View Full Version : Harry Triguboff, billionaire businessman from Australia

08-05-2014, 11:17 PM
Harry Oscar Triguboff AO (born 3 March 1933) is an Australian property developer and Australia's 6th richest man. He is the founder and managing director of Meriton and a strong proponent of population growth in Australia to a hundred million. Also known as "High-Rise Harry".

He was born in Dalian (Darien at the time), China on 3 March 1933, the son of Russian Jews who fled to northeastern China after the rise of Lenin. He spent his early childhood in the Jewish community in Tianjin and in 1947, moved to Australia to be educated at the Scots College in Sydney. He later graduated with a degree in textiles from the University of Leeds in England before working in textile businesses in Israel and South Africa.

He returned to Australia in 1960 and became an Australian citizen in 1961. He did a variety of odd jobs including running a taxi fleet and owning a milk round in Chatswood. He tried selling real estate and worked as an assistant to a lecturer at university but still wasn't successful at either. He then bought some land in Roseville and hired a builder to begin building his house. The builder repeatedly let him down, so Triguboff threw him out and finished the job himself, learning from his mistakes.


01-18-2015, 12:12 AM
Armenoid mix.