View Full Version : People with knowledge; classify me!

07-06-2014, 03:31 PM

07-06-2014, 03:32 PM
You actually look Portuguese or Spanish to me.

07-06-2014, 03:38 PM
You actually look Portuguese or Spanish to me.

Not to me :laugh:

07-06-2014, 03:39 PM
She looks western to me, but not her nose. Not "Middle Eastern" at all. Maybe Greece would've been a better guess though.

07-06-2014, 03:48 PM

07-06-2014, 03:54 PM
It's logic that I don't look Middle Eastern, because I'm not Middle-Eastern (Turkey is not in the Middle East). There are many people who think I'm Greek, Bulgarian or Slavic (Balkan), but with my own knowledge I know that Turanoid-Turkic people are very varied, and I think that my look is one of the Western(!) Turanid looks. My family is from the West of Turkey, but we came from Central-Asia and Mesopotamia as a Turkmen tribe, this is for sure because we have research this and our culture is the proof. I wondered what you think..Portugese or Spanish...hmm :)

07-06-2014, 04:30 PM
Asian Alpine Mainly. Hint of Med.

07-06-2014, 04:46 PM
She looks western to me, but not her nose. Not "Middle Eastern" at all. Maybe Greece would've been a better guess though.

Her eyes don't look portuguese at all to me. Very wide and also down turned.

07-06-2014, 06:08 PM
First of all welcome to the board. İ want to give you some tips about ta; first of all Turkey is euroasian and partly middle eastern, and being middle eastern in not something to be ashamed of or to deny. Secondly, european posters feel embrassed when an eastern/west asian says "people say i look like ....(write any european country)" so its better to avoid those kind of statements, otherwise you would be "european wannabe"

Kısaca aman beni buna benzetiyorlar, falanca avrupa ülkesinden sanıyorlar falan dediğinde o ülkenin vatandaşları bu durumdan rahatsız olacak, bunu inkar edecek kadar kompleksliler, buna takılma. Onlara göre tüm avrupa norveçli, isveçli, danimarkalı kadar sarışınlardan ibaret. Bulgar, iyalyan yunan arasında araba, orta doğuluya benzeyen kimse yok, bu kadar fanatik ırkçılar yani bulacağın ortam bu.

07-06-2014, 06:24 PM
First of all welcome to the board. İ want to give you some tips about ta; first of all Turkey is euroasian and partly middle eastern, and being middle eastern in not something to be ashamed of or to deny. Secondly, european posters feel embrassed when an eastern/west asian says "people say i look like ....(write any european country)" so its better to avoid those kind of statements, otherwise you would be "european wannabe"

Kısaca aman beni buna benzetiyorlar, falanca avrupa ülkesinden sanıyorlar falan dediğinde o ülkenin vatandaşları bu durumdan rahatsız olacak, bunu inkar edecek kadar kompleksliler, buna takılma. Onlara göre tüm avrupa norveçli, isveçli, danimarkalı kadar sarışınlardan ibaret. Bulgar, iyalyan yunan arasında araba, orta doğuluya benzeyen kimse yok, bu kadar fanatik ırkçılar yani bulacağın ortam bu.

Hoş bulduk, bilgi için teşekkürler. Kendim bir Avrupa ülkesinde doğup yaşadığım için genelleme bir Avrupalının düşünce tarzını biliyorum. Ben ise kimlik krizi geçiren ve yüz hatlar olarak batılıya benzemek isteyen bir kişi değilim (böyleleri ise var, biliyorum), yanlış anlaşılmak istemem. Eğer benziyor isem de bundan ayrıca gurur duyacak değilim. Biyolojik antropoloji her zaman ilgi alanım olmuştur (özellikle Türkler). Bu forumu uzun bir süre takip ediyorum. Burada genelleme insanın olmadığını düşünerek bu başlığı açtım. Eğer senin dediğin gibi basit ve ucuz genellemeler yaparak düşünüyorlarsa yanlış yere geldim. Bakacağız.

(Ayrıca Türkiye ortadoğu değildir, bu sıfatı kendimize veriyoruz belki, fakat resmi olarak Türkiye ile İran ortadoğu değildir. Utandığım bir husus da değil, çünkü atalarım Irak'tan göçebe Türkmen'dir, bunu da belirttim. Çok gereksiz bir yorum yaptın.)

Styrian Mujo
07-06-2014, 06:27 PM
Anadolid-Alpinid mostly. She can pass in Greece,Bulgaria,probably in the Caucasus aswell but I'm not sure.

07-06-2014, 06:31 PM
East Med+Alpine

07-06-2014, 06:55 PM
Alpinoid, you can pass as European with no problem.

Styrian Mujo
07-06-2014, 06:59 PM
Alpinoid, you can pass as European with no problem.
She has Anadolid influence.

Styrian Mujo
07-06-2014, 07:00 PM
She looks western to me, but not her nose. Not "Middle Eastern" at all. Maybe Greece would've been a better guess though.
Not western at all.

07-06-2014, 07:23 PM
She has Anadolid influence.

Not really.

07-06-2014, 07:26 PM
if you wanted afair classification you should have said you are fron Italy :p
....In any case i think you look European http://smileys.smilchat.net/smiley/travel/europe/england.gif.....Italy :pizza: and Greece :sunny: would be two places you could fit.

07-06-2014, 07:32 PM
Armenian, Jewish.

07-06-2014, 07:42 PM
Hoş bulduk, bilgi için teşekkürler. Kendim bir Avrupa ülkesinde doğup yaşadığım için genelleme bir Avrupalının düşünce tarzını biliyorum. Ben ise kimlik krizi geçiren ve yüz hatlar olarak batılıya benzemek isteyen bir kişi değilim (böyleleri ise var, biliyorum), yanlış anlaşılmak istemem. Eğer benziyor isem de bundan ayrıca gurur duyacak değilim. Biyolojik antropoloji her zaman ilgi alanım olmuştur (özellikle Türkler). Bu forumu uzun bir süre takip ediyorum. Burada genelleme insanın olmadığını düşünerek bu başlığı açtım. Eğer senin dediğin gibi basit ve ucuz genellemeler yaparak düşünüyorlarsa yanlış yere geldim. Bakacağız.

(Ayrıca Türkiye ortadoğu değildir, bu sıfatı kendimize veriyoruz belki, fakat resmi olarak Türkiye ile İran ortadoğu değildir. Utandığım bir husus da değil, çünkü atalarım Irak'tan göçebe Türkmen'dir, bunu da belirttim. Çok gereksiz bir yorum yaptın.)

Gayet bilgili, kültürlü birisin yanlış bir şey söylediysem özür dilerim. Kendini çok güzel ifade etmişsin zaten, buradaki ırkçılara aldırma. Meseleye önyargılı yaklaşmış olabilirim ama kırılmaman, yazılanları ciddiye almaman için söylemiştim. Umarım güzel vakit geçirirsin.

07-06-2014, 08:38 PM
To those who mentioned she looks Bulgarian - she doesn't.

07-06-2014, 08:48 PM
Alpine. You look more like typical Turkish girl, than Southern European one imo.

07-06-2014, 09:43 PM
you look turkish, and I don't think you would fit anywhere in Europe.

07-07-2014, 02:04 AM
Anadolid-Alpinid mostly. She can pass in Greece,Bulgaria,probably in the Caucasus aswell but I'm not sure.

Not western at all.

First you said 'Alpinid' and that I can pass in Greece and Bulgaria, and then you say 'not western at all'. Don't you consider Alpinid's, Greece and Bulgaria as Western society's/peoples? Your answers are contradictory.

Gayet bilgili, kültürlü birisin yanlış bir şey söylediysem özür dilerim. Kendini çok güzel ifade etmişsin zaten, buradaki ırkçılara aldırma. Meseleye önyargılı yaklaşmış olabilirim ama kırılmaman, yazılanları ciddiye almaman için söylemiştim. Umarım güzel vakit geçirirsin.

Uyarıların ve güzel sözlerin için teşekkür ederim. Özür dilemene gerek yok, sadece hakkımda genelleme yaptığın için tepki vermiştim. Dediğin çıkıyor, bir kaç yorumdan sonra kendilerini belli ediyorlar. Mesela birisi beni batılı bir halka benzetiyor, ırkçılar hemen gelip itiraz ediyorlar. Çünkü Türk olduğumu biliyorlar (kendim belirtmiştim), ve bir Türk'ün de gayet ''beyaz'' olabileceğinin gerçeğini hazmedemiyorlar, gururlarına yediremiyorlar. Türk soyu geniştir, doğu-Asya'dan Doğu-Avrupa'ya kadar uzanıyoruz. Bu gerçek dış/yüz hatlarımızda da görülüyor. Sen o yorumu yaparken bizi ister istemez 'ezik' durumuna düşürdün. Sanki biz onlar gibi gözükmek istiyormuşuz gibi oldu. Yok öyle bir şey, milletçe bu kimlik krizinden kurtulmamız lazım. Batı-Türklerin (bizlerin) bunların coğrafyasına, kanlarına ve kültürlerine etkimiz olduğunu kabullenemiyorlar. Bizi bir kutba sokup hakkımızda genelleme yapıp kendi ırkçı dünyalarında bizi küçük düşürmeye çalışıyorlar. İşte bu zevki onlara yaşatmak istemiyorum ;-)

For the people who wondered what I said to him; the Turanid race/people is varied from East-Asia to East-Europe. That's why we can see difference in our appearances and looks. A Kazakh-Turk from Kazakhstan is Turanoid, but a Gagauz-Turk from Moldavia is also a Turanoid. Yes, this two examples variate in looks, but all of them have similar commons in looks, language and culture. The Oghuz Turks have more Western features, and this fact is something that some racist among us can't admit.

you look turkish, and I don't think you would fit anywhere in Europe.

That's remarkable (and funny). Because of the fact you have a poor knowledge in history you don't know that Turks have left many traces in Eastern-Europe. Nowadays many groups of Turkic origin living in East-Europe, like Gagauz-people from Moldavia, The Magyars (Hungarians) who are cousins of the Turks, Crimean Tatars in Russia and Ukraine, many Turkic villages and city's in Macedonia, Greece and Bulgaria etc etc. Many answers who are classifying me are from the regions where many Turks live. And that's not a coincidence ;-) also in Turkey you have many Turks with looks that's considered as Western by people. Blond hair an blue eyes are not only typical Western features, this features are also seeing in the Middle-East, West-Asia, Central-Asia and yes, even East-Asia. Only stupid and foolish persons think that all Europeans are blond + blue eyes and Asians dark eyes + black hair. This is not true. You can't generalize people like this. If you look for a race in someones features you have to look to his facial features and not the color of the hair or eyes.

When it's arrives to looking Turkish; you can't say to a Gagauz-Turk from Moldavia that he looks Turkic and that's why he can't fit in Europe. Because he's ancestors live many hundred years in Europe. You can't say to a Hungarian that he looks like his ancestors (The Huns), and that's why he can't fit in Europe, because he's ancestors lives for many hundred years in Europe. What I mean with this examples is that you don't only have Indo-Europeans living in Europe, but also Turanians and other people.

To those who mentioned she looks Bulgarian - she doesn't.

I want to give you a reminder; Volga-Bulgarians. Just don't live in the fantasy that Bulgarians are separated my neighbor, because the original Bulgarians where a Turkic tribe from Siberia/Asia, and then mixed with Slavic people, Anatolian Turks and Gypsy's. Just saying :-)

Alpine. You look more like typical Turkish girl, than Southern European one imo.

Your answer is not correct, first you said Alpine and then typical Turkish (you don't have a typical Turk and if you have, he's Turanid).

Come one people, is there someone with KNOWLEDGE?

07-07-2014, 02:33 AM
I still think you look Southern European but that is just me.

07-07-2014, 02:34 AM
Eastmediterranid with some orientalid strain basically, if you asked me without me knowing anything about you I would instantly think you're a levantine, that kind of droopy eyes are quite typical on middle easterns, I have levantine friends with that kind of eyes , even the forummite that goes as Randomguy has that same kind of deep droopy eyes.

07-07-2014, 03:07 AM
if you wanted afair classification you should have said you are fron Italy :p
....In any case i think you look European http://smileys.smilchat.net/smiley/travel/europe/england.gif.....Italy :pizza: and Greece :sunny: would be two places you could fit.

Hi, thanks for your answer :) I noticed that there are some Italians, Spanish, Bulgarians and Greeks have darker skin tones then me. They have also more sharper nose structures and longer/sharper facial features. My nose is wider, more Turanid. Round face. Round skull. That's why I don't have the idea that I can fit in that region, especially not south-Italy.

With long faces, sharp noses and darker skin I mean this;

http://www.cyclingfans.net/images/2009_tour_de_france_pre-race_alberto_contador_monte_carlo_monaco_mediterra nean2.jpg


Armenian, Jewish.

Nice try but I don't buy it ;-)

07-07-2014, 04:21 AM
I still think you look Southern European but that is just me.

Hahaha I appreciate your opinion to :)

Eastmediterranid with some orientalid strain basically, if you asked me without me knowing anything about you I would instantly think you're a levantine, that kind of droopy eyes are quite typical on middle easterns, I have levantine friends with that kind of eyes , even the forummite that goes as Randomguy has that same kind of deep droopy eyes.

Interesting...I have indeed droopy eyes, but also hooded eyes. You can't see that very good on the pictures. I don't have deep eyes. Especially when I smile my eyes become very hooded, and hood eyes is a Turanid feature. Maybe you can see it on this picture;

Baby me;


My hooded eye shape


Typical Hooded eye (not droopy only hooded)

07-07-2014, 09:40 AM
I want to give you a reminder; Volga-Bulgarians. Just don't live in the fantasy that Bulgarians are separated my neighbor, because the original Bulgarians where a Turkic tribe from Siberia/Asia, and then mixed with Slavic people, Anatolian Turks and Gypsy's. Just saying :-)

I also want to give you a reminder: don't speak about things you don't know.

The Illyrian Warrior
07-07-2014, 09:49 AM
Alpinized Irano-Pontid with minor Turanid influence.

07-07-2014, 10:15 AM
"I want to give you a reminder; Volga-Bulgarians. Just don't live in the fantasy that Bulgarians are separated my neighbor, because the original Bulgarians where a Turkic tribe from Siberia/Asia, and then mixed with Slavic people, Anatolian Turks and Gypsy's. Just saying :-)"

Volga Bulgars are an extinct ethnic group just like the Danube Bulgars. Today's Danube Bulgarians are an European Slavic people, while the Kazan Tatars are more or less a Kipchakicized hybrid population with Turkic, Fino-Ugric and Slavic elements.

Genetically Bulgarians are indeed sharply separated from their South-Eastern neighbours and whatever similarities we might have are due to Ottomans kidnapping and forcefully converting our people, a typical Turko-Mongol habit. There's absolutely no way modern Christian Slavic Bulgaians are mixed with Anatolian Turks, as you claim, since any union between a Muslim and a non-Muslim results in the offspring being raised as Muslims, which leads to Turkification.

As for the part concerning Gypsies... Tyurk, please, Gypsies and Bulgarians have always lived in an apartheid kind of society, unlike you, who basically integrated them fully into your own communities to the point that in Turkey you can't tell a Gypsy from a proper Turk. Just saying.:-)

Regarding the Gagauz, genetically they have nothing to do with any Turkish group whatsoever, they cluster with Romanians and Bulgarians.

On topic, I get a somewhat Levantine vibe. Pic in OP reminds me of Maleficent a bit.

07-07-2014, 10:15 AM

07-07-2014, 10:19 AM
Asian Alpine with some Med

07-07-2014, 12:37 PM
You don't look turk at all


07-07-2014, 12:54 PM
Alpine. You look more like typical Turkish girl, than Southern European one imo.

Your answer is not correct, first you said Alpine and then typical Turkish (you don't have a typical Turk and if you have, he's Turanid).

Come one people, is there someone with KNOWLEDGE?

Since when the only typical Turks are some Turanid ones? I don't get your point as your arguments are too abstract to make sense. That's some fuzzy logic.

Styrian Mujo
07-07-2014, 01:02 PM
First you said 'Alpinid' and that I can pass in Greece and Bulgaria, and then you say 'not western at all'. Don't you consider Alpinid's, Greece and Bulgaria as Western society's/peoples? Your answers are contradictory.
By 'western' I mean France and Iberia because that's what's generally considered western on anthro forums while Bulgaria and Greece are not anthropologically western but they might be considered politically western oriented. I didn't just classify you as Alpinid but Anadolid aswell. Overall Turkish looking but you can pass as typical in the Balkans and maybe Italy.

07-07-2014, 01:09 PM
"I want to give you a reminder; Volga-Bulgarians. Just don't live in the fantasy that Bulgarians are separated my neighbor, because the original Bulgarians where a Turkic tribe from Siberia/Asia, and then mixed with Slavic people, Anatolian Turks and Gypsy's. Just saying :-)"

Volga Bulgars are an extinct ethnic group just like the Danube Bulgars. Today's Danube Bulgarians are an European Slavic people, while the Kazan Tatars are more or less a Kipchakicized hybrid population with Turkic, Fino-Ugric and Slavic elements.

Genetically Bulgarians are indeed sharply separated from their South-Eastern neighbours and whatever similarities we might have are due to Ottomans kidnapping and forcefully converting our people, a typical Turko-Mongol habit. There's absolutely no way modern Christian Slavic Bulgaians are mixed with Anatolian Turks, as you claim, since any union between a Muslim and a non-Muslim results in the offspring being raised as Muslims, which leads to Turkification.

As for the part concerning Gypsies... Tyurk, please, Gypsies and Bulgarians have always lived in an apartheid kind of society, unlike you, who basically integrated them fully into your own communities to the point that in Turkey you can't tell a Gypsy from a proper Turk. Just saying.:-)

Regarding the Gagauz, genetically they have nothing to do with any Turkish group whatsoever, they cluster with Romanians and Bulgarians.

On topic, I get a somewhat Levantine vibe. Pic in OP reminds me of Maleficent a bit.

The Bulgarians of today are maybe more Slavic, but that's was different in the past. It's funny that when it's comes to Slavic assimilation that's fine with you, but when it's comes to Turkic assimilation you get offended. That's because of the difference in religion, and I don't take people serious who think in name of religions. That's sooo 1900.

When it's comes to gypsies; Bulgar please... in Turkey we have more problems with gypsies coming from Bulgaria and the other Balkan country's then our own gypsies. And yes, we live also separated with them, and yes; even or own gypsies are more educated and well raised then yours. That's says enough about the condition of your country. (I don't want to bash country's, but I can't stand the Bulgarian attitude they have as like they are a superior country and society against Turks. Every time I was in Bulgaria I was afraid that I would be robbed and was so happy when i arrived in Turkey). I pity the Bulgarian-Turks there.

''Regarding the Gagauz, genetically they have nothing to do with any Turkish group whatsoever, they cluster with Romanians and Bulgarians.''

What you said about Gagauz is so pathetic that you revealed your poorness in knowledge. Just oh my God. The Gagauz-Turks are the one which Turkic language is the most similar to Anatolian Turkish, there appearance is most similar to Western Anatolian Turks(!), even more then Azeri-Turks, and do you really think that a Christian group like the Gagauz in a Christian region speaks Turkic and have the Turkic culture FOR FUN? If they where Slavic like you say, and if their ethnicity is Slavic, and the religion is Christian; they never will speaking Turkish with no reason. If you gonna say that they are assimilated by Turks, why not their religion (like Bosniaks)? It's a wonder that a Turkic Christian group like the Gagauz-Turks still speaks Turkic and have the Turkic culture in a region which is Christian, in normal conditions they have to be assimilated with their language. This is the proof that they are truly Turks. Go and find your own society to own. I think you can't stand the idea that there are also CHRISTIAN Turks ;-) admit it.

''On topic, I get a somewhat Levantine vibe. Pic in OP reminds me of Maleficent a bit.''

Maleficent? I think your not objectively anymore, just because I'm Turkic. So pathetic.

Comte Arnau
07-07-2014, 01:15 PM
You actually look Portuguese or Spanish to me.

Her facial triangle is uncommon in Iberia. The shape and size (including interdistance) of the eyes, the nose or even the lips are clearly more East Med than West Med. Same probably for the head shape and jawline, at least from that pic.

07-07-2014, 01:19 PM
Since when the only typical Turks are some Turanid ones? I don't get your point as your arguments are too abstract to make sense. That's some fuzzy logic.

You have two types of the meaning Turk. The passport-Turk, this Turk can be from every ethnicity, but because he's a Turkish citizen we call him officially Turk. And then you have the etnicity-Turk, and this type of Turk is Turanid-Altaic. A Turk with not even one Turanid feature is not a etnic-Turk. And the meaning of Turanid is also very varied in West-Turanians (me), East-Turanian (Kazakh) and everything between this. All of the Turanid-types have common similar features. Even a Hun-Magyar and a Crimean-Tatar have common features.

By 'western' I mean France and Iberia because that's what's generally considered western on anthro forums while Bulgaria and Greece are not anthropologically western but they might be considered politically western oriented. I didn't just classify you as Alpinid but Anadolid aswell. Overall Turkish looking but you can pass as typical in the Balkans and maybe Italy.

Now I understand what you meant, thanks. But I'm not agree with the idea that only West and North Europeans considered as ''Western''. But Okey.

07-07-2014, 01:20 PM
People are giving you biased classifications because they know your ethnicity.

07-07-2014, 01:26 PM
Her facial triangle is uncommon in Iberia. The shape and size (including interdistance) of the eyes, the nose or even the lips are clearly more East Med than West Med. Same probably for the head shape and jawline, at least from that pic.

And now? Can you look again?

Pictures removed

King Claus
07-07-2014, 01:27 PM
In the last two pictures you look very turkish.

07-07-2014, 01:27 PM
People are giving you biased classifications because they know your ethnicity.

Your right I noticed that to, maybe it was not a good idea to say my ethnicity...

07-07-2014, 01:29 PM
In the last two pictures you look very turkish.

Jij kent ons in Nederland, hun niet :D

Comte Arnau
07-07-2014, 01:40 PM
People are giving you biased classifications because they know your ethnicity.

My first personal impression before looking at either her ethnicity or the posts was Cyprus.

And now? Can you look again?

In the first one of these two you look a bit more "pan-Med" to me, so to speak, but it might be the angle, or the fact that the makeup enhances your features in the other two. :)

07-07-2014, 01:48 PM
In the first one of these two you look a bit more "pan-Med" to me, so to speak, but it might be the angle, or the fact that the makeup enhances your features in the other two. :)

The picture I send to you with the blue scarf and hair fixed is my natural look without make-up. Forget the jawline because I had a open-bite. In the OP I had a jaw surgery and you still see some swelling in that photo. The photo with the blue scarf is before the surgery.

07-07-2014, 02:23 PM
Alpine-Med. :)

07-07-2014, 02:56 PM
The Bulgarians of today are maybe more Slavic, but that's was different in the past. It's funny that when it's comes to Slavic assimilation that's fine with you, but when it's comes to Turkic assimilation you get offended. That's because of the difference in religion, and I don't take people serious who think in name of religions. That's sooo 1900.

When it's comes to gypsies; Bulgar please... in Turkey we have more problems with gypsies coming from Bulgaria and the other Balkan country's then our own gypsies. And yes, we live also separated with them, and yes; even or own gypsies are more educated and well raised then yours. That's says enough about the condition of your country. (I don't want to bash country's, but I can't stand the Bulgarian attitude they have as like they are a superior country and society against Turks. Every time I was in Bulgaria I was afraid that I would be robbed and was so happy when i arrived in Turkey). I pity the Bulgarian-Turks there.

''Regarding the Gagauz, genetically they have nothing to do with any Turkish group whatsoever, they cluster with Romanians and Bulgarians.''

What you said about Gagauz is so pathetic that you revealed your poorness in knowledge. Just oh my God. The Gagauz-Turks are the one which Turkic language is the most similar to Anatolian Turkish, there appearance is most similar to Western Anatolian Turks(!), even more then Azeri-Turks, and do you really think that a Christian group like the Gagauz in a Christian region speaks Turkic and have the Turkic culture FOR FUN? If they where Slavic like you say, and if their ethnicity is Slavic, and the religion is Christian; they never will speaking Turkish with no reason. If you gonna say that they are assimilated by Turks, why not their religion (like Bosniaks)? It's a wonder that a Turkic Christian group like the Gagauz-Turks still speaks Turkic and have the Turkic culture in a region which is Christian, in normal conditions they have to be assimilated with their language. This is the proof that they are truly Turks. Go and find your own society to own. I think you can't stand the idea that there are also CHRISTIAN Turks ;-) admit it.

''On topic, I get a somewhat Levantine vibe. Pic in OP reminds me of Maleficent a bit.''

Maleficent? I think your not objectively anymore, just because I'm Turkic. So pathetic.

Gagauz speak Turkic language and they can't communicate with Turks in Turkish.
And yes they genetically are identical to Bulgarians even more so than Fyromians

07-07-2014, 02:59 PM
Your classification is East-Med/Asian Alpine and minor Turanid influence. Your are very beautiful.

07-07-2014, 03:01 PM
One day in the forum and you have already written tons of crap about Bulgarians. Turdish behavior in its finest.

07-07-2014, 03:01 PM
To those who mentioned she looks Bulgarian - she doesn't.

Moje da mine no ne tipichna. Shtom horata ot drugata tema drugite gi vzeha za anadolci turci I livanci zashto ne?

07-07-2014, 03:48 PM
The Bulgarians of today are maybe more Slavic, but that's was different in the past. It's funny that when it's comes to Slavic assimilation that's fine with you, but when it's comes to Turkic assimilation you get offended. That's because of the difference in religion, and I don't take people serious who think in name of religions. That's sooo 1900.

You might want to rephrase this, it's a bit unclear. I only mention religion because, as a rule, when Muslims have offspring with infidels, the offspring always turns out Muslim, which in our case means they seized to be part of the Bulgarian ethnos and were assimilated into the Otoman one; the opposite is impossible. That's simply a fact, so I fail to see why what I said would be a bad thing or why should I not be taken seriously.

When it's comes to gypsies; Bulgar please... in Turkey we have more problems with gypsies coming from Bulgaria and the other Balkan country's then our own gypsies. And yes, we live also separated with them, and yes; even or own gypsies are more educated and well raised then yours. That's says enough about the condition of your country. (I don't want to bash country's, but I can't stand the Bulgarian attitude they have as like they are a superior country and society against Turks. Every time I was in Bulgaria I was afraid that I would be robbed and was so happy when i arrived in Turkey). I pity the Bulgarian-Turks there.

This whole paragraph is irrelevant. I'll just say that other Turkish members here have said in the past that Turks and Gypsies mix freely in Turkey.

Also, if you feel threatened while in Bulgaria, here's a friendly tip - don't come over here.

''Regarding the Gagauz, genetically they have nothing to do with any Turkish group whatsoever, they cluster with Romanians and Bulgarians.''

What you said about Gagauz is so pathetic that you revealed your poorness in knowledge. Just oh my God. The Gagauz-Turks are the one which Turkic language is the most similar to Anatolian Turkish, there appearance is most similar to Western Anatolian Turks(!), even more then Azeri-Turks, and do you really think that a Christian group like the Gagauz in a Christian region speaks Turkic and have the Turkic culture FOR FUN? If they where Slavic like you say, and if their ethnicity is Slavic, and the religion is Christian; they never will speaking Turkish with no reason. If you gonna say that they are assimilated by Turks, why not their religion (like Bosniaks)? It's a wonder that a Turkic Christian group like the Gagauz-Turks still speaks Turkic and have the Turkic culture in a region which is Christian, in normal conditions they have to be assimilated with their language. This is the proof that they are truly Turks. Go and find your own society to own. I think you can't stand the idea that there are also CHRISTIAN Turks ;-) admit it.

Irrelevant again. Regardless of their origin the Gagauz do cluster genetically with Romanians and Bulgarians. Might want to look it up.

''On topic, I get a somewhat Levantine vibe. Pic in OP reminds me of Maleficent a bit.''

Maleficent? I think your not objectively anymore, just because I'm Turkic. So pathetic.

Yes, Maleficent, a Euro-Levantine American member.

07-07-2014, 04:04 PM
I guess, Alpinid + Eastmed + slightly Turanid (~15 %)

07-07-2014, 07:00 PM
Also, if you feel threatened while in Bulgaria, here's a friendly tip - don't come over here.

I live in a place full of Turks and nobody threatens them (unless they act arrogant and cause trouble). So I guess she is making things up.

07-07-2014, 07:04 PM
you do not look particulary Turkish to me,
you could be Croatian or from another Balkan country as well

07-07-2014, 07:22 PM
5 euro "Komshi" (neighbor)
(1.Croatia 2.Bulgaria)


Siberian Cold Breeze
07-07-2014, 07:31 PM
Gagauz speak Turkic language and they can't communicate with Turks in Turkish.
And yes they genetically are identical to Bulgarians even more so than Fyromians


Gagauz Turkish is most intellegible dialect for Turkish speakers from Turkey because it is a Oguz dialect..
Every Turkish member here can understand this conversation .

If these women are typical Bulgarians well... that means we are closer than we think :)

07-07-2014, 07:36 PM
east med+alpine

07-07-2014, 07:36 PM
Gagauz Turkish is most intellegible dialect for Turkish speakers.
Every Turkish member here can understand this conversation .

This is not the Turkish section, though.

Siberian Cold Breeze
07-07-2014, 07:42 PM
This is not the Turkish section, though.

I replied a claim.That's all..:)

07-07-2014, 07:47 PM

Your answer is not correct

Come one people, is there someone with KNOWLEDGE?
Yeah, there seems to be someone with all the knowledge... you. :rolleyes:
You're not considerate of others' opinion at all. Why even post a classification thread...

07-07-2014, 07:48 PM
"I want to give you a reminder; Volga-Bulgarians. Just don't live in the fantasy that Bulgarians are separated my neighbor, because the original Bulgarians where a Turkic tribe from Siberia/Asia, and then mixed with Slavic people, Anatolian Turks and Gypsy's. Just saying :-)"

Volga Bulgars are an extinct ethnic group just like the Danube Bulgars. Today's Danube Bulgarians are an European Slavic people, while the Kazan Tatars are more or less a Kipchakicized hybrid population with Turkic, Fino-Ugric and Slavic elements.

Genetically Bulgarians are indeed sharply separated from their South-Eastern neighbours and whatever similarities we might have are due to Ottomans kidnapping and forcefully converting our people, a typical Turko-Mongol habit. There's absolutely no way modern Christian Slavic Bulgaians are mixed with Anatolian Turks, as you claim, since any union between a Muslim and a non-Muslim results in the offspring being raised as Muslims, which leads to Turkification.

As for the part concerning Gypsies... Tyurk, please, Gypsies and Bulgarians have always lived in an apartheid kind of society, unlike you, who basically integrated them fully into your own communities to the point that in Turkey you can't tell a Gypsy from a proper Turk. Just saying.:-)

Regarding the Gagauz, genetically they have nothing to do with any Turkish group whatsoever, they cluster with Romanians and Bulgarians.

On topic, I get a somewhat Levantine vibe. Pic in OP reminds me of Maleficent a bit.

That isnt right every Turk knows who a Cingene(Gypsy) is only the difference is most dont steal and dont take part in other crimes

07-07-2014, 07:50 PM

Yeah, there seems to be someone with all the knowledge... you. :rolleyes:
You're not considerate of others' opinion at all. Why even post a classification thread...

Some people are not honest to themselves and "classify" a person with their background in mind

07-07-2014, 08:07 PM
Some people are not honest to themselves and "classify" a person with their background in mind
Yes, there tends to often be a bias when a person reveals their background prior to classification. But that's besides my point... classification is meant to be about exchage of opinions, and I don't understand why a person already so strongly opinionated would even ask to be classified. Seems to know everything already... :picard1:

07-07-2014, 08:09 PM
Yes, there tends to often be a bias when a person reveals their background prior to classification. But that's besides my point... classification is meant to be about exchage of opinions, and I don't understand why a person already so strongly opinionated would even ask to be classified. Seems to know everything already... :picard1:

Exactly, whenever I ask for classification I'm very humble and accept everyone opinions unless I suspect he's trying to troll. I ask because I'm curious how others see me, if I was curious how I see myself, I wouldn't ask.

07-07-2014, 11:03 PM
5 euro "Komshi" (neighbor)
(1.Croatia 2.Bulgaria)

A good illustration of Ottoman contribution to the Balkas - the concept of bakshish. The highest civilizational achievement of Turks.
And, of course, completely irrelevant to anything in the thread. Keep the good work.

07-07-2014, 11:05 PM
That isnt right every Turk knows who a Cingene(Gypsy) is only the difference is most dont steal and dont take part in other crimes

Look up that gigolo thread about how Gypsies are treated in Turkey.

Anyway, weren't you living in Europe and weren't you descended from a Russian Turkic group?

07-07-2014, 11:06 PM
Look up that gigolo thread about how Gypsies are treated in Turkey.

Anyway, weren't you living in Europe and weren't you descended from a Russian Turkic group?

Yes why?
I still hear about how Gypsies live in Turkey

07-07-2014, 11:09 PM
Yes why?
I still hear about how Gypsies live in Turkey

Well, look for that thread. Turkish members said Gypsies intermarry with Turks and are fully integrated.

07-07-2014, 11:28 PM
Well, look for that thread. Turkish members said Gypsies intermarry with Turks and are fully integrated.

I still hear about Gypsies(Cingenez) only that they are not as bad as the European ones and you are right they arent socially shut in Turkey but most still know if someone comes from a Gypsy family

07-07-2014, 11:33 PM
It's logic that I don't look Middle Eastern, because I'm not Middle-Eastern (Turkey is not in the Middle East). There are many people who think I'm Greek, Bulgarian or Slavic (Balkan), but with my own knowledge I know that Turanoid-Turkic people are very varied, and I think that my look is one of the Western(!) Turanid looks. My family is from the West of Turkey, but we came from Central-Asia and Mesopotamia as a Turkmen tribe, this is for sure because we have research this and our culture is the proof. I wondered what you think..Portugese or Spanish...hmm :)

Turkey is a Middle Eastern country that shares direct borders with Iraq, Iran, Kurdistan and Syria. Historically as well as culturally and genetically Turkey is Middle Eastern. The fact it is not an Arab country doesn't make it any less Middle Eastern. If Turkey is not Middle Eastern then noone in the Middle East is as pure arabs really constitute a minority in the region.

07-07-2014, 11:34 PM
I still hear about Gypsies(Cingenez) only that they are not as bad as the European ones and you are right they arent socially shut in Turkey but most still know if someone comes from a Gypsy family

Alright, could be, the only reason I got involved in this thread is OP's ridiculous claim that Bulgarians are mixed with Anatolian Turks and Gypsies.

07-07-2014, 11:41 PM
Well, look for that thread. Turkish members said Gypsies intermarry with Turks and are fully integrated.

We also have some 300,000 gypsies in Greece and some of their women have slept with Greeks. Many of them hide the fact they are gypsies, and integrate into society. The same is true for Bulgaria. You see some Bulgarian looking gypsies. It is easy to see they are mixed but not always as some gypsies have light complexion and are heavily mixed.

Τhe worse part with gypsies is that they have so many children. I rarely see a gypsy woman who is not pregnant. As if they're on a constant state of pregnancy or something. I just wish they could restrain their birth rates.

07-08-2014, 12:08 AM
The Gagauz have nothing to do with Turks. Their genetics is Bulgarian or Romanian. They are obviously Bulgarians Romanians and Greeks who lost their language.

07-08-2014, 12:09 AM
The Gagauz have nothing to do with Turks. Their genetics is Bulgarian or Romanian. They are obviously Bulgarians Romanians and Greeks who lost their language.

They have nothing to do with Turks except that they can understand each other (lol)

07-08-2014, 12:13 AM
They have nothing to do with Turks except that they can understand each other (lol)

Their genetics have nothing to do with Turks

07-08-2014, 12:15 AM
Their genetics have nothing to do with Turks

If you care about genetics you wouldnt feel connected to the Cypriots at all since they are genetically Levantine
Nobody in Real life cares about genetics if you speak the same language or related ones you are friends/brothers (except if its about two different races)

07-08-2014, 12:21 AM
to me you look white, french, spanish, greek in that order, you remind me of fufuangeli (who is part italian, french and german) and you are about as white as thealchemist who is italian (similar)

07-08-2014, 12:23 AM
If you care about genetics you wouldnt feel connected to the Cypriots at all since they are genetically Levantine
Nobody in Real life cares about genetics if you speak the same language or related ones you are friends/brothers (except if its about two different races)

Wrong comparison, because the Gagauz are split in many different countries and only some of them speak Turkish. They also vehemently deny being Turks, that's a good enough reason for me not to consider them Turks.

Cypriots are a distinct group but they have been part of the Greek world, since ancient times. Noone forcefully Hellenized them as you did with the Gagauz. Sadly out of 800,000 Greek Cypriots, less than 500,000 are now Greek and are already a minority in Cyprus. The rest 300,000 in the Greek Cypriot area are immigrants.

That's pretty sad news as Greek Cypriots used to constitute the absolute majority in Cyprus (82%) of the population.

07-08-2014, 12:30 AM
Predominantly Alpine with maybe some med.

07-08-2014, 12:04 PM
Hoş bulduk, bilgi için teşekkürler. Kendim bir Avrupa ülkesinde doğup yaşadığım için genelleme bir Avrupalının düşünce tarzını biliyorum. Ben ise kimlik krizi geçiren ve yüz hatlar olarak batılıya benzemek isteyen bir kişi değilim (böyleleri ise var, biliyorum), yanlış anlaşılmak istemem. Eğer benziyor isem de bundan ayrıca gurur duyacak değilim. Biyolojik antropoloji her zaman ilgi alanım olmuştur (özellikle Türkler). Bu forumu uzun bir süre takip ediyorum. Burada genelleme insanın olmadığını düşünerek bu başlığı açtım. Eğer senin dediğin gibi basit ve ucuz genellemeler yaparak düşünüyorlarsa yanlış yere geldim. Bakacağız.

(Ayrıca Türkiye ortadoğu değildir, bu sıfatı kendimize veriyoruz belki, fakat resmi olarak Türkiye ile İran ortadoğu değildir. Utandığım bir husus da değil, çünkü atalarım Irak'tan göçebe Türkmen'dir, bunu da belirttim. Çok gereksiz bir yorum yaptın.)

kekolasbarzo denen ortadoğucu aşağılık kompleksi olan yobazı umursama. Bu gibi tipler Türkiye'nin çağdaş aydın insanları gibi bir yaşama hiçbir zaman sahip olamadıkları için kıskançlık içerisindelerdir ve ciğere uzanamayan kedi misali kendi sefil yaşamlarıyla gurur duymaya çalışırlar. Bunun örneğini bugün ona buna "monşer" diyen, boğaza karşı viski içenler diyen ağzından döküldüğü her kelimede bu tarz insanlara karşı olan kıskançlığını saçan Tayyip Erdoğan'da görüyoruz. Kendisi burada eşcinsellerle, Türkiye'deki içki kültürüyle ilgili şeyler yazıldığında hemen self-defense'a geçip "avrupalılara yaranmaya çalışıyünüz" diye ağlar. Kaldı ki ortadoğu yaşam tarzının hakim olduğunu iddia ettiği Anadolu'nun başını çeken Konya içki tüketiminde birinci sıradadır.

Ayrıca Raine adlı kişilik de otizm hastalığından muzdarip olup forumda engelli kontenjanından takılan birisidir.

07-08-2014, 12:07 PM
And I think you look typical Turkish, but you could pass in Greece and Bulgaria easily (as an average Turk does anyway).

Sky earth
07-08-2014, 12:33 PM
I think you look totally Turkish but you can also pass in the Caucasus, the Meditteranean and in the Balkans. However I Hope You enjoy your time here! For classification I say East Med and Pontid.

07-08-2014, 02:20 PM
And I think you look typical Turkish, but you could pass in Greece and Bulgaria easily (as an average Turk does anyway).

Yeah I agree, anyone who says they can't is clearly biased.

07-08-2014, 03:31 PM
And I think you look typical Turkish, but you could pass in Greece and Bulgaria easily (as an average Turk does anyway).


Haha, no way. Some can, most can't.

07-08-2014, 03:37 PM

Haha, no way. Some can, most can't.

All of those on the pic can, except that heavily bearded guy which is atypical to Turkey as well.

07-08-2014, 03:38 PM
If you care about genetics you wouldnt feel connected to the Cypriots at all since they are genetically Levantine

Yes, this is true.

Also most Turks can't pass as Bulgarian and Greek, but a significant number can.

07-08-2014, 03:45 PM
All of those on the pic can, except that heavily bearded guy which is atypical to Turkey as well.


You fellas seem to have a very skewed perception about what you look like and what we look like. I wonder how many of you are well enough travelled in yer own country, it being that big, or do you just base your opinions on what you see on TV.

After having seen shit loads of Turk students in Sofia, both individuals and groups, I put this to you - as a whole you look noticeably different.

07-08-2014, 03:57 PM

You fellas seem to have a very skewed perception about what you look like and what we look like. I wonder how many of you are well enough travelled in yer own country, it being that big, or do you just base your opinions on what you see on TV.

After seeing shit loads of Turk students in Sofia, both individuals and groups, I put this to you - as a whole you look noticeably different.

Of course; Turkey's a huge country of 70 million and it's not say, Sweden, Saudi Arabia or Japan, it hosts many various types of people. Just a few people you saw out there are not our samples.

07-08-2014, 04:05 PM
Of course; Turkey's a huge country of 70 million and it's not say, Sweden, Saudi Arabia or Japan, it hosts many various types of people. Just a few people you saw out there are not our samples.

Not few, but hundreds in the course of several years. I've always been able to tell they are Turks, regardless of whether I'd heard them speak or not.

07-08-2014, 09:07 PM
She does not look Levantine or has a Levantine strain.

07-09-2014, 09:53 AM
The number of Turks who can pass as Bulgarians is about the same as the number of Germans who can pass as Bulgarians.

Which makes sense considering genetics and natural conditions comparing the three countries.

07-09-2014, 01:08 PM
The Turks have with Bulgarians except for the cultural influence from the Ottoman period, no significant similarities. Neither genetically, linguistically nor do they have a similar national character. They are as different as day and night.

07-12-2014, 05:24 PM
Turkey is a Middle Eastern country that shares direct borders with Iraq, Iran, Kurdistan and Syria. Historically as well as culturally and genetically Turkey is Middle Eastern. The fact it is not an Arab country doesn't make it any less Middle Eastern. If Turkey is not Middle Eastern then noone in the Middle East is as pure arabs really constitute a minority in the region.

If you gonna think with this logic I also can say that Turkey is European because Greece and Bulgaria are borders with Turkey. If you want it based on culture, history and genetically Turkey is more Central-Asian, Caucasoid and Pontid then Middle-Eastern. Only a few provinces in the south-east region have some Middle-Eastern culture and genetics. And not even all, because you have also many Turkmen's and people from the Balkan (they came since the first world war, we call them Macir's) living in the south-east area.

In the district and the village where my parents came from you have a culture, traditions, language (even the dialect!), history, mentality and genetics that are typically Central-Asian (Turkmenistan). I'm not a good example because of my white skin and because I look more from the West coast of Turkey, but you can classify the people of my village/district as typical West-Turanian (not even east-Alpinid but really really Turanid). 300 years ago they came from the region Turkmenistan, 200 ago from Mesopotamia and from their to Anatolia. But never lost their culture, dialect and features of Turkmenistan. If you go to my village you will think that you're not in Anatolia, but Central-Asia. On below is a comparison of the district were I mention about and where I came from (photo's at the left side) and Turkmenistan (right photo's). It's almost exactly the same. And not only my district/village is like this, but many districts in middle, middle-west, east, south and west Turkey is like this. Real pure Turks like we are the proof and reason that Turkey is Turanian, mostly Turkic and with a proven history from Central-Asia.

When I am in the north coast of Turkey, I see more Caucasian/Pontid influences (houses, clothes, traditions), with Turanid aspects from the Kipchak-Turks (I'm Oghuz-Turk), like the music instrument Kemençe. When I'm in the west coast I see indeed Greek influences, mot mostly of them are mixed with Turanian traditions and culture, especially from the Yoruk-Turks (also Oghuz). Like I said, only in the provinces from the east-south region of Anatolia you see Middle-Eastern influences, and actually I want to call them more Mesopotamia-culture of Kurds then rather Middle-Eastern. And even the South-East region is mixed with Turanian culture. So even their it isn't pure Middle-Eastern.

Some people who don't know Turkey or never been to Turkey (and then I mean not the beach but the city's and villages) and some unknowing scientists who never did truly research are thinking that's Turkey is geographical, historical, ethnically and culturally Middle-Eastern. And don't even take those people serious, they are like stupid fat American's who don't even know where Europe is. I will always refuse any argument that Turkey would be Middle-Eastern, and not because I hate the Middle-East (I don't!), but because of the TRUTH. I always support the truth, even if I don't like it.

I mean dude, even all our dogs came from Central-Asian (with us) ;-) The Turkish shepherds Karabaş, Akbaş and Kangal's. Eat that.



Yeah, there seems to be someone with all the knowledge... you. :rolleyes:
You're not considerate of others' opinion at all. Why even post a classification thread...

Yes, there tends to often be a bias when a person reveals their background prior to classification. But that's besides my point... classification is meant to be about exchage of opinions, and I don't understand why a person already so strongly opinionated would even ask to be classified. Seems to know everything already... :picard1:

Because people classified me because they knew what I was, but I wanted a classification that's independent and neutral. Yes, I know what I am and what my classification is (and it does not look like yours, except Anatolid), but I wondered what other people think, but with knowledge, not based on the region where I came from which they already knew.

Exactly, whenever I ask for classification I'm very humble and accept everyone opinions unless I suspect he's trying to troll. I ask because I'm curious how others see me, if I was curious how I see myself, I wouldn't ask.

I suspected people were trolling, like someone said that I look Jewish/Armenoid (which is clearly not true), just because he knew I'm Turkish.

The Gagauz have nothing to do with Turks. Their genetics is Bulgarian or Romanian. They are obviously Bulgarians Romanians and Greeks who lost their language.

Hahahahaha excuse me, but I needed to laugh. Raine, just think logic. You don't have to been a scientist to understand what I'm gonna say right know, read human read;

Why should a minority of people like the Gagauz who's living hundred of years underneath a majority of people (Slavs) which have the same religion (Christianity) like them, speaks a language of a people who's Muslim and living in another country? WHY? Even the Bosniak's who became Muslim because of the assimilation of the ottoman empire doesn't(!) speaks Turkish! Only a few words, but Serbs speaks that also. If your use your logic; The Gagauz people never came in contact with Anatolian Muslim Turks, because the Gagauz migrated from Asia trough Russia, and we migrated from Asia trough Iran and Mesopotamia. That's why they became Christian because they meet Christians during their migration, and we Muslim because we met Persians. So, why should the Gagauz people speaks Turkish in a region with a Christian (like them) and Slavic majority while they never meet Muslim Turks from Anatolia? BECAUSE THEY ARE TURKIC! Not Assimilated Slavs! Logic men, logic! You can see it also from their looks and features. You don't have any proof that they are Bulgarians. We have more proof that they are real Turks because of their Turkic language, culture, traditions and looks. (some people are so dumb, my God)

I understand every single world and letter of this Gagauz song, it's like Anatolian Turkish with a dialect. Really every-single-word. I understand Gagauz-Turkish more then Azeri-Turkish language. Gagauz and Anatolian Turkish is more common then German and Dutch (My second native language is Dutch, that's why I know), I really don't need a translation. First I thought it was a Turkish song from Turkey, so similar.

Even the name Gagauz is old Turkish. It means Gök-Oğuz, in English; The Oghuz from the sky. The Oghuz Turks are a Turkic tribe, we have the same tribe. Their symbol is a wolf, like us and it's a old Turkic mythology. The Turkish nationalist learned the Grey Wolf symbol from the Gagauz. They are our pearls. Our pride. And no one can claim them ;-)


kekolasbarzo denen ortadoğucu aşağılık kompleksi olan yobazı umursama. Bu gibi tipler Türkiye'nin çağdaş aydın insanları gibi bir yaşama hiçbir zaman sahip olamadıkları için kıskançlık içerisindelerdir ve ciğere uzanamayan kedi misali kendi sefil yaşamlarıyla gurur duymaya çalışırlar. Bunun örneğini bugün ona buna "monşer" diyen, boğaza karşı viski içenler diyen ağzından döküldüğü her kelimede bu tarz insanlara karşı olan kıskançlığını saçan Tayyip Erdoğan'da görüyoruz. Kendisi burada eşcinsellerle, Türkiye'deki içki kültürüyle ilgili şeyler yazıldığında hemen self-defense'a geçip "avrupalılara yaranmaya çalışıyünüz" diye ağlar. Kaldı ki ortadoğu yaşam tarzının hakim olduğunu iddia ettiği Anadolu'nun başını çeken Konya içki tüketiminde birinci sıradadır.

Ayrıca Raine adlı kişilik de otizm hastalığından muzdarip olup forumda engelli kontenjanından takılan birisidir.

Benim anlatmak istediğim de diyemediğim kelimeleri söyledin, yüreğine sağlık. Bir kaç kelimeyle benim niyetimi ve demek istediğimi anlayan soydaşlarımın başımın üstünde yeri vardır. Türk kimliğinin geniş olduğunu, dolaysıyla beyaz görünümlü Türk'ten tut Asya görünümlü Türk'ün olabileceğini, sırf kendileri bu görüntüye uyamadıkları için inkar eden, dolaysıyla kendi soylarından emin olamadıkları için uydurma olan bir orta doğu kültürünü sahiplenmeleri, buna katılmayana da 'batı sevdalısı' suçlamalar yapan tipler çok Türkiye'de. Avrupa'da var olan Türk kimliğini kendileri inkar ettikleri için batılıların işlerine yarıyorlar. Özellikle ne idüğü belirsiz Bulgarların işine geliyor bu, çünkü onlar bir batı kompleksi içinde. Ve Batı-Turanid Türklerin de 'beyaz' görünmeleri onların işine yaramaz. Avrupa'lı gibi olmak diye bir niyetimiz yok, amaç Avrupa'da ki Türk azınlıklara ve geniş olan Turan ırkının batı-Turan Türk'üne sahip çıkmaktır. Esenliklerle.

to me you look white, french, spanish, greek in that order, you remind me of fufuangeli (who is part italian, french and german) and you are about as white as thealchemist who is italian (similar)

Thanks for the classification but who's fufuangeli and thealchemist? I don't know them. How are they look like?

I think you look totally Turkish but you can also pass in the Caucasus, the Meditteranean and in the Balkans. However I Hope You enjoy your time here! For classification I say East Med and Pontid.

Thanks for your opinion and nice welcome message!


Haha, no way. Some can, most can't.

The number of Turks who can pass as Bulgarians is about the same as the number of Germans who can pass as Bulgarians.

Which makes sense considering genetics and natural conditions comparing the three countries.

The guy with the dark blue shirt can be classified as a real Central-Asian or a West-Turanian. The guy with the white shirt in the front doesn't look Turkish at all, and the rest can also pass in Bulgaria and Greece ;-) especially the woman. I went many times to Greece and Bulgaria, and most of the Bulgarians (not all) and Greeks were darker then me with more Anatolian features. I'm serious. I've seen more Bulgarians and Greeks that look like Turks (or otherwise), then Germans that look like Greeks and Bulgarians (or otherwise).

The Turks have with Bulgarians except for the cultural influence from the Ottoman period, no significant similarities. Neither genetically, linguistically nor do they have a similar national character. They are as different as day and night.

Your right when you say that we don't linguistically have similarity's, but let me give you a example; when I drive trough Europe to Turkey, I know when I'm nearing Turkey, just because of the fact that I'm in Bulgaria (or Greece) then. The feeling, the houses, the look of the people, everything around me except the language. It is sooo Balkan. Don't think that I want Turkey have many similarities with Greece or Bulgaria; I really don't want that. But I can't deny the truth unfortunately. And with Turkey I mean especially the Marmara region, not really the other regions.


07-13-2014, 04:34 PM
You look Greek or Western Turkish. Very pretty!

07-13-2014, 11:34 PM
So annoying to read people writing that she doesn't look Turkish when her face looks as Turkish as it can get. It's one thing to not be familiar with Turks/Turkish phenotypes, and another to decide what is Turkish looking and what not. So far quite a few Turkish members have heard they don't look Turkish because they happen to fit in neighbouring countries. Such a twisted logic.

Anyway, like said, she looks just average Turkish to me. As a matter or fact, I am sure many Turks have a hard time pinpointing her exact place of origin because of her common look.

07-14-2014, 06:30 AM
Almila, unfortunately there are members on this site who hate Turks and love trolling them. But not all of us are like that. I, for example, admire Turkey and the legacy of Ataturk.

Many prominent world leaders considered Turkey to be a European country. Among those are Churchill and Rooseveldt, and Hitler (!!).

Turkey is certainly not Middle Eastern. It is Eurasian.

Fear Fiain
07-14-2014, 06:44 AM
Alpine / Med, mild Armenoid influence.

07-14-2014, 07:08 AM
Almila, unfortunately there are members on this site who hate Turks and love trolling them. But not all of us are like that. I, for example, admire Turkey and the legacy of Ataturk.

Many prominent world leaders considered Turkey to be a European country. Among those are Churchill and Rooseveldt, and Hitler (!!).

Turkey is certainly not Middle Eastern. It is Eurasian.

It depends on the region. It has Middle Eastern influence and a largely a Persianate culture.

07-14-2014, 09:03 AM
The guy with the dark blue shirt can be classified as a real Central-Asian or a West-Turanian. The guy with the white shirt in the front doesn't look Turkish at all, and the rest can also pass in Bulgaria and Greece ;-) especially the woman. I went many times to Greece and Bulgaria, and most of the Bulgarians (not all) and Greeks were darker then me with more Anatolian features. I'm serious. I've seen more Bulgarians and Greeks that look like Turks (or otherwise), then Germans that look like Greeks and Bulgarians (or otherwise).

The guy you are talkign about cant pass in Greece, not even as atypical :nono:
...From this group the only person who can maybe pass in Greece :rose: is the guy with the white t-shirt in the back of the group. Yet because he is laughing i cant be totally sure.
..Also the girl at the frond :stricken: could pass as Greek.

07-15-2014, 09:40 PM
Kuzum profil resminin renginde biraz az oynama yapsaymışsın keşke. Avrupa'da yaşıyorsun sanırım, araplarla magreplilerle aynı kefeye konulmak istemediğin için gelip burada türkiye avrupalıdır goygoyu yapıyorsun sanırım, bu ihtimali şimdi düşündüm. Bilseydim bu güvensizliğini hiç ortadoğu muhabbetini açmazdım, avrupa'da yaşamadığım için bu kimlik açmazlarını hiç bilmiyordum, bilmediğimden de empati yapamıyordum kusura bakma.