View Full Version : Uk in decline under labour

02-22-2010, 04:51 PM
THE crumbling face of Britain under Labour has been exposed in a new Domesday Book.

Shocking figures show how post offices, pubs and libraries are disappearing. Instead, supermarket chains, bookies and nightclubs have flourished.

The Government survey exposes a sharp decline in many traditional services and businesses – once the mainstay of British life.


02-22-2010, 07:19 PM
To be honest I am not a supporter of the British political system as it is and have no party allegiances.

It is a plutocracy dressed up as a democracy in my opinion...........we have a choice between different factions of the Business Party.

So whilst people condemn one party or other , depending on their personal preferences and party loyalties ( which is their choice no probs ) ,I don't see a whole lot of difference between the policies of the different mainstream factions myself and find the permissible parameters of political debate in this country extremely narrow.

02-22-2010, 09:56 PM
The Department for Communities and Local Government, which released the figures, said most people were happy with their communities

Stress should be made upon the word 'their'.

I am certainly happy with my community despite it being the poorest area in the South West and subject to constant bouts of riots, crime, poor housing standards, etc, etc...

I wouldn't for one second say it is ideal. Livable (do I have a choice?), but certainly could do with a lot of improvement.

Less supermarkets and more activity centres. More playing fields and parks for children. A good start would be the abolishment of plans to build a dual carriageway right through prime green land which could go towards bettering the community.

Do they listen? Do they take notice of the pleas of the residents? No, and nor will they, but at least the community is secure and placated. We have enough sky dishes and retail stores to ensure that. Could do with a few more jobs, but then the benefit system keeps us equally placated, so...