View Full Version : Not Human Y-DNA among us

Sacrificed Ram
08-17-2014, 05:41 PM
The father of all men is 340,000 years old

Albert Perry carried a secret in his DNA: a Y chromosome so distinctive that it reveals new information about the origin of our species. It shows that the last common male ancestor down the paternal line of our species is over twice as old as we thought.

One possible explanation is that hundreds of thousands of years ago, modern and archaic humans in central Africa interbred, adding to known examples of interbreeding – with Neanderthals in the Middle East, and with the enigmatic Denisovans somewhere in southeast Asia.

Perry, recently deceased, was an African-American who lived in South Carolina. A few years ago, one of his female relatives submitted a sample of his DNA to a company called Family Tree DNA for genealogical analysis.

Geneticists can use such samples to work out how we are related to one another. Hundreds of thousands of people have now had their DNA tested. The data from these tests had shown that all men gained their Y chromosome from a common male ancestor. This genetic "Adam" lived between 60,000 and 140,000 years ago.

All men except Perry, that is. When Family Tree DNA's technicians tried to place Perry on the Y-chromosome family tree, they just couldn't. His Y chromosome was like no other so far analysed.

Deeper roots

Michael Hammer, a geneticist at the University of Arizona in Tucson, heard about Perry's unusual Y chromosome and did some further testing. His team's research revealed something extraordinary: Perry did not descend from the genetic Adam. In fact, his Y chromosome was so distinct that his male lineage probably separated from all others about 338,000 years ago.

"The Y-chromosome tree is much older than we thought," says Chris Tyler-Smith at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in Hinxton, UK, who was not involved in the study. He says further work will be needed to confirm exactly how much older.

"It's a cool discovery," says Jon Wilkins of the Ronin Institute in Montclair, New Jersey. "We geneticists have been looking at Y chromosomes about as long as we've been looking at anything. Changing where the root of the Y-chromosome tree is at this point is extremely surprising."

Digging deeper, Hammer's team examined an African database of nearly 6000 Y chromosomes and found similarities between Perry's and those in samples taken from 11 men, all living in one village in Cameroon. This may indicate where in Africa Perry's ancestors hailed from.

Older than humanity

The first anatomically modern human fossils date back only 195,000 years, so Perry's Y chromosome lineage split from the rest of humanity long before our species appeared.

What are the implications? One possibility is that Perry's Y chromosome may have been inherited from an archaic human population that has since gone extinct. If that's the case, then some time within the last 195,000 years, anatomically modern humans interbred with an ancient African human.

There is some supporting evidence for this scenario. In 2011, researchers examined human fossils from a Nigerian site called Iwo Eleru. The fossils showed a strange mix of ancient and modern features, which also suggested interbreeding between modern and archaic humans. "The Cameroon village with an unusual genetic signature is right on the border with Nigeria, and Iwo Eleru is not too far away," says Hammer.

Chris Stringer at the Natural History Museum, London, was involved in the Iwo Eleru analysis, and says the new Y chromosome result highlights the need for more genetic data from modern-day sub-Saharan Africans. "The oldest known fossil humans in both West Africa at Iwo Eleru and Central Africa at Ishango [in Democratic Republic of the Congo] show unexpectedly archaic features, so it certainly looks like we have a more complex scenario for the evolution of modern humans in Africa."

from: http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn23240-the-father-of-all-men-is-340000-years-old.html#.U_DY66P4LbV

What are the conclusions our friends could have about it?

This Y-DNA divergence is much more old than presumed human existence.
Some not human material survived among us or we need reach the humanity above our current limits?

08-17-2014, 05:43 PM
Polygenism is truth. "Humans" do not exist.

Sacrificed Ram
08-17-2014, 05:46 PM
Polygenism is truth. "Humans" do not exist.

Any typology is fake attempt to categorize the nature.

08-18-2014, 03:08 PM
Not so human mtdna among us.


Prisoner Of Ice
08-18-2014, 03:29 PM

Nothing new here except the name of the guy. This article talks about those skulls, which are only 13k years old.

Reanalysis of the 13,000-year-old skull from a cave in West Africa reveals a skull more primitive-looking than its age suggests.

The result suggests that the ancestors of early humans did not die out quickly in Africa, but instead lived alongside their descendents and bred with them until comparatively recently.

A pretty funny/laughable conclusion. What this really suggests is modern humans came into africa. That is what ALL archaeology suggests. Negroids are very new race anyway.

The other 13 A00 y-dnas are found in france and the french colonized cameroon (which even before french had lots of european admixture from ancient times). So I would not be surprised if this were neanderthal y-dna.

Prisoner Of Ice
08-18-2014, 03:36 PM
Not so human mtdna among us.


Those ancient australians are not aborigines, either, but predate them by a long time and were actually more advanced.

Sacrificed Ram
08-19-2014, 02:27 AM
I'm not a specialist in genetic, but we cannot discard the possibility of these stranges haplogroups are only a recent full range mutation in such genomic structure.

Sacrificed Ram
08-19-2014, 02:40 AM
A pretty funny/laughable conclusion. What this really suggests is modern humans came into africa. That is what ALL archaeology suggests. Negroids are very new race anyway.

The other 13 A00 y-dnas are found in france and the french colonized cameroon (which even before french had lots of european admixture from ancient times). So I would not be surprised if this were neanderthal y-dna.

Never forget the presence of black africans in Europe during middle ages occured also, maybe they are the source for these haplogrups.

Remember Saint Maurice (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Maurice), The Black Saint Maurice (the Knight of the Holy Lance), The regarded as the great patron saint of the Holy Roman Germanic Empire.

A copa já acabou e a alemanha continua fazendo gol...

Prisoner Of Ice
08-19-2014, 02:45 AM
Never forget the presence of black africans in Europe during middle ages occured also, maybe they are the source for these haplogrups.

Remember Saint Maurice (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Maurice), The Black Saint Maurice (the Knight of the Holy Lance), The regarded as the great patron saint of the Holy Roman Germanic Empire.

A copa já acabou e a alemanha continua fazendo gol...

That is what they have decided, but that's not the only possibility. Since they are all in france except this one guy it seems very odd. I wish I could see the french guys involved too.

Sacrificed Ram
08-19-2014, 03:04 AM
You saw romans tended to put blacks in important roles in their societies, and the main source for these blacks was Nubia (some parts of Sudan), because Nile River facilited their locomotion. Such region is place of relevant occurrence A yDNA clades.

Colonel Frank Grimes
08-19-2014, 03:05 AM
A pretty funny/laughable conclusion. What this really suggests is modern humans came into africa. That is what ALL archaeology suggests.

No, that isn't what ALL archaelogy suggests.


The other 13 A00 y-dnas are found in france and the french colonized cameroon (which even before french had lots of european admixture from ancient times). So I would not be surprised if this were neanderthal y-dna.

I read this twice to make sure I was reading right: what is the relevance of France colonizing Cameroon to this article? And how does that relate to Neanderthals? If only Melonhead could dumb down his IQ for us all for a moment so as to be able to explain it in words we could all understand instead of gibberish!

08-19-2014, 03:12 AM
No, that isn't what ALL archaelogy suggests.


I read this twice to make sure I was reading right: what is the relevance of France colonizing Cameroon to this article? And how does that relate to Neanderthals? If only Melonhead could dumb down his IQ for us all for a moment so as to be able to explain it in words we could all understand instead of gibberish!

The french neanderthals colonized cameroon,it can't get any simpler.

Sacrificed Ram
08-19-2014, 03:23 AM
Excuse me if I used a bad title for this thread, I want only be impactant, never was my intention dehumanize no one.

My title was even based on the source, because even that also claims this clade is much more old than humanity.

I'm acting just like some theologists from my country...

My REAL objective is reach the limits of Humanity to the MAX EXTREME!!!