell them everything is there fault and/or they deserve it. You should try it sometime, it is a blast.

Where did the water go? There it is, it is under the bridge.

07-05-2014, 11:01 AM
I wanted to know what it was like to be an Anti-Racist/Anti-White for a day. Man it is easy and fun, all you have to do is yell the R word or F word and tell them everything is there fault and/or they deserve it. You should try it sometime, it is a blast.

Where did the water? There it is, it is under the bridge.Haha, I will be sure to try it. It must be exhilarating! Sorry I didn't see you were joking. Excuse the moderation :)

07-05-2014, 11:12 AM
Do you think the current race relations in South Africa are exaggerated or are as told?

In what way?

And do you visit often, and if so, what is your perspective on race relations in present South Africa?

If I had more money, I would have visited more often. Best place for a holiday.

As usual, ordinary people - both black and white - have no problems getting along. It is black populist politicians who cause the problems.

BTW I agree with you about Native Americans. I think FireEater is just joking with us ;)

07-05-2014, 11:19 AM
In what way?

If I had more money, I would have visited more often. Best place for a holiday.

As usual, ordinary people - both black and white - have no problems getting along. It is black populist politicians who cause the problems.

BTW I agree with you about Native Americans. I think FireEater is just joking with us ;)

I meant with the things I hear about race relations in South Africa, like blacks are killing whites and whites are in danger if they go into black areas like Pretoria. Also lots of racism against whites from blacks and they sing "Kill the Boer, kill the farmer". Is this only with farmers or all whites there? I was watching a documentary about South Africa not long ago about it.

And about FireEater, he probably is. But I had fun debating :)

The Illyrian Warrior
07-05-2014, 12:10 PM
I'm against nukes but when it comes to Africa, I'm all for to turn dust out of this continent, I'd feel sorry for wildlife but not for lowlife blacks which happens to be biggest garbage on earth anyways.

King Claus
07-05-2014, 12:12 PM
Maybe this will be a good reason for europe to get rid of the immigrants :)))

de Burgh II
07-05-2014, 01:00 PM
If there so intent on having these double standards; let them starve and strand the liberals with them to see what I real hellhole is. We don't want them back. This is why we don't need multiculturalism because the so called "immigrants" in some cases are nothing more than crime ridden retards or common parasites. If the leftist media doesn't show this injustice; it tells a thing or two about their own anti-white agenda when they hold the "race card" against us.

Lets face it, without "whitey" around to help run african countries, they would self destruct and kill each other constantly because for some weird reason they don't seem to have the cognitive capacities to act rational. For some weird reason Europe is the only region where mass migration is prevalent and africa/asia doesn't have to. These crime ridden shitholes have the audacity do all these ridiculous things when it was whitey that brought civilization to this aids ridden continent; this goes to show their conniving, parasitic retards at most so let evolution take its course and starve these bastards.

Lets look what comes out of Africa shall we:

Bathing in cow piss:


Jenkem that originated in africa: Getting high off your own fermented shit:


Further information on Jenkem: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jenkem

Merciless killing of pygmies for "magical" properties: http://www.rense.com/general54/PYG.HTM

I know I'm being too rash, but lets face it; the media are nothing more than leftist retards with their anti-white agenda; just connect all the "dots". These "dots" are:
Mass migration in Europe
This new article
White Guilt

This just goes to show white people in particular are perceived as a threat to Elitist scum; their scared in the sense because were very astute and we can see through their lies. Nevertheless we must stand resolute in order to combat these conniving bastards if the situations get any dire; we have to be ready for anything. They will get what they have coming to them and these africans with their unjustifiable follies which will bite them in the ass sooner or later; its inevitable.

07-05-2014, 03:42 PM
Why is there no one claiming that Zimbabwe needs to be enriched with multiculturalism? Not that I mind multiculturalism in the US, but it's hypocrisy to not hold Zimbabwe to the same standard, for maybe if we did they'd have a more successful economy and not the highest inflation rate in the world.

It's a lot more complicated than that. Multiculturaism is one thing and Colonialism -where you are a second and third class citizen in your own country- quite another.

07-05-2014, 03:44 PM
It's a lot more complicated than that. Multiculturaism is one thing and Colonialism -where you are a second and third class citizen in your own country- quite another.

But why shouldn't African countries be multicultural like the US?

07-05-2014, 03:47 PM
But why shouldn't African countries be multicultural like the US?

They already are. I don't think they are as much hostile towards Indians or the Chinese as they have never been colonized by these countries.

07-05-2014, 03:52 PM
Hah, niggers, huh?

Trash, all of them.

07-05-2014, 03:56 PM
Good riddance. Ideally, white people should not own land anywhere.

07-05-2014, 03:56 PM
I totally understand them, after everything the white people did to them: give them money, food, water, humanitarian aid, progress...

07-05-2014, 04:19 PM
I totally understand them, after everything the white people did to them: give them money, food, water, humanitarian aid, progress...

For every penny that rich countries give to African countries in aid, they get multiple times back that amount. Africans also have disadvantageous trade agreements with the EU and USA. It's not as black and white as many seem to think.

07-05-2014, 04:28 PM
I think that there are good and bad everywhere but Africa today is not the ideal place to live and I don't get why some regions are lagging behind economically when the west gives them so much.

07-05-2014, 04:56 PM
As a newly avowed anti-racist I do separate myself from Them yet at the same time I have the same White guilt.

I bet you agree with these White racists. Fascist!!!

Another white male student said, ‘Yeah, I don’t get this either. It’s like people are trying to say that white men are always the villains, the bad guys. Why do we have to say this?’

I tried to say, ‘You guys are trying to take it personally. This is not a personal attack….We’re talking about whiteness as a system of oppression.’

Read more at http://lastresistance.com/3896/white-students-file-complaint-against-anti-white-professor-professor-calls-it-racist/#02wICWvy4hBKfqHS.99

I don't follow labellings. I am what I am.

You suffer from White guilt ? Shame on you for not feeling proud of YOUR ancestors.

I'm not Into politics for you to call me fascist.But If It makes you happy.(It might ease your guilt bashing a White guy)

07-05-2014, 04:57 PM
I think that there are good and bad everywhere but Africa today is not the ideal place to live and I don't get why some regions are lagging behind economically when the west gives them so much.

If you state....

When was then ?

07-05-2014, 04:59 PM
Good riddance. Ideally, white people should not own land anywhere.

What's wrong with you? :picard2:

07-05-2014, 05:00 PM
Again? Yet some other White farmers to take in with open arms for Botswana and Zambia to help boost their economy.

07-05-2014, 05:01 PM
What's wrong with you? :picard2:

Well.He IS a Mexicano.

07-05-2014, 05:03 PM
If he's not full Amerindian then he's self hating since mestizo is part white.

07-05-2014, 05:11 PM
If he's not full Amerindian then he's self hating since mestizo is part white.

Who is speaking of hatred? :confused:

07-05-2014, 05:12 PM
Again? Yet some other White farmers to take in with open arms for Botswana and Zambia to help boost their economy.

Even In "Crisis" Portugal sends billions to the Ex-Colonies In Africa who actually owe us Money.

They have been happy with the Portuguese brain drain.As many end up In the African former Colonies.

"....., with African Colonies, and other Portuguese territories as extensions of Portugal itself, with Portugal being a source of civilization and stability to the overseas societies in the African and Asian possessions...."

That Is all finish now.(And they know It)Specially Angolans.
Almost all of the ones I talk from that time (1970-1975)didn't want Independence from Portugal.

07-05-2014, 05:13 PM
What's wrong with you? :picard2:

OK, let me refrase... Whites should own huge properties in a hostile, tropical african country just because.

Yes, what's wrong with you now? Everytime you let whites own too much shit they start becoming separatist (Brazil) or make apartheid (South Africa).

07-05-2014, 05:53 PM
Yes, what's wrong with you now? Everytime you let whites own too much shit they start becoming separatist (Brazil) or make apartheid (South Africa).

I don't think that white people should be owning the rest of the world -- I think that the Americas should be multicultural as they are, and Europe should be for Europeans. But if Europeans had a larger presence in Africa you can't deny their economies would improve, they wouldn't be starving, etc.

07-05-2014, 06:04 PM
This isn't even positive discrimination, which sadly is the norm from what I hear in South Africa (perhaps Loki can give his ideas on this still happening or not)

This is discrimination full stop, it is not surprising to me that a society in a poor developing country is just 'acting out' whatever past pains they went through onto people who might resemble their former 'oppressors', but it is sad to see either way

Manifest Destiny
07-05-2014, 06:11 PM
But we were talking about Siberians, not Humans before that time. I mentioned the Europeans, because some European ancestry is from the Neolithic in which they arrived in Europe after the Siberians arrived in the Americas. But much of the European ancestry is older than that and arrived in the upper Paleolithic/Mesolithic. Siberians arrived long ago in the Mesolithic and evolved in the local climate to be Native Americans in the Americas, which today, that makes them the natives.

Yes that may be true what you say about civilizations, and it may have been wrong, and the current civilizations may be great because of whites, but to say the land in Africa belongs to blacks and not say it about the U.S. concerning Native Americans I think is being biased. Pardon me for saying so :)

I hope you understand my opinion.

But they didn't really evolve in the New World (they were modern humans when they got here, just like they are now), nor did they mix in with other forms of humanoids that were already living in the region. They just wandered out exploring and ended up here. Using that logic, we could say that Anglo-Americans are native to Antarctica since many claim that John Davis was the first man to set foot on Antarctica and two Paul Siple and John Tuck oversaw the creation of the first permanent settlement at the South Pole. Neil Armstrong, of Germanic and Celtic descent, was the first man on the moon. Natives, yo.

New idea for a thread:

Who is whiter: Antarctic-Anglos or Moon-Honkeys? :laugh:

07-05-2014, 06:14 PM
Sorry, I'm 'pro-White' in almost every situation like this, but I can't possibly fathom how this particular story is wrong considering how Whites/Caucasoids are not even indigenous of Zimbabwe at all whatsoever and really shouldn't have even been there in the first place or none of these racial tension conflicts would be happening right now in the southern part of the African continent.

The Illyrian Warrior
07-05-2014, 06:27 PM
Good riddance. Ideally, white people should not own land anywhere.

Until whites are present on earth they'll own land and you know why, cause we know how to run a damn country something which many fails at basic steps, hence Africans.

07-05-2014, 06:28 PM
Sorry, I'm 'pro-White' in almost every situation like this, but I can't possibly fathom how this particular story is wrong considering how Whites/Caucasoids are not even indigenous of Zimbabwe at all whatsoever and really shouldn't have even been there in the first place or none of these racial tension conflicts would be happening right now in the southern part of the African continent.

However, when it was still called Rhodesia the country used to be called 'the grain silo of Africa'. Nowadays the Zim dollar isn't even worth the paper it's printed on and that didn't even go at the price for their freedom, as Mugabe is a brutal dictator suppressing any hint of opposition. The few Whites left there are basically feeding the country. Neighbouring African countries know this, like Botswana and happily take in such fleeing Whites.

In other words, I couldn't disagree more. Continents don't belong to races.

07-05-2014, 06:32 PM
Non-whites move in and own land, it's 'diversity' and good...whites move in and it's "whitey up to no good"...

07-05-2014, 06:36 PM
Until whites are present on earth they'll own land and you know why, cause we know how to run a damn country something which many fails at basic steps, hence Africans.

Not in Zimbabwe anymore at least.

07-05-2014, 06:39 PM
Without white farmers, Zimbabweans will have to start to eat dirt ... Well, that's an ancient African tradition, anyways.


07-05-2014, 06:41 PM
Without white farmers, Zimbabweans will have to start to eat dirt ... Well, that's an ancient African tradition, anyways.


Zimbabweans are not prepared for white technology.

The Illyrian Warrior
07-05-2014, 06:44 PM
Not in Zimbabwe anymore at least.

Who gives a flying fuck about Zimbabwe when there's far better option to consider for Whites such as Botswana, Namibia or SA with mineral richness above all, heck Zimbabwe is already in food crisis so there isn't much use to feed 'em anyways.

07-05-2014, 06:45 PM
Zimbabwe has such high inflation I don't know why anyone would want to live there at all.

07-05-2014, 06:45 PM
Who gives a flying fuck about Zimbabwe when there's far better option to consider for Whites such as Botswana, Namibia or SA with mineral richness above all, heck Zimbabwe is already in food crisis so there isn't much use to feed 'em anyways.

They could move to South America as well, where they would be very welcome... If they wish of course.

07-05-2014, 06:45 PM
Sorry, I'm 'pro-White' in almost every situation like this, but I can't possibly fathom how this particular story is wrong considering how Whites/Caucasoids are not even indigenous of Zimbabwe at all whatsoever and really shouldn't have even been there in the first place or none of these racial tension conflicts would be happening right now in the southern part of the African continent.

We could just as well kill all the negroes and take the land, war and conquest is something they would do if they could, they are not peaceful or have higher morals, they are not the noble savages.

White man is just weak and stupid, China will take over Africa happily.

07-05-2014, 06:51 PM
White man is just weak and stupid, China will take over Africa happily.

Here's zhaoyun, your fellow Asian, smiling over this.


07-05-2014, 06:59 PM
Here's zhaoyun, your fellow Asian, smiling over this.


And zhaoyun is living in *ring ring ring* a Western, Non-Chinese country shaped by Europeans. :D So something must be still better here than there. In his home country, he would be matter of censorship or persecution for some of his views.

07-05-2014, 07:01 PM
OK, let me refrase... Whites should own huge properties in a hostile, tropical african country just because.

Yes, what's wrong with you now? Everytime you let whites own too much shit they start becoming separatist (Brazil) or make apartheid (South Africa).
But we 'Whites' can own Europe, can we? It's OUR home soil! We are the natives HERE!

07-05-2014, 07:11 PM
Who gives a flying fuck about Zimbabwe when there's far better option to consider for Whites such as Botswana, Namibia or SA with mineral richness above all, heck Zimbabwe is already in food crisis so there isn't much use to feed 'em anyways.

South Africa and Botswana soon will follow. I think you are already a target if you're white there.

07-05-2014, 07:12 PM
OK, let me refrase... Whites should own huge properties in a hostile, tropical african country just because.

Yes, what's wrong with you now? Everytime you let whites own too much shit they start becoming separatist (Brazil) or make apartheid (South Africa).

But it's not because...

07-05-2014, 09:02 PM
OK, let me refrase... Whites should own huge properties in a hostile, tropical african country just because.

Yes, what's wrong with you now? Everytime you let whites own too much shit they start becoming separatist (Brazil) or make apartheid (South Africa).

Brazil ?Separatist?Let me remind you of the size of Brazil.


Were we separatists and Brazil would be lot's of different Nations now,and not one.

07-05-2014, 09:04 PM
Good riddance. Ideally, white people should not own land anywhere.

And that's equality for you ?

That's the state of mind of minority's.

07-05-2014, 09:04 PM
Brazil ?Separatist?Let me remind you of the size of Brazil.


Were we separatists and Brazil would be lot's of different Nations now,and not one.

Brazil have its own share of separatism movements... But I think he is talking about the south.

07-05-2014, 09:15 PM
Who Is going to work the farms now ?
That's the question.

The Negro Is not very responsible.
Farms are hard work.
Wake up at 4 In the morning go to bed at 2100.(After working all Day In the Farm)

The Negro prefers flashy cars and expensive clothing.But they can't understand that one has to work to achieve certain things.
(they do not even understand how hard was/Is to build a Nation.(What one calls home.The one they live at now)
Angolans called themselves like that,without even realising that prior to the Portuguese arrival Angola etc;didn't existed.

Styrian Mujo
07-05-2014, 09:19 PM
Who Is going to work the farms now ?
That's the question.

The Negro Is not very responsible.
Farms are hard work.
Wake up at 4 In the morning go to bed at 2100.(After working all Day In the Farm)

The Negro prefers flashy cars and expensive clothing.But they can't understand that one has to work to achieve certain things.
(they do not even understand how hard was/Is to build a Nation.(What one calls home.The one they live at now)
Angolans called themselves like that,without even realising that prior to the Portuguese arrival Angola etc;didn't existed.
Let them starve,let nature take its course and maybe the Negro will get a step closer to the rest of us Eurasians.

07-05-2014, 09:20 PM
Brazil have its own share of separatism movements... But I think he is talking about the south.

I'll talk about Portugal and It's former Empire.
As speaking about other Coloniser Nations might be prone to error.

07-05-2014, 09:27 PM
I'll talk about Portugal and It's former Empire.
As speaking about other Coloniser Nations might be prone to error.

Okay, so, Brazil remained one because of its policies, every separatist movement during story was completely destroyed. That's why we are one, and then during the world wars, when immigrants came, we had a president that forbid them to speak their non-Portuguese languages on the street. We also have a separatist movement now, in my region, the South. What happens is that the south is whiter than the north, so that's what he meant with "Whites become separatists".

07-05-2014, 09:32 PM
Okay, so, Brazil remained one because of its policies, every separatist movement during story was completely destroyed. That's why we are one, and then during the world wars, when immigrants came, we had a president that forbid them to speak their non-Portuguese languages on the street. We also have a separatist movement now, in my region, the South. What happens is that the south is whiter than the north, so that's what he meant with "Whites become separatists".

He Is talking about a different kind of separatism.

Let's say the way he talks about It.The Portuguese would have build several Nations out of Brazil.But we didn't.And the Brazilians maintained the shape till now.(Well expansion was tried)

The Illyrian Warrior
07-05-2014, 09:34 PM
South Africa and Botswana soon will follow. I think you are already a target if you're white there.

Fortunately don't live in Africa but if I was from there surely won't let anyone cross in my property without blowing one head off so the rest can get the massage that property is no go zone.

Hong Key
07-05-2014, 09:38 PM
I don't follow labellings. I am what I am.

You suffer from White guilt ? Shame on you for not feeling proud of YOUR ancestors.

I'm not Into politics for you to call me fascist.But If It makes you happy.(It might ease your guilt bashing a White guy)


07-06-2014, 12:27 AM
And that's equality for you ?

That's the state of mind of minority's.

Equality doesn't exist in the jungle. But it's fairness.

07-06-2014, 02:43 AM

saw this documentary a few years back

07-07-2014, 06:07 AM
But we 'Whites' can own Europe, can we? It's OUR home soil! We are the natives HERE!

Sure, you all can have a reservation.

Leo Iscariot
07-07-2014, 10:39 PM
Why is there no one claiming that Zimbabwe needs to be enriched with multiculturalism? Not that I mind multiculturalism in the US, but it's hypocrisy to not hold Zimbabwe to the same standard, for maybe if we did they'd have a more successful economy and not the highest inflation rate in the world.

I'd be saying that if it wasn't such a shithole. I don't know who in their right mind would want to move there as long as that old fuck is still alive.