View Full Version : Classify and guess this guy

07-12-2014, 05:47 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t1.0-9/10356265_10202074283123030_8059454415724043870_n.j pg
https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t1.0-9/10516692_10202208427556557_7978414794694741732_n.j pg

https://scontent-a-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/t1.0-9/10302169_10202026211321265_2866471474848814824_n.j pg

https://scontent-b-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/t1.0-9/10392442_10202119824701541_5807491346123364477_n.j pg

07-12-2014, 05:48 PM
Another guy that can pass in south italy

07-12-2014, 05:52 PM
Another guy that can pass in south italy

I think that he looks too Eastern fo there.

07-12-2014, 05:53 PM
I see guys like him

07-12-2014, 05:59 PM

07-12-2014, 06:13 PM

I guess that a lot of people have this look in the Southern parts of Bulgaria and Macedonia.

07-12-2014, 06:15 PM

He doesn't look Macedonian to me. His friend to the left in the third picture looks much more Macedonian than him.

07-12-2014, 06:18 PM
He doesn't look Macedonian to me. His friend to the left in the third picture looks much more Macedonian than him.

Actually people of Kukush (Eagean Macedonia) look like him. Kukushanci I've met are quite dark. But he is more typical for Southern Thrace (Marmara coast)

07-12-2014, 06:21 PM
Actually people of Kukush (Eagean Macedonia) look like him. Kukushanci I've met are quite dark. But he is more typical for Southern Thrace (Marmara coast)

I don't mean just his darkness, but he is very dark, but also his facial features. He is very soft features when all Macedonians I meet have sharper, like his friend, coming from mountain life. Ofc, I've only been to northern and western Macedonia.

07-12-2014, 06:46 PM
He does look passable as southern Italian, yes.

07-12-2014, 06:53 PM
Very swarthy Bulgarian.

07-12-2014, 07:04 PM
Actually people of Kukush (Eagean Macedonia) look like him.

No way they look like that

He would be atypical for Macedonian Greek too

He looks Pontian (maybe he has some blood too, Pontians are horny people hehe)

Peter Nirsch
07-12-2014, 07:05 PM
southern Europe

Prisoner Of Ice
07-12-2014, 07:09 PM
Somewhere middle east or caucas in looks but lots of people like him are in parts of south europe.

07-12-2014, 07:14 PM
No way they look like that

He would be atypical for Macedonian Greek too

He looks Pontian (maybe he has some blood too, Pontians are horny people hehe)

He looks horny to you? :D

Btw his ancestry comes from here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malkara

It was multiethnic city in the past...Armenians, Greeks, Bulgarians, Turks. There is a neighbourhood in my city where most people are descendants of refugees from Malkara. Most look Balkan, but there are some who look like this guys. There are also many Northwestern European (British) looking individuals. There is one guy from my class who came from the USA before 3 years and I thought that one of his parents are from anglo-saxon stock because he looks really British, but it came out that he is 100% Eastern Thracian.

07-12-2014, 07:16 PM
He looks horny to you? :D

Btw his ancestry comes from here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malkara

It was multiethnic city in the past...Armenians, Greeks, Bulgarians, Turks. There is a neighbourhood in my city where most people are descendants of refugees from Malkara. Most look Balkan, but there are some who look like this guys. There are also many Northwestern European (British) looking individuals. There is one guy from my class who came from the USA before 3 years and I thought that one of his parents are from anglo-saxon stock because he looks really British, but it came out that he is 100% Eastern Thracian.

I thought he was from Aegean Macedonia?

The region he is from makes more sense now since is close to Anatolia.

07-12-2014, 07:17 PM
I would guess Brazilian. His cheekbone width and eyes don't look Italian to me. Look a little like some Persians in those features. Otherwise he looks Mediterranean to me, skin texture etc.

Maybe from Caucasus but I haven't met enough ppl from there to form a personal sense of their looks.

07-12-2014, 07:21 PM
I thought he was from Aegean Macedonia?

The region he is from makes more sense now since is close to Anatolia.

I wanted to say that there are some Macedonians with his look, especially from Eagean Macedonia. \

Tbh he is not very typical for Bulgaria..1 from 10 people would look like him.

07-12-2014, 07:22 PM
I would guess Brazilian. His cheekbone width and eyes don't look Italian to me. Look a little like some Persians in those features. Otherwise he looks Mediterranean to me, skin texture etc.

Maybe from Caucasus but I haven't met enough ppl from there to form a personal sense of their looks.

The eyes are the thing which makes me guess Southeastern Europe before Italy.

07-12-2014, 07:32 PM
North-African or EastMed.

07-12-2014, 07:35 PM
The eyes are the thing which makes me guess Southeastern Europe before Italy.

He looks like a dark Georgian to me but he can pass as southern Italian. Still, I would guess Bulgaria first despite all of this.

07-12-2014, 07:43 PM
North-African or EastMed.

every second turk looks darker than him

He looks like a dark Georgian to me but he can pass as southern Italian. Still, I would guess Bulgaria first despite all of this.

Well he is atypical for Bulgaria too, but I might agree that such look is seen only here.

07-12-2014, 07:44 PM
He looks maybe a bit Anatolia/Caucasus but not very Middle Eastern as a whole. I might also guess Pontian. I would never guess Levantine or anything like that.

07-12-2014, 07:48 PM
every second turk looks darker than him

Damn, are you serious? I'm pure Turkic and I have a white skin :) this guy haves a tanned skin and Arabic eyes dude. Facepalm.

07-12-2014, 07:49 PM
He looks maybe a bit Anatolia/Caucasus but not very Middle Eastern as a whole. I might also guess Pontian. I would never guess Levantine or anything like that.

Pontian is a good guess

There are many like this guy.

I would say it's better than Bulgaria

07-12-2014, 07:49 PM
Judging from the Cyrillic letters on his shirt, he could be Armenin. Because armenians and russians have relations with each other.

He looks like a very handsome armenian guy. he could fit for anatolian/caucasid.

07-12-2014, 09:21 PM
Judging from the Cyrillic letters on his shirt, he could be Armenin. Because armenians and russians have relations with each other.

He looks like a very handsome armenian guy. he could fit for anatolian/caucasid.

He's Bulgarian

07-13-2014, 07:58 AM
From what I have heard about Malkara, I doubt anyone from there is a pure Bulgarian, and in this guy it shows. Textbook East Med.

Not that I object to his identification.

Ofc, I've only been to northern and western Macedonia.

The guy on the third pic is very Dinarid, def. not the average for the rest of Macedonia (where people are of Pontid and Gorid stock like in Bulgaria).

07-13-2014, 10:23 AM
From what I have heard about Malkara, I doubt anyone from there is a pure Bulgarian, and in this guy it shows. Textbook East Med.

Not that I object to his identification.

The guy on the third pic is very Dinarid, def. not the average for the rest of Macedonia (where people are of Pontid and Gorid stock like in Bulgaria).

What do you mean? The Bulgarians there are a mishmash of Armenians, Greeks, slavs, Goths, Celts, Arabs, Persians?

07-13-2014, 03:08 PM
It's probably just the Armenian majority in the city which decided to fight for the Bulgarian idea. There are many people who joined the Makedono-Odrinsko opulchenie and had Armenian origin.

I only wonder why they decided to be with the Bulgarians and not with the Greeks? Aren't Greeks closer to them culturally? Or the region was obviously more Bulgarian than Greek?

07-13-2014, 05:31 PM
Statistic says in 1912 there were 36 Bulgarian families, 300 Turkish, 200 Greek and 700 Armenians.

He probably is of mixed origin.

07-13-2014, 05:33 PM
He probably is of mixed origin.

True, I suggest deportation. Gather your sheeps and raid him.

07-13-2014, 05:34 PM
[QUOTE=Almila;2805199]Damn, are you serious? I'm pure Turkic and I have a white skin :) this guy haves a tanned skin and Arabic eyes ....

07-13-2014, 05:43 PM

07-13-2014, 05:45 PM
Wanna get laid?