View Full Version : Racial evil scale

07-07-2014, 10:26 PM

Do you agree with this? I personally believe negroids are pure evil, as shown by the behavior and reckless acting, except for their naivety. Caucasians are almost pure evil, combined with a more malignant inteligence, which has caused them to make the most polution and damage to our eco-system, except for jews who are basically pure concentrated caucasian evil. Asians are evil for making human nests and saturating the ambience. I believe native americans are the most morally and spiritually clean racial group.

07-07-2014, 10:39 PM
Caucasians and Asians are equally evil but since Jews are not a race you have to add them to the Caucasians. Thus they are second after negroids.

Aboriginals may be cannibalistic and brutal but their primitives brains make them unable to have the moral knowledge of good or evil. They come after Asians

Native Americans were not particularly peaceful. However they are still the least evil :)

07-08-2014, 02:52 AM
I don't agree. Evil is equally spread among all the races. I won't bet somebody is a good person or is a criminal just because it belongs to a given race.

07-08-2014, 02:54 AM

I like the top part, but I'm not evil just because I'm caucasian - caucasian in both meanings :P (Irony is calling)

07-08-2014, 02:55 AM


Black Wolf
07-08-2014, 02:57 AM
I don't agree. Evil is equally spread among all the races. I won't bet somebody is a good person or is a criminal just because it belongs to a given race.


07-08-2014, 02:57 AM



07-08-2014, 02:58 AM
Might you explain your opinion to me?

Black Wolf
07-08-2014, 02:58 AM

I likte the top part, but I'm not evil just because I'm caucasian - caucasian in both meanings :P (Irony is calling)

Which teip do you belong to?

07-08-2014, 02:59 AM
That's so beautiful.

Answer me.

07-08-2014, 02:59 AM

Which teip do you belong to?

Do you mean type?Or really teip ?

07-08-2014, 03:00 AM
Answer me.

I meant the Shahada on this flag. But I don't like the black flag.

Black Wolf
07-08-2014, 03:01 AM

Do you mean type?Or really teip ?

Teip (clan).

07-08-2014, 03:01 AM

Teip (clan).

How the fuck do u know about our teips“?

Black Wolf
07-08-2014, 03:02 AM

How the fuck do u know about our teips“?

Because I am interested in Chechen culture.

07-08-2014, 03:02 AM
I meant the Shahada on this flag. But I don't like the black flag.

I am criticizing their barbarian methods not their ideology.

07-08-2014, 03:03 AM
I am criticizing their barbarian methods not their ideology.
With ''their'' you mean whom?

07-08-2014, 03:04 AM
I think that scheme is absolutely foundless.

Aztecs were known to be cruel and the were native americans, some scholars have even compared them to the NAZIS.

Jews on the other hand arent a candy but they didnt kill 6 million of human beings in concentration camps, that including women and children.

No Sirs, human being is cruel disregarding race.

07-08-2014, 03:05 AM

Because I am interested in Chechen culture.

I'm Shirdi. I'm sure u don't know anything about Shirdi :p

07-08-2014, 03:05 AM
With ''their'' you mean whom?


07-08-2014, 03:06 AM


07-08-2014, 03:06 AM
"Native Americans" are racially Asiatic... :picard2:

Black Wolf
07-08-2014, 03:07 AM

I'm Shirdi. I'm sure u don't know anything about Shirdi :p

Other than the fact that Shirdi is a teip you are correct I don't know much about Shirdi.

07-08-2014, 03:07 AM
I'm Shirdi. I'm sure u don't know anything about Shirdi :p
Even I have never heard of Shirdoi.

What's your ancestral region?

07-08-2014, 03:11 AM
Every group has good and bad.

07-08-2014, 03:12 AM
Even I have never heard of Shirdoi.

What's your ancestral region?

Нохчмахкахой yukxah yol teip yu shirdi, lextch kar yir yu huhn ^^

07-08-2014, 03:13 AM
Every group has good and bad.

Exactly. Lol at this thread, generalizations never give correct results.

07-08-2014, 03:13 AM
Native americans are ugly

07-08-2014, 03:16 AM
Нохчмахкахой yukxah yol teip yu shirdi, lextch kar yir yu huhn ^^
Karim yi sun, amma i ce dohor hezsh yu sun so nohchmahkho wolshneh.

07-08-2014, 03:17 AM
No race or people are evil, but many people are guided by evil like greed and plunder regardless of race.

07-08-2014, 03:19 AM
Karim yi sun, amma i ce dohor hezsh yu sun so nohchmahkho wolshneh.

So Beno wu.
Masu dagah e1mar mayazi i tepnash zaneh, dukx yu üsh

07-08-2014, 03:21 AM
Masu dagah e1mar mayazi i tepnash zaneh, dukx yu üsh
Der yu short, ba1 sow.

07-08-2014, 03:22 AM
On average, white Europeans are the most peaceful, generous and kind-hearted people in the world, by a considerable margin. The only exceptions might be some primitive fringe tribal groups with no known history of violence, like the Khoisan, Veddahs, Andamanese, and certain Amerindian tribes. Whites have committed more serious atrocities than groups such as these, but in terms of general violent tendencies among the population they are still very low. Northeast Asians tend to be up there as well.

Most groups of Negroids, Arabs, Paleomongoloids, Australoids, Amerindians, etc. are so drastically more violent and barbaric that any sort of comparison is absurd.

07-08-2014, 03:22 AM
Native americans are ugly

And you must be retarded because that isnt the topic to this thread.:picard1:

07-08-2014, 03:24 AM
No. Jews are the most evil, then negroes, then Arabs, then south/east Indians, then the rest. Europeans are the only moral good; all others are varying degrees of evil.

07-08-2014, 03:25 AM
Some native Americans were cannibals and practiced human sacrifices ect. So I'd put them higher and leave Abos on the bottom. They invented the boomerang

07-08-2014, 03:27 AM
On average, white Europeans are the most peaceful, generous and kind-hearted people in the world, by a considerable margin. The only exceptions might be some primitive fringe tribal groups with no known history of violence, like the Khoisan, Veddahs, Andamanese, and certain Amerindian tribes. Whites have committed more serious atrocities than groups such as these, but in terms of general violent tendencies among the population they are still very low. Northeast Asians tend to be up there as well.

Most groups of Negroids, Arabs, Paleomongoloids, Australoids, Amerindians, etc. are so drastically more violent and barbaric that any sort of comparison is absurd.

More or less.

07-08-2014, 03:30 AM
And you must be retarded because that isnt the topic to this thread.:picard1:
Shut up old navajo nipple narrarator

07-08-2014, 03:32 AM
No. Jews are the most evil, then negroes, then Arabs, then south/east Indians, then the rest. Europeans are the only moral good; all others are varying degrees of evil.

If europeans were to be measured psychologicaly on colective they would be a mix of psychopathy, perversion and sado-masochism. Not a perfect embodiment of true evil, but pretty close.

Europeans are pretty damn evil. Were they as violent as evil as negros, combined with their technology they would already have crapped the world into rubble. Jews are basically a concentration of pure European evil without the good elements they have

07-08-2014, 03:34 AM
I am criticizing their barbarian methods not their ideology.

I still don't know whom you mean

07-08-2014, 03:35 AM
I still don't know whom you mean


07-08-2014, 03:37 AM
..was it that hard ...but you know that's not the flag of ISIS or Al-Qaida right? They are just abusing this flag ..

07-08-2014, 03:44 AM
Native americans are ugly

Revolting jew, you are not supposed to say things like that, you insect. You are to complain and cry at the discrimination of jews and virulent anti semitism, and the process of more anti-hate speech laws, and endorse some censorship. The wolf passes as a sheep

07-08-2014, 03:45 AM
Some native Americans were cannibals and practiced human sacrifices ect. So I'd put them higher and leave Abos on the bottom. They invented the boomerang

long time ago. in africa, murder and rape and mutilations are everyday bread even today

07-08-2014, 03:46 AM
If europeans were to be measured psychologicaly on colective they would be a mix of psychopathy, perversion and sado-masochism. Not a perfect embodiment of true evil, but pretty close.

Europeans are pretty damn evil. Were they as violent as evil as negros, combined with their technology they would already have crapped the world into rubble. Jews are basically a concentration of pure European evil without the good elements they have

You're still mad 'cause we sneezed on you, huh?

07-08-2014, 03:48 AM
You're still mad 'cause we sneezed on you, huh?

I'm mad at how you treat yourselves. Other whites do not consider you white, you are a moor. A thread making fun of south european complexes was made. A lot of persons who share this "white" identity don't see you as white enough. In other words, you are a dark person. Remember Portugal is almost Brazil

whites lack empathy to themselves and are quick to obliterate each other. europeans are evil to other races but very evil to themselves too

07-08-2014, 03:53 AM
This is a really dumb thread. Your really going to judge how "evil" someone is based on their race instead of what they actually believe individually.

07-08-2014, 03:53 AM
Portusaus after making statements like this, you still don't believe you are evil? One of the main symptoms of evil is twisting it to make appear good. To get rid and supress the evil you have to recognize it from within

07-08-2014, 03:54 AM
This is a really dumb thread. Your really going to judge how "evil" someone is based on their race instead of what they actually believe individually.

I'm judging for their damage to humanity and the world. Caucasians and Negroids have done the most destruction. If the whole planet was just populated by them and no one, it would already be a complete wasteland with no life

07-08-2014, 03:59 AM
I'm mad at how you treat yourselves. Other whites do not consider you white, you are a moor. A thread making fun of south european complexes was made. A lot of persons who share this "white" identity don't see you as white enough. In other words, you are a dark person. Remember Portugal is almost Brazil

whites lack empathy to themselves and are quick to obliterate each other. europeans are evil to other races but very evil to themselves too

You are right, usually Europeans dislike other Europeans the most, before any others. I can't even imagine some fighting together, that's just not gonna happen, they'll be happy when their enemy gets wasted, even if new enemy will be even worse. You are totally correct in your opinion. Nazis and commies killed 100 million if not more mostly the whitest of Europeans, Euros killing other Euros. So bump up Euros, they've earned it! :laugh:

07-08-2014, 04:06 AM
I'm judging for their damage to humanity and the world. Caucasians and Negroids have done the most destruction. If the whole planet was just populated by them and no one, it would already be a complete wasteland with no life

Black people have done relatively little damage to others outside of their race as compared to Euros as far as history goes. This is obvious due to Europeans conquering the world even while being divided among each other. Black being the way they are today is relatively recent. not even a century. Not even half a century. When drugs became epidemic in the 80s/ 70's is when things started to go down hill. Than a few west coast rapper destroyed rap music and now its shit because alot of shit rappers .

de Burgh II
07-08-2014, 04:06 AM
I would say its universal for everyone to be hateful towards someone or something in their own right. Its an inherent part of human nature.

07-08-2014, 04:07 AM
Shut up old navajo nipple narrarator

What?. What is that?, I dont understand your lame offences you shithead.

07-08-2014, 04:08 AM
What?. What is that?, I dont understand your lame offences you shithead.

Do not speak to the little jew. Evil will corrupt your mind

07-08-2014, 04:11 AM
I agree with the jews. They control most of the money and the media.

07-08-2014, 04:16 AM
Alright LOCO, for a new member, your posts are remember-able. Who are you? Will we get to see ya in the member's photo thread anytime soon? xD

07-08-2014, 04:17 AM
Black people have done relatively little damage to others outside of their race as compared to Euros as far as history goes. This is obvious due to Europeans conquering the world even while being divided among each other. Black being the way they are today is relatively recent. not even a century. Not even half a century. When drugs became epidemic in the 80s/ 70's is when things started to go down hill. Than a few west coast rapper destroyed rap music and now its shit because alot of shit rappers .

But they did lots of damage to themselves. The damage contained to africa because they were too dumb to venture outside or swim. Blacks regularly ate pigmies and khoisans. They lack the evil expansion drive caucasians have so they are less dangerous, despite being far more evil than caucasians.

I have lots of caucasian admixture and know I have evil in me to defeat it, but my minor native american admixture and time training inhibites it

07-08-2014, 04:20 AM
But they did lots of damage to themselves. The damage contained to africa because they were too dumb to venture outside or swim. They lack the evil expansion drive caucasians have so they are less dangerous, despite being far more evil than caucasians.

I have lots of caucasian admixture and know I have evil in me to defeat it, but my minor native american admixture and time training inhibites it
And if they were evil to themselves how does that make them more evil than the others? All races have been evil to themselves because they have been divided amonst themselves as well. Asians have been through this. Euros, especially during the bronze/ dark ages.You see it today with middle easterners and Native Americans have been cruel to one another as well.

07-08-2014, 04:20 AM
I'm mad at how you treat yourselves. Other whites do not consider you white, you are a moor. A thread making fun of south european complexes was made. A lot of persons who share this "white" identity don't see you as white enough. In other words, you are a dark person. Remember Portugal is almost Brazil

whites lack empathy to themselves and are quick to obliterate each other. europeans are evil to other races but very evil to themselves too

Feckin' moron. I'm not dark at all and neither are any of my known ancestors. Just hair/eye pigmentation, and it looks pretty damn good on me. Jealous nons try to reap that cliche all the time as if it bothers us- we don't give a damn what you think and we know that we are better than you.

Portusaus after making statements like this, you still don't believe you are evil? One of the main symptoms of evil is twisting it to make appear good. To get rid and supress the evil you have to recognize it from within

No. Europe is the only moral good; non-Europeans are evil for consuming European resources and taking up European space. They are capable of much more rancid destruction as well, particularly psychopathic Jews and loose-cannon-'groids, but there were also savage redskins that scalped innocent colonists and are also crazed Abos that eat babies. You're all the same to me now, except that Jews and 'Groids deserve less (none) tact when resisting them.

I'm judging for their damage to humanity and the world. Caucasians and Negroids have done the most destruction. If the whole planet was just populated by them and no one, it would already be a complete wasteland with no life

This world would be nothing without Europeans, and this world belongs to Europe. It always has.

One day when this planet is populated exclusively and extensively with European Europids, the angels will sing of pride and victory.

But they did lots of damage to themselves. The damage contained to africa because they were too dumb to venture outside or swim. Blacks regularly ate pigmies and khoisans. They lack the evil expansion drive caucasians have so they are less dangerous, despite being far more evil than caucasians.

I have lots of caucasian admixture and know I have evil in me to defeat it, but my minor native american admixture and time training inhibites it


07-08-2014, 04:23 AM
Feckin' moron. I'm not dark at all and neither are any of my known ancestors. Just hair/eye pigmentation, and it looks pretty damn good on me. Jealous nons try to reap that cliche all the time as if it bothers us- we don't give a damn what you think and we know that we are better than you.

All Portuguese are very dark compared to North Europeans. This hubris does not make you any better.

No. Europe is the only moral good; non-Europeans are evil for consuming European resources and taking up European space. They are capable of much more rancid destruction as well, particularly psychopathic Jews and loose-cannon-'groids, but there were also savage redskins that scalped innocent colonists and are also crazed Abos that eat babies. You're all the same to me now, except that Jews and 'Groids deserve less (none) tact when resisting them.

Europeans like you are pyschopaths, quick to see the evil in everyone but not in him. Everyone is else fault.

This world would be nothing without Europeans, and this world belongs to Europe. It always has.

This world would be spiritually peaceful without Europeans comiting wars and genocides and without Africans eating pigmies and hienas.

One day when this planet is populated exclusively and extensively with European Europids, the angels will sing of pride and victory.

If the planet was only populated by Europeans, it would already look like Mad Max. Planet with no resources and few life. Europeans just do stupid technology to improve their life while crapping the envinorement, destroying forests, fauna, eco systems. And lending free technology and guns to africans to make guns and use their naivety for evil means

07-08-2014, 04:29 AM
Feckin' moron. I'm not dark at all and neither are any of my known ancestors. Just hair/eye pigmentation, and it looks pretty damn good on me. Jealous nons try to reap that cliche all the time as if it bothers us- we don't give a damn what you think and we know that we are better than you.

No. Europe is the only moral good; non-Europeans are evil for consuming European resources and taking up European space.They are capable of much more rancid destruction as well, particularly psychopathic Jews and loose-cannon-'groids, but there were also savage redskins that scalped innocent colonists and are also crazed Abos that eat babies. You're all the same to me now, except that Jews and 'Groids deserve less (none) tact when resisting them.
You must be a non euro because you have no morals, or at least sick ones.

This world would be nothing without Europeans, and this world belongs to Europe. It always has.

I'm sorry I thought you were was a moor since the history is the moors conquered mostly southern iberia and lasted for several hundreds of years. No doubt your a descendant of a moor.

One day when this planet is populated exclusively and extensively with European Europids, the angels will sing of pride and victory.

That will happen if china rules the world too. Your point?

07-08-2014, 04:30 AM
And if they were evil to themselves how does that make them more evil than the others? All races have been evil to themselves because they have been divided amonst themselves as well. Asians have been through this. Euros, especially during the bronze/ dark ages.You see it today with middle easterners and Native Americans have been cruel to one another as well.

The total psyche is the important. Check individuals like Portusaus. Common euro-psychopathy 101. That's an embodiment of pure evil. He is quick to notice the faults of others but never of his, claims moral omnipresence when his statements are violent and twisted

You don't defeat the evil force if you don't fight from the insides

07-08-2014, 04:35 AM
Check the difference between Euro and Afro evil: Euros want to export their evil to the world and make tries justify their own evil and make it look as good, even when weaker than Afro evil. African evil is more relentless an uncontrolled, cannibalizing, brutal. But are unable to cordinate it into evil incursions, unlike the europeans. They are not even aware of concepts of evil or good. This is why I think mulatos are very dangerous.

07-08-2014, 04:36 AM
All Portuguese are very dark compared to North Europeans. This hubris does not make you any better.

Europeans like you are pyschopaths, quick to see the evil in everyone but not in him. Everyone is else fault.

This world would be spiritually peaceful without Europeans comiting wars and genocides and without Africans eating pigmies and hienas.

If the planet was only populated by Europeans, it would already look like Mad Max. Planet with no resources and few life. Europeans just do stupid technology to improve their life while crapping the envinorement, destroying forests, fauna, eco systems. And lending free technology and guns to africans to make guns and use their naivety for evil means


Non-Europeans are evil because their interests conflict with all that is good; i.e. the interests of Europeans.

Europeans have never done anything wrong as a whole. Just bad seeds. Indianids, however, bred out the indigenous South Americans and destroyed their legacy, claiming that they built their monuments (which they just found and thought were magical so they sacrificed babies etc. on top of them because of Mongaroid intellect or the lack therof) and clamped vices around their kids' heads to make them look like the superior race they destroyed. Then they kept starting tribal wars with peaceful and kind European colonists and killing civilians, and now Mexicans like you are exploiting our corrupt Jew-administration and hopping the border to suck the blood out of our nation for your own selfish benefit because your birthrates are akin to that of spiders and you can't provide for yourselves in your own nation.

We know our limits when it comes to utilizing the environment, and if we had control of our civilization the damage would have stopped a long time ago. It is corrupt psychopathic Jews that spray toxic particulates into the sky to control the weather and invent plasma weapons, and Europeans that chain themselves to trees trying to stop the madness. You natives just host Pow-Wows and bitch about how we built something out of the nothing you took for granted and still seem to think you deserved just because you exist.

07-08-2014, 04:39 AM

Non-Europeans are evil because their interests conflict with all that is good; i.e. the interests of Europeans.

Europeans have never done anything wrong as a whole. Just bad seeds. Indianids, however, bred out the indigenous South Americans and destroyed their legacy, claiming that they built their monuments (which they just found and thought were magical so they sacrificed babies etc. on top of them because of Mongaroid intellect or the lack therof) and clamped vices around their kids' heads to make them look like the superior race they destroyed. Then they kept starting tribal wars with peaceful and kind European colonists and killing civilians, and now Mexicans like you are exploiting our corrupt Jew-administration and hopping the border to suck the blood out of our nation for your own selfish benefit because your birthrates are akin to that of spiders and you can't provide for yourselves in your own nation.

Please pass that marijuana son. That's a exhilaration history. Europeans should be send to the pooper for exterminating neanderthals. You are a darky, your dark hair and dark eyes are a proof of the increeasing evil compared to more north europeans who are more noble, and less psycho.

We know our limits when it comes to utilizing the environment, and if we had control of our civilization the damage would have stopped a long time ago. It is corrupt psychopathic Jews that spray toxic particulates into the sky to control the weather and invent plasma weapons, and Europeans that chain themselves to trees trying to stop the madness. You natives just host Pow-Wows and bitch about how we built something out of the nothing you took for granted and still seem to think you deserved just because you exist.

An oppressor trying to play the victim card is another sign of pure evil!! You have to be ashamed of yourself. Remember jews are just a remasterized version of your evil, without the few good European characters (of which you aren't one)

Jewish meta-evil increased for admixing with europeans like you

Hong Key
07-08-2014, 04:41 AM
War Before Civilization: The Myth of the Peaceful Savage
Lawrence Keeley
Oxford University Press


The myth of the peace-loving "noble savage" is persistent and pernicious. Indeed, for the last fifty years, most popular and scholarly works have agreed that prehistoric warfare was rare, harmless, unimportant, and, like smallpox, a disease of civilized societies alone. Prehistoric warfare, according to this view, was little more than a ritualized game, where casualties were limited and the effects of aggression relatively mild. Lawrence Keeley's groundbreaking War Before Civilization offers a devastating rebuttal to such comfortable myths and debunks the notion that warfare was introduced to primitive societies through contact with civilization (an idea he denounces as "the pacification of the past").

Building on much fascinating archeological and historical research and offering an astute comparison of warfare in civilized and prehistoric societies, from modern European states to the Plains Indians of North America, War Before Civilization convincingly demonstrates that prehistoric warfare was in fact more deadly, more frequent, and more ruthless than modern war. To support this point, Keeley provides a wide-ranging look at warfare and brutality in the prehistoric world. He reveals, for instance, that prehistorical tactics favoring raids and ambushes, as opposed to formal battles, often yielded a high death-rate; that adult males falling into the hands of their enemies were almost universally killed; and that surprise raids seldom spared even women and children. Keeley cites evidence of ancient massacres in many areas of the world, including the discovery in South Dakota of a prehistoric mass grave containing the remains of over 500 scalped and mutilated men, women, and children (a slaughter that took place a century and a half before the arrival of Columbus). In addition, Keeley surveys the prevalence of looting, destruction, and trophy-taking in all kinds of warfare and again finds little moral distinction between ancient warriors and civilized armies. Finally, and perhaps most controversially, he examines the evidence of cannibalism among some preliterate peoples.

Keeley is a seasoned writer and his book is packed with vivid, eye-opening details (for instance, that the homicide rate of prehistoric Illinois villagers may have exceeded that of the modern United States by some 70 times). But he also goes beyond grisly facts to address the larger moral and philosophical issues raised by his work. What are the causes of war? Are human beings inherently violent? How can we ensure peace in our own time? Challenging some of our most dearly held beliefs, Keeley's conclusions are bound to stir controversy.



07-08-2014, 04:43 AM
War Before Civilization: The Myth of the Peaceful Savage
Lawrence Keeley
Oxford University Press

The myth of the peace-loving "noble savage" is persistent and pernicious. Indeed, for the last fifty years, most popular and scholarly works have agreed that prehistoric warfare was rare, harmless, unimportant, and, like smallpox, a disease of civilized societies alone. Prehistoric warfare, according to this view, was little more than a ritualized game, where casualties were limited and the effects of aggression relatively mild. Lawrence Keeley's groundbreaking War Before Civilization offers a devastating rebuttal to such comfortable myths and debunks the notion that warfare was introduced to primitive societies through contact with civilization (an idea he denounces as "the pacification of the past").

Building on much fascinating archeological and historical research and offering an astute comparison of warfare in civilized and prehistoric societies, from modern European states to the Plains Indians of North America, War Before Civilization convincingly demonstrates that prehistoric warfare was in fact more deadly, more frequent, and more ruthless than modern war. To support this point, Keeley provides a wide-ranging look at warfare and brutality in the prehistoric world. He reveals, for instance, that prehistorical tactics favoring raids and ambushes, as opposed to formal battles, often yielded a high death-rate; that adult males falling into the hands of their enemies were almost universally killed; and that surprise raids seldom spared even women and children. Keeley cites evidence of ancient massacres in many areas of the world, including the discovery in South Dakota of a prehistoric mass grave containing the remains of over 500 scalped and mutilated men, women, and children (a slaughter that took place a century and a half before the arrival of Columbus). In addition, Keeley surveys the prevalence of looting, destruction, and trophy-taking in all kinds of warfare and again finds little moral distinction between ancient warriors and civilized armies. Finally, and perhaps most controversially, he examines the evidence of cannibalism among some preliterate peoples.

Keeley is a seasoned writer and his book is packed with vivid, eye-opening details (for instance, that the homicide rate of prehistoric Illinois villagers may have exceeded that of the modern United States by some 70 times). But he also goes beyond grisly facts to address the larger moral and philosophical issues raised by his work. What are the causes of war? Are human beings inherently violent? How can we ensure peace in our own time? Challenging some of our most dearly held beliefs, Keeley's conclusions are bound to stir controversy.


Hi, I do not believe amerindians were especially iluminated, but no doubt far less evil than Africans or Caucasians derivations

The most evil amerindians (aztecs, mayans, incas) were urban like the europeans

07-08-2014, 04:44 AM
I don't agree. Evil is equally spread among all the races. I won't bet somebody is a good person or is a criminal just because it belongs to a given race.
It would be nice if you could use this advice when you speak about Spaniards.

07-08-2014, 04:49 AM

Do you agree with this? I personally believe negroids are pure evil, as shown by the behavior and reckless acting, except for their naivety. Caucasians are almost pure evil, combined with a more malignant inteligence, which has caused them to make the most polution and damage to our eco-system, except for jews who are basically pure concentrated caucasian evil. Asians are evil for making human nests and saturating the ambience. I believe native americans are the most morally and spiritually clean racial group.

LOL WHAT A CROCK OF SHIT, you've obviously never been to central or northern Canada where the natives are such a problem them represent 90% of the prison population and 15% of the regular population. Native gangs, constant shootings stabbings ect ect ect.

07-08-2014, 04:53 AM
LOL WHAT A CROCK OF SHIT, you've obviously never been to central or northern Canada where the natives are such a problem them represent 90% of the prison population and 15% of the regular population. Native gangs, constant shootings stabbings ect ect ect.

Which province are you from? I live in Alberta

07-08-2014, 04:59 AM
Which province are you from? I live in Alberta

I lived in SK but im in BC now.

I did a lot of work all over Saskatchewan and Manitoba and lived in saskatoon for 3 years, I can tell you prairie indians are the frickin worst, parts of SK give africa a run for its money and the territories are even worse I hear.

07-08-2014, 05:02 AM
I lived in SK but im in BC now.

I did a lot of work all over Saskatchewan and Manitoba and lived in saskatoon for 3 years, I can tell you prairie indians are the frickin worst, parts of SK give africa a run for its money and the territories are even worse I hear.

See down town Ft mac. Drunk, old and sometimes dead indians lying on the streets. I haven't been to BC or Saskatchewan to see conditions there.

07-08-2014, 05:24 AM
Asians eat doges and cats so they are the most evil in my book.

So? French people eat frogs. Are they also included in your book?

07-08-2014, 05:31 AM
Depends on the Native Americans, ancient Mayans and their human sacrifices weren't that great, even if they believed themselves to have a 'spiritual' motive.
Drug cartel guys aren't good people... murdering and what not.
Jews are indeed racially Caucasian, as even Semites belong to the umbrella term 'Caucasoid', again it depends on the Caucasian group in question.

07-08-2014, 05:34 AM
Depends on the Native Americans, ancient Mayans and their human sacrifices weren't that great, even if they believed themselves to have a 'spiritual' motive.
Drug cartel guys aren't good people... murdering and what not.
Jews are indeed racially Caucasian, as even Semites belong to the umbrella term 'Caucasoid', again it depends on the Caucasian group in question.

Maybe the Aztecs would have been a better paragon.

07-08-2014, 06:13 AM
So? French people eat frogs. Are they also included in your book?

Frogs aren't cute mammalian fluffballs of affection. It's okay (albeit strange) to eat them, or their legs, or whatever.

07-08-2014, 08:05 AM
I would say its universal for everyone to be hateful towards someone or something in their own right. Its an inherent part of human nature.

I think that could be either destructive or could help the betterment of society. World War 2 is a good example of how it could be destructive. As someone pointed out euros have killed millions of their own that even in today's date we are still feeling the effects with a large aging population and limited youth population. [

Then it could be positive. Look at the Isrealites for example they hate almost everything that is non jew. They sterilize and even ship immigrants back to their lands without needing to answer to anyone. They have a population that would die for it and would defend it with blood.

There is a saying that you can't love without hating something. That is how you balance society and make society mentally healthy.

07-08-2014, 01:30 PM
long time ago. in africa, murder and rape and mutilations are everyday bread even today

Murder rape and brutality are still a part of them. Even though they are not fully nativa Americans but mestizos, remember MS-13? All that tribalistic gang warfare thats been plaguing California? It is a clear remnant.

07-08-2014, 01:32 PM

Do you agree with this? I personally believe negroids are pure evil, as shown by the behavior and reckless acting, except for their naivety. Caucasians are almost pure evil, combined with a more malignant inteligence, which has caused them to make the most polution and damage to our eco-system, except for jews who are basically pure concentrated caucasian evil. Asians are evil for making human nests and saturating the ambience. I believe native americans are the most morally and spiritually clean racial group.

Dude, aztecs were sacrificing people in droves to satisfy their gods. In Brazil, Tupis thought it was very cool to eat the best warriors they could capture. The mayans accepted that a father could sell his daughter in prostitution to pay for his expenses. How was all that not evil? Every race is capable of evil.

07-08-2014, 01:46 PM
I do not believe in good or evil.....or that concept created by Christianity. :cool: How is it evil to look out for your own group? Wouldnt that be Noble? I think many other groups are far more sinister than mine and more calculated. But it works out for them. I think everyone is evil to a degree but also good.

07-08-2014, 04:04 PM
Murder rape and brutality are still a part of them. Even though they are not fully nativa Americans but mestizos, remember MS-13? All that tribalistic gang warfare thats been plaguing California? It is a clear remnant.

There you go, MS-13 is mostly Caucasoid. Caucasoid admixture makes them evil. But never more evil than a negro that randomly cannibalizes, cuts his daughter clit, beats his wife, enjoys raping, eating hearts, etc..

Negros are pure evil and all are goin hell

07-08-2014, 04:06 PM
Frogs aren't cute mammalian fluffballs of affection. It's okay (albeit strange) to eat them, or their legs, or whatever.

Typical of a psychopathic dark homo like yourself: not caring about human beings but for shitty cute pets.

Not only you are very dark, but also a homosexual.

07-08-2014, 04:09 PM
Good and Evil are just words nothing other, something that is good for me can be bad for you.

07-08-2014, 04:09 PM
Typical of a psychopathic dark homo like yourself: not caring about human beings but for shitty cute pets.

Not only you are very dark, but also a homosexual.

Wtf.. leave me alone you beaner troll, I hate queers..?

I don't care about "humans". I care about white people and fluffy animals.

07-08-2014, 04:10 PM
Wtf.. leave me alone you beaner troll, I hate queers..?

I don't care about "humans". I care about white people and fluffy animals.

I want to help you. After all, whites are quite fluffy animals, they are a hairy race with huge dirty beards

07-08-2014, 04:12 PM
I want to help you. After all, whites are quite fluffy animals, they are a hairy race with huge dirty beards

Now you're reflecting on your jealousy of our facial hair. They have fake beards at IParty if you want to look masculine, Mr. Mong.

07-08-2014, 04:14 PM
Now you're reflecting on your jealousy of our facial hair. They have fake beards at IParty if you want to look masculine, Mr. Mong.

Sadly, I have a huge beard enough to make your mom nether part jealous. But I shave it because I believe beards display evil. Who the hell would want to look like this?


Well, obvious you do, as you believe it to be a manifestation of your shitty white genes, just like negros think everyone is envious of the anaconda dick. Another manifestation of evil both afros and euros show. You have lots in common, no doubt you're the closest races genetically

07-08-2014, 04:16 PM
Good and Evil are just words nothing other, something that is good for me can be bad for you.

You are no noble savage, you are an evil turk.

07-08-2014, 04:22 PM
Probably the only scale where White people should go on the bottom.

07-08-2014, 04:23 PM
Probably the only scale where White people should go on the bottom.

At the bottom of hell, with negros.

07-08-2014, 04:28 PM
Evil white demons: no matter how many thumb downs you give, you don't make me accept your malignant wrath. Face your destination and rot in hell.

07-08-2014, 05:24 PM
Revolting jew, you are not supposed to say things like that, you insect. You are to complain and cry at the discrimination of jews and virulent anti semitism, and the process of more anti-hate speech laws, and endorse some censorship. The wolf passes as a sheep
Lmao im agnostic raised by christians

07-08-2014, 05:44 PM
Now you're reflecting on your jealousy of our facial hair. They have fake beards at IParty if you want to look masculine, Mr. Mong.

Yes, so much sexually frustrated white male masculinity:


A bunch of pubic hair does not make white homos less homo (and no way less evil)

de Burgh II
07-08-2014, 06:18 PM
I won't hold anything against you because your mexican since from my own experiences I tend to gravitate away from negroes whom I perceive as the most "evil" since they act like animals, priding themselves in ignorance, raise crime and raping women unjustifably and most of all, their self destructive ghetto mentality that I despise because it turns any society into a third world shithole.

Also, anyone that supports the ghetto mentality is "evil" in my book.

07-08-2014, 10:12 PM
Don't agree, Arabs are the most evil SOBs on this world

Manifest Destiny
07-08-2014, 10:21 PM
Caucasians and Asians are equally evil but since Jews are not a race you have to add them to the Caucasians. Thus they are second after negroids.

Aboriginals may be cannibalistic and brutal but their primitives brains make them unable to have the moral knowledge of good or evil. They come after Asians

Native Americans were not particularly peaceful. However they are still the least evil :)

Native Americans came from Asia, so they'd be included with them.

07-08-2014, 10:27 PM
well caucausians were those who killed 6 million jews in the holocaust, not the other side.

Manifest Destiny
07-08-2014, 10:29 PM
well caucausians were those who killed 6 million jews in the holocaust, not the other side.

Because Caucasians are the only people to ever commit mass murder?

07-08-2014, 10:30 PM
I personally and officially no longer care what happens in America..... I for now on will vote for every idea that pops in the mind of either Liberal Democrats or insane and stupid isolationist republicans! increase illegal immigration ten fold! why be on the losing side when you can win by simply changing sides? Who needs borders? they make immigration a total hassle. America is after all a nation founded by immigrants right? :p wow being liberal is so easy. No constructive thinking or planning....wow be a liberal today! who gives a shit! -this should be a commercial hahaha on SNL. Be liberal today! its that easy!

07-08-2014, 10:32 PM
well caucausians were those who killed 6 million jews in the holocaust, not the other side.

what about the Socialist purging? I did read that was necessary though and completely justifiable. Oh well! I agree white people are the problem in this world. Less of them is the only solution.....diversity should be the weapon of choice not atom bombs, biological warfare, camps/gulags, no no no....completely inefficient.... the only solution is more diversity. If Hollywood only made more movies with evil white people we might just get somewhere now! damn those evil white directors. :rolleyes:

07-08-2014, 10:33 PM
Because Caucasians are the only people to ever commit mass murder?

of course not.
i just replied because he put jews on top.

07-08-2014, 10:34 PM
what about the Socialist purging? I did read that was necessary though and completely justifiable. Oh well! I agree white people are the problem in this world. Less of them is the only solution.....diversity should be the weapon of choice not atom bombs, biological warfare, camps/gulags, no no no....completely inefficient.... the only solution is more diversity. If Hollywood only made more movies with evil white people we might just get somewhere now! damn those evil white directors. :rolleyes:
most of the jews are whites anyways..

07-08-2014, 10:34 PM
At the bottom of hell, with negros.

I wouldn't be that critical. I mean after all we made a lot of positive contributions to mankind like we praise middle easterners and Asians for too..... cant we al just be friends? :rolleyes:

07-08-2014, 10:35 PM
most of the jews are whites anyways..

well then.....they are evil aren't they now? they created Christianity and Islam..... Socialism and Nazism :rolleyes: not one white person spared.

07-08-2014, 10:40 PM
well then.....they are evil aren't they now? they created Christianity and Islam..... Socialism and Nazism :rolleyes: not one white person spared.
i said it because he seperated jews from caucasians

07-08-2014, 10:47 PM
i said it because he seperated jews from caucasians

who the thread starter did? I did not notice really but I am not shocked those central Americans are not very swift.

07-08-2014, 11:00 PM
No such thing as evil..

07-09-2014, 02:37 AM
Evil white demons: no matter how many thumb downs you give, you don't make me accept your malignant wrath. Face your destination and rot in hell.

Haven't you heard? White people took over and manifest destined the living shit out of Hell. There is a reason we are the Blue Eye Devils.

07-09-2014, 10:00 AM
Slavs promote genocide so they are the most evil in my book....

07-10-2014, 03:02 AM
Good and Evil are iffy terms imo. Every race has their Honorable people and degenerates. I'd say Northern Europeans and Northern Mongoloids are the most noble. Both have killed many in warfare, but their In-group violence is pretty minimal, and they have a sense of honor. Conscienceless in-group violence and stabbing people in the back is more of Negroid or Mestizo thing.

01-05-2015, 02:35 PM
Who made that chart?

02-09-2015, 09:38 AM
Interesting scale.

02-09-2015, 09:44 AM
No. It is hands down one of the dumbest things Ive ever seen.

02-09-2015, 10:07 AM
Semitic people are the most evil, the term "semitic" itself is derived from the root "semtex". They are known for their explosive character and destructiveness. When Semitics come into contact with semtex they evolve into suicide bombers.

02-09-2015, 03:15 PM
Based on popular culture and media, white + jewish mixed adult males are the most evil creatures on the planet.

02-09-2015, 03:19 PM
Caucasians higher than Asians, wat.

02-09-2015, 03:33 PM
10) As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:

11) There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God.

12) They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.

Romans 3:10-12, KJV

02-09-2015, 04:33 PM
Give any race an opportunity to power and it will behave horribly, in the order to get it. So, there can not be a scale about an actual "evilness" of a race, because of all the potentional evil, that would have been done under the different circumstances. I'm quite sure, we'd have been massacred by the amerindians, if they'd have been able to surpass as technologicaly and had discovered us before we discovered them. However, going solely by the actual evil done, whites "win" without competition.

02-10-2015, 09:53 AM
Accurate enough.

Arch Hades
02-10-2015, 09:21 PM
The highest levels of good and evil are with the Aryan.

02-11-2015, 01:20 AM
at least caucasians and asians do evil for greed, negros do it just because they can't understand why they shouldn't

02-11-2015, 10:32 PM
The highest levels of good and evil are with the Aryan.

Can You Substantiate That Claim?

02-11-2015, 10:42 PM
No. It is hands down one of the dumbest things Ive ever seen.

How so? Seems pretty spot on to me. I think black people aren't that bad for the most part but otherwise accurate.