View Full Version : Classify Simon Kvamm

07-23-2014, 12:25 AM
Vocalist for Danish band "Nephew".




Reminds me a wee slight bit of Aprician Dexter Morgan.

Where else does he pass best?

07-23-2014, 12:42 AM
My guess is Atlanto-Nordid.

Interesting how many Atlantid Danes there are. They and the coastal Norwegians must be some kind of Iberian-fisherman remnant in Scandinavia. I never see this with Swedes, do any of you?

Not a Cop
07-23-2014, 01:28 AM
My guess is Atlanto-Nordid.

Interesting how many Atlantid Danes there are. They and the coastal Norwegians must be some kind of Iberian-fisherman remnant in Scandinavia. I never see this with Swedes, do any of you?

В. В Бунак:

«Эта («ютландская») зона в большой мере сохранила мегалитический тип, несмотря на свое положение среди светлоокрашенных вариантов».

К. Кун

«Незначительный тёмнопигментированный элемент среди датчан не связан с брахицефалией, и напоминает о том, что Датские острова были местом наибольшей концентрации мегалитических племен на Севере»


V. Bunak:

This (Jutland) zone have preserved megalithic(read Atlantid) type better (than other Scandos i suppose), despite it's position among light-pigmented types.

C. Coon:

"Small dark-pigmented element among Danes is not associated with brachycephalicy, and recalls that the Danish islands were home to the largest concentration of megalithic tribes in the North"

A striking example is the population of the island Samsų closely associated with the history of the northern zone of the megalithic culture.

Samsų Danes:

• Height - 169 cm (early 20th century)
• Cranial index - 81.8
• Hair color: blonde - 7.5%; mixed shades - 40%; dark shades - 43%; black - 9%.
• Eye Color: light - 38% (Compare to average Danish 63% and Swedish 67%!); mixed - 59%; Dark - 3%.

Not a Cop
07-23-2014, 01:31 AM
My guess is Atlanto-Nordid.

Interesting how many Atlantid Danes there are. They and the coastal Norwegians must be some kind of Iberian-fisherman remnant in Scandinavia. I never see this with Swedes, do any of you?

Soviet Anthropologists distinguished two main types in Scandinavia: First- Darker pigmented, long-faced Atlantic type, and lighter pigmented broad-faced Baltic type, light pigmentation correlates with Broad-faceness in Scandivia (lower the Facial index lighter pigmentation on average).

07-23-2014, 01:32 AM
White Europid

07-23-2014, 01:35 AM
Soviet Anthropologists distinguished two main types in Scandinavia: First- Darker pigmented, long-faced Atlantic type, and lighter pigmented broad-faced Baltic type, light pigmentation correlates with Broad-faceness in Scandivia (lower the Facial index lighter pigmentation on average).

Interesting. My mother always has said that our Danish side was dark and long-faced. The men growing thick mustaches. This doesn't seem common in Scandinavia to me outside of this demographic of Atlantid-Scandos. Most others seem sparse in body and facial hair as well in my experience.

Not a Cop
07-23-2014, 01:57 AM
Interesting. My mother always has said that our Danish side was dark and long-faced. The men growing thick mustaches. This doesn't seem common in Scandinavia to me outside of this demographic of Atlantid-Scandos. Most others seem sparse in body and facial hair as well in my experience.

You're a bit wrong here - on average Scandos and other NW euros have stronger beard growth than Central or South Euros with exception of Balkanoids.

07-23-2014, 06:23 PM
No classifications?