View Full Version : Classify Synnøve Macody Lund

Not a Cop
07-29-2014, 02:37 PM
Norwegian actress, 183 cm tall.

https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMjIxNjUxMzY5M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjAxMzQ1OA@@._ V1_.jpg

07-29-2014, 02:41 PM
(Corded) Nordid + Faelid. Good looking woman.

Not a Cop
07-29-2014, 03:09 PM
(Corded) Nordid + Faelid. Good looking woman.

Indeed, she's beautifull, but you put Nordid as main element?

07-29-2014, 05:16 PM

Davy Jones's Locker
07-29-2014, 05:42 PM
Faelid + Nordid.

07-29-2014, 05:49 PM
Indeed, she's beautifull, but you put Nordid as main element?

It's noticeable here but she has significant CM either.


Zmey Gorynych
07-29-2014, 05:51 PM
Faelid with a minor Nordid influence. She has an uber CM profile (flat face, long chin, forward going cheekbones. I'd say that the one obvious nordid feature is her nose (which is thin or thinner)


I don't know what you kids have been told but body type is just as important for classification as facial morphology. Remember: face AND body :D When I saw that scene from that movie (which is a fine comedy by the way) I was like Meeeoooow. Tall, beautiful woman.


I would've used spoilers but I don't know how :)

Not a Cop
07-29-2014, 06:52 PM
Faelid with a minor Nordid influence. She has an uber CM profile (flat face, long chin, forward going cheekbones. I'd say that the one obvious nordid feature is her nose (which is thin or thinner)


I don't know what you kids have been told but body type is just as important for classification as facial morphology. Remember: face AND body :D When I saw that scene from that movie (which is a fine comedy by the way) I was like Meeeoooow. Tall, beautiful woman.


I would've used spoilers but I don't know how :)

Head Hunters you mean? Very fine comedy indeed.

About classification i agree, pred. CM\Faelid with only nose being somewaht thinner, but in variation range, but in terms of body build she's a bit too Ectomorphic for a CM.


And that's what you've been talking about:


07-29-2014, 08:05 PM
There's no such thing as "Faelid" or "CM", that's just stuff invented by Agrippa. She would fall into the Tronder types used by Coon and Lundman.

Not a Cop
07-29-2014, 08:42 PM
There's no such thing as "Faelid" or "CM", that's just stuff invented by Agrippa. She would fall into the Tronder types used by Coon and Lundman.

Agreed, Faelid is a social construct

07-29-2014, 08:46 PM
Agreed, Faelid is a social construct

Basically, most of the types people here use were invented by Agrippa, not by actual anthropologists. "Faelid", "East Baltid", "West Baltid", "Atlantid", "Brunn", "Cro-Magnid" these terms might have been derived from terms used by anthropologists, but the specific meanings of them recognized by people here were not.

07-29-2014, 08:50 PM

A.K.A....one of the more pure "Watcher-on-human" type of looks you can see in main human populations now (excepting her head which is not exceptionally tall or at Queen Margerete II levels of Watcher-heads...she's also ectomorph, and obviously not extremely tall). And she's an actress it seems, so she no doubt has some elite connections at that.

07-29-2014, 08:52 PM

A.K.A....one of the more pure "Watcher-on-human" type of looks you can see in main human populations now (excepting her head which is not exceptionally tall or at Queen Margerete II levels of Watcher-heads...she's also ectomorph, and obviously not extremely tall). And she's an actress it seems, so she no doubt has some elite connections at that.

Are these your watchers?


07-29-2014, 08:53 PM
She is Tronder.

07-29-2014, 08:54 PM
Are these your watchers?


That upper skull is in that general style, but the overall package there still looks like some sort of hybrid.

Not a Cop
07-29-2014, 08:54 PM
Basically, most of the types people here use were invented by Agrippa, not by actual anthropologists. "Faelid", "East Baltid", "West Baltid", "Atlantid", "Brunn", "Cro-Magnid" these terms might have been derived from terms used by anthropologists, but the specific meanings of them recognized by people here were not.

Well all the types we use here are ancien relict of typological anthropology wich is not in use after the second half of XX century, nowdays anthropologist use populationist approach.

BTW Lundman had some term for faelid but i can't remember it now.

07-29-2014, 08:58 PM
Well all the types we use here are ancien relict of typological anthropology wich is not in use after the second half of XX century, nowdays anthropologist use populationist approach.

BTW Lundman had some term for faelid but i can't remember it now.

Gunther used the term "Falish" to describe a type which was basically like Coon's Borreby. It was not the square-jawed Dolph Lundgrenoid Aryan Superman that people here think it means. Lundman also used a similar term (I think it was Falid or Falish as well) but his only description was that it was a Nordic with a broader face. That could just as easily be a Nordic/Alpine, Nordic/Borreby, Nordic/East Baltic, etc.

That upper skull is in that general style, but the overall package there still looks like some sort of hybrid.

Did you see my thread about these skulls?
