View Full Version : White British pupils will be outnumbered in English state schools by 2037

09-01-2014, 06:07 AM
Number of ethnic minorities in schools has soared by 61% since 2004
Meanwhile, white British population has dropped by 12% in same period
If trend continues, Asian-origin pupils will be majority in classrooms in 2037
DfE report puts shift down to rising immigration and falling birth rates
White British children will be outnumbered in state school classrooms in England within 23 years, research reveals.

Population trends since 2004 have seen ethnic minorities soar by 61 per cent in primary and secondary schools as the number of white Britons dropped by 12 per cent.

The findings in a Department for Education report suggest increased immigration and falling birth rates will see classroom demographics shift dramatically by 2037.

Shift: Population trends in the last decade suggest white British pupils will be a minority by 2037, a report says
White British pupils aged five to 18 are already a minority in many on the UK's major cities.

The indigenous population has dropped from 5.4 million pupils to 4.8 million in just ten years - with the most notable changes seen in schools in London and Birmingham.

Meanwhile, the number of pupils from ethnic minorities has risen from 1.14 million to 1.83 million in the same period.

The biggest ethnic-minority group in English schools is of Asian-origin with just under 670,000 pupils.

Black British and white non-British are the next biggest group, with almost 360,000.

And there are 320,000 mixed race children in English classrooms.

The figures come a month after a study revealed white teenagers are the least likely group to apply to university after being overtaken by black pupils.

Rising numbers from all ethnic groups are setting their sights on a degree but white teenagers are less likely to apply than black, Asian or Chinese pupils.

The statistics also show that pupils on free school meals due to family poverty are half as likely to seek a place as their more privileged peers.

The figures come after studies revealed a rise in immigration and falling birth rates among white Britons
Just one in seven schoolboys on free meals is aiming for university.

The analysis from the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service examined applications from 18-year-olds at England’s state schools to start university this autumn.

It shows that 31 per cent of white teenagers applied – compared with 61 per cent of Chinese, 45 per cent of Asian and 39 per cent of black.

The report compares the figures with those from 2006 and finds that demand among black teenagers has overtaken the proportion of white pupils applying. While the application rate of white teenagers rose from 25 to 31 per cent, black pupils increased their applications more rapidly, from 24 per cent to 39 per cent.

‘Application rates for all groups are higher in 2014 than in 2006 with the largest increase being for the black ethnic group,’ the report said. The findings will focus fresh attention on under-achievement among white working-class pupils, who are fast falling to the bottom of the educational heap.


09-01-2014, 06:11 AM
only when we have been reduced to a minority has diversity been achieved.

09-01-2014, 06:17 AM
they should change immigration policies, stop immigration to britain and repatriate the ones who are already there

King Claus
09-01-2014, 06:22 AM
and repatriate the ones who are already there
What about you?

09-01-2014, 06:23 AM
What about you?

me too.

09-01-2014, 06:25 AM
they should change immigration policies, stop immigration to britain and repatriate the ones who are already there

It's very racist of you to say such things

09-01-2014, 06:29 AM
It's very racist of you to say such things

i only say that because i have a "good heart", that means i think it would be injust to displace europeans from their indigenous places etc. i would say the same if japanese were outnumbered by whites in japan or if africa became white instead of the black continent, europe is the white continent where blue eyes originated ten thousand years ago (around the black sea)

09-01-2014, 06:32 AM
I think it should continue. If the people who live there vote for it to happen then they want it to happen to themselves. White flight is the only solution for white liberals who do not want to live amongst the degeneracy.

Immortal Technique
09-01-2014, 06:34 AM
Fat jews,and other pigs laugh ,animals give the lands to subhuman animals,a good way.

09-01-2014, 06:43 AM
Then it be compulsory for every English state school to have a mosque, and if they do not pray or fast at Ramadan then laws of SHARIA will be imposed, and you know what that means:picard2: If you go to some towns in England now, you would be thinking am I in New Delhi, Islamabad or Lagos:picard1:

09-01-2014, 06:46 AM
i only say that because i have a "good heart", that means i think it would be injust to displace europeans from their indigenous places etc. i would say the same if japanese were outnumbered by whites in japan or if africa became white instead of the black continent, europe is the white continent where blue eyes originated ten thousand years ago (around the black sea)

Saw a documentary, and part of that program mentioned blue eyes originated on the Turkish Black Sea Coast.


09-02-2014, 09:49 PM
i only say that because i have a "good heart", that means i think it would be injust to displace europeans from their indigenous places etc. i would say the same if japanese were outnumbered by whites in japan or if africa became white instead of the black continent, europe is the white continent where blue eyes originated ten thousand years ago (around the black sea)

You've got more of a backbone than half the people in my country. :)

Neon Knight
09-02-2014, 10:37 PM
We've got all the warnings we need now. But if those of us who truly care are in a minority, then what are we to do?

Arch Hades
09-02-2014, 10:40 PM
Britain must die, London must burn.

The first step for Europe's revival.

09-02-2014, 11:02 PM
Britain must die, London must burn.

The first step for Europe's revival.

Says an American, haha.

Arch Hades
09-02-2014, 11:06 PM
Says an American, haha.
It's not about me it's about the truth.

Britain is responsible for this degenerate system.

09-03-2014, 12:37 AM
It's not about me it's about the truth.

Britain is responsible for this degenerate system.

And there are lots of people here who oppose many aspects of it too, who you would burn. America shares as much responsibility at least.

09-03-2014, 12:53 AM
I know Polish boy (now he is 11 years old) who attends classes where bar him there's only one white girl not even British one as she's Portuguese. The majority of children is muslim of MENA descent, and that despite it being public school or maybe because of it and it being located in specific area of UK as well, but that's still kind of worrying.

09-03-2014, 12:59 AM
I know Polish boy (now he is 11 years old) who attends classes where bar him there's only one white girl not even British one as she's Portuguese. The majority of children is muslim of MENA descent, and that despite it being public school or maybe because of it and it being located in specific area of UK as well, but that's still kind of worrying.

And he would be better of living in Poland, there are more important things than money.

09-03-2014, 01:13 AM

Maybe the British can learn from the Mayans? The Mayans threatened to Lynch the Jews if they didn't leave their village.

Jewish leader
"We have a right to be there, but they threatened us with lynching if we don't leave the village," he added.


Arch Hades
09-03-2014, 01:16 AM
Britain deserves this, it deserves worse.

Neon Knight
09-06-2014, 01:34 PM
Britain must die, London must burn.

The first step for Europe's revival.
What is this revival you envision and how is Britain preventing it?

09-06-2014, 01:53 PM
That's what happens when you are a colony of the USA (since the WWII)... the day will come when Russia will be the only European country and only then we'll realise which country should have been our ally...

Styrian Mujo
09-06-2014, 02:01 PM
1000 years from now the 'British' will claim that the Irish nationalist song 'come out ye black and tans' is proof that the British of the imperial age were just as swarthy they.

09-06-2014, 02:59 PM
That's what happens when you are a colony of the USA (since the WWII)... the day will come when Russia will be the only European country and only then we'll realise which country should have been our ally...

Russia has the second highest number of immigrants of any country (most are from the former Soviet countries admittedly but still).

Ars Moriendi
09-06-2014, 05:01 PM
I'm pretty sure people living in Kensington or Belgravia don't care one bit about this, if anything they like it. Funny how they do much more to perpetuate this situation, but the social anger is never directed against them. Only against the lumpen immigrants who are a consequence of the problem, but not the cause.

09-06-2014, 06:14 PM
I'm pretty sure people living in Kensington or Belgravia don't care one bit about this, if anything they like it. Funny how they do much more to perpetuate this situation, but the social anger is never directed against them. Only against the lumpen immigrants who are a consequence of the problem, but not the cause.

True, most foreigners here are going to suffer from it as we are as well. Those people responsible are our real enemies to be honest.

09-08-2014, 01:58 AM


It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy -- willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.

09-08-2014, 02:11 AM
I think al white people everywhere deserve the worst. More rape, more drugs, more degeneracy until they realize a man tried to save them already and by then hopefully they forget who it was and another man comes and saves the day. Otherwise we really do deserve to disappear. I say this for europeans or colonials. I dont care about excuses they may hod as to who is to blame. The fact is this crap is here and now and it wont stop until we disappear. So either do something about it or blissfully enjoy it. Thats all I will say about white displacement. I laugh the most at those who complain about it but still want to live under the same system. I tell them dont bother complaining just tolerate more of it.

09-08-2014, 02:13 AM
That's what happens when you are a colony of the USA (since the WWII)... the day will come when Russia will be the only European country and only then we'll realise which country should have been our ally...

every euro country is in the same state. there is no such society as all white unless you mean Belarus. They too will be multicultural like everyone else once that dictator is over thrown so that Belarus can join in on the fun called diversity and multiculturalism. We have a very grim future if we have one at all in the current course of our chosen direction. We elected these leaders and continuously elect more leaders who force it onto us. The day we realize democracy is a sleeping pill the day we wake up from dreamland.

09-08-2014, 02:15 AM
Britain deserves this, it deserves worse.

All europeans [which is now even a meaningless term] deserve this.....be them americans, people of europe or elsewhere. They deserve the worse until they realize the only solution is one in which was created in 1939. I dont shed a tear or give a rats ass about any white people anymore unless they see eye to eye with me. I really dont. If they do not follow the footsteps of Golden Dawn and Right Sector then they deserve to not even live on the land their ancestors once called home. We do not inherit nations and the day we realize this is the day we can begin real change. Until then let this continue to happen.

09-08-2014, 02:21 AM
:usa2::usa2::usa2:A similar article appeared in the news recently, about how white American students are now outnumbered by non-whites in the classroom.
What do I think? Go Anglosphere! The outside world has chosen our side!

09-08-2014, 02:23 AM
A similar article appeared in the news recently, about how white American students are now outnumbered by non-whites in the classroom.
What do I think? Go Anglosphere! The outside world has chosen our side!

I think diversity is wonderful. It will erase us as a people but it is a wonderful thing.

09-08-2014, 02:47 AM
I think diversity is wonderful. It will erase us as a people but it is a wonderful thing.

I think I'm able to read you 100% in terms of understanding. You put it "anthroforum-perfect," I think. The human act of sacrifice?

09-08-2014, 05:46 AM
I think I'm able to read you 100% in terms of understanding. You put it "anthroforum-perfect," I think. The human act of sacrifice?

Possibly? I view it as this. It is like me saying yes we should accept X amount of foreigners. We should give them everything upon arrival, treat them like kings and equals and call them our countrymen. Now mind you it is irrelevant as to what opinions they hold..be them against you or for you...It does not matter [after all we are all entitled to an opinion going by the constitution], however if we wish t replace ourselves with a foreign people and the majority support it then why not be on board? I dont call this necessarily sacrifice...just out right stupidity but hey why not be like everyone else?

Neon Knight
09-09-2014, 09:10 PM
True, most foreigners here are going to suffer from it as we are as well. Those people responsible are our real enemies to be honest.Yeah. I don't particularly blame individual immigrants for coming here for a better life if their countries are in a dire state but I do blame our politicians for letting it happen and I blame the people who keep voting them in (about 70% of those who bother to vote, tragically). But it's the politicians I blame the most for their deceptive, manipulative and selfish ways.

Ars Moriendi
09-09-2014, 09:27 PM
Yeah. I don't particularly blame individual immigrants for coming here for a better life if their countries are in a dire state but I do blame our politicians for letting it happen and I blame the people who keep voting them in (about 70% of those who bother to vote, tragically). But it's the politicians I blame the most for their deceptive, manipulative and selfish ways.

You should also consider the other actors that have a stake in the continued rise in migration.
Granted, politicians can make a kick by creating political platforms with disenfranchised immigrants that will vote for the party they're told, and who will always be a good source of opinion stunts by playing on charity and good will.

Yet, large corporations and the banking industry have a stake in this as well, as a large mass of starving workers are a pretty efficient element when you want to keep the salaries in a low level that allows profit to rise exponentially (the constant during the crisis have been rising bonuses for high execs, while lower and middle wages have fallen in purchasing power). Furthermore, it's much easier for banks to have a booming consumerist mass that will systematically borrow loans. A larger amount of loans being requested, will also mean they don't have to cut down on their interest fees to make their credits interesting.

Finally, cultural and educational lobbies will profit of the immigration phenomenon to divide society and prevent large criticism against the current state of affairs. It's much harder to talk down an unified people than a mish-mash of individuals that can barely understand each other. The forced acceptance also makes it easier for minority lobbies, most notably the LGBT, to push for equality demands by using a political precedent.

The final result is, everybody has a stake, except the normal person that doesn't have any surrepticious interest in finance, politics or societal issues.

Neon Knight
09-10-2014, 07:39 AM
^ I think you have captured most of the main factors with that summary. Also at work in this country is the guilt of post empire - a feeling that we should be nice to immigrants to compensate for our 'oppression' of foreigners in the past. The mistake there is in applying modern values to past societies and situations.

But yeah, overall there is a movement of 'divide and conquer' - not from an invader but from an enemy within. Jim Crow of this forum keeps saying democracy is a weakness but that is because we've only ever used it in a half-baked way. Had the post-war generations of the 50s and 60s had a direct say on immigration policy I'm pretty sure things would be better now. Even the current generation are not as politically correct as the media portrays them.

09-10-2014, 07:59 AM
Fantastic...so the islamic fear will come even from the North and not only from our southern shores...:picard1:

09-10-2014, 08:57 AM
All europeans [which is now even a meaningless term] deserve this.....be them americans, people of europe or elsewhere. They deserve the worse until they realize the only solution is one in which was created in 1939. I dont shed a tear or give a rats ass about any white people anymore unless they see eye to eye with me. I really dont. If they do not follow the footsteps of Golden Dawn and Right Sector then they deserve to not even live on the land their ancestors once called home. We do not inherit nations and the day we realize this is the day we can begin real change. Until then let this continue to happen.

Golden Dawn? The zealots who believe religion should be a part of education? What different are those openly racist morons from islamists? I have nothing against Right Sector tho, they have shown true nationalist intentions, promising that they will not harm jews or other ethnic and religious minorities as long as they are part of the Ukrainian national spirit.

I think it is enough tho, simply limit immigration to needed immigrant, that is, a nation needs doctors and IT experts, then just let immigrants who qualify as that immigrate, the rest no. In general, immigration should be restricted to educated personel, what ever the circumstance, such people enrich the nation on a financial basis, assimilate and intergrate quite easy and have less chances to be overly religious.

Arch Hades
09-10-2014, 09:56 PM
I think diversity is wonderful. It will erase us as a people but it is a wonderful thing.

Britain fought for this.....and they celebrate it today.

Neon Knight
09-14-2014, 04:23 AM
Britain fought for this.....and they celebrate it today.Britain never purposefully fought for diversity.

09-15-2014, 01:10 PM
I have nothing against Right Sector tho, they have shown true nationalist intentions, promising that they will not harm jews or other ethnic and religious minorities as long as they are part of the Ukrainian national spirit.

LOL. They are financed by oligarchs some of whom are Jews (for example, Igor Kolomoiski). And they kill innocent white Russians and Russian-speaking Ukranians, not Jews or Muslims. Don't believe Obama and Jen Psaki, they are fooling Americans. I'm not a Putin fan, but the current Ukrainian government is simply American puppets who help their masters unleash war against Russia. The Right Sector doesn't do anything against Jews or Muslims, they are against Russians.

09-15-2014, 01:39 PM
Britain never purposefully fought for diversity.

I dont believe my countrymen who stormed the beaches of Normandy purposely did so with the intention of seeing the country be raped today with subhumans from the caribbean islands. Infact my eldest uncle who was around during world war 2 use to say America died with the men who stormed those beaches. He said I have no faith in modern America. That was one of the last things he ever said to me. He is right too. We do not have a bright future. Ever since the racial laws of this country were removed thanks to 'immigrant' descendants here who are allowed into politics, the country has gone drastically down hill.

I notice Americans with mostly immigrant ancestry who enter politics tend to be liberal, especially Jews which I detest the nazis for not entirely getting rid of..... now we know why they did it hahahaha.

09-15-2014, 01:41 PM
Golden Dawn? The zealots who believe religion should be a part of education? What different are those openly racist morons from islamists? I have nothing against Right Sector tho, they have shown true nationalist intentions, promising that they will not harm jews or other ethnic and religious minorities as long as they are part of the Ukrainian national spirit.

I think it is enough tho, simply limit immigration to needed immigrant, that is, a nation needs doctors and IT experts, then just let immigrants who qualify as that immigrate, the rest no. In general, immigration should be restricted to educated personel, what ever the circumstance, such people enrich the nation on a financial basis, assimilate and intergrate quite easy and have less chances to be overly religious.

I dont blame them. Liberals, athiests, Kikes, Muslims and Catholics have done nothing but remove my protestant values from school, public etc..... If I am at work and I tell another Protestant....God bless I can be fired for it. All to appease immigrants. I fully stand behind golden dawn. I hope they drive every Jew from that country.