View Full Version : Putin's next target: Latvia ?

07-15-2014, 11:39 AM
Window on Eurasia: 500 Donetsk-Type Militants Could End Latvia’s Existence as Unified State, Moscow Expert Says

“If events analogous to those in Ukraine were to begin in Latvia,” he said, “it is extremely probable that 500 fighters would be enough to end the existence of Latvia as a unified state. Latvia could split into two and possibly more antagonistic enclaves,” with pro-Russian forces dominating the southeast and around Riga.

Neronsky’s words, of course, are part of Moscow’s broader campaign against Latvia’s pro-Western orientation and policies. But their specificity – the article even features a map showing which cities and regions might become secessionist – is worrisome because it suggests that some in Moscow are thinking about going beyond words to actions.


Planned "republics":

07-15-2014, 12:20 PM
“If events analogous to those in Ukraine were to begin in Latvia,” he said, “it is extremely probable that 500 fighters would be enough to end the existence of Latvia as a unified state. Latvia could split into two and possibly more antagonistic enclaves,” with pro-Russian forces dominating the southeast and around Riga.

The key term "events analogous to those in Ukraine..." which include widespread corruption, poverty, oligarchs dividing the country into regions of their interest controlling the media. Continuous unrest, re-elections and revolutions in the last 10 years. Then social unrests or even civil wars can happen in any country.

The events such as in Ukraine unlikely to happen in Latvia. And Putin is not interested in the least undeveloped non-strategic region of Latvia, as Russia has enough of such regions of her own.

07-15-2014, 01:03 PM
The key term "events analogous to those in Ukraine..." which include widespread corruption, poverty, oligarchs dividing the country into regions of their interest controlling the media. Continuous unrest, re-elections and revolutions in the last 10 years. Then social unrests or even civil wars can happen in any country.

There was nothing spontaneous in the post-Maidan events at Ukraine. Putin himself has admitted the script played at Crimea (http://rt.com/news/crimea-defense-russian-soldiers-108/). What happened at Slavyansk, Luhansk etc. was just repetition of that very same script. It didn't work as there was not enough popular support with local population. They can play that same (or similar) script at Latvia. Russian spooks are in Latvia already, that's for sure.

The events such as in Ukraine unlikely to happen in Latvia. And Putin is not interested in the least undeveloped non-strategic region of Latvia, as Russia has enough of such regions of her own.

His goal would not be gaining the region but to break NATO. NATO can fight against direct foreign enemy but it can not protect the countries from threat within.

07-15-2014, 01:04 PM
And after that they will try to conquer Poland and the 3rd world war will star :)

07-15-2014, 01:11 PM

"People's republics" in green..

07-15-2014, 01:12 PM
Well look at the bright side its free masonry vs neo sovietism.

07-15-2014, 01:14 PM
Well look at the bright side its free masonry vs neo sovietism.

Freemasons are great. All the founding fathers of your country were master masons.

07-15-2014, 01:27 PM
Freemasons are great. All the founding fathers of your country were master masons.

actually they were pretty evil men....but what do I know....I only work here hahahaha. I personally do not think either extreme is good.

07-15-2014, 01:28 PM
And after that they will try to conquer Poland and the 3rd world war will star :)

Wordl War 3 between Slavic countries only, so who cares...

07-15-2014, 03:33 PM
There was nothing spontaneous in the post-Maidan events at Ukraine. Putin himself has admitted the script played at Crimea (http://rt.com/news/crimea-defense-russian-soldiers-108/). What happened at Slavyansk, Luhansk etc. was just repetition of that very same script. It didn't work as there was not enough popular support with local population. They can play that same (or similar) script at Latvia. Russian spooks are in Latvia already, that's for sure.

South-east of Ukraine wanted independence in 2004 after orange revolution. A gathering of 5,000 delegates from south-east voted for independence in 2004. The troubles would have happened without Russia. Take any country in the world that witnessed the same events as Ukraine, and you will find social unrests and civil wars. Kremlin had their troops at the border in March this year. They could enter Ukraine if they wished, which would have been swift and bloodless. Now, Ukraine mobilised her troops and entrance of Russia is highly unlikely because the majority of Russian citizens against it. Also, Ukraine is divided between the oligarchs. South-east of Ukraine was Yanukovichs' clan region of control

His goal would not be gaining the region but to break NATO. NATO can fight against direct foreign enemy but it can not protect the countries from threat within.

Through south-eastern Latvia? This is a good script for a video game.

Peter Nirsch
07-15-2014, 03:54 PM
Putin is a ugly Chinese/Russian mutt, he should conquer Mongolia, not Europe.

07-15-2014, 04:35 PM
actually they were pretty evil men....but what do I know....I only work here hahahaha. I personally do not think either extreme is good.

U.S Constitution is masonic masterpiece. A True guide against tyranny. It's too bad the current non-masonic U.S politicians, like Obama, are neglecting it. Half of the original signers of U.S constitution were freemasons. They were all white, protestant men of North European stock and freemasons.

07-15-2014, 04:37 PM
They could enter Ukraine if they wished, which would have been swift and bloodless.

They decided to play the same script as in Crimea. It didn't work.

Through south-eastern Latvia? This is a good script for a video game.

It can be easily expanded to eastern Estonia too. Think about it for a minute. NATO would look like stooges. How many Germans want to die in Latvian civil war ?

07-15-2014, 05:26 PM
They decided to play the same script as in Crimea. It didn't work.

Russians could enter south-east of Ukraine before Ukraine mobilised her forces. In fact, the rebels were inviting Russian peacekeepers for 3 months. There are few if any parallels with Crimea; there are many parallels with middle eastern countries that have on-going revolutions.

It can be easily expanded to eastern Estonia too. Think about it for a minute. NATO would look like stooges. How many Germans want to die in Latvian civil war ?

Think outside of square for a minute and the reasons for which the article was written. It's a video game script as I stated.

07-15-2014, 05:28 PM
Putin is a ugly Chinese/Russian mutt, he should conquer Mongolia, not Europe.

Putin looks as typical Finnic person. I saw a picture of an Estonian politician, who looked like Putin's cousin.

07-15-2014, 05:53 PM
U.S Constitution is masonic masterpiece. A True guide against tyranny. It's too bad the current non-masonic U.S politicians, like Obama, are neglecting it. Half of the original signers of U.S constitution were freemasons. They were all white, protestant men of North European stock and freemasons.

the system after those men signed that crap has worked against us and today is completely against us. Infact its so bad many are leaving thanks to the same system. the same system is the reason why western europe is fucked.

07-15-2014, 06:34 PM
U.S Constitution is masonic masterpiece. A True guide against tyranny. It's too bad the current non-masonic U.S politicians, like Obama, are neglecting it. Half of the original signers of U.S constitution were freemasons. They were all white, protestant men of North European stock and freemasons.

Masonics can be (and usually they are) tiranic too.

Manifest Destiny
07-15-2014, 06:45 PM
actually they were pretty evil men....but what do I know....I only work here hahahaha. I personally do not think either extreme is good.

Evil in what way?

07-15-2014, 08:31 PM
In my opinion russian federation need nothing in this beggar spratstan. In ussr they had a one of biggest electronic-making centers in a world, but now they are a sourse of cheap workers for EuroUnion.
Also they discriminate russian-language people. so, this sprat-fasists strongly need more democracy. and i will not wondered, if some part of inhabbits want to get out from this hole with theirs lands.

07-15-2014, 09:13 PM
Russians could enter south-east of Ukraine before Ukraine mobilised her forces. In fact, the rebels were inviting Russian peacekeepers for 3 months.

Russia kept multiple options open and decided to go with Crimea script. Result: Failure. Now they are pushing harder and arming the "rebels" with some serious firepower (tanks, missiles).

Think outside of square for a minute and the reasons for which the article was written. It's a video game script as I stated.

No, it's a very serious option Moscow may use. It's possibly a death stroke to NATO. Think of this from larger, strategic perspective. NATO is like a huge, powerful dam. Even a slight crack will make the best dam useless and even the smallest crack is almost impossible to fix. NATO's purpose is to give security guarantees to member countries, if Putin sends in the "local Latvian freedom fighters" then what could NATO do ? Nothing really, atleast nothing conventional. U.S is not going to send marines to fight Latvian "Civil War" and Latvia itself is useless what comes to military.

Putin looks as typical Finnic person. I saw a picture of an Estonian politician, who looked like Putin's cousin.

He really doesn't. Maybe he could pass in Estonia but certainly not in Finland. He simply looks strange imo, could be all those plastic surgeries. Plus he is a dwarf.

07-15-2014, 09:16 PM
Putin is a ugly Chinese/Russian mutt, he should conquer Mongolia, not Europe.

Finno-Ugrics nor Turkics are Chinese

07-15-2014, 09:21 PM
Masonics can be (and usually they are) tiranic too.

Never. There has never, ever been a single masonic tyrant. On the contrary, every single tyrant has attacked freemasons immediately after assuming power.

- Roman Catholic Church banned Freemasonry in 1700's and re-iterated it in 1900's.
- Nazis banned Freemasonry
- Bolsheviks/Communists banned Freemasonry
- Franco banned Freemasonry
- Mussolini banned Freemasonry
- Freemasonry is illegal in all Islamic countries

Freemasons are like canary birds (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/canary_in_a_coal_mine) of freedom. Banned by all evil tyrants because of their love for freedom and liberty.


07-15-2014, 09:27 PM
Also they discriminate russian-language people.

No they don't.

Not a Cop
07-15-2014, 09:30 PM
Not gonna happen, living standarts in Latvia are higher, than in most of Russia + free EU pass, i doubt that much russians in Latvia support thoose actions.

07-15-2014, 09:32 PM
If the scenario would come true I would still blame Latvians if they could not handle some Moscow funded separatists.
Actually it would be good for Estonia also, kick out all disloyal Russians speakers.

07-15-2014, 09:32 PM
Not gonna happen, living standarts in Latvia are higher, than in most of Russia + free EU pass, i doubt that much russians in Latvia support thoose actions.

It doesn't depend on what Latvian-Russians want or not. Russian minorities have become marionettes of Moscow, with no free will.

07-15-2014, 09:35 PM
It doesn't depend on what Latvian-Russians want or not. Russian minorities have become marionettes of Moscow, with no free will.

In Estonia I know some are loyal to Estonia, like in Finland it divides the Russian speakers.

07-15-2014, 09:35 PM
No they don't.are you sure? tall me more about a terms of citizenship in stratstans.

07-15-2014, 09:36 PM
are you sure? tall me more about a terms of citizenship in stratstans.

Can anyone be a Russian citizen?

07-15-2014, 09:36 PM
Never. There has never, ever been a single masonic tyrant. On the contrary, every single tyrant has attacked freemasons immediately after assuming power.

- Roman Catholic Church banned Freemasonry in 1700's and re-iterated it in 1900's.
- Nazis banned Freemasonry
- Bolsheviks/Communists banned Freemasonry
- Franco banned Freemasonry
- Mussolini banned Freemasonry
- Freemasonry is illegal in all Islamic countries

Freemasons are like canary birds (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/canary_in_a_coal_mine) of freedom. Banned by all evil tyrants because of their love for freedom and liberty.


Masonic tyrants? Only in Spain: Generals Espartero, General O'Donell, Sagasta and Mendizabal. Those people did all kinds of evil against their own people, but yes, under the label of "freedom" which makes them hypocrites.

The true defenders of freedom were the scholastics of Salamanca 500 years ago.


07-15-2014, 09:40 PM
In Estonia I know some are loyal to Estonia, like in Finland it divides the Russian speakers.

Their loyalty or dis-loyalty is an non-issue really. It doesn't depend on them. There will always be enough Russians who will give the "legitimacy" for the Moscow's actions, it doesn't really take that many. After that it's easy to send "freedom fighters" into the country. What really matters if there are significant pockets of Russians or atleast Russian speakers in the country. Land border with Russia is obviously must, as it's easier to smuggle "freedom fighters" and weapons for them.

07-15-2014, 09:41 PM
In my opinion russian federation need nothing in this beggar spratstan. In ussr they had a one of biggest electronic-making centers in a world, but now they are a sourse of cheap workers for EuroUnion.
Also they discriminate russian-language people. so, this sprat-fasists strongly need more democracy. and i will not wondered, if some part of inhabbits want to get out from this hole with theirs lands.

Latvia is a small nation was fearing cultural assimilation. Incorporation of Latvia in Soviet Union against peoples' will; immigrants from all over USSR entering Latvia with the Latvian language was discriminated against for 40 years. All this is fresh in the minds of people. Try to walk in the shoes of the Latvians. All they want is Russian speaking peoples to learn Latvian language to pass the exam for citizenship test.

07-15-2014, 09:41 PM
are you sure? tall me more about a terms of citizenship in stratstans.

They only need to pass language exam which imo is pretty obvious. When in Rome..

07-15-2014, 09:43 PM
He really doesn't. Maybe he could pass in Estonia but certainly not in Finland. He simply looks strange imo, could be all those plastic surgeries. Plus he is a dwarf.

He looks as a Finnic speaking person whether eastern Estonian or eastern Finn or Finnic speaking from Russia. Everyone is saying this.

07-15-2014, 09:44 PM
Not gonna happen, living standarts in Latvia are higher, than in most of Russia + free EU pass, i doubt that much russians in Latvia support thoose actions.

That's right! The only way something similar happens in Latvia if Latvia turns into Ukraine.

07-15-2014, 09:44 PM
ib4 "latvia is old russian sphere, they have no right to be free!"

Colonel Frank Grimes
07-15-2014, 09:46 PM
U.S Constitution is masonic masterpiece. A True guide against tyranny. It's too bad the current non-masonic U.S politicians, like Obama, are neglecting it. Half of the original signers of U.S constitution were freemasons. They were all white, protestant men of North European stock and freemasons.

Charles Carroll wasn't Protestant. He was Irish Catholic.

Maryland has a rather unique history compared to the the rest of the colonies.

Back on topic, this appears to be hysteria. Although somewhat understandable but it's far from being the situation in Crimea. It's apples and oranges.

07-15-2014, 09:47 PM
Masonic tyrants? Only in Spain: Generals Espartero, General O'Donell, Sagasta and Mendizabal. Those people did all kinds of evil against their own people, but yes, under the label of "freedom" which makes them hypocrites.

After a quick googling I couldn't really figure out if they were masons or not but tyrants they were not.

The true defenders of freedom were the scholastics of Salamanca 500 years ago.

Superstitionalist catholic bunch.

07-15-2014, 09:50 PM
After a quick googling I couldn't really figure out if they were masons or not but tyrants they were not.

Superstitionalist catholic bunch.

It's obvious that you know nothing about them. Not about Salamanca school nor about these tyrants.

07-15-2014, 09:53 PM
Their loyalty or dis-loyalty is an non-issue really. It doesn't depend on them. There will always be enough Russians who will give the "legitimacy" for the Moscow's actions, it doesn't really take that many. After that it's easy to send "freedom fighters" into the country. What really matters if there are significant pockets of Russians or atleast Russian speakers in the country. Land border with Russia is obviously must, as it's easier to smuggle "freedom fighters" and weapons for them.

Like I said, it would still be a good opportunity to kick out those that dont feel loyalty.

07-15-2014, 09:57 PM
They only need to pass language exam which imo is pretty obvious. When in Rome.. of course. it's a discrimination by the language. all like what i said: fasists.

07-15-2014, 09:58 PM
Like I said, it would still be a good opportunity to kick out those that dont feel loyalty.

Why just them ? It doesn't depend about them and it doesn't depend on those who are loyal. Putin's doctrine is simple: Russian dominance everywhere in post-Soviet space through "protection" of Russian speakers.

This is Moscow's policy. It covers both loyals and dis-loyals. Thus all Russian speakers outside of Russian borders are marionettes of Moscow, this absolutely regardless what they themselves think.

07-15-2014, 10:00 PM

07-15-2014, 10:00 PM
of course. it's a discrimination by the language. all what i said: fasists.

So you think it is too much to ask for these Russian minorities to speak the language of the land ? They need a Russian speaking country for themselves (other than Russian Federation) ? All Latvians would then have to speak in Russian ?

07-15-2014, 10:03 PM
Why just them ? It doesn't depend about them and it doesn't depend on those who are loyal. Putin's doctrine is simple: Russian dominance everywhere in post-Soviet space through "protection" of Russian speakers.

This is Moscow's policy. It covers both loyals and dis-loyals. Thus all Russian speakers outside of Russian borders are marionettes of Moscow, this absolutely regardless what they themselves think.

I personally would keep all Russian speakers that contribute to their country and dont act against it.

On the other hand I could personally shoot anyone committing treason, so it is not like I am a moderate person for a Finn.

07-15-2014, 10:04 PM
He looks as a Finnic speaking person whether eastern Estonian or eastern Finn or Finnic speaking from Russia. Everyone is saying this.

Everyone is wrong then. He doesn't look Finnish at all and Finns are like 80% of all Finnic people's out there.

07-15-2014, 10:04 PM
wrong post

07-15-2014, 10:04 PM
I personally would keep all Russian speakers that contribute to their country and dont act against it.

It's not about you either. It's about Moscow's policy.

07-15-2014, 10:08 PM
It's not about you either. It's about Moscow's policy.

Just commenting on your opinion in kicking out all.

07-15-2014, 10:10 PM
Latvia is a small nation was fearing cultural assimilation. Incorporation of Latvia in Soviet Union against peoples' will; immigrants from all over USSR entering Latvia and also people from latvia moved in all ussr. it's not discrimination, but a freedom.

with the Latvian language was discriminated against for 40 years. for 40 years exists schools and printed books on this language.
So, please, let us statistic about a quantity of printed books on latvian language in ussr and independent Latvia

Try to walk in the shoes of the Latvians. ukraine in the same shoes: in ussr ukrainian language was nuch more maintained, that in independent ukraine.

All they want is Russian speaking peoples to learn Latvian language to pass the exam for citizenship test. this term mon a freedom, but a totalitarism.

07-15-2014, 10:13 PM
Not gonna happen, living standarts in Latvia are higher, than in most of Russia + free EU pass, i doubt that much russians in Latvia support thoose actions.

True i spoke with Russians from Latvia they they dont really like the Latvians but they lead good lives and they dont want to lose it

07-15-2014, 10:23 PM
Everyone is wrong then. He doesn't look Finnish at all and Finns are like 80% of all Finnic people's out there.

Then you are biased directing your attention at Finns that don't have physical appearance similar to that of Putin. Finland has many east Baltid and Lappoid types.

07-15-2014, 10:26 PM
So you think it is too much to ask for these Russian minorities to speak the language of the land ? it's not just asking, but a totalitarian requirement, which basically limits rights. Just try to look on a world's example of freedom - USA. They haven't oficial language, defined by the law, till this time.

They need a Russian speaking country for themselves (other than Russian Federation) ? in my opinion, no. why you ask it?

All Latvians would then have to speak in Russian ? of cause not. if you are a free people and your country have not any totalitarian requirements, defined by the law, you may speak in any language, what you want.

07-15-2014, 10:29 PM
and also people from latvia moved in all ussr. it's not discrimination, but a freedom.

Latvia enjoyed the highest standard living in USSR. Unlikely Latvians wanted to leave Latvia in large numbers. Most Latvians were deported to Siberia.

for 40 years exists schools and printed books on this language.

The language of daily dealing was Russian. The language in the government and business was Russian. Universities and various institutions was in Russian. Schools were in Russian with some classes in Latvian language.

this term mon a freedom, but a totalitarism.

There's plenty of freedom for people to learn Latvian to pass citizenship test.

07-15-2014, 11:54 PM
Latvia enjoyed the highest standard living in USSR. so, it was the gift of rest ussr. proof - Latvia degraded after several years after she was came out from ussr.

Unlikely Latvians wanted to leave Latvia in large numbers. so, and write this: they are not patriots.

Most Latvians were deported to Siberia. cause they were nazy's flunkies (lackeys?). Also they were not puted to death, like in Nurnberg, just carefully removed. Feel the difference.

The language of daily dealing was Russian. The language in the government and business was Russian. Universities and various institutions was in Russian. cause it all was gifted from ussr to Latvia. It's like all computers have english as defaultin a reason they all were developed in english-speaking countries. But why latvians did nothing for theirs native language during 40 years? Only except - the quiet sabotage as thanks for gifts.

Schools were in Russian with some classes in Latvian language. and they not ask more classes.

There's plenty of freedom for people to learn Latvian to pass citizenship test. it's not freedom. it's a totalitarian requirement, which basically limits main human rights.
it migth to be a freedom in that case, if non-latvian speakers haven't any problems with language and sitizenship and be invited on language lessons.

07-16-2014, 09:19 PM
Just commenting on your opinion in kicking out all.

I wasn't really suggesting booting all ruskies out from Europe but rather pointing out that Putin has weaponized all Russian minorities outside of Russian Federation. Basically every single Russian person, even Russian speaking person, is a biological weapon of Moscow. It might be the nice Russian neighbor, just a normal person or die-hard "black hundreds"-type Russian imperialist, both have exactly the same value for "Putinist doctrine of protection of Russian compatriots". Deporting the "black hundreds" has 0 value as the nice, normal people have exactly same value from "protecting the Russian compatriots"-point of view. So if we look this from Latvia pov, where maybe 5% of Russians are "black hundreds" and 95% are normal nice people, both carry same value from Moscow's policy pov. Deporting the 5% makes absolutely no difference. There needs to be other type of solution.

07-16-2014, 09:22 PM
True i spoke with Russians from Latvia they they dont really like the Latvians but they lead good lives and they dont want to lose it

How is that different to events going on at eastern Ukraine ? They had it all good and now Russian "freedom fighters" are fucking it up.

07-16-2014, 09:30 PM
Then you are biased directing your attention at Finns that don't have physical appearance similar to that of Putin. Finland has many east Baltid and Lappoid types.

East Baltic-type (per C.S Coon) is about faraway from Putin as possible (tall, robust, massive,mesocephalic blonde), as is the Lappoid-type (dark, short and brachyhephalic). Putin is more like Neo-Danubian per C.S Coon's typology. That's not very common at Finland (where 80% of Finnics live). Finnics are mainly Nordic or East Baltic per C.S Coon.

07-16-2014, 09:32 PM
Putin should liberate Massachusetts and New England....allow us to have our gun rights though.....and send some of their womenz here. Last night I met a group of Russians and Ukrainians....al of the girls were pre hot and dressed classy. I don't mind them they seem very nice compared to other immigrants we get here who are rude, fat, lazy and ugly animals.

07-16-2014, 09:41 PM
Putin should liberate Massachusetts and New England....allow us to have our gun rights though.....

I can't help you with getting hot wimmenz but the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution (very MASONIC) are quite enough for you guys to get to keep your guns.


The Bill of Rights is the collective name for the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution. Proposed to assuage the fears of Anti-Federalists who had opposed Constitutional ratification, these amendments guarantee a number of personal freedoms, limit the government's power in judicial and other proceedings, and reserve some powers to the states and the public. Originally the amendments applied only to the federal government, however, most were subsequently applied to the government of each state by way of the Fourteenth Amendment, through a process known as incorporation.

Who were those anti-federalists ?


The Sons of Liberty was an organization of dissidents that originated in the North American British colonies. The secret society was formed to protect the rights of the colonists and to take to the streets against the abuses of the British government. They are best known for undertaking the Boston Tea Party in 1773 in reaction to the Tea Act, which led to the Intolerable Acts (an intense crackdown by the British government), and a counter-mobilization by the Patriots.[1]

In the popular imagination, the Sons of Liberty was a formal underground organization with recognized members and leaders. More likely, the name was an underground term for any men resisting new Crown taxes and laws.[2] The well-known label allowed organizers to issue anonymous summons to a Liberty Tree, "Liberty Pole", or other public meeting-place. Furthermore, a unifying name helped to promote inter-Colonial efforts against Parliament and the Crown's actions. Their motto became, "No taxation without representation."[3]

Yeah, Freemasons.

07-16-2014, 09:47 PM
it's not just asking, but a totalitarian requirement, which basically limits rights. Just try to look on a world's example of freedom - USA. They haven't oficial language, defined by the law, till this time.

So all Latvians must speak Russian so that Russians can have their human rights ?

in my opinion, no. why you ask it?

Why do they then need another country with constitution giving them right to speak exclusively in Russian language ?

of cause not. if you are a free people and your country have not any totalitarian requirements, defined by the law, you may speak in any language, what you want.

So everyone in Latvia should speak (also) in Russian ?

You are a proper Russian nazi old boy.

07-17-2014, 01:41 AM
Hweinlant , now you think like totalitarian sectant. It's not your fault, but your fate. This point of view was imposed to you from fasist goverment of Latvia.

В тоталитарных сектах идеология выдается за "истину" и "единственную
карту" реальности. Доктрина служит не только фильтром для поступающей
информации, но и руководством по осмыслению и обработке отфильтрованной
информации. Обычно доктрина носит абсолютистский характер и разделяет мир на
"черное -- белое", "добро -- зло", "мы -- они".
Т.Лири, М.Стюарт и др. "Технологии изменения сознания в деструктивных культах"

it's not just asking, but a totalitarian requirement, which basically limits rights. Just try to look on a world's example of freedom - USA. They haven't oficial language, defined by the law, till this time.
So all Latvians must speak Russian so that Russians can have their human rights ? all of latvians not must speak on russian, and all of latvians not must speak with anyone.
Exist another exit: let they try to use english, for example. It's an international speaking one and all inhabbits will hame a profit it they use it day by day.
But fasist goverment of Latvia using totalitarian requirement, which basically limits human rights.

of cause not. if you are a free people and your country have not any totalitarian requirements, defined by the law, you may speak in any language, what you want.
So everyone in Latvia should speak (also) in Russian ? no, if they are a free smart people, they can choose any language for conversatoin between ones.
But not like now, when fasist goverment of Latvia using totalitarian language requirement, which basically limits human rights.

You are a proper Russian nazi old boy. thank for example of totalitarian fasist thinking. If i not agree with fasist point of view, i must be enemy.
"Russian nazi old boy" in this case.

In a fact i'm ukrainian liberal 2x- years old. And my example of freedom - USA's "bill of rights".

07-17-2014, 02:55 AM
democracy=suicide....its as bad as bolshevikism.....I plan on making fascism the new style....everyone will want to be apart of it. You see! :cool: democracy is so 1995.

07-17-2014, 03:01 AM
I can't help you with getting hot wimmenz but the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution (very MASONIC) are quite enough for you guys to get to keep your guns.


Who were those anti-federalists ?


Yeah, Freemasons.

Anti Federalist were against establishing a giant government that governed each state. Later on this would spark the civil war here. Southern Democrats vs Northern Unions [unionists are or were republicans...very religious, pro capitalism, pro industry, pro immigration, pro cheap labor, pro freeing blacks and other slaves, pro interventionalism]. Southern Democrats were pro isolationism, pro racial hierarchy, religious but in the southern way which is different where I live, anti federal government [means more state rights/power of courts etc...], anti immigration [well regulated immigration is what they practiced], anti race mixing [basically between blacks and whites], pro slavery, and also believe America should export their resources which many countries refused to have anything to do with the south....their money was also worthless internationally which helped them lose. All of Europe refused to support them.....and most other countries. Mexico may have helped had the war dragged on.

Anti-federalism today would be Libertarianism, Neo-Confederatism, White Seperatism....it could mean many things. Republicans and modern Democrats are pro Federalism...infact democrats are the opposite of what they use to be. They are more left wing today than right wing if you know what I mean.

07-17-2014, 03:04 AM
it's not just asking, but a totalitarian requirement, which basically limits rights. Just try to look on a world's example of freedom - USA. They haven't oficial language, defined by the law, till this time.
in my opinion, no. why you ask it?

of cause not. if you are a free people and your country have not any totalitarian requirements, defined by the law, you may speak in any language, what you want.

soon the language wil be Spanish.....the government does not plan on doing anything about the border issue we have....drugs are increasing here...heroin is popular where I live now. The gift of living in a Godless secular society.

07-17-2014, 03:07 AM
Russia can claim its perennial Russian territory in Ukraine but the Baltics should be left alone.

07-17-2014, 04:04 AM
East Baltic-type (per C.S Coon) is about faraway from Putin as possible (tall, robust, massive,mesocephalic blonde), as is the Lappoid-type (dark, short and brachyhephalic). Putin is more like Neo-Danubian per C.S Coon's typology. That's not very common at Finland (where 80% of Finnics live). Finnics are mainly Nordic or East Baltic per C.S Coon.

You already wrote nonsense suggesting Ingrians were Finns , who migrated from Finland to Leningrad region. Those migrants were Ingrian Finns rather than autochthonous Ingrians (nkeroin, ižora, ižoralain), who are related to Vots (vaďďalaizõd). As for anthrotypes you are writing nonsense again. Mika Häkkinen showing similar features will not be mistaken for anyone but a Finn. Once Mika reaches Putin's age similar features will ever be so apparent. However one classified the types, Putin does look like autochthonous Finnic speakers from eastern Finland and north-western Russia agreed by many people.

http://s1.postimg.org/65wuzt3zz/110103.jpg (http://postimage.org/)

07-17-2014, 07:54 AM
If he goes for Latvia, then he might think I might as well go for the other 2 Baltic states Lithuania and Estonia. Bring them back to his new Soviet Union. Then it be Moldavia's turn. I don't why he wants more territory. Russia is already a huge country stretching from the borders from Norway to north Korea. Getting a bit greedy guts.

07-17-2014, 08:15 AM
living standarts in Latvia are higher,
They have similar capital/non capital disparity like Russia, also Latvia like other baltic states is plain banana republic where good jobs limited to state owned companies and government/administration. Minorities do not really have any chance to get such jobs. Because officials, policemen and so on are balts only. Such discrimination in Latvia is not as strong as in Estonia but still exists. Living standards in eastern mostly russian Latvia are very low. Averagy latvian salary $754 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Latvia), or 26k rubles. Lless than in Russia for example.

07-17-2014, 01:56 PM
'do not have a chance' sounds a bit dramatic.

Upon reviewing all of the aforementioned company’s one must conclude that the
situation concerning minority employment is not clear across the board. In companies
like the Latvian Railway and Latvian Shipping minority employees dominate, while
Lattelekom and Latvian Post employ somewhat more ethnic Latvians. Other types of
statistical data also indicate that at state enterprises and former state enterprises that have
been recently privatised, minorities are a larger part of the work force than ethnic
Latvians (31% and 26%, respectively). Minorities are more often employed in
manufacturing, transportation and communications, trade, the army and the police (Rose
2000: 6).

All in all, one can say that minorities are well represented in state enterprises. This
relatively large representation partly has to do with the fact that minorities were
traditionally employed in these sectors even before the reestablishment of independence.
The situation has not changed radically in the last 10 years

Read more here (http://www.unrisd.org/80256B3C005BCCF9/(httpAuxPages)/F5F85302CC28AB85C1256E9F00426FD0/$file/Pabriks.pdf).

07-17-2014, 03:14 PM
'do not have a chance' sounds a bit dramatic.
Read more here (http://www.unrisd.org/80256B3C005BCCF9/(httpAuxPages)/F5F85302CC28AB85C1256E9F00426FD0/$file/Pabriks.pdf).
yeah 2003 and some lowpayed jobs dominated by minorities
here is more recent report
Latvia is one of the countries with the highest inequality within the EU, and inequality
increased between 2004 and2009. The incomes of the wealthier groups grew proportionately
more than that of those below the poverty threshold.

Who are the poor? Nearly two thirds of the poor population are constituted by people who
live in households with low work intensity. 28% of the poor population are unemployed.
“Working poor” do exist in Latvia, even though the share of employed people is lower (26%)
within the poor population than in the general population (46%). 62% of the poor live in rural
areas, while actually only about half of the population lives there.

The difference between the income shares of the lowest quintile and the highest quintile
groups in 2009 is highest in Lithuania, followed by Latvia and Spain.

Latvia, together with Poland, and Lithuania had been the countries with the highest
inequality with a ratio around seven times higher incomes. Inequality levels have
been volatile in Latvia and in Lithuania during this period, and the 2009 value is
somewhat higher than that of 2005. In contrast, inequality in Poland had a decreasing

Table 5: At-risk-of-poverty rate in regions of Latvia (%), 2010
Riga 12
Pieriga 15.1
Vidzeme 23.8
Kurzeme 21.1
Zemgale 24
Latgale (east) 30.3

Salaries in Latvia (1st quarter 2014)
here (http://data.csb.gov.lv/Table.aspx?layout=tableViewLayout1&px_tableid=DS0080c_euro.px&px_path=Sociala__%C4%AAstermi%C5%86a%20statistikas %20dati__Darba%20samaksa&px_language=en&px_db=Sociala&rxid=cdcb978c-22b0-416a-aacc-aa650d3e2ce0)
total, Latvia - 544 euro, Riga 616 euro (highest), Latgale 373 euro (lowest)

Average salary in Pskov region is 18k rubles (390 euro)

If someone is going to say about filthy rich oligarchs and poor people, gini coefficient in Russia 40.1, in Latvia 36

So higher living standards is one of last things people in eastern Latvia would stand for Latvia:rolleyes:

07-17-2014, 03:16 PM
I am shocked it is a federal crime in western europe to deny the holocaust. HAHAHAHAHA. That is insane. My God I hope the EU falls soon.

07-17-2014, 03:35 PM
I am shocked it is a federal crime in western europe to deny the holocaust. HAHAHAHAHA. That is insane. My God I hope the EU falls soon.

Here is not, there was a law banning to deny Holocaust but the Constitutional Court invalidated it.

07-17-2014, 03:45 PM
glasses, I wasn't arguing against the fact Latvia is not rich and Eastern Latvia is even poorer.

However, I was arguing against your words also Latvia like other baltic states is plain banana republic where good jobs limited to state owned companies and government/administration. Minorities do not really have any chance to get such jobs. Because officials, policemen and so on are balts only. The quote I provided you earlier clearly denies your words.

By the way:

The Russians have chosen to settle mainly in the bigger cities of Latvia: Rīga, Daugavpils and Rēzekne, where their proportion is over 40%. Only 15% of Russians reside in rural municipalities, but in some parts of Latgale they form the majority
source (http://www.latvia.lv/library/ethnic-minorities-latvia)

Most Russians reside in cities with better work perspectives and higher salaries, not in rural areas where unemployment is widespread.

07-17-2014, 03:52 PM
There is a different thing:in crimea they had done before the referendum and after they were annexed,in crimea 80% were russian,while in latvia there aren't as many russian as in crimea,and latvia has never been integral part of the russia.The real propogandists aren't the russians,but is the west press with their trying to make Russia impotent and to monopolize their economy

07-17-2014, 04:06 PM
There is a different thing:in crimea they had done before the referendum and after they were annexed,in crimea 80% were russian,while in latvia there aren't as many russian as in crimea,and latvia has never been integral part of the russia.The real propogandists aren't the russians,but is the west press with their trying to make Russia impotent and to monopolize their economy

If am correct, all ex-SU territories where Soviet colonists reside 'should be liberated'.

Yulbarys Khan
07-17-2014, 04:07 PM
I am shocked it is a federal crime in western europe to deny the holocaust. HAHAHAHAHA. That is insane. My God I hope the EU falls soon.

Well, not only you hopes that I presume. This must end some day and I hope this day is close.

07-17-2014, 04:22 PM
Here is not, there was a law banning to deny Holocaust but the Constitutional Court invalidated it.

Is it true I could have fascist symbols in Spain and not get arrested? Like in America....I know Germany I would be banned probably for my views but I am not so sure about Spain. Spain and Portugal were in the 70s the best western countries hahaha:thumb001::cool: Spain should have never have become democratic and apart of EU. I have been reading alot about your old leader..he was a Good one.

07-17-2014, 04:25 PM
Well, not only you hopes that I presume. This must end some day and I hope this day is close.

Same here. Our government is becoming absurd with their behavior and stupidity. Our government is nervous because 1.5 million men here have just got back from Iraq, they have no jobs, they witness how the government handled Iraq and they are not too happy.....Democracy is failing America.... its only a matter of time before they [government] steps aside for real leaders. I have a feeling though there could be a civil war, more like socialists vs capitalist, vs neo-confederates/fascists.

07-17-2014, 04:33 PM
Is it true I could have fascist symbols in Spain and not get arrested? Like in America....I know Germany I would be banned probably for my views but I am not so sure about Spain. Spain and Portugal were in the 70s the best western countries hahaha:thumb001::cool: Spain should have never have become democratic and apart of EU. I have been reading alot about your old leader..he was a Good one.

Yes it is perfectly legal to have fascist and even nazi symbols, as well as make the fascist salute. But it is very politically incorrect!


07-17-2014, 04:45 PM
thats assume. Here it is the same. You can organize protests and events but the communists here crash them. America is also very anti nationalist. People who patrol the border for free are labelled as hate groups [yet some of them are Spanish-Americans who have ancestry from mexico but are cattle ranchers along the border]......its that insane here and politically correct.... even pro Israel groups are labelled as hate groups hahahaha [not that I care about them].

07-17-2014, 04:48 PM
glasses, I wasn't arguing against the fact Latvia is not rich and Eastern Latvia is even poorer.

However, I was arguing against your words also Latvia like other baltic states is plain banana republic where good jobs limited to state owned companies and government/administration. Minorities do not really have any chance to get such jobs. Because officials, policemen and so on are balts only. The quote I provided you earlier clearly denies your words.

By the way:

source (http://www.latvia.lv/library/ethnic-minorities-latvia)

Most Russians reside in cities with better work perspectives and higher salaries, not in rural areas where unemployment is widespread.
You linked some "good" jobs in Latvian Railway or Latvian Shipping. Good jobs i mean officials, not some labour intensive activities in Latvian Railway:rolleyes: I also stated that there is no wall for "non-natives" like in Estonia, but ethnic latvians are overpresented among officials.
Also we are not talking about Latvia as whole, my first comment here was response to "higher living standards" than most of Russia. And since we are discussing russian "uprising" in Latgale, i point out that living standards in Latgale are lowest in Latvia and on pair with not so prosperous regions like Pskov. So russians in "disputed" Latgale will not stand for Latvia because of their higher living standard. They simply do not have higher living standards at all.
Russians in Riga are pretty good i agree. but according to op Putin's target is Latgale, not Riga

07-17-2014, 06:51 PM
You linked some "good" jobs in Latvian Railway or Latvian Shipping. Good jobs i mean officials, not some labour intensive activities in Latvian Railway:rolleyes: I also stated that there is no wall for "non-natives" like in Estonia, but ethnic latvians are overpresented among officials.
Also we are not talking about Latvia as whole, my first comment here was response to "higher living standards" than most of Russia. And since we are discussing russian "uprising" in Latgale, i point out that living standards in Latgale are lowest in Latvia and on pair with not so prosperous regions like Pskov. So russians in "disputed" Latgale will not stand for Latvia because of their higher living standard. They simply do not have higher living standards at all.
Russians in Riga are pretty good i agree. but according to op Putin's target is Latgale, not Riga

The OP posted an interesting map though.

Anyway. The difference between E. Latvia and E. Ukraine is that the former is not a an industrial center. Russia may seek to attract Russians in E. Latvia by promising financial aid and investments. However, unlike people in E. Ukraine, E. Latvians do not feel a fear of losing their market share in Russia. Simply because they don't produce much. Also, Latvia as a whole is not as dependent on Russia.
One more thing that should be pointed out. Latvia is a small country. I feel that there would be less mistrust between the people of Latvia in case separatist conflicts arise.

07-17-2014, 07:50 PM
The OP posted an interesting map though.

Anyway. The difference between E. Latvia and E. Ukraine is that the former is not a an industrial center. Russia may seek to attract Russians in E. Latvia by promising financial aid and investments. However, unlike people in E. Ukraine, E. Latvians do not feel a fear of losing their market share in Russia. Simply because they don't produce much. Also, Latvia as a hole is not as dependent on Russia.
One more thing that should be pointed out. Latvia is a small country. I feel that there would be less mistrust between the people of Latvia in case separatist conflicts arise.
Do you really think ordinary folk think about market share, dependancy and all that crap?
80%+ of people do not care, they just want more money and everything else money can provide. Only minority have believes, ideals and only minority from this minority would risk their possesions and their lives for their believes and ideals. With some propaganda and promises even ethnic latvians would vote joining Russia.
Crimeans were happy to join Russia because of expected money flow in their pockets. Referendum was ticket into much better life nothing else really. Once it happened people in eastern Ukraine decided they want it too! Because some crimean granny calls to her friend in Donetsk and tell that her pension is now 2 times higher and in 4 months will be 3 times higher. Democratic pro-western authorities unlike asiatic distator Yanukovych were very easy to start use weapons, some "random" civilian deaths happened and things escalated very quickly and now we have civilian war out there. Locals supported militants at start and willingly provide human shield for them, but after some deaths they disapeared. Only minority actually fight right now, separatists have only some thousands militants and volunteers. May be dozen thousands.

Concerning op, Latgale or even Latvia as whole has zero strategical or geo-political value. Prize is not worth efforts. There is not reason for population to change country as well, same shit at other side of border anyway. Also you actualy red opinion of that expert? He says it is US (not Putin) who wants ukrainian situation in Latvia.

Основная причина ухудшения положения русской общины и обострения конфликтной ситуации в Латвии – это политика США, направленная на окружение России лояльными режимами, что бы ни дать ей возможность восстановить роль мировой державы и создать мощный Евразийский союз. В этой политике Вашингтон сделал ставку на местные националистические силы, а в русских Прибалтики в целом лояльных России, Запад подспудно видит угрозу своему влиянию. Создание кольца нестабильности вокруг России, США будут добиваться любой ценой, а при определённых сценариях даже при помощи дестабилизации внутри своих стран-вассалов.

Поэтому повторение украинского сценария вполне вероятно и в Латвии. Тем более что желание восстановить пошатнувшиеся экономическое влияние США в мире будет подталкивать Вашингтон к различным авантюрам с весьма меркантильными целями - парализовать транзитные пути Россия-Европа, нарушить традиционные экономические связи России с Евросоюзом и укрепить конкурентные позиции США на рынках Европы, - считает эксперт.

Yulbarys Khan
07-17-2014, 08:04 PM
Same here. Our government is becoming absurd with their behavior and stupidity. Our government is nervous because 1.5 million men here have just got back from Iraq, they have no jobs, they witness how the government handled Iraq and they are not too happy.....Democracy is failing America.... its only a matter of time before they [government] steps aside for real leaders. I have a feeling though there could be a civil war, more like socialists vs capitalist, vs neo-confederates/fascists.

I was actually shocked to see how easily they broke the 2nd amendment. There's lots of crazy things going on atm. Wars cost US cosmic amounts of money while on the same time the poverty and unemployment grow.
EU's goal, on the other hand, was to establish an economical power and chase after economies like US. That will never happen. Too many ex-commies on the highest ranks + what they are trying to do I believe is to establish NWO over here as well - one power state, with centralized bank, army (still only on the talks level, and that tbh would undermine NATO pact which makes no sense to me)... cuttin long story short - you give up your sovereignty to create a socialist power state... Hitler would be proud (especially that Germany is the leading country in EU... coincidence? I think not ;) )

07-18-2014, 10:39 PM
However one classified the types, Putin does look like autochthonous Finnic speakers from eastern Finland and north-western Russia agreed by many people.

http://s1.postimg.org/65wuzt3zz/110103.jpg (http://postimage.org/)

Mika Häkkinen is not very "standard" looking Finnish person. C.S Coon wrote that Finns are basically etiher Nordic or East Baltic. Mika is bascially Neo-Danubian with lot of Ladogan features.

Typically East Baltic Finns:

Typical Nordic Finn:

Neither looks like Putin. Thus Putin is not Finnic looking.

Within any random Finnish gathering, it is possible to pick out Nordic individuals of ordinary Iron Age type, as well as broad-faced, snub-nosed individuals who are exaggeratedly East Baltic. There is a considerable individual range, although the regional trends are well marked and constant.

- C.S Coon : Races of Europe, The Baltic Finns: Finland