View Full Version : Chernyakhov culture 1600 years old ruins discovered in Vaslui.

08-25-2014, 02:24 PM
Several houses and objects over 1,600 years old were discovered in the village of Vaslui Pogoneşti the archaeological site of Polocin after some excavations made ​​by students from 13 countries, meeting in an international camp archeology, coordinated Barlad museum.

According to representatives of the "Basil Pārvan" Barlad at Polocin were discovered in the archaeological camp three clay surface dwellings built in the fourth century after Christ, and a number of items from the same period, since this fragment of ceramic objects, clip, a Roman amphora and a coin from second and third centuries.
"Housing area discovered after years of specific work culture Santana de Mures - Cerneahov, is located about 400 meters from the necropolis of the same century IV. True, inventory objects found in homes is quite poor, but gives important information about what culture means mentioned about the beginning of the Romanian people, "said Museum Director Mediafax" Vasile Pārvan "in Barlad Mircea MAMALAUCA.
All items found in homes that will be exhibited at the museum in Barlad.
Human settlement in the same area where, after more than a decade, two cemeteries were found, with 14 and 21 graves

Translated with google tranlate :redface_002:

Source: http://www.gandul.info/magazin/descoperire-veche-de-1600-de-ani-intr-o-comuna-din-vaslui-13056536

What is the Chernyakhov culture?

The Sântana de Mureș–Chernyakhov culture, is an archaeological culture that flourished between the 2nd and 5th centuries AD in a wide area of Eastern Europe, specifically in what today constitutes Ukraine, Romania, Moldova, and parts of Belarus. The culture is probably the result of a poly-ethnic cultural mélange of the Gothic, Geto-Dacian (including Romanised Daco-Romans), Sarmatian and Slavic populations of the area.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chernyakhov_culture

08-28-2014, 09:53 AM
Were these goths?

08-28-2014, 11:43 AM
Were these goths?

Not just goths.

"The culture is probably the result of a poly-ethnic cultural mélange of the Gothic, Geto-Dacian (including Romanised Daco-Romans), Sarmatian and Slavic populations of the area."

08-28-2014, 12:02 PM
Not just goths.

"The culture is probably the result of a poly-ethnic cultural mélange of the Gothic, Geto-Dacian (including Romanised Daco-Romans), Sarmatian and Slavic populations of the area."
Where is the interbellic economic thread?

08-28-2014, 02:57 PM
Where is the interbellic economic thread?
