View Full Version : Classify a British actor

07-07-2014, 01:23 PM
Noah Huntley from Wiston, West Sussex, England - (186cm / 6'1)

http://www3.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Noah+Huntley+Village+Lift+2013+Day+1+2013+1LKrT1cf ggYl.jpg

07-07-2014, 01:26 PM

Tooting Carmen
07-07-2014, 03:39 PM

07-08-2014, 10:02 PM

Styrian Mujo
07-08-2014, 10:04 PM

Davy Jones's Locker
07-09-2014, 04:44 PM


07-12-2014, 03:47 PM

Not a Cop
07-12-2014, 04:36 PM
Predominantly Faelid.

07-12-2014, 07:27 PM

07-12-2014, 08:09 PM

Is faelid a British and German phenotype?

07-12-2014, 08:13 PM
Is faelid a British and German phenotype?

It's just a broad faced and robust Nordic. Probably almost the same thing as Brunn or Borreby. It usually gets used here to describe individuals who are both robust and progressive (as opposed to the somewhat archaic-looking Brunn) but that could just be a made-up distinction invented by people on anthro forums.

Not a Cop
07-12-2014, 08:17 PM
I dont see the faelid. Is faelid more German than British? Because he looks more British than German to me.

Faelid is generally common in NW europe, although more common in Germanic countries. It's not about German or British "look", since look is heavily influenced by cultural sphere, but about his anthropological characteristics. Compare him to faelid example frowm Sweden^


07-12-2014, 08:18 PM
That or Nordid-Faelid. Can't make my mind up.

07-12-2014, 08:24 PM
Faelid is generally common in NW europe, although more common in Germanic countries. It's not about German or British "look", since look is heavily influenced by cultural sphere, but about his anthropological characteristics. Compare him to faelid example frowm Sweden^


He looks more like a robust keltic-nordid than those guys, they look very north eastern european. Huntley looks very North Western European.

07-12-2014, 08:28 PM
He looks more like a robust keltic-nordid than those guys, they look very north eastern european. Huntley looks very North Western European.

Sweden isn't North-Eastern European though.

07-12-2014, 08:33 PM
He looks more like a robust keltic-nordid than those guys, they look very north eastern european. Huntley looks very North Western European.

If you look here: http://s1.zetaboards.com/anthroscape/topic/5226100/1/

Crimson Guard has posted a large series of Faelid and mixed Faelid examples from a textbook. It's pretty clear that they are just using as a catch-all term for any robust Nordic or Nordic-influenced types. It would encompass the Brunn, Borreby and Trondelagen (Tronder) types as described by Coon. However, Coon never included in his examples anyone with very progressive and Nordic-like yet broad features, a relatively low facial index, and a chiseled square jaw. That "Dolph Lundgren" type (also well-represented by the first image Not A Cop posted) would also fall under the Faelish umbrella, but not under Brunn, Borreby or Tronder (if Coon had seen such an individual and had to choose, he probably would lump them in with the Brunns) I suspect that is why the name "Faelid" stuck for that specific type on the anthro boards, but more specific terms like Brunn and Borreby instead get used for their own respective types that were described by Coon.

That type of classification works, we all basically agree on it, but keep in mind that this specific use of the term Faelid was not created by any authors and was just coopted by anthro boards for convenience.

Not a Cop
07-12-2014, 08:40 PM
He looks more like a robust keltic-nordid than those guys, they look very north eastern european. Huntley looks very North Western European.

Swedes are more NE than Brits, but you don't get the main idea- Faelid is robust, broad-faced long-headed and mostly light-pigmented type, found in North-Europe, and keltic-nordid is long-faced and long-headed type found in North Europe, about look - look is in great part is a product of cultural sphere, also there is almost no "pure types", majority of people are various recombinations, that dude has some other influences making him look British, but he is broad-faced, long-headed and robust so he ispred. Faelid, just compare him to pred. Nordid of British variety, and you will see, that he's face is much more broad and he's generally more robust.

Not a Cop
07-12-2014, 08:54 PM
Sweden isn't North-Eastern European though.

Sweden is mostly NW, but with tendency towards NE, just as Finland is NE with NW tendencies.

If you look here: http://s1.zetaboards.com/anthroscape/topic/5226100/1/

Crimson Guard has posted a large series of Faelid and mixed Faelid examples from a textbook. It's pretty clear that they are just using as a catch-all term for any robust Nordic or Nordic-influenced types. It would encompass the Brunn, Borreby and Trondelagen (Tronder) types as described by Coon. However, Coon never included in his examples anyone with very progressive and Nordic-like yet broad features, a relatively low facial index, and a chiseled square jaw. That "Dolph Lundgren" type (also well-represented by the first image Not A Cop posted) would also fall under the Faelish umbrella, but not under Brunn, Borreby or Tronder (if Coon had seen such an individual and had to choose, he probably would lump them in with the Brunns) I suspect that is why the name "Faelid" stuck for that specific type on the anthro boards, but more specific terms like Brunn and Borreby instead get used for their own respective types that were described by Coon.

That type of classification works, we all basically agree on it, but keep in mind that this specific use of the term Faelid was not created by any authors and was just coopted by anthro boards for convenience.

Faelid term was used by Gunther ,Eickstedt and maybe someone else.

07-12-2014, 08:58 PM
Sweden is mostly NW, but with tendency towards NE, just as Finland is NE with NW tendencies.

Finland has much more NW than Sweden has NE. Also if you discounted the Finnic and Sami minorities in the Swedish native population there is far less NE.