View Full Version : Putin 'urges talks on statehood for east Ukraine'

08-31-2014, 03:12 PM
Putin 'urges talks on statehood for east Ukraine' (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-29003116)

President Putin has called for talks to discuss "statehood" for eastern Ukraine, Russian media report.

He said the issue needed to be discussed to ensure the interests of local people "are definitely upheld".

His comments came after the EU gave Russia a one-week ultimatum to reverse course in Ukraine or face sanctions.

Russia denies Western accusations that its forces illegally crossed into eastern Ukraine to support separatists there.

"Russia cannot stand aside when people are being shot at almost at point blank," he added, describing the rebels' actions as "the natural reaction of people who are defending their rights".

He dismissed the EU's threat of further sanctions, accusing the EU of "backing a coup d'etat" in Ukraine.

The West, Mr Putin said, should have foreseen Russia's reaction to the situation, adding it was impossible to predict how the crisis would end.

Pro-Russian rebels have made gains against Ukrainian troops in recent days in the eastern Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

Also on Sunday, Russian media reported that 10 Russian paratroopers returned home in exchange for 63 captured Ukrainian soldiers held by Russia.

Some 2,600 people have died in fighting since April.