View Full Version : The Process of Perception

08-08-2014, 06:46 PM
Here we go, the nuts and bolts of how to see clearly, and I don't mean eyesight either.

So let's get under the hood and take this sucker apart. We'll employ Kiss principle here, can expand as we go.

So, your attention is drawn to something, let's say it's a black cat crossing the street right in front of you. At first, for infinitely short period of time your mindfulness grabs it, but it is so infinitely short that at this point we can say it has no effect on the overall perception, then depending on your mindset towards the object a feeling comes positive, negative or neutral. Then depending on the flavor of the feeling all the various junk comes, namely emotions, concepts, judgements, opinions, ideas you freaking name it it's there. All that junk that comes after feeling is optional for a trained mind, but inseparble, and indistinguishable from the necessary perception components by the untrained mind. All this junk are mental filters that distort reality, by alering it one way or another. This is how an untrained mind works, no exceptions. Even the highest IQ is not gonna help here, because intelligene is small potatoes compared to wisdom, but that's a different thread.

Now how to improve the proces of perception to get the real picture, not the filtered bullshit? Well, one must train the mind to stop at the level of the feeling. One can not eliminate feeling from the process because it's an essential part of the mind, unlike the other junk we mentioned before. We get into the 5 Aggregates later, in another thread devouted to the subject. Anyhoo, when one trains the mind to eliminate filters of reality ( emotions, judgements, opinions, conceps and all other mental junk ), the whole process gets tuned, and refined. Now, the mindfullnes takes over, and starts its work of investigating reality directly, and nothing can escape it. The longer the periods mindfulness watches reality the better your understanding of reality gets.

Don't expect miracles or enlightenment the first time you try it, it's like everything else a gradual process, it takes time and practice.

So that is it, in a nutshell. Very sketchy, and short version, rough too, but you should get an idea what it is.