View Full Version : History of Jihad against the Armenian and Georgian Christians (1071 - 1920)

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 03:51 AM
How the Turkish Jihadis overran the homeland of the Armenians and occupied it (present day Eastern Turkey) and massacred the Armenian Christians in cold Blood right up to the 20th century!

Al-Ghazali (d. 1111), the famous theologian, philosopher, and paragon of mystical Sufism wrote the following about jihad:

"Everyone must go on jihad (i.e., warlike razzias or raids) at least once a year...one may use a catapult against them [non-Muslims] when they are in a fortress, even if among them are women and children. One may set fire to them and/or drown them...If a person of the Ahl al-Kitab [People of The Book - Jews and Christians, typically] is enslaved, his marriage is [automatically] revoked- and his wife becomes the rightful property of a Muslim.One may cut down their trees...One must destroy their useless books. Jihadis may take as booty whatever they decide...the Jihadis may steal as much food as they need..."

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 03:53 AM
The Muslim (Ottoman) Tyranny against the Armenians

Like the Jewish people, the Armenians were another community that has suffered genocide in horrendous proportions. While The Jews suffered at the hands of the Nazis, the Armenians suffered at the hands of the Ottomans. The Turks slaughtered millions of Armenians in Cold Blood in the ten centuries that they tyrannized Armenia from the year 1071 till 1920.

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 03:54 AM
While the Ottoman Empire was in existence from 1300 (up to 1923), the Armenians had come under the Turkish yoke three centuries before that in 1071. In that year the Seljuk Turks had defeated the Byzantines at the battle of Manzikert ("kert" means place in Armenian) and overrun the Armenian provinces of the Byzantine Empire. All through this period it in spurts the Turks carried out the Armenian Genocide.

Armenia was ruled by Muslim Turks headed by the sultanate of the Osmanli/Ottoman dynasty. Following the prescriptions of the Quran, the Ottoman state, variously called Turkey or the Turkish Empire, was governed according to Islamic law which relegated non-Muslims to second class status as Dhimmis (or Zimmis) by denying them basic civil rights and requiring them to pay penal taxes. This discriminatory system was institutionalized through the so-called millat (community) system which deprived them from all forms of political participation and basic human rights.

The major portion of the Armenian population of the Middle East came under Ottoman rule after the conquest of Cilicia by the Seljuk Turks in 1071 that was a consequence of the Battle of Manzikert. This battle was followed by the occupation of the rest of Armenia by the successors to the Seljuk Turks - the Ottoman Turks. This process of occupation went on up to the thirteenth century.

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 03:55 AM
As part of their Jihad against the Christians, the Ottomans encouraged the unlawful transfer of property, the dispossession of the rural Armenian population and compelled their emigration from their homeland. In this the Turks (as do other Muslims) took inspiration and justification from the Quran (http://www.historyofjihad.org/quran.html).

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 03:59 AM
Under repeated massacres and unrelenting Ottoman tyranny, many Armenians were compelled to embrace Islam at the pain of death, hence the former southern provinces of Armenia that include Van, Bitlis, Erzerum, Kharpert, Sivas, Trebizond, Konya, Kayseri, Adana, Izmir, Bursa, Edirne became Muslim majority provinces, that were eventually absorbed by Turkey.

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 04:01 AM
Muslim theologians on tyrannizing Dhimmis (non-Muslim subjects) under Muslim occupation

Al-Ghazali (d. 1111), the famous theologian, philosopher, and paragon of mystical Sufism wrote the following about jihad:

"Everyone must go on jihad (i.e., warlike razzias or raids) at least once a year...one may use a catapult against them [non-Muslims] when they are in a fortress, even if among them are women and children. One may set fire to them and/or drown them...If a person of the Ahl al-Kitab [People of The Book - Jews and Christians, typically] is enslaved, his marriage is [automatically] revoked, and his wife becomes the rightful property of a Muslim.One may cut down their trees...One must destroy their useless books. Jihadis may take as booty whatever they decide...the Jihadis may steal as much food as they need..."

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 04:02 AM
Frustrated in their designs by the European powers, the Turks tried to regain through wanton cruelty what they had lost on the battlefield and the negotiating table. The Armenians were easy meat for the Turks and they began a genocide of the civilian Armenian population.

These photos starkly capture on celluloid the crimes against humanity committed by the Muslim Turks (and all other Muslims against the non-Muslims). In 19th century Turkey there were two forces that opposed one another - the Ottoman Sultan and the Young Turks. But they had one thing in common - both the Young Turks and the Ottoman Sultan had an equal measure of hatred towards the Armenians. Like the Sultans, the Young Turks also massacred the Armenians with equal brutality, and with no less cruelty and savagery as did the Sultans.

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 04:06 AM
European attempts to provide relief leads from Tyranny to Genocide

After successive defeats of the Ottomans by the Russians in the Russo-Turkish wars, succor came to the Armenians through the European Christian powers. Misrule in Armenia prompted the European Powers to obligate Ottoman Sultan Abdul-Hamid (Abdul Hamit) II to reform provincial administration according to the terms of the 1878 Treaty of Berlin. This was supposed to bring eight centuries of Muslim tyranny, to an end. But the reverse happened.

Frustrated in their designs by the European powers, the Turks tried to regain through wanton cruelty what they had lost on the battlefield and the negotiating table. As the Armenians were easy meat for the Turks they began a genocide of the civilian Armenian population.

The ensuing repression prompted Armenian revolutionary activity as the Ottomans reneged on their treaty obligations and resisted international pressure to introduce meaningful reform.

Hamidian autocracy also fostered the clandestine Young Turk movement dedicated to the cause of overthrowing the despotic sultan. But nevertheless even the Young Turks though opponents of the Ottoman Sultan, had an equal measure of hatred towards the Armenian. Like the Sultans, the Young Turks massacred the Armenians with equal brutality, and with no less cruelty and savagery as did the Sultans.
Ethnic Cleansing of Armenians by the Ottomans

The decline of Ottoman Turkish power and the steady territorial losses in the face of Balkan revolts and Russian military advances isolated the Armenian Christians in a precarious situation. To firmly secure and perpetuate Turkish rule in the remaining territories of the Ottoman state, the Ottoman Sultan Abdul-Hamid initiated a program of ethnic cleansing through the mass slaughter of vast numbers of Armenians beginning in 1894.

In spite of international condemnation, and despite changes in government, these obnoxious policies started by Sultan Abdul-Hamid were applied with regularity over the course of the next thirty years. In a series of genocidal massacres repeated in 1895-1896, 1909, 1915-1918, and 1920-1922, the Armenian population of Turkey was mercilessly annihilated.

These massacres of the Armenians, also called Hamidian massacres of 1894-1896 (http://www.armenian-genocide.org/hamidian.html) affected all of historic Armenia and Constantinople. The 1909 or Adana massacre devastated Cilicia. The combined deportations and massacres during World War I acquired the dimensions of a total genocide and was implemented by the Young Turks who had removed Abdul-Hamid from the throne in 1909. So irrespective of who the rulers of the Ottomans was, the genocide of the non-Muslim Armenians continued relentlessly.


Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 04:14 AM
Turkey's defeat in WW1 led to the exposure of the atrocities on Armenians

Most of these massacres were carried out with impunity and the majority of these Turkish criminal offenders escaped prosecution. Only in the aftermath of Turkey's defeat in World War I, through a series of military tribunals and parliamentarian investigations convened between 1919 and 1921 in Constantinople, the covert planning, secret organization, and brutal implementation of policies designed to destroy the Armenian population of the Ottoman Empire were uncovered.

The evidence was presented in court-martials and guilty verdicts were handed down by the thousands, confirming the mass scale state-sponsored policy of extermination of the Armenians.

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 04:15 AM
The net effect of the Ottoman era is summed up in the violent transformation of historic Armenia into Turkey. Thus what was once the homeland of Armenians from antiquity ruled by Armenian kings and chieftains from the sixth century B.C.E. till 1071, was finally purged of almost the entire Armenian population and was merged into Turkey. What is today Armenia is only one fourth of the north eastern part of historic Armenia. Till today, Armenians consider the Eastern provinces of today's Turkey to be Armenian's lost provinces. Provinces that have to be someday re-claimed by Armenians and reintegrated into Armenia.

The only legacy the Armenian converts to Islam preserved were the aquiline Caucasoid features of the Armenians that are today common among many Turkish womenfolk (and menfolk who descend from these abducted Armenian women). This is one feature which is common to the womenfolk of all lands overrun by the Muslim Jihadis. And this explains one following important fact overlooked by historians.

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 04:16 AM
The post-war Turkish government, however, balked at carrying out the sentences and the tribunals were closed under pressure from the Turkish Nationalists. Ironically, in spite of the secularization under Mustapha Kemal Pasha, the Turkish policy as regards the Armenians remained unchanged as it was under the Ottoman Turks.

In 1915 Armenians lived in all the major cities of the Ottoman Empire, Van, Bitlis, Erzerum, Kharpert, Sivas, Trebizond, Konya, Kayseri, Adana, Izmir, Bursa, Edirne, and many others. But after systematic genocides, by 1923 the Armenian population of Turkey had been reduced only to those living in Constantinople. Armenians had participated in all aspects of Ottoman life and had made major contributions to Turkish commerce, industry, architecture, and even music. Yet, in the final analysis, the centuries of Turkish rule resulted in the utter ruin of historic Armenia, the expulsion of the Armenians from Asiatic Turkey and the permanent exile of surviving Armenians only in mountainous regions of the Kavkaz (Caucasus).

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 04:18 AM
Till today, Armenians rightfully consider the Eastern provinces of today's Turkey to be Armenian's lost provinces. Provinces that have to be someday re-claimed by Armenians and reintegrated into Armenia.

The Armenian experience under the Muslim Turks is one of the savagely bloodiest chapters in the bloodied history of Islam

Armenian suffering is as yet unrecorded in a large way and as yet unknown and unreported in the global media. But it survives in the hearts of many Armenians, who bide their time for justice which they will hopefully get after the War against Terror launched after 9/11, works its way through in the next two decades.

Abducted Armenian women play the role of concubines of the Turkish Pasha's Harem.

In the course of the ten centuries of Turkish tyranny, the Armenians like all non-Muslims under Muslim tyranny had to suffer from repeated waves of abductions of their womenfolk, the most beautiful among them who were made into concubines of the Turkish sultan and Turkish Beys and their camp followers. It is for this reason that the best of Armenia's beautiful women were forced to co-habit with the Turks till their descendants completely forgot, who they originally were.

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 04:22 AM
In those days of the Cold War, we never tried to whitewash communism nor did we try to split the ranks of the communists (or delude ourselves) by saying there were moderate communists and extremist communists. We looked upon any one professing to be a communist, to be an enemy. The fact that we had a clear view of who the enemy was, had contempt for his outlook, and a fierce determination to destroy communism, is why we succeeded in defeating communism and making it a thing of the past. The same clarity is lacking when we look upon the enemy of today - the Muslims. It is futile for us to distinguish between the moderates and extremists among the Muslims. All of them follow the Quran - which calls for death or forcible conversion of the non-Muslims (Kafirs). So where is a rationale in considering some Muslims to be moderates.

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 04:25 AM
Moderate Muslims vs. Extremist Muslims dichotomy is at its core illusory and primarily a product of Islamic doctrines of concealing the true nature of Islam, when it is not due to ignorance.

Some Muslims may appear to be moderate by the language they use, and their etiquette, but that is deception on their part. In fact such Muslims are more dangerous than those who openly declare their murderous intentions towards us. So we need to give up our delusion that there could be a moderate Muslim. We have to have a clear view that a Muslim is an enemy. He can become a friend only if he renounces Islam. If not, he remains a mortal enemy, and so should remain a legitimate object of antagonism.

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 04:32 AM
Unfortunately for humankind, the end of a death-seeking fiery cult may only come about through such fiery death-giving solutions. Ironically such nuclear mushroom clouds would be the blazing hell-fire that the Quran talks about and acknowledges will bring about an end to Islam such that there will be no one across the globe to say "Lah ilah il Allah, Mohammed ur Rasoolallah" (There is no god but allah and Mohammed is his prophet).

"Fear the fire, which is prepared for the disbelievers."
[Ali'-Imran, 3: 131] Quran

"Truly Hell is lying in wait- a destination for the transgressors."
[an-Naba, 78: 21-22] Quran
(One’s rejection of faith is transgression against Allah and himself).

“The unbelievers will be led to Hell in crowds until, when they arrive there, its gates will be opened..” [az-Zumar, 39: 71] Quran

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 04:43 AM
The Road to Georgia - one that carries death (http://www.jihadwatch.org/2011/04/the-road-that-carries-death)
by Joseph “Soso” Zaalishvili

By the end of the First Jihad (1994-96) in the Chechen Republic, the Islamic authorities and the leaders of the Chechen Mujahedeen actively began to talk about the construction of a so-called “Road of Life,” which was to unite Chechnya and Georgia.

At that time (the beginning of 1996), no one thought that the road construction would begin in 1997. In summer 1996, Russia signed the Khasavyurt agreement with the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria. Wealthy sponsors of Jihad began to prepare their sinister plans for the Islamization of the Caucasus region.

Fate has granted me the chance to meet and interview many prominent emirs and Chechen mujahedeen. Many of them occupy the highest positions in the government of Ichkeria.

Aslan Maskhadov told me about the plan to build a “Road of Life,” which was to provide a corridor for the receipt of ammunition and mujahedeen in case of a continuation of the Jihad in the northern Caucasus.

I had personal meetings with the emirs who had personally engaged in the construction of this road, such as Shamil Basayev, Turpal Ali Atgiriev, and Ruslan Gelayev, who at various times oversaw this project. I learned that the construction of this road was funded by a “High Arab,” who has incredible authority among the Chechen Mujahedeen, and is a close friend of Amir Khattab: Osama bin Laden.

Before the second Jihad in the Northern Caucasus in 1999, Chechens finished the road’s journey to the borders of Georgia, but the Georgian government and President Shevardnadze, under pressure from Georgian society, froze plans to build the road from the Georgian side.

In meetings with me, Chechen emirs repeatedly talked about their plans for the Islamization of the Caucasus. In their view, this road would help not only Chechens, but after the victory of Jihad in the Caucasus, it would serve as a corridor for the mujahedeen in Turkey and Iran.

In their view, the real enemy of Islam is not Russia and the citizens of this country, but Israel and the Zionists. And the goal? To create a single Islamic state — a Caliphate.

In 1998, a source told me that a “High Arab” (Osama Bin Laden) came to the Urus-Martan (Chechnya region) and took 10 Stingers to local jihadists as a gift.

I was kidnapped by Mujahedeen because of an article published in the Georgian newspaper about their plans in the Caucasus.

I carefully observed the actions of supporters of Jihad in the Caucasus. Many of them were destroyed in the fighting. There were new Emirs and representatives of al-Qaida.

In 2011, Georgia’s new president, Mikhail Saakashvili, began a visa-free policy with the North Caucasus, Iran and Turkey. I immediately thought of the so-called “Road of Life” and what the Mujahedeen had told me about the Jihad against Israel.

In addition, over the last year, Georgia’s relations with its longtime ally of Israel have very much soured. Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili openly invited Ahmadinejad for an official visit to Tbilisi.

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 05:00 AM
Georgia's 10% Muslim population wants autonomy (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/talk.politics.misc/xNLBBERLPDQ)

http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=950DE7DF1F3DF935A25757C0A96F9482 60&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=all
History has set these nations apart, not only from Russia but from one
other. The warring khanates of Central Asia, for instance, were forced
into submission by an eastward marching imperial army in the second
half of the 19th century, while the Christian nations of the Caucasus
- Georgia and Armenia -voluntarily drew themselves close to the
Russian empire, seeking protection against neighboring Muslims.
Armenians see the Turkish massacres of 1915 as the pivotal moment in
their national experience, whereas for the Baltic states, the starting
point in today's political debates is their forced annexation into the
Soviet Union by Stalin in 1940.

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 05:05 AM
The tendency of Muslims to unite for jihad (http://www.jihadwatch.org/author/joseph)

Shiites and Sunnis in the Caucasus began to seek a common denominator.

In confirmation of this is the convergence of the Islamic community in Georgia. They elected a single board of governance.

The interesting thing about this idea is that I heard about it ten years ago. An association of Islamic movements under unified rule was declared in Baku, Azerbaijan. The meeting was attended by representatives of different sects of Islam.

I was told that there were present some members of radical Shiite groups in Iran and Azerbaijan, as well as representatives of the Sunnis from Turkey and the Caucasus. There were representatives of the Taliban, and scholars from Saudi Arabia, Jordan and other Islamic countries.

It was said that the Nadir Shah Khachilayev, head of the Union of Muslims of Russia, was supposed to come to this meeting. But on August 11, 2003, he was killed in Dagestan.

The meeting was dedicated to the idea of the unification of Islam under a green flag. The idea was to unite all those who acknowledged monotheism, recognizing only Allah, the Koran and the Prophet Muhammad for all Muslims for the sake of jihad.

The conversation was in the Turkish and Russian languages, because all those present understood these languages.

At first, there were minor disagreements over who should be in a key position in this new Islamic group. The Iranians, Afghans, Caucasians, and Turks argued that under the hegemony of Islam, they had made great strides. But in the end, all parties agreed. Of course, a Chechen businessman and millionaire, Hajj Ahmad Nukhayev, was behind this.

He had very close ties to the government of Turkey and Iran. He had several meetings with the leaders of many European countries. He had very close ties with powerful people in the United Kingdom.

Nobody wanted to have as powerful enemies Nadir Khachilayev and Hajj Nukhayev, even the president of Azerbaijan. Because of his cooperation, Nukhayev resolved that he would take any action in Baku and Azerbaijan in general except for the overthrow of the government.

The struggle for primacy in the Islamic world has been going on for a long time. And for just as long, there has been a desire to unite. But lately, this trend towards stronger association has been given a new impetus by two very powerful factors: Iran’s nuclear program, and the deterioration of relations between Israel and Turkey. A railway project between Turkey and Iran is currently under construction through the territory of Azerbaijan and Georgia. Iran and Turkey, Georgia and Azerbaijan all working together on this project to create infrastructure. They have already signed several strategic agreements.

This economic cooperation is leading to political ties. And politics for Muslims means the spread of Islam and Sharia in non-Muslim states.

But the ultimate goal of all these initiatives is to establish a united front to oppose all infidels and kill or subjugate them. In confirmation of this are the words of the Caliph Umar: “Who is seeking the greatness outside the Islam, will be humiliated by Allah. We – people chosen by Allah to be glorified through Islam, and if we seek greatness and glory in something else than Islam, then Allah will humiliate us, too.”

On July 19, the Israeli headquarters in the fight against terror, a division of the National Security Council, issued a statement according to which most countries of the Mediterranean and Southeast Asia are no longer a danger to Israelis. The exceptions were Turkey, Azerbaijan and Georgia. The statement that the Israelis released said that in these countries there is a risk level 4, which means a constant potential threat. Israelis do not recommend visiting these states if there is no special need, and in such cases, Israeli travelers should exercise increased caution and not gather there in large groups.

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 05:17 AM
Caucasian contribution to the funding of jihad (http://www.jihadwatch.org/2011/04/caucasian-contribution-to-the-funding-of-jihad)

by Joseph “Soso” Zaalishvili

Anyone who thinks that jihad is a just war that simply begins one day, he is profoundly mistaken.

Jihad involves the teaching of Islam, the spiritual state of the Mujahedeen, and even more importantly, a lot of money.

I want to present one of the schemes for the financing of jihad which is well tested in the Caucasus.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1992, economic crisis reigned in the Caucasus. The population of the North Caucasus regions of Russia (Chechnya, Dagestan, Kabardino-Balkaria, and Ingushetia) and the new states (Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan) needed new jobs and economic stability.

Jihadists have always considered the Caucasus their territory, and actively began economic expansion to help the people of the Caucasus in the development of small businesses.

Citizens of Azerbaijan, Dagestan, Chechnya and other Muslim parts of the Caucasus received goods produced in Arab countries and Pakistan as practically free, as gifts.

A senior official of Chechen jihadist intelligence explained the origin of these items: these products were zakat (Islamic assistance to the needy). Goods sold in the Caucasus funded jihad in the Caucasus.

According to him, in the jihadist movement, there are special economic groups whose responsibilities include the establishment of business relations with the authorities of countries. So it was in Azerbaijan and Georgia. The jihadists fed the people with cheap products and earned money to continue the jihad.

In the Christian republics of the Caucasus, such as Georgia and Armenia, the jihadists are trying to establish business relationships with the law enforcement authorities of these republics, as serious business in post-Soviet republics is invested in the representatives of the power structures.

This scheme of funding jihad has been successfully operating today.

A significant portion of financial assistance that Georgia receives from the United States is spent on the purchase of household goods and food products manufactured in Islamic countries such as Iran, Turkey, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, etc.

Georgian armed forces take part in anti-terror operations in Afghanistan and Iraq and the Georgian nation is proud of it, while the government is encouraging economic relations with Iran.

If the international community does not treat seriously the issue of the financing of jihad in this way, the economy of the Caucasian republics so reaches out to the financial interests of the jihadists that they will lobby their political interests, and serious signs of this already exist in Georgia. There is a visa-free regime including Iran, Turkey and the North Caucasus, while in Georgia there is no official list of terrorist organizations, such as Al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah, the Caucasian Imamate, etc. In Georgia, they are not officially considered terrorist organizations.

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 05:25 AM
One man is detained for ‘jihad videos’ against Georgia (http://dfwatch.net/one-man-is-detained-for-jihad-videos-against-georgia-10603)

TBILISI -- Authorities in Tbilisi have identified a man they believe was behind the so-called "jihad threat" video against Georgian troops.

Georgia's Interior Ministry said on October 3 that a Kyrgyz national, Samar Chokutaev, has been charged in absentia on terrorism-related charges. Chokutaev is described as a talented IT specialist who works for a Russian mobile-phone operator in Georgia's breakaway region of Abkhazia.

The video, titled "Taliban Jihad Against Georgian Troops in Afghanistan," circulated on the Internet in June. A voiceover in English threatened Georgian troops in Afghanistan and their family members, cursed President Mikheil Saakashvili, and warned of bringing jihad into Georgia.

The video sparked further tension between rival political groups in Georgia, who accused each other of either being behind the video or of using it for political gain.
Kyrgyz Mujahid (Jihadi Terrorist) Wanted In Georgia 'Jihad' Video (http://www.rferl.org/content/georgia-kyrgyz-video/25125757.html)

08-13-2014, 05:28 AM
Nobody benefitted more from dhimmi status than the Armenians...

Armenians under dhimmi: A strong millet in the ottoman empire
Armenians without dhimmi status: Genocided

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 05:29 AM
By controlling the price of oil, Muslim countries are protecting the jihad (http://www.jihadwatch.org/2011/08/by-controlling-the-price-of-oil-this-muslim-country-is-protecting-the-jihad-whose-goal-is-not-creati)
By controlling the price of oil, Muslim countries are protecting the jihad, whose goal is not creation, but destruction.

Joseph Zaalishvili

There is a false notion that Muslims are divided into two groups: supporters of jihad and those who simply worship Allah.

Any place where there is or was a war between the adherents of Islam and adherents of other religions is always of interest to the jihadists. I personally know many Islamic leaders and chiefs of armed groups in the Caucasus. In conversations with me they repeatedly told me that the “Wahhabis” (so-called adherents of militant Islam in the Caucasus) did not respect the traditions of the Caucasus. They said that these “new teachers for the Caucasian Islam” were not needed in the Caucasus.

The “new teachers” built their mosques and brought their teachers, spending millions of dollars to indoctrinate the youth, who departed from the traditional “Islam in the Caucasus” and turned toward Wahhabism.

Shamil Basayev said to me in 1997 with great pleasure that he had driven the Arabs and Turks from the Caucasus, but in 1998 he became the leader of the jihadists and the Imam of Chechnya and Dagestan.

Many military commanders and fighters and commanders have undergone such a change, having experienced an Islamic awakening.

They have even begun to change their names and adopt Arabic ones. The head of the Chechen special forces, “borz” (wolves), Ruslan Gelayev, called himself Khamzat Gelayev. Chechen President Aslan Maskhadov called himself Khalid Maskhadov.

Maskhadov was the elected in 1997. When he became president, he promised the international community that he would make Chechnya a secular state, but after one and half years he became leader of the Jihad in the Caucasus.

This is an interesting fact to ponder for those who want to establish contacts and negotiate with terrorist organizations such as the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, and so on.

In 1997, I was invited to Grozny in Chechnya by the head of an antiterrorist center, Brigadier General Hunkar Pasha Israpilov.

He asked me to help the Chechens to coordinate with Georgia and develop a common policy to combat Islamic terrorism. This was an order of the Chechen Republic President Maskhadov.

At the meeting, we agreed that the jihadists and Islamic fundamentalists were a threat to the entire Caucasus and that joint efforts were needed to fight this scourge.

A few months after this meeting, the chief of the antiterrorist center, like many others, joined the Islamic Shura Council of the followers of the Sharia in the Caucasus, and took an active part in the spread of Wahhabism in the Caucasus.

On his orders, my brother and I were kidnapped from Georgia, as I wrote in an earlier article.

When we were captured, one of the terrorists said a very interesting thing: “You Christians and Zionists will never defeat us. When you squeeze us, our brothers will raise oil prices and you will have to negotiate with us and accept us and the Islamic state that we create. Then you will see what the Sharia is — the sword of Islam.”

I did not pay attention to his words. My brother and I had been beaten. But now, after 10 years, I realized what he meant. By controlling the price of oil, Muslim countries are protecting the jihad, whose goal is not creation, but destruction.

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 05:34 AM
Victory for free people in Georgia: SIOG stops construction of mega-mosque named after Muslim leader who massacred Georgians (http://www.jihadwatch.org/2012/05/victory-for-free-people-in-georgia-siog-stops-construction-of-mega-mosque-named-after-muslim-leader)

Pamela Geller has the story:

Stop Islamization of Georgia and a coalition of human rights groups have succeeded in stopping a monster-mosque in Batumi, Georgia.

Stop Islamization of Georgia’s national director, Joseph Zaalishvili, has been reporting on the ground from Batumi (go here and here). Thousands of freedom lovers gathered a number of times to protest the mega mosque in Batumi. Each demo grew in size. Despite the heavy snowfall, cold, and rain, several thousand people gathered to protest a mosque dedicated to Aziz Sultan Abdl Adjara, who enslaved people, forcibly compelled people to accept Islam, and killed and terribly tortured those who refused. The Turkish government was funding the construction of this mosque.

Today, construction of the Islamic supremacist mosque was suspended. Well done, SIOG. Want to get involved? Start a SIO group in your state or country.

Joseph Zaalishvili sends this missive (BTW, Joseph Zaalishvili will be speaking at SION: September 11, 2012 Freedom Congress, UN Plaza – register early.)

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 05:35 AM

They stopped!

A small victory in a major war. That is what our ancestors would call what happened a few days ago in Georgia.

Construction of a grand mosque in Batumi, Georgia, named for the Turkish Sultan Abdul-Aziz, has been suspended. So said the Minister of Culture of Georgia in a parliamentary speech.

A few months ago, the government argued that the decision to build a mosque named after the Turkish Sultan Abdul-Aziz, who killed and tortured for the sake of Allah and Mohammed a few thousand Georgians, should not be discussed, but now the position has softened.

“If, after discussion and agreement with the Georgian Orthodox Church, people find a consensus, it is possible to construct a small mosque, but not in the center of the city,” said the Minister of Culture of Georgia.

“Meanwhile, we have not signed any agreement with Turkey for the construction of mosques,” he said.

They stopped?!

The debates, rallies, protests and battles of supporters and opponents of the mosque continued for several months. The government argued that the construction of the mosque was needed to attract tourists and to meet the needs of the thousands of Turks who took the Georgian green card.

Opponents said that it was immoral to construct a mosque named after Abd al-Aziz at Batumi. Will the monuments to Lenin and communism be restored next?, they asked.

I spoke many times to local media in the debate. The arguments that were heard were laughable. A multi-cultural society has to become accustomed to Islam, some say. Islam is a religion of peace, said others.

But none of them could answer the question, why should a mosque in Batumi be named for a conqueror?

At the meetings, I said that it was not just a problem in Georgia. This problem exists all over the world. Islam has been and continues to be a political force. Turkey and Iran have ambitions not only in the Caucasus and the Middle East, but elsewhere, and use the cover of religion to promote political goals.

The existence of such organizations as SIOA, SIOE and SION play an important role for people in my country. We understand that we are not alone. And not just George Soros is west of the Caucasus.

As for Soros and his foundation, the majority of the organizations and the political forces supporting the process of disintegration and the Islamization of the society are funded by his foundation. After this the question arises of how he will continue the process of Islamization of Georgia, and why would he do it at all?

One of the protesters told me that his great-grandfather and great-grandmother had been executed on the orders of Abdul-Aziz, but they refused to accept Islam. “They were tied to horses and dragged on broken glass, and they want to build a mosque praising this murderer in my city? I’ll go a thousand times to protest.”

This is very important for Georgia. The West and especially the U.S. and the fact of the debate on the construction of a mosque in New York had a very positive impact on the situation in Batumi. And that’s what I said many times on my radio interviews.

We need support. We need each other. We need to know we are not alone.

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 05:41 AM
U.S. supporting Islamic jihad against Russia

Stubbornly ignorant and unwilling to investigate the jihad doctrine, State Department officials led the U.S. into war to support jihadists in Bosnia and Kosovo. Now the same mistake is being repeated. “U.S. Supports Islamic Terror Against Russia,” by Julia Gorin at Republican Riot (http://www.juliagorin.com/wordpress/?p=2320):

We don’t yet know the whole story behind the two female suicide bombers who killed 38 people in Moscow and injured scores of others. Although their affiliation is unclear, the working assumption is that the bombers were tied to the Chechen rebel movement in the North Caucasus.

There is, however, something which we do know for sure, and which we paid no attention to despite its clear connection to the kind of terror Moscow witnessed yesterday morning.

There was a little-noted meeting that took place in December 2009, in Tbilisi, the capital of U.S. ally Georgia. That month Georgia hosted a conference of jihadists to plan “operations” against Russia. There was no news coverage of the event, and so it took a paid advertisement in the Washington Times to make it known. Stubbornly, still no news organization or blog picked up on it. And so here we are.

Below are the relevant parts of the paid-for article from last month, titled “The Georgian Imbroglio — And a Choice for the United States.” (Original emphasis preserved.) It was penned by James George Jatras, a former U.S. Foreign Service officer as well as foreign policy analyst for the U.S. Senate Republican Policy Committee.

Americans must be made aware of Saakashvili’s extending refuge to jihadists responsible for countless acts of terror in southern Russia and his regime’s extraordinary coordination efforts to permit them to step up attacks in the Caucasus region.

Specifically, according to reliable sources [with lines to two foreign intel services], in December 2009 a secret meeting took place in Tbilisi, the Georgian capital, with representatives of numerous jihad groups based in various Islamic and European countries for the purpose of coordinating their activities on Russia’s southern flank. The meeting was organized under the auspices of high officials of the Georgian government; while Saakashvili himself was not present, officials of his ministry of internal affairs (allegedly G. Lordkipanidze) and others acted as hosts and coordinators. Georgian Ambassador to Kuwait Mayering-Mikadze purportedly facilitated travel for participants from the Middle East. In addition to “military” operations (i.e., attacks in southern Russia) special attention was given to ideological warfare, for example, the launching of the Russian-language TV station “First Caucasian.”

Are we to believe that U.S. intelligence agencies were unaware of this meeting and other similar actions? The question then is unavoidable: has Washington decided to turn a blind eye — or even worse, to encourage our “ally” Saakashvili to play the “jihad card” against Russia? Could such a thing be possible at a time when the world’s media are filled with reports of jihad attacks in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, India, Israel, Philippines, and other countries — not least the United States (Fort Hood, Fort Dix)? The threat comes from the same ideology that motivated the 9/11 attacks against our country and which seeks to create through violence a worldwide Islamic caliphate governed by Sharia law.

Every day American troops fight jihadists in Afghanistan, where prospects for cooperation between NATO and Russia are increasingly promising. But many in the West prefer to look the other way regarding attacks against Russia, or when an unstable politician masquerading as a Georgian reincarnation of Thomas Jefferson offers his country’s territory as a terrorist base.

We should have learned this lesson a long time ago. During the 1980s, American support for Afghan mujahidin fighting the Soviets seemed to make sense — but it eventually gave us Islamic “scholars” known as Taliban and the al-Qaeda group headed by one of our most adept proteges, Osama bin Laden. The 9/11 Commission Report is replete with references to U.S.-supported jihadist activity in the Balkans in the 1990s, allowing al-Qaeda to emerge from its birthplace in the Hindu Kush and morph into a global force capable of striking the American homeland. Will we now, having learned nothing, repeat the same mistake in the Caucasus — at the cost of scuttling improved ties with the world’s second most powerful country, which faces one and the same enemy we do?

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 05:57 AM
Years, decades, and centuries go by. Yet the same story, the same enmity --Turkish to Armenian, or more distilled yet, Muslim to Christian -- lives on even if in different contexts and formats.

Far from being repentant of the Armenian Genocide, Turkey, under the leadership of Prime Minister Erdogan, is again targeting Armenians; is again causing their death and dislocation.

Raymond Ibrahim (http://www.theblaze.com/contributions/turkeys-latest-jihad-on-christian-armenians-2/)

In the early morning hours of March 21, Al Qaeda linked Islamic jihadis crossed into Syrian territory from the Turkish border and launched a jihad (http://asbarez.com/121007/reports-cite-80-dead-in-kessab-churches-desecrated/) on the Christian/Armenian town of Kessab. Among other things, “Snipers targeted the civilian population and launched mortar attacks on the town and the surrounding villages.” Reportedly eighty people were killed.


The jihadis later made a video touring the devastated town. No translation is needed, as the main phrase shouted throughout is Islam’s triumphant war cry, “Allahu Akbar” (or, according to Sen. John McCain’s translation, “thank God”).


Eyewitnesses say the jihadis crossed the Turkish border into Syria, “openly passing through Turkish military barracks. According to Turkish media reports, the attackers carried their injured back to Turkey for treatment in the town of Yayladagi.”

About 2,000 Armenians were evacuated to safer areas in neighboring Basit and Latakia. Several of these families are currently living inside the churches of these towns. Ten to 15 families with members too elderly to flee remained in Kessab, their fate currently unknown.

(Fruits of Jihadis in Armenian Kessab - Warning! Graphic Content here (http://www.barenakedislam.com/2014/04/03/turkeys-latest-jihad-on-armenian-christians-in-syria/))

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 06:02 AM
Attachments are Graphic Images!!! Be warned.
this way they are concealed from the view of those who don't want to see gruesome images.

Depraved barbaric heathens!

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 06:08 AM
Nobody benefitted more from dhimmi status than the Armenians...

Armenians under dhimmi: A strong millet in the ottoman empire
Armenians without dhimmi status: Genocided

nice example of heathen 'logic'

Even their defenseless children...

women and girls

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 06:15 AM
Report: ISIS Beheading Children In Iraq (http://www.inquisitr.com/1398634/report-isis-beheading-children-in-iraq-graphic-photos/#7EeQvlcE4PZy6SPs.99)

In his CNN interview, businessman Mark Arabo tells the reporter of the horrors unfolding in the nation.

“There is a park in Mosul, where [ISIS] they actually beheaded children and put their heads on a stick and have them in the park,’ he explained. ‘More children are getting beheaded, mothers are getting raped and killed, and fathers are being hung.’”

ISIS beheading children was not the only crimes taking place in Iraq, but Christians were being targeted, as well.

“According to Arabo, ISIS is marking the homes of many of those who have fled with ‘death stamps.’ This means that if any of these people return to their homes, ISIS will kill them on sight.

“‘This is a crime against humanity,’ Arabo stated. ‘This is much broader than a community or a state. This is crime against humanity. They are doing the most horrendous, the most heart-breaking crimes that you can think of.’

“He continued, ‘Christian holocaust is in our midst. This should never be happening in 2014.’”

The Gospel Herald is reporting Arabo as saying that 95 percent of Christians in Iraq have so far fled the country and about 5 percent have converted to Islam.

“Just last week, the ISIS bombed a church that was 1,800 years old, and have bombed 6 churches so far.

“While France is leading the way in offering asylum, Arabo is calling on the US and the United Nations to recognnize that this is a genocide and do more to address this crisis.

“‘This living nightmare is not going away,’ he said, ‘but it is only getting worse.’

“‘The world cannot turn a blind eye.’”

reminiscent of...

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 06:31 AM
Unfortunately for humankind, the end of a death-seeking fiery cult may only come about through such fiery death-giving solutions. Ironically such nuclear mushroom clouds would be the blazing hell-fire that the Quran talks about and acknowledges will bring about an end to Islam such that there will be no one across the globe to say "Lah ilah il Allah, Mohammed ur Rasoolallah" (There is no god but allah and Mohammed is his prophet).

A picture of Hell - Eternal Damnation (http://www.whatchristianswanttoknow.com/bible-verses-about-hell-21-eye-opening-scriptures/#ixzz3AFdludXD)

2 Chronicles 28:1-3 Ahaz was twenty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem. And he did not do what was right in the eyes of the Lord, as his father David had done, but he walked in the ways of the kings of Israel. He even made metal images for the Baals, and he made offerings in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom and burned his sons as an offering, according to the abominations of the nations whom the Lord drove out before the people of Israel.

Jeremiah 7:31 And they have built the high places of Topheth, which is in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire, which I did not command, nor did it come into my mind.

Greek: hades (translated from the Hebrew sheol)
Translated “Hell” ten times and “grave” one time
1 Corinthians 15:55 (KJV) O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?

Hell has different names in the Bible:

Greek: "Tartaros"
Translated “hell” meaning eternal torment”
2 Peter 2:4: For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment;

Greek: "gehenna" (from the Hebrew Valley of Hinnom)
Translated “hell” meaning place of everlasting torment
Matthew 10:28: And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

Torment will be physical

Luke 16:24 And he called out, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus to dip the end of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am in anguish in this flame.’

Jude 12-13 These are hidden reefs at your love feasts, as they feast with you without fear, shepherds feeding themselves; waterless clouds, swept along by winds; fruitless trees in late autumn, twice dead, uprooted; wild waves of the sea, casting up the foam of their own shame; wandering stars, for whom the gloom of utter darkness has been reserved forever.

Revelation 14:11 And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever, and they have no rest, day or night, these worshipers of the beast and its image, and whoever receives the mark of its name.”

Revelation 19:20 And the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who in its presence had done the signs by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped its image. These two were thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur.

Revelation 20:10 And they marched up over the broad plain of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city, but fire came down from heaven and consumed them, and the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where the beast and the false prophet were, and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.
Torment will be mental

Luke 16:25 And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, in order that those who would pass from here to you may not be able, and none may cross from there to us.’
Torment will be spiritual

2 Thessalonians 1:5-9 This is evidence of the righteous judgment of God, that you may be considered worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you are also suffering— since indeed God considers it just to repay with affliction those who afflict you, and to grant relief to you who are afflicted as well as to us, when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels in flaming fire, inflicting vengeance on those who do not know God and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. They will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might,

The only TRUE 'prophecies' are self-fulfilling prophecies...let us see how long the wickedness of these heathens is going to last them...

08-13-2014, 07:01 AM
The Armenian Genocide was not Jihad, but clear European politics (modernism) between the Turks.

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 07:22 AM
The Armenian Genocide was not Jihad...

yes it was.

The Armenian Genocide was a Jihad (http://forum.hyeclub.com/showthread.php/14188-The-Armenian-Genocide-was-a-Jihad)

The Jihad Genocide of the Armenians (http://www.americanthinker.com/2005/04/the_jihad_genocide_of_the_arme.html)

The Jihad Against the Armenian, Assyrian, and Greek Christians (http://www.americanthinker.com/2011/08/the_jihad_against_the_armenian_assyrian_and_greek_ christians.html)

The Counter Jihad Report: Armenian Genocide (http://counterjihadreport.com/tag/armenian-genocide/)

Jizya and the Armenian Genocide - Money Jihad (http://moneyjihad.wordpress.com/2011/08/19/jizya-and-the-armenian-genocide/)

NYC Protest Greek, Armenian, Assyrian Genocides by Islamic Jihad - See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2011/04/nyc-protest-greek-armenian-assyrian-genocides-by-islamic-jihad.html/#sthash.g8ZtfcDJ.dpuf

08-13-2014, 07:47 AM
yes it was.

Bullshit Armenian propaganda. That was a simply European style genocide, the result of the westernization policy in the Ottoman realm.

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 08:53 AM
Bullshit Armenian propaganda. That was a simply European style genocide, the result of the westernization policy in the Ottoman realm.

you might enjoy this then...

Tall Armenian Tale (http://www.armeniapedia.org/wiki/Tall_Armenian_Tale)
The revisionist Tall Armenia Tale website self proclaims its mission to expose the "myth of the Armenian Genocide". The site uses every tactic, every lie imaginable, blatant racism against Armenians, cries of racism against Turks/Muslims and anything else under the sun you could imagine in order to try to convince you that, in fact, Armenians were the ones wiping out the Turks who somehow barely survived the mighty Armenians! (Though of course in reality, there are zero Armenians left in Anatolia, and tens of millions of Turks live there). One of their favorite anti-Armenians is Samuel Weems - a nobody who they have made their hero. The site was done anonymously by a self-proclaimed "Holdwater", who evidence leads us to believe is actually Murad Gumen, a Turkish-American cartoonist.

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 08:55 AM
This material is what Tall Armenian Tale writes about itself, which does an excellent job of showing just how biased and racist their site is. So there is no need for any rebuttal.


...Is to expose the mythological “Armenian genocide,” from the years 1915-16 in there unrecognized, unscholarly opinions. A wartime tragedy involving the losses of so many has been turned into a politicized story of “exclusive victimhood,” and because of the prevailing prejudice against Turks, along with Turkish indifference, those in the world, particularly in the West, have been quick to accept these terribly defamatory claims involving the worst crime against humanity. Few stop to investigate below the surface that those regarded as the innocent victims, the Armenians, while seeking to establish an independent state, have been the ones to commit systematic ethnic cleansing against those who did not fit into their racial/religious ideal: Muslims, Jews, and even fellow Armenians who had converted to Islam. Criminals as Dro, Antranik, Keri, Armen Garo and Soghoman Tehlirian (the assassin of Talat Pasha, one of the three Young Turk leaders, along with Enver and Jemal) contributed toward the deaths (via massacres, atrocities, and forced deportation) of countless innocents, numbering over half a million. What determines genocide is not the number of casualties or the cruelty of the persecutions, but the intent to destroy a group, the members of which are guilty of nothing beyond being members of that group. The Armenians suffered their fate of resettlement not for their ethnicity, having co-existed and prospered in the Ottoman Empire for centuries, but because they rebelled against their dying Ottoman nation during WWI (World War I); a rebellion that even their leaders of the period, such as Boghos Nubar and Hovhannes Katchaznouni, have admitted. Yet the hypocritical world rarely bothers to look beneath the surface, not only because of anti-Turkish prejudice, but because of Armenian wealth and intimidation tactics. As a result, these libelous lies, sometimes belonging in the category of “genocide studies,” have become part of the school curricula of many regions. Armenian scholars such as Vahakn Dadrian, Peter Balakian, Richard Hovannisian, Dennis Papazian and Levon Marashlian have been known to dishonestly present only one side of their story, as long as their genocide becomes affirmed. They have enlisted the help of "genocide scholars," such as Roger Smith, Robert Melson, Samantha Power, and Israel Charny… and particularly those of Turkish extraction, such as Taner Akcam and Fatma Muge Gocek, who justify their alliance with those who actively work to harm the interests of their native country, with the claim that such efforts will help make Turkey more" democratic." On the other side of this coin are genuine scholars who consider all the relevant data, as true scholars have a duty to do, such as Justin McCarthy, Bernard Lewis, Heath Lowry, Erich Feigl and Guenter Lewy. The unscrupulous genocide industry, not having the facts on its side, makes a practice of attacking the messenger instead of the message, vilifying these professors as “deniers” and "agents of the Turkish government." The truth means so little to the pro-genocide believers, some even resort to the forgeries of the Naim-Andonian telegrams or sources based on false evidence, as Franz Werfel’s The Forty Days of Musa Dagh. Naturally, there is no end to the hearsay "evidence" of the prejudiced pro-Christian people from the period, including missionaries and Near East Relief representatives, Arnold Toynbee, Lord Bryce, Lloyd George, Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, and so many others. When the rare Westerner opted to look at the issues objectively, such as Admirals Mark Bristol and Colby Chester, they were quick to be branded as “Turcophiles” by the propagandists. The sad thing is, even those who don’t consider themselves as bigots are quick to accept the deceptive claims of Armenian propaganda, because deep down people feel the Turks are natural killers and during times when Turks were victims, they do not rate as equal and deserving human beings. This is the main reason why the myth of this genocide has become the common wisdom.
See also

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 09:03 AM
Bullshit Armenian propaganda. That was a simply European style genocide, the result of the westernization policy in the Ottoman realm.

I disagree with you fundamentally. and that's why I'll give you my first thumb down (http://www.uvm.edu/~inquiryb/webquest/sp09/eeckstei/thumbs-down.jpg).

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 09:09 AM
Bullshit Armenian propaganda. That was a simply European style genocide, the result of the westernization policy in the Ottoman realm.

Murad Gumen - The man behind "Tall Armenian Tale".

Tall Armenian Tales (http://www.armeniapedia.org/wiki/Murad_Gumen)



Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 09:15 AM

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 09:19 AM
The Remaining Documents of Talaat Pasha (Turkish: Talat Paşa'nın Evrak-ı Metrukesi) is the title of a 2008 book by the Turkish journalist Murat Bardakçı. It reproduces in modern Turkish script a selection of documents from the First World Was period by Mehmed Talaat Pasha, the Ottoman empire's Minister of Interior and Grand Vizier. The documents deal with the relocations of both Turkish-Muslim and Armenian and the disposal of abandoned Armenian and Greek property. Its full title is "The Remaining Documents of Talaat Pasha: Documents and Important Correspondence Found in the Private Archives of Sadrazam Talaat Pasha about the Armenian Deportations". [1]

The existence of the original documents was disclosed in 2005 by Bardakçı in the first of a series of articles reproducing their contents in the Turkish newspaper Hürriyet.[2] The first article was published in April 2005, a second in September 2005, a third in April 2006, with a fourth appearing in the Turkish newspaper Sabah in February 2007.[3]

The notebook was handed over to him by Talat Pasha's widow, Hayriye Talat Bafralı, along with a batch of other documents comprising letters he had sent her and telegrammes exchanged between Committee of Union and Progress members. In April 2006, Bardakçı re-edited the book in full, adding parts that were missing in the first publication with the name Talat Paşa'nın Evrak-ı Metrukesi[4]

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 09:23 AM
The 1915–1916 resettlements cited in Talaat Pasha's Black Book of 702,905 Turks from regions under threat of occupation by Russian forces and of 924,158 Armenians. The cited figures do not fall in discordance with a 29 February 1916 letter sent to the US Secretary of State from the embassy in Istanbul reporting upon the number of Armenian immigrants (for Syria only).[5]

Bardakçı denies that the data in the papers indicate that a genocide of the Ottoman Empire's Armenian population had taken place. [6]

In accordance with 27 May 1915 Tehcir Law is qualified as exposing the genocide by one Armenian source which goes on to recall the clauses of the 1948 UN Convention on Genocide.[7]

In 2011 Gomidas Institute published a 70-page English-language book by Ara Sarafian titled "Talaat Pasha's Report on the Armenian Genocide". It contained the population statistics and other data from the Talat Pasha papers that had been published in Bardakçı's book, with additional analysis that included investigating what sources Talat Pasha might have used for his population figures. About the "Black Book", Sarafian concluded that its terminology and data should not be taken at face value, but that its existence gives insights into the inner world of the Ottoman government, and that its use of sanitised language was particularly noteworthy.

Murat Bardakçı complained that the 2011 Sarafian's translation into English of content derived from Talat Pasha's Abandoned Documents was copyright theft, that it distorted his book, and the publisher Everest has sued Gomidas on August 9, 2011.[8] In the introduction of his book historian Bardakçı explains that relocation was a large scale move of Armenians from locations with heavy population to other locations to spread them around within the country. For instance some Armenians were moved from Van to Izmit near Istanbul, some from Izmit to Kütahya (ei. Hudavendigar), and some from Kütahya to Afyon. He says "I sufficed with publishing these documents only, leaving the reader to comment and calculate for own. However, when calculating losses, it should be remembered that the difference between the population figures prior and after 1915 does not only indicate the number of those who lost their lives during relocation, but also includes those who chose to leave the country and go to Russia during combats [as Armenians deserted the Ottoman Army, changed sides under leadership of Karekin Pastermadjian and fought with Turks on the side of Russians [9] 644,900 Armenians returned home after the Armistice of Mudros in 1918 as stated in US archival documents.[10]

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 09:24 AM
Hüseyin Nihâl Atsız (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nihal_Ats%C4%B1z) (Ottoman Turkish: حسين نيهال أتسز) (January 12, 1905 – December 11, 1975)[1][2] was a prominent Turkish nationalist writer, novelist, poet and philosopher. Nihâl Atsız was a fervent supporter of the pan-Turkist or Turanism ideology. He is author of over 30 books and numerous articles. He was in strong opposition to the government of İsmet İnönü, which he criticized for co-operating with the communists.[3] He was accused of plotting to overthrow the government.[4]

Nihâl Atsız is foremost known for his nationalist views, his active campaign against Turkish communists, and his embracing of shamanistic ancient Turkic traditions. He is among the authors that influenced the Turkish nationalist movement known as Ülkücü movement (translated as "idealist"), a nationalist movement later associated to Alparslan Türkeş (and which was a break with Atsız's previous ideology of Turkism, on the grounds that it reconciles with Islam instead of denouncing it as "Arab religion").[5] Atsız worked on Turkism as an ideologue and activist but never joined any party or political group because he considered politics to be a way to corruption[citation needed]. He and his comrades published several Turkist magazines such as Ötüken, Yeni Hayat and Orkun. He wrote strong articles which criticized the government of İsmet İnönü and his alleged tolerance of communism in the country.

The views of Nihâl Atsız concerning the Jews radically changed after 1945. In 1934, he had written that "the Jew" was among "the internal enemies of Turkey". In 1947, he praised the Jewish people for setting an example of strong nationalism (Zionism): indeed, the Jews manage "to get back the land they had lost 2,000 years ago and to revive Hebrew which has remained only in the books and turn into a spoken language." Twenty years later, after the Six-day war, Atsız staunchly supported the Israeli point of view.[6]


Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 09:25 AM
EXTRACTING NATION OUT FROM HISTORY: THE RACISM OF NİHAL ATSIZ (http://www.academia.edu/2377649/Extracting_Nation_out_from_History_The_Racism_of_N ihal_Atsiz)

Nihal Atsiz - Ottoman Turkey's answer to Germany's Hitler.

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 09:26 AM
Nihal Atsiz's Literary work

Atsız majored in History of Literature, and published several academic essays about Ottoman literature and history. His essays about history are gathered and published as a book under the name of Türk Tarihinde Meseleler (Several Issues in Turkish History). He served as a literature teacher for a number of years.

Atsız is also an important novelist and poet. His historical epic novel Bozkurtların Ölümü (Death of the Gray Wolves) is one of the most popular historical novels in Turkish literature. The book concerns the last days of the first Gök Türk Empire and the impossible rebellion of Prince Kür-Şad and his forty warriors against the Chinese invaders.

Its sequel Bozkurtlar Diriliyor (Revival of the Gray Wolves) tells the story of Urungu (the unknown son of Kür-Şad) and the beginning of the second Gök Türk Empire.

His third novel, Deli Kurt (Mad Wolf), is about the mystic romance between a Sipahi warrior and a mysterious shamanist nomad woman in the early Ottoman Empire.

His last novel, Ruh Adam (Soul Man), is quite a complex psychological novel. The book has a spiritual and mystical atmosphere, full with surrealistic, allegorical figures such as Yek (who symbolizes Satan) and Lieutenant Şeref (who symbolizes Honour). It has a complex story, which is generally about the forbidden platonic love affair between an alcoholic ex-army officer and a diabolical, mysterious young high school student. The plot develops on the reincarnation of two lovers, which was a warrior banned from the army because of his love to the girl was greater than his love to his country in ancient nomad times.

Atsız wrote one satirical political comedy about İnönü government in the 1940s, Z Vitamini (Vitamin Z), which was about a fictional special vitamin which gives immortality to the dictator and his government. Another politicised novel of his was Dalkavuklar Gecesi (Night of The Sycophants), a historical allegory, which tells the story of political corruption during the Hittite era but actually referring (in a roman de clef fashion) to the injustices and arbitrariness of Atatürk's rule during the early 1930s.

Atsız is also a famous poet. His poems are in the style of Pre-Islamic literature and his common themes are idealism, honour, forbidden love, war and history. His complete poetic works have been published under the name of Yolların Sonu ("End of Roads").

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 09:28 AM
Nihal Atsiz's profile on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/nihal.atsiz1)

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 09:30 AM
Hrant Dink (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hrant_Dink)

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 09:31 AM
Hrant Dink (Armenian: Հրանդ Տինք, pronounced [həˈɾɑnt diŋkʰ]) (September 15, 1954 – January 19, 2007) was a Turkish-Armenian editor, journalist and columnist.[1]

As editor-in-chief of the bilingual Turkish-Armenian newspaper Agos, Dink was a prominent member of the Armenian minority in Turkey. Dink was best known for advocating Turkish-Armenian reconciliation and human and minority rights in Turkey; he was often critical of both Turkey's denial of the Armenian Genocide, and of the Armenian diaspora's campaign for its international recognition.[2][3] Dink was prosecuted three times for denigrating Turkishness, while receiving numerous death threats from Turkish nationalists.[2][4][5][6]

Hrant Dink was assassinated in Istanbul in January 2007, by Ogün Samast, a 17-year old Turkish nationalist. This was shortly after the premiere of the genocide documentary Screamers, in which he is interviewed about Turkish denial of the Armenian Genocide of 1915 and the case against him under Article 301. While Samast has since been taken into custody, photographs of the assassin flanked by smiling Turkish police and gendarmerie, posing with the killer side by side in front of the Turkish flag, have since surfaced. The photos created a scandal in Turkey, prompting a spate of investigations and the removal from office of those involved.[7][8]

At his funeral, two hundred thousand mourners marched in protest of the assassination, chanting "We are all Armenians" and "We are all Hrant Dink". Criticism of Article 301 became increasingly vocal after his death, leading to parliamentary proposals for repeal. The 2007–2008 academic year at the College of Europe was named in his honour.

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 09:32 AM
Hrant Dink was born in Malatya on September 15, 1954, the eldest of three sons to Sarkis Dink (known as Haşim Kalfa), a tailor from Gürün, Sivas, and Gülvart Dink, from Kangal, Sivas.[9] His father's gambling debts led to the family's move to İstanbul in 1960, where they sought a new beginning.[9] Sarkis Dink's gambling continued in İstanbul, however, and one year after their move, Dink's parents separated, leaving the seven-year old Dink and his brothers without a place to live. Dink's grandmother enrolled the boys at the Gedikpaşa Armenian Orphanage; Dink often noted his grandfather, who spoke seven languages and read constantly, as the role model and father figure who inspired his love of letters.[9]

The Gedikpaşa Armenian Orphanage, an institution run by the Armenian Evangelical Community, was to be home to Hrant Dink for the next ten years.[10] The orphanage children spent their summers at the Tuzla Armenian Children's Camp, on the Marmara beachfront in a suburb of İstanbul, building and improving the summer camp during their stay.[11] The Tuzla Armenian Children's Camp played a significant role in Hrant Dink's life, both personally, as he met his future wife as a child and later married her at the Camp, and professionally, as the government-led closing of the Camp in 1984 was one of the factors that raised Dink's awareness of the issues of the Armenian community and eventually led to his becoming an activist.[10][11]

Dink received his primary education at the Hay Avedaranagan İncirdibi Protestant Armenian Primary School and Bezciyan School and his secondary education at the Üsküdar Surp Haç Armenian High School, working as a tutor at the same time.[12]

During his senior year, he was expelled from the Üsküdar Surp Haç, and completed his high school degree at the Şişli Public High School.[9] Hrant Dink continued his education at Istanbul University, where he studied zoology and became a sympathizer of TİKKO, the armed faction of the Maoist TKP-ML.[10][13] Around this time, in 1972, he legally changed his name (to Fırat Dink), along with two Armenian friends, Armanek and İstepan, to disassociate their factional activities from the Armenian community.[13] His friend Armanek Bakırcıyan, who changed his name to Orhan Bakır, later rose in TİKKO to membership of the central committee, took part in armed struggle in Eastern Turkey and was killed during fighting in 1978.[9] Having fallen in love, Hrant Dink parted ways with his friends and remained at the sympathizer level, completing his bachelor's degree in Zoology and enrolling in the Philosophy Department for a second bachelor's degree, which he did not complete.[10][13]

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 09:35 AM

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 09:38 AM
Religious beliefs

Hrant Dink was baptized and married within the Armenian Apostolic Church, but was educated and sheltered at Armenian Protestant institutions and received his introduction to religion within the Protestant sphere.[19] Dink was a member of the Armenian Evangelical Church of Gedikpaşa, Istanbul, as well as a member by birth in the Armenian Apostolic Church.[19][20] He regarded both churches as part of his culture and said that he was not someone who dealt heavily with religious rituals.[19] Keeping the duality to the end, his funeral service was held in the Apostolic Church, by Patriarch Mutafyan, with Protestant ministers delivering eulogies at the burial.[21]

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 09:39 AM
Tuzla Armenian Children's Camp

Hrant Dink, together with his wife Rakel, took over the management of the Tuzla Armenian Children's Camp at the time of Güzelyan's arrest, while continuing in the bookstore business with his brothers.[10][16] In 1979, the General Directorate of Foundations started a court action to annul Gedikpaşa Armenian Protestant Church's ownership of the camp, based on a 1974 ruling by the Court of Appeals that made it impossible for minority foundations to own real estate beyond what they possessed in 1936.[11] After a five year legal battle, the court ruled that the land should be returned to its previous owner and in 1984 the camp was closed down.[11] The closure of the camp, where over 22 years around 1,500 children stayed affected Dink deeply and over the years he wrote about the camp often:[11]

"I went to Tuzla when I was 8. I poured my labour in there for 20 years. I met my wife Rakel there. We grew up together. We were married in the camp. Our children were born there... After the September 12 coup, our camp manager was arrested on the claim that he was raising Armenian militants. A wrongful claim. None of us was brought up to be a militant. My friends and I, each of us old charges of the camp, rushed to fill the job to save the camp and the orphanage from shutting down. But then, one day they handed us a paper from a court... 'We just found out that your minority institutions don't have a right to buy real estate. We never should have given you that permission way back then. This place will now revert to its old owner.' We fought for five years and we lost... Little chance we had with the state as the contester. Hear my plea, brothers, sisters!.."[25]

The Tuzla Armenian Children's Camp was the subject of an exhibit by the Turkish Human Rights Organization in 1996, the materials from which was published in book form in 2000, with a foreword by Orhan Pamuk and an afterword by Hrant Dink.[25] In 2001 the camp grounds were sold to a local businessman who intended to build a house on the site until Dink contacted him and let him know that the land had belonged to an orphanage.[16] The businessman offered to donate the land back, but the law at the time did not permit it.[16] At the time of Dink's death in 2007, the camp grounds continued to stand empty, awaiting the new Foundation law that was passed at the end of 2006 but was vetoed and returned to parliament by President Sezer.[16]

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 09:39 AM
Editor of Agos

Hrant Dink was one of the founders of Agos weekly, the only newspaper in Turkey published in Armenian and Turkish, and served as the editor-in-chief of Agos from its founding in 1996 until his death in 2007.[26] The first edition of Agos appeared on April 5, 1996, on the day of Surp Zadik (Easter) and was saluted by Patriarch Karekin II as a gift of Surp Zadik.[27]

Agos was born out of a meeting called by Patriarch Karekin II when mainstream media started linking Armenians of Turkey with the illegal Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK).[27] A picture of PKK's leader Abdullah Öcalan and an Assyrian priest appeared in a Turkish daily, with the caption "Here's proof of the Armenian-PKK cooperation".[28] Patriarch Karekin II asked the attendees at the meeting what needed to be done and the opinion that emerged from the meeting was that the Armenians in Turkey needed to communicate with the society at large.[27] The group held a widely covered press conference, followed by monthly press events and eventually formed Agos.[27]

Dink had not been a professional journalist until founding Agos.[27] Up to that point, he had contributed occasional articles and book reviews to local Armenian language newspapers and corrections and letters to the editor to the national dailies.[22] He soon became well known for his editorials in Agos and also wrote columns in the national dailies Zaman and BirGün.[29]

Up to the founding of Agos, the Armenian community had two main newspapers, Marmara and Jamanak, both published only in Armenian.[30] By publishing in Turkish as well as Armenian, Hrant Dink opened up the channels of communication to the society at large for the Armenian community.[27] After Agos started its publication, the participation of Armenians in the political-cultural life in Turkey increased greatly, and public awareness in Turkey of the issues of the Armenians started to increase.[27] Always willing to speak on the issues faced by Armenians, Hrant Dink emerged as a leader in his community and became a well-known public figure in Turkey.[31]

At its inception, Agos started with a circulation of 2,000, and at the time of Hrant Dink's death had reached a circulation of around 6,000.[27] Influential beyond its circulation, often applauded greatly by some and criticized heavily by others, Agos became a paper whose editorial viewpoint was sought after.[32]

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 09:41 AM

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 09:46 AM
Note ^Impostor Turkish Propaganda website disguising itself as impartial.

Direct Quote from the propaganda website calling itself the following:


Hrant Dink, was a Turkish-Armenian journalist. He worked as the editor-in-chief of the bilingual Turkish-Armenian newspaper Agos (????). He was extremely critical of both the Turkish Republic's position on the alleged Armenian Genocide, and of the Armenian diaspora's campaign for its international recognition. Hrant Dink was murdered in Istanbul in January 19th, 2007. The murderer, Ogün Samast, a 17-year old Turkish nationalist was arrested.

Investigations into why he was killed took place and it is believed that Samast was paid to assassinate Hrant Dink. After his death thousands of Turkish mourners marched the streets with slogans and signs saying "We are all Armenians" and "We are all Hrant Dink".

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 09:49 AM
Turkish Propaganda's Criticisms of Hrant Dink.

Since then, the Armenian propagandists and lobbyists have been using Hrant Dink as an argument in pointing out a Turkish conspiracy and trying to make it seem like he was killed because of anti-Armenianism being rampant in Turkey. The truth is, anti-Armenianism is close to non-existence and only the ignorant or uneducated promote hate. In Turkish education, the media, the government, and television, there is absolutely no anti-Armenianism. In fact, there are many well known famous Turkish-Armenians who are adored in Turkish theater and movies.

Almost all Turks are against the labeling of Armenian deaths in 1915 as genocide, because Turkish historians who have close proximity access to Ottoman archives have studied it extensively and found no evidence of the Armenian Genocide, only of Armenian massacres, but it is acknowledged by even the Ottomans at the time that sent telegrams and orders protesting the killings of Armenians. In essence, if Turkish historians found that the Ottoman Empire had indeed planned and perpetrated genocide against the Armenians, they would have no problem announcing this and teaching it. The problem is, after decades of research, no evidence proving the genocide appeared; on the contrary, more evidence that the Ottoman CUP government wasn't as bad as everyone thought was revealed.

The Turkish government is open to new research, and promotes historical research on the Armenian-Ottoman history, just see the following invitation spread all over the world by the Turkish government, targeted at Armenian historians, who are pressured and intimidated by Armenian propagandists not to join this joint-historical research

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 09:55 AM
Hrant Dink (September 15, 1954 - January 19, 2007) was born in Malatya. Dink was best known for his role as editor of 'Agos' Turkish and Armenian Language weekly in Istanbul. He worked as the columnist and editor-in chief of AGOS weekly newspaper, which can be regarded as the voice of Armenian community, from 1996 until January 19, 2007 when he was shot dead outside of his office.

At the age of seven, he migrated to İstanbul together with his family. In Istanbul, his parents got divorced and he was raised by the Armenian Orphanage in Gedikpasa, Istanbul with his 2 siblings.

He got his primary and secondary education in Armenian schools. Immediately after secondary school, he got married to Rakel, a childhood friend from the orphanage. Hrant finished the Istanbul University's Science Faculty with a degree in zoology. Hrant served 8 months with the Turkish Naval Infantry Regiment in Denizli to satisfy his mandatory military service. He had three children with his wife.

He graduated from Zoology Department of İstanbul University’s Science Faculty. Then he continued his education at Philosophy Department of the same university’s Literature Faculty for a while.

He started to publish the Turkish-Armenian weekly newspaper AGOS on April 5, 1996 to establish a bridge of communication and understanding between the larger Turkish population and the Turkish-Armenian community which he complained was living too isolated an existence. He tried to make AGOS newspaper a democrat and oppositional voice of Turkey and also to share the injustices done to Armenian community with public opinion.

One of the major aims of the newspaper is to contribute to dialogue between Turkish and Armenian nations and also between Turkey and Armenia.

He took part in various democratic platforms and civil society organizations.

He was charged and convicted of insulting Turkishness in Turkey, charges which he denied.

After his high profile trial, he was targeted by Turkish nationalists and murdered by gunshot to the head as he left his office. His son Arat now runs Agos and is now on trial for insulting Turkishness.

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 09:58 AM
People protesting Hrant Dink's murder.

Sabina is Armenian
6 February 2004 The Agos newspaper publishes the account of Hripsime Gazalyan, an Armenian from Gaziantep (south-east Turkey), who says that Turkey's first woman pilot Sabiha Gökcen was an Armenian orphan who was adopted after the events of 1915.

24 February 2004 Editor-in-chief Hrant Dink is called to the Istanbul Governor's Office, where it is said that he was threatened by two people in the presence of the vice-governor.

Poisoning effect in your blood
Dink wrote a series of articles in which he called on diaspora Armenians to stop focusing on the Turks and focus instead on the welfare of Armenia, said Karin Karakaþlý, an editor at Agos newspaper. Karakaþlý said Dink told Armenians their enmity toward the Turks "has a poisoning effect in your blood." She said the court took the article out of context, wrongly assuming it meant that Turkish blood is poison.

25 February 2004 One day later, following the complaint of one Mehmet Soykan to the Sisli Public Prosecutor's Office, Hrant Dink is accused of "degrading Turkishness" (Article 301) in another of his articles.

Public threats
26 February 2004 A group of people who identify themselves as members of the nationalist "hearth of ideals" (Ülkü Ocaklary) congregates in front of the Agos newspaper Office, shouting threatening slogans and holding placards, saying things such as "Be careful", "you will be held accountable" and "your hand will be broken".

Conviction under Article 301

On October 7, 2005 Hrant Dink was convicted under article 301 of the penal code of insulting Turkishness, charges that Dink said he would fight, adding that he would leave the country if they were not overturned. He was convicted and given a six-month suspended sentence, which means he will not be forced to serve prison time unless he repeats the offense. Dink has lived in Turkey all his life and was shown on television in tears as he denied the charges and vowed to fight them.

"I'm living together with Turks in this country," Dink told The Associated Press. "And I'm in complete solidarity with them. I don't think I could live with an identity of having insulted them in this country."

The court said Dink's article "was not an expression of opinion with the aim of criticizing but was intended to be insulting and offensive."
Dink, speaking in Turkish, said the sentence was an attempt to silence him.

"But I will not be silent," he said. "As long as I live here, I will go on telling the truth, just as I always have." Dink said he would appeal to Turkey's supreme court and to the European Court of Human Rights if necessary.

"If it is a day or six months or six years, it is all unacceptable to me," he said. "If I am unable to come up with a positive result, it will be honorable for me to leave this country."

Source: "Dink convicted of insulting Turkish identity", Turkish Daily News, Oct 8 2005
Poisoning part 2

December, 2005 a Turkish court opened a case against an Armenian-Turkish journalist for his comments on a six-month sentence it gave him earlier for denigrating Turkish identity.

The Istanbul court was acting after a group of nationalist lawyers asked the court to file a case against Hrant Dink, editor in chief of the bilingual Turkish and Armenian weekly Agos, and three Agos journalists, saying that the journalists "tried to influence the judiciary" through their editorials.

The case was sent to the Court of Appeals.

The nationalist Lawyers Unity Association asked the court to bring the case against the four journalists, who face jail terms of nine months to 4½ years, if convicted.

"The case has been opened because Dink and the other writers of the Armenian Agos publication have criticized a former sentence of the court in an effort to prevent a just lawsuit, which is against Article 288 of the code," said the leader of the association, Kemal Kerincsiz.

Mr. Dink told the Anka news agency that it was his right to criticize the earlier verdict, adding he would take the case to the European Court of Human Rights if the Court of Appeals upholds the court ruling.

Source: "Turkey Brings Another Case Against An Ethnic Armenian", Reuters/New York Times on Dec 26 2005

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 10:00 AM
Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink was assassinated in Istanbul on January 19, 2007. Dink was a newspaper editor who had written and spoken about the Armenian Genocide, well known for his efforts for reconciliation between Turks and Armenians and his advocacy of human and minority rights in Turkey. He had been under prosecution for violating Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code and "denigrating Turkishness". His murder sparked both massive national protests in Turkey itself as well as widespread international outrage.

Editorial policy
Dink's unique perspective has been described as a "four way mirror", simultaneously empathetic to people of the Armenian diaspora, citizens of the Republic of Armenia, Turkish Armenians, and citizens of Turkey.[27] Under Hrant Dink's editorship, Agos concentrated on five major topics: Speaking against any unfair treatment of the Armenian community in Turkey, covering human rights violations and problems of democratization in Turkey, carrying news of developments in the Republic of Armenia, with special emphasis on the Turkey-Armenia relations, publishing articles and serials on the Armenian cultural heritage and its contributions to the Ottoman Empire and Turkey, criticizing malfunctions and non-transparency in the Armenian community institutions.[27]

As a leftist activist, Hrant Dink often spoke and wrote about the problems of democratization in Turkey, defending other authors such as Nobel laureate Orhan Pamuk and novelist Perihan Mağden who came under criticism and prosecution for their opinions.[33] In a speech Hrant Dink delivered on May 19, 2006, at a seminar jointly organized in Antalya by the Turkish Journalists´ Association and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, he said:

"I think the fundamental problems in Turkey exist for the majority as well . Therefore, ..., I will speak for the majority, including myself in it and dwell on where, we, as Turkey, are headed."[34]

Acting as a voluntary spokesperson for the Armenian community in Turkey, Hrant Dink, through Agos, addressed the particular prejudices, injustices and problems the community faced in its interaction with the Turkish society and state.[27] Agos, through Hrant Dink's pen, criticized discrimination against Armenians found in Turkish mainstream media, publicized the problems faced by Armenian foundations, and spoke against cases of destruction of the Armenian cultural heritage.[13][25][35]

Armenian issues
Dink hoped his questioning would pave the way for peace between the two peoples:

"If I write about the [Armenian] genocide it angers the Turkish generals. I want to write and ask how we can change this historical conflict into peace. They don’t know how to solve the Armenian problem."[4]

He defended his constant challenge of established notions:

"I challenge the accepted version of history because I do not write about things in black and white. People here are used to black and white; that’s why they are astonished that there are other shades, too."[4]

Dink was one of Turkey's most prominent Armenian voices and, despite threats on his life, he refused to remain silent. He always said his aim was to improve the difficult relationship between Turks and Armenians.[36] Active in various democratic platforms and civil society organizations, Hrant Dink emphasized the need for democratization in Turkey and focused on the issues of free speech, minority rights, civic rights and issues pertaining to the Armenian community in Turkey. He was a very important peace activist. In his public speeches, which were often intensely emotional, he never refrained from using the word genocide when talking about the Armenian Genocide, a term fiercely rejected by Turkey.[33]

At the same time, he made clear that this term had a political meaning, rather than a historical one, and he was strongly critical of the strategy of the Armenian diaspora of pressuring Western governments into official recognition of the Genocide label.[27][37]

Dink featured prominently in the 2006 genocide documentary film Screamers in which he explains:

"There are Turks who don't admit that their ancestors committed genocide. If you look at it though, they seem to be nice people… So why don't they admit it? Because they think that genocide is a bad thing which they would never want to commit, and because they can't believe their ancestors would do such a thing either."[38]

Hrant Dink believed that diaspora Armenians should be able to live free of the weight of historical memory (the "residues of the past"), considering first and foremost the needs of the living majority (he said "eyes of the other side").[27]

Indicating that a show of empathy would have nothing to do with accepting or refusing the genocide, Dink called for dialogue:

"Turkish-Armenian relations should be taken out of a 1915 meters-deep well."[27]

By pointing out issues of rhetorical discourse that hampered Armenian-Turkish dialogue, he believed these obstacles could be overcome to the benefit of Turkish Armenians.[27]

He was opposed to the French law that makes denial of Armenian Genocide a crime. He was planning to go to France to commit this 'crime', when the law came into effect.[39]

According to Hrant Dink, Agos helped the development of the Armenian community such that it helped triple the participation in the last Patriarchal elections, trained many journalists, became the community's face to Turkish society and cultivated many friends. He voiced his intention for an "Institute of Armenian Studies" in Istanbul.[27] He tried to make it the democratic, opposition voice of Turkey, a voice used to inform the public of the injustices committed against the Armenian community. One of the major aims of the newspaper was to contribute to a dialog between the Turkish and Armenian communities, as well as between Turkey and Armenia.[citation needed]

Policy view
Hrant Dink promoted a policy of wider integration of Turkish-Armenians into the wider Turkish society. Critical of state injustices, he often underlined the fact that a stronger Turkey would be achieved through the elimination of discrimination. Even after his conviction for speaking of the Armenian Genocide, Dink continued to value his community, city, and country, noting often that his analysis and criticism was in the interest of strengthening the country. He concentrated on the mismanagement of community institutions, tried to promote obtaining rights through legal means, and was always open to compromise, once noting, "After all, Turkey is very reluctant to concede rights to its majority as well."[27]

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 10:07 AM
Happy is one who calls himself a Turk

Dink was tried in 2006 for remarks he made at a human rights conference in 2002, criticizing Turkey's national anthem and an oath taken by Turkish schoolchildren each day in which they say, "Happy is one who calls himself/herself a Turk.'

Dink said then that he did not feel like a Turk but like an Armenian who happens to be a citizen of Turkey. He also objected at the time to a line in the national anthem that says "smile upon my heroic race," saying the emphasis on race was a form of discrimination.

Hrant Dink faced up to three years in prison if found guilty by the court in the southeastern Turkish city of Sanliurfa where the conference on minorities and human rights was held.

AFP worded this differently:

Dink, who was not present at the first hearing, told AFP from his office in Istanbul that he believed the suit stemmed from his response to a question on what he felt when, at primary school, he had to take an oath with which elementary school days begin in Turkey. The patriotic verse which all students in Turkey have to memorize and recite begins with the lines: "I am a Turk, I am honest, I am hardworking".

"I said that I was a Turkish citizen but an Armenian and that even though I was honest and hardworking, I was not a Turk, I was an Armenian," Dink explained. He said he also criticized a line in the Turkish national anthem that speaks of "my heroic race".

"I said I did not feel like singing that line because I was against the use of the word 'race', which leads to discrimination," Dink said.

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 10:09 AM

Dink was assassinated in Istanbul around 12:00 GMT on January 19, 2007 as he returned to the offices of Agos.[6] The killer was reported to have introduced himself as an Ankara University student who wanted to meet with Mr. Dink. When his request was rejected, he waited in front of a nearby bank for a while.[9][10] According to eyewitnesses, Dink was shot by a man of 25 to 30 years of age, who fired three shots at Dink's head from the back at point blank range before fleeing the scene on foot. According to the police, the assassin was a man of 18 to 19 years of age. Two men had been taken into custody in the first hours of the police investigation, but were later released.[11] Another witness, the owner of a restaurant near the Agos office, said the assassin looked about 20, wore jeans and a cap and shouted "I shot the infidel" as he left the scene.[12] Dink's friend Orhan Alkaya suggested that the three-shot assassination technique was a signature mark of the Kurdish Hezbollah.[13] Dink's wife and daughter collapsed when they heard the news, and were taken to the hospital.

Capture of the suspected shooter
One day after the assassination, the police announced that the shooter had been identified in video footage collected through both the Istanbul MOBESE electronic surveillance network (4,000+ cameras throughout the city) and local security cameras. They later released photos to the public while urging every citizen to aid with the investigation. On the same evening, Istanbul Governor Muammer Güler addressed the press to state that special investigation committees were pursuing nearly two dozen leads and the police were analyzing ten thousand phone calls made from the vicinity of the crime scene.

News agencies reported on Saturday, 18:22 GMT that the shooter had been identified as "Ogün Samast", a teenager born in 1990 and registered as residing in Trabzon, the same city where barely one year ago the Catholic priest Andrea Santoro was shot dead by a 16-year-old native of the city, in front of the church of Santa Maria of Trabzon, which is a nationalist gathering center.[10] In recent years, Trabzon has become an important recruiting place for ultra-nationalist movement.[14] Samast's father identified him from the publicly released photos and alerted the authorities. Six people, including Samast's friend Yasin Hayal, who had been involved in a bombing of a McDonald's restaurant in Trabzon in 2004, were taken into custody and brought to Istanbul.[15] Later that evening at 19:55 GMT, news of Samast's capture in Samsun was announced. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan confirmed that the alleged assassin Ogün Samast had been captured, with the assassination weapon on him

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 10:11 AM

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 10:14 AM
Hrant Dink's Funeral

Dink's funeral service was held on January 23, 2007 in the Surp Asdvadzadzin Patriarchal Church in the Kumkapı neighborhood of Istanbul. Dink's funeral ceremony developed into a demonstration at which a hundred thousand citizens marched in protest of the killing.[16]

During a ceremony in front of the Agos office in Osmanbey, Rakel Dink, Hrant Dink's widow, read a letter she had written, addressed to her murdered husband. Afterwards the crowd walked for eight kilometers to Yenikapı via Taksim and Aksaray, while from Taksim Square onwards the coffin was taken directly to Kumkapı for a church service. During the march, many in the crowd carried placards reading "We are all Armenian" and "We are all Hrant Dink" in Turkish, Kurdish and Armenian, as well as placards reading "301 is the murderer". All leave for police in Istanbul had been canceled, and the funeral and march proceeded without incident.[citation needed]

The service was attended by members of the Turkish government, representatives from the Armenian diaspora as well as religious leaders. Although Turkey has no official diplomatic relations with Armenia, by invitation of Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdullah Gül, the Armenian Deputy Foreign Minister Arman Kirakosian was present at the funeral.[17] Prime Minister Erdoğan was not present at the funeral, because he had to attend the scheduled inauguration of the Mount Bolu Tunnel.[18]

After the church services, the hearse made a final tour for the thousands of marchers still gathered at Yenikapı, before proceeding to Balıklı Armenian Cemetery in Istanbul's Zeytinburnu neighborhood, where Dink's body was laid to rest. At the cemetery Rev. Krikor Agabaloglu (Pastor of the Armenian Evangelical Church of Gedikpaşa) and Rev. Rene Levonian (Armenian Evangelical World Council's representative) delivered short speeches in Turkish and in Armenian.[citation needed]

The funeral astonished and changed thoughts of some diaspora Armenians about Turkey. For example, Isabelle Kortian, an important diaspora (French) Armenian who came to Turkey for the funeral of Hrant Dink, wrote an article for a Turkish newspaper Zaman on 25 January 2007 saying "The Turks' embracing Dink made an effect of an earthquake on us".[19]


Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 10:28 AM
Seven years have passed since Hrant Dink’s assassination and those who planned his murder remain free. While the search for justice continues with a second round of trials, there seems to be insufficient political will to uncover the truth. With these new trials, I am reminded of Karl Marx’s famous adage about history repeating itself—the first time as tragedy, the second as farce. Frustrating as this may be, political will is precisely what prevents the Turkish justice system from discovering the guilty parties.

Friends and admirers of Hrant are understandably angry: How can the conspirators responsible for his assassination still be unknown? How can a single murder case last so long? The reasons are suggested in a “Tweet” posted by Prime Ministerial Advisor Hamdi Kilic on Jan. 2, 2014: “There is something known as ‘state tradition’ in this country; it still exists. It’s enough to read a little history to understand this.”

Kilic is right; the obstruction of justice in the Hrant Dink case is one of these disturbing “reflexes.” If we had simply read a little history, we would have understood what was transpiring in the trials of Hrant’s attackers. For a long time, Turks protesting Hrant’s murder resisted seeing the connection with the Armenian Genocide of 1915. Some were even angered by those who tried to suggest such a link. Yet, his assassins were well aware of this connection, and that is why they killed him. In deconstructing some of the founding myths of the Turkish state, Hrant threatened its traditions, and that is why his real killers remain free. His murder, as Kilic recognized, was an example of the Turkish state’s “traditional” reflexes.

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 10:35 AM
Hrant murdered in revenge for Talat Pasha

Hrant Dink was killed in revenge for the assassination of Talat Pasha, the architect of the Armenian Genocide. Everything about his murder suggested a “vengeance operation” for the 1921 conspiracy to assassinate Talat Pasha in Berlin. This, for example, accounts for the decision to murder Hrant Dink in public rather than to kidnap him, kill him, and throw his remains in some remote location—the way all the other “unknown perpetrator” crimes have been committed in Turkey. The conspirators deliberately chose to come up from behind and to shoot him in the head on the street, in front of Agos, the newspaper he edited. The operation mirrored precisely how Talat Pasha was killed. His attackers wanted revenge for the murder of Talat Pasha, and they did so by targeting Hrank Dink.

As 2015 approaches… the Turkish state will undertake a search for so-called “Good Armenians”—and it will find them! It will use these puppets as a counter-weight to the “intransigent,” “belligerent,” and “uncompromising” Armenians in the diaspora.

Yasin Hayal (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasin_Hayal): Did you know that the man who killed Talat Pasha was never punished, and that he was released?
Turkish Islamic Jihad (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkish_Islamic_Jihad) against unbeliever Armenian gyavur/infidel dhimmi.

Akcam: Talat Pasha Has Been Avenged (http://www.armenianweekly.com/2012/02/08/akcam-talat-pasha-has-been-avenged/)

Policeman who Posed with Dink Assassin Promoted (http://asbarez.com/101765/policeman-who-posed-with-dink-assassin-promoted/)

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 10:41 AM
When speaking with Turks, Hrant was polite and gracious enough to avoid the word “genocide.” “I know what was done to my people,” he would say, “but if my use of the word ‘genocide’ will be used against me as an excuse not to listen to the things I have to say, then I won’t use it.” Despite his extreme sensitivity and gentility in the matter, the authorities wanted to punish him anyway, claiming that he had used it—once! Before he was murdered, Hrant told me that he wanted to turn his trial for using the word ‘genocide’ into an historical showcase. “I will state that ‘Yes, 1915 was a genocide,’ and I will then turn the trial into a history course.” But they didn’t give him the chance.

Hrant Dink was murdered because he wanted to deconstruct Turkey’s founding myths. Those who planned the murder—the real culprits—have received promotions and praise for doing so. The sensitivity the government expressed over the confiscation of Armenian property was never shown toward the lives of Armenians. On the contrary, they oversaw the annihilation of a people. And the situation today is not so different! 1.5 million-plus-1. Hrant is the “plus-1.” Failing to recognize this, we cannot understand the crime or hope to solve it. As we approach the year 2015, the 100-year anniversary of the Armenian deportations and genocide, we won’t be able to confront this crime without first admitting to ourselves that, “Yes, 1915 was a genocide and it must be acknowledged as such.” And that “Hrant was murdered because he reminded us of the million-plus Hrants of 1915.”

Let Hrant Dink be a symbol for us. Let him be our Martin Luther King. Even as others in the past have gathered closely around Talat Pasha and his ilk, and even as they today gather around Erdogan and his, let us hold fast to Hrant. Let Hrant and the “1.5 million-plus-1” be our point of divergence between our republic and their republic. This is the only way that we can claim our Islamic selves, our Turkishness and/or our Kurdishness from the hands of murders —those of yesterday and of today.

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 10:42 AM

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 10:47 AM

• Article 301 of Turkey’s penal code states that “publicly denigrating Turkishness” is a punishable offense.
• The penal code also makes public affirmation of the Armenian Genocide in Turkey punishable under Article 301.

• Turkey is the only country in the world where speaking the
truth about the Armenian Genocide is regarded a prosecutable
• Article 301 has been invoked in dozens of cases against peaceful, law-abiding citizens who have taken public positions challenging their government’s distortions and denials of historical facts.(1954-2007)

Newspaper Editor and Columnist-Founder of Agos Weekly

• The Turkish courts dismissed all cases filed against Turkish nationals under Article 301 except Hrant
Dink, one of the most vocal advocates of human rights and tolerance in Turkey, and the only ethnic
Armenian prosecuted.

• For simply mentioning of the Armenian Genocide, Hrant Dink was hauled to court and convicted in
2005. This very public prosecution in the courts, and in the Turkish media, made him a target of

• The rule of law in Turkey was turned upside down by Article 301. Article 301 has been abused by
ultranationalist prosecutors and judges to impose an authoritarian conformity on Turkish society. It has
fostered extreme and intolerant forms of nationalism and was applied to target one of the bravest
champions of democratic freedoms to the point of exposing him and delivering him as the victim of a
ruthless assassin.

• Ninety-three years after the Armenian Genocide, Hrant Dink is the latest victim of Turkey’s continuing
campaign of denial and intolerance. It is clear that Armenians and other minorities are still at risk in

• Article 301 of the Turkish penal code has become a painful reminder of the open wounds of genocide
and its denial. Because of Article 301 the name of so distinguished a journalist – a figure honored
everywhere for his courage and decency – has been added to the list of victims of hate, racism, and

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 10:50 AM
Justice as Joke: The Trial of Hrant Dink’s Murderers

When Hrant Dink was assassinated in front of the Agos newspaper offices in Istanbul, Turkey, five years ago on Jan. 19, 2007, the significance of this heinous act was not immediately understood. Neither the Turkish people nor the Turkish state, “deep” or otherwise, realized that this was not another murder of a journalist, so tragically common in Turkey. No one in Turkey could predict that this murder would become a turning point for Turkey on such far-reaching issues as democratization, freedom of speech, the “deep state,” and Turkish-Armenian relations from the present all the way back to 1915. Although the assassin was caught almost immediately by police, perhaps even leading one to wonder about their prior knowledge, the question of “Who ordered the assassination?” could not be answered five years ago—and cannot be answered now, after five long years of a trial completed just two days before the fifth anniversary of the shooting. It seems, however, that the end of the trial is not the end of this case. The spontaneous support shown by several hundred thousand ordinary people who took to the streets during Hrant’s funeral, is now being repeated after five years, with outrage at the trial verdict and demands for truth.

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 11:11 AM

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 11:14 AM
Turkish response to protesters of Hrant Dink's death:

Protests in Istanbul: "You are all Armenian, you are all bastards" (http://www.lbcgroup.tv/news/21966/protests-in-istanbul-you-are-all-armenian-you-are)

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 11:35 AM

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 12:02 PM
How the Turkish Jihadis overran the homeland of the Armenians and occupied it (present day Eastern Turkey) and massacred the Armenian Christians in cold Blood right up to the 20th century!

Al-Ghazali (d. 1111), the famous theologian, philosopher, and paragon of mystical Sufism wrote the following about jihad:

"Everyone must go on jihad (i.e., warlike razzias or raids) at least once a year...one may use a catapult against them [non-Muslims] when they are in a fortress, even if among them are women and children. One may set fire to them and/or drown them...If a person of the Ahl al-Kitab [People of The Book - Jews and Christians, typically] is enslaved, his marriage is [automatically] revoked- and his wife becomes the rightful property of a Muslim.One may cut down their trees...One must destroy their useless books. Jihadis may take as booty whatever they decide...the Jihadis may steal as much food as they need..."


Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 12:04 PM
Turk converts to Christianity

Turkic and Turkish people Join Islamic State of Sham (ISIS) to fight in Syria



08-13-2014, 12:39 PM
While the Ottoman Empire was in existence from 1300 (up to 1923), the Armenians had come under the Turkish yoke three centuries before that in 1071. In that year the Seljuk Turks had defeated the Byzantines at the battle of Manzikert ("kert" means place in Armenian) and overrun the Armenian provinces of the Byzantine Empire. All through this period it in spurts the Turks carried out the Armenian Genocide.

Armenia was ruled by Muslim Turks headed by the sultanate of the Osmanli/Ottoman dynasty. Following the prescriptions of the Quran, the Ottoman state, variously called Turkey or the Turkish Empire, was governed according to Islamic law which relegated non-Muslims to second class status as Dhimmis (or Zimmis) by denying them basic civil rights and requiring them to pay penal taxes. This discriminatory system was institutionalized through the so-called millat (community) system which deprived them from all forms of political participation and basic human rights.

The major portion of the Armenian population of the Middle East came under Ottoman rule after the conquest of Cilicia by the Seljuk Turks in 1071 that was a consequence of the Battle of Manzikert. This battle was followed by the occupation of the rest of Armenia by the successors to the Seljuk Turks - the Ottoman Turks. This process of occupation went on up to the thirteenth century.
Which one is right

The post-war Turkish government, however, balked at carrying out the sentences and the tribunals were closed under pressure from the Turkish Nationalists. Ironically, in spite of the secularization under Mustapha Kemal Pasha, the Turkish policy as regards the Armenians remained unchanged as it was under the Ottoman Turks.

In 1915 Armenians lived in all the major cities of the Ottoman Empire, Van, Bitlis, Erzerum, Kharpert, Sivas, Trebizond, Konya, Kayseri, Adana, Izmir, Bursa, Edirne, and many others. But after systematic genocides, by 1923 the Armenian population of Turkey had been reduced only to those living in Constantinople. Armenians had participated in all aspects of Ottoman life and had made major contributions to Turkish commerce, industry, architecture, and even music. Yet, in the final analysis, the centuries of Turkish rule resulted in the utter ruin of historic Armenia, the expulsion of the Armenians from Asiatic Turkey and the permanent exile of surviving Armenians only in mountainous regions of the Kavkaz (Caucasus).

08-13-2014, 12:43 PM
]- During Crimea War, Armenians of Van wrote a letter to the Tsar and demanded annexation to Russia. ( 1872 )
- Hinchak Party organized a rebellion in Zeitun. 20.000 Muslim Turks were slaughtered. ( 1895 )
- Armenians with weapons filled the streets of Istanbul. Turks retaliated and clashes lasted for three days. This event is also known as The Sublime Porte incident. ( 1895 )
- Almost 1 year before the relocation law was issued, Tashnak Party published a manifesto after the congress they gathered in Tblisi and declared that they were ready to sacrifice their blood for Russian victory. ( 1914 )
- Armenian revolt in Van began. Until Russian Army and Armenian volunteer regiments arrived to the city, 30.000 Muslim Turks were slaughtered by Dashnaks guerillas in just 1 month. ( April 14th, 1914 )

- These Armenian volunteers, in order to avenge their compatriots who had been massacred by the Kurds, committed all kinds of excesses. More than 600.000 Kurds being killed between 1915-1918 in the eastern provinces of Turkey.
( The Kurds, Oxford University Press, 1966, Page 26 )

- We have never denied the Armenian crime of genocide inflicted upon 2.5 million Ottoman Muslims between 1914-1920.
( Voices of Agonies, Agop Zahoryan, London Re-print, 1954, Page 91 )

- In history, it happened to the Muslims of Russian Armenia and Eastern Anatolia. 2.5 million Muslims were killed by the Armenians in the worst possible way imaginable. It is sickening to think that the human race is capable of such actions but there is no denying the fact that the Armenian genocide of 2.5 million Muslims happened. The Armenian General Dro, the butcher, was the architect of this Armenian genocide of Muslims between 1914-1920.
( Armenian Affairs Magazine, Winter Issue, 1949-50, Page 19, Footnote, Arthur Derounian )

- All Turkish children also should be killed as they form a danger to the Armenian nation.
( Hamparsum Boyaciyan nicknamed Murad, a former Ottoman parliamentary who led the Armenian guerilla forces ravaging Turkish villages behind the lines, 1914 )

- Armenian Terrorism in Tashnak Report

The commander of Tashnak Bas-Gyarninsk regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Melik Sahnazarov states that they bombed all villages in the region, they captured 30 Turkish villages and asks for permission to bomb the remaining 29 villages in a report with urgent seal on it written on 7th of November, 1918.
( Beyazit-Vaaram, 1920 )

We exterminated the Turkish population in Basar-Gecar with no exception. Not to waste our bullets, the most effective method against these dogs, is to gather the ones who survived the clashes and throw them into the wells and crush them with heavy rocks. So, we did the same. We gathered all the men, women and children. I ended their lives personaly by crushing them with heavy rocks from above in the wells which they were thrown into.
( This document was published by Armenian-Soviet historian Lalayan, Revolyutsionniy Vostok Magazine, 2nd and 3rd edition, 1936 and History Institute of USSR Science Academy's Istroriceskie Zapiski Magazine, 2nd edition, 1938 )

- In Soviet Armenia today, there no longer exists a single Turkish soul.
( Sahak Melkonian, Preserving The Armenian Purity, 1920 )[/FONT]

It's a historical fact that some Turks, bearing arms, have turned their weapons upon defenseless women and children, yet such people weren't so brave when fighting armed combatants who could shoot back.

- The most important official document indicating the Armenian Armed movements before World War 1 is the 1910 speech given by the Armenian Revolutionary Federation ideologist Mikail Varangian in Copenhagen during the 2nd Socialist International. The report shows that the Tashnak Party had organized and formed armed regiments in formation of gangs in almost every city of Anatolia by adopting a terrorist movement. The original version of this report is in Belvedere archives.


After all, murder victims cannot protest against slander, when their bones are somewhere bleaching in the Syrian Desert.

- As suggested in 60 Minutes of CBS, which aired a program called Battle Over History on Sunday. Deir Zor is to Armenians what Auschwitz is to Jews, said the CBS program. Syrian Information Minister Mohsen Bilal denied that there is a mass grave of Anatolian Armenians in Deir Zor, Syria. Bilal labeled the information of the CBS program as fictitious and also said that if they had information, they would not let video footage to be taken there.
( 2010/03/04 )

Don't throw rocks from your glass houses! There's plenty of documentary evidence which proves that it was a Turkish State Policy to destroy Armenian Cultural Landmarks in Western Armenia (AKA Eastern Turkey).

There is no such thing called Western Armenia. There was never an independent Armenian state or an empire in Caucasus in the last 1500 years.

- The geographical region was named Great Armenia not because it is “great”, but because it is “greater” than Little Armenia. In fact, no early source confirms the existence of any state named Great Armenia in the history. No archaeological excavation has ever discovered Great Armenia-engraved coins. The coins minted by the Parthian Tigranes II claimed by the Armenians do not confirm him as ruler of Great Armenia either. Great Armenia is not historical truth, but an infamous “national ideology”, reactionary, religious, terrorist and aggressive “doctrine” aimed at occupying foreign territories for nomadic Armenians, who had never owned their own lands.
( Bunak V.V, Grande Armenie, M, 1927, Page 26 )

One aspect of their strategy for denying the facts of the Armenian Genocide, is to blame the murder victims for imaginary crimes, so as to slander them.

As a typical Armenian, almost everything you posted above are lies, distortions and falsifications. The usual Armenian method of self-victimization, self-pitty and demonizing Turks with fancy, long sentences and humanity lectures which have barely any sort of evidence or facts in them. Why dont you prove how my post is a lie with archive documents and facts then? Why dont you post where those mass graves in Deir Zor are? It is ironic that you try to label others with what Armenians are best doing at which is slander and propaganda. Armenians are equally brainwashed no matter what their gender and age is. Pretty sad and pathetic to have an identity which was built on lies and hate. Grandmother tales, urban legends, horror stories and lots of monuments for the imaginary 1.5 million victims of a fabricated historical event.

08-13-2014, 12:48 PM
Armenian Lies 1

Armenian Lies 2

Armenian Lies 3

Armenian Lies 4

Armenian Lies 5

Armenian Lies 6

Armenian Lies 7


08-13-2014, 12:51 PM
real documents, real victims, real witnesses
the reality about the armenian bestiality



The massacred Turks and all the evidence


08-13-2014, 12:56 PM

08-13-2014, 04:26 PM
Again this biased "only Turks genocided Armenians" bullshit, I can't hear it anymore, this is so disgusting for the Armenian and Turkish victims...

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 08:10 PM

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 08:17 PM
those who mock the dead are complicit in the crime!

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 08:20 PM
real documents, real victims, real witnesses
the reality about the armenian bestiality

bestiality? (http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/man-rapes-duck-in-turkish-village-.aspx?pageID=238&nid=30133&NewsCatID=341)

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 08:25 PM
Again this biased "only Turks genocided Armenians" bullshit, I can't hear it anymore, this is so disgusting for the Armenian and Turkish victims...

quit engaging in apologetics in support of jihadi murderers...

even other Muslims (who believe in Jihad) recognize the pathetic extent of institutionalized and propagandized denial by your fellow 'Turks'.

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 08:26 PM
Leading Muslim Cleric Issued Fatwa, Condemning Turks for Killing Armenians (http://www.aina.org/news/20120814192022.htm)

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 08:30 PM
Armenian Lies 1

Armenian Lies 2

Armenian Lies 3

Armenian Lies 4

Armenian Lies 5

Armenian Lies 6

Armenian Lies 7


you are nothing but an apologist and fanboy of your genocidal ancestors. you are complicit in the crime for mocking the dead, in which you take pride inwardly yet seek to portray yourself as the targets of conspiracy. but you probably know that already;)

08-13-2014, 08:31 PM
bestiality? (http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/man-rapes-duck-in-turkish-village-.aspx?pageID=238&nid=30133&NewsCatID=341)
alert vulture http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoophilia

08-13-2014, 08:33 PM

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 08:45 PM

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 08:49 PM
alert vulture http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoophilia

Turkish Strays in Desperate Need of Justice
Facebook support group (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Justice-for-the-dog-brutally-raped-and-killed-in-Sincan-Turkey/198793526807906)

Vile disgusting heathens (http://engforum.pravda.ru/index.php?/topic/153836-cruel-in-turkey-they-rape-dogs/)

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 08:52 PM

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 08:55 PM
Do you 'people' even know the meaning of the word 'denial'?


Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 09:05 PM
but there still hope for the heathen offspring of depraved jihadi savages to dignify themselves...
once they quit glorifying the crimes of their heroes :coffee:

08-13-2014, 09:08 PM
500 messages in a week, ur life must be cool dude

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 09:12 PM
500 messages in a week, ur life must be cool dude

lol I just finished summer school, so I am compensating for all the days that I wanted to post on this forum, but was too busy with studies...;)

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 09:13 PM
The Forgotten Genocide, Rediscovered (http://www.orthodoxytoday.org/articles7/BostomArmenia.php)
Andrew G. Bostom

A combination of official diplomatic correspondence, and private memoirs -- most notably the diaries of Henry Morgenthau, the U.S. ambassador to Turkey from 1913 to 1916, an extended report by American consul Leslie Davis in Harput, Turkey, from 1915 to 1917, and the recently published United States Official Records on the Armenian Genocide, 1915-1917 -- provides lucid, often repellently detailed historical accounting of what the U.S. government knew regarding the Ottoman Empire and the Armenian genocide. These materials are perhaps the most salient examples of the evidence, as per the language of HR:/ SR:106, "documented in the United States record," which support the formal U.S. recognition of the Armenian genocide as proposed in the Congressional resolutions.

The wartime reports from German and Austro-Hungarian officials, Turkey's World War I allies, as well as earlier British diplomatic reports dating back to 1890, confirm the independent U.S. evidence that the origins and evolution of the genocide had little to do with World War I "Armenian provocations." Contemporary accounts by European diplomats written from 1890 through the World War I era, also demonstrate that these genocidal massacres were perpetrated in the context of a formal jihad waged against the Armenians because they sought the equal rights promised to them, but never granted, under various failed schemes to reform the discriminatory system of Ottoman Islamic Law ("Shari'a"). A widely disseminated 1915 Ottoman Fatwa entitled "Aljihad"(brought to the U.S. Consul's attention in Cairo), for example, clearly sanctioned religiously motivated jihad violence. Historian Johannes Lepsius' eyewitness accounts from Turkey documented the results of such invocations of jihad:

"559 villages whose surviving inhabitants were converted to Islam with fire and sword; 568 churches thoroughly pillaged, destroyed and razed to the ground; of 282 Christian churches transformed into mosques; of 21 Protestant preachers and 170 Armenian priests who were, after enduring unspeakable tortures, murdered on their refusal to accept Islam." Lepsius concluded with this rhetorical question: "Is this a religious persecution or is it not?"

08-13-2014, 09:13 PM
lol I just finished summer school, so I am compensating for all the days that I wanted to post on this forum, but was too busy with studies...;)

if u want people to read your threads u should focus on few ones and fill them otherwise people will think u troll

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 09:18 PM
if u want people to read your threads u should focus on few ones and fill them otherwise people will think u troll
guess how much I care about what people think of me...

08-13-2014, 09:20 PM
Armenian lies has started with falsifying, and it continues

Erich Feigl's caption partly reads: "Vicious propaganda comes in various forms. One of the most sinister is the hidden falsification... Casual observers — and they are... the majority — will inevitably make a connection between Talaat and the crania on the cover." (From "A Myth of Terror.")

The history of Armenian photo falsifications start with the publication of the book "Der Völkermord an den Armenien vor Gericht. Der Prozess Talaat Pascha," in 1920 (or 1921) in Berlin. On The cover of the book there is a horrid pyramid of skulls which is accompanied by a picture of Talat Pasha, the Ottoman Minister of the Interior. The book presented the image as a proof of the “Ottoman” barbarity. The “photo” appeared also in 1352 copies of a "well published" book entitled The Massacre of Armenians (Katliami Ermeniyan), by Ismail Ra'in, in 1979 Iran... supported by "some Armenian circles during the Shah's time." The Persian legend under the “photograph” says: Serha-yi eramene-ike katliam shudend der sal 1917 (or "the skulls of Armenians massacred in the year 1917"). But the real great public appearance of this “photo” was in Canada. It was enlarged and shown to the Canadian public in the 1970's, in the Yerevan Pavillion at the annual Metro International Caravan festivities in Toronto, as proof of the Armenian "Genocide." Further, the daily Nova-Svetlina, dated April 23, 1985, of Bulgaria, published an article entitled "Tragic Memories" (Tragichni Spomeni) and signed by an Armenian, M.Sofian. It reproduces the same pictures with the following legend: "The terrifying traces of barbaric massacres of the Armenians in Turkey in the year 1915." Also it was printed on to Postcards by "Committee for Support to Max Hrair Kilnjian" in France.

But the truth behind this “photo," which “displays the evil nature of the Turks “and their ”organized violence against Armenians”, was a bit different… This “Photo” was not a photo at all but a painting by a Russian artist Vassili Vereshchagin (1842-1904). This Russian painting named "The Apotheosis of War," was created in 1871 and it still hangs in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow. Only after Prof. Ataöv exposed the truth about this so called photographic evidence in 1980 it slowly faded away in the depths of the Armenian propaganda.

It indeed is puzzling to see that this outrageous and careless falsification really made it that far. But thanks to the immense prejudices of the western public and their reluctance to hear what the Turks say, the quick recipe of preparing careless fake and falsified photos still works very well today.
Armenians was terrorist, and they are still terrorists
During 1900-

"More than 3000 Mountain Jews were killed by Armenians during 1918-1919"
during 1970-1980 ASALA terorizm

The main targets of Armenian terror organizations, ASALA in particular, were now being chosen from among Turkish diplomats abroad. The first of the series of terrorist attacks was carried out against Mehmet Baydar, the Turkish Consul General in Los Angeles and his Deputy, Bahadir Demir. The assassinations were perpetrated by an Armenian by the name of Gurgen Yanikan in 1973. This individual action turned into organized Armenian terror as of 1975 and further escalated as of 1979. 110 acts of terror were carried out by Armenian terrorists in 38 cities of 21 countries. 39 of these were armed attacks, 70 of them bomb attacks and one was an occupation. 42 Turkish diplomats and 4 foreign nationals were assassinated in these attacks, while 15 Turks and 66 foreign nationals were wounded.

Orly Airport attack by Armenian terrorists

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 09:23 PM
"No Room to Deny Genocide" (http://www.orthodoxytoday.org/articles7/BostomArmenia.php)

The Boston Globe's Jeff Jacoby emphasized the nexus between the jihad genocide of the Armenians, the contemporary depredations of jihad, and the dangers of denial:

"And at a time when jihadist violence from Darfur to Ground Zero has spilled so much innocent blood, dissimulation about the jihad of 1915 [emphasis added] can only aid our enemies."

Moreover the various "strategic rationales" and arguments put forth to oppose formal U.S. recognition (as in HR:/SR:106) of the Armenian genocide -- the U.S.-Turkish alliance, the Turkish-Israeli alliance, the vulnerability of Turkey's vestigial Jewish minority -- appear wanting and hackneyed in light of burgeoning evidence which undermines their basic credibility.

But most importantly, there is a compelling moral imperative to pass these resolutions which transcends the dubious geopolitical considerations used to rationalize and sustain Turkey's ongoing campaign of genocide denial. Professor Deborah Lipstadt, the renowned Holocaust scholar, and author of Denying the Holocaust, and History on Trial (which recounts her crushing defeat of Nazi-sympathizer David Irving's "libel' suit"), in conjunction with twelve other leading genocide scholars, elucidated the corrosive immorality of genocide denial in this 1996 statement:

Denial of genocide -- whether that of the Turks against the Armenians or the Nazis against the Jews -- is not an act of historical reinterpretation. Rather, it sows confusion by appearing to be engaged in a genuine scholarly effort. Those who deny genocide always dismiss the abundance of documents and testimony as contrived or coerced, or as forgeries and falsehoods. Free speech does not guarantee the deniers the right to be treated as the 'other' side of a legitimate debate when there is no credible other side"; nor does it guarantee the deniers space in the classroom or curriculum, or in any other forum. Genocide denial is an insidious form of intellectual and moral degradation...

08-13-2014, 09:24 PM

once they quit glorifying the crimes of their heroes :coffee:
yes A armenian LIAR , they are Bosniaks , murdered by orthodox SERBS you Armenian LIAR
all the other photos are also falsified, piss off
that is the proof of how you sick people making stuff

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 09:27 PM
"Tall Armenian Tale" (http://tallarmeniantale.com/), the Armenian Genocide Denial fanclub

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 09:35 PM
yes A armenian LIAR , they are Bosniaks , murdered by orthodox SERBS you Armenian LIAR
all the other photos are also falsified, piss off
that is the proof of how you sick people making stuff

where is your proof that this is photo is of the Bosnian genocide? all I read was your retarded gobble.

And even if it is...I was browsing for Armenian genocide photos, and this was one of those I found. so I posted it. So to accuse me of being dishonest over that just shows how desperate you are... (I will remove it though, since I haven't verified it yet)

08-13-2014, 09:37 PM
where is your proof that this is photo is of the Bosnian genocide? all I read was your retarded gobble.

And even if it is...I was browsing for Armenian genocide photos, and this was one of those I found. so I posted it. So to accuse me of being dishonest over that just shows how desperate you are... (I will remove it though, since I haven't verified it yet)
go ahead liar, they are bosniaks. you can find on internet self

Armenian Bishop
08-13-2014, 09:41 PM
lol I just finished summer school, so I am compensating for all the days that I wanted to post on this forum, but was too busy with studies...;)

Your Comments are interesting and informative, but it'd be nice to take a breath, for 10 minutes, and wait for replies after 2 or 3 consecutive posts. Maybe it would've been better to post this as a Blog.

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 09:41 PM
Armenian lies has started with falsifying, and it continues

The history of Armenian photo falsifications start with the publication of the book "Der Völkermord an den Armenien vor Gericht. Der Prozess Talaat Pascha," in 1920 (or 1921) in Berlin. On The cover of the book there is a horrid pyramid of skulls which is accompanied by a picture of Talat Pasha, the Ottoman Minister of the Interior. The book presented the image as a proof of the “Ottoman” barbarity. The “photo” appeared also in 1352 copies of a "well published" book entitled The Massacre of Armenians (Katliami Ermeniyan), by Ismail Ra'in, in 1979 Iran... supported by "some Armenian circles during the Shah's time." The Persian legend under the “photograph” says: Serha-yi eramene-ike katliam shudend der sal 1917 (or "the skulls of Armenians massacred in the year 1917"). But the real great public appearance of this “photo” was in Canada. It was enlarged and shown to the Canadian public in the 1970's, in the Yerevan Pavillion at the annual Metro International Caravan festivities in Toronto, as proof of the Armenian "Genocide." Further, the daily Nova-Svetlina, dated April 23, 1985, of Bulgaria, published an article entitled "Tragic Memories" (Tragichni Spomeni) and signed by an Armenian, M.Sofian. It reproduces the same pictures with the following legend: "The terrifying traces of barbaric massacres of the Armenians in Turkey in the year 1915." Also it was printed on to Postcards by "Committee for Support to Max Hrair Kilnjian" in France.

But the truth behind this “photo," which “displays the evil nature of the Turks “and their ”organized violence against Armenians”, was a bit different… This “Photo” was not a photo at all but a painting by a Russian artist Vassili Vereshchagin (1842-1904). This Russian painting named "The Apotheosis of War," was created in 1871 and it still hangs in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow. Only after Prof. Ataöv exposed the truth about this so called photographic evidence in 1980 it slowly faded away in the depths of the Armenian propaganda.

It indeed is puzzling to see that this outrageous and careless falsification really made it that far. But thanks to the immense prejudices of the western public and their reluctance to hear what the Turks say, the quick recipe of preparing careless fake and falsified photos still works very well today.
Armenians was terrorist, and they are still terrorists
During 1900-

"More than 3000 Mountain Jews were killed by Armenians during 1918-1919"
during 1970-1980 ASALA terorizm

Orly Airport attack by Armenian terrorists


This is what I would call a "Turk Quoque Fail", i.e. an application of the standard "Tu quoque" fallacy by Turks in attempting to relativise and dismiss the genocides, massacres, and other crimes committed by their ancestors (and apparent heroes).

Let me explain...

Tu Quoque

Translation: "You, also" or "You're another", Latin
Type of Argumentum ad Hominem fallacy related to 'Two Wrongs Make a Right' approach.


Tu Quoque is a very common fallacy in which one attempts to defend oneself or another from criticism by turning the critique back against the accuser. This is a classic Red Herring since whether the accuser is guilty of the same, or a similar, wrong is irrelevant to the truth of the original charge. However, as a diversionary tactic, Tu Quoque can be very effective, since the accuser is put on the defensive, and frequently feels compelled to defend against the accusation.

08-13-2014, 09:41 PM
Forensic experts have managed to identify 100 of nearly 400 people killed during the 1992-1995 war and buried in a mass grave near the northwestern town of Prijedor, the State Prosecutor’s Office in Sarajevo said on Friday
shits off Armenian liars.

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 09:43 PM
Your Comments are interesting and informative, but it'd be nice to take a breath, for 10 minutes, and wait for replies after 2 or 3 consecutive posts. Maybe it would've been better to post this as a Blog.

thank you for the kind words.

I would love to make my own blog, if I could. How do you open one?

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 09:45 PM
Forensic experts have managed to identify 100 of nearly 400 people killed during the 1992-1995 war and buried in a mass grave near the northwestern town of Prijedor, the State Prosecutor’s Office in Sarajevo said on Friday

thanks for providing the proof

08-13-2014, 09:47 PM

Armenian committeemen not only conducted massacres on Turks, but also made various oppressions on the Armenians whom they suspected were on the side of the Turks.

After the Kumkapi demonstration, which took place in July 1890, the Hinchak Committee, started arranging assassinations to the suspected Armenians presumed to be the supporters of the government.

Advocate Hachik was killed by a 15-year-old Armenian named Armenak.

Dacad Varabet, the preacher of Gedikpasa Church was cut into pieces.

Mampre Karabet, who was elected to the Spiritual Assembly, was wounded assassination and because of spying for the government.

It was suspected that Patriarch Ashikyangave the plans of the committee to the government, and due to this reason an assassination was arranged by an Armenian named Diyarbakirli Agop / Agop From Diyarbakir, elected by drawing lots by the committee in the patriarch ate church on March 24, 1804. Since the Karadag branded pistol the assassin used was defective, the young man was arrested.

The Hinchak Committee carried out an assassination on March 10, 1894 to Simon Maksut, when they considered being the friend of Ashikyan, through two committeemen, in front of the Havyar Han in Galata.

The French Ambassador Monsieur Cambon gave the following information to the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs on March 27, 1894 about these assassinations:

“From Cambon to Casimir Perier,

Beyoglu: March 27, 1894

Last Sunday, while Patriarch Ashikyan was leaving the Kumkapi Church after the ritual service in order to go back to the patriarchate, an eighteen-year-old Armenian youngster aimed on him by his pistol and fired a few shots. Since the weapon was defective, no bullet hit the patriarch. The patriarch was fainted and he was treated in his home. The young Armenian was taken to the police station, and when he was interrogated on the reason of the murdering, he told that Ashikyan is the enemy of Armenians, and that he frequently informed the government, therefore, the Armenians had sworn to get rid of this man to save the nation. He also emphasised that he and his colleagues from the same sect were faithful to the Sultan.

Cambon. “

Monsieur Cambon states in his telegram which he sent on June 3, 1894 that :

“ From Cambon to the Minister of Foreign Affairs :

Beyoglu : June 3, 1894

In the last days, an assassination has been made to a leader of Armenian Society in Istanbul. This person who survived the attack, is Simon Maksud, the gate attendant or the chief translator, a wealthy banker, and one of the contractors of the Ministry of Defence. Mr. Maksut, one of the members of the Patriarchate People’s Assembly, were known by the members of the same sect as a treacherous person who was sold to the Turks. Mr. Maksut, last year, when the celebration of the constitution granted by Sultan Mecit to the Armenians was banned by the Sultan, he refused to make conspiracies for the lifting of this ban. He attracted the hatred of the conspiracies and provocateurs violently.

The porters from Van, who tried to kill him, are the people who suffered a lot of from Kurds, and Turkish officials in Van.

There is no doubt that that we are facing a political murder. The murderers were carrying documents and letters written by the Armenian committees. These people admitted that they were hired by an Armenian person named Levona and who had paid them for the crime. After the assassination attempt, the committees wished to warn the members from the higher Armenian classes whom they considered to be treacherous and who did not serve to their national cause and were considered to be the friends of Turks. The committees wanted to strike their blows in the center of the government / in the capital, and not in the provinces from then on, and to provide a larger area for their activities, and to make a strong effect on the Sultan.

The Sultan was very annoyed by this assassination. A lot of arrests that were made by the police in Istanbul prove this.

P. Cambon “

The leader of the Hinchak Committee in Istanbul, after the Kumkapi demonstration, is Murad (Hamparsum Boyaciyan). Vart Badrikyan, came from Caucasia as the Hinchak representative. Badrikyan was arrested after one or two months later but since he was a Russian citizen, he was taken; by the Russian Embassy. Ardavazt Ohancanyan, was sent from Caucasia in lieu of him. The assassinations occured at a time when these representatives were in Istanbul. (1)

The oppressions of Armenians on Armenians do not only comprise of assassinations. The Armenian committeemen, who tried to obtain money for the rebellions, robbed a great number of Armenian citizens. As a matter of fact, the following information given to M. Sifir, whose actual name is Rezi Yalkin, by the famous Pantikyan, who played a great role in the armistice, is very shocking :

“ I would like to stress especially that, in the raids made by the Kurds and the Turks, as a reaction to the rebellion movements in the several regions of Anatolia at those times, the amount of material losses were extremely small compared to the wealth pillaged by the Hinchaks in the robberies in Istanbul. The percentage would not total even to one percent. The committeemen robbed the Istanbul Armenians in such a pitilessly. They put several wealthy persons into a penniless situation.

I find it useful to list the amount of money stolen at that time, to give a lesson to the new Armenian generation, to expose these robbers by giving figures, and the names of the owners of the money as far as I remember:

A committee of bandits conducting robberies under the leadership of the priest Murat Irakliyan, from Van, one of the famous wicked men operated in Bakirköy, Yedikule and Samatya. The collected twenty two thousand gold coins only from poor Armenian shoppers and craftsmen. They apart from these they collected six thousand gold coils from carpets trader Karnik Sümbülyan, five thousand gold coins from draper Nisan ªahpazyan, and ten thousand gold coins from mobile grains traders.

The robberies made in Yenikapi, Kumkapi districts were not less than these were at all. The all existences of all-small traders, shoppers and craftsmen were taken away from their hands and the safes of the outstanding wealthy men were all seized. In case my memories do not mislead myself, the totals of the robberies made in this district also reached thirty thousand golden coins.

Those who collected tributes in Galata and Beyoglu brole all the records of robbery. Thirty thousand gold coins were seized only from one of the outstanding jewellers of that time named Istepan, who was a wealthy Armenian, and a total of the robberies in this district hundred thousand gold coins was the sum total. Izmirliyan, who gained control of even the patriarchate Migir, together with the five secret detectives of the committee; priest Murat Irakliyan; Musdic Kesisyan, from Aleppo and his friends became extremely wealthy.

The committeemen of that time claimed that an important part of that money was given to the men of the palace. But these words are absolute lies, because, ten years after the event, Murat Irakliyan escaped to Sofia, and settled there. He personally told the event to my father in detail, and he emphasized that the thirty thousand gold coins which was his share, was taken by force from him by Izmirliyan. “ (2)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hasan Oktay, ation from the University of Yüzüncü Yil, Department of History, has found out a very shocking example regarding the oppressions of Armenians on Armenians :

“Following the atmosphere which prevailed after the announcement of the Second Constitutional Regime, the post of Mayor in Van, was given to Bedros Kapamaciyan, an Armenian member of Van Administrative Assembly, in the midst of the year 1909. In spite of the fact that the Moslem people constituted the majority of population in the city; Kapamaciyan Efendi was elected as a member without any considerations of discrimination by earning the respect of all the people, therefore, he also received votes the Moslem people. As a matter of fact, at the end of the elections, two out of ten members in the Administrative Assembly were Armenians.

Kapamaciyan Efendi, who pleased the people of the province during his administration and who always sided with the Ottoman State in spite of the Tashnak and Hinchak committees, served for the peace and the welfare of both the Turkish and the Armenian committees in Van. While Kapamaciyan, the Mayor, was working hard for the peace and the future of the city, the Armenian Patriarch was conspiring for plots and provocation in Van and its environs. He collaborated with the Tashnak committee in order to keep the Armenian matter alive for the European states.

As a result of these plots, a series of fires broke out in Van, and the houses of some of the Armenians were also burned up in these fires. The Patriarch wanted the Major to send a report to the Ambassadors of the European States stating that the fires and provocation were caused by the Moslem people, and that they are getting ready to destroy the lives and the property of the Armenians at any moment.

However, Kapamaciyan Efendi, the Mayor, sent a report telling that the matter was not so and the fires were started by the Armenian Tashnak committees.

The existence of Kapamaciyan Efendi, who spoiled the efforts of the revolutionary Armenians still working with great efforts in the center of Van, was an unbearable situation, so the committees took the decision to execute the major. The revolutionary gangs, who based their theories on an Armenian-Turkish conflict, had arranged assassinations before the outstanding Armenian people who supported the Ottoman State and who weakened their domination over the people. Thus, with this assassination they were going to frighten the community and avoid further opposition.

Kapamaciyan Efendi, who was frequently threatened on December 10, 1912 in the evening, w,th all his family got onto the sledges that was waiting in front of the door of his home, to go to Marcidciyan Efendi, who was one of his relatives, for the celebration of “name giving”. He did not know that he was on the black list. A Tashnak group was waiting near his home the group started a volley of shots onto the crowd. The Mayor, who was caught unaware and without any protection at all, was shot with two bullets in his head and fell dead on the ground.

Since the home of the Mayor was in the Baglar quarter, the closest patrol station was ten minutes away. So, the murderers fled in the darkness before the gendarmerie arrived. The Baglar quarter was a place with gardens and vineyards. In this is quarter Armenians were the majority and it was easy for the murderers to hide and run away.

The witnesses who saw the incident started to be questioned. The facial features and other information about the murderers were slowly being revealed. Especially from the evidence given by the Mayor’s son, it was understood that Karakin and his friend were probably the murderers. Thus, the disclosure of the murderers prevented probable clashes between the Moslem and the Armenians. Karakin was caught after rapid operations, and his friend whose name we could not find out, escaped. The assassins who were among the group who committed the crime and was wanted for smuggling arms into Van whose names were Potur, the carriage man, Sarac, Osep, jeweller Karakin, and somebody named Sahaf who fled to Karagündüz village after the event and who was one of the leading members of Tashnak committee, and who planned the murder of Kapamaciyan Efendi, were caught after a difficult search. The friend of the murderer Karakin, who got lost just after the event, was later on captured and put in prison.

Viramyan Efendi, one of the writers of the Azadamart newspaper as published in Van by the members of Tashnak committee in Van; Aram Manukyan Efendi, the inspector of Armenian schools and the Van delagate of Tashnak committee; and some of the Armenian leaders of the Tashnak committee were arrested for plotting Mayor Kapamaciyan’s murder.

Because the Ottoman officials were successful in finding the murderer of Kapamaciyan, who was very popular among the Armenians, the capturing of the murderers, even though they were not punished severely, still met with pleasure by the people. But the Armenian people felt deep sorrow because the murderers were Armenians. Necessary measures were taken in the funeral and thus special care was taken to avoid any disturbances. The English, Russian, and the French Consuls were among the foreign missions who also participated in the funeral. However, the fact that nobody from the military and also from the Tashnak committee was at the ceremony, which was rather meaningful. With this attitude, the Tashnak committee made it clear to their supporters and enemies that they killed the mayor and thus this was a warning to their enemies.

The revolutionist Tashnak committees could kill their own people without any their hesitation to reach their goals. The committeemen were capable doing all kinds of actions for the formation of a suitable medium for a revolution. They conducted their actions systematically with the help of Russia; they were able to occupy Van, temporarily. When the Russians retreated because of the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, Van again passed to the hands of Turks. “

Oktay, reports the following from Altan Deliorman concerning to the oppressions of Armenians on Armenians:

“While the Armenians were conducting their activities in Anatolia, in Istanbul they were also, killing those Armenians who did not sympathise with them. Advocate Hachik; Dacad Vartabet, the Chief priest of Gedikpasa Church; Trader Karagözyan, Candle man Onnik; Apik Uncuyan; Policeman Markar, Mampre Vartabet, the member of the Spiritual Assembly; Hajji Dikran Migirdic Tütüncüyan are only a few of the Armenians who were murdered by the Armenian gangs. “

Anatolian Eagle
08-13-2014, 09:48 PM
Boo-fucking-hoo, the Liarmenian forum spammer strikes, it's super effective!

How much are you paid by Armenian government to flood forum with thousand posts in a minute?

It's flawed from beginning either way, there was no sense of "jihad" amongst Young Turks to begin with, as they did coup against "jihad" itself. What a load of bullcrap. lol

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 09:49 PM
Your Comments are interesting and informative, but it'd be nice to take a breath, for 10 minutes, and wait for replies after 2 or 3 consecutive posts. Maybe it would've been better to post this as a Blog.

thanks for the advice, Bishop:thumb001:

08-13-2014, 09:50 PM
thanks for providing the proof
haha :picard1: you self have uploaded your lie with tnypic. no one need your silly behavior

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 09:52 PM
Boo-fucking-hoo, the Liarmenian forum spammer strikes, it's super effective!

How much are you paid by Armenian government to flood forum with thousand posts in a minute?

It's flawed from beginning either way, there was no sense of "jihad" in 1915 amongst Young Turks to begin with, as they did coup against "jihad" itself. What a load of bullcrap. lol

propaganda, eh?

THE PURPOSE OF TALL ARMENIAN TALE (TAT) (http://www.armeniapedia.org/wiki/Tall_Armenian_Tale)

(in their own words)

...Is to expose the mythological “Armenian genocide,” from the years 1915-16 in there unrecognized, unscholarly opinions. A wartime tragedy involving the losses of so many has been turned into a politicized story of “exclusive victimhood,” and because of the prevailing prejudice against Turks, along with Turkish indifference, those in the world, particularly in the West, have been quick to accept these terribly defamatory claims involving the worst crime against humanity. Few stop to investigate below the surface that those regarded as the innocent victims, the Armenians, while seeking to establish an independent state, have been the ones to commit systematic ethnic cleansing against those who did not fit into their racial/religious ideal: Muslims, Jews, and even fellow Armenians who had converted to Islam. Criminals as Dro, Antranik, Keri, Armen Garo and Soghoman Tehlirian (the assassin of Talat Pasha, one of the three Young Turk leaders, along with Enver and Jemal) contributed toward the deaths (via massacres, atrocities, and forced deportation) of countless innocents, numbering over half a million. What determines genocide is not the number of casualties or the cruelty of the persecutions, but the intent to destroy a group, the members of which are guilty of nothing beyond being members of that group. The Armenians suffered their fate of resettlement not for their ethnicity, having co-existed and prospered in the Ottoman Empire for centuries, but because they rebelled against their dying Ottoman nation during WWI (World War I); a rebellion that even their leaders of the period, such as Boghos Nubar and Hovhannes Katchaznouni, have admitted. Yet the hypocritical world rarely bothers to look beneath the surface, not only because of anti-Turkish prejudice, but because of Armenian wealth and intimidation tactics. As a result, these libelous lies, sometimes belonging in the category of “genocide studies,” have become part of the school curricula of many regions. Armenian scholars such as Vahakn Dadrian, Peter Balakian, Richard Hovannisian, Dennis Papazian and Levon Marashlian have been known to dishonestly present only one side of their story, as long as their genocide becomes affirmed. They have enlisted the help of "genocide scholars," such as Roger Smith, Robert Melson, Samantha Power, and Israel Charny… and particularly those of Turkish extraction, such as Taner Akcam and Fatma Muge Gocek, who justify their alliance with those who actively work to harm the interests of their native country, with the claim that such efforts will help make Turkey more" democratic." On the other side of this coin are genuine scholars who consider all the relevant data, as true scholars have a duty to do, such as Justin McCarthy, Bernard Lewis, Heath Lowry, Erich Feigl and Guenter Lewy. The unscrupulous genocide industry, not having the facts on its side, makes a practice of attacking the messenger instead of the message, vilifying these professors as “deniers” and "agents of the Turkish government." The truth means so little to the pro-genocide believers, some even resort to the forgeries of the Naim-Andonian telegrams or sources based on false evidence, as Franz Werfel’s The Forty Days of Musa Dagh. Naturally, there is no end to the hearsay "evidence" of the prejudiced pro-Christian people from the period, including missionaries and Near East Relief representatives, Arnold Toynbee, Lord Bryce, Lloyd George, Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, and so many others. When the rare Westerner opted to look at the issues objectively, such as Admirals Mark Bristol and Colby Chester, they were quick to be branded as “Turcophiles” by the propagandists. The sad thing is, even those who don’t consider themselves as bigots are quick to accept the deceptive claims of Armenian propaganda, because deep down people feel the Turks are natural killers and during times when Turks were victims, they do not rate as equal and deserving human beings. This is the main reason why the myth of this genocide has become the common wisdom.

08-13-2014, 09:54 PM
It's flawed from beginning either way, there was no sense of "jihad" amongst Young Turks to begin with, as they did coup against "jihad" itself. What a load of bullcrap. lol

This info comes from an old website that did not update itself it's called historyofjihad/waronjihad and it has frankly a lot of historical errors. Not only that they also make the mistake calling the Albanians Slavs, and Chechens as Turks. As well other nonsense to.

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 09:57 PM
The man behind the Tall Armenian Tale website

Murad Gumen (http://www.armeniapedia.org/wiki/Murad_Gumen)

08-13-2014, 09:59 PM
This info comes from an old website that did not update itself it's called historyofjihad/waronjihad and it has frankly a lot of historical errors. Not only that they also make the mistake calling the Albanians Slavs, and Chechens as Turks. As well other nonsense to.
self producing too with Bosniak cossack and balkan-turks victims pics.he has uploaded that with tinypic :picard1: typical silly dashnak behavior.

08-13-2014, 10:07 PM
where is your proof that this is photo is of the Bosnian genocide? all I read was your retarded gobble.

And even if it is...I was browsing for Armenian genocide photos, and this was one of those I found. so I posted it. So to accuse me of being dishonest over that just shows how desperate you are... (I will remove it though, since I haven't verified it yet)

That is from Bosnia, it's the Pilica mass grave. The picture was taken by Gilles Peress, and this is his description of the photo.
"BOSNIA. Srebrenica. 1996. Grave at Pilice collective farm near Sebrenica."

Anatolian Eagle
08-13-2014, 10:07 PM

This is what I would call a "Turk Quoque Fail", i.e. an application of the standard "Tu quoque fallacy used in the context of Turks attempting to relativise and dismiss the genocide committed by their ancestors (and apparent heroes).

Let me explain...

Tu Quoque

Translation: "You, also" or "You're another", Latin
Type of Argumentum ad Hominem fallacy related to 'Two Wrongs Make a Right' approach.


Tu Quoque is a very common fallacy in which one attempts to defend oneself or another from criticism by turning the critique back against the accuser. This is a classic Red Herring since whether the accuser is guilty of the same, or a similar, wrong is irrelevant to the truth of the original charge. However, as a diversionary tactic, Tu Quoque can be very effective, since the accuser is put on the defensive, and frequently feels compelled to defend against the accusation.

You're wrong there mister. YOU are THE ACCUSER here. No Turk would ever deny Armenians in fact suffered civilian casaulties, but we're not accepting neither there was a systematic destruction or the fabricated number that is 1.5 million, or has the claim became 3 million or 5 million today? But you never accept Armenian gangs ever killed one single Turkish or Kurdish civilian, or that they attacked their villages and they were attacked back for sake of retailation. Why should we either way, after all you are doing the exact thing you are accusing us of over Khojaly Genocide. Keep cleaning balls of politicans in foreign countries to make your "resolutions" a "reality" with help of your diaspora for sake of your interests without any respect to the historical facts or truth, so that you may feel important on this planet.

Anatolian Eagle
08-13-2014, 10:16 PM
This info comes from an old website that did not update itself it's called historyofjihad/waronjihad and it has frankly a lot of historical errors. Not only that they also make the mistake calling the Albanians Slavs, and Chechens as Turks. As well other nonsense to.

Yeah, I know the site. There are versions of "histories of jihad" against almost every nation including Arabs, Turks and whatever comes to your mind. Not every information are all wrong, but one can easily spot the dramatized stuff and ex parte bias while reading.

08-13-2014, 10:24 PM
You're wrong there mister. YOU are THE ACCUSER here. No Turk would ever deny Armenians in fact suffered civilian casaulties, but we're not accepting neither there was a systematic destruction or the fabricated number that is 1.5 million, or has the claim became 3 million or 5 million today? But you never accept Armenian gangs ever killed one single Turkish or Kurdish civilian, or that they attacked their villages and they were attacked back for sake of retailation. Why should we either way, after all you are doing the exact thing you are accusing us of over Khojaly Genocide. Keep cleaning balls of politicans in foreign countries to make your "resolutions" a "reality" with help of your diaspora for sake of your interests without any respect to the historical facts or truth, so that you may feel important on this planet.
according to arrmenian patriarch population information: , we have killed 1.5 mil , then we have produced 1.5 mil armenians and we killed them too. the other 2 mil? i don't know , maybe they came from sky or something


Armenian propagandists claim that as many as 1,5 million Armenians died as the result of so-called "genocide". Like the rest of their claims, this also is imaginary, with the number claimed being increased over years. At first, immediately following the war the Armenians claimed that as many as 600,000 had been killed. Later they raised it to 800,000 and now they talk about 1,5 million and tomorrow they may talk even about three million. The 1918 edition of Encyclopedia Britannica said that 600,000 Armenians had been killed; in its 1968 edition this was raised to 1,5 million.

How many Armenians did die? It is impossible to determine the number exactly, since no complete death records were kept during those years. The only basis on which even an estimate can be made is the actual Armenian population in the Ottoman Empire at the time. Even here figures vary widely, with the Armenians claiming far more than other sources:

Claimed Armenian Population

1.British Annual Register 1917 1.056.000 (1)

2.Patriarch Ormanyan 1.579.000 (2)

3.The Armenian
historian Kevork Aslan 1.800,000 (3)

(In “Armenia and Armenians”, Aslan states the Armenian population in Anatolia 920.000, in Clicia (Adana, Sis, Maras) 180.000, in the other Ottoman territories 700.000, total 1.800.000)

4.German Priest Johannes Lepsius 1.600.000 (4)

5.Cuinet 1.045.018 (5)

6.The French Yellow Book 1.475.011 (6)

7.The Armenian historian Basmajian 2.280.000 (7)

8.Patriarch Nerses Varjabedyan 1.150.000 (8)

Official Ottoman census statistics are as follows:

The Ottoman Directory of Statistics was founded in 1892. The first director of the branch was Nuri Bey. Between 1892-1897 a Jewish Ottoman, Fethi Franco was appointed for the duty. From 1897 until 1903, an Armenian director was in charge, called Migirdic Shabanyan. Later, Mr. Robert an American was appointed (1903-1908). Between, 1908-1914 Mehmet Behic was the general director. (9)

As it is seen, in a very chaotic period when the Ottoman government was facing with the Armenian Issue on the international arena, the Ottoman Statistics were under the control of foreigners. At this point, the Ottoman statistics should be considered as the most objective documents about the Armenian population living in Ottoman territories.

* Ottoman census statistics for 1893 1.001.465

* Ottoman census statistics for 1906 1.120.748

* Ottoman census statistics for 1914 1.221.850 (10)

An evaluation of the three sources clarifies that, during the First World War, the Armenian population in the Ottoman territories was approximately 1.250.000.

The Armenian population subjected to relocation was 438.758 and 382.148 of these safely reached their new destinations. (11) The number of casualties had occurred as follows: 500 people on the road between Erzurum and Erzincan; 2000 in Meskene, between Urfa and Aleppo and 2000 others on the outskirts of Mardin were massacred in attacks launched by bandits or nomadic Arabs. Another 5000 people were killed in attacks on convoys passing through Dersim. (12) It was understood from these documents that many people had also fallen victim to hunger while on the road. (13) Apart from these, some 25-30 thousand people had lost their lives when struck by fatal diseases such as typhoid and dysentery. (14) In all, an estimated 40 thousand casualties had been registered during relocation.

The remaining 10-16 thousand people were made at stay in provinces they had reached, when the implementation of relocation was brought to an end. For instance, on April 26, 1916, orders were given to provide the return to and the settlement in the province of Konya of those Armenians setting out form the province to new destinations. (15) On the other hand, many other Armenians are believed to have fled to either Russia or to Western countries, including the Unites States.

As a matter of fact, according to the pertinent documents, 50.000 of the Armenian soldiers serving in the Ottoman Army joined the Russian forces, and some other 50.000 Armenian soldiers went to America to be trained in the US Army to fight against the Turkish Army. In fact, the letter of an Armenian called Murad Muradyan- who was an advocate in Elazig later immigrated to America — shows such information. (16) In the concerned letter, Muradyan mentions that some Armenians were escaped to Russia and America and later 50.000 of those trained soldiers went to Caucassia. As it can be understood from all the concerned documents, many of Armenian subjects of the Ottoman State were scattered through various countries especially to U.S.A. and Russia, before and during the war. For example, Artin Hotomyan who was a tradesman in America sent a letter to the Chieftain of Security on January 19, 1915 and stated that thousands of Armenians migrated to U.S.A. and they were facing with hunger and hardships. (17)

Anatolian Eagle
08-13-2014, 10:27 PM
propaganda, eh?

THE PURPOSE OF TALL ARMENIAN TALE (TAT) (http://www.armeniapedia.org/wiki/Tall_Armenian_Tale)

(in their own words)

...Is to expose the mythological “Armenian genocide,” from the years 1915-16 in there unrecognized, unscholarly opinions. A wartime tragedy involving the losses of so many has been turned into a politicized story of “exclusive victimhood,” and because of the prevailing prejudice against Turks, along with Turkish indifference, those in the world, particularly in the West, have been quick to accept these terribly defamatory claims involving the worst crime against humanity. Few stop to investigate below the surface that those regarded as the innocent victims, the Armenians, while seeking to establish an independent state, have been the ones to commit systematic ethnic cleansing against those who did not fit into their racial/religious ideal: Muslims, Jews, and even fellow Armenians who had converted to Islam. Criminals as Dro, Antranik, Keri, Armen Garo and Soghoman Tehlirian (the assassin of Talat Pasha, one of the three Young Turk leaders, along with Enver and Jemal) contributed toward the deaths (via massacres, atrocities, and forced deportation) of countless innocents, numbering over half a million. What determines genocide is not the number of casualties or the cruelty of the persecutions, but the intent to destroy a group, the members of which are guilty of nothing beyond being members of that group. The Armenians suffered their fate of resettlement not for their ethnicity, having co-existed and prospered in the Ottoman Empire for centuries, but because they rebelled against their dying Ottoman nation during WWI (World War I); a rebellion that even their leaders of the period, such as Boghos Nubar and Hovhannes Katchaznouni, have admitted. Yet the hypocritical world rarely bothers to look beneath the surface, not only because of anti-Turkish prejudice, but because of Armenian wealth and intimidation tactics. As a result, these libelous lies, sometimes belonging in the category of “genocide studies,” have become part of the school curricula of many regions. Armenian scholars such as Vahakn Dadrian, Peter Balakian, Richard Hovannisian, Dennis Papazian and Levon Marashlian have been known to dishonestly present only one side of their story, as long as their genocide becomes affirmed. They have enlisted the help of "genocide scholars," such as Roger Smith, Robert Melson, Samantha Power, and Israel Charny… and particularly those of Turkish extraction, such as Taner Akcam and Fatma Muge Gocek, who justify their alliance with those who actively work to harm the interests of their native country, with the claim that such efforts will help make Turkey more" democratic." On the other side of this coin are genuine scholars who consider all the relevant data, as true scholars have a duty to do, such as Justin McCarthy, Bernard Lewis, Heath Lowry, Erich Feigl and Guenter Lewy. The unscrupulous genocide industry, not having the facts on its side, makes a practice of attacking the messenger instead of the message, vilifying these professors as “deniers” and "agents of the Turkish government." The truth means so little to the pro-genocide believers, some even resort to the forgeries of the Naim-Andonian telegrams or sources based on false evidence, as Franz Werfel’s The Forty Days of Musa Dagh. Naturally, there is no end to the hearsay "evidence" of the prejudiced pro-Christian people from the period, including missionaries and Near East Relief representatives, Arnold Toynbee, Lord Bryce, Lloyd George, Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, and so many others. When the rare Westerner opted to look at the issues objectively, such as Admirals Mark Bristol and Colby Chester, they were quick to be branded as “Turcophiles” by the propagandists. The sad thing is, even those who don’t consider themselves as bigots are quick to accept the deceptive claims of Armenian propaganda, because deep down people feel the Turks are natural killers and during times when Turks were victims, they do not rate as equal and deserving human beings. This is the main reason why the myth of this genocide has become the common wisdom.

TAT is merely a counter-propaganda. Though, a source (not some BS over Internet) is provided for most of the claims made in website.

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 11:02 PM
That is from Bosnia, it's the Pilica mass grave. The picture was taken by Gilles Peress, and this is his description of the photo.
"BOSNIA. Srebrenica. 1996. Grave at Pilice collective farm near Sebrenica."
Yes. thanks, I get it. I mistakenly uploaded a different genocide photo (like I could tell Bosnian corpses from Armenian corpses). If you type Armenian Genocide in Google or Yahoo images, you'll see photos of victims of other genocides also.

I will exercise more care in verifying photos that I post.

Can we get over this now?

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 11:05 PM
Ottoman 'Turk'ish Jihad Fatwa, WW1. (http://www.firstworldwar.com/source/ottoman_fetva.htm)

Primary Documents - Ottoman Issuance of Fetva, November 1914

Sultan Mehmed V Reproduced below is the text of the Fetva - a holy commandment directed to Muslims worldwide - issued by the Ottoman government (in the name of Sultan Mehmed V), which ordered its Muslim readers to rise up in arms against those nations currently engaged in war against the Ottoman Empire, chiefly Britain, France and Russia.

The Allies had long feared the issuance of a Fetva, worried that it might indeed be acted upon by Muslims throughout the world (notably in India and Egypt); in the event however it passed largely without action.

The Fetva, which took the form of a question and answer document, was issued by Essad Effendi, Sheik-ul-Islam.

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 11:07 PM
Issuance of Ottoman Fetva by Essad Effendi, Sheik-Ul-Islam (http://www.firstworldwar.com/source/ottoman_fetva.htm)


If several enemies unite against Islam, if the countries of Islam are sacked, if the Moslem populations are massacred or made captive; and if in this case the Padishah in conformity with the sacred words of the Koran proclaims the Holy War, is participation in this war a duty for all Moslems, old and young, cavalry and infantry? Must the Mohammedans of all countries of Islam hasten with their bodies and possessions to the Djat? [Note: Jihad, Holy War.]

Answer: "Yes."

The Moslem subjects of Russia, of France, of England and of all the countries that side with them in their land and sea attacks dealt against the Caliphate for the purpose of annihilating Islam, must these subjects, too, take part in the holy War against the respective governments from which they depend?

Answer : "Yes."

Those who at a time when all Moslems are summoned to fight, avoid the struggle and refuse to join in the Holy War, are they exposed to the wrath of God, to great misfortunes, and to the deserved punishment?

Answer : "Yes."

If the Moslem subjects of the said countries should take up arms against the government of Islam, would they commit an unpardonable sin, even if they had been driven to the war by threats of extermination uttered against themselves and their families?

Answer : "Yes."

The Moslems who in the present war are under England, France, Russia, Serbia, Montenegro and those who give aid to these countries by waging war against Germany and Austria, allies of Turkey, do they deserve to be punished by the wrath of God as being the cause of harm and damage to the Caliphate and to Islam?

Answer: "Yes."

Source: Source Records of the Great War, Vol. III, ed. Charles F. Horne, National Alumni 1923

Armenian Bishop
08-13-2014, 11:11 PM
Forensic experts have managed to identify 100 of nearly 400 people killed during the 1992-1995 war and buried in a mass grave near the northwestern town of Prijedor, the State Prosecutor’s Office in Sarajevo said on Friday
shits off Armenian liars.

Don't Throw Stones from Glass Houses! And thanks for lying through your teeth with your genocide denial behavior. The amount of spam makes it difficult to wade through the fake Turkish and Azeri based propaganda.

Armenian Genocide Denial Behavior aides and abets the original perpetrators of the crime, even posthumously, many generations later. Its the equivalent of serving as a driver for a bank robbery, for a quick getaway with the bank money. Copy pasting spam from questionable propaganda sources, seeded with genocide denial lies, is no better than filling a canteen with poisoned water.

By the Way, that accusation about Armenians killing "Mountain Jews" has already been debunked in a different Thread:


And, the fascistic regime of Azerbaijan denied access for an international team of unbiased 3rd party professionals to examine the remains. In fact, the Guba Graves could be a veiled exhibition of the remains of victims murdered by Azeri-Turks. The State Managed Anti-Armenian hate propaganda, in Azerbaijan, makes any internal investigation subjective and unreliable, as opposed to an international team of investigators.

Reign of True Hayasa
08-13-2014, 11:11 PM
Jihad in WW1 (http://www.scribd.com/doc/33610372/Jihad-in-WWI)

The concept of jihad has been brought up a lot, and when one brings it up,often times many think about militant Islam. However, the term jihad goes back further than the concept of militant Islam, since the time of the Prophet in fact. The abuse of jihad, however, is a much more recent notion. Used to insight anger within Muslims, many have tried to use the idea of jihad in order to legitimize warringactions. One such event was the declaration of jihad by the Ottoman Turks in 1914 during the Great War (WWI). However, this fatwa was not as popular, nor as powerful as other callings for jihad in the past. This of course is due to many different reasons, but first we must look at the concept of jihad . What does a true jihad entail? Who is the enemy in the jihad? These questions will all answered within the first part of this endeavor, while the second part shall delve into the issue of the sultan's fatwa of 1914.

If only Christians had declared their own version of a 'Jihad Fatwa', then "Turkey" would have disappeared from the maps of the world by now!

Armenian Bishop
08-13-2014, 11:33 PM
You're wrong there mister. YOU are THE ACCUSER here. No Turk would ever deny Armenians in fact suffered civilian casaulties, but we're not accepting neither there was a systematic destruction or the fabricated number that is 1.5 million, or has the claim became 3 million or 5 million today? But you never accept Armenian gangs ever killed one single Turkish or Kurdish civilian, or that they attacked their villages and they were attacked back for sake of retailation. Why should we either way, after all you are doing the exact thing you are accusing us of over Khojaly Genocide. Keep cleaning balls of politicans in foreign countries to make your "resolutions" a "reality" with help of your diaspora for sake of your interests without any respect to the historical facts or truth, so that you may feel important on this planet.

I don't buy it: What your proposing is genocide denial behavior, pure and simple. By accusing the victims of genocide of wrong doing, we have a "red herring" and an attempt to distract people from the true crime of genocide. And, by the way, it's interesting that the population of present day Turkey can account for fewer than 100,000 Armenians, in a country that once included an Armenian population that, by all accounts was well over a million, and by some credible sources could have topped 2 million just prior to the Armenian Genocide (1915 - 1923).

So, where did all of those people go? The answer can be summarized: Armenian men, women, children and babies went to their deaths, while others were lost forever when they were sold into Islamic homes, and still there were a lucky few skeletal survivors who somehow escaped death or rape. Not only were Armenian Women and children murdered outright, as well as starved to death in the Syrian Desert, but their wealth and possessions were pillaged and confiscated or stolen.

08-14-2014, 12:49 AM
Yes. thanks, I get it. I mistakenly uploaded a different genocide photo (like I could tell Bosnian corpses from Armenian corpses). If you type Armenian Genocide in Google or Yahoo images, you'll see photos of victims of other genocides also.

I will exercise more care in verifying photos that I post.

Can we get over this now?

Don't Throw Stones from Glass Houses! And thanks for lying through your teeth with your genocide denial behavior. The amount of spam makes it difficult to wade through the fake Turkish and Azeri based propaganda.

Armenian Genocide Denial Behavior aides and abets the original perpetrators of the crime, even posthumously, many generations later. Its the equivalent of serving as a driver for a bank robbery, for a quick getaway with the bank money. Copy pasting spam from questionable propaganda sources, seeded with genocide denial lies, is no better than filling a canteen with poisoned water.

By the Way, that accusation about Armenians killing "Mountain Jews" has already been debunked in a different Thread:


And, the fascistic regime of Azerbaijan denied access for an international team of unbiased 3rd party professionals to examine the remains. In fact, the Guba Graves could be a veiled exhibition of the remains of victims murdered by Azeri-Turks. The State Managed Anti-Armenian hate propaganda, in Azerbaijan, makes any internal investigation subjective and unreliable, as opposed to an international team of investigators.

huh, you Liarmenian talking about robbery?
Vereshchagin, Vasily Vasilyevich The Apotheosis of War 1871

Kars Subatan, 25 april 1918 - Massacre Exerted By The Armenian On The Turks During World War I Pictures.
Pilica mass grave,Photo by Gilles Peress (from The Graves: Srebrenica and Vukovar (Scalo Books, 1998)).
....... ↓


Reign of True Hayasa
08-14-2014, 01:58 AM

huh, you Liarmenian talking about robbery?
Vereshchagin, Vasily Vasilyevich The Apotheosis of War 1871

Kars Subatan, 25 april 1918 - Massacre Exerted By The Armenian On The Turks During World War I Pictures.
Pilica mass grave,Photo by Gilles Peress (from The Graves: Srebrenica and Vukovar (Scalo Books, 1998)).
....... ↓


where are your sources? link them to whatever you claim. prove that the photos you posted (one of which is an artistic depiction:laugh:) are what you claim they are. otherwise you're being a hypocrite badgering me for mistakenly posting the wrong genocide photo.

no sources, no facts? no credibility!

for starters: prove that this photo is of a massacre of Turks (and not Armenians).
"Kars Subatan, 25 april 1918 - Massacre Exerted By The Armenian On The Turks During World War I Pictures."

prove it. but without citing "Tall Armenian Tale" (http://tallarmeniantale.com/) this time ;)

look familiar?


08-14-2014, 02:04 AM
where are your sources? link them to whatever you claim. prove that the photos you posted (one of which is an artistic depiction:laugh:) are what you claim they are. otherwise you're being a hypocrite badgering me for mistakenly posting the wrong genocide photo.

no sources, no facts? no credibility!
horsehit lies no credibility!
you got the informations about your shits, i guess now everyone can find the sources. => https://www.google.com

Reign of True Hayasa
08-14-2014, 02:09 AM
Prove! that this photo is NOT of the Armenian Genocide...then we'll talk.


let's see how 'honest' you heathens can get...

Reign of True Hayasa
08-14-2014, 02:12 AM
Top 20 Tall Turkish Tales (http://armeniapedia.org/wiki/Top_20_Tall_Turkish_Tales)

1. That Turks, who turned up in Anatolia from Central Asia thousands of years after the ancient Hittite, Urartian, Armenian, Assyrian, Greek, Roman, and Byzantine structures in present-day Turkey were constructed, are somehow responsible for having built them.

2. That Turks and Armenians lived in peace, brotherhood, and equality ever since the Seljuk Turkish invasions, and that the Ottoman Empire was a model of tolerance towards its subject peoples.

3. That the Ottoman massacres of hundreds of thousands of Armenian civilians in 1894-1897 and 1909 were simply examples of Turkish self defense.

4. That there was no Armenian Genocide. The deaths were just an unfortunate consequence of civil war or wartime conditions. But if there was a genocide, it was Armenians who committed it.

5. That US Ambassador Morgenthau, American and European diplomats, missionaries and others who witnessed and wrote about the Genocide were not credible since they disliked Turks. Even German eyewitnesses (allies of Turkey in World War I) were not credible since they disliked Turks too.

6.That the hundreds of historians and genocide experts who confirm that there was an Armenian Genocide have all been duped by Armenians.

7. That those peoples who “revolted” against the Ottomans or Turkey deserved whatever the Turks did to them because all such revolts were unjustified. (The Young Turks’ revolt against the Ottoman Sultan in 1908, on the other hand, was entirely justified.)

8. That the Armenian death toll was “only 600,000,” not 1.5 million, hence the deaths could not be considered a genocide.

9. That due to wartime necessity, the “deportations” were limited to Armenians from the eastern part of the Ottoman Empire (even though, in fact, Armenians from all parts of the Empire were “deported”).

10. That the Ottoman Turkish archives are fully open, haven’t been tampered with, and prove that Turkey did not commit the Armenian Genocide.

11. That the Genocide survivors and their descendants seek recognition, reparations, restitution, restoration, and return of their so-called historic homeland out of delusion and greed.

12. That the enormous amount of territory allocated to Turkey in the 1920 Treaty of Sèvres was somehow inadequate.
That teaching and talking about the Armenian Genocide is a form of hate speech.

13. That Turkey and Armenia would be “reconciled” by now were it not for the malevolent Armenian Diaspora which, instead of acting in Armenia’s best interests, vilifies Turkey with baseless allegations. (Naturally, Turkey acts only in Armenia’s best interests.)

14. That Turkey’s proposal to hold a joint historical commission on 1915 -- which would include denialist historians -- is not a delaying tactic, but is sincere and would arrive at a truthful verdict.

15. That the Nagorno-Karabagh Republic (NKR) is not historically Armenian; that it was the Armenians in Karabagh who initiated pogroms against Azeris; and that NKR is not entitled to self-determination.

16. That Turkey is qualified to be a member of the European Union and should have been admitted years ago (even if it violates the human rights of its population, stifles free speech, and condones torture).

17. That Turkey is a loyal NATO ally (even if it threatens the United States and Europe and rejects US requests for military cooperation).

19. That if the Genocide resolution passes in the US Congress, Turkey will severely punish the United States.

20. That Turkey’s efforts to penetrate the Caucasus and Central Asia are not attempts to fulfill a longstanding ambition to create a Pan-Turkic empire.

08-14-2014, 02:14 AM
Prove! that this photo is NOT of the Armenian Genocide...then we'll talk.


let's see how 'honest' you heathens can get....
Prove! that this photo is NOT of the "Kars Subatan, 25 april 1918 - Massacre Exerted By The Armenian On The Turks During World War I Pictures MR. tinypic.com UPLOADER

08-14-2014, 02:19 AM


Reign of True Hayasa
08-14-2014, 02:19 AM
Prove! that this photo is NOT of the "Kars Subatan, 25 april 1918 - Massacre Exerted By The Armenian On The Turks During World War I Pictures MR. tinypic.com UPLOADER

Turk Quoque Fail!

Shifting of the burden of proof (http://www.nizkor.org/features/fallacies/burden-of-proof.html)...does not compute.

Try again. this time, try using a brain.

08-14-2014, 02:23 AM
Turk Quoque Fail!

Shifting of the burden of proof (http://www.nizkor.org/features/fallacies/burden-of-proof.html)...does not compute.

Try again. this time, try using a brain.


Reign of True Hayasa
08-14-2014, 02:27 AM
Thirteen Propaganda Spins of the Turkish Government (http://books.google.ca/books/about/Thirteen_Propaganda_Spins_of_the_Turkish.html?id=E Qv-tgAACAAJ): Detailed Response by Canadian Armenians

Silencing the Turkish Spin

“The Armenian Genocide Denied—a response to Turkey’s 13 propaganda spins”
by Sevan Hajinian
Reviewed by Jirair Tutunjian, Toronto, 16 July 2011

In the past two to three decades we have seen an avalanche of books by historians, genocide documentarians, jurors, journalists and human rights activists, in addition to eye witness testimonies, memoirs, poems, plays and movies about the mass killing and deportation of Ottoman Empire’s Armenians from 1915 to 1923.

Now comes a new Canadian book—“The Armenian Genocide Denied”--whose uniqueness is underlined by its subtitle, “a response to Turkey’s 13 propaganda spins.”

Anyone who has followed the Armenian national struggle to earn international recognition of the Genocide of Armenians is familiar with the Ankara propaganda machine’s boilerplate denials. Ms. Hajinian’s book, in addition to documenting the Genocide, lists thirteen of the most notorious distortions deployed by the Turkish side and then proceeds to demolish them, exposing them as patent falsehoods. Thus the litany of Turkish propaganda spins such as “historians dispute the veracity of the Genocide of Armenians,” “it’s up to historians to decide what happened,” “the UN didn’t acknowledge the Armenian Genocide,” “the Armenian Genocide was not state planned,” “the Turkish archives are open; Armenian archives are not,” “Armenian deaths were a result of communal violence” and “Armenians collaborated with Turkey’s enemies” are dissected and tossed into the rubbish heap through solid research and a deft touch.

The book should be a manual for Armenian lobbyists around the globe. It also belongs in every Armenian public, community, church, school and family library. Next time you hear or read any of the standard-issue Turkish lies in the media or elsewhere, open Ms. Hajinian’s book and quote its unchallengeable facts. It should help silence the Turkish state and its agents, including the half-dozen or so hired North American “historians” and hacks who shamelessly repeat Turkish fabrications.

In addition to eliminating the Turkish distortions, the book—a compilation of research, journalistic reportage and editorials—cites legal opinion by experts such as international jurist Alfred de Zayas and British judge Geoffrey Robinson QC, think pieces by leading Turkish journalists and columnists such as Orhan Kemel Cengiz, Ahmet Altan, Taner Akcam, and Umit Kardas. Other prominent writers whose writings are featured in the book are Israeli Ambassador to the US Michael Oren in the “New York Review of Books,” Julia Pascal in “The Guardian,” Marilyn Henry in “The Jerusalem Post” and Robert Fisk in “The Independent.”

The book also includes Genocide-affirming editorials from the “New York Times,” The “Los Angeles Times,” the “Toronto Sun,” the “London Daily News,” “The Australian” and the “Sydney Morning Herald.”

A bonus for Canadians is the 25-page Canadian perspective which includes the incredible story of the Georgetown Boys, statements by federal, provincial, municipal declarations acknowledging the Genocide, and genocide coverage by leading Canadian media.

The 300-page book, published by the Armenian National Committee of Canada, is illustrated with 100 photos, many new to most general readers.

Reign of True Hayasa
08-14-2014, 02:29 AM
Wikileaks: Turkish Bribes To Deny Armenian Genocide Part 1

Wikileaks Turkish Bribes To Deny Armenian Genocide Part 2

Reign of True Hayasa
08-14-2014, 02:33 AM
Robert Fisk (http://www.independent.co.uk/biography/robert-fisk) speaks about the Armenian Genocide by the Turks. The 1st Holocaust.

Robert Fisk : Armenian Genocide and Jewish Holocoust

Robert Fisk about Armenians in Syria

Reign of True Hayasa
08-14-2014, 02:40 AM
During World War l, 1.5 million Armenians were deported and massacred in the Ottoman Empire (modern-day Turkey).[1]

The Ottoman Empire existed in the Balkan region of the Middle East from 1300-1923. During the time of the genocide, the Ottoman Empire bordered Bulgaria and Greece in the west, the Mediterranean Sea in the south and southwest, the Black Sea in the north, Iraq and Syria in the southwest, and the Russian empire in the east and northeast.[2]

Today, Armenia is an independent republic. It encompasses only a small area of the land that was historically the Armenian homeland.[3]

The Armenian community resided in the Middle East for thousands of years and was governed by various empires including the Persians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, and Mongols. Armenia was the first nation to adopt Christianity as a state religion in 301 C.E.[3] Their arts community flourished, with unique literature, art, and architecture.[4]

The Ottoman Empire invaded the Armenian homeland in the 11th century and Muslim Turks controlled the Armenians for hundreds of years until the Armenian region was eventually absorbed into the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire saw a severe decline in the 1800s as the rest of Europe industrialized. Their once invincible armies became inferior to Europe’s heavily-modernized armies. The Ottoman Empire began to crumble when Greece, Serbia, and Romania gained independence in the 1800s, but the Armenians and Arabs of the Middle East remained under Ottoman rule.[4]

A long-seated religious and ethnic divide deepened between the Muslim Turks and the Christian Armenians and in the 1890s, European-educated Armenians, increasingly becoming more affluent and eager for equal status, began to push for social and political reforms. They called for a constitutional government, an end to discriminatory voting practices, and an end to taxes levied only against Christians. The Ottoman Sultan responded by instituting widespread pogroms, or violent riots, against the Armenians and more than 100,000 Armenians were killed between 1894 and 1896.[4]

In 1908, a nationalist reform group called the ‘Young Turks’ forced the Sultan to implement a constitutional government and a guarantee for basic rights to all. Both Armenians and Turks celebrated, hoping for increased economic prosperity, freedom, equality, and justice. The Young Turks overthrew this government in 1913, angling to unite all Turkish people and expand their empire through the Caucasus and into Central Asia. They sought to create a new empire, called Turan, with one language and one religion.[4]

Christian Armenians constituted 103 of the empire, totaling approximately two million people.[1] The government branded them as ‘infidels,’ and Islamic extremists staged violent anti-Armenian demonstrations throughout the region. Most Armenians were well-educated compared to many Turks, who were largely illiterate. Although most Armenians were very poor, a small number had excelled, despite their second-class status. The Young Turks glorified the Turk peasantry at the expense of the Armenians, turning Armenians into pariahs.[4] Although Armenians were allowed the freedom to practice their faith, mass persecution of Armenian citizens was a regular occurrence and Armenians were often scapegoated for the Ottoman Empire’s problems.[3]

When World War I began, the Ottoman Empire’s leaders allied themselves with Germany and Austria-Hungary as part of the Central Powers. While the world was focused on battle in Europe, the Ottoman Empire began a systematic campaign to eliminate the Armenian people within its borders.[4]

Ottoman authorities created a propaganda campaign claiming that Armenians were a threat to national security, in part because of some Armenians’ support of Russia in the ongoing World War. Because most Turks were illiterate, anti-Armenian propaganda was primarily disseminated in the sermons of Muslim mullahs and by town criers, who labeled Armenians spies, infidels, and traitors.[5]

Armenian leaders and intellectuals were arrested, tortured, and killed.[4] The 40,000 Armenians serving in the military had their weapons confiscated and were forced into hard labor. Many died as a result of the brutal living and working conditions.[6]

Armenians’ property was confiscated. Armenian men were arrested and killed in mass shootings outside their towns and villages. Women, children, and elderly were removed from their homes and forced to march hundreds of miles without food or water to the desert of modern-day Syria.[4] Hundreds of thousands of people died on these forced marches and those who survived were put into concentration camps.[1] People were massacred indiscriminately: men and women, old and young.

The Turkish government created special mobile units, called the ‘Special Organization’ and comprised of criminals, to raid homes, kill villagers, and rape girls and women. Many women were kidnapped into a life of sexual servitude.[4] It is estimated that tens of thousands of children were abducted into Muslim families and forcibly converted to Islam.[7]

Hundreds of eyewitnesses, including government representatives of the United States, Germany, and Austria-Hungary, recorded and documented the state-sponsored massacres. Many foreign officials spoke out against the atrocities, including Pope Benedict XV, but claims were rejected and denied by the Ottoman administration. The massacres continued under the cover of World War I until the Ottoman Empire collapsed on October 30, 1918. Although most of the killings took place during World War I, the violence continued until 1923, when virtually all Armenians had been eliminated.[1] Turkey’s new leader, Mustafa Kemal, expelled all remaining Armenians, as well as Greeks and Assyrians.[3]

Despite widespread international awareness of the atrocities, an armed intervention to stop the genocide never occurred.[8]

Contemporary scholars estimate that as many as 1.5 million Armenians were killed in the genocide and tens of thousands more were displaced.[1] The displaced survivors were largely unable to return to their former homes, as their land and property now belonged to the new Turkish government, or the Soviet state of Armenia.

Less than a decade later, the Armenian genocide influenced Adolf Hitler’s quest to eliminate the Jews. In a speech given prior to his invasion of Poland in 1939, Hitler said:

“I have issued the command — and I’ll have anybody who utters but one word of criticism executed by a firing squad — that our war aim does not consist in reaching certain lines, but in the physical destruction of the enemy. Accordingly, I have placed my death-head formation in readiness — for the present only in the East — with orders to them to send to death mercilessly and without compassion, men, women, and children of Polish derivation and language. Only thus shall we gain the living space (Lebensraum) which we need. Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?”[4]

The “Armenian Diaspora” is the most visible, contemporary effect of this atrocity; of the estimated 9 million Armenians worldwide, almost 8 million live outside of the Armenia.[9]

To this day, Turkey’s official stance is that the deaths of Armenians during their ‘relocation’ cannot accurately be labeled ‘genocide.’ The Turkish government actively denies the intentional nature of the atrocities. This denial has dramatically hindered Turkish foreign relations and is currently a leading factor in Turkey’s restriction from the European Union. Most scholars around the world acknowledge that the tragedy was, indeed, genocide.[3]

[1] Adalian, Rouben Paul. “Armenian Genocide.” (http://www.armenian-genocide.org/genocide.html)Armenian National Institute. Accessed 18 July 2013.
[2]“Map of Ottoman Empire 1798-1923.” (http://www.worldstatesmen.org/Ottoman.jpg) World Statesmen. Accessed 18 July 2013.
[3] Cohan, Sara. “A Brief History of the Armenian Genocide.” (http://www.genocideeducation.org/files/A%20Brief%20History%20of%20the%20Armenian%20Genoci de.pdf) National Council for the Social Studies. 2005. Accessed 8 May 2013.
[4] “Armenian Genocide.” (http://www.unitedhumanrights.org/genocide/armenian_genocide.htm) United Human Rights Council. Accessed 13 July 2013.
[5] Chalk, Frank. “Radio Propaganda and Genocide.” (http://migs.concordia.ca/occpapers/radio_pr.html) Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies. November 1999. Accessed 18 July 2013.
[6] Forsythe, David P., ed. “Encyclopedia of human rights, Volume 1.” (http://books.google.ca/books?id=1QbX90fmCVUC&pg=PA98&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false) Oxford University Press, 2009. P. 97.
[7] Forsythe, David P., ed. “Encyclopedia of human rights, Volume 1.” (http://books.google.ca/books?id=1QbX90fmCVUC&pg=PA98&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false) Oxford University Press, 2009. P. 98.
[8] Kiffner, John. “Armenian Genocide of 1915: An Overview.” (http://www.nytimes.com/ref/timestopics/topics_armeniangenocide.html) New York Times. Accessed 13 July 2013.
[9] Lewis, Martin. “The Many Armenian Diasporas, Then and Now.” (http://geocurrents.info/place/russia-ukraine-and-caucasus/caucasus-series/the-many-armenian-diasporas-then-and-now#ixzz2bDct2KfU) GeoCurrents. 6 February 2012.

This page was written by Rachel Hall Beecroft. This page was updated on August 6, 2013.

World Without Genocide recommends 100years100facts.com (http://100years100facts.com/) for more information about the Armenian Genocide.

Download a one page PDF summary of this information here (http://worldwithoutgenocide.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/Armenian-Genocide-World-Without-Genocide.pdf).

08-14-2014, 02:40 AM
U.S Official Dispatch. 2nd December 1920, Armenia becoming Soviet at the request of the Armenian Bolshevik Committee. General Dro of Dashnak Revolutionary Army (Drastamat Kanayan,
Armenian folk hero, 1st Defence Minister of Armenia), decorated by the Tsar for his services commanding the Armenian 2nd Batallion against the Ottoman Army, securing his place in the Soviet Armenian Government. General Dro will later command Hitler’s NAZI 812th Armenian Battalion of Wehrmacht during WW2. The Relief work for Armenian refugees hoped to be provided under “Turkish protection”.

Kail Vahan with two of his comrades (A.R.F). In 1904 Vahan leads the group of bandits named ‘Masis’. Entering the territory of the Ottoman Empire, he commands an assault on the Turkish guardpost located near the village of Mosun, during which he is killed.

The British reported on such instances: In one, Ottoman forces found 34 Mauser rifles and 1,000 cartridges in “the village of Sitaouk, about ten miles distant from Erzeroum.” It was alleged the weapons were needed for defense, but all the rifles had “recently been smuggled from the Russian frontier, and they are all without stocks, apparently for convenience of transport and concealment.” They were being hidden in one Armenian house. The villagers, according to the British consul, had always been individually armed. This appears to have been a cache of arms, waiting for later use, not self – defense. FO 195/1985 – British Consul to Erzurum, Sir Robert W Graves dispatch to the British Ambassador to Ottoman Empire Sir Phillip H. Currie, 12 April 1897

Members of the Ottoman Bank takeover after they arrived in Marseille, France. On 26 August 1896, members of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Dashnak Party), armed with pistols, grenades, dynamite and hand-held bombs took over the Ottoman Bank for 14 hours. Resulting in the deaths of ten of the Armenian men and Ottoman soldiers followed by mob riots where 100’s of people lost their lives. After 14 hours of occupation & repelling government attempts to retake the bank, the Ambassadors of Europe, principally through the good offices of Russian consul Maxmiov, and the director of the bank, Sir Edgar Vincent (Lord of Abernon), succeeded in persuading the Armenian men to leave the bank, by promising to meet to their demands as well as grant them safe passage out of the bank. Sir Edgar’s secretary, told that their action would alienate the European powers and cause a ‘fearful massacre of Armenians’ but they replied that if they died they would do so as martyrs and patriots. They were assured of a pardon and unhindered departure from the city on board Sir Edgar Vincent’s private yacht & then transferred to a French vessel which took them to France.

08-14-2014, 02:41 AM

Reign of True Hayasa
08-14-2014, 03:11 AM
how exactly does the fact of the Armenian revolts (as even you call them) disprove the genocidal massacres committed against the Armenians with the direct sanction of the jihad fatwa of the Caliph, the Sultan of Ottoman Turkey?


am I missing something here?

Armenian Bishop
08-14-2014, 03:14 AM
Prove! that this photo is NOT of the "Kars Subatan, 25 april 1918 - Massacre Exerted By The Armenian On The Turks During World War I Pictures MR. tinypic.com UPLOADER

Stop dodging the question! He posed the question first, his question was: "Prove that this photo is NOT of the Armenian Genocide...then we can talk."

Prove! that this photo is NOT of the Armenian Genocide...then we'll talk.


let's see how 'honest' you heathens can get...

Armin Wegner, a German medic who served in German military units, in the Ottoman Empire, during World War I, was also a photographer. He photographed a number of Armenian Genocide victims, during his service in the Ottoman Empire, during World War I. The photographing of genocide victims was forbidden by order of the Young Turks of the Ottoman Empire; consequently, he had to conceal his photographing activity, and he was forced to smuggle the photographs through friendly lines, to get them to reach Germany.

08-14-2014, 03:19 AM
RIP Lee Rigby as well, jihad is happening i euroep right now as we speak.

Reign of True Hayasa
08-14-2014, 03:19 AM

I have no problem accepting Armenian revolts...why do you even bring this up? Don't you realize that these are separate claims? Why do you keep confounding them? :confused:

08-14-2014, 03:20 AM
Stop dodging the question! He posed the question first, his question was: "Prove that this photo is NOT of the Armenian Genocide...then we can talk."

turks are the scourge of europe let alone the world. Lets go, another war. I'm in.

Armenian Bishop
08-14-2014, 03:26 AM
and how exactly does the fact that there have been revolts (as you call them) disprove the genocidal massacres committed against the Armenians?

You're right, it doesn't prove a thing. According to this genocide denial logic, it'd be fine to just deport and murder the families of Colonial American Rebels, during the American Revolution. The 13 Colonies were considered to be rebels, as far as King George was concerned, but the British understood that its not alright to just ethnically cleanse Americans who expressly desired to break away from the Empire.

Armenian women, children and babies, in the Ottoman Empire, didn't pose a threat to the security of the empire. Many of them were killed on the spot, before they could even be deported. In Trebizond, Armenian women and children were loaded onto boats and safely deported onto the Black Sea, where they were promptly drowned, and murdered. How's that going to be explained by genocide denialists? And, many young Armenian men of military age, were already serving in the military of the Ottoman Empire, in 1915, when the Young Turks decided to have them arrested, placed in road work crews, and eventually forced to dig their own graves, where they were murdered.

Reign of True Hayasa
08-14-2014, 03:30 AM


Let's put your YouTube Academia to the test, shall we.

The following is from the "International Association of Genocide Scholars" (http://www.voelkermord.at/docs/Scholars_Denying_IAGS.pdf).

see, I can write in oversized letters too ;)

It is an open letter to Historians who deny the Armenian Genocide.

Armenian Bishop
08-14-2014, 04:43 AM
Gregory Stanton, president of the International Association of Genocide Scholars, has identified 8 predictable aspects of a genocide, all of which hold true, and can be identified, when making inquiry into the Armenian Genocide (1915 - 1923):

(1) Classification
(2) Symbolization
(3) Dehumanization
(4) Organization
(5) Polarization
(6) Preparation
(7) Extermination
(8) Denial

The 8th aspect, genocide denial shouldn't be underestimated


The commentary below, is quoted from Gregory Stanton's Statements about the practice of denying genocide:

When I first outlined these stages in a memo I wrote in the State Department in 1996, I thought these seven stages are all there are. Then I realized there is an eighth stage in every genocide: Denial. It is actually a continuation of the genocide, because it is a continuing attempt to destroy the victim group psychologically and culturally, to deny its members even the memory of the murders of their relatives.

Denial has a profoundly negative impact on everyone concerned.

Denial harms the victims and their survivors.

That is what the Turkish government today is doing to Armenians around the world. Elie Wiesel has repeatedly called Turkey’s denial a double killing, as it strives to kill the memory of the event. We believe the US government should not be party to efforts to kill the memory of a historical fact as profound and important as the genocide of the Armenians, which Hitler used as an example in his plan to exterminate the Jews.

Around the world, victims of genocide ask first for recognition of the crime committed against them. It is as essential to healing as closing an open wound. Without such healing, scars harden into hatred that cripples the victim and cries out for revenge.

Denial harms the perpetrators and their successors.

After the Ottoman Courts-Martial of 1918-1920, there were no further trials. The killers literally got away with mass murder. With blood on their hands, they returned to their work. But out of that denial grew a Turkish state that denied the existence of all non-Turks within Turkey. Kurds became “mountain Turks,” Kurdish schools were closed, and people speaking Kurdish had their tongues cut out.

Studies by genocide scholars prove that the single best predictor of future genocide is denial of a past genocide coupled with impunity for its perpetrators. Genocide Deniers are three times more likely to commit genocide again than other governments. We should be on guard for Turkish attempts to suppress Kurds, which continue to this day, and recently resulted in an invasion of Iraq.

Turkish school children are taught that the Armenian genocide is a myth. Turkish writers who write the truth are prosecuted for “insulting Turkishness,” even if they have won the Nobel Prize. Publishers like Hrant Dink who dare publish the truth are murdered, and their murderers are celebrated as national heroes. These are the remnants of racist ultranationalism, of fascism, and do not belong in a member of NATO that hopes to join the European community.

The next step that Turkey must take to become a real democracy is to acknowledge its own past. Like an alcoholic drunk on the liquor of ultranationalism, it must first admit its own problem before it can leave its addiction.

Why should this be so hard? Germany has done it, and has become one of the strongest democracies on earth. The current Turkish government did not commit the Armenian genocide. Why should it not face the truth about the crimes the Ottoman Empire committed over ninety years ago?

Denial harms the bystanders

Countries that recognize the truth about the Armenian Genocide are considered enemies by Turkish successor regimes. The parliaments of many countries have affirmed the fact of the Armenian Genocide in unequivocal terms, and proposed congressional resolutions like H. Res. 106 are commemorative and non-binding. Yet the resolution faced opposition from those who fear it would undermine US relations with Turkey. It is worth noting that, notwithstanding France’s Armenian Genocide legislation, France and Turkey are engaged in more bilateral trade than ever before.

We would not expect the US government to be intimidated by an unreliable ally with a deeply disturbing human rights record, graphically documented in the State Department’s 2007 International Religious Freedom Report on Turkey. We would expect the United States to express its moral and intellectual views, not to compromise its own principles.

In fact, telling the truth would ultimately be good for US-Turkish relations, because they would no longer be based on diplomatic lies.

The Joint Congressional Resolution recognizing and commemorating the Armenian Genocide will honor America’s extraordinary Foreign Service Officers (among them Leslie A. Davis, Jesse B. Jackson, and Oscar Heizer) who often risked their lives rescuing Armenian citizens in 1915.

They and others left behind some forty thousand pages of reports, now in the National Archives, that document that what happened to the Armenianpeople was government-planned, systematic extermination.—what Raphael Lemkin (the man who coined the word genocide) used in creating the definition.

By passing the resolution, the U.S. Congress would also pay tribute to America’s first international human rights movement. The Foreign Service Officers and prominent individuals such as Theodore Roosevelt, Ambassador Henry Morgenthau, and Cleveland Dodge, who did so much to help the Armenians, exemplify America’s legacy of moral leadership.

Of course, the State Department did not want Ambassador Morgenthau to tell the truth, and after he returned to the United States he never got another diplomatic assignment. But he inspired his son, Henry Morgenthau, Junior, who became FDR.’s Secretary of the Treasury and was a tireless advocate for rescuing Jews during the Holocaust.

Let us today commemorate those who died in the Armenian Genocide, but also Ambassador Henry Morgenthau and others who had the courage to tell the truth about it.

Let us remember Ambassador Morgenthau’s words when he met with Talaat Pasha, who asked him:

“Why are you so interested in the Armenians anyway? You are a Jew, these people are Christians..”

Morgenthau replied:

“You don’t seem to realize that I am not here as a Jew but as the American Ambassador.….I do not appeal to you in the name of any race or religion, but merely as a human being..”

Reign of True Hayasa
08-14-2014, 04:51 AM
500 messages in a week, ur life must be cool dude


Reign of True Hayasa
08-14-2014, 06:14 AM
This info comes from an old website that did not update itself it's called historyofjihad/waronjihad and it has frankly a lot of historical errors. Not only that they also make the mistake calling the Albanians Slavs, and Chechens as Turks. As well other nonsense to.

can you prove that?

where do they call Albanians Slavs? and Chechens - Turks?

post the links to their articles which have such errors in them, for verification.

Also, just because different articles are included in one website doesn't mean they come from the same source.

you might also find this (http://www.fallacyfiles.org/genefall.html) helpful (not only you "Al Uzza", also the readers)

Reign of True Hayasa
08-14-2014, 06:28 AM
Armenian lies has started with falsifying, and it continues

The history of Armenian photo falsifications start with the publication of the book "Der Völkermord an den Armenien vor Gericht. Der Prozess Talaat Pascha," in 1920 (or 1921) in Berlin. On The cover of the book there is a horrid pyramid of skulls which is accompanied by a picture of Talat Pasha, the Ottoman Minister of the Interior. The book presented the image as a proof of the “Ottoman” barbarity. The “photo” appeared also in 1352 copies of a "well published" book entitled The Massacre of Armenians (Katliami Ermeniyan), by Ismail Ra'in, in 1979 Iran... supported by "some Armenian circles during the Shah's time." The Persian legend under the “photograph” says: Serha-yi eramene-ike katliam shudend der sal 1917 (or "the skulls of Armenians massacred in the year 1917"). But the real great public appearance of this “photo” was in Canada. It was enlarged and shown to the Canadian public in the 1970's, in the Yerevan Pavillion at the annual Metro International Caravan festivities in Toronto, as proof of the Armenian "Genocide." Further, the daily Nova-Svetlina, dated April 23, 1985, of Bulgaria, published an article entitled "Tragic Memories" (Tragichni Spomeni) and signed by an Armenian, M.Sofian. It reproduces the same pictures with the following legend: "The terrifying traces of barbaric massacres of the Armenians in Turkey in the year 1915." Also it was printed on to Postcards by "Committee for Support to Max Hrair Kilnjian" in France.

But the truth behind this “photo," which “displays the evil nature of the Turks “and their ”organized violence against Armenians”, was a bit different… This “Photo” was not a photo at all but a painting by a Russian artist Vassili Vereshchagin (1842-1904). This Russian painting named "The Apotheosis of War," was created in 1871 and it still hangs in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow. Only after Prof. Ataöv exposed the truth about this so called photographic evidence in 1980 it slowly faded away in the depths of the Armenian propaganda.

It indeed is puzzling to see that this outrageous and careless falsification really made it that far. But thanks to the immense prejudices of the western public and their reluctance to hear what the Turks say, the quick recipe of preparing careless fake and falsified photos still works very well today.
Armenians was terrorist, and they are still terrorists
During 1900-

"More than 3000 Mountain Jews were killed by Armenians during 1918-1919"
during 1970-1980 ASALA terorizm

Orly Airport attack by Armenian terrorists

Again, where are your sources?

Why don't you link the sources for all this information? Could there be something you're hiding? ;) Have you noticed, that whenever I post something from a website, I always provide a link and/or cite it, so that people who have questions about the content that I am posting can then verify it...

academic integrity or just integrity per se

these concepts seem to be foreign to the "gray wolf" propaganda howlers and brainwashed internet serfs.

How do I know that you didn't manipulate any of the texts that you posted? supposing that the source of the information and the analysis on it is trustworthy.

you got all your photos from the bullshit Turkish propaganda site "Tall Armenian Tale" ;) and here is how I know it

just go editing mode and check out the IMG file

the very first one reads...



Setting this aside, how exactly did you meet your burden of proof with this lengthy (yet ultimately useless) post? can you outline the proof for me in a few sentences of your own?

Not only are you copying and pasting known propaganda garbage (that everyone, including you, knows it's bullshit), but you also didn't seem to accomplish anything with it...

What does the (alleged) massacre of the Mountain Jews by Armenians have anything to do with the Armenian Genocide by Turks in Ottoman provinces?

Suppose, I take all the allegations leveled against the Armenians at face value, what have you accomplished with this? How does any of this diminish or discredit any of facts of the Armenian Genocide?

Also, this Azeri website is hardly neutral nor trustworthy. We all would be better off with more impartial sources of information than that.

The narration and analysis on the (yet to be proven) allegations are highly suspect, based on the evidence of their behaviour online.

and this is according to your sources, not even neutral ones!

Fiasco for the Azeri propaganda in the EP, European Parliament

The “commemoration” of the Khojalu events that was for Azerbaijan the pinnacle moment of its ongoing misinformation campaign turned to a fiasco on Tuesday, March 3, 2009, in the European Parliament.

Alerted by the European Armenian Federation and other voices of European public opinion, the MEP Mrs. Gisela Kallenbach (Greens, Germany) which initially had sponsored the exhibition of the “Aliev Foundation”, became aware that she was the object of the Azeri attempt of manipulation. Consequently, she surprised the participants, primarily the Azeris by declaring that she was there only “because it was too late to cancel the exhibition”.

In her inaugural speech, Gisela Kallenbach did not hesitate to say that she regretted that the exhibition did not include pictures of the anti-Armenian pogrom that was committed in the Azerbaijani city of Sumgait in 1988, before taking one minute of silence in memory of the victims of all the conflicts of the South Caucasus. She criticised implicitly the Azeri attempt of misinformation and stated that she learnt that this exhibition “could be used in order to destroy the promising and recent process of reconciliation between Armenia and Azerbaijan” and “that was absolutely not” her intention.

The short speech that Mrs. Kallenbach delivered on this occasion is available here.

Mrs. Kallenbach quickly put an end to her participation while the ambassador of Azerbaijan was prevented from expressing himself and distributing his false propaganda.

According to various sources, Mrs. Kallenbach had been deceived by officers of her political group directly financed by the Aliev Foundation.

“We congratulate Mrs. Kallenbach for her courage and her perspicacity” declared Hilda Tchoboian, the chairperson of the European Armenian Federation; “it is clear that the commemorations of Khojalu organized everywhere in Europe and in the United States form part of the political warmongering of the leaders of Azerbaijan; they aim to prevent the settlement of the conflict by prohibiting any concession to its public opinion, while masking its own crimes” she continued.

Within the framework of a worldwide campaign of disinformation, the Baku regime intends to make the international institutions acknowledge that the events which would have occurred in Khojalu in 1992 at the time of Artsakh liberation war (formerly Nagorno Karabakh) would have constituted war crimes – even a “genocide”. These events – presented as such using photos taken in Kosovo were never clarified but several sources – in particular Azeri – tend to prove that they would have been caused by the Aliev clan to destabilize the Azeri regime of Mutalibov which was at that time in power.

The massacres and pogroms of Armenians in Sumgait, Baku and Kirovabad, recalled by Mrs. Kallenbach, are on the other hand, attested as having constituted the response of Azerbaijan to the peaceful process by which the Armenian populations of Karabakh had requested their unification to Armenia, in accordance with the Soviet constitution which was into force at that time. These pogroms caused the Artsakh liberation war to begin.

At that time, the European Parliament strongly criticised the actions of Azerbaijan towards its Armenian population, pointing out “the blockade and the aggression of Azerbaijan”, “the 300,000 Armenian refugees who fled the pogroms”, the murders of Armenians perpetrated “in horrific circumstances”, “the economic blockade of Armenia”, “the unprecedented attack against the Armenians of Karabakh” and their “right to self-determination”.

Reign of True Hayasa
08-14-2014, 06:57 AM
basically all you've done with that lengthy pointless post was regurgitate the well known forgeries and lies from a ridiculously obvious pro-Turkish propaganda website. and yet you expect people to take you seriously? who are you fooling here exactly? keep insulting the intelligence of the readers on this forum. :thumb001:

08-17-2014, 02:44 PM
Here is some food for thought: These are the numbers of people, mainly Turks and Kurds, murdered by the Armenians in the Caucasus and Anatolia during 1906-1922.

(in German)
1st row: volume & document numbers
2nd row: date
3rd row: place
4th row: detailed information
5th row: dead person

Sources are given in the last shortcut. I have counted 503.543 dead person in total. Maybe this explains why Turks and Kurds got angry toward Armenians.
