View Full Version : Classify strange beauty ( triracial )

07-31-2014, 03:09 AM
She is a mixture of North Indian Punjabi + African Guyanese + Hakka Chinese. Her father is Punjabi while her mother is Guyanese of African + Chinese.

Her lighter pictures


Her darker pictures


07-31-2014, 03:54 AM
I agree with the adjective "strange".

07-31-2014, 08:04 AM
that's a tranny mate

07-31-2014, 08:39 AM
I would say mostly Orientalid + Indid.

Prisoner Of Ice
07-31-2014, 08:59 AM
Genetic mistake

07-31-2014, 07:22 PM
India dominates. Can totally pass as Indian...

08-01-2014, 02:56 AM
India dominates. Can totally pass as Indian...

No she can't. Her big fat lips are not typical of Indian and her appearance looks more like Ethiopian girl with straight hair.

08-02-2014, 01:40 AM
Very strange African-Asian mix.

08-02-2014, 08:11 AM
Very strange African-Asian mix.

Yes. Her nose looks caucasian but her lips is very african and her face gives a strong vibe like those from horn of Africans.

She looks like those typical Ethiopian girls with straight hair


Felix Volkbein
08-02-2014, 08:13 AM
ButlerKing, do you approve of miscegenation between East Indians and Negrids?

08-02-2014, 08:14 AM
Kim Kardashian wnb.

08-02-2014, 09:07 AM
ButlerKing, do you approve of miscegenation between East Indians and Negrids?

In some way yes.

Even though I'm not East Indian ( I don't care ) I can't blame many for falling for East African beauty.

Felix Volkbein
08-02-2014, 09:13 AM
In some way yes.

Even though I'm not East Indian ( I don't care ) I can't blame many for falling for East African beauty.

So which group do you think is more attractive? East Indians or Negrids?

08-02-2014, 09:13 AM
I dont know but I can definitely see the punjabi which is why I find it unattractive.

08-02-2014, 09:16 AM
So which group do you think is more attractive? East Indians or Negrids?

Obviously East Indians especially the Northwest Indians who are born with superior phenotype. Skin ranges from brown to white, few with blue eyes, green eyes and many with light brown eyes, including occasional brown hair.

Pure negroids are unntractive but those of East African also have attractive phenotypes compared with the average human race. Caucasian like features, light brown to black skin, straight hair to afro hair, and occasional green eyes and blue eyes.

08-02-2014, 09:20 AM
I dont know but I can definitely see the punjabi which is why I find it unattractive.

Punjabi are known for having some of the prettiest people in existence. Women are the most prettiest in Asia and men are also one of the most handsome. No wonder white girls crave for Punjabi men. Some of the sexiest men and women in the world are ranked by those of Punjabi origin.

Also where do you find unique phenotype like those in South Asia ( I mean come on. Exotic brown skin, with strong blue eyes, and black/brown hair ).


Felix Volkbein
08-02-2014, 09:26 AM
Punjabi are known for having some of the prettiest people in existence. Women are the most prettiest in Asia and men are also one of the most handsome. No wonder white girls crave for Punjabi men. Some of the sexiest men and women in the world are ranked by those of Punjabi origin.

Also where do you find unique phenotype like those in South Asia ( I mean come on. Exotic brown skin, with strong blue eyes, and black/brown hair ).


Those girls aren't really my type (I don't like their noses), but they're way more attractive than any Negrid.

08-02-2014, 09:31 AM
Those girls aren't really my type (I don't like their noses), but they're way more attractive than any Negrid.

Her nose is how I knew she was punjabi along with her eyes. I have seen plenty of black woman more attractiive but attraction is subjective anyways, people have their own taste

Grace O'Malley
08-02-2014, 10:19 AM
Punjabi are known for having some of the prettiest people in existence. Women are the most prettiest in Asia and men are also one of the most handsome. No wonder white girls crave for Punjabi men. Some of the sexiest men and women in the world are ranked by those of Punjabi origin.

Also where do you find unique phenotype like those in South Asia ( I mean come on. Exotic brown skin, with strong blue eyes, and black/brown hair ).


Those eyes look unnatural. They look like they are made of glass and not natural eyes. I know there are Indians with green and blue eyes but these look like contacts.

Grace O'Malley
08-02-2014, 01:13 PM
Here are the same models with their natural eyes. The girl on the bottom picture is called Sharanjit Bubba and here are more natural pictures of her. Hard to believe they are the same girls posted above. Most Indian actresses are not a good example of what people look like at all due to the colour eye contacts and lightening in the pictures that they use. I don't know why they use those artificial looking contacts I can pick them immediately. They make eyes look dead. They look far better in their natural state. Most Indians with lighter eyes do not have blue or grey eyes very often they usually have green or more hazel coloured eyed. The vast majority have dark brown eyes though. Lots of Indians here is Australia. When showing what people look like random pictures of ordinary people should be used. Actors, models should only be used sparingly but not to show what an nationality look like. Most actors and models aren't representative of the Average Joe.

http://www.unp.me/attachments/f96/11197d1297782995-beautiful-punjabi-model-167213_124930334245406_100001853213727_175791_6327 544_n.jpg

The top one and middle one is called Kamaldeep Kaur Khangura

http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-0/s200x200/295334_417274085019842_1226523397_n.jpg?oh=7a84ff8 049cd55a6ae0a9d52868df906&oe=54576293&__gda__=1414037286_6f90ae8520be914d21bfc81ca4ea99d f

08-02-2014, 02:36 PM
She wears a ton of makeup and looks very unnatural so it's bit hard to access. But she doesn't look distinctly "punjabi" to me, and I don't see much "asian" or "african" in her either. She looks more typical of Indo-guyanese/trinis who came from north-central/eastern India (mainly Bhojpuri speaking areas, between Bihar and UP). Admittedly because Punjabis are also Indian, there's going to be crossover with folks in other parts of India, so she can "fit" in amongst Punjabis but the same can be said about 75% of other indians probably. Her eyes look like Melinda Shankar, a canadian Indo-guyanese actress..


08-04-2014, 09:24 AM
Indid+Zambo (Negrid-Mongoloid mix)