View Full Version : Classify me please

07-23-2014, 03:14 PM
Hello everyone
I'd like to be classified to know my phenotype.
I'm 23 years old,, 160 cm (5.25 ft) x 40 kg (88.18 libs)
My mom has friulian and lombard origin, my father is from Palermo, Sicily, so I've parents from north and south Italy.

1 (http://s11.postimg.org/up55pu8sj/image.jpg)
2 (http://s30.postimg.org/s17mcifg1/fotofiller1.jpg)
3 (http://s27.postimg.org/bvvxxmo5f/cranio2.jpg)
4 (http://s18.postimg.org/nlu5ze98p/20140717_135041.jpg)
5 (http://s28.postimg.org/xaq0wx3zx/trequartiforse.jpg)

07-23-2014, 03:18 PM
Dinaromediterranid. Sweety, you need to put up some litte more weight, two or three kilos wouldn't do any harm.

07-23-2014, 03:21 PM
You need to eat.

07-23-2014, 03:27 PM
It is very difficult for ectomorphic people to put on weight.

07-23-2014, 03:27 PM
Devi magnā :P

E sopratutto....SEI DINARICA!!

07-23-2014, 05:27 PM
Thank you all for your suggestions (I'm already know I have to put on weight and I'm doing it) and replies about my phenotype.
People generally see in me dinaric/alpine and cromagnoid influence.
If can be useful my mother has brown eyed/olived skinned, my father instead blonde hair, green eyes and is pale as me. Both of them are not much tall.

07-23-2014, 05:31 PM
I'd say dinaro-med as well.

07-23-2014, 06:02 PM
In between Gracile Med and Berid

07-23-2014, 10:21 PM
You look like Alanis Morissette, who is of French-Canadian and Ashkenazi Jewish descent.

Dinaro-East Med + Cromagnid.

07-24-2014, 12:42 AM
You look like Alanis Morissette, who is of French-Canadian and Ashkenazi Jewish descent.

Dinaro-East Med + Cromagnid.

Alanis Morissette?
Mhh, usually my friends say I look like this actress (https://www.google.it/search?q=cristin+milioti&rlz=1C1CHVZ_itIT587IT587&es_sm=122&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=9FPQU-GZH6mAywPUh4CYCw&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ), but about her I just know she is partially of Italian descent

07-24-2014, 12:46 AM
Alanis Morissette?
Mhh, usually my friends say I look like this actress (https://www.google.it/search?q=cristin+milioti&rlz=1C1CHVZ_itIT587IT587&es_sm=122&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=9FPQU-GZH6mAywPUh4CYCw&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ), but about her I just know she is partially of Italian descent

I can see that, too.

07-24-2014, 11:54 AM

You kind-of resemble my Palermitan mother when she was your age. She was also very thin.

07-24-2014, 12:06 PM
Alpine + Gracile Med + slight Dinarid.

07-24-2014, 12:12 PM
Devi magnā :P

E sopratutto....SEI DINARICA!!

Bolognese with bacon and grated cheese....oh good lord what a heavenly plate.

07-24-2014, 12:35 PM
Bolognese with bacon and grated cheese....oh good lord what a heavenly plate.

You mean Tagliatelle al ragų?????? :mad: Man spaghetti alla bolognese doesn't exist.. It hurts me when I hear it!

On topic You look gracile/alpine plus dinarid. Btw I agree with Sikeliot you got that Jewish vibe... She could pass as Yehiel sista.


07-24-2014, 12:40 PM
In between Gracile Med and Berid

This. +1

You need to eat.


07-24-2014, 12:50 PM
Man spaghetti alla bolognese doesn't exist.. It hurts me when I hear it!

Hurts me too, for a different reason, as I hate spaghetti.

07-24-2014, 12:57 PM
You mean Tagliatelle al ragų?????? :mad: Man spaghetti alla bolognese doesn't exist.. It hurts me when I hear it!

Macceroni, Tagliatelle, Spaghetti...you name it!

07-24-2014, 01:38 PM
Hurts me too, for a different reason, as I hate spaghetti.

That's just impossible XD You can't be a true spaghetti boy...!

Macceroni, Tagliatelle, Spaghetti...you name it!

Yep! I was just saying that outside and sadly even here in some places Ragų is wrongly named bolognese.. Same thing for BOLOGNA, the real name is mortadella !:D

07-24-2014, 01:42 PM
That's just impossible XD You can't be a true spaghetti boy...!
I don't like any form of long, narrow pasta. Capellini, linguine, etc.

And I hate pesto.

I'm basically a disgrace to my ancestors from Genoa. But that has nothing to do with this girl. Mi dispiace! :lol:

07-24-2014, 01:48 PM
Clear AtlantoMed.

07-24-2014, 08:03 PM
Bolognese with bacon and grated cheese....oh good lord what a heavenly plate.

Oh well...u forget....


07-24-2014, 08:09 PM
Oh well...u forget....


Con il pollo? Mai mangiato cosi...

07-24-2014, 09:57 PM
Dinaric + Med e questa non č la sezione magnereccia di Apricity... :D

07-25-2014, 10:08 AM
Ma sti cazzi...ormai si parla di pasta tra di noi...volevo essere ironico black album man

Provo cosė


07-25-2014, 12:35 PM
Too many different opnions...I dont know whom to believe now.

07-25-2014, 12:57 PM
Too many different opnions...I dont know whom to believe now.

Ovviamente, si deve credere la tua gente. :lol:

A Sardinian said you are very Dinaric.
A half-Sicilian who is obsessed with classification said that you are a Dinaro-Med with high CM.
A Central Italian said you are Dinaro-Med.
A half-Sicilian from Tuscany said that you are an Alpinid-Dinaro-Med.

And I also said that you are Dinaro-Med, and I am of mostly Palermitan background, so my vote should count more. :nod:

07-25-2014, 01:02 PM
Benvenuta sorella palermitana :p

07-25-2014, 01:04 PM
Benvenuta sorella palermitana :p

E a me niente benvenuto? :P

PS Non č palermitana, suo padre lo č ma lei č lumbard

07-25-2014, 01:05 PM
E a me niente benvenuto? :P

PS Non č palermitana, suo padre lo č ma lei č lumbard

wow vi state moltiplicando :p

07-26-2014, 12:41 AM
wow vi state moltiplicando :p

E poi dicono che in Italia non si fanno figli...:)