View Full Version : Oh dhimmi Denmark...

02-27-2010, 12:23 AM
I read this story and was utterly sickened...

"Early this morning (http://gatesofvienna.blogspot.com/2010/02/day-of-infamy-field-mattress-reborn.html), Editor-in-Chief Tøger Seidenfaden of the Danish newspaper Politiken...announced that his paper had reached a settlement with the 'descendants of the Prophet Mohammed'. Without admitting wrongdoing, the newspaper apologized for any offense that its printing of the Mohammed cartoons, especially Kurt Westergaard’s 'Turban Bomb', might have inflicted on Muslims..."


Original article (http://politiken.dk/indland/article910878.ece) in the Danish newspaper Politiken. "Politiken indgår forlig i Muhammed-sag."

Thanks to the excellent blog Gates of Vienna (http://gatesofvienna.blogspot.com/) for the story.

02-27-2010, 12:41 AM
Yes, Tøger Seidenfaden is a known fifth column warrior.

All the others newpapers dissociate themselves from Politiken and the common man on the street is appalled by the apology.
There have been talk that many have canceled their subscription of the newspaper because of this, so even the leftists/socialists think this act is repugnant.

02-27-2010, 12:58 AM
Lars, thanks for the insight. I didn't know that about him or the newspaper. It was quite shocking to read this story today. I follow these types of issues closely and love Denmark. I am so pissed off with the Muslim invasion...

02-27-2010, 01:09 AM
I can add that all of the politicians who have been interviewed is against the apology.
The Danish chapter of International PEN made a press released condemning Politiken.
I've read several editorials which all of them called Tøger Seidenfaden embarrasing and used strong language against him and the newspaper.
Formers chief editors call it embarrasing, painful and depressing.

I hope this is the deathblow for Tøger.

Edit: i found a little article in English.

Paper apologises for Mohammed cartoons (http://www.cphpost.dk/news/international/89-international/48361-paper-apologises-for-mohammed-cartoons.html)
Friday, 26 February 2010 11:12 KR News

Danish newspaper enters deal with organisations and offers apology for offending them with images of the Prophet Mohammed

Politiken newspaper, one of 11 Danish newspapers that reprinted the Mohammed cartoons, has issued an apology to eight Muslim organisations for offending them in exchange for dropping future legal action against the newspaper.

The settlement reached between the paper and the organisations does not, however, apologise for the printing of the cartoons, nor prevent the paper from reprinting them in the future.

Jyllands-Posten newspaper initially published the drawings in 2005, but following the murder plot in 2008 against one of the cartoonists, Kurt Westergaard, 11 major Danish newspapers reprinted them as a symbol of solidarity.

Politiken, which had initially been critical of the cartoons, chose to reprint Westergaard’s drawing and an editorial comment that said Jyllands-Posten deserved ‘unconditional solidarity when it is threatened with terror’.

However, Politiken’s statement today said the decision to reprint the drawing of a man with a bomb in his turban was never intended as a ‘statement of editorial opinion or value, but merely as part of the newspaper’s news coverage’.

A call to Politiken requesting explanation for the about-turn decision was not returned.

The apology stated that it was ‘never Politiken’s intention to offend Muslims in Denmark or elsewhere ... we apologise to anyone who was offended by our decision to reprint the cartoon drawing’.

The eight organisations who reached the agreement are based in Egypt, Libya, Qatar, Australia, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and Palestine. Together they represent 94,923 descendants of the Prophet Mohammed.

In August last year, the groups’ Saudi lawyer, Faisal Yamani, requested that Politiken and 10 other newspapers remove the images from their websites and issue apologies along with a promise that the images, or similar ones, will never be printed again.

Politiken’s editor-in-chief, Toger Seidenfaden, said he hoped the agreement would help improve relations between Denmark and the Muslim world and that ‘other acts of dialogue and reconciliation may follow’.

But the move has been derided by other newspapers, as well as by cartoonist Kurt Westergaard and leading politicians.

Other newspapers who reprinted the cartoon, including Berlingske Tidende, Kristeligt Dagblad and the original publisher Jyllands-Posten, refused to enter into the same agreement with the organisations.

Jyllands-Posten editor, Jørn Mikkelsen, called it a ‘sad day for Danish media, for freedom of speech and for Politiken’.

The newspaper has previously apologised for upsetting some Muslims with the cartoons, but Mikkelsen believes that Politiken’s apology crosses the line as it was made as part of a deal.
Meanwhile, Westergaard accused the paper of giving up on freedom of speech and said they had given into the fear of terror.

Opposition leaders Helle-Thorning Schmidt of the Social Democrats and Villy Søvndal of the Socialist People’s Party called the move ‘outrageous’ and said deals should not be done involving freedom of speech.

02-27-2010, 01:26 AM
Thanks Lars.

This is an excerpt from the Gates of Vienna (http://gatesofvienna.blogspot.com/2010/02/day-of-infamy-field-mattress-reborn.html#readfurther):

"By doing so, its editor-in-chief, one Tøger Seidenfaden, not only back-stabbed his fellow editors, but encouraged the entire Ummah. And if there is something the Ummah can actually do — which isn’t much, besides breeding — it can smell blood. From now on all Danish print media will have to enlarge their mailboxes and hire untold armies of lawyers to cope with a deluge of litigation from offended Muslims. Or cave. Bend over. Qui vivra verra…

But there’s no cloud without a silver lining: all political parties in Denmark, except one — 'The Radical Left' (another misleading name, rightfully 'The Confused Party of Lost Lunatics', 5% of votes) — unanimously condemned the high treason. And so did all the other newspapers. To say nothing about the larger Danish populace. The waters are dividing rapidly now, and this time the Danish 'elite' can’t hide behind a well-trained, disciplined Wehrmacht. All it has is a hodgepodge of savage, illiterate, disorganized riff-raff of 'Holy Warriors'."

So true!!