View Full Version : PrivacyMatters

The Lawspeaker
02-28-2010, 11:01 PM

Met de film PrivacyMatters willen we het bewustzijn vergroten over alle aspecten van privacybeperkende maatregelen, van datamining tot beveiligingscameras, van loyalty cards tot identiteitsdiefstal. Maar vooral willen we iedereen uitdagen de dialoog aan te gaan om op zoek te gaan naar de balans tussen privacy en veiligheid.

Translation (by Asega): By making PrivacyMatters are we trying to increase the knowledge about all aspects of anti-privacy measures, from data-mining to security cameras, from loyalty cards to identity theft. But most importantly would we like to challenge people to open up the dialog and search for a balance between privacy and security.

Sol Invictus
02-28-2010, 11:41 PM

The Lawspeaker
07-09-2010, 01:10 AM