View Full Version : Muslims Abuse 1400 Children In 17 Years In Just One English City

08-27-2014, 01:34 AM
London: About 1400 children were sexually exploited in a northern England town, a report concluded on Tuesday in a damning account of "collective failures" by authorities to prevent victims as young as 11 from being beaten, raped and trafficked over a 16-year period.

Report author Alexis Jay cited appalling acts of violence between 1997 and 2013 in Rotherham, a town of some 250,000. The independent report came after a series of convictions of sexual predators in the region and ground-breaking reports in The Times of London.

... children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally-violent rapes and threatened they would be next
Reading descriptions of the abuse makes it hard to imagine that nothing was done for so long. The report described rapes by multiple perpetrators, mainly from Britain's Pakistani community, and how children were trafficked to other towns and cities in the north of England, abducted, beaten, and intimidated.

"There were examples of children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone," Professor Jay said. "Girls as young as 11 were raped by large numbers of male perpetrators."

Attention first fell on Rotherham in 2010 when five men received lengthy jail terms after convictions of grooming teens for sex. A series of other high-profile cases featuring Pakistani rings also emerged in Rochdale, Derby and Oxford - and communities began to look more closely at their child sex exploitation cases.

Rotherham decided to conduct a formal inquiry and Professor Jay, a former chief social work adviser to the Scottish government, was appointed to investigate. But she told the BBC that she was "very shocked" by what she found.

Police "regarded many child victims with contempt", Professor Jay said, adding that many of the children were known to child protection agencies. Even though earlier reports described the situation in Rotherham, the first of these reports was "effectively suppressed" because senior officers did not believe the data.

"The collective failures of political and officer leadership were blatant," Professor Jay said. "From the beginning, there was growing evidence that child sexual exploitation was a serious problem in Rotherham."

Complicating the reporting was the fact that victims described the perpetrators as "Asian" and yet the council failed to engage with the town's Pakistani community.

"Some councillors seemed to think it was a one-off problem, which they hoped would go away" Professor Jay said. "Several staff described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so."

Rotherham has had its problems even before Tuesday's report. It has seen the loss of traditional industries from the 19th and 20th centuries and, though the local economy has grown recently, it is also marked by deprivation and high unemployment. The report said the take-up of "welfare benefits is higher than the English average, as are the levels of free school meals and long-term illness".

But news of the sheer scale of the abuse and the lack of official concern about the problem until it was exposed shocked the country. Charities that deal with abused children were taken aback by the number of victims and by the apparent reluctance of authorities to accuse members of one ethnic group.

Britain is a country which prides itself as being a tolerant and integrated society. But the idea that a drive for political correctness might lead to children being raped sat uncomfortably with those who champion the rights of children and seek to protect them from harm.

"Cultural sensitivities should never stand in the way of protecting children," said John Cameron, head of the helpline for the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. "It is hard to imagine the damage caused to victims who were preyed upon with almost impunity over many years, because of a reluctance to comprehend or address what was widely happening."

The local council leader, Roger Stone, resigned immediately. Prime Minister David Cameron's Downing Street office said that the lessons of past failures must be learnt and those who exploited the children brought to justice.

"This damning report shows the full extent of how the children of Rotherham were let down," said Keith Vaz, the chair of the Home Affairs Select Committee. "They will never get their childhoods back."


Ars Moriendi
08-27-2014, 01:38 AM
I suppose the children belonged for the most part to the same communities of the perpetrators, correct? Sex offenders usually operate in their immediate vicinity.

08-27-2014, 01:40 AM
I suppose the children belonged for the most part to the same communities of the perpetrators, correct? Sex offenders usually operate in their immediate vicinity.

No. These were white English children.

Please see my thread on the subject:

08-27-2014, 01:43 AM
I suppose the children belonged for the most part to the same communities of the perpetrators, correct? Sex offenders usually operate in their immediate vicinity.

Not necessarily. Muslims that tend towards extremism tend to view non-believers, especially progressive westerners as unclean or dirty. Perhaps in their minds it is justified, at least according to the Pakistani who were caught a year or two ago grooming english girls into sex slaves. The part above is all speculation of course, just my two cents and what I personally heard.

08-27-2014, 01:44 AM
Abusers never abuse children they sense have a 'strong' familial connection, especially to their fathers.

The first sentence of your article says all that needs to be said:

London: About 1400 children were sexually exploited in a northern England town, a report concluded on Tuesday in a damning account of "collective failures" by authorities to prevent victims as young as 11 from being beaten, raped and trafficked over a 16-year period.

This is not about Muslims no matter how much your propaganda makes it out to be...its about 1400 children whose fathers were no where to be found. How the hell are 1,400 getting abused with no one preventing it?

Arrest and deport the criminals...but the solution for this broken community is Islam. Say what you want about these criminals, you never hear about Muslim families having this problem..its because there are strong familial ties.

And everyone is exploiting your children...not just Pakistani immigrants, but also your British establishment from the BBC onwards. Thats where your true perverts lie.

08-27-2014, 01:50 AM
Abusers never abuse children they sense have a 'strong' familial connection, especially to their fathers.

The first sentence of your article says all that needs to be said:

This is not about Muslims no matter how much your propaganda makes it out to be...its about 1400 children whose fathers were no where to be found. How the hell are 1,400 getting abused with no one preventing it?

Arrest and deport the criminals...but the solution for this broken community is Islam. Say what you want about these criminals, you never hear about Muslim families having this problem..its because there are strong familial ties.

And everyone is exploiting your children...not just Pakistani immigrants, but also your British establishment from the BBC onwards. Thats where your true perverts lie.

Islam is not needed there, and it shouldn't be there. After all, read

made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone
They wouldn't tell their parents, no matter what.

08-27-2014, 01:55 AM
Abusers never abuse children they sense have a 'strong' familial connection, especially to their fathers.

The first sentence of your article says all that needs to be said:

This is not about Muslims no matter how much your propaganda makes it out to be...its about 1400 children whose fathers were no where to be found. How the hell are 1,400 getting abused with no one preventing it?

Arrest and deport the criminals...but the solution for this broken community is Islam. Say what you want about these criminals, you never hear about Muslim families having this problem..its because there are strong familial ties.

And everyone is exploiting your children...not just Pakistani immigrants, but also your British establishment from the BBC onwards. Thats where your true perverts lie.

In otherwords, "As soon as we find an opportunity we will exploit kids and if we get caught we'll blame you for giving us the opportunity."

08-27-2014, 01:56 AM
Islam is not needed there, and it shouldn't be there. After all, read

They wouldn't tell their parents, no matter what.

Its one thing if children are abused by someone in the family or extended family...these Pakistanis are neither part of the family, nor would a good parent even let things get to the stage where their children are being threatened by strange criminals. For that to happen it means they were hanging out, getting rides, stuff bought for them...etc, ie, they were being GROOMED.

08-27-2014, 01:57 AM
In otherwords, "As soon as we find an opportunity we will exploit kids and if we get caught we'll blame you for giving us the opportunity."

"We"? I havent exploited or abused kids...or are you referring to yourself and the Jimmy Saville crowd?

08-27-2014, 01:58 AM
Its one thing if children are abused by someone in the family or extended family...these Pakistanis are neither part of the family, nor would a good parent even let things get to the stage where their children are being threatened by strange criminals. For that to happen it means they were hanging out, getting rides, stuff bought for them...etc, ie, they were being GROOMED.

Yes, they were groomed... by crazy muslims.

08-27-2014, 02:40 AM
"We"? I havent exploited or abused kids...or are you referring to yourself and the Jimmy Saville crowd?

I'm glad you consider this abuse and don't justify it with Islamic scripture. I do find your defence of the criminals worrying though.

Similar logic to when Muslims say that a woman dressed in revealing clothing is fair game to rape.

Prisoner Of Ice
08-27-2014, 02:43 AM
So Wadaad is a pedo, too. Big shocker. No one defends pedos but other pedos, completely pathetic.

08-27-2014, 02:44 AM
I'm glad you consider this abuse and don't justify it with Islamic scripture. I do find your defence of the criminals worrying though.

Similar logic to when Muslims say that a woman dressed in revealing clothing is fair game to rape.

So if I go rob a bank tomorrow, you'd blame the Quran?

These men would be facing death in Islamic law. They will only get a few years behind bars in UK because your laws are the problem, not Islam.

08-27-2014, 02:46 AM
So Wadaad is a pedo, too. Big shocker. No one defends pedos but other pedos, completely pathetic.

Going by your posts...the odds are higher that you're the pedo or atleast sucked German shepherd dick like the nasty, rootless, unhygienic gaalo that you are.

08-27-2014, 02:48 AM
In any case, a "person" who rapes a child deserves to have his skull nailed to a tree.

08-27-2014, 02:56 AM
In any case, a "person" who rapes a child deserves to have his skull nailed to a tree.

Poor tree. What did the tree do to deserve a rapist?

Colonel Frank Grimes
08-27-2014, 02:59 AM
Abusers never abuse children they sense have a 'strong' familial connection, especially to their fathers.

The first sentence of your article says all that needs to be said:

This is not about Muslims no matter how much your propaganda makes it out to be...its about 1400 children whose fathers were no where to be found.

It's about these mainly Pakistani men taking advantage of vulnerable people to make a profit. To shift the issue on them being from broken homes is disgusting. The father is at fault for abandoning his child. He's not at fault for a scumbag thinking someone's weakness is his gain and swooping in like a vulture.

How the hell are 1,400 getting abused with no one preventing it?

It's quite simple. You make an example out of someone who tries to alert the authorities and everyone shuts their mouth.

Arrest and deport the criminals...but the solution for this broken community is Islam. Say what you want about these criminals, you never hear about Muslim families having this problem..its because there are strong familial ties.

You mean strong clan ties that lead other families to reconsider harming someone out of fear of repercussions in contrast to the Western mentality of doing what is proper out of respect for other people. The difference is the average Westerner knows how to behave around other people and hence why the host populations have such low crime rates while people from the Muslim world who immigrate to Europe (with some ethnic exceptions) can't behave well without the threat of force hanging over their head.

And everyone is exploiting your children...not just Pakistani immigrants, but also your British establishment from the BBC onwards. Thats where your true perverts lie.

Here is the fact of the matter: there would be far less children exploited in the UK if those Pakistanis weren't there. All ethnic groups have their share of criminals but some do so more than others and for particular crimes.

08-27-2014, 02:59 AM

Colonel Frank Grimes
08-27-2014, 03:10 AM
So Wadaad is a pedo, too. Big shocker. No one defends pedos but other pedos, completely pathetic.

He's not defending pedos. Only disgusting and immoral people make unfounded serious accusations to "win." I have no idea what you would win here, though. I don't pretend to know how your idiotic mind works.

Prisoner Of Ice
08-27-2014, 03:14 AM
Poor tree. What did the tree do to deserve a rapist?

Even their deaths will be an act of rape.

08-27-2014, 07:50 AM
So if I go rob a bank tomorrow, you'd blame the Quran?

These men would be facing death in Islamic law. They will only get a few years behind bars in UK because your laws are the problem, not Islam.

I don't think that's true. Could you please prove its illegal to rape non-Muslim girls in sharia law?

08-27-2014, 07:58 AM
BBC says 'Asians' not muslims though?

08-27-2014, 08:03 AM
Abusers never abuse children they sense have a 'strong' familial connection, especially to their fathers.

The first sentence of your article says all that needs to be said:

This is not about Muslims no matter how much your propaganda makes it out to be...its about 1400 children whose fathers were no where to be found. How the hell are 1,400 getting abused with no one preventing it?

Arrest and deport the criminals...but the solution for this broken community is Islam. Say what you want about these criminals, you never hear about Muslim families having this problem..its because there are strong familial ties.

And everyone is exploiting your children...not just Pakistani immigrants, but also your British establishment from the BBC onwards. Thats where your true perverts lie.

You are as biased and agenda-driven as Anglo-Jew. Please don't put the blame of mass sexual abuse and rape into parents. Put it on the criminals. Also, not just white kids were abused: Asian kids were too.

08-27-2014, 08:05 AM
It sounds like that the English don't really care about their children.. fucked up people, if you ask me.

08-27-2014, 08:08 AM
You are as biased and agenda-driven as Anglo-Jew. Please don't put the blame of mass sexual abuse and rape into parents. Put it on the criminals. Also, not just white kids were abused: Asian kids were too.

Can you read? I said these men would be condemned to death under Sharia...I stand by my previous statement. If 1400 children in one city got groomed (ie long term social manipulation and exploitation by strange adults)...it means their parents were neglectful and blame has to be laid. If your parents arent going to be there to protect you, who the fuck will?

08-27-2014, 08:10 AM
It sounds like that the English don't really care about their children.. fucked up people, if you ask me.

hahahaha mate yeah it is their fault not rapers'

08-27-2014, 10:48 AM
These racist animals exclusively targeted white British girls, fucking sickening. I hope every person involved gets life in prison I don't care how much money it costs.

08-27-2014, 12:39 PM

08-27-2014, 12:40 PM
These racist animals exclusively targeted white British girls, fucking sickening. I hope every person involved gets life in prison I don't care how much money it costs.

To be fair they targeted Sikhs too. They should be shot

08-27-2014, 12:50 PM
BBC says 'Asians' not muslims though?

The BBC always does this:

Muslims are referred to as Asians in the UK (by the BBC) which is upsetting other Asian groups. This is mainly done to avoid to single out Muslims in discussions or data as they tend to lead the charts in negative reports.)


08-30-2014, 11:12 AM
Can you read?

Gratuitous Ad hominem. I guess comparing your posting with Anglo Jew's must've been really hurtful

I said these men would be condemned to death under Sharia...I stand by my previous statement

I know what you said, but here you are using yet another fallacy : the "no true scotsman" fallacy. This is how it works:

Wadaad is a muslim and he knows many muslims too and none of them engage in child marriage/paedophilia , therefore those who engage on such activities (or any other criminal rings) aren't "true Muslims". You hear it a lot from commies that defend communism by saying every communist country that has existed (and failed) was "no real communist" or those neoliberals and free marketers that say that the crisis of Capitalism can't be attributed to the free market because Capitalism in the world is not the "real capitalism".

Well guess what, I'm not going to enter into debate of whether Islam, Communism or Free Market are at core good ideologies which aim to make people happier, peaceful and more free each in their own way, but an ideology is judged by how it is actually applied in the real world. And in the real world Islamic (sharia) ruled societies, as well as communist societies are all a failure in terms of warranting freedom, minimal rights and equality. In the real world the Free Market is increasing economic differences between people and doesn't favour equal opportunities and it is just as aggressive in its expansionism as Islam (or as Communism). So every time a commie, a muslim or a free market advocate come at me with a "no true scotsman" argument, I can only think that they refuse to acknowledge the truth because that would imply acknowledging that they have been wrong for a very long time and in a very profound way. Not many people have enough guts for that.

If 1400 children in one city got groomed (ie long term social manipulation and exploitation by strange adults)...it means their parents were neglectful and blame has to be laid

Well no, sorry, this is again a sorry excuse to redirect attention from the fact that child abuse is condoned by Sharia in many countries. As a fact Yemen and Pakistan, among others have rejected bills against child marriage because the Sharia doesn't specify an age in which a child should me married off. Essentially, in the eyes of this muslim societies, children, specially little girls, are just another commodity to be traded off for a few goats, money or to strengthen a tribal alliance, and Islamic scholars approve it.

If your parents arent going to be there to protect you, who the fuck will?

And perhaps your argument that ultimately parents are responsible for children being captured and used as sexual slaves defines your entire argumentation very well. I assume that you must also think that when a girl goes out at night with her friends provocatively dressed, they are calling to be raped, and the blame again must be put in their parents , and less so in the rapist, perhaps?

Well guess what, it is very unlikely that those crimes had happened in such a community hadn't been a ring of paedophile muslims from Pakistan lurking around. Guess what, I grew up in a country were girls could go out dressed to impress , dance and drink and hang out with boys and nobody thought that they were asking to be raped or that their parents were doing a bad job. Our society believes that individuals must be free to pursue their natural instincts as well as develop their education and become independent, self sufficient individuals. Now this may have negative sides too...this may mean people are less likely to long term relationships and marriages and childbirth decrease. For all we know, if enough time were given, our societies could very well collapse due to a shrinking population... or perhaps it would adjust itself in a different way (people would live a lot longer due to medical advances and therefore also be able to work a lot longer and pay a lot more taxes to warrantee their pensions...just an example).

Nevertheless, what our societies DON'T NEED are criminal rings of Muslims front he other corner of the world with complete disregard for our morals and principles to come here and rape us, abuse our welfare and then teach us about how superior is their own moralities... Fix your societies first,and you will not need to Emigrate West. But if you emigrate, you have to assimilate in to your host's culture, and not try to force your own values into it by using coercion and grouping up in large numbers. Just like western migrants do (and are expected to do)in Muslim societies.

08-30-2014, 07:37 PM
Even the lefty papers here were saying that the UK has gone too PC with this now. The Midlands & Yorkshires Urban areas have become a sinking ship for the working class.

08-30-2014, 08:00 PM
This is just awful. I hate that a lot of this has been overlooked because people didn't want to 'offend' certain cultures. Unfortunately, many men (before anyone jumps on my back, I didn't say all men) originally from the Middle East disrespect women and children, and this isn't something that people should be afraid to call them out on when it happens.

Another thing that bothers me is that this is not being treated as an issue of racism. The perpetrators are from a certain cultural background and they are selectively abusing and grooming white children - imagine if this were white men abusing a certain ethnic minority. Also, it's no secret that some men from these cultures think of white women as trash.

The people in the council/other public services who helped cover this up must be held accountable for this disgusting breach of trust. They could have saved hundreds from being abused if they weren't so incompetent and started punishing people as soon as this started happening.

08-30-2014, 09:49 PM
Even the lefty papers here were saying that the UK has gone too PC with this now. The Midlands & Yorkshires Urban areas have become a sinking ship for the working class.

True ! I normally wouldn't come more than 3 feet close from a copy of The Guardian, but today there was an unusual front page: An actual British Asian of Pakistani descent denouncing that sex abuse is a norm in their communities, and despite the fact that most people are normal and have good intentions, this cases are often overlooked in the community when not shadowed due to all the insanity about sex repression, honour crimes and shame.

08-30-2014, 10:21 PM
Well i can post you the most popular Labour paper in the land. The daily mirror, up here the sister paper is the Daily Record.


Apparently tonights Scotland on Sunday, another Labour paper.


08-30-2014, 10:30 PM
I believe there was something more than PC. Like sheer incompetence...

08-30-2014, 11:42 PM
True ! I normally wouldn't come more than 3 feet close from a copy of The Guardian, but today there was an unusual front page: An actual British Asian of Pakistani descent denouncing that sex abuse is a norm in their communities, and despite the fact that most people are normal and have good intentions, this cases are often overlooked in the community when not shadowed due to all the insanity about sex repression, honour crimes and shame.

It's only because they're feeling guilty as they are directly responsible for the culture which lead to the coverup:

"As a true Guardian reader, and liberal leftie, I didn't want to rock the multi-cultural boat" says former Rotherham Labour MP Denis MacShane as he insists no-one raised town's child sex abuse scandal with him


08-31-2014, 10:10 AM
This is just awful. I hate that a lot of this has been overlooked because people didn't want to 'offend' certain cultures. Unfortunately, many men (before anyone jumps on my back, I didn't say all men) originally from the Middle East disrespect women and children, and this isn't something that people should be afraid to call them out on when it happens.

Another thing that bothers me is that this is not being treated as an issue of racism. The perpetrators are from a certain cultural background and they are selectively abusing and grooming white children - imagine if this were white men abusing a certain ethnic minority. Also, it's no secret that some men from these cultures think of white women as trash.

The people in the council/other public services who helped cover this up must be held accountable for this disgusting breach of trust. They could have saved hundreds from being abused if they weren't so incompetent and started punishing people as soon as this started happening.

This has nothing to do with any culture. I doubt any whole populations accept this.
Pakistan is more like SouthAsian-country affiliated with India and Bengladesh. That could be said about pretty much any people. I mean should Thais and Filipinos think of ethnic Brits and Aussies as "rape/abusive" culture because there have been cases of them abusing children from those countries?
This forum alone have some good examples of sexism and disrespect. You'd also be suprised if you have seen many news articles of Americans molesting and killing their children. Does that mean it's mainstream and cultural?
Ironically, many Jews do the same as these "muslims" I mean Pakistanis but since he can't distinguish between a religion and backround (+ his agenda of portraying muslims wether they are religious or not) and some of these Jews got away (famous examples: Polanski and Dominique Strauss-Kahn), not going to cite Woody Allen in case he's not guilty of what his daughter accused him)
If you think these men and their cultures view white women as "trash", you haven't read what White guys write about white females especially British ones on forums...
I'm just giving examples about double-standards inb4 someone thinks I hate Americans or Brits.

Also, the fact that the authorities ignored this because they were scared of being seen as racists show how careless they are.
Why is there no such thing as selective immigration?

Petros Houhoulis
09-03-2014, 02:01 AM
Abusers never abuse children they sense have a 'strong' familial connection, especially to their fathers.

The first sentence of your article says all that needs to be said:

This is not about Muslims no matter how much your propaganda makes it out to be...its about 1400 children whose fathers were no where to be found. How the hell are 1,400 getting abused with no one preventing it?

Arrest and deport the criminals...but the solution for this broken community is Islam. Say what you want about these criminals, you never hear about Muslim families having this problem..its because there are strong familial ties.

And everyone is exploiting your children...not just Pakistani immigrants, but also your British establishment from the BBC onwards. Thats where your true perverts lie.

Golden Dawn is also a solution, and it is certainly better from Islam... But I won't become a supporter of them yet. I have trust on the Greek army (being a reserve officer myself) because it was that army which expelled most Muslims from Greece many, many years ago...

Petros Houhoulis
09-03-2014, 02:05 AM
Its one thing if children are abused by someone in the family or extended family...these Pakistanis are neither part of the family, nor would a good parent even let things get to the stage where their children are being threatened by strange criminals. For that to happen it means they were hanging out, getting rides, stuff bought for them...etc, ie, they were being GROOMED.

In contrast to the Somali whores in the center of Athens who have been sold by their own kin...


...The real cause of all this is poverty, not the absence of Islam. There are billions of other people who take care of their children, without being Muslims...

Poverty actually prevented the parents of many of these children to protect them, although THEY TRIED:


Desperate parents tried to rescue their daughters from houses where they were being abused, only to be arrested themselves when police arrived.Professor Alexis Jay, who wrote the devastating report, said police ‘regarded many child victims with contempt’. In one case, an 11-year-old told police she and another child had been sexually assaulted by grown men.
Known as Child H, she was 12 when she was found drunk in the back of a taxi with a man who had indecent pictures of her on his phone. But despite the full co-operation of her father, who claimed that she was being abused and exploited, police failed to act.
An astonishing dereliction of duty followed four months later when the same girl was found in an empty house with a group of men. Police ignored the abusers and arrested her for being drunk and disorderly.
A girl known only as Child D was 13 when she was raped and trafficked by a violent sexual predator.
Her parents informed the authorities that she was being abused and that she was terrified of the perpetrators.
However, assessment records dating from the time show that officials blamed the girl for ‘placing herself at risk of sexual exploitation and danger’.
As well as the appalling physical abuse, the victims suffered they were frequently subjected to intimidation and emotional abuse.
One child who had agreed to giving evidence against her abusers received a text message saying they were holding her younger sister and ‘the choice of what happened next was up to her’. She quickly withdrew her police statement.
Perpetrators targeted children’s homes and centres offering services to those who had recently left care. They lured them with gifts and rides in fast cars.
Many victims were convinced that they were ‘special’ and that they were in genuine relationships with their abusers. Another victim, Child B, told investigators that she was in love with her abuser, despite his age, and that he was in love with her. She was 15 and had already been trafficked to Leeds, Bradford and Sheffield for sex but when her case was referred to the authorities her family quickly found themselves living in fear.

Windows at the family home were smashed, she was beaten by other victims at the instruction of her abuser. He threatened to force her into prostitution. A younger child in the family even had to go into hiding so that the gang couldn’t carry out threats made against her. As part of spiralling pattern of violence her elder brother was attacked so badly that he had to be hospitalised.Unable to cope she took an overdose. By the time she was 18 her family situation had broken down and she had become homeless.
She went to children’s social care to get help only to be given advice about benefits and sent away.
Some victims were left so damaged by the ‘absolutely devastating’ levels of abuse they suffered that they developed long-term drink and drug problems. The fate of many of the young people in the report remains unknown.

Speaking to the BBC last night, one victim said: ‘Police were aware, social services were aware and they still didn’t stop him. It almost became like a game to him. He was untouchable.’
In 2010, a gang of British-born Pakistani men from Rotherham went on trial at Sheffield Crown Court. Umar Razaq, then aged 24, Adil Hussain, then aged 20, Razwan Razaq, then aged 30, Zafran Ramzan, then aged 21, and 21-year-old Mohsin Khan, were found guilty of a string of sexually related offences against the girls.
Ramzan was jailed for nine years, Umar Razaq was jailed for four and a half years, and Razwan Razaq received 11 years.

Only a Muslim piece of shit like yourself would ever claim that their parents didn't care for them, just because they didn't have enough money to move out of Rotherham, or money to pay lawyers and other people to protect them. That's it, for the first time ever, I'm calling Loki to ban someone...

09-03-2014, 02:20 AM
Psychologist on Muslim rape gangs: Psychology of sexual abuse is ingrained in their religion and culture

The recent rape scandal in Rotherham, England, where authorities ignored the fact that packs of Pakistanis were abducting, raping, and torturing children by the hundreds, forcing them to abort their unborn babies and threatening to kill them in the most horrific ways if they told about the abuse, is far from unique. The phenomenon of “Asian” gangs — which actually are Muslim gangs — seducing children and youngsters with gifts, drugs and promises of love, or simply using sheer violence, to get get their sexual and paedophilic lusts satisfied, is haunting many British and European cities.

There are several reasons for this. The first is Islam. It is a fact that its founder and prime role model liked to rape small children. Mohammed, the prime example for Muslims, married Aisha when she was six and had intercourse with her when she was nine. Besides, according to the Quran (4:24), Muslims are allowed to have sex with females slaves — which is exactly what their young victims are. Uncovered women are in many Muslim cultures seen as a kind of prostitute, and if a man is aroused by such a female, then — partly due to the corrupted logic of responsibility within Muslim psychology — the female is blamed for being raped (and will therefore often face execution).

Another reason for the high number of rapists among Muslims is that Islamic law and Muslim culture have a tendency to pervert sexuality. Just like celibacy among Catholic monks often spawns harmful sexual behaviour, the sexual repression within Islam is a great hindrance for sexual needs to express themselves naturally. The sexual drive is instead directed towards more accessible sources of relief, such as children and animals. In fact, Pakistanis come in as the world’s #1 when it comes to searching for perverted sexual material — donkey sex, child sex, etc. — on the internet. One survey showed that 95 percent of Pakistani truck drivers have sex with children — and it surely is not just the truck drivers who have such urges.

Yet another contributor to Muslim rape-psychology is the widespread use of forced and arranged marriages. A marriage in which the woman — and possibly also the man — has not herself chosen her sexual partner is a sentence to lifelong rape. Every act of intercourse in a marriage in which the woman has not chosen the partner herself and is under pressure to fulfil her husband’s needs — and also to produce children — is a kind of rape. The Islamic culture of marriage thus promotes rape and disregard of love, and institutionalizes the men’s right to not care about their sexual partners’ needs: she (or he or it) is just a means to an end. When studying sexual behaviour in Muslim countries, one realizes that Borat (the comedy figure by Sacha Baron Cohen) is not fictional at all.

The fact that 70 percent of Pakistanis, around half of Arabs and at least a fourth of all Turks are married to blood-related partners also shows how little Islamic culture cares about health and love. It is mainly about sex, reproduction and family honor.

Considering such facts, one comes to an understanding of how the fact that institutionalized sexual abuse is ingrained in Muslim culture makes it difficult for Muslim men to understand what is right and wrong as seen from the perspective of our civilized and compassionate Western culture.


09-03-2014, 02:23 AM
This has nothing to do with any culture. I doubt any whole populations accept this.
Pakistan is more like SouthAsian-country affiliated with India and Bengladesh. That could be said about pretty much any people. I mean should Thais and Filipinos think of ethnic Brits and Aussies as "rape/abusive" culture because there have been cases of them abusing children from those countries?
This forum alone have some good examples of sexism and disrespect. You'd also be suprised if you have seen many news articles of Americans molesting and killing their children. Does that mean it's mainstream and cultural?
Ironically, many Jews do the same as these "muslims" I mean Pakistanis but since he can't distinguish between a religion and backround (+ his agenda of portraying muslims wether they are religious or not) and some of these Jews got away (famous examples: Polanski and Dominique Strauss-Kahn), not going to cite Woody Allen in case he's not guilty of what his daughter accused him)
If you think these men and their cultures view white women as "trash", you haven't read what White guys write about white females especially British ones on forums...
I'm just giving examples about double-standards inb4 someone thinks I hate Americans or Brits.

Also, the fact that the authorities ignored this because they were scared of being seen as racists show how careless they are.
Why is there no such thing as selective immigration?

Complete bullshit. Hindu and Sikh communities in the UK are NOT involved in these cases it is ONLY Muslims.

Also Strauss-Kahn was accused of rape but not of a minor.

09-03-2014, 02:27 AM
This is such an infuriating incident. I hope this is a wake up call, if there is any silver lining to be gleaned from a tragedy.

Petros Houhoulis
09-03-2014, 02:30 AM
So if I go rob a bank tomorrow, you'd blame the Quran?

These men would be facing death in Islamic law. They will only get a few years behind bars in UK because your laws are the problem, not Islam.

This reminds me of a popular story of the Ottoman era.

During that era, Muslims and non-Muslims were tried on different courts. No Christian could appear in a Muslim court, and no Muslim could appear in a Christian court. When a crime involved both Muslims and Christians, the Muslims were always afforded the protection of the law, no matter what.

According to that popular story, a Muslim stops a Christian couple trekking with their donkey in the countryside. The Muslim draws a circle on the ground around them, and tells the Christian that if he steps outside of the circle, he shall kill him.

Then he takes the woman out of the circle and rapes her. When he ends his pleasure and goes away, the woman protests to her husband: "Why didn't you do anything to save me"? And the Christian man replies: "Don't you see, I moved out of the circle, while the Muslim was not watching me"!!!

The real problem is AUTHORITARIANISM, not Islam per se, but Islamic doctrine is by definition an authoritarian doctrine. According to them, the laws of Islam are more important than the democracy. Unfortunately they shall never agree with themselves about what really constitutes Islamic law - resulting to many different Islamic schools of law (Hanbali, Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi'i, Ismaili, Jafari, Zaidi, Ibadi, e.t.c. e.t.c.) so they end up killing each other as well as everybody else, because each religious "authority" believes he alone can interpret the Islamic law correctly.

This is why Islam can never be the answer to anything. Nobody really knows what Islam is, except for a handful of arrogant tyrants for whom Islam is their means to impose their absolute rule.

Once the absolute rule of a man has been established, he doesn't care about the law at all. As the nutcase who commands the Khalifate of morons in Iraq and Syria has said, "You should follow my orders as if I was Allah"! Allah is obviously not bound by the Quran, he could easily write a new one suggesting that he "changed his mind" over the centuries...

I guess that when the Greek heroes of the Greek war of independence were massacring every Muslim in sight were truly applying the law... They didn't truly know what democracy was, since they used to be bandits stealing from Muslim overlords for ages, but their extermination of an undemocratic ideology is what saved Greece from being just another shithole like Iraq or Syria...

...And this solution to our problem can be applied upon Pakistanis and Somalis e.t.c. even to this day...

...As long as it gets decided DEMOCRATICALLY and carried out by a PROPER AUTHORITY...

Some Islamic clerics should be expelled, and in cases of peril executed:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F13gtjjDEgE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F13gtjjDEgE)



09-03-2014, 02:32 AM
This is such an infuriating incident. I hope this is a wake up call, if there is any silver lining to be gleaned from a tragedy.

Yes, but unfortunately it's not an incident but part of a pattern. There's been scores of these cases:



09-03-2014, 02:48 AM
Yes, but unfortunately it's not an incident but part of a pattern. There's been scores of these cases:



True. I should have chosen another word.

Petros Houhoulis
09-03-2014, 03:29 AM
This has nothing to do with any culture. I doubt any whole populations accept this.
Pakistan is more like SouthAsian-country affiliated with India and Bengladesh. That could be said about pretty much any people. I mean should Thais and Filipinos think of ethnic Brits and Aussies as "rape/abusive" culture because there have been cases of them abusing children from those countries?
This forum alone have some good examples of sexism and disrespect. You'd also be suprised if you have seen many news articles of Americans molesting and killing their children. Does that mean it's mainstream and cultural?
Ironically, many Jews do the same as these "muslims" I mean Pakistanis but since he can't distinguish between a religion and backround (+ his agenda of portraying muslims wether they are religious or not) and some of these Jews got away (famous examples: Polanski and Dominique Strauss-Kahn), not going to cite Woody Allen in case he's not guilty of what his daughter accused him)
If you think these men and their cultures view white women as "trash", you haven't read what White guys write about white females especially British ones on forums...
I'm just giving examples about double-standards inb4 someone thinks I hate Americans or Brits.

Also, the fact that the authorities ignored this because they were scared of being seen as racists show how careless they are.
Why is there no such thing as selective immigration?

How can you compare cases of three rapists/pedophiles over several decades with hundreds of pedophiles within a decade in a single city?

Do you forget that Islamic law does not put a limit on the age a girl can be married?

Do you know how many Muslim and non Muslim girls are literally SOLD or exchanged by their own parents, for marriage to Muslim men? Or for prostitution?




Of course it is not a problem of culture. It is a problem of civilization, or rather the lack of it!

It is a problem of "Youth bulge", lack of proper law e.t.c. The difference between Britain and Pakistan is that in Britain people are allowed to say whatever they like, but in Pakistan they are allowed to do whatever they like. Even if men in Britain describe girls as sluts, they shall be punished by law if they attempt to rape them. Of course a moron like you cannot distinguish between what people say and what people do, judging both of them as equally evil. No, they are not... Not even verbal bullying can be as bad as physical bullying.

The authorities did not exactly ignore it. The authorities included Muslim men who blocked the investigations:


A group of 'influential' Pakistani councillors were accused in the report by a council officer of blocking attempts to tackle the abuse and also meddling in domestic abuse cases involving Asian women in the town.

And when the Pakistani-heritage Deputy Council Leader suggested tackling the situation 'head-on' in the Pakistani community he was overruled by colleagues, it was said.

In the report, one council official also told author Professor Alexis Jay social workers felt pressure from Pakistani officials to reveal the whereabouts of women fleeing domestic violence.They were also told to encourage women to go back to their attackers rather than support the victims' own choice of action, they said.

You see, the problem is that naive people trusted some Muslims who do not believe in Democracy with democratic institutions... Instead of denying them the right to acquire British citizenship forever. Their offspring perhaps could become better some day - but without the support and protection of Muslim elders those offspring would have never turned pedophiles in the first place.


The only way for you to understand what Islam really is, would be for you to migrate and work in some Muslim country, like that girl:



You are truly hopeless...

09-08-2014, 01:40 AM
They should be shot

Agreed, I'd shoot them myself if I was asked. But the death penalty is illegal in the UK so that punishment is unrealistic, everyone involved should get the maximum punishment we can give them (30 years) then deported.

09-08-2014, 02:02 AM
Brits, a fucked up people...

Attacked three women after release halfway through earlier sentence
The 39-year-old will not get out of jail until he is 91, in what is thought to be the longest sentence ever given in a Greek court for rape
He would party with tourists on the beach before raping them in woods
Homeless Dimitris Aspiotis said this was his 'only way of getting physical contact with women'


Gustave H
09-08-2014, 02:03 AM
Probably more than that. Very sad. :(

Petros Houhoulis
09-12-2014, 12:34 PM

This man was not raping children, he was not part of a paedophile network like "The Catholic priesthood" or "The Pakistanis of Britain", and was not allowed to go on raping for 2 decades. The police caught up with him and the Greek justice system put him in jail. Case closed...

It is a fact that drunken English males are the most responsible for the rapes of equally drunken English women, at least outside of Britain. Actually, these people are beyond fucked up, because while they were getting drunk to have sex, or visited exotic places like Thailand to have cheap sex, their Pakistanis were raping their underage daughters within Britain and under their noses...

Bobby Martnen
02-17-2018, 01:27 AM
When will Brits wake up and send them back to where they came from?