View Full Version : Logroño celebrates Mohammed & Pakistan, ignores Christmas & Spain

The Lawspeaker
02-27-2010, 01:10 PM
Logroño celebrates Mohammed & Pakistan, ignores Christmas & Spain
The socialist mayor in the northern Spanish town of Logroño has decided to publish the town’s official 2010 calendar and celebrate the birth of Mohammed and Pakistan’s Independence day, but not Christmas or Spain’s national holiday.


30,000 copies of the calendar (http://www.libertaddigital.com/documentos/calendario-de-logrono-24944568.html), titled “Logroño, the people’s capital” have been published (http://www.elsemanaldigital.com/articulos.asp?idarticulo=104129) by the Logroño town hall, under the leadership of socialist mayor Tomás Santos.
Many right-wing and mainstream media organisations in Spain have picked up on the story today because they have ‘forgotten‘ to include many of the Christian saints and even some Spanish national holidays.
Saints’ days are big news in Spain.
Mohammed’s birthday on February 24, the end of Ramadan on September 9 and Pakistan independence day have all made it into the calendar, although it seems Pakistan independence day is actually August 14 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Independence_Day_%28Pakistan%29).
Christmas on December 25, Epiphany (also Three Kings day in Spain) on January 6 and Spain’s national holiday (and Columbus day) on October 12 have not been selected for this year’s calendar.
Clearly this hasn’t gone down well with the Spanish right or the Catholic Church in Spain, and will leave many Spaniards wondering what mayor Santos is up to in Logroño.
Curiously, looking at a bit of history on the Spanish Wikipedia page for Logroño (http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logro%C3%B1o#Bandera), we can see that it was awarded its flag – a red and white St. Andrew’s Cross – by Fernando III in 1237 to commemorate success in the battle of Baeza (http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baeza#Edad_Media) 10 years previously – on November 30, 1227 – following his reconquest of the town from the Muslims.

02-27-2010, 01:27 PM
The same thing is happening all over England. This isn't just a one off, peculiarity, isolated incident or coincidence.

It's part of a deliberately contrived strategy to destroy the fabric of our current Nation States' societies in order to prepare it for ZOG's "New Improved" socially engineered world.

The Lawspeaker
02-27-2010, 01:29 PM
Exactly. And this is a smoking gun. (at least to me).

02-27-2010, 01:39 PM
ZOG's strategy is quite clear:

- Attack and destroy the cultural and religious basis of the nation state
- Encourage and facilitate 3d world immigration to it
- Radicalise our women
- Marginalise our men
- Allocate huge sums of public money (ie taxes) to pay for social engineering programs, social welfare for "asylum seekers" etc etc
- Keep pushing the "Islamic Terrorism" Fairytales to scare the locals into agreeing to military campaigns
- Indoctrinate us into believing that it is normal and acceptable to promote homosexuality, materialism / consumerism, slutty behaviour
- Objectify our women
- Instill feelings of "guilt" in us about our supposed "transgressions" against the "more equal new members of our societies" ie, we need to apologise for being white and whenever we point out that some minority group are taking advantage of us that "we are being racist".

In a couple of years they'll have wreaked enough havoc in society so that the shell-shocked white morons will be too stupid to realise that they've lost complete control over their countries. They'll start accepting globalisation and mass immigration. We'll be encouraged to alternately "love", "hate" and "assimilate" with our new fellow citizens and in this state of National Confusion and paralysis the Elites will jump in and hijack our institutions to disenfranchise us even further.

By the way, much of what I've described has already happened.

02-27-2010, 03:44 PM
Great and very useful initiative promoted by the PSOE, as usual

02-27-2010, 04:26 PM
On counting the votes of upcoming elections (locals, generals...) and they (socialdems) watch how conservatives kick their ass out of governments then maybe take into account that's not only economical crisis (conservatives are clearly corresponsibles) that people blame on them but many other things (this one a specially annoying instance). Of course, they always could resort to explain dechristianization as a way to promote interreligious peace, but nowadays even the most retarded among their voters regards it as a poor excuse to hide their corrosive hate to everything more or less related to our ethernal essences (race, culture, beliefs...).

Another unforgivable politic of socialists is the relegation of men by practice of a specially repulsive branch of feminism known by the significative name of feminazism...and, believe me, I know what I'm saying.

For not to talk about children proselitism against defense of our race and culture, irresponsible public expending, etc...

Pd. My conclusion on electoral terms is that I would never vote PSOE -yes, I'll do it sometimes before 2000 (youthful sins:D) - even if Antichrist or Satan from Hell were the only alternatives. They have done too much damage to be forgiven :shakefist

02-28-2010, 04:15 PM
Coño con los de logroño.

Well, actually most of the political leaders of Spain can be treated as Traitors.

May I remind you the treatment that traditionally received the accused of High Treason?

02-28-2010, 04:39 PM
ZOG's strategy is quite clear:

In a couple of years they'll have wreaked enough havoc in society so that the shell-shocked white morons will be too stupid to realise that they've lost complete control over their countries. They'll start accepting globalisation and mass immigration. We'll be encouraged to alternately "love", "hate" and "assimilate" with our new fellow citizens and in this state of National Confusion and paralysis the Elites will jump in and hijack our institutions to disenfranchise us even further.

By the way, much of what I've described has already happened.

All facts, with the problem escalating and the attitude of all the good people doing nothing about it. Not forgetting the power of the Zog's controlled world TV - and ZOGLYWOOD film industry. TV programs in especially in the Western world as being seen as portraying the truth. ( It must be the truth because I saw it on TV attitude)

08-20-2018, 12:33 AM
putos moros!