View Full Version : Classify Mad Men Actor John Slattery

08-16-2014, 09:46 AM
Born in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Of Irish Descent. 5ft 10/1.78m

http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMzM2MDUxOTYxMV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwODIwNTk1._V1_S X640_SY720_.jpg
http://www1.pictures.zimbio.com/bg/John+Slattery+Mad+Men+World+Premiere+p2rJzFS8kgLl. jpg

08-16-2014, 09:52 AM
Very British/Irish look.

Keltised Atlanto-Brunn

The most charismatic actor on Mad Men. He literally steals every scene. Makes grey hair look cool!

Prisoner Of Ice
08-16-2014, 10:01 AM
Here's why I can't imagine how people can doubt there is a core similarity between Irish, Welsh and Basques, it's just so obvious in guys like him. North atlantid.

08-16-2014, 10:05 AM
Here's why I can't imagine how people can doubt there is a core similarity between Irish, Welsh and Basques, it's just so obvious in guys like him. North atlantid.

One of the members here is half-Basque and half-Irish and we've discussed this a lot. The "pre-Celtic" inhabitants of Britain were obviously closely related to Basques. Lots of U Haplogroups in both.

08-16-2014, 10:18 AM
Here's why I can't imagine how people can doubt there is a core similarity between Irish, Welsh and Basques, it's just so obvious in guys like him. North atlantid.

N. Atlantid classification is incorrect. Also, Irish and Welsh don't share any particular relationship with Basques, anymore than all western Atlantic populations do. The Irish are also more closely related to the Scottish, than they are to the Welsh.

The Basque connection theory was actually disproven many years ago, I will look for the article.

08-16-2014, 10:29 AM
N. Atlantid classification is incorrect. Also, Irish and Welsh don't share any particular relationship with Basques, anymore than all western Atlantic populations do. The Irish are also more closely related to the Scottish, than they are to the Welsh.

The Basque connection theory was actually disproven many years ago, I will look for the article.


08-16-2014, 10:36 AM

What a ridiculous article. The Welsh really aren't particularly dark, I think I've seen more blondes among them than among the English. So that's the basis for your "Basque connection", a stereotype of "dark looks" that actually has no basis in reality?

"Within the last few months, the genetic genealogy community has placed a new SNP (L21 / rs11799226) on the Y chromosome phylogenetic tree downstream of the most frequent western European haplogroup (R1b). Preliminary results suggest the overwhelming majority of Irish R1b carry the mutation, while L21 is absent in the Iberian samples and subclades tested so far. R1b from England and continental northwestern Europe seem to be split between L21-derived and L21-ancestral. It's still early and I'd like to see more data, but I think L21 (and thus the direct male ancestor of the majority of the Irish) most likely originated in northwestern Europe. The supposed link between the Irish and Iberians was built on the high frequency of R1b Y-DNA in both regions. The autosomal and mtDNA data never supported any sort of special or close relationship between "Celts" and Basques; it's now clear that Y-DNA doesn't, either."

08-16-2014, 10:42 AM
What a ridiculous article. The Welsh really aren't particularly dark, I think I've seen more blondes among them than among the English. So that's the basis for your "Basque connection", a stereotype of "dark looks" that actually has no basis in reality?

"Within the last few months, the genetic genealogy community has placed a new SNP (L21 / rs11799226) on the Y chromosome phylogenetic tree downstream of the most frequent western European haplogroup (R1b). Preliminary results suggest the overwhelming majority of Irish R1b carry the mutation, while L21 is absent in the Iberian samples and subclades tested so far. R1b from England and continental northwestern Europe seem to be split between L21-derived and L21-ancestral. It's still early and I'd like to see more data, but I think L21 (and thus the direct male ancestor of the majority of the Irish) most likely originated in northwestern Europe. The supposed link between the Irish and Iberians was built on the high frequency of R1b Y-DNA in both regions. The autosomal and mtDNA data never supported any sort of special or close relationship between "Celts" and Basques; it's now clear that Y-DNA doesn't, either."

The article does state some typically ignorant BS but I posted it for the study it refers to.

Prisoner Of Ice
08-16-2014, 10:47 AM
N. Atlantid classification is incorrect. Also, Irish and Welsh don't share any particular relationship with Basques, anymore than all western Atlantic populations do. The Irish are also more closely related to the Scottish, than they are to the Welsh.

Instead of making a dumb and confrontational statement like that, just give your own classification.

The Basque connection theory was actually disproven many years ago, I will look for the article.

Only to retarded people who have no idea about archaeology of europe and can't comprehend what a gene code is.

08-16-2014, 10:55 AM
The article does state some typically ignorant BS but I posted it for the study it refers to.

There is a connection I think, but it is extremely old and it has been drowned in a sea of outside genetic input. Possibly there are certain holdouts where the Basque-like ancestry has persisted. Wales does have some people with uncommonly dark features, but it's definitely not the rule. You can find people in Scotland with this oddly dark complexion, believe it or not. People that would actually beat Catherine Zeta-Jones and Sean Connery in swarthy looks. Again, it's very uncommon, but they are there.

08-16-2014, 11:02 AM
Instead of making a dumb and confrontational statement like that, just give your own classification.

Only to retarded people who have no idea about archaeology of europe and can't comprehend what a gene code is.

Can you comprehend what a gene code is? Did you read the paragraph that I quoted in the above post?

Please enlighten me as to this indisputable archaeological connection you know of, as well. It's probably better to actually post some studies or something, rather than just responding with "you're stupid".

08-16-2014, 12:38 PM
Hes got my eye color

King Claus
08-16-2014, 12:41 PM
Hes got my eye color
Yea man, he's a total look a like:rolleyes:

08-16-2014, 12:44 PM
Yea man, he's a total look a like:rolleyes:

I was talking only about the eye color.This hazel brown-greenish is a very rare color.

08-16-2014, 01:42 PM
Here's why I can't imagine how people can doubt there is a core similarity between Irish, Welsh and Basques, it's just so obvious in guys like him. North atlantid.

I guess that makes you Basque then. You should visit your Basque homeland one day.

Prisoner Of Ice
08-16-2014, 03:04 PM
It's probably better to actually post some studies or something, rather than just responding with "you're stupid".

If the shoe fits, wear it. But that's the tone you set. like I said, you classify the guy and say why you think so, don't just come out and say "No you are wrong!". Don't like it so much when the shoe is on the other foot, eh? But it's pretty simple stuff you should be able to look up easily and understand, if you don't, I am not going to waste my breath explaining to you as like with Graham it's probably more of an ideological belief than a reasoned opinion.

Prisoner Of Ice
08-16-2014, 03:06 PM
I guess that makes you Basque then. You should visit your Basque homeland one day.

Related to isn't the same as equivalent to. Everyone in europe is related to varying degrees. Why does this simple concept escape people? Can't imagine being related to a filthy brown person? Well, maybe you guys need to look at a few pictures of basque people because there is indeed a lot of overlap.

08-16-2014, 03:36 PM
Related to isn't the same as equivalent to. Everyone in europe is related to varying degrees. Why does this simple concept escape people? Can't imagine being related to a filthy brown person? Well, maybe you guys need to look at a few pictures of basque people because there is indeed a lot of overlap.

yes but Irish are much more closely related to other North Western Europeans, and have more overlap with them. When will people accept this? It's been known for years.


Prisoner Of Ice
08-16-2014, 03:50 PM
yes but Irish are much more closely related to other North Western Europeans, and have more overlap with them. When will people accept this? It's been known for years.


They should not let children such as you read PCA charts it makes you say funny things. But of course Irish are closer to people in brittany for example. However the important part here is it's not all one homogenous population. Like I said about him, you can really see the influence in certain people. Which we expect because of all the past events in irish prehistory.

And still neither of you has bothered to actually add to the thread, you just keep shitting all over it. Do you have a classification for the guy or not? If not get the fuck out of the thread.

08-16-2014, 11:27 PM
There is a connection I think, but it is extremely old and it has been drowned in a sea of outside genetic input. Possibly there are certain holdouts where the Basque-like ancestry has persisted. Wales does have some people with uncommonly dark features, but it's definitely not the rule. You can find people in Scotland with this oddly dark complexion, believe it or not. People that would actually beat Catherine Zeta-Jones and Sean Connery in swarthy looks. Again, it's very uncommon, but they are there.

Paleo types exist all over the British isles.

Prisoner Of Ice
08-17-2014, 02:45 AM
Not everything is about skin color, that is not the point. Real unmixed Basques are pale anyway, and John Slattery is NOT dark anyway. Like I said, actually look into things before leaping to conclusions.

08-17-2014, 02:51 AM
Keltic Nordid with a bit of Brunn.

08-17-2014, 03:02 AM
Paleo types exist all over the British isles.

Dark Mediterranean types are the opposite of "paleo". Just because they are dark doesn't mean they are some kind of ancient, mysterious, primordial British race. Dark Atlantid types are actually among the younger arrivals to the Isles. The honor of oldest Britons would obviously go to Brunns and CMs.

08-17-2014, 05:32 AM
Dark Mediterranean types are the opposite of "paleo". Just because they are dark doesn't mean they are some kind of ancient, mysterious, primordial British race. Dark Atlantid types are actually among the younger arrivals to the Isles. The honor of oldest Britons would obviously go to Brunns and CMs.


08-17-2014, 05:56 AM

Uh.... It should be pretty clear. The first paleolithic settlements in Britain, first starting about 33,000 years ago, would have obviously been comprised of Cro-Magnon types. The so-called "Iberians" came later, about 15,000 years ago, the Bell-Beaker folk came during the Bronze Age, and the Keltic types came in the Iron Age. Should be pretty self-explanatory.

08-17-2014, 06:06 AM
Uh.... It should be pretty clear. The first paleolithic settlements in Britain, first starting about 33,000 years ago, would have obviously been comprised of Cro-Magnon types. The so-called "Iberians" came later, about 15,000 years ago, the Bell-Beaker folk came during the Bronze Age, and the Keltic types came in the Iron Age. Should be pretty self-explanatory.

That's assumption not evidence.

Grace O'Malley
08-17-2014, 08:51 AM
They should not let children such as you read PCA charts it makes you say funny things. But of course Irish are closer to people in brittany for example. However the important part here is it's not all one homogenous population. Like I said about him, you can really see the influence in certain people. Which we expect because of all the past events in irish prehistory.

And still neither of you has bothered to actually add to the thread, you just keep shitting all over it. Do you have a classification for the guy or not? If not get the fuck out of the thread.

You are the person that keeps commenting on how the Irish and Basque are closely related. That map is very clear. Also as I've said to you previously there are a lot more populations closer to Basque people than Irish. A couple of populations are the Southern English and Belgians so doesn't that prove they have more a connection to the Basque than the Irish? You have said yourself that ydna is larger than autosomal dna when everyone knows that autosomal dna is from all your ancestors and y-dna is just from one ancestor way back in time. Anyway on the subject of ydna.

The Irish are overwhelmingly of the subclade L21. This is spread across both Ireland and Britain and is about 3,000 to 3,500 years old. Connecting Basque to the Irish is a red herring. L21 arose in France approx 3,700 to 4,000 years ago. It is from the Bronze Age and much too young to be from the Cro-Magnon refuge in Iberia. The highest genetic diversity of L21 is in France. The Basque are in an area of decreased diversity.

R1b is also found in Armenians.

R1b that is found in Basque samples belongs to a completely different parallel branch to what is found in samples from Ireland and Britain. If we were to use the same logic then the Irish are really Armenians given the high level of R1b (M269) also present in Armenian population.

Of course like the rest of Europe the earliest inhabitants of Ireland probably belonged to Haplogroup I, which makes up about 7-10% of current Irish male population.

Grace O'Malley
08-17-2014, 09:07 AM
Related to isn't the same as equivalent to. Everyone in europe is related to varying degrees. Why does this simple concept escape people? Can't imagine being related to a filthy brown person? Well, maybe you guys need to look at a few pictures of basque people because there is indeed a lot of overlap.

That's got nothing to do with it and you continually use this race business. The Basque are uber-European and it has nothing to do with like or not like. It is just false to say there is a particularly close genetic connection between the Irish and Basque. That always appeared odd to me anyway. Even before this was debunked I always thought it strange that the Irish who were ruled by Britain and surrounded by all those seafaring populations were related to a population not even that close to them geographically. Nothing about it made much sense. Logically the Irish would have more closer connections to their neighbours and this is what genetics shows.

08-17-2014, 09:30 AM
Uh.... It should be pretty clear. The first paleolithic settlements in Britain, first starting about 33,000 years ago, would have obviously been comprised of Cro-Magnon types. The so-called "Iberians" came later, about 15,000 years ago, the Bell-Beaker folk came during the Bronze Age, and the Keltic types came in the Iron Age. Should be pretty self-explanatory.

The term Paleo is short for Paleolithic which is the period predating 10,000 years ago.

It's commonly believed Paleo-Europids were med types eg in this discussion;


This makes sense as this phenotype has been driven to the western edges of Western Europe.

Prisoner Of Ice
08-17-2014, 09:58 AM
The term Paleo is short for Paleolithic which is the period predating 10,000 years ago.

It's commonly believed Paleo-Europids were med types eg in this discussion;


This makes sense as this phenotype has been driven to the western edges of Western Europe.

The med type as people think of it today is practically made up, if you look at reconstructions based on med skulls they look surprisingly british.

I didn't chime in too much about it because I don't think it's very settled 1) when basques came to be where they are or 2) if they can be seen as paleo atlantids or 3) how dark they were.

There's definitely an almost middleeast-like current running through Ireland and basque territories. I think probably the basques are the remainder of the sulutreans, they are basically more gracilized mesocephalic types with a lot of brunn and such like you'd see in Ireland, lots of red hair, etc.

But it could also be that they are megalithic farmers who came from north africa or somewhere else. Regardless this is pretty obviously the source of r1b, or at least where it spread out from in europe. I don't think it's worth discussing too much because we don't really know enough to be sure, and the ethnocentrists have whined on and on about r1b coming from near east around roman times to such an extent most people just assumes it's true. In spite of the fact there is no evidence for this whatsoever.

But regardless, obviously basquelike look is the original r1b look, they have it higher than anyone else by a wide margin. And also there is overlap between basques and irish. This is the accepted view and a couple jackasses with 40 posts and some people that always make really dumb arguments about stuff are people whose opinions I dont care about too much.

I am sure eventually the "mystery" will be solved just like the "mystery" of the origin of H mtdna is now basically sewn up as iberian. Since H and r1b are pretty tightly linked then that should be enough to solve this mystery as well, but since there is some political reasons to deny this (extreme oppression of the basques by spain, for starters) people won't give it up until it's absolutely proven.

You would think r1b being the highest in basque territory and also very high in irish territory would be enough but many people are quite irrational on the subject.

Grace O'Malley
08-17-2014, 10:06 AM
Scots are also quite a curiosity. A lot of ink has been wasted trying to relate Scots and Irish with Basques and what not. This is because of commonality of European Paleolithic persistence in the blood of all these peoples but otherwise there is no particular relation. Even recently Steven Oppenheimer was in a gig through the Basque Country sowing confusion on this matter and claiming happily that the Irish are some sort of Basques.

This and other studies clearly indicate otherwise: when the samples allow, Basques and Scots (or Welsh or Irish too) can even describe the main axis of difference at pan-European levels. Both populations show strong index of Europeanness (vertical axis) but are otheriwse different (horizontal axis).


Prisoner Of Ice
08-17-2014, 10:09 AM

I mean, does he look like this basque person in type at all, yes or no?

Here's why I keep demanding some classification. The people arguing with me can't even say what John Slattery even looks like!


Does this basque person look like Adrian Paul? Can someone tell me he doesn't?


I won't come out and say I am the best classifier, I don't think that's true at all because that takes a level of organization I don't really have. But my mind is machinelike and incredibly good at spotting patterns. You just can't tell me I am wrong about this, it seems pretty obvious the people against it are just arguing from an "oh no spanish people are niggers" point of view. However the reason there are different phenotypes is that there are specific inputs, the ethnic groups today are not the same as they were in the past. The whole point where Grace O'Malley constantly fails to understand what's going on is that is what we are interested in, not recent mixing that's occurred since international transit started to become common back in tudor times!

Grace O'Malley
08-17-2014, 10:12 AM
The med type as people think of it today is practically made up, if you look at reconstructions based on med skulls they look surprisingly british.

I didn't chime in too much about it because I don't think it's very settled 1) when basques came to be where they are or 2) if they can be seen as paleo atlantids or 3) how dark they were.

There's definitely an almost middleeast-like current running through Ireland and basque territories. I think probably the basques are the remainder of the sulutreans, they are basically more gracilized mesocephalic types with a lot of brunn and such like you'd see in Ireland, lots of red hair, etc.

But it could also be that they are megalithic farmers who came from north africa or somewhere else. Regardless this is pretty obviously the source of r1b, or at least where it spread out from in europe. I don't think it's worth discussing too much because we don't really know enough to be sure, and the ethnocentrists have whined on and on about r1b coming from near east around roman times to such an extent most people just assumes it's true. In spite of the fact there is no evidence for this whatsoever.

But regardless, obviously basquelike look is the original r1b look, they have it higher than anyone else by a wide margin. And also there is overlap between basques and irish. This is the accepted view and a couple jackasses with 40 posts and some people that always make really dumb arguments about stuff are people whose opinions I dont care about too much.

I am sure eventually the "mystery" will be solved just like the "mystery" of the origin of H mtdna is now basically sewn up as iberian. Since H and r1b are pretty tightly linked then that should be enough to solve this mystery as well, but since there is some political reasons to deny this (extreme oppression of the basques by spain, for starters) people won't give it up until it's absolutely proven.

You would think r1b being the highest in basque territory and also very high in irish territory would be enough but many people are quite irrational on the subject.

Where ydna is most populous does not at all indicate origin you have to look at age and diversity. A ydna can dominate an area though bottlenecks and founder effect. R1b-M222 is a prime example of this. You are also conveniently ignoring that the Basque and Irish have separate clades. You seem to be relating the fact that both Basque and Irish are high in R1b so therefore they are related? R1a is high in Poland and North and Central India so by your logic the Poles are descended from Indians.

Grace O'Malley
08-17-2014, 10:37 AM

I mean, does he look like this basque person in type at all, yes or no?

Here's why I keep demanding some classification. The people arguing with me can't even say what John Slattery even looks like!


Does this basque person look like Adrian Paul? Can someone tell me he doesn't?


I won't come out and say I am the best classifier, I don't think that's true at all because that takes a level of organization I don't really have. But my mind is machinelike and incredibly good at spotting patterns. You just can't tell me I am wrong about this, it seems pretty obvious the people against it are just arguing from an "oh no spanish people are niggers" point of view. However the reason there are different phenotypes is that there are specific inputs, the ethnic groups today are not the same as they were in the past. The whole point where Grace O'Malley constantly fails to understand what's going on is that is what we are interested in, not recent mixing that's occurred since international transit started to become common back in tudor times!

Showing random pictures doesn't mean anything. You are the only person saying "oh no spanish people are niggers". No one else has said any such thing and stop putting words in people's mouths that they didn't say. It's not related to the topic at all. The whole point which you fail to understand is that genetics shows ancient connections also. It can be shown if a population has more input from different hunter gatherers depending on what program you use. The Irish have different ancient components in their genetics than the Basque. One example is the Irish have much higher amounts of ANE while the Basque have little. The Basque people are more similar to the Sardinians.

The whole glaring thing is that R1b is relatively young in Europe and doesn't show much ancient connections anyway.

Grace O'Malley
08-17-2014, 12:07 PM
The photos above are of a couple of Basque and a man called Adrian Paul. Adrian Paul has an Italian mother and an English father. So how does that show a Basque connection to the Irish? The middle person doesn't look Irish in the least.

Prisoner Of Ice
08-17-2014, 08:49 PM
The photos above are of a couple of Basque and a man called Adrian Paul. Adrian Paul has an Italian mother and an English father. So how does that show a Basque connection to the Irish? The middle person doesn't look Irish in the least.

Whoops, thought he was scottish. But he still passes in UK, no one would look at him twice anywhere in british isles.

The basque guy I linked to is as basque as they come. Obviously John Slattery is not much off from him, either. Like I said if you fail to see the obvious similarities to some people in UK to these people then it's due to some huge bias and there's no arguing with you (well there's never any arguing with you it seems). In wales there seems to be tons of basquelike people (though I have not been).

Grace O'Malley
08-18-2014, 03:09 PM
Whoops, thought he was scottish. But he still passes in UK, no one would look at him twice anywhere in british isles.

The basque guy I linked to is as basque as they come. Obviously John Slattery is not much off from him, either. Like I said if you fail to see the obvious similarities to some people in UK to these people then it's due to some huge bias and there's no arguing with you (well there's never any arguing with you it seems). In wales there seems to be tons of basquelike people (though I have not been).

Yes there is no arguing with me :). I'm Irish. At least you haven't given me the thumbs down. Anyway just because we disagree doesn't mean we aren't friends. We can still like each other and disagree. :thumb001:

12-29-2014, 10:10 PM

07-21-2019, 05:59 PM
Birth Name: John M. Slattery, Jr.

Place of Birth: Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.

Date of Birth: August 13, 1962

Ethnicity: Irish

11-07-2019, 09:50 AM