View Full Version : Albanian Peasantry examples

07-12-2014, 11:41 AM
Albanians proclaim themselves proud warriors,however one can only go back to Ottoman times to see examples of peasantry.I won't go back there myself,let's see some other examples.

Statue of Bill Clinton in Kosovo



Shut up gypo do not kiss my ass, you bastard of asia.

You are one inferior gypo that goes crying all over froum how Albo are superior to you.

But it is not your fault...this is your task here, but I am surprised that mods allow you to do that and even debate with you on this shitty topic, while my threads are being closed for funny reasons.

Typical Albanian ubermensch accuses others for crying when at the same time he's calling the mods.Not very different than the member The Illyrian Warrior who was messaging the mods and at the same time threatening in public and not very much different than other Albos in the past here.

Post your own examples.

07-12-2014, 11:47 AM
Ok good.

07-12-2014, 11:51 PM
You wot m8 !

07-12-2014, 11:53 PM
inb4 Balkan Flame Wars!

07-12-2014, 11:56 PM
inb4 Balkan Flame Wars!

The thread's purpose is not to start a flame war of course but to provide examples.

07-13-2014, 12:14 AM
The thread's purpose is not to start a flame war of course but to provide examples.

Go to sleep man, Germany is paying your internet conection.

07-13-2014, 12:18 AM
Go to sleep man, Germany is paying your internet conection.


07-16-2014, 09:01 AM
Albanians aren't warriors, they aren't even peasants, they're basically homo erectus. They couldn't make fire 70 years ago when they couldn't afford Swedish matches.

In Ghegnia, as in most of the primitive world known to anthropologists, it is the custom not to let fires go out, for it is hard to start a new one.

Sometimes a householder will walk several miles to borrow a glowing coal from a neighbor. In 1929 and 1930 most of the Ghegs were making fire with flint and steel or with old-fashioned dry-wlck lighters. They did this slyly, and in my presence only when they could not borrow a match from me.

King Zog had sold the match monopoly to the Swedish match trust, which had promptly set a price of 5 cents a box on penny matches. The king
had at the same time prohibited the use of flint and steel or lighters.

This left the mountain-eers in an unenviable position they could not afford matches nor legally start fires by other means. Outside the market towns, however, their illegal actions passed unnoticed.


07-16-2014, 09:07 AM

Go make some gyros ore malaka.
Try not to drip in sweat through your hairy back thick mustache and the Greek midget belly.

07-16-2014, 09:20 AM
Statue of Bill Clinton in Kosovo


His name is William though, Bill is a nickname. I guess it's a way of expressing familiarity with him. :D

07-16-2014, 11:14 AM
Go make some gyros ore malaka.
Try not to drip in sweat through your hairy back thick mustache and the Greek midget belly.

I'm ordering a dolma around your size but shaven.

07-16-2014, 11:25 AM
His name is William though, Bill is a nickname. I guess it's a way of expressing familiarity with him. :D

Albos don't care about such titles.He came to us as Bill,he will stay as Bill.

Francesci De Medici
07-16-2014, 06:18 PM
Albanians are not humans.