View Full Version : Great quotes from the comments section.

Felix Volkbein
07-21-2014, 01:56 AM
I'm going to use this thread to highlight great comments I've spotted in the comments section of various websites dealing with race and racial issues.

No, none of these are my own. If the thoughts and opinions are similar to ones expressed by me on this board, it's because my views are firmly reality-based and not that uncommon once people are freed from the manacles of PC censorship.

From "silviosilver":

"Opie and Anthony know the score. A few years ago they gave a favorable mention to Niggermania which saw a huge influx of new visitors to that site. In my view, the devastation caused by the nigger animal is far and away the most vulnerable chink in the armor of the racial status quo, which is why so many resources are committed to propping it up. "Telling the truth about racial differences" is far from all that is necessary to make a decisive pro-white political impact, but the difference between niggers and, well, everyone else is so enormous that it's madness not to exploit it. This is particularly so because the kind of nigger the average middle class white (or middle class anything, for that matter) is likely to interact with is unquestionably miles above the typical savage that infests the 'hood, so in combination with the absurdly unrealistic media representation of blacks these people have a wildly inaccurate impression of what the presence of large numbers of niggers implies for a community."


"It's very frustrating. I have every reason to believe there are uncountable whites who understand full well the meaning of blacks and their typical talk. I overhear such sentiments voiced all the time. It's very much a myth that whites are totally clueless about racial issues, at least among the working classes. But that sentiment so far has not translated into concerted social action, not even - as you suggest - banding together for self-defense against even the most obvious of anti-white provocations.

Before we judge, however, we should be mindful of the cultural considerations that tend to constrain whites. Firstly, there is not a pervasive sense of white cultural identity. Whites tend to "know they are white," but it's a "negative" identity, the result of not being anything else - a "boring," plain old "white boy" (gah, I hear this "identity" being volunteered more and more in non-racialist conversation). Secondly, even when whites have a positive identity - when they're White and they know it and they like it - it's an identity better "sensed" than it is "understood." That's to say white identity is unsure of itself, what its borders are and what such an identity signifies and implies; and needless to add, such an identity in today's world is always on the defensive, justifying and apologizing for itself rather than being taken for granted.

The result is that whites are profoundly unsure of themselves when it comes to acting as whites. On numerous occasions I have witnessed whites being treated roughly and - frankly, despite myself ("it's not my business") - I have felt a tremendous urge to step in and attempt to even the odds. This urge has been most notable when the incident has involved blacks, the group that invariably triggers my racial instincts most viscerally. I have so much wanted to wade in without regard to "who is in the right," but I have been held back by the knowledge that: (a) society in general would emphatically not take my side if it came down to a legal judgment; and (b) that the individuals involved would in all likelihood disavow my involvement rather than express gratitude for it. It's quite the conundrum."


""The love that dare not speak its name" is not only a poignant way to refer to nationalism or racialism, it also enables one to segue straight into a plaint about the encumbrances society heaps on whites who grieve for the elimination of their kind. Framed this way it's very easy to retort to the inevitable intransigent "Very well, there's something about my message that upsets you. But on the assumption you care about your group, how would you go about safeguarding its existence?"

Going beyond the particular line quoted above, there are numerous similar talking points once used to shame whites into (what turned out to be) submitting to dispossession that can be appropriated for the pro-white cause. Indeed, I can foresee a very similar process occurring to that which took society from a default pro-white setting to a default pro-black setting. A society in which white racial interests took unconscious and automatic precedence over black racial interests, and in which whites were valued and blacks disvalued in myriad ways has now been reversed. I consider it perfectly plausible that society could transition to a pro-white default setting once more.

The above analysis does not ignore non-black non-whites. They fitted themselves to the foregoing patterns as best they could. For example, non-whites who could once emphasized their whiteness; today such people emphasize their non-whiteness. Non-whites once valued and attempted to adopt white culture; today they value and ape black culture. That America was a white man's country was once universally accepted by non-whites; today non-whites universally accept that whites owe blacks recompense. All of this could change.

The necessity and desirability of keeping blacks out of white communities could be understood, accepted and practiced by non-whites as well as whites. That white existence is threatened and white identity politics is necessary to ensure survival is a principle that non-whites could adopt to secure their own group interests. That whites have been wronged and that wrongs must be righted can be accepted by non-whites and non-white political groups can cynically (more likely than sincerely) align themselves with the pro-white cause to further their own agendas the way they do today with the pro-black cause - an eminently viable play in a world which will a century from now contain two to three billion blacks and whose continent will not contain them."


"If anyone's halfway familiar with my posts he'll know I'm quite "race realistic" about blacks, to put it mildly. Yet, fair-minded fellow that I am, I can't help treating people as individuals, regardless of whatever racial group they belong to. So it was that I built up what I wrongly thought was a decent acquaintance with this black guy at a club I frequent. Well, only a few weeks ago, I was walking from my car to the club when I saw him stumbling about going the other way, obviously very drunk. "Hey, what's goi...," the words were barely out of my mouth when he shoved me hard against the wall and got me into a headlock. I'm never in a mood to take anything from these people so I immediately fought back and bloodied his nose. Perhaps sensing how incredibly enraged I was, he scampered away rather than continue the fight. I didn't just feel assaulted, I felt violated. I later asked myself whether I was so angry because I was attacked, or whether it was because the attacker was black and I "should have known better" than to get close with a black. I decided his being black really was the factor. I've simply never ever experienced an incident like that with a white, and I've known many, many "marginal" whites in my time."

[My note: Yet another reason to drop any pretense of "treating Negroes as individuals" or attempting to search for the mythical "good Negro." A nigger is a nigger is a nigger and all of them should be avoided as much as possible.]


Felix Volkbein
08-03-2014, 07:26 AM
From "CatFiveHimmicane":

"It's more that the internet has made people aware of blacks' actual behavior, and the Gawker-type sites can't keep a lid on reality, no matter how many prunefaces they make, or posts they delete."


"The violence didn't come FROM apartheid; apartheid was created to reduce violence. These are blacks. They're not civilized humans. They believe in witches, raping babies to cure AIDS, and on and on. "


"It's Memphrica. Big surprise. What's funny is you people who can't figure out that you can't have black 'people' and civilization. You have to pick one or the other."


"What have black scientists done for whites? Nothing. What have white scientists done for blacks? Well, most blacks wouldn't even exist without white science."


"Tolerance only works one way. Unlike a man's butthole. Right, queers?"


"She's right about the main thing: the heart of feminism, at least honest feminism, is ingratitude. It's ok to snark at the sex that invented the bra, the pap smear, and, well, everything else (oh, pardon me, women invented the foot-pedal trashcan - you're killing me, Ryan) but ultimately until you come to grips with biological reality, you'll remain silly, little girls, no matter how old you are."


"Racism will be around for ever because it's nothing but a dirty word for reality. Feminism, by contrast, is a hothouse flower that can't survive its artificial world having rocks chucked through its panes."


"Don't really see that. Media do all they can to promote diversity, it's just that whites are more attractive. Oh well. Can't fight nature. "


"Um...Detroit is full of niggers. There is no solution. Except the unthinkable. The unthinkable to you, anyway."



"I don't know...I guess if I were free to speak freely I'd say letting the guys in the picture vote...it doesn't really seem like a great idea. I look in their eyes...I don't know...they just seem to be missing a certain something. Can't quite put my finger on it."


"Crime isn't related to guns, it's related to race. Iceland, like Switzerland, is white. 'Gun crime' comes from blacks. Speaking this simple factual truth is taboo in anti-white media like Gawker."


"Would any of you liberals here at the Gawker ring not support rape being a civil right? I mean, for African-Americans, not evil white males, obviously."


"Quite wrong. Racism isn't a product of teaching, it's a product of black behavior. When blacks quit acting the way most of them do, they'll quit being thought of that way. Nice that you're willing to throw your relatives under the bus to preen for anonymous readers, though."


"Are you kidding? 19 is the perfect age for a she-nigger to die. Before it can whelp another ten criminals. So, yeah, not as good as 12, but still pretty good."


"Homosexual behavior is something wonderful, says the liberal...until he catches a political enemy engaged in it. Then it reverts to being something disgusting and shameful. Oh, liberals. Is their no end to your hypocritical canting?"


"Here's an idea: why don't some of you worthless, intellectually stunted cunts put on your own conference? Oh that's right, because you don't know anything worth knowing. Why is it that only evil old patriarchal males can build institutions that have others clamoring to get into them? The vagina is the only successful female institution."


"Your comment is dumb enough to suggest you're mexican. Yeah, there's no difference to a country if it admits millions of low-IQ african bush savages or mexican campesinos as opposed to Europeans. Racial equality? Tell me another."


"In a rational age, we'd kill off the Haitians and populate the island with humans. Boom. Problem solved."


"I've lived around racists and I've lived around niggers. I'll take the racists. More intelligent, less destructive. Good people."


"Internalized among black people"? Hardly. Try 15,000 white women raped annually by blacks. Versus basically zero black women raped by whites. Try 50% of the violent crime in this country committed by a 12-13% minority. Blacks are 40x TIMES as likely to attack whites as whites are to attack blacks. The controlled media never print these facts because they throw race relations in an entirely different light."


"Millions of barrels of ink for Trayvon Martin, nothing for Joshua Chellew. White privilege, lol. Racism, lol. Marxist clownage? Marxist clownage."


"Every single black criminal that ends up dead was just chock full of potential. Not even the wimpy cunts who write that shit believe it."


"It's the stereotypes of whites that are generally untrue (dumb blondes). Stereotypes of minorities generally are true (dumb, violent blacks)."


"The problem with what you're saying is that most blacks _are_ niggers. The left tries to ban nigger not because of the tedious ideological garbage reasons it always vomits when the subject comes up but because the practical, everyday, existing, undeniable reality of black people is that most of them are _niggers_. And leftists want to prevent that reality from being observed - in any way. The problem is that there is no perfume, no verbal elixir that will make the stench of the negro disappear. The only thing that could do it would be blacks acting civilized. Their entire racial history shows that no more than 10% of them are capable of this. The left will play word games until the end of time, and it can use its media control to witchhunt wherever a Paul Deen pops up, but so long as most blacks are niggers, act like niggers, the term will continue be used. And any other non-nigger term for blacks will take on the same smell. Leftists are vicious, hate-filled, reality-averse secular religious nuts - real cultists. The problem is no white speech and attitudes, the problem is black behavior. And there's no way to change it because it's genetic , it's right through to the bone."

"Words aren't magic. Do you realize that? Whether you call them niggers or not, they're still going to act like it.

America is polarizing. One obvious division is between people who are horrified at what niggers do - like murder 8-10,000 whites each year. And the other pole, who are horrified by people saying nigger. Or, you know, citing stats about nigger behavior. What blacks do is roughtly 100,000 x worse than whites saying nigger. You know there is no race of people on earth that respects or likes or wants to live around blacks. 'Nigger' better than any other term captures the reality of the race and the reaction. We should use it if for no other reason than it's simply good English."


"Actually, most of us whites see this for what it is: a media-led attempted lynching of an innocent brown man for shooting a useless nigger criminal in self defense. What is happening to Zimmerman is a tragedy. Martin - we have millions of his useless, destructive shit-colored nigger ilk. His loss is no tragedy, not even by the loosest definition. What comes out of a black woman's anus and womb are 90% of the time interchangeable."


"Oh, come on. It's not complex at all. Blacks babies are less valuable than whites because people, accurately, understand they will probably be dumber and more prone to violence/emotional problems. But I'm sure you, like the other cultists, believe that IQ is a myth, and all those crime stats are made up out of thin air. Blacks and whites are too very different things. Just look at that black female Jolie adopted - how insane is she? You can see ugly and stupid written all over that young African's face."


"Feminism: women, even young teenagers, should be able to go wherever they want, drink as much as they want, and pass out wherever they want. If women who get drunk and pass out in the homes of people they don't really know get raped at higher rates than women who stayed home and read books, then we should express our outrage on feminist sites, and spend 100% of our time blaming the rapist and never, ever discuss the woman's behavior.

There's a reason feminism is a small-minority opinion. Your post is a good example why."

"You feminists do everything in your power to encourage slutty dress and promiscuous behavior. Then you turn around and complain about rape! No wonder no one takes you seriously.

Serious question: you're all so sex-positive. But only consensual sex. Did it ever occur to you that when you start ripping away the conservative mores that control human behavior, you might get a little more than you bargained for?

Who says there's something wrong with non-consensual sex? On what basis?"


"It's a bad idea for white women to mix with blacks. Most of them have STDs. Few of them will stick around after impregnating the woman. The kids will be lower IQ with violent tendencies than if you had stayed loyal to your race, like your ancestors wisely did. These are facts, not opinions."

"That reaction is rational. "Hey - you just crossed your healthy genes with a violent, destrutive, stupid line. The human equivalent of weeds. Good job, lady!" Race-mixing is nothing to celebrate. If mongrelism were actually good, the government would promote segregation."


"El Salvadorans are about as valuable and uncommon as Norwegian rats. Saving them is precisely as useful as saving feral cats. Your foundation should spay this type."


"Really? They don't teach them how to maintain them? Not even you believe that. What you know, but fear to say, is that those natives aren't smart enough to maintain them. African IQ isn't high enough to sustain civilization, let alone build it. Africans literally cannot be helped. Keeping them alive so they can breed a new generation of low-IQ hominids is unfair to the attractive animals on that continent, which the bushmen are extinquishing at unprecedented rates."


"Yeah, but Norway is full of Norwegians, and the US is full of niggers. That's the difference. When Norway fills up with enough muslims from shit-world nations, it will have as bad a race, I mean crime problem as the US does. Fun fact that not one in a thousand is aware of: the US WHITE crime rate is lower than Europe's. The US crime problem is not a gun problem, it is a race problem. But you can't say that in the media because it runs against their agenda."


"Pretty typical of the average queer level of taste and sophistication. Big surprise that those who find the anus a sex hole aren't discriminating in other areas."


"Meh...it's a nigger. They'll fuck anything. Willing or unwilling; animal, mineral, or vegetable."


"Because the smarter ones among them know that they're lying about the connection between queers and pedophilia: it is real, and it is strong. Queers not only molest children more often than non-queers, they molest MULTIPLES of victims compared to straights. That's what Gawker and other leftists are trying to keep hidden. If a Catholic priest sucks off a 13-year-old, is he a pedophile or just a queer? He's an ordinary queer. But he gets called a CATHOLIC and a PEDOPHILE by the queer-protecting and queer-promoting media, of which Gawker is a paid-up member."
