View Full Version : Common and recurring behavioural types

Heart of Oak
07-07-2014, 07:16 PM
Without pigeon-holing or categorising people, no matter where one goes, the same characters seem to be there, just with different faces. I have travelled extensively, and they always seem to be there. Has anyone else noticed this phenomenon? The same characters, with different faces. Are they reflections of oneself?

In addition, there are, of course, exceptions to this; the eccentrics and the individuals, but, on the whole, there seem to be types. I wonder how many there are, and whether they are part of our shared reality, or just a projection.

07-07-2014, 07:28 PM
Without pigeon-holing or categorising people, no matter where one goes, the same characters seem to be there, just with different faces. I have travelled extensively, and they always seem to be there. Has anyone else noticed this phenomenon. The same characters, with different faces. Are they reflections of oneself?

In addition there are, of course exception to this, the eccentrics, the individuals, but, on the whole, there seem to be types. I wonder how many they are and whether they are part of our shared reality, or just a projection.
Yes, true uniqueness/originality in the human specie is very, very, very rare.

No matter where you go, whichever country/civilization/society, 99.9% of people are all the same. There are powerful natural forces and laws at work in biological which produces this social effect.

07-07-2014, 08:51 PM
Without pigeon-holing or categorising people, no matter where one goes, the same characters seem to be there, just with different faces. I have travelled extensively, and they always seem to be there. Has anyone else noticed this phenomenon? The same characters, with different faces. Are they reflections of oneself?

In addition, there are, of course, exceptions to this; the eccentrics and the individuals, but, on the whole, there seem to be types. I wonder how many there are, and whether they are part of our shared reality, or just a projection.
No, not true. All people are different in character. The only way they can seem the same is if one cant distinguish subtle differences. The fewer characters one sees reappearing the more narrow minded he is. Lack of discernment causes thinking humanity could be put in few categories of people. Such thinking is stupid beyond belief.

07-07-2014, 09:13 PM
Looking at the big picture, most individuals are nothing but a regurgitation of some well defined and caricaturesque behavioral type. Whereas we all like to be think of as 'original individuals' truth is, weeding many individual singularities aside, well defined personalities just repeat themselves, adjusting to different environments and circumstances.

Might be a bit hurtful for many, but any 'revolutionary thought', 'solution to world starvation' and any other idea you might have has already been thinked by someone else in some time period. If it hasn't been applied you can blame social context or non viability in toto.

07-07-2014, 09:21 PM
People often are mistaken about characters they get in contact with, because they assume the characters fit some narrow category. I don't assume. I only ascribe to their character what has been revealed. I rarely am mistaken about people and can predict their actions.

Heart of Oak
07-08-2014, 10:42 PM
No, not true. All people are different in character. The only way they can seem the same is if one cant distinguish subtle differences. The fewer characters one sees reappearing the more narrow minded he is. Lack of discernment causes thinking humanity could be put in few categories of people. Such thinking is stupid beyond belief.

I was speaking philosophically, and, as we are aware, in philosophy, anything is possible. Perhaps I am stupid beyond belief, as has been said about many people through history. Thank you for including me in that number.

07-08-2014, 11:23 PM
One predominant theme I've noticed from online Anthro Fora is how people selectively generalize and racialize in one instant, but then switch over to cultural/ethnic pride in the next. For European countries it's too predictable. Because somebody is from Country X or Country Y, they exalt a bunch of heroes and proud histories, using these rare anomalies as a standard rather than an exception. People use the best of humanity, the heroes, the legends, as representatives for the wider group. This is the opposite of "racism" or "racialism". It is using the individual, the rarest types of humans, as an exemplary standard for all the rest.

One country may go centuries without "producing" anything, no great works of art, no accomplishments, nothing to be proud of… and so these countries will cling to their past, their history books, their myths, which embellish the truth regardless.

I refer to that as the "Old World Mentality", a defeatist mindset, hanging onto long forgotten glory… because the future often looks dim for these types. They have no future. They have no leadership, no potential, no reason nor purpose in life…

07-08-2014, 11:29 PM
Yes, I know what you mean. Different archetypes.

Heart of Oak
08-13-2014, 08:55 AM
No, not true. All people are different in character. The only way they can seem the same is if one cant distinguish subtle differences. The fewer characters one sees reappearing the more narrow minded he is. Lack of discernment causes thinking humanity could be put in few categories of people. Such thinking is stupid beyond belief.

In your opinion....

08-13-2014, 02:57 PM
It seems obvious to me now that genes directly cause behaviors. There is no true separation between "nature versus nurture".

de Burgh II
08-24-2014, 07:33 PM
I would have to say the same characters that are prevalent in societies among different people is because of innate wanting to belong to something as humans and as a byproduct of societal values that shape our own single minded perception of the world around us influences our very actions as a whole depending on one's experiences. When one is so heavily dependent own others to do the thinking for them; the person is a shell of one's self; an empty, destitute manifestation that is nothing more than a carbon copy and a slave to the very societal norms that subconsciously dictate our very mannerisms and actions as a whole.

It also depends on one's insecurity as well. Deluding one's self with these false ideas that you try convincing oneself that is "you" when its simply a person picking qualities that they come across that they see in others that they lack in oneself. The thing is it comes a time in our lives to accept our own shortcomings for what they are and accept oneself for who you are rather than something your not. We all have our inherent strengths and weaknesses that varies from person to person.

Heart of Oak
08-25-2014, 09:18 AM
Nature v Nurture is a debate I am willing to enter into, however can or will we find an answer or shall we talk in circles, my best friend who is "gay" (not that it makes any difference) have this debate again and again, is he gay through nature or nurture???

08-26-2014, 02:16 AM
If you believe choice is an illusion then nurture must also be an illusion; that would leave only nature and genetics as the sole cause of every (and I mean every) behavior.

09-05-2014, 04:39 PM
I was speaking philosophically, and, as we are aware, in philosophy, anything is possible. Perhaps I am stupid beyond belief, as has been said about many people through history. Thank you for including me in that number.
Visceral, relax, as you said, it was just one mans opinion. Perhaps I used harsh words, but you can also turn it around and say my rudeness reflected badly on me rather than describe anything of substance. Please take my words with cold detachment as they were not directed at you personally.

Heart of Oak
09-06-2014, 11:25 AM
:eek: my mind is confused.....

Heart of Oak
09-06-2014, 11:32 AM
Confused I tells ya, Confused. What should we do? WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN....

09-06-2014, 02:38 PM
Confused I tells ya, Confused. What should we do? WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN....


Heart of Oak
09-07-2014, 01:40 PM
Visceral, relax, as you said, it was just one mans opinion. Perhaps I used harsh words, but you can also turn it around and say my rudeness reflected badly on me rather than describe anything of substance. Please take my words with cold detachment as they were not directed at you personally.

OH cold detachment, an yet I feel the need to point out if talking to me this in it's self is personal, I personaly hold no grudge, and if I did it would not be one of hate, as hate is impossible, hate being an emotion, an so if emotionally involved with someone, it is impossible to hate, indifferance on the other hand is a whole new ball park...:fponder:

09-08-2014, 09:24 AM
Without pigeon-holing or categorising people, no matter where one goes, the same characters seem to be there, just with different faces. I have travelled extensively, and they always seem to be there. Has anyone else noticed this phenomenon? The same characters, with different faces. Are they reflections of oneself?

In addition, there are, of course, exceptions to this; the eccentrics and the individuals, but, on the whole, there seem to be types. I wonder how many there are, and whether they are part of our shared reality, or just a projection.

I tend to think each type may be more of a projection.

For example, take one person here, and have members give their perspective of that person. Their reports may differ, largely based on individual interaction and observation. And beyond that, of course online perspective will differ from real life perspective.

How we feel about people affects how we act towards them. I think whatever traits stand out the most for someone are the traits that a person connects with because of life experience.

Idk, it's late; I'm rambling.

09-08-2014, 09:27 AM
Nature v Nurture is a debate I am willing to enter into, however can or will we find an answer or shall we talk in circles, my best friend who is "gay" (not that it makes any difference) have this debate again and again, is he gay through nature or nurture???

Sexuality is a weird thing, isn't it?

I wonder if being gay is limited solely to sex or is it more about identity?

I think sometimes about soul gender and wonder if it's inherent in nature that a certain soul will always look for its yin and yang, regardless of the physical body housing it.

So, I'll put my bet towards nature.